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I have highlighted the question in sky blue color which I got..1. 2. 3. ------- Function returns the starting position of one string within another, and is case sensitive?Find(Instring)4. The basic criteria to be followed while testing a web application area. Flowb. All-pathc. Paged. Hyperlink Testing5. In which type of testing, look and feel consistency comes?a. Usabilityb. GUIc. Basic Functional .d. All6. ------ Key techniques used in security testing area. SQL injectionb. Phishingc. Vulnerabilityd. All7. In which stage QE startsI. DesignII. Developmenta. Ib. IIc. Bothd. None8. ------- Are interfaces of web applicationa. Application sever interfaceb. DB server interfacec. Web Server InterfaceAns. Web & application server interface and application &DB interface9. A new test case is added in QC usinga. Add new test caseb. Add new test setc. New test cased. New test sete. All10. -------Testing is critical in web application testinga. Compatibilityb. DBc. ----d. -----11. ------ is a way of attempting to acquire information such as Usernames, password, and Credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.a. SQL injectionb. Phishingc. Vulnerabilityd. All12. Stress testing is -----(check box)a. Memory leaksb. Race Conditionsc. Synchronization issuesd. None13. To accommodate future loads, you need to know how many additional resources are necessary to support future usage levels. Capacity testing14. Simulators play big role when are no mobile devices available for testing.(TRUE/FALSE)15. Release Management not the Test team is responsible for installing the solution into the PROD environment.16. Find Bugs is a static analysis tool that examines your class or JAR files.(TRUE/FALSE)17. Principles of BDD (check box)a. Enough is enough b. Deliver stakeholder value c. Its all behavior18. Exploratory testing19. It is important that when a defect is raised, it is generated through test lab.( TRUE/FALSE)20. It is not important that when a defect is raised, it is generated through test lab.(TRUE/FALSE)***21. Defect leakage is because of ----(check box)a. Missed Requirementb. Test Coverage Inefficiencyc. Testers Inefficiency22. What is defect leakage?Defects which have been missed in one stage, But Identifying the subsequent stages.23. All types of templates are available in c2.0.(TRUE/FALSE)24. Process types of templates are available in c2.0.(TRUE/FALSE)Is it possible to get the templates for all process in c20(T/F)---find ans for this dont get confused.25. It is not needed to exclude a project from PHS score.(Check box)a. Closing a WMPb. Closing a projectc. Set IE factord. None

26. Which projects are ported to c2.0 from ESA?a. Proposalb. Benchc. External d. Administrative27. QC has defect tab for defect management(TRUE/FALSE)28. In defect tab what we can do.(check box)a. Defect reportsb. Createc. Managed. Update29. Initial stage of software life cycle is Requirement Analysis.30. Which is not the type of severity?a. Severeb. Highc. Mediumd. Lowe. Critical31. Baseline RTM is exit criteria for test execution (TRUE/FALSE)32. Exit criteria is used toa. Determine when the test case is completedb. Define when the test case level is completec. ----------------d. ------------- -----33. Junit4 allows grouping of test cases(TRUE/FALSE)34. Documenting requirements is used to know the problems of the system.(TRUE/FALSE)35. Cross browser compatibility testing can be automated.(TRUE/FALSE)36. Filtering can be used for the data manipulation and data retrieval.(TRUE/FALSE)37. QC allows the following features.(check box)a. Filter and cross filter recordsb. Sort and group sort recordsc. Alerts and follow up flagsd. Snapshote. All of the above38. Dashboard benefitsa. Manage risk of mission-critical applicationsb. -----------c. -------d. All of the above39. Shared files(definition)Enables sharing or re-using of existing set of entities in projects across enterprise

40. A project metrics once closed can be opened by reopening it (TRUE/FALSE)41. .. Gives 100% test coveragea. Branch coverageb. Statement coveragec. RTMd. ..42. What type of testing done by developersa. Alphab. Betac. Gammad. Compatibility and migration testing43. Which factors that depends on projecta. Severityb. Releasec. Developerd. All44. What are the types of testing techniques(checkbox)a. Dynamicb. Staticc. Error guessingd. --------45. ------- testing is performed before the application is rolled out?a. UATb. Systemc. Integrationd. Regression46. Pareto analysis is based on classical 80/20 rule.(TRUE/FALSE)47. Pareto analysis using the following tools.a. Why why analysisb. Fishbone (or) cause & effect diagram48. Pareto analysis is used to root cause analysis for potential identify the defects.49. CAR is the combination of pareto analysis & root cause analysis (TRUE/FALSE)--TRUE50. Testing forms are a. Junitb. TestNGc. JTestingd. a & be. all51. Defect tracking is not a good suggestion for testing.(TRUE/FALSE)52. Metrics frequency can be selected by enablinga. Enabling metricsb. Enable testing metricsc. Benchmarksd. --------53. OLBM stands fora. Organizational level bench markb. Operational level bench markc. -------d. -------54. Types of reviewa. Informal reviewb. Walkthroughc. Technical reviewd. Inspectione. All of the above.55. Informal review(checkbox)a. No formal processb. May take the form of pair programming or a technical lead reviewing designs and code result may be documentedc. Varies in usefulness depending on the reviewersd. Main purpose: inexpensive way to get some benefit56. Database testing isa. Checking tablesb. Writing queriesc. Proceduresd. All of the above57. Non functional requirementsa. Stress testing requirementb. Portabilityc. Performanced. All of the above58. ----- Tool used to identify the source code, physical application that is causing the bottle neck.a. Silk performerb. Rational performance testerc. Qtestd. HPLoad Runner59. Goal analysis does not identify the incomplete , inconsistent requirement.(TRUE/FALSE)60. -------- Tool is used to identify whether all the functional specifications are met.a. QTPb. RTMc. DTMd. Load Runner61. Testing metrics are enabled --------hrsa. 24b. 36c. 48d. ------62. Cannot generate various defect reports from QC defect tab (T/F)---False63. When you open a project in QC it opens & displays module in which we were last working (T/F)-True64. Bug triage meeting are project meetings in which open bugs are divided into categories (T/F)true65. Which of following are not key task for defect tracking (radio?)a. Retest defects and repair open defectsb. Analyze defect datac. Add defect and Review New defectsd. None64.Which of the following is broken down individual task such as processes, decisions,& then connecteda. Activity diagramb. Use casec. Requirement d. none65. checking if communication is proper b/w web server- Application server and Application server database server and vice versaa. Server interface,b. internal interface,c. External interfaced. all 66. What comes just before test execution--- Test Development67. Select valid defect types a. Functionalb. Integrationc. Developmental d. Rational e. Network68. Which is not COQa. Testingb. Productionc. Preventiond. Appraisal69. Frequent code check-in pushes developer to create modular, less complex code (T/F)--True70. When annotation in Junit4 replaces the setup method in Junit3(eLearning)Before Class71. While designing test case very common mistakes we doa. Perform a thorough clean upb. Incomplete , incorrect or incoherent set upc. Write too short test casesd. Unclear about test resulte. miss a step72.Action verb used in Test scenario(check box)a. Verifyb. Validatec. Evaluated. Teste. connect73. Priority is criticality of test case (T/F)---False74. Project repository is automatically created when v create a project to store document (T/F)True75.Version control system is feasible for ____________a. Test plan and business modelingb. Test resourcec. Requirementd. All listed76. Cannot generate various defect reports from QC defect tab (T/F)false77. Key task for running test (radio)a. Create test setsb. schedule runsc. run test and analyze test resultsd. all78. Who will generate defect report?a. PMb. TLc. TMd. Developere. tester79.Is data validation & Verification distinct and howValidation check is used to check the errors such asWrong type of data(enter number instead of text)Data values that are too big or too smallVerification check is used to checkData accuracyAll the entered info is correct or not 80. Tools of Automation (check box)a. Load runnerb. Rational robotc. silk test d. QTP

81. What is the need of Exit criteria??? Defines when the test case level is complete82. What s d benefits of release modules(Release and cycle management) in QC??(Check box)a. Manage projects and assets against release and cycles b. Track release progressc. Gain visibility into release readiness and release qualityd. Compare releases and cycles for coati process impro83. What are the tools used for defect tracking??a. Excelb. QCc. QTPd. MS Word84. What does MCDC stand for?Ans. .Modified Condition/Decision Coverage85.Abusive language should be used for Effective Defect logging (T/F)--False86. What happens when requirements are changing (Check box)87. Metrics porting b/w Prolite & C20 occursa. Once in monthb. Every 24 hourc. Every hourd. None88. Purpose of Use case modeling a. identify capsules to encapsulate data b. actor system interaction c. to identify prototype test cases2 more options are there( I guess all d above)89. How to create bug reports (radio)a. Single bug in multiple reportsb. Multiple in single c. single in single d. All above

90. C20 has provision to add Custom Metrics (T/F)--TRUE91. Forcing error conditions in System is a. Exceptionb. Negativec. Exception or negative

92.It is important that defects encountered during test execution are created through test lab (T/F)false

93. Benefits of requirement management94. Type of req which satisfies the needs of customer or the consumer directly interacts witha. operational reqb. functional reqc. technical reqd. transitional req95. Status of the defect when it is loggeda. newb. openc. deferredd. rejected96. Where is IDE score card available in the C20a. Processb. governancec. package98.Steps in test run99.Module to store test cases that are to be executedTest lab, test plan100. Process package in C20 can be modified according to project needs..T/F--True101. Which of the following is not a test execution metrics?a. test design coverageb. test effectivenessc. no of defects102.Steps in load testing (stress) CBa. identify scenariosb. loadc. Simulate loadd. Identify TCe. Calculate metrics103. Type of testing good for automation a. Regression testingb. Retesting104. Select the purpose of use case modeling CBa. identify capsules to encapsulate data b. actor system interaction c. to identify prototype test cases105. Select the type of testing which can be automated CBa. regression b. functionalc. loadd. stresse. performance106. How many steps on root cause analysis 5(FIVE)107.Best defect prevention technique for long timea. 5 why analysisb. Pareto analysisc. Cause effectd. RCA108.Type of dynamic techniquea. BVAb. Error guessingc. Reviews109.All the defects are not process defects?T/FNote diff: In testing phase all the defects are application defects.(T/F)110.Expansion of BDD behavior driven development111. Risk based technique is a technique of test execution? TRUE/F112. Defects found should be tracked on test lab ---T/F--True113. Passive Voice should be used to reproduce defectsT/F--False114.. _______is a structure for documenting the function required for a system, usually involving software whether that is new or being changeda. Use caseb. Prototype c. User Story d. Test Case115.Data validation -----check boxa. Provides Message to define what the input you expect for cell isb. Can be applied to cells even when data exists in oldc. Provides ability to set error message when user enter an invalid datad. Useful even when the workbook is protected and shareda. Restricts types of data entry in cell by using validation criteria116.Baseline is a snapshot of library at a specific point of timeT/F--True117. Advantage of unit testinga. Faster debuggingb. Faster developmentc. Better designd. Regression toole. Reduce future cost

118. Defect aging is the different b/w the date when object fixed and the detection dateT/F--TRUE119. Form testing120.Best environment to testPre-production environment

121. Pre-requisite means Initial set up122. Continuous integration means applying quality controlled after Dev. (True/false)--False123. Benefits of good requirementsa. Agreement among and stake holdersb. Sound basis for resourcec. Improved sys usability124. Test Development effort is combined of Test cases and test scenarios (true/false)--True125. Goals of defect triage meetinga. Defer to next development phaseb. Prioritize defectsc. Defect scrapd. Implement126. Use case is a collection of success and failure scenarios description actor using a system to support a goal(True/False)--True127. Mobile software testing includes (device)a. Functional testingb. Usability testingc. User interface Testingd. Performance and stress testinge. Load testing128. Review Defect Density (check box)a. Measure of teams efficiency in designing test cases without review defectsb. Total no of review defects/actual project size129. From which status defect can be moved to deferred statusa. Assigned or openb. Rejectedc. Reopend. Cancelled130.Cognizant uses this tool for model based testinga. Smartestb. Requisite proc. ADAPARTd. none131. Application Defects are caused due toa. Coding Errorb. Missed requirementc. Incomplete req documentd. Test plan132. During Requirement phase user musta. Attempt to determine clients real needsb. Recognize client is not conscious of test reqc. Attempt identity current problems132. Use cases are written from actor side (True/false)--True133. Metric frequency is monthly/weekly (True/false)TrueMetric frequency is monthly/biweekly (True/false)134. Beta testing MeansTesting Done by Customer at their own site135. Sequence of actions and interactions between them in Use casea. Transactionb. Scenarioc. Cased. Flow136. Create new defect by filling up details & quit; Add defect & quit; window (True/false)137. Benefits of CMSa. Decentralizedb. Easier authority and publishingc. Dynamic content and versioningd. Single source of content and reusabilitye. Content stored in the DB and consistency of design138. Why data validationa. Provides Message to define what the input you expect for cell isb. Can be applied to cells even when data exists in oldc. Provides ability to set error message when user enter an invalid datad. Useful even when the workbook is protected and sharede. Restricts types of data entry in cell by using validation criteria139. Following test artifacts, testing process defects/view defects are identifieda. Test planb. Missing req140. Requirement analysis is process of determining user expectation for new/modified product (True/false)--True142.Our approach user activity diagram as model/path to generate and maintain test cases (True/false)--True143. Risk Clarification can be tracked in C2 (True or false).144. Review is conducted toa. Change the scope of projectb. Tailoring and scope of project145. Risk assessment calculation based on Business criticality, failure (True/false).146. Junit assumes that all test methods are arbitrary and thus does not depend on each other (True/Pass).147. QC defects tab defines Defect Management Process(T/F)?TrueQC Defect tab is to implement defect in defect management process..(T/F) true148. Which among these contribute to COQ (Cost of Quality) Rework Task?a. Productionb. Failurec. Preventiond. Appraisal149.Device testing comprises which of the following(Checkbox)a. User Interfaceb. User Acceptancec. Performance and Stressd. Functional150.Raw requirements from stakeholders is used for whicha. Verificationb. Validationc. Bothd. None151. Which of these cant be shared?a. Planb. Libraryc. Defectsd. Test152. Prerequisites are designed in which stagea. before initial setupb. after initial setupc. during test executiond. after test execution153.Defect management involves (checkbox)a. analyzeb. testc. defect loggingd. codinge. designing154.Defect triage meeting is for categorizing defects (T/F)?--True155.Browser S/W Testing is NOT compatible on which browsers?a. IEb. AOLc. Netscaped. Opera156. Test execution can be applied toa. Manual and Automation Testingb. System and Unit Testingc. Function Requirement and Non Function Requirement Testing157.OATS is used for pair wise testing of all possible combinations (T/F)?--True158. Path analyses are used for converting activity diagram to test cases (T/F)?--True159. Effort in C2.0 can be reflected in ESA (T/F)?--True165. Types of functional testing (checkbox)a. Smokeb. Regressionc. Performanced. Stress166. We can integrate Outlook with c2.0(T/F)?--TRUE167. Which of the following is a logical grouping of test cases in QCa. Test planb. Test casec. Test labd. Test set168. Walk through (Check box)a. Peer/Lead Checksb. Typically done in groupc. Feedback given by attendeesd. Learning, understanding and finding defects169.Defect logging may affect (check box)a. Things inside the projectb. Things outside the projectc. Things around the projectd. None170. In c20, whats there in public stream:a. Blogs, Cweets posted by all the resources in our projectb. Blogs, Cweet posted by all the resources from cognizant all dlc. Blogs,Cweet posted by all the resources within the community172. Process package automatically after project in c20(T/F)--True173. Defect density/productivitya. total no. of defects/no. of test cases executed * 10b. total no. of defects/no. of test cases executed * 100174. Benefits of risk based testing in QCa. Objectively assess & prioritize the highest priority requirementb. All the abovec. Provide guidance on where to allocate testing resourcesd. Manage strategies and processe. Objectively assess & prioritize the highest risk176. RTM is the input for:a. Change in requirementsb. Efficient test executionWhich of the following is not the feature of RTM?Ans-It is the tool developednotcustomer/client communication..179. Orthogonal Testing strategy:Guarantees testing pair wise combination of all selected variables and test efficiency180. Which type of testing is used to verify the state of user login?181. Load testing and its tools.182. Capacity testing and strain testing183. What type of testing client will be interested?--Functional184. _______is a structure for documenting the function required for a system, usually involving software whether that is new or being changede. Use casef. Prototype g. User Story h. Test Case185. Data Validation is: (Checkbox)f. Provides Message to define what the input you expect for cell isg. Can be applied to cells even when data exists in oldh. Provides ability to set error message when user enter an invalid datai. Useful even when the workbook is protected and sharedj. Restricts types of data entry in cell by using validation criteria186. ______is a subset of data that is representative of larger classa. Use Caseb. Boundary Valuec. Erroneous Valued. Coveragee. Equivalence Class187. What are the requirements that identify the technical Constraints or define conditions under which the product must perform?a. Operational Requirementb. Technical Req.c. Functional Req.d. Transitional Req.

188. Which of these is carried out by a trained moderator?a. Informal Reviewb. Walkthroughc. Inspectiond. Technical Review189. Expansion of PMDI. Program Mistake DetectorII. Programming Mistake Detectora. Ib. Neither I nor IIc. Bothd. II190. Logical AND, OR, NOT expands the usefulness of other function that perform logical test (T/F) True191. Not a key task for running testa. Schedule runb. Analyze Test Resultc. Automate Testd. Run Test192. Key task for Defect trackinga. Review new defectb. Allc. Add Defectd. Repair open defect193. ___ensures 100% coveragea. RTMb. Statement coverage c. Branch coverage d. Line coverage e. Decision Coverage194. Tools for change managementa. PVCSb. Clear Casec. QC d. Visual Source Safe195. Which is not Benefits of asset sharinga. Ensure Company complianceb. Maintain traceability between assetsc. Compare Release and Cycled. Eliminate Duplicate effort196. Which is not Key task for defect tracking??a. Retest Defectb. Analyze Defect Datac. Noned. Add Defect197. OATS is pair wise testing that comprises all the combinations..(T/F)--TRUE198. DB testing is performed to I. Test if any error while executing queriesII. Check default values are being populateda. Both b. Neither c. gI d. II199. SUMIFS adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria while Average IF returns the arithmetic mean of all the cell in the range that meets the criteria(T/F)-True200. Where Record and Playback is usedI. Win RunnerII. QTPa. I b. II c. Both d. None201. Assets sharing is useful to reuse, share the requirement, test reason occurs in multiple project. T/F--True202.Fish Bone diagram can be derived by doing Pareto Analysis for the Defect Leakage: T/FTrue203. Which annotations are available in JUnit4?a. Testb. Teardownc. Setupd. Before204. Which documents contains the hardware and software needs for the applications:a) Test Summary Reportb) Requirement Traceability Matrixc) Test Estimationd)Test Plan205. What are the parameters to be covered in the Defect tracking? (Check box)a. Developer nameb. Defect statusc. Test case IDd. Test case descriptione. Severity207. What is the Testing methodologies that can be used to test a web application--- (all except OS compatibility)a. Browser Compatibilityb. Web Securityc. Content Management System testingd. OS compatibility 208. Which of the following are the parameters used in defect data: (check box)a. State of Originb. All of the listed optionsc. Severityd. Detection 209. Metric frequency can be either weekly or bi- weekly T/F--False210. Pareto analysis using the following tools.I. 5-why analysisII. Fishbone (or) cause & effect diagrama. Bothb. Only Ic. Only IId. None211. Validating performance and portability is which type of testing?a. Usabilityb. Scalabilityc. Non-Functionald. Functional212. Test case and Test suite are the same thing? T/FFalse213. Usability testing mainly focuses onEvaluates the degree to which users can interact effectively with the web application214. A good test plan is not tool to assess the quality of your application at any point in the application: State True or False215. Defect tracking is not a best practice to manage a project: State True or False216Automation testing is more beneficial in which of the given activity:a. Regression Testingb. User Interface Testingc. Integration Testingd. Defect Retesting217. What are all the code review tools:a. Ant, Mavenb. Junit, TestNGc. Noned. PMD, FindBugs218.What are the parameter to be covered in the Defect Description, while raising a defect:a. Defect Numberb. All of the listed optionsc. Map Test case IDd. Pre-requisite stepse. Defect summary219. We cannot generate activity diagrams by reverse engineering the code for test case of existing system: State True or False220. What are the guidelines to be followed in Automation Testing: (check box)a. Efficientb. Independentc. Concised. Sufficient, Repeatable, traceable, verificatione. Reliable221. What are the guidelines to be followed in Web Security Testing?a. Test by pasting internal URL directly into browser address bar without login internal pagesb. If you are Logged in, using user name and password and browsing internal pages , then try changing directly. If you are checking some publisher site statistics with publisher site ID =123 . Try directly changing parameter to different site ID which is not related to the logged in user , Access should be denied for the other statsc. All the listed optionsd. Test unauthorized access to secure pages should not be permittede. Test the CAPTCHA for automate scripts logins222. Guideline standard followed in Accessibility testing is:a. HTMLb. Nonec. W3C (compatibility)d. CSS223. Create test cases to adequately test the requirements in the benefit of Test Plan: State True/F224. Which of the following is the ability of a system to perform its required function under stated conditions for a specific period of time?a. All of the listed optionsb. Scalabilityc. Performanced. Reliability 225. Benefits of QC Applications are:a. Click and attach important screenshotsb. Alert yourself on priority taskc. Customize columns in your way of styled. All of the listed optionse. Getting Right data226. Which of the below tools will be used for Automation Testing: (check box)a. QTPb. Rational Robotc. Load runnerd. Silk Test227. Which of the following are the parameters used in defect data: (check box)a. State of Originb. All of the listed optionsc. Severityd. Detection228. WMP can be created before creating the Process Package :State True or False229. Load Testing is performed to measure :( check box)a. Response Timesb. Web Application Vs. Breaking Pointc. Synchronization Issuesd. Resource-Utilization Levelse. Throughout Rates230. Logical functions like AND, OR and NOT expands the usefulness of other functions that perform logical :State True or False231. Which of the following are the steps in Cause and Effect Diagram:(check box)a. Conduct a Brainstorm(2)b. Identify the Defect Problem(1)c. Draw Fishbone diagram(3)d. Analyze and validate for Root Cause(5)e. Align Outputs with Cause Categories(4)232. In a Testing phase all the defects are application defect: State True or False233. Which of the following "ActionVerbs" should be considered for designing:(check box)a. Evaluateb. Validatec. Testd. Verifye. Connect234. When unit tests fail or a bug emerges, developers might revert the codebase to a bugging to debugging: State True or False235. Branch Coverage is used to eliminate problems that occurs with statement coverage:State True or False236. List the GUI Components :( check box)a. Visibility of Multiple Windows for better handling of informationb. Choice of mouse or keyboard for the ones who find difficulty in typingc. Flexibility in interface handlingd. Seamless integration between the packaged applications and customized application of information 237. Which are not benefits of Release Modules in QC:a. Compare release and cycles for continuous process improvementb. Maintain traceability between assetsc. Track Release progressd. Manage Projects and Assets against release and cycles238. The main interfaces are Web &app, Application server interface and Web Database:State True or False239. Perform root cause analysis on the potential defects identified in Pareto Analysis is to prevent that cause: State True or False240. Failure to understand and manage requirements is the biggest single cause of cost and schedule over runs: State True or False241. It is possible to copy a process package created by other users from different accounts:State True or False241. How can &quot independent Test Cases &quot, be ensured while designing test cases:a. By using RTMb. none of the listed optionc. By using Test Design Toolsd. By using "Unconditional formatting"e. By using "Conditional formatting" 242. Load runner allows you to prevent application performance problems by defect upgrade is deployed: State True or False243. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a tool to help ensure that the project deliverables remain "as is" when compared to baseline: State True or False244. What are the benefits of QC Applications :( check box)a. Customize columns in your way of styleb. Getting Right datac. Alert yourself in priority taskd. Click and attach important screenshots245. Which documents contain the hardware and software needs for the applications:a. Test Summary Reportb. Requirement Traceability Matrixc. Test Estimationd. Test Plan

246. What are the benefits of Risk Based Testing in QC?f. Objectively assess & prioritize the highest priority requirementg. All the aboveh. Provide guidance on where to allocate testing resourcesi. Manage strategies and processj. Objectively assess & prioritize the highest risk247. Which annotations are available in JUnit4?1. Test2. Teardown3. Setup4. Beforea. 2 & 3b. All of the listed optionsc. 1d. 1 & 4248. All testing types can be automated: State True or False249.In which of the following testing artifacts, where the testing:a. Missed Requirementb. Incomplete Requirementsc. Test Pland. Coding Errors250. While executing select the failed step and click on the new defect in test: State True or False251. How will you create a Bug Report:a. Multiple bugs in a single reportb. Single bug in multiple reportsc. single bug in single reportd. All the listed options252. Impact of a defect on the business is defined by:a. Defect Densityb. Defect Qualityc. Defect Priorityd. Defect Severity253. Junit assumes that all test methods can be executed in an arbitrary order. Therefore tests should not depend on other tests: State True or False254. Specific standards of user interface on web application exists which concentrate on----a. Fontsb. Colorsc. Frames255. Content testing also concentrates on location of images and size of images.256. In software life cycle just before comes test execution Test development.257. In Testing life cycle just before comes test execution-Test cases.258. Major defect type identified in pareto analysisi) Document errorii) Document typo error 259. Individual test case is not associated with the specific requirements?-T/F--False260. SRS contains both functional and nonfunctional requirements? T/F--TRUE261. It is possible to tailor the process package as per project needs? T/F--TRUE

262. Due to which following reasons does defect leakage occur?a. Missed requirementsb. Test coverage inefficiencyc. Testers inefficiency263. Guide lines of web security testinga. Test by pasting internal url directly into browser address bar without login. internal pages should not openb. files should not be accessible directly unless given download optionc. Test the CAPTCHA automates scripts login.264. Release of Production is handled bya. Test teamb. Development teamc. Release managementd. Alle. None265. Can we use C2.0 at home? (True/False)266. Asset sharing benefitsa. Reuse and share req, test scripts and test resources across the projectb. Full traceability of shared assets are mentioned267. Performance testing toolsSilk performer, RPT, LoadRunner, Qtest268. Who will use JUnit? (Developer/Tester)269. Which testing environment is sufficient for testing?Pre production270. Which belongs to Performance testing?a. Usabilityb. Reliability (resource usage and scalability)c. Securityd. All the above271. Which kind of defect where loss of data occurs and allows the user to enter the wrong values?a. Criticalb. Highc. Mediumd. Low272. What are the three methods used for test creation?Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence partitioning, -----273. Which one is the baseline for the project?a. Business Componentb. Requirementc. Testd. Test Resources274. Filtering can be used for data manipulation and data retrieval. (True/False)275. Assets sharing featuresa. Eliminate the duplication of effortb. Reduce maintenance cost of assets by centralizing common assetsc. Ensure compliance to company and industrial standardsd. Maintain traceability between assets276. Defect tracking can be used to track all the discrepancies faced during testing. (True/False)277. Which can be used to find out the root causea. Pareto analysisb. Cause and Effect diagramc. 5 why analysisd. All the above278. % of defect leakage into the UAT/Production environment is called?279. CAR is the combination of pareto analysis and root cause analysis. (True/False)280. Goal analysis cannot be used to identify the incomplete, inconsistency requirements. (True/False)281. Where we can view the reports with the graphical representation? Dashboard282. Step-by-step analysis of a variable can be done using Watch window283. After which state the defect status can be changed to deferreda. Re-Openb. Closedc. Rejectedd. None of the above(Open or assigned)284. Risk based testing will Analyze and prioritize the risk285. OATS is used for pair wise testing of all combinations (True/False)286. Browsers used for compatibility testing (checkbox)a. AOLb. Internet explorerc. Netscaped. Opera287. Defect management involves (checkbox)a. Analysisb. Createc. Update288. Difference between functional specification and actual execution is called Defect289. Test case is a controlled experiment TRUE290. Review is a type of ____________ Examinationa. dynamic b. static c. Fixed d. strategic291. Path analysis uses the activity diagram for test case creation. True292. Path analysis + model based testing Activity diagram. TRUE293.Each Test Scenarios are assigned to a case specific values TRUE/false294. Long term defect elimination a. RCAb. pareto Analysisc. Casual analysis295.Which level we can find the defectsa. designb. requirementsc. ---------d. all of the above296. If we find a defect at the end of TEST EXECUTION a. Report to stakeholders and business analyst to get the sign offb. Reject the defectc. Report to team leadd. Report to project lead.

297. If we get an error when file is downloaded from the application radio buttona. Internal Interfaceb. External Interfacec. Server Interfaced. All of the above298. When we open an application through a browser with underlying the os---- testing we perform a. compatibilityb. content managementc. osd. all299. no.of runs in JUNIT3.8----6(six)300. --------- is used to calculate the maturity IDE repots scorei) Data qualityii) Planning granularityiii) Testing Metricsiv)a)I,iii,ivb)ii,iii,ivc)all301.Range is defined as:a. built in and user defined values for a particular range of cells302. Active window.close() :a. prompts the user to save and closes the applicationb. prompts the user to save as new version and closes the applicationc. just close the application302. RISK Based Testing is used in (Check Box)a. Priority the risksb. Analyze the riskc. high priority requirement303. In an application --- resets the cut and copy action;a. applicationwindow.cutcopymode=falseb. applicationwindow.cutcopy=truec. applicationwindow.cutcopymode=trued. applicationwindow.cutcopy=false.

305. no. of valid defects found in a single line of requirement --a. Defect Ratiob. Defect Volumec. Defect Density306. Which is not a benefit of Asset Sharing?a. Eliminate duplicate effortb. Company compliancec. Maintain traceability between the assestd. compare releases and cycles307. HUDSON is used to see the repeated executable jobs -- TRUE308. A new defect is created by filling up all mandatory fields in the &quot .add defect &quot ;window (True/f)

309. Which of the following are the key configuration management activities?a. Managing software change requirementb. Managing the building processc. Version controlling the testing artifactsd. Managing bugs using tracking tool310. Which of the following metrics will get affected, if there is an incorrect allocation?a. % core activitiesb. none of the following c. load factord. all of the abovee. effort variance311. What does the location of build output on release server include?a. Build no.b. build countc. noned. both a &b312. which of the following environment is the best suited for testing an app a. Test environment is sufficient to test before deploying the build into production environment to completely eliminate cost of having a pre-production /production environment costb. Any environment can be used as it may not affect the budget of projectc. Pre-production environment should be built of scalable version of actual production environment313. When is the option for tracking project made available to end usera. during creation of project processb. during creation of projectc. while enabling testing metricd. bench mark updates314. _______ is markup of an application, allowing users to visual an app that has not yet been constructeda. prototypeb. use casec. user typed. none

315. Process package needs to be approved by? a. PMb. Project Leadc. Quality Championd. Quality Analysis316._____ represents sequence of actions and interactions between them? -Flow317. Is it possible to view, create macro from the code options under developer tab? ---T/F--TRUE318. Event flows do not contain exception, which could cause alternate paths through flow events? -------T/F319. Risk based Quality mgmt. can assist in determining test strategy for Requirement? ----True/F320. Corrective action after the defect trend will be taken by (Test manager, Test Lead, Project Lead, Test Team member)321. Test scenarios have a specific case value assigned to them (True/F)322.To perform Function testing, the tester should have complete knowledge of the code or logic (T/False)323.Eligibility for project to be in C20.Project should be Active in ESA324. Assurance to handle the failure, when a file is in download is done bya. Internal b. Externalc. Serverd. All325. Test case should be Concurrent Or Well organized & reusable326. Check style provides checks that find class design problems, duplicate code or bug patterns like double checked locking TRUE327. Three types of serversa. Web serverb. Application serverc. Database server328. % of browsers & OS can be covered as part of testinga. OS usage testingb. Usage testingc. Browser testingd. Compatibility testing329. Whats get shareda. Requirementsb. Test planc. Test resourcesd. Business components330. Defect trend is done bye. a) Test Leadf. b) Test Managerg. c) Test Memberh. d) Project Manager331. Risk based testing is done based oni. a) test scripts based on highest riskj. b) test scripts based on highest criticalityk. c) test scripts based on highest risk according to business needsl. d) all332. Now() displays date and time in mm/date/year format333.Document typo error is detected in which step of pareto analysisA why1 (Lack of documentation skills)B why 2(Lack of trained resources)C why 3 (Lack of Training)D why 4 ( )334.If defect is valid & rejected by developer then what will tester do???A. tester reopens in bug tool B contact development mgr C contact test mgr335. Following cannot be raised as a defect?New suggestion336. Pareto analysis is said 80/20 for which reason??A 80% of brainstorm caused by 20% group peopleB 20% of brainstorm caused by 80% group people337. web application navigation covered in 1.functional2.accessibility3.Interface testing4.usability testing338.Requirements errors account for ---percentage of rework1. to 85338. Defect report contains1.# raised defects2.# fixed defects3.# reopened defects339.Rational performance tool- source code/applicationSilkperformer toolload test conductsQtestquality deploy..check for anomalies for immediate correctionHPLoad runnercheck for bottlenecks in build or deploy 3 macro code ques

*Defect leakage: No. of defects attributed to a stage but only captured in subsequent stage/(No. of defects captured in that stage+ No. of defects attributed to a stage but only captured in subsequent stage)*Defect Aging: Date of fix for each defect Date of open for each defect*Review defect density: total no of review defects/ actual project size

Root cause Analysis: Pareto analysis + Casual Analysis

Pareto Analysis: Why Why Analysis + Cause & effect Diagram (or)Fishbone Diagram Defect Prioritization can be done. For this defect details needed: -Defect Type -Defect Cause -State of Origin -Detection -SeverityCAR(Casual Analysis Resolution)Casual Analysis: To identify root cause of the defect and other problems and take actions to prevent the occurance in future. -Review Defects -Application defects leaked to UAT/Production -Rejected Application defects

OATs metrics: early defect detection, regression, productivity improvement, quality effort saving.Defect summary report: lists of defects, categorize the defects, risks, fore cast planning.Main frame testing: is the client server application testing. Two types( batch testing(back end process) and online testing( front end process done through various online transaction processing(oltp))Test subject: divide application into functionality to be tested.QC Versioning: Qc will enable user to create and manage entities, securing the previous version of those entities.-requirement -business models -test plan -test resources

QC Baseline: snapshot of library-Requirement-test-test resource-Business compenents

QC Asset sharing:

-Requirement-test-test resource-Business compenents-Library

Managing defect: identification, investigation, analyze, logging, tracking, predicting

Casual analysis: is done in review defects, application defects leaked to UAT.

Key tasks for planning Test:-Define Test strategy -Define Test Subjects -Define Tests -Create Requirement CoverageDefect Tab:-Create-Update-Track Project Defects-Defect ReportsKey Tasks in Defect Tab:-Add defect-Review Defect-Fix defect-Retest Defect-Analyze defect Data

QC Utilities:

Manipulation and Retrieval of data -Filter and cross filter options for filtering records -Sort and group sort option for sorting recordsOther Utilities -Setting up alerts using Alerts and Follow up flags -Set user specific favorite views -Screenshots through QC.

Release and Cycle management:Benefits:-Manage-Track-Compare-Gain visibility

Test Design productivity: no.of testcases or scripts/time or effort spent on design

Questions from excel using macros1. How to protect Excel sheet by the password something Ans :ActiveWorkbook.Protect (Password:=Something)

2. Follow the code and identify the outputPrivate Sub WrokBookOpen()Sheets(sheet1).Range(A1)=DateEnd Suba. Assigns the value when the workbook is Opens an excel sheet 1, and assigns current date in cell A1b. Assigns the value when the workbook is closedc. Assigns the value when the workbook is saved3. To Create a Macro Enabled Workbook, save the workbook as:a. Excel Binary workbookb. Excel 97-2003 workbookc. Excel Macro Enabled workbookd. Excel workbooke. Other Formats4. Which of the following code snippets return the address of the current cell to the variable Cell Address: (checkbox?)f. CellAddress = ActiveSheet.Activecell.address(x!A1)g. CellAddress = Activecell.Address(True, True)h. CellAddress = Activecell.Address(False, False)i. CellAddress = ActiveSheet.Selection.Address(x!A1)j. CellAddress = Activecell.Address(False, False, x!R1C1)5. Forms and ActiveX controls cannot be added in an excel sheet and tagged to a macro code. T/F False6. Find the no of working days between two given days using excel Functiona. Days 360(Start Date, End Date)b. Allc. DateDiff(Start Date, End Date)d. Network days(Start Date, End Date, Holidays) or work day()7. What is the function to check day of a week?a. weeknumb. weekdayc. workdayd. networkdays

8. To highlight interesting cells, emphasize unusual values and repetitive data using scalesa. Conditional formattingb. Data validc. Pivot tabled. What if analysis9. To determine the no of working days between two given dates using excel macros.Network days (Start Date, End Date, Holidays)10. The statement used when multiple IF statements are to be written in VBAa. Do whileb. For nextc. While nextd. Select case11. Select the count of cells with value between 15 and 26a. Countif(val>=15 &val15 &val< 26)c. Countits(val>=15 &val=15 &val