don't be tread on: sneak peek 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Don't Be Tread On: Sneak Peek 2


  • 8/8/2019 Don't Be Tread On: Sneak Peek 2


    FEMA, Fusion Centers, and your localities.

    Chapter XIV

    Federalism becomes increasingly dangerous as the Department of Homeland Security claims

    jurisdiction over more events under the federal definition of Terrorism and the stated oversight of

    FEMA of crisis events. This includes everything from misdemeanor crimes to perceived terrorism

    threats, to minor weather related infrastructure damage. The definition of Terrorism now passed into

    law under the various terror-related legislation under the Bush administration, such as the

    USAPATRIOT Act and the Warner Defense Authorization Act, includes anything using coercion or

    force to achieve a political agenda.

    What could this mean for our Representative Republic? We found out with a series of reports in

    Missouri in 2007-2009.

    Since 9/11, The Problem-Reaction-Solution was that there was a lack of intelligence regarding

    terror cells operating inside the United States, and that the intelligence that did exist was not being

    communicated between different intelligence and law enforcement agencies that could have acted in

    different circumstances to prevent the attacks if they only would have had the information.

    Insert an innovative Solution known as Fusion Centers. State and locally controlled agencies that

    access and compile multiple databases crossing the Federal, State, and Local levels, employing federal

    agents to work with local police to maintain and cross-check the information between the different


    Not only does this DE-facto create those Federal ID cards that most states were fighting through

    legislation asserting sovereignty against the Real ID act, by creating a hit in those Federal and State

    databases when you get pulled over by a police officer and he sends your information to a Fusion

    Center to do a fast check on you.

    Not only does this Subvert the idea of security clearances through using the Fusion Centers

    crossing levels of intelligence in databases between agencies that do not have shared security levels.

    Not only does this potentially expand the library of information that the Government is allowed to

    create and keep in your name, whether you've committed a crime or not.

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    Not only does this become a barrier to Democratic principals in the name of Protecting

    Infrastructure. (yes that's right, the Fusion Center movement is more geared to protecting property

    than lives or freedoms.)

    But these Fusion Centers have proven to be the propaganda arm of this Terror legislation. The

    MIAC Reports in Missouri has shown that the loose definition of Terrorism in that legislation is

    indeed to be targeted at the broad array of political influencing grassroots movements.

    The two most egregious examples of the MIAC's profiling of grassroots movements are the

    MiacStrategic Reports titled The Modern Militia Movement and Anarchist Movement.

    Not only did I pick these two because of their obvious specifics in targeting broad segments of

    activism to label as dangerous, but also because since I had mentioned earlier the differences in security

    clearances, I found it interesting that there seems to be a difference in the type of information supplied

    by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, who seem to be more concerned with traditionally left causes

    on the political spectrum, and the combined efforts of Homeland Security and the political

    organizations The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, who seem to be

    concerned with more traditionally right wing causes.

    The above organizations have been cited as source documentation for the compilation of the

    reports, and you can compare the writings almost word for word (read: plagiarism) from documentation

    released by the SPLC and ADL.

    Who do these two reports target?

    The Anarchist Movement report targets a broad array of persons who just want to be free from

    some of the empire-like tyranny of today. From Cop-Watch, an organization that documents police

    interaction with the public, for the safety of all parties, to Christian Anarchists who believe the only

    law is that of God. (The only King is King Jesus?) to Earth Liberation and Animal Liberation groups, to

    Feminist anti-oppression groups, to Anti-Racist groups. This report clearly marks much of the

    grassroots left as potentially dangerous to the State of Missouri. Combined with the National-

    Socialist report, this tells police that these groups will riot and create massive destruction during their


    The Modern Militia Movement report takes several right wing causes and lists them as

    motivators for joining a paramilitary extremist group and waging war against the United States and our

    Police. Some of these motivators are: Being against the stated cooperation of a North American

    Union or the creation of a New World Order (read: Global Government Cooperative), Being

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    against the restriction and registration of firearms and ammunition, Being against Abortion, Being

    against the monopoly of the Federal Reserve Bank over our monetary system, Being against Taxes,

    Being against implanted microchip identification technology, Being against legislation creating

    emergency (read: FEMA) prison, labor, and housing camps, Being against statements made by

    members of the Obama administration concerning the creation of mandatory national service, Beingagainst immigration, Voting for Ron Paul, Voting for Constitution Party Candidates specifically Chuck

    Baldwin, Voting for Libertarians specifically Bob Barr, flying historical flags, watching mainstream

    documentaries. The report specifically uses the phrase You Are The Enemy referring to the Police

    who would be reading the document as being in severe danger if they encounter the type of person who

    would match the profile outlined in the document, and listed the Federal Reserve Banks, Military

    Bases, and potential emergency camp sites as infrastructure at risk from these paramilitaries.

    Similar reports have been released, and continue to be released, by other fusion centers around the

    country, but none have clearly listed the motivators as this. Homeland Security has however, and has

    included Veterans and Gun Owners.

    These reports have also cited political organizations as sources. The problem with using political

    organizations as sources for government investigation and intelligence, is Motive. Political

    organizations have political motives, and have their own first amendment rights where they are allowed

    to bad mouth and insinuate that their political enemies are dangerous in political ways. The problem

    then occurs when Government, with the power to use that political angle to take away someone's rights,

    then uses simple profiling techniques to assign someone with certain beliefs as suspected of being

    involved in dangerous behaviors. This is happening right now in our nation. Persons are being

    profiled for their beliefs and their rights taken away.

    What is the end game? Could it have something to do with the Bush Administration document

    known as Project Endgame which claimed to have set up a procedure for internment prisons for

    undocumented immigrants. These prison camps were built using former military bases, or upgrading

    the internment camps used during WWII, and are currently operational.

    Several Executive Orders were signed around the same time enabling Homeland Security, namely

    FEMA, to set up emergency centers.

    The idea of Internment camps (FEMA Camps) are a two-fold prison grid. This enables critics of

    the possibility of American Internment to use the overload of information on the various programs to

    act like the information contradicts itself. After all, which is it, an Emergency prison grid to enslave

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    everyone, or a specific prison system to round up dissenters? The real answer is Kind of both.

    Anyone can see from the events of hurricane Katrina, that a real crisis in America can happen

    which can suddenly render entire swaths of the country uninhabitable, creating several thousands of

    homeless Americans. The aftermath of Katrina showed military patrolling American Streets in

    violation of Posse Comatatus, as well as gun confiscation in violation of the Second Amendment.

    People were forced to take refuge in the Louisiana Superdome, and eventually villages of FEMA trailer

    housing. These villages were controlled by government security forces, and curfews were enacted.

    Some of the trailers were found to be unsuitable for habitation due to formaldehyde contamination.

    When some tried to flee New Orleans to neighboring cities, they were fired upon by those cities' police


    Government Common Sense (problem-reaction-solution) would dictate that this would be a great

    reason to streamline these processes, creating a plan for setting up Emergency Shelter for people

    during times of crisis. The controversial nefarious question is, would people be forced into going to

    these government controlled living facilities? Time and time again, Government and media have used

    the excuse that those who opt out of safety and security measures are a danger to their community.

    Once an emergency is declared, all bets...all rights, are off.

    The second part of the Internment theory is loosely based on that. Dissenters would need to be

    swiftly dealt with, to prevent obstacles to the streamlining of the process. Several cities have run drills

    having to do with protesters attacking government aid convoys. We have also seen this on a smallerscale at recent major government events. The Pittsburgh G-20 summit in 09', The Democratic National

    Convention in 08', The GOP Convention in '04, and the Seattle WTO summit. The Federal

    Government had set up jail processing facilities that specifically catered to rapidly processing

    protesters. In nearly every case, Agents Provocateurs were found to be working with or receiving aid

    from government. They would then commit damaging anarchist crime on the streets, giving the Police

    Forces an excuse to lock down the area and crack down on free speech, sending the legitimate

    protesters to these processing facilities. These facilities have usually been in traditionally shipping

    areas, abandoned warehouses, port facilities....transformed by simply putting fencing inside and outside

    the building.

    Several people have noticed a very large increase of FEMA/Homeland Security forces operating

    throughout major cities, especially near vacant shopping areas, vacant former hospitals, and utility
