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  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany



    Career Prospects

    in Germany | 2010

  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Editorial 3

    Doing a Doctorate in Germany



    scher Akademischer Austauschdienst

    man Academic Exchange Service

    edyallee 50

    5 Bonn



    ander Haridi, Cornelia Hauswald, Section 532: Promotion o

    y and Research in Germany, Campaigns

    shing House:


    kenallee 7181

    7 Frankurt



    t Schayan (responsible),

    da Achterhold, Dr. Sabine Giehle

    gn: Sylvia Bernhardt

    uction: Andr Herzog

    slators: R.W. Culverhouse, Pauline Cumbers,

    k Whitfeld

    r Design: Christian Padberg

    re Credits: cover: Drthe Hagenguth; page 3: Dominik Gigler,

    erhoer/Himsel/DAAD (2), Dominik Mentzos, Jrg Glscher; page

    sserhoer/Himsel/DAAD; page 5: Jan Greune, page 7: Dominik

    r; pages 8/9: Tim Wegner; page 10: Jrg Glscher; pages 11, 12:

    enscheid/DAAD; page 13: Jan Greune; page 14: Jrg Glscher;

    15: Dominik Mentzos; page 19: Ausserhoer/Himsel/DAAD; pagean Greune; page 23: Dominik Gigler; pages 24/25: Toma

    vic; page 27: Jrg Glscher; page 28: Jan Greune; page 30:

    erhoer/Himsel/DAAD, Jan Jacob Homann, Hub/DAAD; page

    usserhoer/Himsel/DAAD (2); Hub/DAAD;

    er: Boniatius GmbH, Paderborn

    ber 2009


    publication was unded by the German Federal Foreign Ofce.

    04 What Germany oers as a centre o

    higher education and research

    06 Which paths lead to a doctorate

    10 What structured programmes oer

    12 What proessors expect

    14 What everyday research involves

    16 Where to do a doctorate

    A doctorate is a decision or lie, an investment in your uture but also a time-consuming

    challenge that needs to be given careul consideration. A doctorate demands a great deal

    o energy, discipline and perseverance. In Germany some 25,000 graduates successully

    complete the doctoral process every year ar more than in any other European country.

    And increasing numbers o up-and-coming international researchers are coming to

    Germany to write their doctoral dissertations, to complete their doctorates as members o

    research teams: since 1997 the number o oreigners registered as doctoral students in

    Germany has more than doubled to just under 17,000.

    The German doctorate enjoys an outstanding reputation in all disciplines. And today

    universities and research institutions between Aachen and Zittau present young research-

    ers with many dierent paths to a doctorate. Especially the structured doctoral programmes

    that have been established over recent years oer international graduates extremely attrac-

    tive opportunities as a member o a research team that provides intensive support and

    swit results. Nevertheless, there is no single ideal path to a doctoral degree. That is why

    this brochure aims to present an overview o the dierent orms o doctoral research rom

    traditional individual supervision to the structured programmes at graduate schools, re-

    search training groups and the International Max Planck Research Schools. It should also

    help by providing a lot o useul inormation on the ormal requirements as well as

    dierent orms o unding. International students who have decided to do a doctorate in

    Germany will also have their say: they report on their everyday routine and their experi-

    ences, oer tips and words o encouragement or other scholars considering taking up

    the challenge o doctoral research. Human resources consultant Dr. Tiemo Kracht con-

    frms that this decision is worthwhile: In any event, doing a doctorate in Germany is

    a beneft. However, he also explains that the important thing about a d octorate is not

    the academic title, but t he satisaction o getting to grips with complex subject matter.

    And that has its own lasting merit irrespective o your subsequent career.

    We hope you have an enjoyable and inormative read.

    Web addresses lead to more

    detailed inormation on each



    18 What you can do beore you start

    20 Which orms o unding exist

    22 What is special about lie in Germany

    26 How a doctorate can help your


    30 Where to fnd more inormation

    Long versions o the interviews

    with experts are available online


  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Higher Education Landscape

    ghly two-thirds o the 360 higher edu-

    ion institutions (universities, universi-

    es o applied sciences, colleges o art

    d music) in Germany are state-run. In

    ntrast to many other countries, private

    gher education institutions play only a

    or role. Well over 90% o the students

    Germany attend a state-run institution

    higher education. The principle o the

    nity o research and teaching applies

    t universities: in other words, they are

    eaching institutions and centres o ad-

    ced research that engage in intensive

    change with scholars and research in-

    stitutions in and outside Germany.

    erman Research Foundation (DFG)

    e DFG is the central, sel-governing re-

    rch organisation and the most impor-

    tant under o research in Germany.

    Doctorate Involves Research:esearch in Germany

    The DAAD website oers everything you

    need to know about higher education in

    Germany. A scholarship database helps

    users fnd appropriate unding opportuni-

    ties (German, English, Spanish).

    www.research-in-germany.deThis Internet portal is aimed at interna-

    tional scholars and provides a great deal

    o useul inormation about the research

    landscape in Germany. It also highlights

    recent developments in German higher

    education and oers advice and guidance

    or research visits (German, English).

    The German Rectors Conerence (HRK)

    provides inormation about study pro-

    grammes and international collaborations

    at this address. A database enables visi-

    tors to search or doctoral programmes,

    or example, or the names and addresses

    o contacts at universities (German, Eng-


    Germany is a world-class centre o scholar-

    ship and research. German universities

    and research institutions are among the

    best in the world. There are many reasons

    or this: or example, the large choice o

    higher education centres and types o insti-

    tution namely some 165 locations with

    360 higher education institutions includ-

    ing 140 entitled to award doctorates (uni-

    versities o applied sciences do not have

    this right). Additionally, Germany can oer

    a wide range o subjects (more than 5,000

    dierent study programmes rom agricul-

    ture to zoology), well-equipped research

    establishments as well as highly qualifed

    sta and an increasingly international


    Germany is one o the worlds most attrac-

    tive centres o higher education: some

    235,000 oreigners study here (including

    56,000 with a German school-leaving

    qualifcation). That means that more than

    one in ten students holds an international

    passport and Germany is t he most impor-

    tant host country or international students

    ater the USA and the UK.

    However, top research is not only conduct-

    ed at universities. Hundreds o non-univer-

    sity research establishments oer ideal

    working conditions rarely matched any-

    where in the world. The most productive

    research organizations include the Max

    Planck Society, the Helmholtz Association,

    the Leibniz Association and the Fraun-

    hoer Society. The Helmholtz Association

    alone with 16 research centres and 8,000

    sta has an annual budget o roughly

    2.8 billion euros. Since the Max Planck So-

    ciety was ounded in 1948, researchers at

    its 76 institutes have been honoured with

    17 Nobel Prizes in addition to numerous

    other international awards.

    Excellence clusters

    The German higher education landscape

    stands out because o the close cooperation

    between universities, research institutions

    and industry. Research institutions and

    business enterprises come together at the

    regional level in excellence clusters to

    pool their innovative orce. That is also

    why Germany is one o t he leading coun-

    tries in innovative, orward-looking re-

    search felds such as environmental tech-

    nology and nanotechnology. This applies to

    research and industry: or example, Ger-

    many ranks third in relation to patent reg-

    istrations in nanotechnology and ourth in

    nanoscientifc publications. In the environ-

    mental feld, Germany holds a leading

    position among the OECD countries in

    terms o the proportion o gross domestic

    product spent on research and develop-


    German universities also enjoy great inter-

    national recognition in the humanities and

    social sciences. Innovative researchers and

    prize-winners teach at German universi-

    ties. Humanities specialists and social

    scientists have won 58 o the 270 Gottried

    Wilhelm Leibniz Prizes, the most highly

    endowed German research award, that

    have been presented since 1986.

    Structured doctoral programmes

    Doctoral students in Germany are part o

    this research process. Gaining a doctorate

    is seen as the frst phase o a research ca-

    reer. That also explains how the traditional

    process o attaining a German doctorate

    diers in many respects rom the Anglo-

    American PhD system, in which the PhD

    student merely acquires a degree. How-

    ever, German higher education is in the

    midst o a ar-reaching process o renewal

    and many universities already have what

    are known as structured doctoral pro-grammes and research training groups

    (Doktorandenkolleg). Additionally, re-

    Doing a Doctorate in Germany


    Research in Germany 5

    Doctorates Germany Ranks First

    in Europe

    USA 56,067

    Germany 24,946

    UK 16,456

    Japan 15,979

    France 9,818

    Italy 9,604

    An international comparison o completed

    doctorates in the OECD countries (in absolute terms,

    2006), source: OECD

    search schools and centres comparable to

    Anglo-American graduate schools have al-

    so been established in collaboration with

    non-university institutions such as Max

    Planck Institutes or the German Research

    Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemein-

    schat, DFG). Their structured doctoral

    programmes enrich the higher education

    system and expand the opportunities or

    international students to gain a doctorate

    in Germany.

    Many scientifc organizations and research

    institutions support young international

    scholars with project unding, scholarships

    and prizes. The most important are the

    Federal Ministry o Education and Re-

    search (BMBF), the DFG and the GermanAcademic Exchange Service (Deutscher

    Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD).

    German Academic

    Exchange Service (DAAD)

    The DAAD, a joint agency o institutions o

    higher education in Germany and major

    unding organization, supports interna-

    tional relations in the higher education

    sector. As a rule, its programmes and

    projects are open to all disciplines and

    countries and beneft Germans and non-

    Germans alike. The DAAD maintains a

    worldwide network o ofces, lecturers

    and alumni associations and also oers

    guidance abroad.

    rn surroundings: Norman Foster, the leading British architect, designed the Philological Library at FU Berlin

    Advanced scientifc research:

    Max Planck Institute or Plant Breeding

    Research, Cologne















    1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08

    Increasing Numbers of International Doctoral Students in Germany




  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany



    Pros and Cons: Structured Doctoral Programmes

    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    Wheres the best place to study or a doc-

    torate? Douwe Bonthuis had no trouble an-

    swering this question. My subject was the

    decisive actor, says the Dutchman. For

    the last two years he has been researching

    a biophysical question at the TU Munich.

    The group working with my proessor,

    Roland Netz, is considered one o the best

    in Europe.

    I you decide to do a doctorate in Germany,

    you can choose between two dierent ap-

    proaches. Students who take the traditional

    route must rst nd a supervisor (Doktor-

    vater or Doktormutter) beore they can start

    on their doctoral dissertation, which they

    complete very much on their own. This very

    ree system with no compulsory attendance,

    deadlines or binding curriculum calls or a

    great deal o personal initiative. Doctoral

    students are very much let to their own de-

    vices. However, or someone like 27-year-old

    Douwe Bonthuis, who wanted to complete

    his doctorate with a particular specialist,

    this so-called apprentice model is very ap-

    propriate. The vast majority o doctoral stu-

    dents in Germany according to data pub-

    lished by the German Science Council,

    some 90% still select this approach.

    Additionally, however, a second route to a

    doctoral degree is gaining in popularity and

    attracting increasing numbers o students:

    The literary studies specialist was won over

    by the programme at the International

    Graduate School or the Study o Culture

    at Giessen University: Doctoral students

    meet with two proessors every two weeks

    to discuss their results in special collo-

    quia, explains the Russian researcher.

    That structures your schedule enormous-

    ly. I you take the traditional doctoral path,

    you also have the opportunity to exchange

    views in postgraduate seminars and collo-

    quia, but structured programmes oer

    much more intensive support and encour-


    Whats best? A doctoral programme or the

    apprentice model? The choice hinges on a

    variety o actors. First o all, it depends

    on the specialist interest, says Dr. Birgit

    Klsener, DAAD. For practical reasons

    ructured or Traditional?ths to a Doctorate

    Paths to a Doctorate


    n German the supervisor o a doctoral

    ent is known as Doktorvater or Doktor-

    ter (literary doctor ather or doctor

    ther). No one has an automatic right

    be accepted as a doctoral student by a

    oessor. In all cases outside structured

    grammes acceptance by a supervisor

    s the prerequisite or recognition as a

    octoral student by a university and ad-

    ance to study and/or take the doctoral


    Research Training Groups

    A group o researchers study a topical

    ject within these temporary organiza-

    . Research training groups are unded

    y the DFG, universities or oundations.

    With 10 to 20 doctoral students, these

    oups are manageable and enable very

    intensive support. Research training

    ups are interdisciplinary in nature and

    er doctoral students tailormade semi-

    and programmes. As a rule, a doctor-

    takes three years in such a group (see

    page 17).

    Graduate Schools

    e graduate schools established under

    e auspices o the Excellence Initiative

    are much broader in scope and more

    nterdisciplinary in nature than the the-

    tically more ocused research training

    roups. Participants are integrated in a

    m in which they regularly present theirresults. Admittance is dependent on a

    rormance-based selection procedure.

    terviews are even conducted by video

    nk or oreign students (see page 17).

    Structured programmes quickly lead to

    a doctoral degree as a rule in three years.

    Supervision is carried out by several

    university teachers. Doctoral students are

    not dependent on the goodwill o a single


    Special emphasis is placed on team-

    work and practical application. Students

    requently work on joint research projects

    and have a lot o opportunity to exchange

    views with other students and supervisors.

    The question o unding is oten re-

    solved by acceptance on the programme.

    Foreign doctoral students are supported

    The traditional doctoralpath was ideal or me

    because I wanted to writemy doctoral dissertation

    under the supervision o myproessor. His research groupis one o the best in Europe.The act that I have to holdseminars does involve work,but I also beneft rom that.

    Douwe Bonthuis, Netherlands

    The physicist is doing a doctorate at the

    TU Munich.

    it involves completing a doctorate within the

    ramework o a structured programme com-

    parable with the PhD programmes oered

    by the higher education systems in English-

    speaking countries. Structured doctoral pro-

    grammes are oered by:

    Research training groups organized by

    the German Research Foundation


    Graduate schools at universities

    Doctoral programmes at universities

    International Max Planck Research


    There are already some 600 structured doc-

    toral programmes available in Germany.

    Many o them are internationally oriented

    and conducted in English. They are usually

    organized by several research groups work-

    ing in close cooperation, which enables re-

    search o the highest standard. Such pro-

    grammes oer many advantages, especially

    or international candidates. These include,

    or example, curricular programmes, exi-

    ble admittance or Bachelors graduates and

    also more general support in everyday situa-

    tions. Another advantage is the relatively

    short time in which doctoral students can

    achieve their goal as a rule, ater three

    years. Ksenia Robbe rom St. Petersburg,

    who is also 27 years old, decided in avour

    o this kind o structured doctoral pro-


    many people remain at the university

    where they studied or spent a semester

    abroad and then just use the options that

    are available to them there. I you studied

    abroad and now want to do a doctorate in

    Germany, it is much easier to gain an over-

    view o structured doctoral programmes

    rom outside the country. Places on these

    programmes are advertised publicly and

    the application process is more transpar-

    ent. Frequently support contracts are

    agreed that precisely dene rights and obli-

    gations. That gives doctoral candidates a

    better idea o what is expected o them.

    One major dierence to the traditional ap-

    prentice model is the act that as a rule

    structured programmes give doctoral stu-

    dents two supervisors. That means their

    academic support does not depend on the

    goodwill o a single proessor. An interdis-

    Structured Doctoral Programmes

    These doctoral programmes are run at

    universities according to a relatively strict

    timetable and involve intensive support.

    They have a clearly defned curriculum

    that prescribes participation in seminars

    and the production o papers at specifc

    intervals. As a rule, this kind o doctorate

    takes three years.

    !in a variety o ways throughout the entire

    doctoral process. Assistance with every-day problems is also provided, as is

    personal guidance.

    Applicants have to complete a multi-

    level application procedure. Thats why

    you must plan ahead and leave enough

    time or the application process.

    The programme o colloquia and

    workshops is very packed. I you attempt

    to take all the options available, you can

    easily overload your timetable.

    The subject o your doctoral dissertation

    must t in with the programme; it is oten

    not possible to select your own subject.

    qualities as a mentor. It is useul to put

    out eelers in the department early on,because word soon spreads about who

    successully supports doctoral students.

    A traditional doctorate takes longer

    roughly our to ve years.

    The subjects o doctoral dissertations

    are requently too specialized, too little

    integrated into research rameworks.

    You have to take care o unding


    There are ew guidelines and doctoral

    students have to struggle through on

    their own.

    Although the apprentice model

    demands a high degree o individual ini-tiative, it also oers doctoral students a

    great deal o reedom and enables them

    to shape their own doctoral research.

    It is particularly well suited or doctoral

    students who would like to study or a

    doctorate with a specic proessor.

    The traditional path oers great

    reedom in the choice o subject or the

    doctoral dissertation (particularly in

    the humanities and social sciences).

    Finding a suitable supervisor can

    prove difcult. He or she should be an

    expert in the eld, but also have certain

    Pros and Cons: Traditional Doctorate

  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany



    I decided in avour o a structured doc-toral programme at a graduate school. I

    like the interdisciplinary work atmos-phere. Additionally, the timetable is well-

    structured and there are lots o interestingseminars on oer.

    Ksenia Robbe, Russia

    The literary studies specialist is studying or a doctorate at the

    International Graduate School or the Study o Culture in Giessen.

    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    The joint website o weekly newspaper

    Die Zeit and specialist journal Forschung

    & Lehre oers a lot o topical inormation

    under the heading Do a PhD. This in-

    cludes articles on the advantages and dis-

    advantages o a traditional doctorate and

    structured programmes, advice on appli-

    cations and unding as well as background

    inormation on the dierences between

    subjects (German, English).


    Proessor Neher, you are the speaker o the International Max Planck Research

    School (IMPRS) or Neurosciences in Gttingen. Do structured programmes rep-

    resent a more attractive route to a doctorate than the traditional path?Doctoral students used to be very much let to their own devices, which is not easy,

    especially or international candidates. The IMPRSs oer support that makes the

    process easier. We help students nd their eet, or example, by assisting them in

    their dealings with authorities or establishing contacts with ellow researchers.

    Has the traditional supervisor gone out o style?

    It is a good system or the best, because it oers much greater reedom provided the

    supervisor is committed. But that is not always the case. To that extent, supervision by

    a committee with several members certainly has advantages. Having to present your

    results beore a commission once a year can add a healthy element o compulsion.

    How are German doctoral degrees regarded internationally?

    In our subject, very highly indeed! In biochemistry and neurosciences successul doc-

    toral students rom Germany are highly appreciated as postdoc researchers abroad.

    Paths to a Doctorate

    ciplinary ramework also enables students

    to look beyond their own noses. Dierent

    disciplines work within the graduate

    school, so I also have dealings with histori-

    ans and ethnologists, emphasizes English

    studies specialist Ksenia Robbe. I could

    already sense the open-minded work at-

    mosphere on the website that was a very

    important criteria or me.

    The programme in Giessen relies on

    multilevel monitoring. Doctoral and post-

    doc scholars rom dierent disciplines

    work together in what are known as re-

    search areas. Everyone can present his

    or her project in these courses and re-ceives eedback rom very dierent direc-

    tions, says Ksenia Robbe. Interchange

    also unctions very well on an inormal

    level because all the doctoral students are

    in the same building. Its great that I

    only have to walk across the corridor to

    discuss a question, enthuses the Russian

    researcher. She makes ull use o the

    graduate schools many opportunities.

    She has courses two or three days a week

    and heads a seminar or students hersel

    every Monday. Its a voluntary arrange-

    ment, not an obligation. I choose the

    subjects mysel and structure and devel-

    op the course, says Ksenia Robbe.

    For Douwe Bonthuis, who is taking the

    traditional path to a doctorate, teaching is

    part o his contract. The Dutchman has

    a part-time (three-quarters) post at the TU

    Munich and is well able to live on thesalary. He has to teach ve seminars, each

    o them on a dierent subject. In the

    beginning he was not very enthusiastic

    about this obligation. Today, however,

    he sees the advantages: Seminars involve

    a lot o work, but they oer a good op-

    portunity to gain teaching experience and

    to revise undamental principles. The

    natural scientist spends the remaining

    time doing research very traditionally

    on his own. In experimental physics,

    o course, the situation is very dierent,

    explains Douwe Bonthuis. Work in

    the laboratory is always done in a team,

    you exchange opinions and discuss

    your ndings. He decided very con-

    sciously in avour o a doctorate in the

    Has the traditional supervisor gone out o style?

    An interview with Nobel laureate Proessor Erwin Neher

    erences between Subject Groups

    e kind o doctorate candidates choose

    depends on the subject:

    Humanities and Social Sciences

    ge, interdepartmental research projects

    rarer here than in the natural sciences.

    ugh the traditional apprentice model is

    prevalent, a growing interest in struc-

    red programmes is evident here too. A

    nt study ocusing on international doc-

    ates in Germany (HIS), which involved

    nline survey o doctoral students at 20

    ersities, shows that so ar some 15% o

    anities specialists are involved in struc-

    d programmes. One quarter o doctoralents are employed as research assist-

    s at university and non-university insti-

    . A little over hal o all up-and-coming

    archers in the humanities conduct their

    research alone.

    eld o theoretical physics. He meets with

    his supervisor twice a week, the working

    group comes together once a week. The

    dierences between subject groupsare

    considerable: while humanities specialists

    or social scientists oten work on their

    doctorate alone, natural scientists and en-

    gineers are more likely to have doctoral

    Engineering and Natural Sciences

    Roughly hal the doctoral students in

    the natural sciences (the proportion is a

    little higher among engineers) become

    research assistants and are tied into re-

    search projects rom the outset. They are

    regarded as colleagues rom their frst

    day and gain valuable experience or their

    uture careers. Time management is the

    order to the day: not neglecting your own

    research can become a challenge in addi-

    tion to the many duties at the institute.


    Whether they are involved in clinical, ex-

    perimental or theoretical research, medical

    scientists usually take the traditional route

    to a doctorate. Students should complete

    their doctorate beore beginning their

    strenuous internship. In research terms, a

    doctoral dissertation in medicine is more

    comparable with a diploma thesis and in-

    volves ar less input than in other disci-


    posts and work with colleagues within

    their respective department. This is a de-

    velopment that is now also emerging

    in other disciplines. DAAD expert Birgit

    Klsener says, In principle, the struc-

    tured doctoral programmes are ostering

    a culture that has always existed in the

    natural sciences.

    Most Popular Doctorate Subjects

    Biology 14.2%

    Chemistry 11.6%

    Medicine 10.6%

    Physics 8.4%

    Mechanical Engineering 4.0%

    Electrical Engineering 3.%

    Subjects with the most doctorates by oreign

    students, 200 (o a total o 3,4 passed

    examinations), source: Destatis

  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    Compared with other countries, ound the

    Federal Report on the Promotion o Up

    and Coming Academic Research Talent

    (BuWIN), Germany oers the broadest

    range o research opportunities or doctoral

    students everything rom cultural studies

    to photonics. Thats also why gaining an

    overview o the countless programmes on

    oer is not easy (see box or useul tips). In

    addition, each programme has its own dis-

    tinct individual eatures. Yet a students

    choice o programme can have a decisive

    impact on his or her success. It denitely

    pays o to obtain as much inormation as

    you can and, i necessary, to use the adviso-

    ry services provided by DAAD ofces or

    DAAD inormation centres abroad (ad-

    dresses and links can be ound on the

    DAAD website at

    In addition to the research training groups,

    international research training groups,

    graduate schools and International Max

    Planck Research Schools mentioned earli-

    er, the DAAD has also selected 188 inter-

    national doctoral programmes that meet

    specic criteria. These programmes cover

    almost all subject areas. A particularly

    large number are available, however, in

    mathematical and scientic disciplines as

    well as in law, economics and the social


    The Helmholtz Association maintains a

    total o 16 world-class research centres, in-

    cluding such well-known institutions as

    the Alred Wegener Institute or Polar and

    Marine Research in Bremerhaven, the Ger-

    man Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg

    and the German Cancer Research Centre

    in Heidelberg. Special emphasis is placed

    on international research and key areas in-

    clude interchange with China and Russia.

    Doctoral research in industry

    Programmes involving industrial coopera-

    tion can be particularly interesting. Re-

    search-oriented companies nd it useul to

    attract up-and-coming researchers through

    doctoral programmes, while doing a doc-

    torate in industry or business oers re-

    searchers an attractive combination o the-

    ory and practice. Many big-name German

    companies cooperate with universities and

    oer appropriate research projects. As a

    ructured Programmes:ide Range o Opportunities

    Paths to a Doctorate 11

    ternational Doctoral Programmes

    DAAD maintains an Internet database

    uctured doctoral programmes in Ger-

    many. All the programmes listed have

    en careully selected by the DAAD and

    d out, or example, because they oer

    ernationally recognized qualifcations

    are conducted partly or wholly in Eng-

    h (or another oreign language). Their

    ricula are internationally oriented and

    involve, or example, periods abroad

    or participation by oreign visiting lec-

    s. The programmes in the DAAD data-

    e also oer special academic and gen-

    eral support or international doctoral

    ents. More inormation is available at

    Im doing a doctorate in the

    environmental technology sector

    and am investigating cost-benet

    analyses o waste water treatment

    plants. Water is an important subject in

    my country. I need to exchange views

    with other researchers. Next door there

    are statisticians and chemists I can

    discuss results with them at any time.

    Jaime Cardona, Columbia

    The economist is completing a doctorate at

    the Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School

    or Environmental Research in Leipzig.

    Structured doctoral programmes o a high

    standard have also been established under

    the umbrella o the Helmholtz Association,

    Germanys largest scientic organization.

    rule, young researchers receive temporary

    contracts o employment, which also pro-

    vides nancial security while they com-

    plete their doctoral research. In return,

    they have to work in the respective corpo-

    rate departments. However, combining a

    job and research does not only demand a

    great deal o discipline. The interests o

    university and company can dier and a

    subject o great scientic interest may not

    interest the company at all. Nonetheless,

    this combination has great advantages: it

    allows doctoral students to gain proession-

    al experience and establish important con-

    tacts. I they are employed by the company

    ater completing their doctorate, they usu-

    ally assume responsibility much aster, be-

    cause theres no induction period. Compa-

    nies such as Nokia Siemens Networks

    (NSN), Audi and BoschRexroth, or exam-

    ple, oer opportunities to join the business

    through doctoral research.

    Helmholtz Association

    The Helmholtz Association is a community

    o 16 scientifc-technical and biological-

    medical research centres. With 28,000

    sta and an annual budget o 2.8 billion

    euros, it is Germanys largest scientifc or-

    ganization. Its mission is to advance re-

    search that contributes to answering the

    urgent questions o science, society and

    industry. In the process, it ocuses, or ex-

    ample, on questions o mobility and ener-

    gy supply or on fnding therapies or pre-

    viously incurable diseases.

    Dr. Gdler, can you briefy explain what the Research Explorer oers?

    The Research Explorer is a unique online directory o German research centres that

    provides central access to inormation about nearly 20,000 institutes at higher edu-

    cation institutions and non-university research establishments with just a ew clicks

    o the mouse.

    What is the services main target group?

    The Research Explorer is completely bilingual and designed to present inormation

    in German and English. It is thus aimed at an international audience or example,

    young researchers who are interested in conducting research in Germany. However,

    established researchers and the sta o international research and support organiza-

    tions will also nd it a useul starting point. REx is the best means o gaining inor-

    mation about and rom the main participants in publicly unded research in Germa-

    ny rom one source.

    How can oreign students who are interested in doing a doctorate in Germany

    best use REx?For an initial overview o the higher education institutions that oer your particular

    subject, you just have to select the subject and you will be presented with a list. The

    second step then leads to the website o the institute, which will present up-to-date

    inormation and the relevant contacts. Cooperation with another partner, the Ger-

    man Rectors Conerence (HRK), will make it possible to use REx to conduct direct

    searches o doctoral study opportunities at higher education institutions rom the

    beginning o 2010.

    Can you describe the most eective way o carrying out a search?

    To gain an initial impression, you can rst select a city rom the map to see which

    institutes are available at that location. I you want to nd an institute with a specic

    subject specialization, you use the Search Assistant to select a subject group. You

    can then gradually narrow down the area o research until you obtain the desired


    How can you use the Research Explorer (REx)? An interview with Dr. Jrgen

    Gdler, director o the Inormation Management Department at the DFG

    Research Explorer is the research direc-

    tory o the DFG and DAAD. Continuously

    updated, it includes details o some 20,000

    institutes at German higher education in-

    stitutions and non-university research

    establishments which can be searched ac-

    cording to geographical, subject and other

    structural criteria (German and English).

    The Helmholtz Association provides inor-

    mation on its website about vacancies or

    doctoral students under the heading

    Working at Helmholtz (German, English,

    Chinese, Russian).


    Finding the Right Doctoral


    Theres no way around it: nding a suit-

    able doctoral programme involves in-

    tensive individual inquiry. There is not

    one comprehensive overview o all the

    dierent programmes.

    The ollowing websites, or example,

    provide a useul starting point or re-


    Websites o the Max Planck Institutes,

    the Fraunhoer Society, Helmholtz

    Association, and the Leibniz


    Websites o universities and graduate


    It is also possible to use the advisory

    services provided by DAAD ofces and

    DAAD inormation centres abroad (see

    page 30).

  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Finanzierung 13Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    Every doctorate is a challenge rom the

    initial choice o a suitable topic to nding

    an interested doctoral supervisor or an ap-

    propriate doctoral programme. The entire

    process, which not only involves writing a

    doctoral dissertation but also an oral ex-

    aminationand publishing the dissertation,

    can certainly have its ups and downs.

    Sometimes the work involved is not quite

    the way you imagined or relations with

    your supervisor turn out to be dicult.

    Perseverance and sel-criticism are also re-

    quired in order to successully and produc-

    tively complete the doctoral process.

    International doctoral students are expect-

    ed to be open-minded about the German

    higher education system (see interview),

    which difers considerably in many points

    rom models in other countries. The tradi-

    tional doctoral process in particular de-

    mands a high degree o personal initiative.

    Basically, the candidates should take the

    ollowing points into account:


    Given that the topic o the dissertation will

    keep the doctoral student busy or several

    years, it should be well chosen and o real

    interest to the candidate. Ater all, the best

    motivation or work is to enjoy it. I you

    have a genuine enthusiasm or the research

    project, then you will persevere during di-

    cult phases. An additional motivation is the

    experience o accomplishment at an early

    stage or example, through publication.

    Doctorate:eeting the Challenge

    Paths to a Doctorate 13

    Doctoral Dissertation

    naugural dissertation is an independ-

    t written work o research with which

    doctoral student applies to be awarded

    octoral degree. The ormal criteria are

    laid down in the respective university

    epartments examination regulations.

    he doctoral dissertation is intended to

    ove the candidates ability to carry out

    horough academic research and must

    stitute an advance in knowledge. Pre-

    ting a dissertation is the precondition

    or initiating the doctoral process.

    Time Management

    Doing a doctorate involves various tasks.

    For example, i you are working as an as-

    sistant in a university department, you w ill

    have teaching duties and administrative

    tasks to perorm in addition to your re-

    search work. The best advice comes rom

    colleagues: doctoral candidates can benet

    rom their experience and learn how to

    set priorities and structure tasks.


    Particularly when it comes to the appren-

    tice model, the doctoral student is depend-

    ent on the goodwill o one university pro-

    essor. This dependence is something that

    has to be accepted, even i this is occasion-

    ally hard. The success o your doctorate is

    at risk i you do not have the ull support o

    your supervisor.


    Research has a lot to do with communica-

    tion, debate and collaboration. Working on

    your own or months may get you no-

    where. I the regular presentation o your

    results is not institutionalized as in struc-

    tured programmes then doctoral students

    themselves must ensure that they receive

    eedback on their work.


    Supervisors oten leave part o the supervi-

    sion to their assistants. Doctoral candidates

    should thereore be open-minded and not

    xated too much on one person. Exchanges

    o ideas with postdoc researchers take

    place on a more equal basis and are there-

    ore oten a lot more relaxed.

    AdaptabilityEvery university department and every

    research institute has unwritten laws that

    have to be obeyed. Initially, you should

    be more reserved and get to know the new


    Working Techniques

    The ormal requirements o research

    work in Germany difer rom those in

    other countries. Even i doctoral students

    have already acquired a basic research

    methodology during their earlier studies,

    they should expand their repertoire. Ater

    all, they are involved in understanding

    and processing a much more complex

    subject matter than or a rst degree.

    Many universities provide appropriate

    courses or this.

    Oral Examination

    Part o the doctoral process is an oral

    examination in the orm o a so-called

    Rigorosum or Disputation. During this

    oral exam, the candidate presents the

    method and fndings o his or her disser-

    tation publicly at the university and

    deends and substantiates them in a sub-

    sequent discussion. As a rule, the Rigoro-

    sum constitutes a non-public oral valida-

    tion o the academic qualifcation. In

    addition to these two, there are also other

    mixed orms.


    As a rule, the doctoral certifcate is only

    granted to the doctoral candidate when,

    within a certain time-limit, the dissertation

    is made publicly available in printed or

    similarly reproduced orm, and when a

    certain number o obligatory copies have

    been presented to the university. The can-

    didate then receives the right to use the

    title o Doctor. Most universities now

    accept a variety o ways o publishing doc-

    toral dissertations (publishing house, scien-

    tifc journal, electronic orm, etc.). They

    are laid down in the respective examina-

    tion regulations.

    Proessor Gymnich, as one o the authors o Handbuch Promotion, a guide or

    doctoral students, you ocused on The Internationalization o Doctoral Train-

    ing. Over the past years, the percentage o international doctoral students in

    Germany has risen signifcantly. How did that come about?

    Overall there is growing interest in studying in Germany. In recent years, German

    universities have also begun to compete more or doctoral students at the interna-

    tional level, and this is now bearing ruit. A German doctorate still has a good repu-

    tation and this applies both to the traditional doctorate and structured pro-


    As a proessor, what do you expect o international doctoral students?

    I you want to do a d octorate in Germany, you should be open-minded and willing to

    adapt to a new academic system. This starts with the very way research texts are writ-

    ten. They are much more ormalized in Germany than in France, or example.

    What should uture doctoral students pay attention to when selecting a university?

    One point is whether there are multilingual opportunities and how the nal exam-

    ination is structured. At some universities you can be examined in English, French

    or Spanish, which can be helpul. In terms o content, too, there are great diferences

    between the examinations. In Giessen, the main points in the doctoral dissertation

    are presented and discussed; in Heidelberg, this is ollowed by general questions;

    in Bonn, our theses have to be submitted that have nothing at all to do w ith the

    doctoral dissertation. It is important to study the examination regulations in good


    What do proessors expect o international doctoral candidates?

    An interview with Proessor Mar ion Gymnich, University o Bonn

    ue and collaboration: doctoral

    nts should try to get early feedback

    ir work

    Good communication: Professor Liqiu Meng, TU Munich, in conversation with students

  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    Research Training Groups

    octoral research training groups com-

    ne elements o the traditional supervi-

    n o individual doctoral students with

    nnovations o structured doctoral pro-

    mmes. These groups are supported in

    tutionalized orm by an association o

    university proessors whose aim is to

    tly train and advise doctoral students.

    mpared with the traditional approach,

    s improved supervision is intended to

    siderably shorten the time required to

    mplete a doctorate. What is more, doc-

    al research training groups oer more

    ortunities or eedback and help candi-

    s fnd their place in the scientifc com-

    unity. This is ideal or overcoming the

    uent social and scientifc isolation ex-

    enced by traditional doctoral students

    nd minimizing the risks that can arise

    ring the doctoral process. Universities

    an concentrate their doctoral research

    ning groups in centres or postgradu-

    ate studies.

    Moussa Sangare has just held a conerence

    with his working group on Skype and

    exchanged ideas with ve other doctoral

    students about the next phase o their

    research. The 39-year-old Arican has been

    studying or a doctorate at the TU Dresden

    or the past two years. He is writing his

    doctoral dissertation on the quality o pri-

    vate universities in his country, Ivory

    Coast. Regular exchanges o ideas in small

    working groups and scheduled lectures

    and seminars are part o the programme

    oered by the research training group on

    lielong learning. This encourages net-

    working and orms a clearly dened rame-

    work, thereby integrating signicant com-

    ponents o structured doctoral


    Dresden is another example o the t rend

    towards graduate schools and postgraduate

    research groups that is catching on at Ger-

    man universities. We meet regularly or

    workshops and colloquia where we present

    our research ndings, says Sangare. The

    doctoral students receive eedback rom all

    our proessors in the participating depart-

    ments. These research groups are small

    and the working language is German

    which is no problem or the Arican stu-

    dent, who studied German and trained as

    a teacher o German in Abidjan. I I do

    have a question, I simply have to go to my

    colleagues next door and they help me im-

    mediately. His doctoral supervisor, who

    already supervised his Masters, is also

    available when he needs him. This dia-

    logue is important or Sangare. Which is

    why he cycles to his ofce at the Institute

    or Vocational Education as early as possi-

    ble every morning. Over the past weeks, he

    has taken advantage o every minute so as

    to complete the theoretical part o his


    He opens his laptop every day on the dot o

    ten, works at his dissertation until early

    evening and then, to counterbalance this,

    does two hours o sport. Ater that, he

    works at his desk oten until late into the

    night. He is surrounded by piles o books,

    which he was able to order and collect

    rom the university library.

    Moussa Sangare is a bit behind in his

    schedule. He has a scholarship rom the

    Hans Bckler Foundation, which supports

    the research training group. This political

    oundation also expects sociopolitical in-

    volvement rom its scholarship-holders, so

    Sangare has already written a book about

    the political situation in his country. Now

    he has to make up or the time he devoted

    to that publication. The scholarship is or

    three years, during which he has to com-

    plete his dissertation. At the moment, my

    best riend is discipline.

    Sociologist Szilvia Major is planning to

    take a lot more t ime or her doctoral disser-

    tation on long-term partnerships. To -

    nance her doctorate, the Hungarian candi-

    aration. Anyone like Szilvia Major who

    aims to study or a doctorate on the basis

    o the traditional apprentice model relies

    heavily on the commitment o a single uni-

    versity proessor. Given that she is a coun-

    sellor or international doctoral students,

    she hears many a lament about this partic-

    ular topic. Her own experience, however, is

    that a committed university proessor can

    have a great impact, even within the tradi-tional doctoral ramework. My proessors

    doctoral students all meet twice a month

    or a weekend where he lives to present

    their research ndings, says Major. They

    stay at the local youth hostel. Its not ob-

    ligatory, but its very useul.

    Szilvia Major is married to a Hungarian

    trainee doctor. They dont know i they

    want to return t o Hungary. Moussa San-

    gare on the other hand is very keen to n-

    ish his doctorate or personal reasons. He

    has three children he only sees once a year.

    My goal is to return home immediately a-

    ter my doctorate to work there at the uni-

    versity and be able to lead a normal amily


    date works three times a week as a

    counsellor or oreign doctoral students at

    the University o Giessen. She is clear

    about her career goal: I would like to work

    in partnership counselling, which is what

    my dissertation ocuses on. The 27-year-

    old is taking the traditional doctoral path,

    so she is able to combine writing her dis-

    sertation with a part-time job at her univer-

    sitys International Ofce. I think its im-portant that I gather practical experience

    while writing my dissertaion even i it

    takes longer as a result.

    Szilvia Major is reckoning with a period o

    our or ve years to complete her doctor-

    ate: Im still in the reading phase, when I

    can occasionally take a book with me to the

    swimming pool, she says. But when she

    starts on the theoretical part, she intends to

    work in her ofce at the university every

    morning and to lock her door rom midday

    to devote hersel ully to her dissertation.

    She is convinced this is a good plan: That

    way, the day is structured. But it all re-

    quires sel-discipline, which is why I could

    never work at home. I need the spatial sep-

    esearch Routine: Sel-DisciplineEssential

    When I start on the theoretical part o my dissertation,

    Ill be in my university ofce every day and make sure my

    day is properly structured. I couldnt work at home.

    Szilvia Major, Hungary

    The sociologist is doing her doctorate at Giessen University and also advises oreign doctoral students.

    My best riend is discipline. I

    would like to complete my

    doctorate quickly. We regularly

    discuss our fndings in work-

    shops, which I fnd very helpul.

    Moussa Sangare, Ivory Coast

    The German teacher is doing his doctorate at the

    research training group on lielong learning at the

    TU Dresden.


    Although you can get by with English in

    many doctoral programmes and in most

    university towns, you will miss out on

    many aspects o everyday lie i you have

    no knowledge o German. And dont or-

    get that German is an important language

    o business and research. More than 100

    million people speak German as their

    mother tongue and another 24 millionpeople worldwide can speak the language.

    Paths to a Doctorate 15

    Everything on this communication plat-

    orm or junior researchers revolves

    around studying or a doctorate and writ-

    ing a doctoral dissertation. Also o interest

    are the posts on working scientifcally in

    Web 2.0 (German, English).


  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    Promovieren in Deutschland

    Binational Doctoral Programmes

    Binational doctoral programmes, also

    known as cotutelle programmes, involve

    cooperation in the supervision o doctoral

    candidates between (at least) one interna-

    tional university and one German univer-

    sity. As a rule, this includes working visits

    to produce the doctoral dissertation at the

    participating institutions as well as the

    participation o external supervisors in the

    fnal doctoral examination process. Per-

    manent partnerships have been ormed,

    or example, in the international research

    training groups supported by the DFG and

    the 25 Franco-German graduate colleges

    organized under the umbrella o the

    Franco-German University (FGU). Howev-

    er, this process does not conclude with

    the award o a binational doctorate, but

    a doctoral degree gained on the basis o

    German examination regulations.

    Doing a Doctorate in Germany Locations 17

    International Max Planck

    Research Schools

    International Max Planck Research Schools

    (IMPRS) are part o a support programme

    or young researchers that is aimed at es-

    pecially gited German and international

    students. The 55 International Max Planck

    Research Schools at 32 locations oer anopportunity to prepare or a doctorate with-

    in the ramework o a structured interdisci-

    plinary training programme under excel-

    lent research conditions.

    Special emphasis is placed on international

    cooperation: the research schools are espe-

    cially aimed at international doctoral stu-

    dents, whom they wish to interest in study-

    ing or a doctorate in Germany. It is hoped

    that hal o the students will come rom

    outside Germany. In September 2009 the

    proportion o international doctoral stu-

    dents among the 2,100 IMPRS partici-

    pants was 53%. The doctoral examination

    can be completed either at a German high-

    er education institution or the students

    home university.


    Lower Saxony

    North Rhine-Westphalia









































    St. AugustinBonn





    Frankfurt a.M.
















    Essen Witten-Herdecke




















    Bad Nauheim











    Schwbisch Gmnd

































    here Can You Study forDoctorate? An Overview

    Universities with the right to

    award doctorates

    Cities with several universities

    with the right to award doctorates

    Excellence Initiative Graduate


    International Max Planck

    Research Schools


    Research Training Groups, GraduateSchools, Max Planck Research Schools

    Excellence Initiative

    Graduate Schools

    These graduate schools are doctoral pro-

    grammes unded within the ramework o

    the Excellence Initiative. They oer struc-

    tured programmes or doctoral students in

    an outstanding research environment. At

    the present time, 39 graduate schools arebeing unded with an average o roughly

    5.7 million euros each or 5 years. Graduate

    schools are more broadly based than the

    more specialized research training groups:

    several departments engage in joint re-

    search on an overarching question. A great

    deal o emphasis is placed on the interna-

    tional and interdisciplinary composition o

    the teams. One advantage o interdepart-

    mental cooperation is the intensive inter-

    change between doctoral students and pro-

    essors o related subject areas. Fast-track

    programmes can enable especially highly

    qualifed candidates to start at the graduate

    school ater only one Masters year. The ex-

    amination can also usually be completed in


    Research Training Groups and Inter-

    national Research Training Groups

    The German Research Foundation (DFG)

    currently supports 227 research training

    groups (Graduiertenkolleg, GRK), including

    58 international research training groups

    (IGK). One or more international universi-

    ties cooperate with a German university

    in the international research training

    groups. Doctoral students are supported by

    a group at the German university and a

    partner group abroad. Doctoral students

    draw up a personal doctoral plan with a

    fxed time rame in conjunction with their

    proessors. Study and research pro-

    grammes are developed jointly and the

    doctoral students are supervised by two

    proessors, who belong to dierent univer-

    sities. Additionally, bilateral doctoral

    support entails a six-month stay abroad

    with the respective partner.

    Higher Education and Rankings

    The German higher education system o-

    ers a wide range o dierent institutions.

    Germanys 360 higher education institu-

    tions include universities, technical univer-

    sities, colleges o art, music and flm as

    well as the universities o applied sciences

    (Fachhochschule, FH), which, however, do

    not have the right to award doctorates. Aca-

    demic excellence is not only ound in big

    cities. Rankings do not traditionally play

    a great role in students choice o universi-

    ty. Reliable rankings based on various

    indicators o academic perormance and

    quality have only been produced or a

    ew years. The ollowing rankings can be


    Higher Education and

    Education Policy

    Germany is a ederation o 16 Lnder,

    or states, each o which has its own,

    lthough limited sovereignty. The Fed-

    eration and the Lnder cooperate on

    ducational matters, but undamentally

    education policy, which also includes

    he administration o higher education

    stitutions, is largely the responsibility

    he Lnder. The Federation is primarily

    sponsible or the felds o educational

    arch, vocational training, urther train-

    as well as degrees and research und-

    ing at higher education institutions.

    The German Research Foundation (DFG)

    lists all currently unded national and in-

    ternational research training groups at

    this address (German, English).


    This is where the DFG presents an over-

    view, including links, o the unded gradu-

    ate schools (German, English).

    Clicking on the Research Schools

    heading at this address takes you to an

    overview o all International Max Planck

    Research Schools (German, English).


    The Helmholtz Association supports

    young researchers in graduate schools

    and research schools (German, English).


  • 8/7/2019 doing_a_doctorate_in_germany


    ceptance as a doctoral student. As a rule

    you need a certicate rom your supervisor,

    certied qualication documents, and a

    certicate recognizing that your university

    certicates make you eligible or doctoral

    studies. The next step is enrolment or a

    doctoral degree course. However, you do

    not have to enrol or doctoral studies in all

    subject areas. It depends on the respective

    departments doctoral regulations, which

    everyone should read through very careully.

    They can be ound on every departments

    website. Enrolment as a doctoral student

    has many advantages or example, a bet-

    ter status under Aliens Law. Admission to

    the course o study is a prerequisite. This

    is usually issued by the registrars oce on

    submission o your qualications, the cer-

    ticate o recognition and i necessary

    proo o your language skills. You have to

    provide evidence o your knowledge o

    German (DSH or TestDaF examinations) i

    your dissertation is to be w ritten in Ger-

    man. This is by no means always the case,

    and it depends upon the respective doctoral

    degree regulations.

    In principle, i you are applying or a place

    in a structured doctoral programme or at a

    research training group or graduate school,

    you will have to take similar steps. In this

    case, however, the application or the pro-

    gramme takes top priority. The research

    subject or the planned doctoral disserta-

    tion must t in with the main ocus o the

    programme, and students must have grad-

    uated with a good or very good grade in

    an examination that is recognized in Ger-many. The application, which can oten be

    made over the Internet, usually but not

    always proceeds in several stages. First, a

    en Steps to Becoming a Doctoral Student

    Comprehensive and very useul inorma-

    tion or international students provided by

    Deutsches Studentenwerk, the student

    services organization (German, English).

    This central website on research in Ger-

    many oers an inormation brochure

    FAQs Prepare your research stay, which

    you can download as a PDF fle (English).

    Doctoral Regulations

    These contain the most important aca-

    demic and departmental rules governing

    the doctorate procedure. They cover ad-

    mission to a doctoral programme, admis-

    sion conditions (degree qualifcations,

    grades, etc.), regulations on submitting

    the dissertation and drawing up expert

    opinions, as well as the details o the oral



    The German Language Examination or

    University Admission (DSH) consists o a

    written and an oral exam and is usually

    ree o charge. Some universities charge

    ees. An alternative is to urnish proo o

    having passed an examination in your

    home country according to the TestDaF

    procedure (

    Residence Permit

    All doctoral students rom non-EU coun-

    tries or countries outside the European

    Economic Area require a residence permit.

    It is issued by the local aliens authority

    (Auslnderamt), where you can also ob-

    tain the application or a residence permit.

    A residence permit is always limited to a

    certain time period, but can be extended.

    The application or renewal must always

    be submitted beore the permit expires.

    Recognition of a

    University Degree

    plications or recognition o university

    rees can be made at the deans ofce,

    e respective departments doctoral ad-

    ions board or the universitys interna-

    nal ofce. In some cases, fnal admis-

    sion to the doctoral process is made

    endent on a urther examination to es-

    tablish whether the candidate has an

    ivalent level o profciency to that o a

    erman qualifcation. Law aculties re-

    ently make additional demands result-

    rom the dierences in curricula relat-

    g to respective national legal systems.

    Studying for a Doctorate

    with a Bachelors Degree

    articularly well-qualifed oreign appli-

    cants can also be admitted to doctoral

    studies with a Bachelors degree. As a

    e, admission is subject to an aptitude

    est. This is usually preceded by a one-

    preparation period. Individual univer-

    s decide on the procedure and access

    it. Decisions on admission are always

    n on a case-by-case basis. Candidates

    ould thereore contact the responsible

    ulty. Regulations can also be ound in

    the respective departments doctoral

    degree regulations.

    Anyone who wants to study or a doctorate

    in Germany has to have a recognized

    university degree. This usually means

    having a qualication equivalent to a Mas-

    ters degree, or a German Magister, Dip-

    lom or Staatsexamen. In exceptional cases

    you may also be accepted as a doctoral can-

    didate with a Bachelors degree. The next

    step is to nd a supervisor a Doktorvateror Doktormutter in German or to apply

    or a place in a structured doctoral pro-


    At present the most common path to a doc-

    torate in Germany involves working under

    the supervision o a proessor. Everyone

    has to decide or themselves which eld o

    research they want to pursue, and which

    universities and proessors are on their

    short list. The potential doctoral student

    then has to apply personally to these uni-

    versity proessors. It is important to do so

    in good time, preerably in person (or in

    writing) and you should be well-prepared

    with inormation about your previous

    background and academic perormance

    and your academic goals. Well-prepared

    also means that you should already have a

    brie synopsis o the doctoral dissertation

    you are planning to write. Then you have

    to convince your chosen supervisor to

    accept you. Ater all, the relationship be-

    tween supervisor and doctoral student

    is supposed to last several years usually

    three to ve and involves a l ot o work

    or both sides.

    Once you have ound a supervisor, themost important step has been taken. The

    responsible department or the doctoral

    admissions board must conrm your ac-

    denitely not enter the country on a tourist

    visa. This cannot be converted later, and

    you may be orced to return to your home


    Top o the to-do list on arriving in Germany

    is registering with the local residents reg-

    istration oce (Einwohnermeldeamt) or

    citizens service centre (Brgerservice).Everyone has to register there. Furthermore,

    i you dont come rom an EU country, Ice-

    land, Norway or Liechtenstein, you also

    have to go to the local aliens authority

    (Auslnderamt) to apply or a residence

    permit. For this you need proo o your

    health insurance (you also need this or en-

    rolment, see page 22). You will automatically

    have health insurance cover i you have a

    contract o employment. It is also important

    to look or a place to live early enough. You

    usually need a certicate o enrolment to

    get a place in a student hostel. Student ser-

    vices will help with accommodation. Doc-

    toral students also need a current account.

    You can open one at any bank or savings

    bank it is usually ree o charge.

    letter o application with your CV, rst

    degree thesis, a synopsis o your planned

    dissertation and the reasons or your appli-

    cation is submitted to the responsible

    deans oce or school. You may then be

    asked to submit a detailed application with

    a more comprehensive synopsis and at

    least two reerences rom university teach-

    ers. The third stage usually consists o apersonal interview. The programme and

    college websites provide inormation on

    the exact procedures. I your application is

    successul, you will take part in a doctoral

    programme with seminars and tutorials

    geared to a doctoral students needs, and

    be given individual supervision by a team

    o university proessors. A personal tutor is

    usually available to help with ormalities.

    Practical advice

    Irrespective o whether you will be study-

    ing with a supervisor or in a structured

    programme, the bureaucracy is the same

    or everyone. Future doctoral students

    rom non-EU countries need the appropri-

    ate visa to enter the country. They should

    efore You Start: First Stepsowards a Doctorate in Germany


    Find and convince

    a supervisor,

    or apply to join

    a doctoral

    programme or

    research training


    Apply for


    of your


    If neces-

    sary, apply

    for accept-

    ance as a


    student in

    the depart-


    If necessary,

    apply for admis-

    sion to the doc-

    toral process (at

    some universi-

    ties this is not

    necessary until


    If neces-

    sary, apply

    for admis-

    sion to a


    of studies

    If necessary,

    enrol as a

    doctoral student


    Requirements 19Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    A knowledge of the German language

    is always useful but not neces-

    sarily an absolute prerequisite for

    doing a doctorate in Germany

    What does an application to become a doctoral student need to be success-

    ful? An Interview with Professor Sandra Klevansky, Director of the Graduate

    School of Fundamental Physics at Heidelberg University

    Professor Klevansky, what requirements do doctoral students have to meet in Ger-

    many apart from the academic ones?

    First and oremost they have to be able to work independently and autonomously. This

    is important in Germany.

    What should an application for acceptance as a doctoral student include in order to

    be successful? And what mistakes can be avoided in advance?

    We expect outstanding grades, a comprehensive application with all the necessary docu-

    mentation (certicates, transcripts o records, reerences) and a clearly ormulated inter-

    est in the subject. Applicants should not take an unprepared, nave approach. They should

    nd out how the process in Germany difers rom studying or a doctorate in their own

    country in order to avoid unnecessary surprises or example, that doctoral students do

    not only conduct research but may also have to attend courses or give lectures.

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    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    Most weekends, Yang Ji and his wie

    Hang Zhao can be seen riding around on

    their bikes. They cycle through the Eng-

    lish Garden or to the Olympic Park,

    stretch out on the grass and enjoy the

    summer. Munich is a very beautiul

    city, says the Chinese computer science

    graduate, who is studying or his doctor-

    ate at the TU Munich. The people are

    open, the environment is very interna-

    tional, and everything is very green here.

    Ater graduating rom the Friedrich

    Schiller University, Jena, in 2007, Ji had

    two oers o a doctoral position, one in

    Munich and one in Stuttgart. He let his

    newly married wie decide it wasnt a

    dicult choice or her. Hang Zhao had

    frst come to Munich as a student in 2001

    to take German courses. I still have

    many riends here rom that time. She

    subsequently went to Jena to study Ger-

    man as a oreign language.

    osmopolitan or Cozy:ving in Germany

    Living in Germany 23

    Cost o Living

    ccording to a survey by the Deutsches

    Studentenwerk, an average student in

    ermany has about 770 euros a month

    his or her disposal. O this, 266 euros

    spent on rent, 147 euros on ood and

    50 euros on clothing. The average stu-

    nt spends 82 euros a month on travel;

    ealth insurance costs 54 euros. Tele-

    ne, Internet, radio and TV ees add up

    43 euros. Another 35 euros is needed

    r equipment and study materials such

    ooks. That leaves 62 euros or leisure,

    ulture and sport so that the monthly

    costs average 739 euros.

    Health Insurance

    eryone must have health insurance in

    Germany. Proo o health insurance is

    ired both or enrolment at the univer-

    ty and or your residence permit. You

    n be insured with either a statutory or

    rivate health insurance company. The

    ms vary, depending on the purpose o

    dence and your age. Student services

    have more details on this.

    Moving rom the small university town in

    Thuringia to the Bavarian capital in

    southern Germany was quite a change or

    the young couple. In Jena, its easy to

    fnd an apartment or 200 euros at the

    most, they explain. We lived in a student

    hostel and didnt pay much. But the cost

    o living varies quite a lot in Germany,

    and Munich is one o the most expensive

    cities in the country. The rents are high,

    and fnding a place to live is dicult. The

    universitys international oce helps in-

    ternational doctoral students in their

    search, says Ji. He himsel quickly ound

    a place on his own through an Internet

    website. The scientist pays 780 euros or

    The DAADs database lists the international

    ofces (Akademische Auslandsmter)

    at German universities. They can help you

    with key issues o higher education and

    everyday lie (English, German, Spanish).

    This website compiled by the German-as-

    a-oreign-language experts at LMU in

    Munich makes it easy to fnd courses or

    learning German at home on your own

    computer. Some o the courses are

    personally supervised by tutors (in six



    a two-room apartment in the student dis-

    trict o Schwabing. The owner is a gradu-

    ate o the TU Munich, Ji says, so we

    have something in common.

    Yang Ji is employed as a research assistant

    at the Computation in Engineering Depart-

    ment. There are no fxed working hours.

    We come in between nine and ten in the

    morning and work until six in the

    evening. The computer scientist spends

    the early evening with his wie. He then

    takes care o some organizational work at

    home, flling in orms or preparing a semi-

    nar. At the beginning there was a minor

    crisis between us, he says. I had so many

    things to do at the same time, and my

    thoughts were elsewhere in the evenings.

    Its a major challenge or many scientists

    to make progress with their own research

    while assisting with exercises or work-

    shops at the same time. The TU Munich

    thereore oers targeted training courses

    or all doctoral students, where they can

    improve their skills in presentation and

    personal time management. These

    courses have helped me a lot, Ji stresses.

    Ive learned to set priorities and work my

    way through one thing ater another in a

    concentrated way.

    The atmosphere is very relaxed in his de-

    partment, he says. It doesnt matter what

    country you come rom. Everyone is re-

    garded as a colleague. His teammates also

    have things in common apart rom re-

    search. They do sport and go hiking in themountains together. Once a week they

    cook together with the proessor in the in-

    stitute kitchen. Its a good opportunity to

    exchange ideas over lunch and sometimes

    have a laugh about everyday academic lie,

    says the doctoral student. For example,

    about the bureaucracy in Germany, he

    adds mischievously.

    The scientists talk English among them-

    selves and the working group is very inter-

    national and diverse. Even so, its very,

    very important to learn German, says

    Yang Ji. He came to Germany eight years

    ago rom north China to study or the Ger-

    man Abitur(school-leaving) exam and

    learn German at a college in Jena. He was

    We enjoyed living in Jena. A small town has theadvantage that you can settle in more easily. But we

    also like Munich very much especially its inter-national fair and the mentality o the people here.

    Ji Yang and Hang Zhao, China

    The computer scientist is studying or his doctorate at the TU Munich; his wie Hang Zhao

    is studying in Munich and Jena.

    just 19 years old at that time. He tried t o

    speak a lot o German rom the beginning.

    Most people react very patiently and open-

    ly, and theyre riendly about helping you

    theres no need to have inhibitions.

    His wie, Hang Zhao is just about to fn-

    ish her course o study. Shes writing her

    thesis in Munich and travels to Jena by

    train every two weeks to keep appoint-

    ments at the university there. Ji eels it

    was a great advantage that he spent his

    frst years in Germany in a smaller city

    where everything was within comortable

    reach. I used to walk the same route

    rom my room to the campus every day; I

    knew the lady at the bakery and the library

    Main Countries o Origin

    The most common countries o origin o oreign doc-

    toral students, 2007 (rom a total o 3,499 examina-

    tions passed), source: Destatis

    China 8.2%

    India 7.1%

    Poland 5.1%

    Russia 4.9%

    Italy 3.9%

    Greece 3.5%

    Romania 3.4%

    Austria 3.3%

    France 3.0%

    Turkey 2.7%

    sta it was a bit like a amily. You can

    settle in more easily. In Munich, by con-

    trast, everything is much more interna-

    tional, he says. But the couple like that,

    too: I can go out or a Chinese or Thai or

    Vietnamese meal here. You can fnd sim-

    ply everything even speciality ood

    shops, says Yang Ji.

    Furthermore, he is particularly ond o

    the mentality o people in the Alpine oot-

    hills. I love Munich because the Bavari-

    ans have a culture and identity o their

    own and are so proud o it, says Yang Ji.

    And, o course, he also appreciates the

    amous beer. I think the Oktoberest is


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    Doing a Doctorate in Germany

    That was ve years ago.

    As a DAAD scholarship-

    holder, I obtained a Masters degree in

    computer science in Saarbrcken. The city

    seemed like a paradise to me! So calm, and

    you could get everywhere you wanted to go

    in 15 minutes. While I was there, I started

    courses in ballroom and Latin dancing.

    ommitment and Initiative:hat You Need to Feel at Home

    Living in Germany 25

    Getting Used to Life in Germany

    he international ofces at universities

    research institutes do a lot to make it

    ier or international doctoral students

    ettle in. Sightseeing tours, excursions

    to the surrounding area and language

    rses all help, especially in the frst ew

    nths, and enable people to make con-

    s and gain an impression o their new

    me. Everywhere, student bodies, inter-

    onal orums and working groups oer

    pportunity to engage in academic lie.

    re are also many opportunities or in-

    sting leisure pursuits o campus. This

    ht be a cooking class, a dance club or

    subscription to the local gym. The ad-

    ntage is that you can also get to know

    ople there who have nothing whatso-

    ever to do with research!

    This interdisciplinary network or doctoraland postdoc students already has about

    600 members. They are organized in local

    and regional networks and also meet

    or regular get-togethers and events (Ger-


    The Deutsches Studentenwerk website

    has collected lots o tips or a smooth start

    to your time in Germany under the head-

    ing On arrival (German, English).

    You can use the search unction here

    to look or apartments or rooms in shared

    apartments throughout Germany



    I came to Germany after studying

    mathematics in Istanbul.

    That was very good or me because I was

    the only oreigner there and everybody

    spoke German. This helped me to get to

    know many dierent people and not just

    students o my own age at the university. I

    was enthusiastic about the Germans men-

    tality their respect, openness and riend-

    liness and Im still riends with many o

    Youre more likely to get value or

    money here. Apartments are cheaper andoten easier to nd than in big cities.

    This is a major advantage, especially or


    Its oten easier to settle in here: every-

    thing is much smaller, less complicated,

    you can nd your way around quickly

    and are soon meeting amiliar aces.

    Get on your bike! Being close to nature

    is one o the great advantages o the more

    rural towns.

    Typical university towns like Heidel-

    berg, Freiburg or Constance have a

    strong student inrastructure.

    Anyone who likes opera, theatre,

    exhibitions and big-city bustle in gener-al will love cities like Berlin, Munich,

    Cologne, Hamburg or Frankurt.

    Shopping is almost like being home;

    the cosmopolitan air o big cities also

    rubs o on the kind o shops that are

    available. Its no problem here to nd

    international specialities.

    Large cities usually also have a high

    concentration o international compa-

    nies. This is particularly interesting or

    people who want to do a doctorate in a

    company or make job contacts at an

    early stage.

    !Small towns are quieter, but also

    more provincial. The range o culturalevents is more limited (but the quality

    isnt necessarily poorer).

    There are usually ewer international

    restaurants and grocery stores.

    And although major corporations

    dont settle exclusively in metropolitan

    areas, they do tend to be more concen-

    trated there. This is a drawback when

    youre looking or a potential employer.

    Longer travel times to the nearest air-


    them today. My ather also studied in Ger-

    many. I was actually born here, but grew

    up in Turkey. I wanted to study here to get

    to know the country, the people and the

    culture; I also appreciate the individual

    reedom in Germany. I was also looking

    or an opportunity to study at a university

    with high, international standards. I decid-

    ed in avour o the private Jacobs Universi-

    ty Bremen because o the expertise o my

    supervisor, Proessor Michael Kohlhase, in

    the eld o articial intelligence, and be-

    cause the campus is so international: its

    exceptional to be among students rom

    100 countries. I had a scholarship in the

    rst year; now I have a part-time job in a

    research project. My doctoral dissertation

    examines ways o enabling dierent com-

    puter systems to work together in mathe-

    matical knowledge management. Apart

    rom the research, Im involved in the

    Graduate Students Association. It means a

    lot to me to be involved in shaping the col-

    lege lie. I live in Bremen-Nord. Its very

    idyllic there, very green. In my spare time I

    like to ride my bike or go jogging, and the

    area is ideal or that. But I never really have

    much time or it, Im araid!

    Yet all these advantages have their

    price. Rents are high, as is the generalcost o living. The capital Berlin, o all

    places, is an exception here: living in

    Berlin is much cheaper than in other

    major German cities or comparable Eu-

    ropean capitals.

    A new language, new surroundings,

    new job, little ree time. Finding your

    way around as a newcomer in a big city

    isnt easy.

    And you need a lot o luck i you

    bring your amily with you, because

    crches and nurseries are completely

    overrun in many city districts. It can be

    difcult to nd childcare places.

    Everyday life on campus: Fulya Horozal,

    27, is studying for her doctorate on

    knowledge management in computer

    systems under Professor Michael Kohlhase

    Fulya Horozal, Turkey

    The researcher is a PhD student in the

    Computer Science Department at

    Jacobs University in Bremen.

    Pros and Cons: Doing a Doctorate in a Big City Pros and Cons: Doing a Doctorate in a Small Town

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