docker presentasjon java bin

Docker for (java-)devs How Vimond handles the Docker hype

Upload: olve-hansen

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Docker for (java-)devsHow Vimond handles the Docker hype

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It makes the life of devs and ops easier

if you do things right…

And to do that you must understand how it works.

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Image vs container illustration from

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Image vs container

• an image is the blueprint for the container

• a container is an instance of the image

• the container is writeable, while an image is not (after creation)

• the container state can be committed to form an image

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Base images

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Choosing a base image

• They come in all sizes, for specialised or general purposes.

• Majority based on some version of Ubuntu, but many are also small (of size in MB) with a limited toolset.

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Choosing a base imageThis is one of the questions dividing the community into two camps:

Should my container run one process, or many?

my process as PID 1


using an init process?

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Images inheritancephusion/baseimage:0.9.16



vimond/gatekeeper vimond/eventservice vimond/< micros >vimond/< micros >vimond/< micros >

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Tags / Versions

• Use some time to think through Docker tagging

• Tag is normally a version, but don’t need to be

• Special tag “latest” appended if no tag specified

• Metadata is a new feature - might change the scenarios where tags was used earlier. Have not looked into it yet.

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The Dockerfile

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Dissecting a DockerfileFROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.16 # Set correct environment variables.ENV HOME /root# Regenerate SSH host keys. # You may also comment out this instruction; the# init system will auto-generate one during boot.RUN /etc/my_init.d/ Use baseimage-docker's init system.CMD ["/sbin/my_init"] # ...put your own build instructions here...#RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade# Clean up APT when done.#RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

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Dissecting a DockerfileFROM automatically accept oracle licenseRUN echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true \ | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selectionsRUN add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get -y upgrade \ && apt-get -y install \ oracle-java8-set-default \ oracle-java8-unlimited-jce-policy \ oracle-java8-installer \ libsnappy-java \ python-software-properties # Clean up APT when done.RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle

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Dissecting a Dockerfile# vim:set ft=dockerfile:FROM Olve Sæther Hansen <[email protected]># Set correct environment variables.ENV HOME /root# Regenerate SSH host keys. baseimage-docker does not contain any, so you# have to do that yourself. You may also comment out this instruction; the# init system will auto-generate one during boot.RUN /etc/my_init.d/ Use baseimage-docker's init system.CMD ["/sbin/my_init"] # automatically accept oracle license#RUN echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true \ # | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selectionsRUN apt-get update \ && apt-get -y upgrade \ && apt-get -y install \ python-pip \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*RUN pip install cqlsh#Swaps (ubuntu) dash with bash for easier sourceingRUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/shCOPY /tmp/docker-service.shCOPY /etc/my_init.d/docker-service-startup-command.shRUN chmod a+x /etc/my_init.d/docker-service-startup-command.shONBUILD COPY docker/docker-config.yml docker/ build/libs/*.jar target/*.jar /tmp/ONBUILD RUN rm -fv /tmp/*tests*.jar#Notes on variables below. $UPPER_CASE means variables to be evaluated at runtime, all file names in#/etc/container_environment will be a variable name with the file content as value.#Variables with $lower_case means the var should used only in the Dockerfile image build phase.#This is for keeping the confusion at bay.ONBUILD RUN source /tmp/ \ && useradd -ms /bin/bash -d /opt/$service_name -G docker_env $service_name \ && mkdir /var/log/${service_name} \ && mkdir /etc/service/${service_name} \ && mv /tmp/ /etc/service/$service_name/run \ && echo $service_name >> /etc/container_environment/SERVICE_NAME \ [snip]

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Dissecting a DockerfileFROM Olve Sæther Hansen <[email protected]>EXPOSE 18080EXPOSE 18081ENV SERVICE_18080_NAME eventservice_backendsENV SERVICE_18081_NAME eventservice_adminENV SERVICE_9010_NAME eventservice_jmxENV SERVICE_18080_CHECK_HTTP /versionENV SERVICE_18080_CHECK_INTERVAL 15s ENV SERVICE_18081_CHECK_HTTP /healthcheckENV SERVICE_18081_CHECK_INTERVAL 15s ENV SERVICE_18080_TAGS "haproxy_lb_http,public,service,haproxy_backend"ENV SERVICE_18081_TAGS "admin_http_no_lb,private,haproxy_backend"ENV SERVICE_9010_TAGS "tcp,private"

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Ways of building images

• Image from direct container changes

• Dynamic Dockerfile

• Static Dockerfile

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Things to think about• size of image (.dockerignore)

• compile inside or outside of image?

• what to do about secrets?

• what do do about dependencies

• what to do about access to dependencies (repos)

• (sure I forgot something - anyone?)

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Lets build some images

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When your image is built, where should it go?

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• the GitHub for Docker

• IMO best for public images, as rights management and building can be cumbersome for private repositories

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• The registry is open source, so it is possible to run it locally

• Have not tried this - might be a sound solution

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• We went for this solution, as we already store our jar-files, npm builds and gems in Artifactory.

• Some other nice features for image promotion

• Probable other solutions, both onsite or as a service in this space

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Mounted Volumes• Mount files or folders from host to the container in RO or

RW mode.

• Useful for

• static data,

• complex configurations

• getting logs out of the container

• any dynamic data created in container that you want to keep

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Data Volume Container

• Data volumes can be created from scratch or from a docker container which has a volume.

• use “—volume-from” command when starting/creating other container

• useful for dynamic data that can be versioned, shared and used in different environments (e.g. databases)

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What is going on inside a container

• Can be a bit cumbersome, but possible to introspect in many ways.

• top (processes are exposed to host)

• ssh (if ssh server enabled- re multiple processes)

• docker exec -t -i <container id> bash -l

• docker inspect <container id>

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Enough already, can't we just fire them up?

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Docker Compose

• previously known as fig

• Tool for setting up several containers linked together.

• Handled by a single configuration

• We use it to set up infrastructure and perform integration tests

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Putting everything together

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• use production optimised defaults

• use a sane convention and override when needed

• make configuration expressible via system variables when possible

(meaning no lists, maps etc)

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• Keep service discovery out of the service

• Keep service discovery out of the image containing the service

• Use Docker events and have a dedicated discovery agent running and reporting

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Routing• We have now many services/containers running, each on

a random port on different machines.

• How do we route traffic to and from?

• Docker Compose can help (also in prod systems)

• We decided to write HAProxy configs on the fly based on Docker events (via a service discovery system - Consul and Registrator)

• Consul-template reacts to events in consul, and rewrites configuration files

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HAProxy service routing• Typically two HAProxy servers with identical configuration

• One front-end on port 80 that selects backend based on DNS

• One backend for each service

• Many load balanced servers (potentially) for each backend

• Service outage will rewrite configuration file and restart HAProxy

• Service additions will rewrite configuration file and restart HAProxy

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Other interesting Docker tools and notes

• Docker Machine

• Docker Swarm

• ECS from Amazon



• Many others, but difficult to separate hype from promising projects.

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