do we need gorkhaland

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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/28/2019 Do We Need Gorkhaland


  • 7/28/2019 Do We Need Gorkhaland


    You want the best of both worlds at the cost of what. I do not mean to tell

    people who have gone through legitimate ways but you on the .......

    What is the use of having our own land, if our own people have to take

    permission from a political party just to provide a decent funeral to the

    departed? People world over desire to breathe their last in their own land; Mrs.

    Ghishing could not afford the luxury of this simple privilege, yet she has the

    right to 6 feet of her own land. This is an inalienable right and it would be very

    unfortunate if GJMM leaders do not show compassion at this moment. History

    is watching and it is watching our actions closely, please do not allow your egos

    and emotions to overtake your humanity. Even countries that are at war allowthe enemy to collect the body of their fallen soldiers or provide a decent burial,

    not because it stops war, but because it is the right thing to do, it is the

    honorable thing to do. By preventing Mrs. Ghishings body to be

    cremated/buried in Darjeeling GJMM is slurring the honor of Gokhalis world


    I dont know about others, but I have this feeling that the cost of Gorkhaland

    should never exceed basic decency and human values. GJMM should not forget

    that we are fighting for a land to call our own and what use will be such a land

    if our own people are banished and driven out and not allowed to come back to

    that very same land even after they are dead? If the people of Darjeeling can

    unite against Mr. Ghishing today, they can unite against GJMM tomorrow. I

    wonder if the same treatment is meted out against the present day GJMM

    leaders tomorrow, how will they react? As the popular saying goes Daiba ko

    Latthi Sabai Maathi.

    Let us not forget that Gorkhaland is a very pious and religious goal for all

    Gorkhalis, please do not make a mockery of our emotions. We want Gorkhaland

    but we do not want a dead body being stopped from entering Gorkhaland. We

    do not want political parties making a mockery of the departed should. We do

    not want our people to become heartless, feelingless and emotionless. We have

    lived through such an era for past 20 years, what is the use of demanding

    Gorkhaland if we have to live through the same suffering all over again for

    another 20 more years?

  • 7/28/2019 Do We Need Gorkhaland


    I hope, GJM leaders have not lost their honor and decency and I appeal to them

    to show compassion if not towards Mr. Ghishing then at least towards Late Mrs.


    Finally, I leave you with immortal lines from the poem Utsarg Gara.

    Dekhos Na Dekhos Yo BartamaanBhawi Pidi Ley Dekhney Chha

    Kasailey Chadma Bhesh Ma Timro Itihaas Lekhdai Chha.

    Hope! I made some sense.

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