do not run away (autosaved)

DO NOT RUN AWAY WE GROW UP HAVING MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE, EITHER THINGS ARE GOOD OR BAD AND THROUGH THE PEOPLE THAT SURROUND US THEY CONTRIBUTE HIGHLY IN OUR LIVING. Editors: University of KwaZulu Natal, Lecturer Winnie Ayeri SITES OF CITATION Online This book talks exactly to you, this is where I and you are having a conversation because the book will not leave having questions

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Editors: University of KwaZulu Natal, Lecturer Winnie Ayeri


This book talks exactly to you, this is where I and you are having a conversation because the book will not leave having questions

I would like to give a special thanks to a woman who brought me in this world, Wendu Mbuqe and Bheki Tshazi, my father, losing them early feels like I never had them in my life.

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I had to move from Mzimkhulu to Richmond where I did my schooling and matriculated at Indala high school being raised by my grandmother, Christina who played a huge role in grooming me and it will be an insult if I do not thank many other people who have been supporting me through the remarkable journey of living although I have not lived much but they have shown me the importance to continue living. Just like many other human beings who got inspired and believe in a transformation of societies, there are many dark moments, compared to someone who is ignorant, in my life and though the mist of life has been very challenging i have managed to rise, run and shine.

This is a book where I will unveil and reveal my personal experience to show the power of God on how he can work one’s life and make it better and most importantly a complete transformation is possible, where highly I will be making examples of my current society.

Surely this is where I and you, whose dreaming to see better societies, are having a conversation about life.


Acknowledgements 3

Introduction 4Understanding the surrounding 7 Look at the mirror 11

Lay the foundation 15

What is happening to your money 19

Be filled with joy 23

Help your peers 27

Facing an enemy 31

Win dignity 35

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Love is everything 41

We all need God 45


P.1 it is simply understandable that we grow in a world that has been already created and all we have to learn is to adapt especially in teenage years and we have ways of changing the world but we realize it gives us much pressure including facts that we prepare for better lives in what is so called future.

Living in a place has to be influenced by acts to change the world; there are three choices about transforming our societies:

-It either someone assist someone in making the transformation-The being that has seen a challenge must start in trying to change it-Or you move away when it has a long way with no change

These three trigging responses utters the mind and need to be rooted from the understanding of the variety of things

Grace of the lord is sufficient enough

P.2 students interview at the University of KZN

I interviewed a young women from Cameroon called Vera from Nsahlai, this is a way of viewing our societies and include a world at large in how they see South Africa compared to the South Africans

ME: What can be done by our leaders in shaping our societies to become better in daily life?

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VERA: Fighting the corruption, government must stop spoiling the youth so they will see the need of waking up and work for themselves and not become lazy.

Through the purpose of having the dialogue with young people in their belief system, since in the near future this country will be govern by them or should say us.

P.3 Roman 8: and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.In all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the presence or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in All creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord.


There is nothing promising happening in my society, starting an initiative needs to be backed up by good finance and seemingly most people, living in my society, who have financial balance have had nothing to start as an initiative that will benefit many other people which mostly is the youth.

Youth tend to shift blame on parents and partially the society for their failings but if life throws lemons learn to make lemonade because there is a great strength within you therefore start digging.

Hlengiwe from Bizana studying at the university of KZN was delighted when was asked What can you do in your community to make difference?

Starting a community project to help people by working in the garden that will help in subsistence and can also sell in making profit and become entrepreneur

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First change needs to start with ones’ behavior and no one can change, make impact or succeed in life without first changing ones’ behavior. It not easy to change but it can be learned and adapt in what you believe in and this was observed in our conversation with Hlengiwe who was interested to be asked more about the country and the livinghood

STEPS OF HAVING PERSONAL CHANGE 1. Look at the challengeIdentifying a challenge is a first step of dealing with it and surely being honest ensures change that is coming.2. PrayOnce you having identify the challenge praying over it is a first step in fact praying to identify your challenge is also a crucial step but pray continuously to the lord to help you overcome your challenge.

Prayer does not necessary mean you must always be next to other people, it is related to that but not limited to that and when God want to transform your life he will distance you from some people.

Important in prayer; when you have decided to be away from people do not let them see that you have distanced yourself from them, this is challenging but it is possible.

Keep your head pointed upward in every situation and do let minor challenges distract you from overcoming your destine.

Major your future so you will make proper planning and fall in to what not part of your future. NOTE: this is very important.


For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.For is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?

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The most important thing about starting something: it may be personal change, an initiative that you know the foundation is not strong because even though it might not be sooner but surely it will collapse.

This is now pedagogy of your life and few steps will guide you making it possible;

1. Collecting as much information as you can is basic steps that will acquire you will

2. Saving money is one of the steps to be in one of chapters, that is very important 3. Independently dependent: acts as a dream carrier that is also laying a foundation to your life. Making a family

4. Family is important more than friends, school or your partner and God understands the reason of having family, therefore a full dedication must be to the family first because they will always be with you.Most people tend to run away or abandon their families when troubles come but you need to be firm and be strong and ask God to rescue you because there is power within you that needs to revealed.

“It is not about what we look like or what we have. It not about fixing our fixing our face, body or lives but it is about taking what we have and doing as much as we can with it. It is about learning and growing. When we are willing to learn what we do not know and use our experiences our perfection will show”.

Life is not about how people look at us but it is about how God look at us, resulting in how we look at ourselves, therefore face that situation with dignity and pride.

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Choosing good friends will determine the length of distance you will walk and “you will never reach your destiny without having people/ friends who will love you UN conditional”.

Good character lays strong pillars and ensures that you stand firm, although it is stated as a choice but you must have a good character

Proverbs: Be wise, my son and bring joy to my heart; then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt.


Hlengiwe from Bizana at UKZNWhich great icon would do you think has inspired many people

Mandela, that’s obvious!, he enlightened many people, he understood that bringing change is about love, loving about people and show an enemy that the best battle is won without fighting.

Surely a lot was learned from the man who fought and won the battle of seeing people living happily, with equality, with love and caring for one another.

The questions that stands to many young people is what have will learn from this amazing love that is freely given.

1Corinthians.1 wisdom from the spirit: we do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of Gods secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the ruler of this age understand it, for if they had they would not have crucified the lord of glory but no eye has seen no ear has hear no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him but it has been revealed into us by his spirit that searches even the deep.

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The world is in debt, it is a worldwide problem and managing money needs discipline.

If you really having issues of money, your problems are not caused by having no money but they are caused by lack of managing your money.

Steps for direct and indirect ways of managing your money

Indirect ways:

1. Good thinkers keep few clothes to wear and it works as an automatically way of managing budget.2. There is no need of buying expensive things except if you spoiling yourself from the purpose of exploring the world that God has design for you.

Direct ways:

1. Make count of every cent coming in and out2. Cut the bank interest and make an investment but knowing that the bank owes you more than you owe it will keep you in good position of managing your budget.

Ways of making money:

Since you are occupied, mostly by school work, working part time will help you a lot, plan it properly and always remember nothing is impossible with the lord.

Online ways helps a lot and proper research will make you beware of scams.

You can offer to be your professor’s assistant or teacher

You can start by yourself Jobs, as car wash.

It takes a vision to raise money and formidable mind to maintain it.

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Do be ashamed of any new initiative that can help you to make money because many ways have been adopted by people in making money, therefore do not allow fear to be on your way.

Measure of time is important in length of making money, therefore make proper time.

Let grace and love overflow in you so that God will be with you in any situation.

Student interview on campus

Athule from Eastern Cape

Do you think the education of the country prepares enough the youth of South Africa to face daily base issues.

As much as I cannot blame the education system but the youth of this country is not so dreaming like the youth in other countries and we are fed more than waking up and doing things ourselves

This is good way of finding out how the rest of the youth thinks in our country.

I have learned to discipline myself in spending and since then there has been change but when I see the youth of my community I become depressed because there have been chains holding them to fulfil their dreams. The youth is much in to drugs and end up working in places that are not good for their precious life.

Very few of them make it to tertiary institution and get good jobs but this is our duty to us who see the challenges to impact change.


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Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what has decided in his heart to you, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times; having all that you need, you will bound in every good work.


A joyful heart is always giving a good food for thought

Therefore joy is part of human livingA joyful heart

- Loves- Does not envy and condemns - It has peace- Has a self-seeking knowledge - Attract blessings and reflect curses- It also does not jump into conclusions but seeks clarity in everything.

Joy full heart relates well with the attitude and a good attitude creates good character.

In few years of doing my degree, I have been trying to create an environment around me that is (conducive) to everyone and trying to widen the understanding to fellow students about the life that needs to be explored and also the life that God has laid to us to enjoy it bountifully and be glad and joy full all the times.

You do need to be with someone to start expression joy but God has designed you to be whole on your own and be aware that people are full of disappointments therefore even if you need them but do not be lonely when you are alone.

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Rejoice and be glad in the name of the lord

Students’ interview

One woman I would really feel the joy around her, Athule Mtatyana we doing work together and she is filled with joy that is not diluted with anything but pure joy, always,

She has showed me a sister where I have missed one, played a friendship role so radical

She would have a smile, whenever we meet we greet with joy and we hug

Really meeting people like her daily makes me have peace with my heart and to really appreciate God and the world and to look forward to share the same joy with the rest of the world.

2 Corinthians, Paul’s joy

Make room for us in your hearts we have wronged no-one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no-one. I do not say this to condemn you, I have said before that you have such a place in our heart that we would live or die with you. I have great confidence in you, I take great pride in you, I am gently encouraged in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.


We still facing an increasing problems in our societies that are still contaminated with drugs, alcohol and there is a long way getting worse if we become ignorant to these issues, my prophecy will be in the future this chapter must be skipped if what it contains will soon be practiced.

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The society that young people grow up in, is in an already created system therefore many young people get to try and live in what is introduced to them but the cure can be fixing the system that trying to change an individual.

Words of motivation can make a difference but they are not enough because for what is challenging needs to be replaced by something therefore words are not enough.

But never worry after you have applied and mastered these steps:

1. First identify the root of the problem, highly by a quantitative way; interview people who are having a challenge or who were once into the challenge.

2. Coming up with the ideas in having a solution and will require a brave heart to do so.

3. Solution can only be found, by seeking proper information and apply it properly.

4. Strategic ways of intervening together with the group of young people, with a good communication and dedication.

5. doing a follow up ensures that the initiative is still sustained is very important.

Helping the youth can make them respect you for bigger purpose and will surely see change in their lives.

IDEAS CAN BE-starting a sport team- putting a gym in your communicate in helping them always dedicated.-education programs will help them a lot as well.

“when you have a mission you have a core passion that gives you a vision”

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Honor your lord who gives you strength.

Students’ interview.

Meeting lot of young people in Richmond community who mostly live visionless and are exposed to drugs and with the statistics of high HIV/AIDS also tell the irresponsible life of living meaninglessly

Most of my approach would be that of making them see a life worthy than stealing from homes and sell to smoke, what has lately taken over our societies so-called, ‘woonga’

It serve as a great need to transform the living hood of our societies

Really most of their challenges, would be not be exposed to a live world but rather believing what they are born into is the final life without exploring their dreams.


The best battle that can be won is when there is no physical fight but using thought to win.

Face the goliath no matter how strong he seems to be and always know that the smallest thing can change the entirely world.

Know that when you do not run away from the enemy but have an indirect facing of staying humble, it kills the enemy.

Have a strongest point of being week by measuring the level of life you are in and together by knowing when to speak, when to react and make conclusions.

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Always stay humble Be very strong in standing firm to what you believing in. Love your enemy while you are watching it carefully but not

showing with any actions. Make strategic ways of showing how wrong the enemy is acting,

1. Invite your enemy in good event of your own and surprise him2. make people closer to you enemy happy, practicing this needs you to be strong in Christ whom you are not living on you own but your life is depending on him 3.many people tend to produce words that speak deceipt but this is not helping since you are building and not degrading

Never though, no matter how humble you are, be afraid of the enemy because your enemy can feel if you afraid and will use more power to attack, rather try your inner wisdom to prove to an enemy that you are not afraid and can overcome anything.

Pray for your enemy and stay stronger Be very consistency in the actions to have taken to make the

enemy doubt will ever overcome you.

Student interview

Having a strong friend of mine who has bold faith always pray morning and night, making declaration and decree to each showed to be that he gets ready for each day to encounter the lords presence


People have a tendency that has become a lifestyle to take other people for granted and not treat people equally, an argument may arise on why we

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doing these things but the word of God teaches us that may any man be in Christ he is a new creature.

The battle of dignity must be won daily through the people we meet, ensuring that we believe on the world that is free, full of peace among the people and loving one another.

Insisting, with peace for people to respect you for humanization is the first pillar of your dignity.

Winning dignity paves a good journey one has started, where it acts a protection to the battles of life

Because of realizing the change that needs to happen the world will challenge but you need to stand firm and not shake in to your vision and what you design for the change to happen

Paul Freire Talks about oppression that we face every day and because of being used to the oppression we, people tend to end up being ignorant to it and believe it a way life.

Steve Biko

Talks about the oppression; “the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed” Which highly puts an emphasis that the oppressed should mind the oppression because the power is dominated by one although the oppressor seem to be the one dominating the power, by putting the force and making the oppressed feel inferior but it does not make the oppressor the dominator of power.


We can never do what will make us all benefit without having God, brought through the acts of Christ in us.

We may have everything but without the love and grace of God we can never enjoy our living.

Have you ever imagined if we can fully dedicate our lives to the word of God, how our lives can be.

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We have become more self-centralized in life where the human African slogans to African, “umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” has been neglected and seemingly we are adopting the westernized system of living which does not help us all either but the hands of the few.

God keeps us strong through the challenges of life and never let us walk astray therefore we can never choose to walk alone in this mysterious life, we all need God to get an understanding of how the world is and being able to live freely in it.


The bible teaches us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, without love being put forward anything that is made meaningful by man is meaningless, there we must love.

Have you ever how sad it feels not being love there perform a task by showing lot of people who needs love that I am show you are to help them realize how they are important and you love them.

By loving other people we not seeking to be loved back but freely giving the love that is like nothing else.

1 Corinthian 13

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these

God’s love is sufficient enough in your life

Thank you very much for you time and effort in trying to understand the personal expression that’s is widen by many people to tackle the wide view of life