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DNS as an Auto-scaling VNF

March, 2016John Belamaric, Principal Architect

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● What is DNS?○ DNS = Domain Name System○ Translates domain names (google.com) into IPs (

● What is auto-scaling?○ When demand increases, so does capacity○ When demand decreases, so does capacity○ Service IP address never changes during scaling

● What is a VNF?○ VNF = Virtualized Network Function○ A network service provided via a virtual machine○ An “instance” of Network Function Virtualization (NFV)○ Goal of NFV is to reduce or eliminate specialized network boxes○ Replacing them with VNFs


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● DNS is critical infrastructure○ When it fails, everything fails

● DNS is vulnerable to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks

● Traffic surges increase DNS capacity requirements○ At certain times of day○ During special events or seasonally○ At specific venues (trade shows, stadiums)

Why should we autoscale DNS?

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● DNS = Domain Name System○ Translates domain names (google.com) into IPs (

● UDP-based protocol● Primary Authoritative Server

○ The “master” server with the IPs for a given zone (zone == domain)○ Edits to the zone records are made on the primary server

● Secondary Authoritative Server○ Replicates the primary data○ Still authoritative: it is not just a cache

■ Same administrative control as primary■ There is an NS record for it for the zone

● Caching Server○ Different administrative control than the primary and secondary servers

A mini DNS primer

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DNS Basics

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1. Primary and secondary DNS servers○ And a way to configure / reconfigure them during scaling○ We will scale secondary DNS

2. Shared IP Address

3. OpenStack Compute and Networking - Nova and Neutron○ To run and connect the VMs

4. OpenStack Telemetry - Ceilometer○ Monitors load○ Alarm on specified load conditions

5. OpenStack Orchestrator - Heat○ Responds to alarms○ Launch and configure VM to handle additional load○ Tear down VM when load decreases

Components for Auto-scaling DNS

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● Infoblox grid○ Single point-of-control for all servers via the “grid master”○ Primary could be Infoblox, or other server○ Grid master configured with a name server group

■ Defines “primary + list of secondaries”○ In our case:

■ GM is primary■ Replicates to all secondaries in the group

● To add a new secondary server:○ Spin up VM and join grid as a member○ Add member to the name server group○ Grid automatically configures new server with appropriate zones

1. DNS Servers

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Grid Members

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Name Server Group

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Authoritative Zones

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Name Server Records

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● Option 1: LBaaS○ OpenStack Load Balancer-as-a-Service

● Pros○ Simple - no need to run routing protocols○ Fully integrated with OpenStack and its orchestration tools○ All software solution requires no special physical gear

● Cons○ Capacity limited by network nodes (DVR does not help)

● Showstopper: Only supports TCP, not UDP!

2. Shared IP: How?

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● Option 2: Anycast○ IP Routing method for one-to-nearest routing

● Pros○ No single chokepoint!○ Highly reliable and built into the network○ Actually works best with UDP

● Cons○ Requires appropriate routing infrastructure and configuration○ Requires advertising routes via BGP or OSPF routing protocols

2. Shared IP: How?

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● Option 3: Physical Load Balancer● Pros

○ Relatively simple - no need to run routing protocols● Cons

○ Capacity limited by load balancer○ Needs to be reconfigured on scale up or down○ Needs special physical gear

● But...I happened to have an old one sitting in my lab...

2. Shared IP: How?

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● Chosen for simpler demo○ No need to setup routing infrastructure and protocols

● But how do you automatically reconfigure the LB?○ In theory LBaaS can do this

■ Lack of UDP support is in API as well as reference implementation○ Infoblox NetMRI

■ Execute CLI scripts against network devices■ Jobs can be initiated via a Heat resource

2. Shared IP: Physical Load Balancer

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Load Balancer Pool - Before Auto-scaling

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● OpenStack Nova and Neutron

● Ideally○ Run DVR to avoid network node bottleneck○ Spread load across availability zones○ Spread load across regions

● Lab has only one availability zone and region

● Lab is running legacy routers not DVR

3. Compute and Networking

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Autoscale Project Network Topology

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So, we still need:- 4. Telemetry- 5. Orchestration

Our story so far...

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4. OpenStack Telemetry - Ceilometer

● Periodically polls the cloud and takes measurements

● Custom meters leverage SNMP on Infoblox appliances

● DNS queries-per-second (QPS)

● Polls from host network space

○ Floating IPs required

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Ceilometer CLI - Sample List - No Activity

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Generate Load

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Ceilometer CLI - Sample List - With Activity

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Ceilometer CLI - Alarms

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● Manages “stacks”○ Declarative set of inputs, resources, and outputs○ Captured in a YAML file○ Lifecycle: Create, Update, Delete○ Resource lifecycle mirrors stack lifecycle

● autoscale.yaml defines○ Autoscaling Group: members defined by autoscale-member.yaml○ Ceilometer Alarms: Criteria and action definition○ Scaling Policies: Specific action behavior for alarms

● autoscale-member.yaml defines○ Nova servers, ports, floating IPs for new members○ Gridmaster configuration for new members

■ Member pre-provisioning (GM can expect a member to join)■ Member licensing■ Member name server group entry

5. OpenStack Orchestration - Heat

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Heat Stacks - Before Scaling

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Heat Stack - autoscale

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Heat Stack - autoscale

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Where were we….oh, yeah, “scale up alarm”

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Heat Stack - Member Group During Scaling

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Instances During Scaling

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Instance Console - During Scaling

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Grid - During Scaling

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Load Balancer - During Scaling

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A few minutes later...

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Nova - After Scaling

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Project Topology - After Scaling

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Name Server Group - After Scaling

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Grid - After Scaling

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Load Balancer - After Scaling

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Lower load per VM...and no more alarm!

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● Scripts and Code For this Demo○ https://github.com/infobloxopen/engcloud/tree/master/dns-vnf

● OpenStack, Heat, Ceilometer and LBaaS○ Search Amazon “OpenStack Cloud Application Development”○ http://www.amazon.com/OpenStack-Cloud-Application-Development-Adkins/dp/1119194318○ Autoscaling example using LBaaS in Chapter 6

● Adding Custom Ceilometer Meters○ https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/adding-custom-meter-ceilometer

● Adding Custom Heat Resources○ https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/building-custom-heat-resources

● OpenStack and SDN○ https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/openstack-and-software-defined-networking-0

More Info and Resources