distal tubular feedback the autoregulation of single...

Distal Tubular Feedback in the Autoregulation of Single Nephron Glomerular Filtration Rate L. GABRIEL NAVAR, THOMAS J. BURKE, ROSCOE R. ROBINSON, and JAMES R. CLAPP From the Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710 A B S TR A C T Renal clearance and recollection micro- puncture experiments were conducted to evaluate the possible role of a distal tubular feedback mechanism in the phenomenon of renal autoregulation in dogs. Single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) was mea- sured from collection sites in both the proximal (proxi- mal SNGFR) and distal tubules (distal SNGFR). Single nephron autoregulatory behavior was assessed by evaluating the response of SNGFR to a reduction in renal arterial pressure imposed by means of an aortic constrictor. Whole kidney function was evaluated by parallel measurements of renal blood flow and inulin clearance. Whole kidney autoregulation was observed when renal arterial pressure was decreased from 141±3 (SE) mm Hg to 101±2 mm Hg; renal blood flow and GFR were not significantly altered from control values of 3.76±0.2 ml/min g and 0.69±0.04 ml/min g kidney weight, respectively. In 11 autoregulating preparations, proximal transit time was likewise unchanged from the control value of 26+2 s, indirectly suggesting that the superficial nephrons also participated in the autoregula- tory response. However, proximal SNGFR decreased significantly from 88±7 nl/min to 66±6 nl/min, a re- Portions of this study were presented in preliminary form at the Southern Section and national meetings of the American Federation for Clinical Research and the spring meeting of the American Physiological Society, 1973. Dr. Navar's present address is the Department of Physi- ology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi 39216. Dr. Burke's present address is the Department of Physiology, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado 80220. This work was performed during Dr. Navar's tenure as a visiting scientist under the sponsorship of NIH Special Fellowship AM 52421. Dr. Burke was an NHLI postdoctoral trainee. Dr. Robinson is a Senior Investigator of the North Carolina Heart Association, and Dr. Clapp is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Institute. Received for publication 14 June 1973 and in revised form 13 September 1973. duction which was proportional to the decrease in arterial pressure. In 14 dogs in which both proximal SNGFR and distal SNGFR were measured at control blood pressure (136±5 mm Hg), distal SNGFR was 47±4 nl/min, a value significantly lower than that for proximal SNGFR (79±6 nl/min). In contrast to the results based upon proximal collections, distal SNGFR was not significantly altered following aortic constriction (44±5 nl/min vs. 47±5 nl/min) therefore exhibiting autoregulation in association with that observed for the whole kidney. These experi- ments indicate that though superficial nephrons do possess autoregulatory capability, interruption of distal delivery due to complete collection from the proximal tubule interferes with that nephron's ability to manifest an autoregulatory response. They support the concept that a feedback mechanism, related to some function of distal delivery, is of significance in the intrinsic regu- lation of SNGFR. The data further suggest that quanti- tative estimates of SNGFR based on complete proximal collections may not be representative of those throughout the superficial cortex of the dog, at least in certain ex- perimental circumstances. INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of renal autoregulation is thought to reflect the activity of an intrinsic intrarenal mechanism which contributes to the control of renal hemodynamics (1, 2). This autoregulatory mechanism serves to adjust the intrarenal vascular resistance in such a way that renal blood flow (RBF)' and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are kept relatively constant (3) over a wide 1 Abbreviations used in this paper: BP, blood pressure; GFR, glomerular filtration race; PAH, p-aminohippurate; RBF, renal blood flow; SNGFR, single nephron glomerular filtration rate; TF/P, tubular fluid to plasma inulin con- centration. The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 53 February 1974. 516-525 516

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Distal Tubular Feedback in the Autoregulation

of Single Nephron Glomerular Filtration Rate


From the Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Duke UniversityMedical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710

A B S T R A C T Renal clearance and recollection micro-puncture experiments were conducted to evaluate thepossible role of a distal tubular feedback mechanism inthe phenomenon of renal autoregulation in dogs. Singlenephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) was mea-sured from collection sites in both the proximal (proxi-mal SNGFR) and distal tubules (distal SNGFR).Single nephron autoregulatory behavior was assessedby evaluating the response of SNGFRto a reductionin renal arterial pressure imposed by means of anaortic constrictor. Whole kidney function was evaluatedby parallel measurements of renal blood flow and inulinclearance. Whole kidney autoregulation was observedwhen renal arterial pressure was decreased from 141±3(SE) mmHg to 101±2 mmHg; renal blood flow andGFRwere not significantly altered from control valuesof 3.76±0.2 ml/min g and 0.69±0.04 ml/min g kidneyweight, respectively. In 11 autoregulating preparations,proximal transit time was likewise unchanged from thecontrol value of 26+2 s, indirectly suggesting that thesuperficial nephrons also participated in the autoregula-tory response. However, proximal SNGFRdecreasedsignificantly from 88±7 nl/min to 66±6 nl/min, a re-

Portions of this study were presented in preliminaryform at the Southern Section and national meetings of theAmerican Federation for Clinical Research and the springmeeting of the American Physiological Society, 1973.

Dr. Navar's present address is the Department of Physi-ology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi MedicalCenter, Jackson, Mississippi 39216. Dr. Burke's presentaddress is the Department of Physiology, University ofColorado, Denver, Colorado 80220.

This work was performed during Dr. Navar's tenureas a visiting scientist under the sponsorship of NIHSpecial Fellowship AM 52421. Dr. Burke was an NHLIpostdoctoral trainee. Dr. Robinson is a Senior Investigatorof the North Carolina Heart Association, and Dr. Clappis an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Institute.

Received for publication 14 June 1973 and in revisedform 13 September 1973.

duction which was proportional to the decrease inarterial pressure. In 14 dogs in which both proximalSNGFRand distal SNGFRwere measured at controlblood pressure (136±5 mmHg), distal SNGFRwas47±4 nl/min, a value significantly lower than thatfor proximal SNGFR (79±6 nl/min). In contrast tothe results based upon proximal collections, distalSNGFR was not significantly altered followingaortic constriction (44±5 nl/min vs. 47±5 nl/min)therefore exhibiting autoregulation in association withthat observed for the whole kidney. These experi-ments indicate that though superficial nephrons dopossess autoregulatory capability, interruption of distaldelivery due to complete collection from the proximaltubule interferes with that nephron's ability to manifestan autoregulatory response. They support the conceptthat a feedback mechanism, related to some functionof distal delivery, is of significance in the intrinsic regu-lation of SNGFR. The data further suggest that quanti-tative estimates of SNGFRbased on complete proximalcollections may not be representative of those throughoutthe superficial cortex of the dog, at least in certain ex-perimental circumstances.

INTRODUCTIONThe phenomenon of renal autoregulation is thought toreflect the activity of an intrinsic intrarenal mechanismwhich contributes to the control of renal hemodynamics(1, 2). This autoregulatory mechanism serves to adjustthe intrarenal vascular resistance in such a way thatrenal blood flow (RBF)' and glomerular filtration rate(GFR) are kept relatively constant (3) over a wide

1 Abbreviations used in this paper: BP, blood pressure;GFR, glomerular filtration race; PAH, p-aminohippurate;RBF, renal blood flow; SNGFR, single nephron glomerularfiltration rate; TF/P, tubular fluid to plasma inulin con-centration.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 53 February 1974. 516-525516

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range of renal perfusion pressures (approximately 75-180 mmHg). It may also contribute to the adjustmentsof renal vascular resistance that are known to occur inresponse to increased ureteral or plasma oncotic pres-sure (4, 5). Most lines of evidence have suggested thatthe requisite changes of renal vascular resistance are lo-calized primarily to preglomerular sites, i.e., the afferentarteriole (6-8). To explain this phenomenon, it hasbeen proposed that afferent arteriolar resistance may bemodulated via the influence of a feedback control sys-tem involving an interplay of signals between the maculadensa region of the distal convoluted tubule and- theafferent arteriole (2, 4, 5, 9, 10). For example, de-creased renal perfusion pressure and an associated re-duction of RBF and GFRmay effect a diminished de-livery of tubular fluid to the distal nephron. One or morefunctions of diminished distal delivery may be sensedby the cells of the macula densa which then, in turn,contribute to the generation and transmission of signalsthat effect dilation of the afferent arteriole and therestoration of GFRand RBF toward their initial values.Conversely, one or more functions of increased distaldelivery might serve to bring about vasoconstriction ofthe afferent arteriole and decreased RBF and GFR viathe same pathway.

At the single nephron level, renal micropuncture tech-niques have been used to examine the validity of themacula densa-afferent arteriole feedback hypothesis, pri-marily in the rat. It was first reported that the retrogradeinjection of a sodium-containing fluid into the lumen ofthe distal tubule may be accompanied by proximal luminalcollapse (10). Later, it was reported that the singlenephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR), as mea-sured from complete collections of proximal tubular fluidand thus under conditions of diminished distal deliverydue to the interposition of an intraluminal oil block be-tween the proximal site of sampling and the distal tubule,is higher than SNGFRas measured from collections ofdistal tubular fluid (11). Also, SNGFR(from proximalcollections) was reported to be related inversely to therate of distal perfusion (via puncture sites in the lateproximal tubule) with modified Ringer's solution (12).Similarly, when changes of glomerular hydrostatic pres-sure were assessed indirectly by measurements of proxi-mal intraluminal pressure during the stopped-flow oftubular fluid, it was suggested that glomerular hydro-static pressure is responsive to changes of distal per-fusion via late proximal puncture sites (13, 14). Theseresults have been cited in support of the concept thatSNGFRis regulated, at least in part, by some functionof volume delivery to the distal nephron. However, instriking contrast, other investigators have been unableto confirm the validity of these relationships in the rat,i.e., differing rates of distal perfusion have not been

accompanied by changes of SNGFR(15) and measure-ments of SNGFRhave been found to be similar in thesame nephron, irrespective of the site of sampling (proxi-mal versus distal tubule) (16). In addition, it has beenreported that direct measurements of glomerular hydro-static pressure in a mutant strain of Wistar rats are un-responsive to the induction of complete proximal luminalblockade (17). Thus, the available evidence in supportof the presence of a distal tubular feedback system in therat is conflicting and inconclusive.

Mechanistically, it is logical to assume that the activityof a possible distal tubule-afferent arteriole feedbacksystem and the phenomenon of renal autoregulation areinterrelated. Thus far, however, the relationship betweenthe responsiveness of such a feedback system in singlenephrons, if present, and that of whole kidney autoregula-tion has not been established. To the extent that wholekidney autoregulation reflects the collective responsive-ness of single nephrons, it would seem important toestablish the integrity of whole kidney autoregulation inany study of the possible contribution of a distal tubulefeedback system to the autoregulatory behavior of singlenephrons. Unfortunately, the integrity and/or characterof whole kidney responsiveness cannot be ascertainedwith reliability from the results of previous renal micro-puncture studies in the rat. For this reason, the presentmicropuncture studies were initiated in the dog undercircumstances in which overall renal autoregulatory abil-ity was known to be intact and its relationship to singlenephron behavior could be established. Studies were car-ried out in the dog because of the relative ease withwhich autoregulafory behavior can be assessed at differ-ing degrees of renal perfusion pressure and the wealthof available data in this species against which our ownresults could be compared.

SNGFRand whole kidney filtration rate and renalblood flow were measured at differing levels of meanarterial pressure within the autoregulatory range; mea-surements of SNGFRwere based on complete collectionsof tubular fluid from both proximal and distal sites ofcollection. Since such measurements require the inter-position of an intraluminal oil block and the consequentinterruption of delivery to those sites distal to the pointof sampling, collections from proximal tubules resultedin the cessation of normal delivery to the distal nephronwhereas collections from the distal tubule did not inter-fere, at least greatly, with the normal delivery of tubularfluid to the region of the macula densa. Thus, a com-parison between measured values for SNGFRfrom thetwo collection sites provided direct evidence on the pos-sible role of changing distal delivery in the autoregula-tion of SNGFR, as well as an assessment of singlenephron responsiveness to changing renal perfusionpressure.

Autoregulation of SNGFR 517

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METHODSStudies were carried out in 34 mongrel dogs of both sexes(body wt: 16-25 kg). Anesthesia Wvas induced by the i.v.administration of sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) andsupplemental doses were administered as necessary through-out the experiment. A cuffed endotracheal tube was intro-duced and the animals were allowed to ventilate spontane-ously on room air. Both carotid arteries were isolated anda polyethylene catheter was inserted into one for continu-ous measurements of arterial blood pressure via an attachedpressure transducer. Whenever necessary, the remainingcarotid artery was partially constricted in order to main-tain the control blood pressure within the range of 130-150 mmHg. Two peripheral foreleg veins were catheter-ized; one of these catheters was used to infuse a solutionof inulin and p-aminohippurate (PAH) at a rate sufficientto achieve a plasma concentration approximating 75 and 1mg/100 ml, respectively. A catheter was inserted throughone femoral artery into the aorta to a level slightly belowthe left renal artery and then connected to a Statham pres-sure transducer (,Statham Lab., Inc., Hato Rey, PuertoRico). This catheter was used for estimates of renal ar-

terial pressure and the collection of arterial blood samples.Another catheter was inserted through the contralateralfemoral artery so that its tip was placed just above thelevel of the renal arteries. This catheter was used for theinjection of 1-2 ml volumes of a 10% solution of lissaminegreen dye to facilitate the identification of late proximaland distal tubules and to determine the transient time ofdye through the superficial nephrons. The left kidney,renal artery and aorta were exposed via a left flank in-cision. An adjustable brass clamp was placed around theaorta approximately 1 cm above the left renal artery. Anelectromagnetic flow transducer (Carolina Medical Elec-tronics, Inc., King, N. C.) was then placed around theisolated renal artery and the left ureter was catheterized.To facilitate subsequent clearance measurements, urine flowwas increased modestly by an i.v. infusion of 100-200 mlof isotonic saline solution over a 10-20-min period. Theleft kidney was then exposed and mounted on a luciteholder and the kidney surface was prepared for micro-puncture as previously described (18). After the kidneyhad been mounted and prepared for micropuncture, itsautoregulatory ability was assessed by briefly clampingthe renal artery and noting the temporary but typicalhyperemic phase of the vascular recovery pattern followingthe release of constriction (19). Renal blood flow andblood pressure were recorded continuously on a Sanbornrecorder (Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, Calif.) viaappropriate catheters in the femoral and carotid arteries.

In preparation for micropuncture, a small area (2 cm')of the renal capsule was removed and the surface of thekidney was bathed continuously with mineral oil. After aninjection of lissamine green dye, proximal transit timeswere measured as the interval between the first surfaceblush of green dye and its disappearance from the lastsurface convolution of proximal segments. Distal tubuleswere identified by the reappearance of green dye in sparselydistributed tubular segments 20-40 s after the dye had dis-appeared from proximal segments. Late proximal segmentsand, when observed, distal tubular segments were thenidentified and punctured with a small-tipped (1-2 Am)pipette containing nigrosin dye. A small amount of dyewas injected into the lumen to determine the direction oftubular fluid flow, and the tubule was marked for recollec-

tion by a tiny intraepithelial deposition of dye as the pipettewas withdrawn.

Measurements of SNGFRwere derived from timed andcomplete collections of tubular fluid according to the fol-lowing technique. A droplet of Sudan black-stained silicon-olive oil mixture (3: 1) was first injected into the tubulelumen and the direction of fluid flow, as assessed earlierby an injection of nigrosin dye, was confirmed. A columnof oil sufficient to fill the tubular lumen to a distance ofapproximately five tubular diameters was injected. Aslight negative pressure was applied to initiate the collec-tion which then proceeded without continuous aspiration.The delay in time between the injection of the oil columnand the initiation of sampling was kept at a minimum;overall, all collection times were at least 20 times greaterthan the period of stopped fluid flow along the tubule (20,21). Intermittant negative pressure was used when neces-sary to maintain the oil column in a constant distal positionthroughout the entire collection period. Proximal collec-tions were usually of 1 min duration, at which time avolume of tubular fluid sufficient for microanalysis hadbeen obtained. Collection times from distal tubules werelonger, always being at least 2 min in duration and some-times lasting as long as 5 min. Care was taken to insurethat the directional flow of distal fluid during collectionwas identical to that determined previously and, in mostcollections, the pipette was inserted against the directionof flow. Special care was taken to insure that the collec-tion pipette was well threaded into the distal lumen and,for the most part, the criteria outlined by Wright andGiebisch were fulfilled (21). After the completion of col-lection, the pipette was removed from the tubule lumenand a small volume of mineral oil on the surface of thekidney was aspirated into the tip of the collection pipette.WVhen both proximal and distal tubular fluid collectionswere being taken, all distal collections were done first oralternated with proximal collections. Collections were notinitiated for at least 1 h after the saline infusion and 30 minafter any lissamine green injections.

The usual experimental protocol was as follows. Afterthe administration of priming doses of inulin and PAHand an equilibration period of 45-60 min duration, two tothree timed collections of urine were obtained sequentiallyat control levels of blood pressure in association withsimultaneous collections of tubule fluid. Arterial bloodsamples were usually collected after every second collectionof tubular fluid. The aortic constrictor was then tightenedslowly to decrease renal arterial pressure to a level rangingbetween 90 and 110 mm Hg. Continuous monitoring ofrenal blood flow permitted an immediate assessment ofautoregulatory efficiency. At this lower blood pressure, urineflow was still sufficiently adequate to permit valid clear-ance determinations without undue delay; one or twotimed urine collections were obtained at the lower level ofrenal perfusion pressure. Whenever possible, recollectionsof tubular fluid were obtained from the same puncture sitesthat had been used previously at higher levels of bloodpressure. When measured, three to four estimates of proxi-mal transit time were obtained at each level of blood pres-sure; similarly, whenever possible, recollections of tubulefluid for measurements of SNGFR were obtained fromthree-to six proximal or distal puncture sites at each levelof renal perfusion pressure. The experimental sequence was

reversed in six animals, i.e., clearance measurements andmicropuncture were first carried out at lower levels of

518 L. G. Navar, T. J. Burke, R. R. Robinson, and J. R. Clapp

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blood pressure during the presence of partial aortic con-striction.

Measurements of whole kidney renal blood flow andGFR were carried out at two levels of renal perfusionpressure in 28 of the 34 animals; in six dogs, measure-ments were obtained at higher blood pressures alone. Paral-lel measurements of SNGFRwere obtained from proximaland distal collection -sites in each of the latter six animalsin which GFRand RBF were assessed only at higher bloodpressures. Recollection measurements of SNGFR fromproximal and/or distal sites were obtained in 23 of the28 animals in which RBF and GFR were measured attwo levels of renal perfusion pressure (the response ofproximal transit time alone was assessed in the remainingfive dogs within this group). Whenever assessed, wholekidney autoregulation was said to be "highly efficient" whena 20-30% reduction of renal perfusion pressure was accom-panied by the maintenance of renal blood flow at valueswithin 10% of those observed at higher blood pressures.

The volume of tubular fluid collections was measuredwith a calibrated micropipette using a slide comparator(Gaertner Scientific Corp., Chicago, Ill.) and tubular fluidinulin concentration was measured in triplicate using amicrofluorometric method (22). Inulin in plasma and urinewas measured using an anthrone colorometric technique(23). Urine and plasma PAH concentrations were de-termined using a standard colorometric technique (24).Micro-hematocrit measurements were performed on allarterial blood samples. Plasma protein concentrations weredetermined by light refractometry (American Optical Corp.,Scientific Instruments Div., Buffalo, N. Y.). GFR andPAH clearances were calculated by the standard clearanceformula. SNGFRwas calculated as the product of thevolume flow of tubular fluid (nl/min) and the ratio ofthe tubular fluid to plasma inulin concentration (TF/P).Sodium concentrations in plasma and urine were deter-mined by flame photometry.

At the termination of each experiment, the electromag-netic blood flow transducer was calibrated directly in situby catheterizing the renal artery and obtaining a timedcollection of blood. The kidney was then excised, strippedof fat and surrounding tissue, blotted dry, and weighed.Direct measurements of renal blood flow correlated wellwith values derived from measurements of PAH clearanceand they were used preferentially in most experiments.Both GFR and RBF were expressed in terms of ml/min

per gram of kidney weight (ml/min-g). Standard statisti-cal tests were applied to the data and the paired t test wasused to assess the statistical significance of differences (25).


Hemodynamic response to aortic constriction. Judge-ments on the ability of the kidney to autoregulate RBF inresponse to a decrease in blood pressure were usuallybased on measures of RBF as obtained with the use ofthe electromagnetic flowmeter. A change in RBF of lessthan 10% in response to a 25-30% reduction of bloodpressure was considered to reflect the pressure of highautoregulatory efficiency. Overall, these strict criteriawere satisfied fully in 23 of 28 dogs (82%) in whichwhole kidney autoregulatory efficiency was assessed.Recollection renal micropuncture experiments were car-ried out in 18 of the 23 animals exhibiting a high degreeof autoregulatory efficiency (proximal transit times alonewere assessed in the remaining five dogs). Table I por-trays the average values for several indices of renalfunction from the 18 recollection micropuncture experi-ments. A decrease in mean arterial pressure from anaverage of 141-101 mmHg was accompanied by anappropriate autoregulatory adjustment of intrarenalvascular resistance; renal blood flow was essentiallyunchanged and GFRremained within 5% of the averagevalue at higher blood pressures.

The individual results for RBF, GFR, and proximaltransit time from each of the 18 micropuncture studiesand 11 transit time studies are shown in Fig. 1. In amanner similar to RBF and GFR, the average proximaltransit time was not altered significantly (26±2 s vs.27±2 s) thus suggesting that the entire population ofsuperficial nephrons may have participated in the auto-regulatory response.

Despite the maintenance of RBFand GFRin responseto a reduction of arterial blood pressure, urine flow and

TABLE IHemodynamic and Renal Function Data at Control and Reduced Blood Pressure*


Control constriction Absolute Percent P

Renal arterial pressure (mm Hg) 14143$ 10142 -40 -28 <0.001Renal blood flow (ml/min-g) 3.76±0.2 3.70±0.2 -0.06 -2 NSGlomerular filtration rate (ml/min g) 0.69+0.04 0.65±0.04 -0.035 -5 NSUrine flow (ml/min) 0.59±0.08 0.25±0.03 -0.34 -58 <0.001Sodium excretion (peq/min) 59±13 13±3 -46 -78 <0.01Hematocrit (vol %) 43.6±1 43.7+1 0.1 0.002 NS

Kidney weight = 45.4± 2.4 g; Plasma protein concentration = 6.01±0.24 g/100 ml.Plasma sodium concentration = 146± 1.3 meq/liter.* Data from 18 micropuncture experiments demonstrating high autoregulatory efficiency.t Mean±SE. Where appropriate data refers to single kidney alone.

Autoregulation of SNGFR 519

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0L A, 4.0o- Ez.a2-cIO2.

1.2 p


w.1*Y cU. .-


c _



0.8 F

0.4 F

40 [

30 -= =

20 I

V 80 100 120 140V 80 100 120 140Renal Arterial Pressure


FIGURE 1 Response of renal blood flow (to(center panel), and proximal transit timeto changes in renal arterial pressure duestriction. Individual experiments are plottedwhile dashed lines designate mean results.

sodium excretion decreased consistently an(Table I); urine flow fell by 58% and so5was reduced by 78%. The observed redu(and electrolyte excretion in response tarterial pressure even in the absence of aptin RBF and/or GFRcan be ascribed presphenomenon of "pressure diuresis," anmechanism is not yet understood comphIts appearance in these experiments was taevidence that the responsiveness of kidneymicropuncture was comparable to that obsexperimental settings.

In the five dogs in which autoregulatoryless complete, average RBF fell by 29% a:in blood pressure (BP) of 32%, and wholfell by 18%.

Response of single nephron filtrationconstriction. Technically satisfactoryproximal fluid were obtained at both levpressure in each of the 18 "high efficiencyand in each of the five "low efficiency"Measurements of SNGFRbased on proxir

(proximal SNGFR) were compared at the two arterialpressures; the results are shown in Fig. 2 where eachpoint represents the average value for 3-6 recollectionmeasurements in a single animal. Even in those animalsexhibiting "high" autoregulatory efficiency (solidcircles), aortic constriction was attended by a consistentand significant reduction of proximal SNGFR; overall,SNGFRdecreased measurably in 39 of the 50 individualtubules in which recollections were obtained.

In the 18 high efficiency dogs, volume flow of proximalfluid at higher levels of BP averaged 60± (SE) 6 nl/min,decreasing to 46±5 nl/min in the presence of aortic con-

ZiiL~. striction. On the average, such a decrease was noted in15 of the high efficiency animals (P < 0.01). It was thisdecrease in the volume flow of proximal fluid that con-tributed most of the observed reduction of SNGFRsincethe proximal TF/P inulin ratio did not change signif-icantly (P < 0.1), averaging 1.46±0.05 at the higherpressure and 1.48+0.06 at the reduced pressure. It isof interest to note that in these efficiently autoregulatingdogs, decreases in arterial pressure did not disrupt proxi-mal glomerular-tubular balance. Overall, the average re-collection SNGFRfrom these 18 dogs decreased from88±7 to 66±6 nl/min. The percentage decrease inSNGFR(- 25%) resembled that exhibited by the re-

160 180 duction in arterial pressure (- 28%).Fig. 2 also contains the results from the five studies in

up panel), GFR which RBF was autoregulated poorly (open circles).(lower panel)

to aortic con-as solid lines 140 -

id significantly 120-

Jium excretionction of water E 100

C0to changes inparent changes 80 -

sumably to the 'I *event whose - 00

etely (3, 26). E,6Lken as further ° /,s prepared for =40 /0 eo 0;erved in other Z


efficiency wasfter a decrease . . .le kidney GFR 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

SNGFRproximol, Control

rate to aortic (nl/min)collections of FIGURE 2 Effect of a reduction in blood pressure onels of arterial SNGFR as measured from proximal tubular collections.

preparations Closed circles (0) represent data obtained from dogsexhibiting high degree of autoregulatory efficiency. Open

preparations. circles (0) are from dogs showing incomplete autoregula-mal collections tory efficiency.

520 L. G. Navar, T. J. Burke, R. R. Robinson, and J. R. Clapp



a ===IN

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SNGFRdecreased by 40% in these five dogs (92±12-55±7 nl/min) falling to a somewhat greater degreethan that observed in high efficiency dogs. In these ex-periments, the TF/P inulin ratio increased slightly from1.57 to 1.7.

In 6 of 18 high efficiency experiments, recollectionswere made after the release of aortic constriction and thereturn of blood pressure to higher values. In these dogs,the release of aortic constriction was accompanied by aparallel restoration of proximal SNGFRto higher values(73-89 nl/min). The increase of SNGFRwas signif-icant (P <0.05), thus demonstrating that the responseof proximal SNGFRto changes in BP was reversible.

In 8 of the 18 high efficiency experiments and in 6additional experiments in which aortic constriction wasnot employed, proximal and distal tubular collectionswere obtained from the same kidney in order that thetwo values for SNGFR(as derived from the two col-lection sites) could be compared at higher blood pres-sures alone. The individual values from each dog wereaveraged and they are presented in Fig. 3. In every in-stance, the average distal SNGFRwas lower than theaverage proximal SNGFR; the proximal SNGFRaver-aged 79±6 nl/min whereas the distal SNGFRaveraged47±4 nl/min. There were, of course, clear differences inthe TF/P inulin ratios from the two collection sites,those from the proximal collections averaging 1.57±0.09while those from the distal tubule averaged 3.78±0.21.Volume flow from the proximal tubule averaged 51±3


100 _


C~~~~~~~~~~~~0-CIY 60-X,

z.-40 - X,-/44

20 -

20 40 60 80 100 120SNGFRProximOl


FIGURE 3 Comparison of SNGFR values obtained fromproximal and distal tubular collections. Each point repre-sents the mean data from one experiment. Regression equa-tion is plotted as dashed line and is y = x (0.48) + 8.7.The slope of the regression equation is significantly dif-ferent from the slope of the identity line. In this series,arterial pressure was 136±5 mmHg, RBF was 3.64±0.28ml/min-g and GFR was 0.66+0.03 ml/min-g.







20 40 60 80

SNGFRDit.1, Control(nl/min)

FIGURE 4 Comparison of SNGFR values obtained fromdistal tubule punctures at control and reduced arterialpressure. Individual data points from 15 tubules in eightdogs are plotted.

nl/min while that from distal collections averaged 13±1 nl/min.

In contrast to the clear decrease in proximal SNGFRduring reduced arterial pressure, distal SNGFRwas notsignificantly altered following i reduction of meanarterial pressure. The results of distal recollectionsfrom 15 tubules in eight of eighteen "high efficiency"dogs are shown in Fig. 4 for the two levels of bloodpressure. Distal SNGFRfrom these 15 tubules averaged44±5 nl/min at higher blood pressures (140±5 mmHg)and 47±5 nl/min at lower blood pressures (102±3 mmHg). Thus, autoregulation of superficial SNGFRwasapparent when measurements of SNGFRwas based ondistal collections. Distal volume flow averaged 12.3±0.7 nl/min at higher blood pressures and 10.5±1.5 nl/min at reduced arterial pressure. This reduction of tubu-lar volume flow was attended by a parallel increase ofthe TF/P inulin ratio following aortic constriction(3.64±0.3-4.58±0.6).

Of the five poorly regulating dogs in which proximalcollections were made at both control and reduced pres-sure, distal collections were accomplished in only oneand only at control blood pressure. Distal tubular datawere obtained in two other poorly regulating experi-ments which were not carried to completion. At anaverage control blood pressure of 143 mmHg, the aver-age difference between proximal SNGFR and distalSNGFR was 13 nl/min, substantially less than thedifferences observed in high efficiency autoregulatorydogs. Distal recollections following aortic constrictionwere attempted in these dogs and could not be satisfac-torily accomplished. It appeared that distal flow ratehad decreased markedly and sufficient volume for analysiscould not be obtained.

Relationships between SNGFRand renal arterial pres-sure. Fig. 5 shows the relationships between renal

Autoregulation of SNGFR 521

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lOOF * ProximaA Drstal

80 F





40 F


60 80 100 120Renal Arterial Pressure

(mm Hg)

FIGURE 5 Relationships between renal aand SNGFRas measured from proximaltubule collections. Circles (0) representtained from proximal tubule collections.represent mean data obtained from distal tOnly data from the experiments demonstraregulatory" efficiency were used for thisline extends the proximal relationship tovalues.

arterial pressure and SNGFRas measuproximal or distal collection sites. At thepressure, proximal and distal values for Smarkedly. However, at lower arterial priference was less apparent since distal nSNGFRremained unchanged while tho.SNGFR decreased measurably, almostportion to the decrease in arterial presstline (Fig. 5) extrapolates the measuredtween proximal and distal SNGFRto thobtain at arterial pressures of 80-90 m


C -6;120-11

E '

Ec. 80-



p 00ooo0



FIGURE 6 Effect of aortic constriction (Aof nephron filtration rate to whole kidne3tration rate. Results from both the pro)tubular collections are presented at t(Cont.) and following reduction of bloodResults from all experiments were used i

dicts that measurable differences between proximalSNGFRand blood pressure would not obtain as arterialblood pressure is reduced to the lower limits of theautoregulatory range.

Relationship between SNGFRand kidney GFR. Todetermine the degree of association between the changesin SNGFRand those for whole kidney GFR, the ratioSNGFR: GFRwas calculated utilizing measurements ofSNGFRfrom both proximal and distal collections at thetwo levels of arterial blood pressure. When the data forproximal SNGFRare utilized in this manner (Fig. 6),a clear-cut dissociation is observed between the single

140 160 nephron responsiveness and that in the whole kidney.This dissociation, as outlined previously, is almost en-tirely due to the fact that an appropriate autoregulatory

trterial pressure response was observed at the whole kidney level, but nottubule and distal when SNGFRwas measured by means of proximal col-

mean data ob- lections. In contrast, when data for distal measure-Triangles (A) ments of SNGFRare used (Fig. 6), it can be seen that:ubule collections.

*ting "high auto: the ratio SNGFR:GFR remains essentially unchangedgraph. Dashed in response to a reduction in arterial pressure. Thus,level of distal when based on values for distal SNGFR, a close and

appropriate association was maintained between the re-sponse of superficial nephrons and that for the total

red from either nephron population following reductions in renal arterial^ higher arterial pressure from 140 to 102 mmHg.NGFRdiffered

essures, the dif- DISCUSSIONaeasurements of Previous micropuncture studies of single nephron re-se for proximal sponsiveness to alterations in arterial pressure have

in direct pro- rarely been carried out under circumstances in whichire. The dashed renal autoregulation was known to be intact. In onerelationship be- such attempt in seven dogs, Liebau, Levine, and ThurauLat which might (27) were unable to apply an aortic clamp successfullyim Hg; it pre- and therefore resorted to the use of manipulations that

also effected an alteration of total systemic arterial pres-sure, i.e., carotid sinus denervation and pharmacolog-ically induced hypotension. While it was stated thatSNGFR (derived from collections of proximal fluid)was related linearly to whole kidney GFRand that bothindices of filtration rate exhibited autoregulation in re-sponse to changes of blood pressure, the authors did

P- NS not present specific data on measurements of changes inSNGFR in the dogs in which renal arterial pressurewas altered directly. Because of our own uncertainty re-garding the efficiency of whole kidney autoregulation indogs prepared for renal micropuncture, its documenta-tion was felt to comprise an essential part of this studyof single nephron responsiveness to changes of renal

IC) on the ratio arterial pressure. The present demonstration that wholey glomerular fil- kidney autoregulation is intact, at least in many dogsdimal and distal prepared for micropuncture, provided evidence of anontrol pressures

epressure (AC). acceptable environment in which the autoregulation offor this analysis. superficial SNGFRcould be evaluated. Furthermore,

522 L. G. Navar, T. J. Burke, R. R. Robinson, and 1. R. Clapp



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the constancy of proximal transit time at differing levelsof arterial pressure in those animals exhibiting a highdegree of whole kidney autoregulatory efficiency sug-gested that whole organ responsiveness was shared bythe entire population of superficial nephrons.

The present observations demonstrate that a reduc-tion of blood pressure within the autoregulatory range(and the parallel maintenance of whole kidney GFR)is associated with a reduction of superficial SNGFRwhen the latter index of filtration rate is based on proxi-mal collections and distal delivery has been interrupted.The decrease in proximal SNGFRwas due solely to thedecrease in volume flow and fractional reabsorption wasnot altered in the autoregulating preparations. This is incontrast to reports in which aortic constriction sufficientto decrease whole kidney renal plasma flow and GFRresulted in an increased proximal fractional reabsorption(28, 29). Consequently, it would appear that proximalglomerular-tubular balance is maintained more efficientlyfollowing aortic constriction in well autoregulating pre-parations. On the average, the relative decrease of proxi-mal SNGFRwas almost proportional to the relativedecrease in blood pressure, thereby suggesting thatproximal collections for measurements of SNGFRareaccompanied by an inhibition of autoregulatory respon-siveness in the individual nephron. This absence of auto-regulation within the individual nephron leads to theobserved dissociation between the response of proximalSNGFRand whole kidney GFR (Fig. 6). In contrastto the results derived from proximal collections, measure-ments of SNGFRvia distal collections (distal SNGFR)indicated that SNGFRwas not altered significantly fol-lowing blood pressure reduction, thus suggesting thatwhole kidney autoregulation was, in fact, accompaniedby a parallel degree of autoregulation at the singlenephron level when distal delivery was presumably wellmaintained. In brief, these findings provide further evi-dence in support of the hypothesis that a feedback loopexists between some portion of the distal nephron andthe arteriolar vasculature of its glomerulus. Althoughfirm statements cannot be made, it is reasonable toassume that an important segment of the feedback loopmay be localized to the macula densa.

It must be emphasized that the results of these studiesdo not bear on the specific nature of the feedback media-tor. Perhaps it can be assumed that one or more factorsassociated with changing volume delivery to the distaltubule may serve in that capacity. While it has beensuggested that some function of total so!ute delivery(9, 19) or sodium load (2, 10, 12) is important to thefeedback stimulus and that the renin-angiotensin sys-tem may be involved as the effector agent (10, 30), theactual validity of these suggestions remains uncertain.

At present, the exact nature of the specific mediator ofa regulatory feedback response is unknown.

The present demonstration of a difference betweenmeasured values for proximal and distal SNGFRis inagreement with earlier findings in rats (11, 20). Thehigher proximal SNGFRsuggests that interruption ofnormal volume delivery to the distal tubule alters thefeedback stimulus and thereby leads to an elevation ofSNGFRin that nephron. One means by which an in-creased SNGFRmight occur would involve the appear-ance of increased glomerular pressure consequent to de-creased preglomerular vascular resistance. Such a me-chanism is in accord with many previous observationson autoregulatory behavior of the whole kidney (6, 7).This thesis has been questioned by Blantz, Israelit,Rector, and Seldin (17) who demonstrated that inter-ruption of distal delivery by placement of an oil blockin the proximal lumen does not lead to change inglomerular pressure as measured directly in rats withsurface glomeruli. However, one might anticipate anincrease of glomerular pressure only if the experimentalkidney had retained its autoregulatory capability. Theirdata, as presented, provide no validation of autoregula-tory behavior in their animals. Additionally, the magni-tude of the increased glomerular pressure and con-sequently any measured differences between proximaland distal SNGFRmight well be a function of the levelof arterial pressure at which the measurements aremade. Presumably, any proximal blockade-induced ele-vation of SNGFRmight be greater at higher arterialpressures, thereby accentuating the differences betweenmeasurements of SNGFRfrom proximal and distal col-lection sites. Thus, the inability to describe a consistentdifference between proximal and distal SNGFRin ratswith a lower arterial pressure (about 110 mmHg) isnot necessarily at variance with the present observations(16, 28). Even the differences that were observed bySchnermann and colleagues (11, 20) in the rat wereonly about 7-10 nl/min. In our own experiments indogs, the difference between proximal and distal SNGFRwas relatively modest at the lower arterial pressures.This apparent relationship between the level of arterialblood pressure and the magnitude of blockade-inducedelevation of SNGFRmay contribute to our understand-ing of the nature of the nonlinear relationship betweenglomerular hydrostatic pressure and the rate of per-fusion through the loop of Henle (13, 14). At arterialpressures near the lower limits of the autoregula-tory range, the reserve vasodilatory capability ofthe arterioles might be minimal; therefore, no morethan a slight increase in glomerular pressure would beexpected to occur at low rates of distal perfusion (14)or during complete luminal blockade (17).

The observation that higher control blood pressures

Autoregulation of SNGFR 523

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(are associated with much higher values for proximalSNGFR raises a question as to the true value forSNGFRin the dog under normal steady-state condi-tions (31). In view of the possibility that total fluidcollection from a proximal tubule may serve to alter adistal feedback signal and thereby lead to an elevationof SNGFR, our own observations suggest that thetrue SNGFRmay be reflected most accurately by mea-surements derived from distal collections. Several otherrecent studies also appear to support this conclusion.For example, in a recent preliminary publication, Hans-sen's technique was applied to the dog by Bruns, Riley,Alexander, and Levinsky (32) and estimates of SNGFRwere derived for both superficial and deep nephrons.It is interesting to note that the reported value for super-ficial SNGFRin hydropenic dogs averaged 63±5 nl/min,a figure about 30-40% lower than that previously re-ported from the same laboratory when SNGFRwasmeasured directly via micropuncture at proximal sites(29). Also, the lower, values derived from the use ofHanssen's technique resemble our own estimates of distalSNGFRmuch more closely, and they are substantiallylower than the present values that were based on proxi-mal collections.

By utilizing the data for whole kidney filtration frac-tion and SNGFR from the two collection sites, it ispossible to calculate glomerular plasma flow. Such anapproach may be justified in the dog since it has beenshown that the filtration fraction for superficial nephronsis similar to that for the whole kidney (33). In thepresent study, the whole kidney filtration fraction aver-aged 0.33 and the distal SNGFRaveraged 47 nl/min.Using these data, average glomerular plasma flow wasfound to equal 142 nl/min. This value falls within10% of that obtained by Wallin, Rector, and Seldin (34)using the glomerular basement membrane antibody tech-nique for measurements of regional plasma flow withinthe kidney. The close agreement can be obtained onlywhen distal measurements of SNGFR are utilized.When calculations of glomerular plasma flow are basedon proximal SNGFRmeasurements, values are obtainedthat exceed those reported by Wallin et al. by 50-60%.

Finally, an estimate of average SNGFRfor the entirekidney can be approached by an assessment of the re-lationship between whole kidney GFR and estimatesof the population density of individual glomeruli. Whilethe reported values for the number of glomeruli in dogkidneys vary substantially, the values reported by Oliver(35) may provide a reasonably conservative estimate;the use of Oliver's figures is justified further by the factthat the average kidney weight in his studies approxi-mated that in the present experiments quite closel,.Therefore, assuming a glomerular count of 12,650glomeruli/g and an average GFR of 0.69 ml/min g,

a mean value for SNGFRof 55 nl/min can be obtained.The discrepancy between this figure (55 nl/min) andthat derived from distal collections (47 nl/min) isslight but may well be attributed to the possibilitythat the SNGFRof superficial nephrons is lower thanthat exhibited by deeper nephrons (32, 36). Orlowskiand Bricker (37) performed glomerular counts- andclearance measurements in the same dogs. Their valueof 49.7 nl/min for average SNGFRagrees very wellwith the calculations. Thus, on balance, indirect calcula-tions such as these support the concept that a quantitativeestimate of superficial SNGFR in the dog is perhapsbest obtained from distal collections of tubular fluid.

It is important to emphasize that the magnitude of anyover-estimation of SNGFRthat may result from the useof proximal collections may be influenced in large partby the coexistent degree of residual autoregulatory cap-ability in a given experimental circumstance. As dis-cussed previously (Fig. 5), the degree of overestimationmay also depend, at least in part, on the level of arterialblood pressure at which the measurements are performed.At lower blood pressures which approach the lowerlimits of the autoregulatory range, little residual capac-ity for vasodilatation may remain and only a slight ornegligible overestimation of true SNGFRwould result.In addition, there are many conditions in which wholekidney autoregulatory behavior can be abolished andit is conceivable that its abolition may be accompaniedby the loss of autoregulatory responsiveness on the partof individual nephrons as well. Under such conditions,an interruption of distal delivery might not elicit theappearance of an appropriate feedback signal; conse-quently, neither glomerular pressure nor SNGFRwouldrise. For these reasons, the present results do not implythat previous measurements of SNGFRthat are basedon proximal collections are necessarily invalid. How-ever, the potential sources of error outlined above mustbe considered carefully in any quantitative interpreta-tion involving changes in SNGFRand volume deliveryin various experimental settings.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors are grateful to J. T. Adkinson, G. S. Sides,L. Poe, R. Keith, M. Jackson, and M. Poole for theirexcellent technical assistance.

This study was supported by USPHSgrants AM 10844,HL 11820, and HL 5848.

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