discussion on dr. hamburger's paper

for sntnplitig in all tradcs. 11 twenty-five ycnrs' cs- ~~cricncc of snittplitig n substnnce iit ~vliiclinccutacy of sntiigling wns or tltc w r y first ini~rortnnce con- ~ittcctlliitit tltnt there wcro tltrcc rcqiiisitcs for tlic snnilhr-intcgrit , cs~ierieitcc, atid Imtns. \Vlintc~cr c~nss of goot~s ~tnY to I,C snliiplet1, tticn or ititcgnty itiust be ltad in tltc first iristnncc. JIIICII Iniscliicf wns caused iti titiics pnst tliroit.gli rogricry iii ~~in~rlittg, and tlicreforc an Iioii~st, upriglit iiinii \vns tlic lirst cssctitiiil. The ncst requisite wns cspcricttcc. To sctitl n young cltciitist ~vitltoiitcspcricttcc of tltc par- ticulnr article was n Iiiistnkc. d tiinn with prncticril cslicricncc wns to be prcfcrrctl to :tie with scieiitilic trnitiin:: aitliout the cspericiicc. J Iicn, lirinlly, t h y must liavc itien with riglit-tloivit cotiiiiioii scitsc. Givcti tliesc rcqaisites of integrity, cslmicnce, niid Lrnitis they coultl tnkc sntiiplcs. JIr. 11. TAIT, juii., snicl i t iitiglit IJC intercstiiig to know tlint in thc IJectroot sugnr trnde they nl\rnys sold on niinlpsis. An nssocintioti Iind bccii forntcd niid a pitl~lic sntiiplcr ivns nlqioiiitetl in lAondoti, in LivcrixJol, nntl in C~rccnock, by ~rltont three sniiti~les of cncli lot of beetroot sogar were tnkcn. One \vent to tlic sugar rcfiticr, tlic 0th to the ntinlyticnl clicirtist nppoint$ by tlic nssocintioit, n ~ l tlic tltirtl for rcrcrcrlcc. 1 hirs nll the -9nt11pIes pssctl througlt oiic IIIRII'S Iiniitls, aid Iic lint1 n stntt' of sniiildcrs upon wlioiii lic could depcntl. Low siizars mrc not slip- posctl to Lc sold by nitnlysiu. Tho nssocintion Iind otily bccii fortiicd two or tltrcc years, atit1 it was fouticl to work \vcll. The sntiiplcs they 110~ got coji!tl IE dc~rctided itlion. llie C~IAIJ~XAS said tltnt wlicrc iii tlic opiriioti of tltc nnal st tlic sniiiplc was not n propcr ow, Itc ought to ~ct tiit fact nplrenr on t~tc fncc or tito ccrtificntc it1 soiite forin or otlier. It woiiltl IJC cnsy to sny tltnt 111: liotl rcccivetl siicli aid suclt n snitq)~e, and tlrat in his opinion it wns not a good sn~iiplc, or not in liro\rcr cotidition. For iitstniice, if nti article likely to give off ittoistiirc wns clclivcrcd to Iiiiii in brown paper instcntl of in n Lottlc, that fact oitgitt to 110 stntctl, iititl its pr~hhlc elfcct on tlic ~nttiplc. Ilc tltoiiglit Nr. Allen lint1 scnrccly foIlo\vctl the nrgiitnctit ns to writtcn instructions. It wns trite tlint no writtcn instructioiis could supply ititcgrit nor yet Imiiis, 1)ut tlicy wou~ ~e iwfu~, ~ic tlioiigtt, in ittipnrtitiE to otltcrs the csliericncc of tliosc ~vlio lint1 g0llC bcrorc. 110 tltouglit Nr. Ciircy lintl suggested tlic proper coiirse to )ursiic-tltnt was for a fcw skillcd ~icrsotts iii tltc lcnhittg ~Jrniicltcs of ttinttufnctiirc to incct ntttl clrnw IIII dint tltcyco~tsiderccl to Ix irolrcr itistriictioiis IJotli for sn~iiplitig and tcstiiig, titi( \ sulmit tliosc in- structions to n cciitrd cottttiiittcc coinposctl of one or otlicr or all tltc tltrcc societies which lint1 bccii itntitctl. llc wns sure they ivcrc all obligcd nntl iiitlcbtcd to Mr. Tntc for liis l~apcr. 1:WLY. Yr. TATI: : As to tItc tntttiLcr of cosks orpnrccls to bcsniiipletl inn cargo, C~SCS Itntl occiirretl to liiiii \vItcrc lie ltncl Lc'cii nblc to tlrnw snitiplcn irom cvcry siii~lc t::isk ; nt~d tltctt t Itcrc hiid becn 110 tlisl~i~tes, the rcsiilts of indclictidciit ~innlyscs Iicitig prlmticnlly the sniiic, iiiid cs1miciicc indicntcd pretty clcnrly ilrnt tltnt wns the best COII~SC of rrocctlurc. 1lc SLW 110 ~C~SOII ~liy tltc ituitibcr of cnskn snttiplctl ~hoitld not bo sintctl 011 tlic ccrtilicntc, and 110 tliougltt tlint if doric, it wotiltl lead to sotiic nltcratiori in tltc titodo iti ~vlticli ~inrccls were Icnniplctl. Ilc tiid itot ititctitl to suggest thn~ tltc cotittnittco lie Iind spoken of slio~ld Iny tlowii riilcs for kwidnncc iit every sl)ccinl cnsr, ]Jut tlint such tt ~0111- ittitteo tiltoiiltl wntcll ntid prcss oti ititl~rovo~iicnt~ per- tninitig to wntnpliiig, ntid ~Iioiild Iiiive thu power to noininnto ~)crsotis spccinlly irccpiititctl witlt ccrtnin tt-rtdcs nnd nrticlcs, to deal with nity tliiticulticrr nrisitig in conttcction tltercwitli, and draw up a set of rules for discussion nnd nlrliroval by the iiiorc gcncrnl cointiiittcc liming clirtrgc of the wlioh cpxtion. Nr. Allen, lie tltoiiglit, Iind rntlier ittisanderstood liitti ns to tlic ctiiploytiicnt of cltciiiists ns satiiglcrs. Hcngrcctl tlint it woiiltl bc very wrong itidccd to send n yoitti:: clicritist, nii n ~irctitice, Iicrlia s, to sniiiplo n 1111bstmicc w~tic~i ~tc d'ticvcr scctt. 2oiiitiq c oii~ ~invc bccti furtlicr frotn his Iiiiiid ; but cltctiiiljts cotii~ictctit to ntinlysc nit article ought to bo nldc to itidicntc Itow tltc sniiiplcs sltoiild be tlrnwii, atitl if iicccssnry be nLlo to ilrnw tltctii tlteiiisclvcs. Ilc wns glad to licnr ivltnt hlr. llctiry 'Ihtc lint1 snit1 nlmit the sniiililiti:: of Iicct siignr; for tltnt ~vns tlic sort of tliittg Iic lint1 lint1 iii Itis O\YII iiiiiid. llcrc one trndc dcnlitig itt otte specin1 sulistntice lint1 tnkcii nctivti to nroid tlispiitcs ns to sntitplitig ; ntitl by, ? very sitnplc process nlqic:iretl to Imvc siicceccletl. 1 lie sntiie or R siinilnr system IYiiS wltnt t h y wntitcd nplilyitig to n iitnch grcntcr cstctit. It ivi~q n Iir:icticc wliicli Itc nltiiost iiivnrinl~ly nrloptctl Ititiisclf, iit niinlysiitg low sugnrs, to rcport tlic con- tlition 111 ~vliiclt the snniltfes rcnchccl Iiitti, arid tlic p~I)al)lc loss of tiinisturc, etc.; niirl that wns lvliat lie tltott~ltt nitnlysts ought to (lo not otily with sugor but with otltcr siiLstniiccs. -o000o000000a- I,IscussIos ox 111:. 1 l~~~ll;L'l:c:l~l:~s 1'Al'I:lL Jlr. J. I~\VICK AI.I.ES : IJr. I latnburgcr tlcscrvcs our tltnttks for liis iiitcrcstitig rititl viilurible piper. 'Hie siib'ect he lins introduced coittitiiics to I)c uiic of Iirncticni itiilmtaiicc to tlic iiinniifnctiircr, nntl is oiic on wliiclt we fear tltcrc is still n witlcsprcarl igtiornticc ntitl )rqjudicc. 1)nttrngc to vc@ntioii is often iittri- Litterl to c~ictnicii~ vtiI)uitrs, \v~ttc~i is solely c~ntie 11y tinturnl cniiscq. Sittcc our last tiicetitig, n getttlcttinii ltns 1)ccn writing to tltc ilfcorckcster* (;/iurdiuu ctitii- ~~Initiitig tltrit ])~iiiltnni J'nrk is being destroyed by tltc clicttiicnl fuiiics frorii \Vitlncs aiict lhiiieorn. 1 t seciiictl to iiic so estrnordiiinry tlint nosious g:iscs sltoiiltl ~irovc so tlcstructivc nt n distniicc of 15 Iiiilcs, tlint 1 wetit over to itivcstigntc tlic iiiattcr, ntttl 1 roullcl no proof wltntcvcr of the lcnst dniiingc 1Jciitg doitc Ly tltc clictitic:il lutitcs froiti tlic \\'idtics district. hriy trccs tire tlyi!ig, but froill rttniiifcst tiiitiiriil CRIIS~S, tlic most dotiiiiintit of wliicli nrc :- I. ~'~or, sltnllo\r, siiiitly soil. 2. 1 )rnitinzc. 3. 1:lcok iS)iCCt. -1. 1Ssilosure by reitiovol of sliclteriiig trccs.

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Page 1: Discussion on Dr. Hamburger's paper

for sntnplitig in all tradcs. 11 twenty-five ycnrs' cs- ~~cr icncc of snittplitig n substnnce iit ~vliicli nccutacy of sntiigling wns or tltc w r y first ini~rortnnce con- ~ittcctl liitit tltnt there wcro tltrcc rcqiiisitcs for tlic snnilhr-intcgrit , cs~ierieitcc, atid Imtns. \Vlintc~cr c~nss of goot~s ~tnY to I,C snliiplet1, tticn or ititcgnty itiust be ltad in tltc first iristnncc. JIIICII Iniscliicf wns caused i t i titiics pnst tliroit.gli rogricry i i i ~ ~ i n ~ r l i t t g , and tlicreforc an Iioii~st, upriglit iiinii \vns tlic lirst cssctitiiil. The ncst requisite wns cspcricttcc. To sctitl n young cltciitist ~vitltoiit cspcricttcc of tltc par- ticulnr article was n Iiiistnkc. d tiinn with prncticril cslicricncc wns to be prcfcrrctl to :tie with scieiitilic trnitiin:: aitliout the cspericiicc. J Iicn, lirinlly, t h y must liavc itien with riglit-tloivit cotiiiiioii scitsc. Givcti tliesc rcqaisites of integrity, cslmicnce, niid Lrnitis they coultl tnkc sntiiplcs.

JIr. 11. TAIT, jui i . , snicl i t iitiglit IJC intercstiiig to know tlint in thc IJectroot sugnr trnde they nl\rnys sold on niinlpsis. An nssocintioti Iind bccii forntcd niid a pitl~lic sntiiplcr ivns nlqioiiitetl in lAondoti, i n LivcrixJol, nntl in C~rccnock, by ~rltont three sniiti~les of cncli lot of beetroot sogar were tnkcn. One \vent to tlic sugar rcfiticr, tlic 0 t h to the ntinlyticnl clicirtist nppoint$ by tlic nssocintioit, n ~ l tlic tltirtl for rcrcrcrlcc. 1 hirs nll the -9nt11pIes pssctl througlt oiic IIIRII'S Iiniitls, aid Iic lint1 n stntt' of sniiildcrs upon wlioiii lic could depcntl. Low siizars m r c not slip- posctl to Lc sold by nitnlysiu. Tho nssocintion Iind otily bccii fortiicd two or tltrcc years, atit1 it was fouticl to work \vcll. The sntiiplcs they 1 1 0 ~ got coji!tl I E dc~rctided itlion.

llie C ~ I A I J ~ X A S said tltnt wlicrc iii tlic opiriioti of tltc nnal s t tlic sniiiplc was not n propcr o w , Itc ought to ~ c t t i i t fact nplrenr on t ~ t c fncc or tito ccrtificntc it1 soiite forin or otlier. It woiiltl IJC cnsy to sny tltnt 111: liotl rcccivetl siicli a i d suclt n snitq)~e, and tlrat in his opinion it wns not a good sn~iiplc, or not i n liro\rcr cotidition. For iitstniice, if nti article likely to give off ittoistiirc wns clclivcrcd to Iii i i i in brown paper instcntl of in n Lottlc, that fact oitgitt to 110 stntctl, i i t i t l its p r ~ h h l c elfcct on tlic ~nttiplc. Ilc tltoiiglit N r . Allen lint1 scnrccly foIlo\vctl the nrgiitnctit ns to writtcn instructions. It wns trite tlint no writtcn instructioiis could supply ititcgrit nor yet Imiiis, 1)ut tlicy w o u ~ ~e i w f u ~ , ~ i c tlioiigtt, in ittipnrtitiE to otltcrs the csliericncc of tliosc ~vlio lint1 g0llC bcrorc. 110 tltouglit Nr. Ciircy lintl suggested tlic proper coiirse to )ursiic-tltnt was for a fcw skillcd ~icrsotts i i i tltc lcnhittg ~Jrniicltcs of ttinttufnctiirc to incct ntttl clrnw IIII d i n t tltcyco~tsiderccl to Ix irolrcr itistriictioiis IJotli for sn~iiplitig and tcstiiig, titi( \ sulmit tliosc in- structions to n cciitrd cottttiiittcc coinposctl of one or otlicr or all tltc tltrcc societies which lint1 bccii itntitctl. l lc wns sure they ivcrc all obligcd nntl iiitlcbtcd to Mr. Tntc for liis l~apcr.

1:WLY. Yr. TATI: : A s to tItc tntttiLcr of cosks orpnrccls t o

bcsniiipletl inn cargo, C ~ S C S Itntl occiirretl to li i i i i \vItcrc lie ltncl Lc'cii nblc to tlrnw snitiplcn irom cvcry s i i i~ lc t::isk ; n t ~ d tltctt t Itcrc hiid becn 110 tlisl~i~tes, the rcsiilts of indclictidciit ~innlyscs Iicitig prlmticnlly the sniiic, iiiid cs1miciicc indicntcd pretty clcnrly ilrnt tltnt wns the best C O I I ~ S C of rrocctlurc. 1lc SLW 110 ~ C ~ S O I I ~ l i y tltc ituitibcr of cnskn snttiplctl ~hoitld not bo sintctl 011 tlic ccrtilicntc, and 110 tliougltt tlint if doric, it wotiltl lead to sotiic nltcratiori in tltc titodo iti ~vlticli ~inrccls were Icnniplctl. Ilc tiid itot ititctitl to suggest t h n ~ tltc cotittnittco lie Iind spoken of s l i o ~ l d Iny tlowii riilcs for kwidnncc iit every sl)ccinl cnsr, ]Jut tlint such tt ~ 0 1 1 1 - ittitteo tiltoiiltl wntcll ntid prcss oti ititl~rovo~iicnt~ per- tninitig to wntnpliiig, ntid ~Iioiild Iiiive thu power to noininnto ~)crsotis spccinlly irccpiititctl witlt ccrtnin tt-rtdcs nnd nrticlcs, to deal with nity tliiticulticrr nrisitig

in conttcction tltercwitli, and draw up a se t of rules for discussion nnd nlrliroval by the iiiorc gcncrnl cointiiittcc liming clirtrgc of the wlioh cpxtion. Nr. Allen, lie tltoiiglit, Iind rntlier ittisanderstood liitti ns to tlic ctiiploytiicnt of cltciiiists ns satiiglcrs. Hcngrcctl tlint it woiiltl bc very wrong itidccd to send n yoitti:: clicritist, nii n ~irctitice, Iicrlia s, to sniiiplo n 1111bstmicc w ~ t i c ~ i ~ t c d ' t i c v c r scctt. 2oi i i t iq c o i i ~ ~invc bccti furtlicr frotn his Iiiiiid ; but cltctiiiljts cotii~ictctit to ntinlysc nit article ought to bo nldc to itidicntc Itow tltc sniiiplcs sltoiild be tlrnwii, atitl i f iicccssnry be nLlo to ilrnw tltctii tlteiiisclvcs. Ilc wns glad to licnr ivltnt hlr. llctiry 'Ihtc lint1 snit1 nlmit the sniiililiti:: of Iicct siignr; for tltnt ~vns tlic sort of tliittg Iic lint1 lint1 i i i Itis O\YII iiiiiid. llcrc one trndc dcnlitig i t t otte specin1 sulistntice lint1 tnkcii nctivti to nroid tlispiitcs ns to sntitplitig ; ntitl by, ? very sitnplc process nlqic:iretl to Imvc siicceccletl. 1 lie sntiie or R siinilnr system IYiiS wltnt t h y wntitcd nplilyitig to n iitnch grcntcr cstctit. I t i v i ~ q n Iir:icticc wliicli Itc nltiiost iiivnrinl~ly nrloptctl Ititiisclf, i i t niinlysiitg low sugnrs, to rcport tlic con- tlition 111 ~vliiclt the snniltfes rcnchccl I i i t t i , arid tlic p~I)al) lc loss of tiinisturc, etc.; niirl that wns lvliat lie tltott~ltt nitnlysts ought to (lo not otily with sugor but with otltcr siiLstniiccs.


I,IscussIos ox 111:. 1 l~~~ll ;L ' l :c : l~l :~s 1'Al'I:lL

Jlr. J. I ~ \ V I C K AI.I.ES : IJr. I latnburgcr tlcscrvcs our tltnttks for liis iiitcrcstitig rititl viilurible piper. 'Hie siib'ect he lins introduced coittitiiics to I)c uiic of Iirncticni itiilmtaiicc to tlic iiinniifnctiircr, nntl is oiic on wliiclt w e fear tltcrc is still n witlcsprcarl igtiornticc ntitl )rqjudicc. 1)nttrngc to vc@ntioii is often iittri- Litterl to c~ictnicii~ vtiI)uitrs, \v~ttc~i is solely c~ntie 11y tinturnl cniiscq. Sittcc our last tiicetitig, n getttlcttinii ltns 1)ccn writing to tltc ilfcorckcster* (;/iurdiuu ctitii- ~ ~ I n i t i i t i g tltrit ])~iiiltnni J'nrk is being destroyed by tltc clicttiicnl fuiiics frorii \Vitlncs aiict lhiiieorn. 1 t seciiictl to iiic so estrnordiiinry tlint nosious g:iscs sltoiiltl ~irovc so tlcstructivc nt n distniicc of 15 Iiiilcs, tlint 1 wetit over to itivcstigntc tlic iiiattcr, ntttl 1 roullcl no proof wltntcvcr of the lcnst dniiingc 1Jciitg doitc Ly tltc clictitic:il lutitcs froiti tlic \\'idtics district. h r i y trccs tire tlyi!ig, but froill rttniiifcst tiiitiiriil CRIIS~S, tlic most dotiiiiintit of wliicli nrc :-

I . ~ ' ~ o r , sltnllo\r, siiiitly soil. 2. 1 )rnitinzc. 3. 1:lcok iS)iCCt. -1. 1Ssilosure by reitiovol of sliclteriiig trccs.

Page 2: Discussion on Dr. Hamburger's paper


hiit tlic could Iiavc becii ntl’cctcd by notliit?? of tlic with iiictiillic siibstniiccu tlcpositctl ns dust froill sort ; txey wcrc in full Icnf, wit11 nluiiclniit i~ossoiii siiiokc :--first,, siilliIii(1cs nro foriiict1, :iiitl tlicsc nrc iii Imd ; biit t h y ~vcrc growiiig in nn csposctl position, rniiitll conwxtcd into sullilintcs ; tliesc siillilintcs cor- rind the cold ciittiiig iiortli-cnst winds had dotic it nll. ! rode t io Icnres, niitl lirotlucc tlic cfl’ccts sliowii in Nr. I Ilntl tlicsc bccii iiwr \\‘itliics or St. I-Iclciis no I~IICS- 1 I I n s e i i c l ~ ~ c r ~ s book \Ire iirc tion ~vonld Iinvc nriscii :IS to tlic cniisc of tlic dniiingc nccustoiiicd to noticc on tlic rontls, oii tlic leaves of -it woiiltl iiiitloiilitctlly linrc bccii set tlowii to the i phiits, oi i t l oii newly-foriiicd ice, tlic notorious b h c

cIiciiiics.” L i s t car I wns a t the rniIwny stntioii in I tlcliosit; 0 1 1 bcing tcstcd this is foiiiid to liensulpliitlr, iortoii. soiiic oiYtlia tiiiibcr tlicrc (as these )]loto- i wIiicli in n few liours ljccoiiics coiivcrtct1 into tlic sul- griqi1is plniiil s~iow) ~ i a s ~ m i i inuc~i iiijiircti Ly tlic I plintc, aiid tliis acts corrosively on tlic Icnf. Y gnscs froiii \\ idiie.9 or I h c o r n . ‘j‘h stntion-iiiiistcr I Ah. J\. 1:. Frxwiiw : Tlic subject wliicli I h . tlrc\v iiiy nttciitioii to his gnrtlcii. H c snit1 his cclcry \ I-iniiibiirger lins brought bcforc us is oiic of grcnt I i u l bccii coiisidcrally tlniiingcd : Iic ntbriluted i t to I interest to nll tliosc ciigngetl i i i iiiaiiiifnctiiriiig olicrii- tiio sinokc. ‘rhc celery Icnvcs orcr tiio m ~ i o ~ o crop I F m s , pr t icu~nrfy to tIiosc cont~ircting cIicrnicaI works. wcrc iiiiicli injured : they w r c sliottctl niid witliering, j llic tlilliculty of dctcriiiiiiiiig with ccrtniiity tlic cniisc hiit wlicrercr tlicrc was n spot tlicrc wns R grub, , of tlniiingc tloiic to phiits is oftcii vcry great, niid, as wliicli in cvcry cnsc wis busy a t its work of dcstriic- lins bccii iioiiitctl out 1)s l l r . Allcii, tlic iii.iiiry tlolle

f tlic work of Illic-dust.

tioii. TIie lEnves of tIic - piirsiiip ivcro siiiiiIiirIy nll’cctctl, but not to tlic sniiic cstciit. L linvc knowii Iicnvy tliiiiiii~cs nwnrtlctl for iii,jur;). to celery by oiie of tlic fiiircst niitl niost espcriciicctl of ngriciiltiirnl vnlucrs. Tlicrc is .iio tlouht tlic inriiiufncturcr p i t1 for tlic woi-k of thc catcrpillnr. Last ycnr, in co i i ipy with nii cslicriciicctl fnriiier niitl vnliicr, 1 sevcrnl tiiiics iiis icctctl tlic couiitry i i i crcry dircctioii rouiid \Vidiics. I. ioiiiit~ tlint wlicrc trccs niid lictlges wcrc utterly I

tlcstroyctl i n nliiiost cvcrv itistnncc. the tlniiinge to ’

ccriiiblc until tlicir tIctirctIations nro nt ni i end. \\‘lien this is coiiiplctctl, tiicy iiinlic tlicir escnpc, niit~ bur ling thciiisclvcs in tlic groiiiid, lcnvc tliu leaf to witicr. ~ o i i i c iiisects nttnck tlic Icnf froiii tlic out-

I ~ r y gnscs! or giiscs cvo~vctt into R dry ntiiiosplicrc, i i i i t l ~inssiii:: iivcr dry wgctntioii, (lo litt.lc or no ilniiiiigc ; tlic siiiiic pacs, i i i n iiioist ntiiios iliero, or trnvcIliiig over tlniiili crops, leave IJcliiiitl tliciii wry visilh trnecs. Dr. Ifnswiclcvcr, in, his adiiiirnLlc paliar on this siihjcct, iiicntioiis clilorine iis t.lie iiiost yjiitlicinl of nll gnscy, tlicii siilpliiiric iicitl, tlicii iytlrocliloric :icid, niid Instly, siilpliiiroiis ncitl. I niii iiicliiictl, froiii cslicriiiiciits i i i i r l olJscrvntioiis 1 Iinsc iiiiido, to iigrcc in this oliiiiioii. I tliiiili tlic ciioriiioiis tliiiiiititics or siil~iliiiroiis ncitl tiiriictl oiit froiii nll iiiiiiitifiictiiriiig ~cciitrcs is so tliliite, t l int h i t very littlu of it is coiitlciiscil, niitl siilpliiirous ncitl is coii- vcrtctl very dowly iiito sul diiiric iicitl iiiidcr orrliiinry iitiiiusli1icric coiitlitioiis. l l r . I ~iriiilwycr very ciiii- tlitlly t i i l t l 11s Iia lint1 iiitrotliicctl tlio si i l~~cct , with tho iiitciitioii of sliowiiig tliiit tlic clieiiiicnl iiiniiiifncturcr wiis oriliiiiirily ncciiscd of doing iiiiscliicl wliicli Iic coiisitlcrctl slioiiltl lie nttrilJiitet1 to otlicrs. Aiinlyscs iiiiitlc hy Iiiiiisclf niid otlicrs slio~vctl tlint iiiucli lcss t:liloriiie tliiiii sulliliur is foiiiitl oii niitl iii liliiiits, niitl tliiit, tlicrcforc, Iiu coiisitlcrctl tlie clniiingu is iiiiiinly tloiie, iiot by tho cliciiiiciil iiiriiiufiictiircr, wlio oiily coiitril)iitcs tho siiiiill iiroiiortioii of clilorine rind it.s

this lvn I J ~ sciqiiiib. tIic siirfiicc of n frozcii ~)oiitl w~icrc s t iiiiiig sliots nliiicnrc(~-s~iiiiiiig tipots like tliosc t.lint sonictiiiics nppeiir oii lenses. Tlic scriipiiigs \vcru collcctcd niid p s c O K suIpIiitIo of Iiytlrogcii 011 tliu !itlditioii of ncitl : tiicy nlso \vcrc fouiid to coiitniri iroii. Dr. Ilniiil~iirgcr rccoiiiiiieiitls the ultiiiiptu iiiinlysis of the iii,iurctl Iciivcs iii order to tlctcriiiiiic tlic ngwt that Iins Liccii nt work. Yor iriy pnrt, I tloiilit if sucli iiii:ilysis is ofteii of vnluc. \\’lieii .L first bccniiic iiitcrcstctl i i i tlicsc iIiicstioiisl I. tlioiiglit so too, i i i i d took iiiiit:Ii troitblc i i i niiiilysiiig tlic Icnvcs of licnltliy niid of iii,iiirctl plniits, i n ortlcr to discover 11. riilc for giiitlniicc. 1. t ’ i i i h l , Iio~vcvcr, to lint1 niiy regiilnrity on tvliich to rely, nntl 1 h . llninbiwgcr’s nnnlyses wiiit, 1 tliiiik, i i i the miiic tlircctioii. Iii iiiiiilysis k t i . 1 ’i, for iiistniicc, we liiitl cliloriiio 1*-1ix, the sninplc iirnrked gooil ; wlicrcns, i i i No. ? I ] , cliloriiiu is O X I X , niitl tho siiiiiplo is iiiiirlictl tliiiiirigctl ; i i i d througlioiit tlic list of niinlyscs givcii iio tnico uf n riilo cnii be tliscovcrcd. 111 iiiniiy of tho entics liciiltliy Iilniitu nrc slic\vii to coiitniii iiiorc siilpliuric iicitl or chlnriiio thnn tho diiiiiiigctl oiics, If our lungs w r c to Lo xiisoiietl niitl iiillniiictl by iiosioiis vnpoiitx, \PO s~ io i id ~ i i i r t ~ s csiicct to l i i i i l . nftcr tlcntli. trnccs of

roiiilinuiitlu Iiut Iiy c d ‘ctiiisiiiiicrs, jiIiiss iiinkcrs, tIic gnscs wIiicIi Iii itI ciiiisctI t h tlniiiiigo ; i;ist so ii i q i l i c r siiicitcrs, niitl otlicrs. I 10 otriittctl to iiotico nii p~iiiits. ~ ~ i o jiiiscs iiiny be ivnslictl i i w y Leiore w u iiiiliortniit m i r e u of sii l l i l i i ir niitl n fniitfiil cniisc of ciiii collcct sriiiililcs fur iiiinlysiu. SIorcowr, tho i iro- tlniiirigc nt \\’itliies niitl St. Ilclens, viz~, cliciiiicnl Iiortioii bCt\\.Ceii the siilpliiites riiitl cli loritlcs is iiot wndu. It eiiiits tlulpliurottctl Iiytlrogcii, this coiiibiiics ; coiistuiit in t h o siiiiic Ii lni i t wliuii Iicnltliy. la tho

Page 3: Discussion on Dr. Hamburger's paper


iiinjority of cnscs nnnlysis docs not Iiolli us ; oftcii tlic claiiingo is due to wiit of 1)roper culture. It is nlwnys tllc wcnkly crop ~I i ic I i S I I C ~ I I I I I I ~ S first. Tlicrc nrc ninny kinds of works which turn out siiiokc cnlinblc 01 thiingiiig vegctntioii, niiioiig otlicrs I will rcfer to snlt works. A t Xortli~vidi niitl \\‘iiis[ord vcgctntion is tlecidcdly dninnged. \Vhcn innking soiiic iiiquiries tlierc I wns iiiiicli surpriscd to Iicni. tlint. the tlniiinge to tlic trccswns doiic by “cnts.” This is tlic tccliiiicnl I IRIIIC for ncciiiiiulntioiis of salt iii tlic, !lacs, cniisct: by lenks iii the boiling-doivii piis. give risc to tlic cscnlic of Iiydrocliloric acid gns, s n l t vnpotir, ni id clilorirlo of iron, pnrtly by rcictioii wit,li tlic silicic acid of tlie hot bricks, pnrt.ly by rcnction with the Iiot sulpliuroiis ncid of tlic fuel g:ns. Iii the Cliesliirc Salt \Yorks nboiit oiic iiiillioii tons of con1 nre Iiuriit pcy nniii i i i i i n tlic foriii of the cniiiiiioiicst slack contniiiiii.g iiiucli niilpliur. Tlicre nrc I I I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ otlicr worksivliicligivc risc toescnliesof sulpliiiroiisncid, :pcli ns siiieltiiig works, glnss works, nntl nlknli works. 1 lieii tlic question nrism, which of t.lic iiosious vnpoiui;s docs iiiost clniiingc ‘ I J h . 11. r\iigus Siiiitli iiintlc cslicri- nicnts Iiy fccdiiig ilniits with water coiitniiiiiig sii1~11iii- rous ncici, or siiiJinric ncitt, or ~ iyc~roc~i~or ic nciti. It wns foiiiitl tlint sul~iliuroiisncitl did Icnst, siilpliuric ncitl did iiiost clniiingc. Xow, ~v l i c i i sulpliiirous ncid coiiics to the plniits, niitl is convcrtctl by osytlnt.ioii iiito sul- phuric ncitl, i t isof coiirsc ns iiijiiriaus ns if siilpliuric acid itself. llciicc stil~iliiiroiis ncitl is nii active ngeiit of linrni, ant1 iii very iiiniiy districts tlic oiily soiircc of linrni, siieh ns iii tlic J3lnck Country iicnr \\‘olvcr- hniiipton, in Shcffield, and in inniiy 0 t h tov;iis \rlierc clieiiiicnl works nre iiot frcqiiciit. Iii Livcrpool nlso tlic sulpliuroiis ncid of con1 siiioke is gciicrnlly tlic dnmnging ngcnt. I linvo often bccii nskctl liow i t is thnt the vcgctntion of Loiitloii escnpcs coiiilinrntively \vcll. TWO reasons cnii be givcii. First. of 1111 tlic cliniatc is ~iiucli bcttcr, there is much iiiorc suiiliglit., hjgl!gnlcs arc not so prcvnlciit ns i i i Lnncnsliirc, niitl tlic nir IS wtniicr. Secondly, Lontloii is not . iicnrly so siiioky n t o w ns St. llcleiis for iiistniicc ; i n ~iropor- tion to tlic nrcn, tlicrc is tcn tiiiics ns i i i~ ic l i coal burnt ii i St. llclciis ns i i i Lontloii. h i d i i i St. llcleiis con1 is Liiriit nll tlie ycnr roiiiitl, \vlicrcns iii Loiidoii it is bnriit. cliiclly in tlic wiiitcr, wlicii tlic Icnvcs ?re absent. l’lniits nrc clniiingctl cliiclly by dniiingiiig tlicir lenves ; also tlic bnrk, not so iiiiicli by tlic materials in tlie soil, iiitlcctl plnnts can liro in vcry

‘ diUcrciitly coiistitutctl soils. A very curious cliicstioii lint1 Intel nriseii ns to \vliet.licr plniits lint1 bccii clniiiogcd Cy nlisorptioii t~iroiig~i tlic roots, or tliroiig1i the lenvcs. I n n ccrtniii lend works tlierc lint1 IJcen cccuiiiulntcd n licap of lcntl fiiiiic froiii Iluc cleniiing. ljy a flood tliis Iicnp wns cnrricd oii to soiiic ncljncciit ficltl, niitl tlic grnss Iioisoiicd. An nction wns coiii. iuenccd, and dnmnges Iind to IJC paid. lint Inter 011 tlic cnttlc cnting the grnss ngniii wcre 1ioisoiictl, iiiitl i t ivns nlleged tlint this \\’;is criiisctl IJY lend fiiiiic coiii. ing froiii the cliiiiiiicy. ‘l’lic clucstioii iirosc ~vlictlici i t wns the reiiiiiriiit of lcntl cnrrictl I J ~ tlic llootl on tlic Iniitl, wliicli cnusctl tho tlniiiagc, nntl for wliicli tliiiiingc: lint1 nlrcndy Lecii obtniiicd, or ~vlictlicr it wns tl it frcsli lcntl fiiiiio froiii tlir: cliiiiiiicy wlii~li lint1 no\\ qioilerl thc gmss in wliicli cnsc iicw clruiinges woi i l i hnvc to IJC p i l l . (‘cry iiitcrcstin:: is t ~ i c wriy i i i w~iic~r mniiufncturers linvc stri\.cn to tliiiiiiiisli tho csciilies, l‘lic cscnpc of Iiydrochlo~ic :icitl lins bccii hroiigIi1 down froiii 5% to I % , niitl tho niiiouiit of ncitl I ICI cubic foot lins IJCCII rctliicctl to n wry siiinll nii ioii i it . I n 1A71,, (;I fiiriiiices lind to hc stolilictl ii i the Ivcstcrii district under tho nlknli iict on nccount of lei~k?;, \vlierens tho niiiiibcr iiow stop ictl is very siiinll, owiiiy to iiiilirovctl coiistructioii. r h o scttiiig of ticcoiii- ~iasiiig Ilots lins liceii inilirovctl nlso. It iisctl forlncrly to Lo Iiossilh fur the ncid gas to lcnk iiito tho IIiies

llicso “ cnts

.lid cliiniiiey, iiow tlicy nre so set tlint tliis cnn mrccly linlqieii. I was very iiiticli iiitercsted in 111. -1niiibiirgcr’s ppcr, nntl thniik liiiii for having )roiiglit it bcfore us.

Dr. ~ i ’ i M l J u l K ~ ~ l ~ : I nil1 sure we nrc nll grcntly hliged to hlr. 1\1lcii niitl ;\I r. Plctclicr for linviiig givcii is tlic bciicfit of their cstcntlctl cspcriciicc. 1 cjiiitc: igrcc with tliesc gciitlciiicn t l int iiictcoroiogicnl iiillii- :iiccs and ntiiios ilicricnl cliniigcs nrc tlic iiiost iiiipor- . n n t cniiscs of Jniiinge to veqctritioii, n ~ t ~ i o i i g ~ i I (lid lot treat tlic siiQjcct, froiii this Iioiiit of vicw, linriiig .criiied iiiypnlicr “On ii+irytloiic hy gnscs ririsiiig froiii :crtniii mniiiifncturing I ~ ~ O C ~ R S C S . ~ ’ I nlso l ~ i i o w , tlint n csposcd Iilnccs, i i i I<iio\rslcy I’nrk for iiistnncc, ,Iicrc wcrc trees nt tlic bortlcr iiiucli iii,jurctl, wliilst lot ten ynrtls nway biit nenrcr to tlic iiiitldlc tlicrc sere fine, licnltliy trccs. In C:nrswoutl I’nrk tlic sniiic Aiiig is risible. Now Gnrswood is esliosetl to tlic iiiioke of both St. I-lclcns niitl \\‘ignii, mid tho Iiiglicst .rccs arc iiijurctl, while trees in the cciitrc iiot so cs- iosctl nrc not nll’cctcd a t all. ]Ins t.lint tlniiinge I~eeii lone by siiioke 1 J~ccitlctlly not ; for siiiokc ~vould lot oiily Iinvc iii.jiiret1 the tnll trccs biit nll tlic trces I I this iieiglitourliootl. Tlicrc yoii can sco strikiiig nstnnccs of dniiingc doiic by Iiicrciiig wiiids. Tlic trees trc ~inrtly tlcstroyctl whilst sliriibs i i i tlic ii?iiiictli:itc icigli1)ourliood wcrc nliiiost frcc froiii acid. 11 r. Pletclicr lins nlliitlctl to cniiscs why tlic South of Eiig- niitl is bcttcr oil’ with rcslicct to vcgctntion tlinn tlic Korth. 13nt i t iniist iiot I)c forgottcii thnt tlic soil in die soiith is bcttcr tlinii thc soil of hiicnsliirc. Ilotli Ur. Alfcii rmtl 3lr. 1:fctcIicr Iiuvc nlludccl to iiisccts i i i t l tlic siiiiilority of nlqienrnnccs of tlniiingc Iiy iiisccts >r hy siiiokc. I I i n w ufteii iioticctl this on tlic rliodti- :Iciitlroii. Jlr. ~ ~ c t c ~ i c r ]ins nlso rcfcrrctl to tlic iiii- Ipossibility of judging froiii tlic nnnlysis of h i t s ns :o tlio cnusc of (laiiingc. I cpiito ngrce witli l i i i i i ; iiiy innlyscs sliow no sac11 rule. 111 coiiclusioii I wish to iiiilircss oncc iiiorc tlic iinliortnncc, iiever to concliidc :lint iii,jiiry to vegetation IVRS due to siiiokc or noxious ;nscs, iiiitil we I i n w sntisficd oiirsclvcs tlint i t wns iiot (lac to niiy of tliosc iintiirnl cnuscs. The dniiingc rvliicli cnii IJC clcnrly trncctl to cliciiiicnl works i i i tho Iircseiit wny of worlciiig is very siiinll iiitlccd coiiilinrctl rvitli tlint tloiie by c n u y s ovcr which we linvo iio control.

Nr. AIJXX : \\’oul~l not siniply ivnsliiiig tlic Icnvcs m l ni~nlysiiig the ~vnsliings t l o 1

I h . I ~ ~ A ~ ~ I ~ u I : I ~ ~ : I : : 1 thiiili dcciclcdly iiot, Iiccniisa we (lo iiot kiiow tlicii Iiow fnr lisivintioii IJcsitlc sur- fncc ~vnsliiiig lins goiic 011. If ivc wnsli tlic leaves niirl iiftcr\\rnids ignitc tlic rcsitlue niitl ntltl tlic rcsiilts, 01)- tiiiiicd i i i I)otIi wnys, the proccss would IJC sntisfiictorp. llo~vcvcr, igiiitioii with 1111 nlltnli to ~irc~+ci i t the escnlic of sul~iliuric ncitl n i i t l cliloriiic is :I great tlcnl siiiiplcr.

The C I I A ~ ~ I L ~ X : ‘l’lie rciiinrks inn& by XI-. t\llcn Iinvc tciided to sliow [ h i t tlicro nro iiriturnl ciiiiscs of tlniiingc to vcgctntioii wliich lit lirst sight iiiny Lc iiiis- tnkcii for tlniiingc cniisctl IJY cliciiiicnls. ‘l‘lio Iilioto- grnlilis wliicli . \ I r. I Insciiclcvcr piiblislictl slic\vctl very tlistiiictly how trccs tlniiin,qd Iiy drninngc lint1 w r y iiiiicli the np~~cnrniico iis i f tlniiinyetl IJY ncid gnscs. \\’nnt of w t c r u s very d l C l l tba enuse of dccny. Aii iiiipcrrioiis pnveiiicnt, i f cnrricd too iienr to tlio rooh of n trco will oftcii kill it. 1 1 1 Liuerl~ool ivlici~o strccts wcro iiiritlc ncnr trces, it Iin i~iciictl frcqiiciitly tlint nn nplinrciitly Iiciiltlry tree clicd nliiiost sut~t~cii~y. I f tlio strccts or Iinvciiiciit roiiiid or iicnr n trco nru nsplinltctl or trotldcii tloivii tlic trcc is tlclirivcd of yntcr niid tlccnyn. 011 the I’riiicds boiilcv~irtl iii l~ivcrpool nttciiilits to grow trccs fliilctl in tlic Iirst iiistniicc frniii tliis eniisu rissistctl nlso by ~lic stroiig wiiitl to \vliicli the trecs tlicrc iiro osliosctl. Atr, IWclicr lins rorcrrctl tn snlt cnkc furnnccs n i d nssigiicd ns n r~‘iisoii why Iic lint1 i iut to s t q i so I I I I I I I ~


Page 4: Discussion on Dr. Hamburger's paper


iiow ns formerly, thnt tlicsc fiirnnccs werc iiow con-’ j :j. j\‘itli rcgr(1 to tlic tliird ilncstion“\Vlint nrc your striicted very iiiucli better. N o w Iic was not ! opinioiis coiiccrning uniforiii itictliotls of sniiipling, nwnrc of m y rndicnl change iii tlic constriictioii j ntitl Iiow could nn ngrcctiietit IJC nrrivcd nt 1” Your pE tlic fIirtinces, but tlicrc wns 110 tlou1)t thnt i i( iw , C~otiiinittcc lins lmi i iitinblc to nrrirc nt IL uiiniiiiiioiis i ~ . tiiiics of qnict trnde tIic nrtimns attentled iiiucli I concliisioii, niitl. tlicrcforc rccoiiiiiiencls fiirthcr dis- bcttcr to tlic littlc tlctnils of constriictioii tlinii I ciission 11 i o n this siib$ct. t h y could do i t i tiiiics of brisk trade siicli ns 1870. ! -1. ‘1’0 tlic qlicstion \\‘lint nrf! ‘Olir opiiiioiis coil- AS rcgnrds t ~ l c ]inns ; tlic Iicoli~o wiio cnst tlic iiniis xriiiiip iitniforni iiictliotls of niintssis Y ~ o i i r ~ o i i i - niid Iirofcssctl to enst good ~iaiis, lintl iiiost ccrtninly iiiiprovcd tho tliinlity w r y considcrn1)ly so tlint crncks nnd Icnkngcs nrc certainly of less freqiiciit occiirrctice. As loti ns n gooil tliinlit of iroti is iiscd, pots Inst n ynsti&c tiiiic ; Imt wlcti iron is clear utid inferior iron IS used thcti the pots Iirciik.


F. 11. Ilciil(cr. 11. F. Ctirliciilcr. 0. Ikitcoiirt. 11. ~ ~ ~ l l l H ~ l l l l ~ . I’ctcr I l t i r ~ . J. run Iloliciiliuuscii.

.- . . . -. ___

‘1‘. Jiickaoii. S. Jlcllor. c‘. ~110llcltl. 11. ~ \ I l ~ I l S slll~lll. I\‘. Vickcrs. IJ. I!-ulsoll.

e\gancbe.stec eectiosi,

I’icc-Chniiaintt : CcorKc I<. 1)nvi~. I.‘.I.C., F.C.S.

Jloi i . SCC. : J. C*urlcr-Doll, ILiiikIlclil. l’lio CIilr, lllglicr Ilrou~liloii,


Tlic S i x i w 4 i i i Y rcntl tlic lieport of the Coiitiiiittcc.

Pi- lins nlrcntly I~ceii tlecitlctl by tlic lnst tiicctiiig “‘I‘lint iii the opiitioti of this tiicctiiig it woiiltl IJC iiriicticnblc nntl very dcsirnblc to nttniii ii iiatioiinl iigrcciiiciit on stniitlnrtl inotliotls of s n n i ~ i 1 i 1 1 ~ arcs, inn- Iirodiicts niitl clictiiicrils ; biit tlint 1111 ititcrrintionnl in$hoil woiiltl Lo nt lircscnt iin~~riicticiil~le.”

llic Coiiiiiiittcc wcrc d s o I U iicstctl by tlic InsL inccting to ciircfiiily consitlcr tlic ‘tlisciisiioii wliicii took place, to osniiiiiio tlic ~iropositions iiiit forwnrtl Iiy tlie scvcriil B icnkcrs, i i i i t l to Iirciinrc n scrics of rcsolutiolis for t\ic ~ i i y iiicctitig, illcorlioriitilig tlic gisL of tlic discussion.

Yoiir Coiiiiiiittcc l ~ n s 11ict to coiisidcr tlic itinttcr, nntl bcgs to rcliort ns follows :-

(,)iicstioii t ltns bccn irncticnlly disposcd of so fiir its iintionii~ iiict~icit~s oil sniiiilliiig lire coIiccriicti, ly tlic rcsoliitioti of the liist iiiccti~ig.

2. l i i ivldy to tlic: tliicstiori “ IJlics ii nntiorinl iiyrcc- inciit tiicct i i l l ~iiirjioscs, nt IciisL so flir 11s this coiiiitry is .cyiccrtietl1” 1 oiir Conii~iittcc is of iiiiiitiii~ioiis ol~iiiioti ‘I l’linl n iintioiinl i igrcc~~tc~i t wonltl scrw 1111 pur~~oscs,” this coiicliisioti being iirri\.cd lit froill ciiro- fiilly coiisidcriiig the rcport of tliu colifcrclico of April 1st.

n i t t c ~ n r e not iiniiniiiioits in tIici:r coiicIiisiuiis, Ijiit :oiisitlcrs that clicitiists iiiny iisc the licst Irno\vii iictliotls, nticl sliiiiiltl bc nskcd to statc tlic tiictliotl .isctl iilioii tho rciiort or ccrtificntc of tlic niinlyeis or Issay.

5. A s to iiiiifortii itictliotls of stating results, yonr 2oiiiinittcc is of opiiiioti tlint siicli woiiltl bc possiblc, int l invite fiirtlicr tliseiission on tlic siibjcct.

(i. As to tlic nppoiiitnicnt of Coiiiiiiittcc nnd tlicir [io\~crs, your C‘oiiiiiiittcc is of opinion tlint siicli n :liicstioti iiiny snfcly Iic left to tltc Couticil niid i~ gciicnil ~iiccting of tlic Socicty.

i. In rcply to tlic cluestion ns to whetlicr tlic ntloii- tioti of stntitlnrtl iiictliotls slioiiltl bo inntlc cotiipulsory, your Cointtiittcc is iinntiitiiously of opitiioti “ Tlint nny ngrccnictit wlticli itiny Iic nrrirctl nt slinll only be co~isiclcrctl ns n recoiiinicndntioii to cliciiiists, biiycrs, sellcrs nticl consutwrs, niitl iiot Iic nbsoliitely binding O I I tlic Iinrt.irs concc~’~icd ; nntl i t fccls siirc tlint tho liiiblimtion of the IJcst iiicthotis in the doiirnnl of the Society, ntitl csiiiiiiiiccl frotii tiiiic to tinic by n rcli- rescntiitivc coiiiiiiittcc, would iii coiirsc of tiiiic linvc coiisidcixble iiilliiciicc iii sccuriiig their ndoptioti.

JIr. .\I IM.OK : I t nliiienrs to nic tlint tlic iiictliotl of ~ n ~ ~ ~ l i l i i i ~ iiiiist grcntly clciiciicl iqioii tlic nrticlcs to be sniiiplcd. Clcnrly i f W R nrc sniii ding itiincrnls, or iiictnls, or niloys of iiictnls, or itictnls contniiiiitg go^ or silver, or nrticlcs iri solution, the iiict.lioc1 of sniiipliiig in cncli case must vnry nccording to tlic nrticlc to IJO ~ ~ i ~ i ~ i l e t l . Now, I siibitiit tltrit sti inll sub-cotiti~iittcc~ slioiild be niiIiottitctl, consisting of gentlctiieti ncciis- toiiictl to dcnl witli tlio snitiiiling of givcii delinitc clnsscs of substnnccs, wliosc duty it slioultl be to draw up s i igp t ions of iiictliotls of sntiiiiliiig of tlic list or clnas ot iirticlcs with wliicli t h y are l m t ncqunintcd.

coiiititittccs coultl bc iliscitssctl s r rk t i i , i niid bc nltcrctl, ii~t~irovctl, niid u1tiiii:itcly ntloiitctl by n fu l l iiicetiiig of oiir scctioti. Any iiictliotl of sniiiiilin~ diawii i ip witli such cnrc, nntl npprovctl by oiir Socicty, wonltl sooii linvc tltc I)iiiditi- indiicncc of t,hc Inw of usngc, ntitl woiiltl bc ntiolitct7 gcnernlly. ~o nvoi(1 tlispiites i i i i t l to snvc tlic rcliiitntioii of niinlyticnl clicitiists i n nll contrncts between liiiycrs niid scIIcrs, tlic iiictliotl of sntii~iliii~ should be ngrcctl iqion niitl stntctl, nil(! i!i tlic cnsc of tiiiiicrnls niid rnliinlilr. ores or ‘I ~irccipi- tiitcs,” the iiiodc of nsccrtniiiitig iiioisturc slioiild bu givcn, nntl iilwiys i t slioirltl IJC dctcriiiitictl i f tlic iiictiil cciiitciits of orcs or ~irccipitntcs is to 1.1c iisccrtniticd by lircnssny, or Iiy coin ilcte niiiilysir. I lirnliosc tlint tlic suiljcct IJC refcrrch brick to tlie coitiiiiittco for rc-co~isiilcrntion, iind tlint tlicir rcport bu brouglit 1111 nt tlic iicst tiicctiiig.

N r . G t w i t t : ~ I<. L).\vis siiicl : Jlr. Jlellor’s reiiinrks Iinvc, to tiiy tiiiiid, provctl two iioiiits-lirstly, tlint II Iictcrogciicoiis coiiiiiiittcc would bc iticn )nlilc of dcnl- iiiy sntisfnctori~y wit11 t ~ i c qiicstioiis in Actnil. \\‘lien tliu tlctnils were \vorkctl out, tho geiicrnl priiiciiilcs iniglit be scttlctl by n lnrgcr coiiiiiiittcc. \\‘lint woiiltl 110 tlic usc of nii iiiitliriicc~io innkcr cndcnvoiiriag to clrnw i i p n iiictliotl for tlic sniiiiiliiig of iiiincrnls, or 11 rclincr of the Iirccioits nictnls bciiii* t-oiisultcd ns to tiic iitiii~ysis of ~Jciixol or dycwooti’ 1 ’ ~o iiiy mint1 tlic ~iroccss is I I I I W tlcfiiiitc ; tlic Coiiiiiiittco of this Scctioii, Iiiiviiig tliu rcsiilts of tho Confcrcnco boforc it, Iins IJCOII of blic opitiioti tlint tho n ipoiiit~notit of n gciicrnl coiiiiiiittcc to consit~cr tlie si&cct woul(1 bo a

I 7 1 lie rcliorts nntl iiictliotls sitggcstcd I J ~ tliesc sub-