dis trilla ry

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Post on 26-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ND+'#

    P'#DES+ #mmana io Pharma P )td. C.0. Mo$i 1ram, E2at$r +.0.M.S. 3.M.M. P$ram Panchayat Nindra

    Manda, Chittoor Distt. #.P. Corp. 04.5 -6-786/9, #"oe 1odre: Sho(room 7;,M1 'oad, Sec$ndera"ad-


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). = > #.P.

    Met En%ineerin% )td. ID# aaram Binnaram Md. - ;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). @ Empee

    S$%ars & Chemicas )td. #yyapareddipaem, Nay$d$pet-;7> 7@ Distt. Neore, #.P. +.0. ;8, +arris 'oad,

    P$d$pet Chennai-@7 !.1. Distt. #.P. +. 0. 5 P. . No. 6-79;7=-79;76869 E-mai 5 :eypores$%arAdataone.in

    Factory ;,77;>9; Fax5698 E-mai5 ersrd:r%Asancharnet.in +.0. ?e5 >-79;7=-79;76869 No 'y. Stn. 5 Nidadaoe 9*M 'S )5

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 'ama2rishna

    $idin%s 7=8, #nna Saai, Post ox No.6-79;;;6 to

    ;6@ Fax No.>-79;>@@6 E-mai5 2cps$%arAsn.com es 'y. Stn. 5 3i:ay(ada =< *.M. #irport 1annaaram

    7;< Distt. East 1odaari +.0. 5 M/s 1annon D$n2ery & Co. )td. Chartered an2

    $idin%, Mahatma 1andhi 'oad, Fort, M$m"ai-> 'S EN# #E

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7 nited

    Spirits )imited Distiery Diision Nacharam Ind$stria #rea, Nacharam, +ydera"ad-;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Peddap$ram

    M Distt. East 1odaari Chairman Sri N. Narasimha M$thy Mana%in% Director Sri N. Na%es(ararao >

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ; ?he

    NiGam S$%ars )td. Distiery nit o""ii ;=7;;9, Distt. Sri2a2$am +.0.5 --6>, Sha2ar ha(an, Fateh

    Maidan 'oad, Post ox No., *hairta"ad, +ydera"ad-;;> +.0.5>,>;,>@,>6 Fax5>== +.0.5>, >;,>@,>9,>8

    Fax56 Fcty.5 @6 -777

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). +.0. 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #dm. 0ce5

    Shia Niyam, 7;/#, 3i2ramp$ri, Sec$ndera"ad-;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7=

    Sreeniasa Distieries Priate )imited Ir$aram, Chittoor-;679 +.0. 5 6, San2ey 'oad, an%aore-7 Sri Indra Distiery Pt. )td., Paidiparr$,?an$2$-

    ;=>7 !est 1odaari Distt. #.P. Director Sri. 1. 'ama 'a:$ Director5 Sri 1. 1anesh *$mar Pot No. 9@, 'oad

    No.8, B$"iee +is, +ydera"ad Estd. 89< 7; Sri2a2$am Ethy #coho Ind$stries )td. #madaaaasa-;=79=

    No.6=, 3isa2hapatnam Distt. Sri2a2$am #.P. Camp. 04. Pot No.6, Pand$ran%ap$ram, 3isa2hapatnam-

    ;=>=6 I5

    >>=6 'S )5 >>=6 I5>>=6 EN# ) 5 >

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7@ Sri

    Sararaya S$%ars )td. Distiery nit Che$r$-;==7@, 'ayaaram Manda E.1. Distt. #.P. C.0. 99, Erhira:

    Saai, E%more, Chennai-@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). I+#' 78

    Ca(npore S$%ar !or2s )td. Marho(rah Distiery ranch Marho(rahK P.0. Dist. Saran +ead 0ce5 P..

    No.7;6 S$therand +o$se, *anp$r, Estd. 8 =< nited Spirits )imited Distiery Diision +athidah, Distt.

    Patna, ihar-9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). = Ne(

    S(adeshi Distiery Nar2atia%an:, !.Champaran, ihar-9>;>;; +.0. 5 ira $idin% ;th Foor, 8/,

    #.N.M$2her:ee 'oad, *o2ata-6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). == 'i%a

    S$%ar Co. )td. Distiery Diison P.0. 'i%a-9>==76, Distt. Sitamarhi Chairman & M%.Director Sri 0.P. Dhan$2a,

    =, Penn 'oad, #ipore *o2ata-6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =@ nited

    Spirits )imited P. 0.Mir%an: 1opa%an:-9>>=9, ihar +.0. ?he . . 1ro$p, Spirits Diision )e Parc

    'ichmonde ;, 'ichmond 'oad an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). D#M#N =6

    Daman Distiery *athiria, Post ox N0.= NaniDaman-=8@7< Partner5 Sri Da:i"hai *.?ande Estd.86> =9

    B$piter Distiery *athiria, Nani Daman-=8@7 < Partner5 Shri .M.Machhi Estd. 89> =8 *hemani Distieries

    Pt.)td. 'in%an(ada, *achi%am Daman-=8@7< Chairman5Sri #sho2 *. *hemani Estd 88; Phone No. >>9 Fax 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). >< 'oya

    Distiery Pt.)td. 'in%an(ada, *achi%am Daman-=8@7< Chairman5 Sri #sho2 *.*hemani Estd.89= ?e.57967,77>7867 Fax5 @6= Emai 5 2hemaniJad7Asancharnet.in No 'y. Stn. 3api

    9 *.M. #irport M$m"ai 8 #nand Distiery P.0.C$rtorim Sacete, 1oa #dmn. 0ce5 '$o D. )o$rence

    P.0. ox 7;, Pan:im-1oa >7 Impaa Distiery & re(ery )td. #ssoda, P0 Chandor, $een 1oa-> 04. 5

    ==, #monte, Ne( Mar2et, Mar%ao 1oa->; Facty. 577-@ Fax No.79 04.5 6=966, 6=7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). >= nited

    Distieries )imited ?e5 Fcty5

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Sha(

    !aace & Co. )td. =, !achand +irachand Mar%, aard Estate M$m"a Director5 Sri *ama P$ri Estd. 5 88 6

    *.M. 1B#'#? >@ #sho2 0r%anic Ind$stries )td. #n2esh(ar, +ansot 'oad, P.0. oridra Distt. har$ch, 1$:arat

    '.0. >

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). '.0.5

    Chaitanya F/ Seth C.1. 'oad, Eis rid%e #hmeda"ad-=988>6=, 77>88>6> Fax5 8-88>@@ ?e +.0.

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;< Shree

    iesh(ar *hand dyo% *hed$t Saha2ari Mandi )td., *odinar - =@767; Distt. B$na%adh, 1$:arat Chairman5 Sri

    Natarsinh < 3aa 3ice Chairman5 Sri Pratapsinh"hai S. Dodia Mana%in% Director5 Sri 'a:an"hai '. 3ainsh

    Distiery Inchar%e 5 Sri Dansinh M. Mori Estd. 8@@ ; Shree Chathan 3i"ha% *hand dyo% Saha2ari Mandi

    )td., Chathan-=8>=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Distt.S$rat,

    1$:arat Chairman5 Sh. Bayanti"hai C. Pate 3ice Chairman5 Sri '.N. Pate Mana%in% Director5 Sh. M.M.Pate

    Estd. 89= ;7 Shree 1anesh *hand SM )td., #t & P0 3#?#'I#-=8=< 88=;== +.0. ?e5 =76

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 3ice

    Chairman5 Sri haratsinh Madh$sinh ?ha2or Mana%in% Director5 Sri *antia 3irendra"hai Pate Estd 7

    Shree Mah$a Pradesh Saha2ari *hand dyo% Mandi )td. P.05S$%ar Factory , amania-=8>7>@ ?a.Mah$a

    Distt. S$rat, 1$:arat. Chairman Sri Mansinh"hai * Pate 3ice-Chairman Sri aantrai '. Pate Mana%in%

    Director Sri #r:$n:"hai . Pate Estd Decem"er 77>


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;6

    Saha2ari *hand dyo% Manda )td. 1andei, 3ia-iimora-=8@=@< Distt. Nasari Chairman Prof.Banti"hai

    Pate 3ice chairman Sri Mahendra"hai P Pate Mana%in% Director Sri 1anesh"hai D Pati Estd 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;8 east

    #co EnGymes )td., Dam Site, Paitana-=@>76< Distt. hana%ar, 1$:arat 'e%d. o4. 5 Diya #partments,

    Mitha2hai1arnaa, Naran%p$ra, #hmeda"ad-=9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). M$m"ai-

    >, +aryana C.0. 5 C-@= , Ne( Friends Coony Ne( Dehi-

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). @@ ?he

    Panipat Co-operatie S$%ar Mis )td. ?e.57@;79= Distiery nit Emai5 crystaApnp.nic.in 1ohana 'oad,

    Panipat =7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 3itta Maya


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 6< nited

    Spirits )imited, Pot No. >,+PSIDC,Ind$stria #rea Naa%arh 'oad, #DDI-6=7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). I5 =

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). +.0.=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director Sri Mahesh Madhaan,CE0, #ddress of +0 776,1ro$nd Foor, 02ha Ind$stria Estate Phase-III Ne(


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 9< 1a$ri

    Ind$stries *arnata2a Pt. )td. Post ox No. =,.+ 'oad, 1#'IID#NI'-;@7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 9= +a"i"

    Distieries Pt. )td. re(ery +o$se 6th Mie, *ana2p$ra 'oad an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 96

    *a"$r%i Distieries, +oste Mariyan ?immasa%ar ehind Commerce 3idyana%ar +$"i Prop.5 Sri 3.3. *a"$r%i

    05 Da:i"an Peth. +$"i-;9=7< I 5 >

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 98

    *hoday India )td. 6th Mie, *ana2p$ra 'oad, an%aore- ;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). City,3itta

    Maya 'oad, an%aore-;@; Fax No.-77>=< E-mai "h$pindersin%hA$"mai.com ?e5 +0

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). City,3itta

    Maya 'oad, an%aore-;@77, Chairman5

    Dr. N. Mahain%am Mana%in% Director Sri M Sriniaasan '05 6@ soor 'oad, an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant N< Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 8@ Shri

    Doodha%an%a *rishna SS* Niyamit Chi2odi ?eK ?. C+I*0DI-;87>6 Distt. e%a$m Facty. & +0 7; ? Madd$r Distt.

    Mandya Mana%in% Director Sri M. Pra"ha2ar 'ao +o$se No.@/,Chandramo$i Na%ar, 1N?'-;77;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 88 Samsons

    Distieries Pt. )td., @76, #ne2onda, Daan%ere-;66

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 9 Fax No. 9=@-


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). >>,76>8> Fax No. 7>7 E-mai5 "snAsancharnet.in ?e5

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). M$m"ai >

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 05 ;>,

    ?$siani Cham"ers,Nariman Point Ma$m"ai->7, =rd Cross,

    !ison 1arden I an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Exec$tie

    Director Sri D. 'aindranath Estd.5. 88; eGdi Distieries annimantap )ayo$t, Mysore-;6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). = *.S.

    Distiery # nit of Sreedharan & Co.Pt)td. ?*/=@,?hai22a$, *ann$r-@6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;

    Normandy re(eries & Distiery 3ia Cher$ath$r Cheemeni, Distt. *asara%od-@6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 9 Seen

    Seas Distiery )imited Mann$thy, ?hriss$r-@9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7 nited

    Spirits )imited *an:i2ode,*.P$d$r, Pa%hat-@69@7 Contact person Sri # 'a%h$nathan Chairman Dr. 3i:ay

    Maya Mana%in% Director Sri 3.*. 'e2hi #ddress of +0 nited Spirits )imited 8th Foor, ?o(ers City,

    3itta Maya 'oad, an%aore-;6;79 Fax No. 8@ E-mai 5 a%ra(adistieryAredi4mai.com ?e5 Factory < 679

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7=

    #ssociated #coho & re(eries )td., 3ia%e5*hodi 1ram P0 mariya Cho(2i #'!#+#->;; Distt.

    *har%one Chairman Sri #nand *$mar *edia Director Sri +.*. handari Director Sri Santosh *$mar *edia

    #ddress of Corporate oce Sier #rc PaGa >th Foor 7;7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7@ Cox

    India )td. No(%on%, $nde2hand >6 76>>

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 78 *edia

    Distiessries )imited, >-D, )i%ht Ind$stria #rea, hiai->8@,7=;7; Fax No. ===@6 Mai receied "ac2 $ndeiered H 'y.Stn D$r% 7*M )5>;*M 'S )=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director S$nit Madho2 @;7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =@ S.1.

    Distieries MC 'atam #coho and Car"on-Di-0xide Pant Ind$stria Estate, 'atam->;6 =; 'air$ Distieries )td., 'air$ Farm #%ra-om"ay 'oad,


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =9

    3indhyacha Distieries Pt. )td. 3ia%e5 Pi$2hed, ?eh. Narsin%h%arh Distt5 'a:%arh +.0. 7@8-76@7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.).

    M#+#'#S+?'# >< #:in2yatara S.S.*. )td. Distiery Diision Shah$na%ar, Shendre->;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Director Sri

    S(aran:eet Sin%h a:a: Director Sri Pradeep ' Nand(ani Estd 8>7 >= #sho2 Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td.

    #sho2 Na%ar Post5 *are%aon Factory->=66 ?a. 5 Shriramp$r DisttT #hmedna%ar Maharashtra Chairman5 Sh.

    S.P. 'a$t 3ice Chairman5 Sh. M. '. nde Mana%in% Director5 Sh. S. D. *a2ade Estd.March 88> >> Dr.

    a"$rao ap$:i ?ansp$re SS*. )td., Shrishia:ina%ar, '#+'I->=6@>8, 77>@>87 Fax

    5 77-77>@>8= E-mai 5 asho2ss2JanrAsancharnet.in ?e57@7;>>6 to ; Fax57@-7;>=@ E-

    mai5rss2tdAredi4mai.com es No 'y. Stn. 'ah$ri ; *.M. 'S )5=;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). >; ?he

    e%an%a Saha2ari S* )td., horas Chais%aon Distt. Ba%aon->7>@ Chairman5 Sri #.'.Deshm$2h Mana%in%

    Director5 Sri NN Pati >@ nited Spirits )imited P0 Pimpai, ?a5aramati Distt5 P$ne->=>8 No No 'y Stn. *$rd$(adi >< *.M 'S )=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Peth

    Common(eath $idin% Fax No.;>89 Chitai Distiery )td. Formery *no( as !estern Maharashtra

    Deeopment corpn.)td. Distiery Diision, Chitai ->=67= ?a. 'ahata Distt. #hmedna%ar '.0. 5 Directorate of

    Ind$stries 0pp. Mantraaya, M$m"ai->8>< E-mai5

    (mdcctiJanrAsancharnet.in No No 'y.Stn Chitai #irport #$ran%a"ad

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). '.0.5 *in%s

    trs. *in%s $idin% Comp$nd Chamar"a$%(aa 'oad, Pare, M$m"ai->;Ayahoo.co.in No 'y. Stn. #$ran%a"ad 7 *.M. #irport #$ran%a"ad = *.M. Prod$ction not

    Started @

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;7

    Dee:ay Distieries Pt. )td., *ooi P.0. a(ade ?a5 Dahan$, Distt. ?hane->;@ 7=6@@;@ Partners5 Sri B.# Deo2ar & Sri S.#. Deo2ar Pad(a d%. 97/99, Bai 'oad,

    Don%riEastM$m"ai->69< Fax5;; E-mai 5

    d"r2pss2td%Asancharnet.in ?e5 @8 Mo"ie No.5 8>7=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Estd 86=

    ?e5 7676 Mo"ieNo. 877;9< *.M. #irport #$ran%a"ad


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ;6 ?he

    1irna Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td. ?e5 >>@;,;7 ha$sahe" +iray Na%ar, Fax No.>>@;7 ;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). @ ?he

    *opar%aon Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td., Distiery Diision #t 1a$tamna%ar P0 *0)PE!#DI->7=@;;=< ?a5 !ai Distt. Satara Chairman Sri Madan Prataprao hosae 3ice-

    Chairman Sri 1a:anan Dharmsi a"ar Mana%in% Director Sri Ba%annath E2anath Bay2ar Estd 5 88> @=

    *ohap$r S$%ar Mis )td., *asa"a aada, *0)+#P'->@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Chairman Sri

    S$shi2$mar ' .'$ia Mana%in% Director Sri #ni2$mar '$ia Estd 8>8 @> ash(antrao Mohite *rishna

    Saha2ari sa2har *ar2hana )td., 'ethare * P0 S+I3N#1#'->;;8, Shani(ar Peth *arad, Distt. Satara 3ice

    Chairman Sri Dayanand himrao Pati #/P *ae, ?a-*arad, Distt.Satara Inchar%e & Mana%in% Dir. 5 Sri Ni2am

    #.). Estd 5 86 @; *armeer *a2a Sahe" !a%h S.S.*. )td. *a2asahe"na%ar->77=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). @@

    *$m"hi-*asari Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td., *DI?'E->@7 ?a.*arir Distt.5 *ohap$r, Chairman 5 Sri

    Chandradeep Shashi2ant Nar2e *asa"a or%aon ?a Panhaa Distt. *ohap$r 3ice Chairman Sri #nanda

    Namadeo Pati,Padai*h Mana%in% Director Sri 3ish(anath Shinde Estd 588= @6 nited Spirits )imited 3iI.

    Parmori., ?a. Dindori, Dist. Nasi2->777

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). @9

    Madh$2ar Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td. Biaramna%ar, Nhaimar% FaiGp$r- >7;;7> ?. a(a Distt.Ba%aon

    Chairman Sri Di%am"ar 3ith$ Nar2hede 3ice Chairman Sri has Nim"a Cha$dhari Mana%in% Director Sri D.+.

    oroe #t & P0 China(a, ?. 'aer Distt.Ba%aon Estd 88> @8 nited Spirits )imited #dditiona Ind$stria

    #rea, Chi2athana #'#N1##D->=7< Contact person Sri N.C. #%ni%otri Chairman Dr. 3i:ay Maya

    Mana%in% Director Sri 3.*. 'e2hi #ddress of '0 )e Parc 'ichmonde ;, 'ichmond 'oad,an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Chairman Sri

    Chandrarao *r$shnarao ?a(are #/P San%ai,?a.aramati, Distt. P$ne 3ice Chairman 5 Sri Madanrao ?ana:i

    Deo2ate #/P Nira(a:,?a. aramati,Distt. P$ne Mana%in% Director S.M. ?a(are #/P San%ai,?a.aramati,

    Distt. P$ne 1enera Mana%er Sri '.. Ba%tap #/P Pandare, ?a. aramati, Distt.P$ne Estd. 896 6 Man%an%a

    S.S.*. )td. Sonarsidhna%ar->;= 67 Man:ara

    Shet2ari Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td., 3iasna%ar->;== Distt.)at$r Chairman Sri Deeiprao:i Deshm$2h

    3ice Chairman Sri 3i:aym$rthi Sheste, Mana%in% Director Sri #sho2rao 1ir(a2ar Estd B$y 887

    mae%aonss2Aredi4mai.com Mo"ie No.8977;;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 6= M$a

    Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td., Fact.& +05 ?e5 S0N#I->>

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 6@

    Padmashri Dr. 3ittha 'ao 3i2he Pati Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td., P0 -P'#3#'#N#1#'->=67 ?a.'ahata

    Distt. #hmedna%ar Chairman Dr. .N.*harade Pati 3ice -Chairman Sri '.S.h$sa Pati Mana%in% Director Sri

    3.?. Pati Exc$tie Director Sri .S. Shinde Estd 86< 66 P$rna S.S.*. )td. asmatna%ar->=;7, ?a5 asmat

    Distt. +in%oi Chairman5 Sri Baipra2ash 'aosahe" Sa$n2e 3ice Chairman Sri Pand$ran% ap$rao *adam

    Mana%in% Director Sri D.1. +ere2ar Estd588= 69 'a:aram"ap$ Pati Saha2ari Sa2har *ar2hana )td.,

    'a:aramna%ar P0 S#*+#'#)E->;>> ?a.!a(a, Distt. San%i Chairman Sri P.'. Pati ?e5 77-7;7=@9/@8 Fax No. 77-7;==86 E-mai5 praaras$%arAyahoo.com 'y Stn. eap$rC' 9*M #irport


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 3ice

    Chairman 3.'. Pati Mana%in% Director Sri N.S. *adam Distiery Inchar%e5 Sri S.'. Pati Estd 0ct. 86; 68

    Saha2ar Maharshi Shan2arrao Mohite Mohite Pati S.S.*. )td. Shan2arna%ar, #*)B ->=9 Distt. Soap$r

    Chairman5 Sri Baysinh Shan2arrao Mohite Pati 3.Chairman Sri Nanasahe" 3ittho"a Ma%ar Man%. Dir. 5 Sri

    Din2arrao Shiram *hape Distiery Ince. 5 Sri #nanda Saa"a Pati Estd. 89> 9< Sahyadri Saha2ari Sa2har

    *ar2hana )imited, ES+!#N?N#1#'->;; ?a. *arad Distt.Satara Chairman Sri Shamrao Pand$ran% Pati

    3ice Chairman Sri a"anrao a"$rao ada Mana%in% Director Shri +.?. Deasi Estd 5 899 9 Samarth

    Saha2ari S* )imited, Distiery Diision ?e5 Fact., +0 & '0 es 9 Fax No.8

    E-mai smsmpss2Apn=.sn.net.in (e"site5 shiparatia2$:s$%ar.com. es 'y Stn. *$rd$adi ;8*M #irport

    P$ne 9< *M I5@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.).

    #N*S+N#1#'->=77 ?a. #m"ad Distt. Bana Chairman5 Sa$. Shardatai ?ope 3ice Chairman Sri #marsin%

    *harat Mana%in% Director Sri a:irao ?. Pa(ase Estd5 88= 97 Shree ho%a(ati Saha2ari S* )imited,

    Shah$na%ar, Parite->@7 ?a. *arir, Dist. *ohap$r, Chairman Sri Dipa2 'a:aram Pati 3ice-Chairman Sri

    3ish(anath 3ittha Pati Mana%in% Director Sri N.. Mohite Estd 8@8 9= Shri 1oerdhan Petrochemicas

    Distiery Diision S. No. 7>/#-/7>7, Near #.P.M.C. *hodaimata Mandir 'oad, Nand$r"ar->7;>7 #ddress of

    +0 5 Q'iddhi-Siddhi, Pardishi P$ra Nand$r"ar->7;>7, Partners5 Sri Pashpendra 1. 'a%h$ensh Sri Sadanand

    P. esrar Estd 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 9>

    San%amner ha% Saha2ari S* )td.,#mr$tna%ar S#N1#MNE'->77@ 9; Shree

    Chhatrapati Shah$ Saha2ari S* )td., QShrimant Bayshin%rao 1hat%e haanO *#1#)->@7@ ?a *a%a Distt.

    *ohap$r Chairman Sri 3i2ramsinh Baysin%rao 1hat%e 3ice Chairman Sri Sadashi * Ma%d$m Mana%in%

    Director Sri 3i:ay S. #$tade Distiery Mana%er5 Sri #:it ) Deshm$2h Estd5 77; E-mai5 amr$ts$%arAyahoo.co.in es 'y Stn. Nasi2 'oad ;@*M

    #irport P$ne ;< *M 'y Stn. *ohap$r 77 to 7>>7> Fax No. >7> .0. ?e5 >;< E-mai5 2pr

    shah$2a%Asancharnet.in es No 'S )5=;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 99 Shri

    D$dh%an%a 3ed%an%a SS* )imited idriMo$nina%ar->@787@ Fax No.

    867 E-mai 2pJ"idris%rAsancharnet.in ?e5 0 8 'y.Stn. *ohap$r >< *M

    #irport >; 'S )58 96 Shri Dnyanesh(ar Saha2ari Sa2har

    *ar2hana )td, Dnyanesh(arna%ar- P0 +ENDE->>@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Distt.

    #hmedna%ar Chairman Sri DD Pati 3ice Chairman 5 Sri Panditrao M$ridhar )ahare Pati Manai%n% Director

    Sri .D. #$tade Distiery Inchar%e Sri *.. #:a%e Estd 5 88> Fax No. 7=-7>7@; #irport #$ran%a"ad 79, 3i5 Dayane P0

    Pare%aon ?a.Chand(ad Distt. Nashi2 #ddress of '0 ?e5 Fact. 77;,7>7=< Fax No.79; E-

    mai5p"2%ro$pAsn.com ?e 5 '0 8>8@9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). asesment

    No.>,?3 Ind$stria Estate, !ori M$m"ai->

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director Sri Pandit *esharao Pa(ar Estd 5 88= 8> Shree Siddhesh(ar Saha2ari S* )td., Distiery Dii.

    *M#?+E, P0 ?i2e2ar(adi ->=77> Distt. Soap$r Chairman Sri Me%hra: M. *adadi 3ice Chairman Sri Iranna

    '. Pati Mana%in% Director Sri Mainath # Bod"hai Estd5 89@ 8; Shri ?$:a"haani Shet2ari SS* )imited,

    Nad$r% ->=@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Exec$tie

    Director 5 Sri Samir S.Somaiya Fax No. 7=-768==8 FaGa"hoy $idin%,>;->6, Mahatma 1andhi 'oad, E-

    mai5sa2ar(adiAsomaiya.com Post ox No. =9>,Fort,M$m"ai->

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7=;97=< Mo". 8878

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 3ice

    Chairman 5 Shri #r$nrao 3ittharao eoe Mana%in% Director5 Sri *.'. Pa(ar Exec. Dir. 5 Shri Shan2arrao:i

    1en$:i *ohe Estd.589@ 7=67@ 96 -7;7777 ?a. Shri%onda Distt. #hmedna%ar Fax No.96-7;7==8 3ice

    Chairman Sri '.S. Na%a(ade E-mai 5 Mana%in% Director5 Sri S.#. Shinde shri%ondas$%arAredi4mai.com

    Exec$tie Director 5 Sri 3.S. hoyate Estd. 0ct. 89; 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant es Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7

    ?ia2na%ar Ind$stries )imited, ?ia2na%ar->=67

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director Sri #sho2 . Badha Exec$tie Director Sri *handerao D. *anchan Estd5 887 7 3aidyanath Saha2ari

    Sa2har *ar2hana )td., P#N1'I->=;=< ?. Pari 3ai:nath Distt. eed Chairman 5 Sri 1opinathrao M$nde M)#

    3ice Chairman 5 Sri Namderao #%ha Mana%in% Director Sri #.3. Pae Estd5 7;6,7@>>7=, 7@>@@< Fax No. >@7@>;6,7@>>7=,7@>@@< Emai5 ss2pan%riAyahoo.co.in !e"site5

    (((.aidyanath.sa2har.com es No 7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 0'ISS# 7=

    ?he #s2a Co-operatie S$%ar Ind. )td. N$a%am #s2a-6@ Distt 1an:am Mana%in% Director5 Sri

    'ammohan Patra Estd5 86> 7> 77. ishandaya Distiery #t eherama P0. Bhars$%$na-6@97 Distt

    Sam"ap$r Prop. Sri 1hanshyam Das ishandaya $idin%, Nayasara2, C$ttac2-6;=,'aceco$rse 'oad, Coim"atore-9 ?N Chairman5 Sri P.'.'ama2rishnan ?e5 Facty @;,76=>@>, 76=>@8,76@>@9 Fax No.

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Exc$tie

    Director Smt. #nita Pra"h$ '.0. 'ama2rishna $idin% 7=8,#nnaSaai P0 ox No. 6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 3ice

    Chairman Sr. M. Manic2am Mana%in% Director M. Manic2am #ddress of +0 9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 77 nited

    Spirits )imited, Narayanp$r , 1opap$r-0n Sea Distt. 1an:am-6@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 77> 3i:ay

    Ind$stria #cohos )imited )in%nareddy Paayam Pondicherry-@< Mai receied "ac2

    $indeered 'y.Stn. Pondicherry 7;*M 'S )5>>#, *attari *$ppam 3ia%e Mannadipet Comm$n., Pondicherry-@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #dress of

    +0 No. >#,S$""iaiah Saai, P$d$cherry-@>7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 778 Empire

    #co re ;9, Ind$stria #rea-II, Chandi%arh-@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7=

    Ba%at:it Ind$stries )td. P.0. Ba%at:it Na%ar->>96@6@=-@>, =7;6=< Fax5 8-9=-7>6@96

    2hasaAsancharnet.in No No 'y. Stn. *hasa

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). M%. Dir 5 Sh.

    pinder Sharma Estd.5 887 7=> Patiaa Distiers & Man$fact$rers )td., Post ox No. ;;, 0pp.State Coe%e of

    Ed$cation P#?I#)#->6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7=@ ?rident

    #co-Cham )td. 9;, Ind$stria #rea-# )$dhiana->

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). '#B#S?+#N

    7=9 #%ri"iotech Ind$stries )imited SP-;@,'IIC0 Ind$stria #rea #BI?1#'+-==76 3.*.I.#rea Baip$r-=9;< I5>9;< EN# ?eK Factory

    8>-7>===, 7>=8>-7>=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7>

    1o"$s #%ronics )imited 3ia%e Shyamp$r ?ehsi ehor, Distt.#(ar '05 C-@=, Ne( Friends Coony, Ne(

    Dehi- ;,>6 Fax5 >-799=8= Ernai sona%eneraA$"mai.com ?e5


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ddress of

    '0 nited Spirits )imited, )e Parc 'ichmonde ;, 'ichmond 'oad, an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ddress of

    +0 nited Spirits )imited 8th Foor, ?o(ers City, 3itta Maya 'oad, an%aore-;@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). SI**IM 7>6

    Mo$nt Distiery )imited =#, Nationa +i%h(ay, MaGitar-6=6=7 '05 P-8 'oad, 1an%to2-6=6 ?e Factory5 @@=6 No Fax No.@ *M IMF) 0ny ?#MI) N#D 7>8 #r$na S$%ars & Enterprises )td.

    #r$nap$ram, Eraiy$r, Pennadam So$th #rcot-@=-7977;= '.0.79769>

    Fax5 >-79797@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7;< ?he

    #marathi Coop. S$%ar Mis )td., Distiery nit, *rishnap$ram-@>7 Coim"atore Estd. #pri 88= 7; ?hir$

    #rooran S$%ars )td., #so *no(n as Shree #m"i2a S$%ars )td., Distiery nit ?ir$mandan2$di-@7=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7;=

    annari #mman S$%ars )td. Distiery Diision Sinnap$iy$r, Periap$iy$r Post, haani ?a$2 -@=9>;;

    Chairmain& M%. Director5 Dr. S.3.aas$"ramaniam Boint Mana%in% Director5Sri . Saraanan =7, '$2mani

    Na%ar, ?richy 'oad, 'amanathap$ram, Coim"atore-@>; '.0.5 77, ?richy 'oad Estd 5 869 7;> haani

    Distieries & Chem. )td. ?. P$d$r 3iia%e, ?himiri-*aaai 'aod, #rcot?a$2, 3eore Distt. ?.N. - @=7;>

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Exec$tie

    Director Mr. 3 'amesh #ddress of +0 No. 8, Cathedra 'oad, Chennai-@-7>897==9 Fax No.>-7>89=88> E-mai5coixAsn.in !e"sites (((.coix"eesra%es.com 'y.Stn.


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7;9

    Dharani S$%ars and Chemicas )td., Distiery nit, Dharanina%ar-@7@6@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director Sri P. 'ama"a"$ #ddress of +0 EID ParryIndia )imited, Dare +o$se, 7=>. NSC ose 'oad, Chennai-


    79;77=9,79;77>@ Fax No. >-79;77@@ E-mai5 m"dhoAm"d.co.in ?e5 Fact. >-76>7@=>@,76>7@;- 76>7@=>@ E-mai5 m"ddistAm"d.con.in No 'y.Stn. *att$r #irport ?richy =; *M No 'y Stn.

    Chen%apet @*M #irport Chennai >; *M 'S/EN# )5

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7@>

    Sa2thi S$%ars )imited Sa2thina%ar, @=9 =; Distt5 Erode Chairman Sri N. Mahain%am ?e577-777;; 3ice-

    Chairman Sri M Manic2am ?e577-77788 +0 5 9< 'ace Co$rse 'oad, Coim"atore-@>7=@-7>7=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 7@@ ?he

    Saem Co-0p S$%ar Mis )imited Distiery nit Mohan$r-@=6668= Fax5 >-7>8668@ No es 'y. Stn. 'S 1oden 'oc2, ) 5 9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ?ir$chirapai

    - @7< 8; '05 Mahaa2shmi Mission No. >, First Main

    'oad,1andhina%ar, #dyar,Chennai-@-

    79;7;>7 ??#' P#'#DES+ 76 aramp$r Chini Mis )imited, Paper and Chemica Diision aramp$r-76

    78 Fax No.

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ddress of

    +0& '0 QFMCO Fort$na, 7nd Foor,7=>/=#, #BC ose 'oad, *o2ata-6,7;@@9< E-mai5 "a"hnan7=Asify.com !e"site5 (((.chini.com Fax

    No. @-7;@@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). +0 &

    '05a:a: ha(an, 7nd Foor Bamnaa a:a: Mar%,77@,Nariman Point M$m"ai-> a:a: +ind$sthan )imited Sarda Na%ar 'oad, *ham"er2hera

    Distt5 )a2himp$r *heri Chairman & M%. Dir. 5 Sri Shishir a:a: Bt.M%.Director Sri *$sha%ra Nayan a:a:

    Exec$tie Director/CE0 Sri 'a2esh hartia +0 & '05a:a: ha(an, 7nd Foor Bamnaa a:a:

    Mar%,77@,Nariman Point M$m"ai->

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). a:a:

    ha(an, Bamnaa a:a: Mar%, -

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 766 a:a:

    +ind$sthan S$%ar & Ind$stries )imited 3ia%e #thadama, '$dha$i Distt5 asti .P. Name,address and

    teephone nos of the Proprietors/Promoters of the distiery $nit Promoter 5 Sri Shishir a:a: Chairman & M%. 5

    Director Sri Shishir a:a: Bt.M%.Director 5 Sri *$sha%ra Nayan a:a: Exec$tie Director/CE0 Sri 'a2esh hartia

    #ddress of '0 a:a: +ind$sthan )imited 77@, Nariman Point, M$m"ai->

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 769 nited

    Spirits )imited Meer$t Cantt. MEE'?-7;, S(ami Na%ar, Ne(

    Dehi Mr. +arish #ne:a Mr. Pranay #ne:a Estd. Sept. 8< 79< Da$raa S$%ar !or2s Distiery # nit of DCM

    Shriram Ind$stries )td. Da$raa-7;

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Chairman &

    M%. Director5 Sri ?ia2 Dhar #ddress of +.0 DCM Shriram Ind$stries )td., *anchen:$n%a $idin%,9,

    ara2ham"a 'oad, Ne( Dehi-@7@7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ddress of

    .0. -, 1$mohar Par2 Ne( Dehi-9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director Sri .*.Bh$n:h$n(aa

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 79@

    *esar Enterprises )imited, Spirit Diision-#+E'I-7>=7=; areiy 0ce 5 ?e5 7=

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 799

    )ords Distiery )imited Nand%an: 1+#IP'-7===

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). 78< Modi

    Distiery, M0DIN#1#'-7th Foor, 'attan Byoti $idin% 8, 'a:endra Pace, Ne( Dehi-

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). #ddress of

    '0 Soan, re(ery, Soan, Shima +is, +.P. Chairman &Mana%in% Director ri%.Dr.*api Mohan, 3SM PhD

    78= Mohan Mea2in )imited M0+#NN#1#'-7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Defence

    Coony Ne( Dehi-= ?e5 '0 ;;7;;; Fax No. ;;7;;7 E-

    mai5nicosAairte"road"and.in edJnicoAairte"road"and.in ?e5Fact. -

    777@9>,777@9; ?e5 +0

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.).

    Shah:ahanp$r #ddress of +0 6th Foor, #ntri2sh ha(an, *.1.Mar%, Ne( Dehi-

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =>8= =

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant No Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =666@ Distt. M$Ga4arna%ar '0 & +05 Shami Distiery &

    Chemica !or2s Prop.5 Sir Shadi )a Enterprises )imited, >-#, +ansaaya, ;, ara2ham"a 'oad, Ne( Dehi-

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). *anp$r-

    7>9 +0 & '0 5

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). Mana%in%

    Director5 Sri S$dhish Pra2ash E-mai 5 ?i2a$aAhotmai.com +05 9-, Ne( Mandi, M$Ga4arna%ar '05

    =6,1yan *$n:, )$xmina%ar, Dehi-

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). = nnao

    Distieries & re(eries )imited, She2hp$r, nnao-7

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). => ?he

    *isan Saha2ari Chini Mi )imited, Distiery nit *aim%an:-79

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =6 .P. Co-

    0peratie S$%ar Factories Fed. )imited Distiery nit, Nanpara Distt5 ahraich Mana%in% Director5 Sri M.#.

    Siddi$i, I#S Estd 899-98 =9 *isan Saha2ari Chini Mis )imited, Distiery $nit, Samp$rnana%ar-7@78 Distt5

    )a2himp$r,*heri '0 P Co.op S$%ar Factories Fed. )imited, 8#, 'anapratap Mar%, )$c2no(-77@

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =7>8>6= Distt. dhamsin%hna%ar 'y Stn. +arra(aa =*M #irport Boy1rant >*M

    'y.Stn. *aship$r 6*M 'S )5=9

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). '0 C-7>,

    02ha Ind$stria #rea,Phase-I, Ne( Dehi-==@9 +I05 Pot No. Ind. ;, Sector , East *o2atta

    ?o(nship *o2atta-6

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =7@ nited

    Spirits )imited, =7,Banna%ar 'oad, Serampore -677

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). =76 Pra2ash

    Distiery & Chem.Co. )imited, Pra2ash Na%ar, SI)I1'I-6=>>th Foor, +.C. 'oad, Sii%$ri-6=>>

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). +?#N =78

    #rmy !efare Pro:ect 1aye%ph$% Distiery, 1aye%ph$% +0 Post ox No. 87, De(an% #partment Pe2hi

    +o$se, ;th Foor, Ph$ntshoin%, h$tan Exec$tie Director Ma:.Sonam Chhophe Estd 586@ ==< #rmy !efare

    Pro:ect Samtse Distiery, Samtse +0 Post ox No. 87, De(an% #partment Pe2hi +o$se, ;th Foor,

    Ph$ntshoin%, h$tan Estd 5 897 == #rmy !efare Pro:ect Samdr$p:on%2har +0 Post ox No. 87, De(an%

    #partment Pe2hi +o$se, ;th Foor, Ph$ntshoin%, h$tan Estd 5 897 ?e5 9 Fax No.

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). NEP#) ==7

    #mra(ati Madyashaa Pt. )imited, Post ox No. @8,#a2hya 'oad, ir%an:-6 +05 Post ox No. 878,,*ai Mati,

    *athmand$ ?e5 < I5=7=, *athmand$,

    Ba(aa2he, )aitp$r, Nepa Chairman Sri 3i:ay *. Shah President5 Mrs Mar%aret ?.B. Shah Estd #$%$st 889 ==;

    Ba(aa2he Distiery Pt. )imited, Dho"i%hat, Ba(aa2he Post ox No. >7=,*athmand$, Nepa '0 Ba(aa2hes,

    )aitp$r, Post ox No.>7= ?e5 Factory ;77

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). *athmand$,

    Nepa Chairman Sri 3i:ay *. Shah President5 Mrs Mar%aret ?.B. Shah Estd Ban.86= ==@ )$m"ini S$%ar Mis

    )imited S$n(a, Na(a Parasi, )$m"ini one, Nepa 0ce P0 ox No.=>7@, *athmand$, Nepa ==6 Nepa

    Distieries Pt. )imited, aa:$, *athmand$ Mana%in% Director Sri Soi Mano2sha ==9 S$my Distieries Pt.

    )imited, M$2$ndp$r 3DC !ard No.8, ediha Na(aparasi, Nepa +05 Post ox No. 986; EPC,;>

  • 7/25/2019 Dis Trilla Ry


    SI. Name, address of factory & No. Name of Prop./Chairman/M.D. Phones, Fax E-mai etc. !e"site #dd.

    !hether Distiery is attached to s$%ar factory !hether yo$r distiery is a captie $nit for s$ppy of acoho to

    yo$r Chemica pant H Nearest 'ai(ays Stn. #irport )icensed Prod$cts and Instaed Capcity in *.). ==8 Sri

    'am S$%ar Mis )imited, Distiery Diision Mahamadp$r1ar$da'a"itahat,Distt.Nepa '05 1ocha +o$se,

    1ana"aha 1P0 ox No.=@= *athmand$, Nepa Chief Exec$tie5 Sri ).N.?a2ar Estd5 88; =>< ?risha2ti

    Distieries Pt. )imited, 7;, Dii aGar, P0 ox No.>>9 *athmand$-76 Nepa Sri Pra2ash ahad$r Shahi ?e5
