dim report l'oreal

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  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    Direct and Interactive Marketing Management

    Coursework: Recommendations Report

    Word Count: 3,500 words

    Executive Summary

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    LOreal is one of the biggest companies in the beauty industry. It was founded in 1909

    and soon it became a worldwide famous company which now comprises such well-

    known brands as arnier! "ielhs! #edken! Lanc$me.

    %his report describes the direct marketing campaign for the anti-aging skin care

    collection #e&iatlift proposed by 'I(a) agency.

    In order to promote #e&italift collection! direct marketing campaign strategy will

    comprise two tactics* ac+uisition aimed at gaining new customers and their retention.

    'irect mail! direct response ad&ertising! which comprises billboards throughout the

    ," and four magaines which are most popular among the target audience! e-

    newsletters will be used for ac+uiring new customers through fi&e step approach.

    Loyalty scheme and #egular customer updates through website and /acebook page

    will be used as part of retention tactic.

    ccording to the estimations made by 'I(a) agency this direct marketing campaign

    will generate 23!456!000 of re&enue and the #OI will constitute 1*7.6.

    Table of Content

    8)ecuti&e ummary.......................................................................................................4

    %able of :ontent.............................................................................................................6

    1. 'irect (arketing trategy......................................................................................;

    1.1 Ob

    4.1:reati&e ?rief........................................................................................................>

    4.4 %actics..................................................................................................................5

    4 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    (edia ,sed............................................................................................................5

    6. c+uisition =rogramme /lowchart......................................................................16

    c+uisition Ob

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    %igure: 1Product Life Cycle.


    t this point the fundamental marketing communication ob

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    1.3 egmentation and &argeting

    %he target group for LOreal #e&italift includes females aged from ;7 years old and

    abo&e! belonging to social classes ?! :1! :4. ccording to the ," Fational tatistics

    data! this particular group composes large number in the ," population today.

    1./. ositioning tatement

    /or modern energetic ambitious women who want to look good and attracti&e at all

    times. LOreal #e&italift is the number one multi-action inno&ati&e collection of

    products which help to slow down the process of aging. ,nlike other skin care

    programmes! #e&italift targets 10 signs of ageing in one which makes it the most

    effecti&e anti-aging cosmetic product.

    1.5 ositioning Matri+

    7 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    %igure :%he ?rand =ositioning* LOreal #e&italift anti-ageing Line &ersus competitors.

    ource* own work

    ccording to the graph abo&e LOreal #e&italift is percei&ed as a high +uality

    collection with reasonable prices compared to other anti-aging products in the same

    market. Olay has a slightly lower price but it has worse standard! whereas such

    premium +uality lines as :larins! Lancome and 8stee Lauder are much more

    e)penci&e. It gi&es LOreal a product ad&antage o&er its competitors.

    . Campaign

    .1Creative rie'



    LGOrHal roup

    kin :are #e&italift

    rand 2ssence :aring! re

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    ow do we want t*e

    target to 'ee( a#out t*e

    product a'ter t*e


    It is necessary to create the image for #e&italift

    products as inno&ati&e and being able to slow down

    aging! thus! making #e&italift an alternati&e to plastic


    #e&italift collection should become J/irst in (ind

    &ariant when it comes to decision making process.Komen should be informed that being more affordable

    #e&italift collection is of as high +uality as more

    e)pensi&e competing products.

    Message oints6Reason


    #e&italift collection consists of 13 products for different

    types of skin which

    repair deep-set wrinkles

    ha&e double lifting effect

    pre&ent new wrinkles

    nourishe skin

    Mandatories LGOrHal slogan ?ecause were worth itM

    Media Outline Komen magaines



    ocial media

    'irect mail

    &iming eptember 4016 E ugust 401;

    udget 24!000!000

    &a#(e 1: Creative Brief.

    ource: own work

    . &actics

    %he marketing strategy of the campaign will include both ac+uisition and retention

    tactics aiming to gain new customers and keep e)isting ones. %he main message

    which must be con&eyed throughout the campaign is that inno&ati&e #e&italift

    collection may ser&e as an alternati&e to plastic surgery.

    Media sed

    irect Mail

    'irect mail will be sent out using rented list! which will enable to communicate with

    the right target group. It is e)pected to get 930 responses out of 19!400 mails sent.

    > @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    Fewsletters informing about #e&italift promotions in different retailer stores and also

    samples of products will be sent through mail system once in 4 weeks.


    ,sing rented list for new customers newsletters will be e-mailed weekly. %hey will

    inform about web-site updates! new articles and &ideos uploaded there and also gi&e a

    couple of beauty ad&ices for women aged o&er ;7. %his campaign aims to get 10

    responses out of 7!000 e-mails sent.

    Out o" #ome

    Outdoor media works effecti&ely due to the fact that a customer comes across the

    same message fre+uently. In order to reach wider audience 1!700 #e&italift billboards

    will be placed in London and other big cities of the ,"* (anchester! Leeds!

    ?irmingham! heffield and 8dinburg. %he campaign will last for one month.

    5 @ = a g e

    ic. 1:Direct Mail newsletter and sample of Revitalift cream

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    ic. : Outdoor advertisin

    t the bottom of e&ery billboard LOreal web-site address will be gi&en in bold. %he

    nearby message will in&ite customers to &isit the web-site and register there.


    ince press is the medium which enables &ery precise targeting! three magaines

    which are most popular among women aged o&er ;7 belonging to ?! :1 and :4 social

    classes ha&e been chosen for direct response ad&ertising campaign. %hese are monthly

    glossy magaines Komen B Come! unday %ime tyle and ood Cousekeeping!


    #e&italift collection will be ad&ertised in these magaines. %he ,#L of LOreal

    relaunched web-site will be placed in the noticeable place. ,nderneath there will be a

    message in&iting customers to register on the web-site and

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    %hey reflect target audience lifestyle

    Cigh co&erage among the target audience

    Cigh circulation figures in the ,"

    Cigh recognition among the fashion conscious consumers

    ic. 3:Maa!ines

    &it(e 7 8 2




    Cost per page


  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift


    who ha&e

    la&ish lifestyle.

    &erage house

    hold income*2144 >;3

    Woman 8

    ome137!7>7 ;36 46!900


    in the ?! :1!

    :4 67-37



    &*e unda!

    &ime t!(e57!377 740 10!700



    and intelligent




    women aged


    &a#(e: "otal Readers#ips.

    ource:Mediatel$ %&'%.

    d&erts will be published in four issues of each magaine on the second step of the

    campaign sending out the message and in four issues on the fourth step resending

    the message.

    Social Media

    /acebook fun page will be created in order to announce special offers! new products!

    and e&ents. dditionally! customers will also be able to share their photos!

    information and gi&e ad&ises.

    %e&site and Online S'op

    It has been decided to re-launch LOreals website! as it has se&eral drawbacks* its

    not informati&e enoughN the design is too simple and not attracti&eN colors of the

    website are dark and gi&e negati&e impressionN lack of consumer engagement.

    %he new website will be designed in bright! warm colors and will ha&e an easy-

    understandable na&igation. It will ha&e new features such as ad&ices from e)perts!

    different articles about health and beauty! consumer re&iews! price comparison. 8&ery

    product will ha&e detailed description. %he website will be updated e&ery 4 days. %he

    11 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    most important change will be in di&iding it into different age categories enabling

    customers to go straight to their age category and to choose products that suits their

    age. dditionally! each category will ha&e articles and ad&ices about beauty. #e&italift

    line will be in ;7 category section and will ha&e its own mini &ideos on how to

    prolong the youth of the skin and li&e chats with LOreals e)perts where women in

    real time could ask them their +uestions. %he only thing which will be necessary for

    the customer to get an access to all these useful resources will be register on the web-

    site which will enable LOreal to collect customer data.

    In addition! there will be created an ecommerce platform on-line shop that will be

    rolled into LOreals main website. ?y selling products directly without a retailor

    store as a mediator LOreal will get an opportunity to establish closer relationship

    with its customers.

    #elaunched web-site and on-line shop will pro&ide the customer with e)pert ad&ices!

    detailed information and useful &ideos which will help to win customers trust and


    14 @ = a g e

    ic. /: (e)*site pae

    ource: own work

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    fter the first message is sent we will measure the number of new customers.

    tep ;* #esend the message to stimulate action

    %he same means as on the second step will be used &ia direct mail! direct response

    ad&ertising! e-newsletters for those who for some reason missed or ignored the first


    tep 7* (easurement

    %he effecti&eness of this direct marketing programme will be measured by the number

    of newly registered customers and the number of purchases made.

    4. Acquisition ro!ramme Sc"e#ule

    &a#(e 3:c+uisition =rogram chedule

    ource:own work

    5. Retention rogramme %(owc*art

    Retention "#$ective

    %o retain new customers

    %o generate 23!456!000 re&enue

    1; @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal



    Cmpign 1:

    Loylty Crd

    %em+ership crd / L($rel with L($#e

    Collecting 0oint

    1 points get 1 pounds gift#oucher

    1 points get speciltretment

    Specil offer

    "e#iteift 3e 0rty

    Surprise gifts / *ree dili#ery

    4et dou+le point whenpurchseing on your +irdy

    Cmpign 2:

    Customers updted$nline %edi



    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    %igure: 5Retention proram and Campain -lowc#art

    ource:own work

    Campaign 1: ?o!a(t! c*eme

    ?y creating D uni+ue loyalty scheme! it will help to increase satisfaction le&el

    of customers! as well as impro&e relationship with them. It can also help to get

    &DluDbl insights into buPr bha&iQur and to collect customer data. LOreal

    loyalty card! which will be called LOreal with LO&eM! will gi&e a sense of

    pri&ilege to its members.

    1. By becoming a member of LOreal with LOve, customers will

    receive !lastic membershi! car"s with the starting amount of

    1# !oints on both of them. $he member retains one an" has an

    o!tion of giving secon" car" to % frien".4. Kith e&ery purchase customers will get certain number of points

    1 !oun" & 1!oint' 1## !oints &1# !oun"s gift voucherto s!en" on the ne(t !urchase or 1#) "iscount of the

    ne(t !urchase.*. $here will also be s!ecial gifts an" sur!rises for LOreal with

    LOve members, such as gifts for +hristmas an" Mothers "ay.. -evitalift $ea arty

    LOreal with LO&eM will create a special e&ent for the most loyal ;7

    members. It will be an informal gathering in the format of tea party.

    In this e&ent women can socialie! share their e)perience with LOreal!

    17 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    gi&e their opinion on products! telling what they want to get in the

    future from LOreal! particularly in the category ;7.

    7. nother great opportunity for members to recei&e an e)ceptional benefit is to

    collect 1!000 points and to get a special treatment in one of LOreals salons in

    London. It can be a makeup session! a blow dry! or a manicureApedicure.










    On their ?irthdays customers will get double points for their purchases.

    ic. 5:"#e eample of t#e loyalty card of LOreal wit# LOve.

    ource:own work

    Campaign : Customer pdate

    "eeping customers updated is &ery important.

    Few products and special promotions will be announced through LOreal website and

    /acebook. 8&ery registered customer will get link onto web-siteA/acebook update by


    ic. @: "#e eample of online media: LOreal -ace)ook.

    13 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    ource:own work





    &a#(e /:Retention Proramme /c#edule

    ource: own work

    1> @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    %. &easurement

    Res'onse Rate(Conversion Rate) &easure t"e Results

    &!pe o' Media Aum#er




    Rate 9);



    Cost per

    eac* media

    c*anne( 9!350 40

    "ut o' *ome

    ?illboards 16!;63 7 1 in 3 4!35> 40


    Koman and Come 7!940 6 1 in ; 1!9>6 40

    unday %imestyle

    1>!>00 6 1 in ; 7!900 40



    5!745 6 1 in ; 4!5;6 40

    %atler 4>!350 6 1 in ; 9!44> 40

    Direct Mai( 19!400 7 1 in 3 6!5;0 40

    -Aews(etter 7!000 0.4 1 in 3 47!000 40

    Compan! We#site 7!000 0.4 1 in 3 47!000 40

    &"&? 150,000 31/,150

    &a#(e 5: /#ows t#e results of response rate and conversion rates for t#e campain.

    ource:own work

    "ut o' ome

    Outdoor campaign billboards will be measured by eyes on Impression system

    8OIs! where results will be gained from different types of data! i.e. sur&ey! blogs!

    data analytics and customer re&iews.

    15 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift


    %o measure response rate in this campaign there will be de&eloped ; different types

    of mails that will be sent to trial group of customers - 300 people in 7 big cities across

    the ," London! (anchester! ?irmingham! Leeds! 8dinburg. %he type of e-mail that

    will recei&e higher response and con&ersion rates will be sent to the rest of the target


    rint dvertising

    %he response rate to the campaign will be measured by inserting &oucherAflyer with

    bar codeAreference number on each of them. Cence! if a customer wants to get a

    discount when buying a #e&italift product she will need to register this number

    online. %hat is how the e)act number of customers will be measured.

    ocia( Media6 "n(ine

    ocial media will be tracked by the number of fans! likes! comments.

    /acebook* number of likes of the LOreal #e&italift page.

    /ebsite0 number of visitors, comments in the blog an"

    customers fee"bacs.

    *. Evaluation8&aluation process will be in the end of the campaign. %he final campaign results will

    be e&aluated and compared with initial ob

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    +. ,u#!ets - bottom line forecast results




    Description iBe %re>uenc! rice


  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    Estimate# rot an# RO/

    ccording to the estimations of the e)penditure and re&enue of the campaign!

    27!935!570 of profit will be generated.

    #elying on all these calculations the campaigns return on in&estment has been

    estimated. It shows how much the company will get in return for the in&estment it

    made. It will allow the company to decide whether it worth to in&est in the campaign

    or not.

    %he #OI from the direct marketing campaign for LOreal #e&italift will be 1*7.6.

    41 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift


    %he &alue of the ," beauty industry is o&er 217bn. ,nlike many other industries it

    was not hea&ily affected by the economic crisis because of womens obsessionM with

    keeping their beauty.

    #e&italift is a new skin care collection for women aged o&er ;7. Fow it is on the

    introductory stage of its life cycle! therefore it needs to be widely promoted. In order

    to get higher results and implement more precise targeting a number of direct

    marketing techni+ues must be employed.

    /or customer ac+uisition direct mail! e-newsletters! direct response ad&ertising and e-

    commerce will be used. %hese tools will enable to attract new customers. /or the

    purpose of retaining customers loyalty scheme! which will ha&e se&eral le&els! will be

    worked out. (embers of the LOreal with LO&eM loyalty scheme will not only get

    different pries and discounts but will also get an opportunity to participate in LOreal

    special e&ents for those who use #e&italift.

    %his direct marketing campaign is estimated to generate 23!456!000 of re&enue which

    makes it a good in&estment for LOreal.


    'irectional (edia! 4016.Rate Card * Bill)oards. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    Uhttp*AAdirectionalmedia.co.ukAproductsArate-cardV Sccessed on 17 (arch! 4016T.

    Cearst (againes! ,"! 4016. 0ood 1ousekeepin 2 Rate Card. SOnlineT &ailable

    from* Uhttp*AAwww.hearst.co.ukA011-136-(againe-#ate-:ard.htmlV Sccessed on 14

    (arch! 4016T.

    LOreal! 4016. kin :are #e&italift. SOnlineT &ailable from* Uhttp*AAwww.loreal-

    paris.co.ukAskin-careAre&italift.asp)V Sccessed on 17 /ebruary! 4016T.

    44 @ = a g e

  • 8/9/2019 Dim Report l'Oreal


    LOreal Skin Care Revitalift

    (intel! 4016.Direct Mail Response Rate. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    Uhttp*AAmediatel.co.ukAdirect-mailAreportAresponse-ratesAV Sccessed on 15 (arch


    (intel! 4016.Press. SOnlineT &ailable from* Uhttp*AAmediatel.co.ukApressAV

    Sccessed on 15 (arch 4016T

    (intel! 4016. Online. SOnlineT &ailable from* Uhttp*AAmediatel.co.ukAonlineAV

    Sccessed 15 (arch 4016T

    (intel! 4014. Out of #ome. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    Uhttp*AAmediatel.co.ukAoutdoorAV Sccessed on 15 (arch 4016T

    =lasticcardsdirect! 4014.Loyalty Cards and Reward cards. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    U http*AAwww.plastic-cards-direct.comAukAmembership-library-cards.php V Sccessed

    on 15 (arch 4016T

    %atler! 4016. "atler Rate Card. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    Uhttp*AAcnda.condenast.co.ukAstaticAcondenastA%atler-(ediapack-4016.pdfV Sccessed

    on 1; (arch 4016T

    %he unday %imes! 4016. "#e /unday "imes$ /"3L4 2 Rate Card. SOnlineT

    &ailable from* Uhttp*AAnicommercial.co.ukAassetsApdfsAtimesdisplayratecard.pdfV

    Sccessed on 1; (arch 4016T

    ," Fational tatistics! 4016. tatistics =roducers. =opulation. SOnlineT &ailable

    from* Uhttp*AAwww.statistics.go&.ukAhubApopulationAageingAolder-peopleAinde).htmlV

    Sccessed on 19 /ebruary 4016T

    KomanBCome! 4016. (oman51ome 2 Rate Card. SOnlineT &ailable from*

    Uhttp*AAspecle.netAukAipc-mediaAwoman-homeV V Sccessed on 1> (arch 4016T

    46 @ = a g e