digital radiography detectors – a technical overview: part 1

Digital radiography detectors e A technical overview: Part 1 Luı ´s Lanc ¸a a, *, Augusto Silva b a School of Health Technology, Lisbon Polytechnics, Lisbon, Portugal b Department of Electronic, Telecommunications and Informatics, Aveiro University, Aveiro, Portugal Received 14 February 2008; accepted 15 February 2008 Available online 1 April 2008 KEYWORDS CR; DR; X-ray detectors; Digital technologies Abstract During the last two decades screen-film (SF) systems have been replaced by digital X-ray systems. The advent of digital technologies brought a number of digital solutions based on different detector and readout technologies. Improvements in technology allowed the de- velopment of new digital technologies for projection radiography such as computed radiogra- phy (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The large number of scientific papers concerning digital X-ray systems that have been published over the last 25 years indicates the relevance of these technologies in healthcare. There are important differences among different detector technologies that may affect sys- tem performance and image quality for diagnostic purposes. Radiographers are expected to have an effective understanding of digital X-ray technologies and a high level of knowledge and awareness concerning the capabilities of these systems. Patient safety and reliable diag- nostic information are intrinsically linked to these factors. In this review article e which is the first of two parts e a global overview of the digital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided. ª 2008 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Advances in digital technology allowed the development of full digital X-ray detectors that are currently available for projection radiography. Computed radiography (CR) and Digital radiography (DR) are digital technologies widely spread in healthcare institutions nowadays. These technol- ogies have been replacing traditional screen-film (SF) systems and this constitutes a challenge for radiographers and other healthcare staff. The transition from a SF environment to a digital environment is not a simple matter. Technical factors concerning image acquisition, the management of patient dose and diagnostic image quality are some issues that could influence this process. In a transition process from SF to digital, patient radiation doses could increase 40e103%. 1 When compared to SF, digital technology could increase pa- tient radiation doses due to the wide dynamic range they have. However, the dynamic range is useful because it con- tributes for a better clinical image quality when compared * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Lanc ¸a). 1078-8174/$ - see front matter ª 2008 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.radi.2008.02.004 available at journal homepage: Radiography (2009) 15, 58e62

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Digital radiography detectors e A technicaloverview: Part 1

Luıs Lanca a,*, Augusto Silva b

a School of Health Technology, Lisbon Polytechnics, Lisbon, Portugalb Department of Electronic, Telecommunications and Informatics, Aveiro University, Aveiro, Portugal

Received 14 February 2008; accepted 15 February 2008Available online 1 April 2008

KEYWORDSCR;DR;X-ray detectors;Digital technologies

* Corresponding author.E-mail address: luis.lanca@estesl.

1078-8174/$ - see front matter ª 200doi:10.1016/j.radi.2008.02.004

Abstract During the last two decades screen-film (SF) systems have been replaced by digitalX-ray systems. The advent of digital technologies brought a number of digital solutions basedon different detector and readout technologies. Improvements in technology allowed the de-velopment of new digital technologies for projection radiography such as computed radiogra-phy (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The large number of scientific papers concerning digitalX-ray systems that have been published over the last 25 years indicates the relevance of thesetechnologies in healthcare.

There are important differences among different detector technologies that may affect sys-tem performance and image quality for diagnostic purposes. Radiographers are expected tohave an effective understanding of digital X-ray technologies and a high level of knowledgeand awareness concerning the capabilities of these systems. Patient safety and reliable diag-nostic information are intrinsically linked to these factors.

In this review article e which is the first of two parts e a global overview of the digitalradiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided.ª 2008 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Advances in digital technology allowed the development offull digital X-ray detectors that are currently available forprojection radiography. Computed radiography (CR) andDigital radiography (DR) are digital technologies widelyspread in healthcare institutions nowadays. These technol-ogies have been replacing traditional screen-film (SF) (L. Lanca).

8 The College of Radiographers.

systems and this constitutes a challenge for radiographersand other healthcare staff.

The transition from a SF environment to a digitalenvironment is not a simple matter. Technical factorsconcerning image acquisition, the management of patientdose and diagnostic image quality are some issues thatcould influence this process. In a transition process from SFto digital, patient radiation doses could increase 40e103%.1

When compared to SF, digital technology could increase pa-tient radiation doses due to the wide dynamic range theyhave. However, the dynamic range is useful because it con-tributes for a better clinical image quality when compared

Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Digital radiography detectors 59

to traditional SF systems.2 This is an important differenceamong analogical and digital technologies. The risk of over-exposure with no adverse effect on image quality could bepresent. Digital imaging systems could deliver over or un-der-exposure that influences patient’s dose. Overexposurecould provide good quality images, but may cause unneces-sary patient dose.

The management of patient dose and the quality ofimages involves the relationship between three core as-pects of the imaging process.3 These are determinants forthe diagnostic quality of the radiographic image: (i) choiceof radiographic technique; (ii) radiation dose to the patientand; (iii) diagnostic quality of the radiographic image. Thisis a challenge for radiographers because clinical advantagesand limitations of digital technologies for projection radiog-raphy are also dependent on the radiographer’s options fora particular patient examination.

A technical overview about digital radiography detectorsis provided in this two part review article. In this article ewhich is the first of two parts e a global overview of thedigital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currentlyavailable for clinical practice is provided.

Overview of CR and DR detectors

Several digital systems are currently available for theacquisition of projection radiographs. These digital systemsare traditionally split into two broadly defined categories:computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR).4,5

Although this taxonomy is commonly accepted other classi-fications are described: direct digital radiography and Indi-rect Digital Radiography technologies (including CR).6 Inthis case, the detector classification is related with theconversion process of X-ray energy to electric charge. De-spite charge-couple devices (CCDs) could be considered in-direct conversion DR systems, they are not flat-paneldetectors and studies dealing with CCD-based digital gen-eral radiography are rare.5 This technology is mainlyrelated to other applications such as mammography anddigital dental radiography.5 For this reason CCDs will be ex-cluded from this review.

Despite the taxonomy that is used the major differenceamong digital technology systems is how the process of X-ray detection and readout is performed. Concerning CRsystems they use storage-phosphor image plates witha separate image readout process which means an indirectconversion process; DR technology converts X-rays intoelectrical charges by means of a direct readout processusing TFT arrays. These systems can be further divided intodirect and indirect conversion groups depending on thetype of X-ray conversion used.5 Table 1 shows the differ-ences among detector technology concerning three

Table 1 Three components of digital detectors7

Detector technology Capture element Coupli

CR BaFBr:Eu2þ phosphor Photoslight-g

DR Direct conversion a-Se NoneIndirect conversion CsI or G2O2S phosphor Contac

components of digital detectors7: the capture element,the coupling element, and the charge readout element.

DR detectors can use either a direct or indirect processfor converting X-rays into electric charges. These detectorsuse direct readout by means of a Thin-film transistor (TFT)array despite the conversion process of the X-ray beam.Direct conversion detectors have a X-ray photoconductor esuch as amorphous selenium (a-Se) e that converts directlyat only one stage X-ray photons into electric charges.

Indirect conversion systems use a two stage techniquefor conversion. They have a scintillator, such as CesiumIodide (CsI) that converts X-rays into visible light at a firststage. That light is then converted e at a second stage einto an electric charge by means of an amorphous siliconphotodiode array.8

CR technology uses an indirect conversion process usinga two stage technique. X-rays are captured at a storage-phosphor screen (SPS) (ex: BaFBr:Eu2þ) and then a photode-tector captures the light emitted from the SPS and convertsthe captured luminescence into a corresponding digitalimage.

Fig. 1 show a general description model for digital X-raytechnologies.

Despite the process of X-ray detection and readoutdigital detectors offer several advantages when comparedto SF systems. This includes wide dynamic range, adjust-able image processing, better image quality, rapid imageacquisition and image access at remote locations.9

Computed radiographyComputed radiography (CR) was the first available digitaltechnology for projection radiography. CR technology isbased in storage-phosphor screens (SPS) and its first clinicalapplication by Fuji took place at the early 1980s.

This technology uses a photostimulable detector replac-ing the traditional SF cassettes. The storage-phosphorplates are exposed inside the cassettes with standarddimensions for typical plain radiography and no change ofgenerator, X-ray tube and Bucky wall or table mountedsystem is necessary. CR technology allows the radiographerto obtain plain radiography images like in a traditional SFsystem. The difference is how the latent image is createdand how this image processing is done. The basic CRimaging cycle has three steps6: (i) expose, (ii) readout,and (iii) erase.

Inside the radiography cassette an image plate (IP) e orSPS e having a detective layer of photostimulable crystals isavailable. The detective layer consists of a family ofphosphors BaFX:Eu2þ where X can be any of the halogensCl, Br or I (or an arbitrary mixture of them).10 A typicalSPS can store a latent image for a considerable period oftime. However, it will lose about 25% of the stored signal

ng element Charge readout

timulated luminescence (PSL)uide

Photo-multiplier tube;signal digitizationTFT array

t layer a-Si photodiode/TFT array



(1 stage)



(2 stages)

TFT Array



TFT Array

Conversion to

electric charge

X-ray absorption



Charge readout








Digital Signal

CR [4,5]


Figure 1 General description model for digital X-ray technol-ogies (adapted from8).

60 L. Lanca, A. Silva

between 10 min to 8 h after an exposure resulting in theloss of energy through spontaneous phosphorescence.11

The phosphor crystals are usually cast into plates intoresin material in an unstructured way (unstructured scin-tillators).5 When the SPS is exposed to the X-ray the inci-dent radiation excites electrons from the valence band tothe conduction band (Fig. 2a and b). These excited elec-trons absorb the X-ray energy and they are trapped at a sta-ble energy level of the atom. The phosphor stores absorbedX-ray energy in crystal structure and a latent image is thencreated at these high-energy states giving a spatial distribu-tion of these electrons at the SP detector. This trapped en-ergy can be released if stimulated by additional lightenergy of the proper wavelength by the process of photosti-mulated luminescence (PSL).11

Photostimulatedluminescence (PSL)

Laser beam

X-ray photon

a b

c d

Figure 2 SPS exposure and PSL.

After the X-ray exposure and the creation of the latentimage, the SPS is scanned in a separate CR reader device.The readout is a process that follows exposure of the imageplate and constitutes the second step of the CR imagingcycle. A red laser beam scans the photostimulable screenstimulating the emission of blue light photons under theexcitation of the laser beam. When the detective layer ofthe IP is scanned pixel by pixel with a high-energy laserbeam of a specific wave length, stored energy is set free asemitted light having a wave length different from that ofthe laser beam.5 This triggers the process of photostimu-lated luminescence (PSL) resulting in the emission of bluelight in an amount proportional to the original X-ray irradi-ation10 and setting free the excited electrons to their lowerenergy level (Fig. 2c and d). This light is collected by pho-todiodes and converted into electric charge while an ana-log-to-digital device converts it into a correspondingdigital image. Fig. 3 shows the SPS scanning process.

Finally, the third step of the basic CR imaging cycle isthe Residual Signal Erasure. Residual latent image electronsare still trapped on higher energy levels after readout. Thisenergy is erased after the readout process using a high-intensity white light source that flushes the traps withoutreintroducing electrons from the ground energy level.11

Digital radiographyDigital radiography (DR) flat-panel systems with integratedreadout mechanisms were introduced in the market at theend of the 1990s.12 Flat-panel systems, also known as largearea X-ray detectors, integrate an X-ray sensitive layer andan electronic readable system based on TFT arrays. Detec-tors using a scintillator layer and a light-sensitive TFT photo-diode are called indirect conversion TFT detectors. Thoseusing an X-ray sensitive photoconductor layer and a TFTcharge collector are called direct conversion TFT detec-tors.12 The reference to amorphous silicon (a-Si), which isused in TFT arrays to record the electronic signal, shouldnot be confused with amorphous selenium (a-Se) the mate-rial used to capture X-ray energy in a direct digital detector.The structure of a DR flat-panel system is shown in Fig. 4.

This electronic readable system allows an active readoutprocess, also called active matrix readout, in opposition tothe storage-phosphor systems where no active readoutelements are integrated within the detector. The entirereadout process is very fast, allowing further developmentsin digital real-time X-ray detectors.12

TFT arrays (Fig. 5) are typically deposited onto a glasssubstrate in multiple layers, with readout electronics atthe lowest level, and charge collector arrays at higherlevels. Depending on the type of detector being manufac-tured, charge collection electrodes or light sensing


Analog electronics

Analog-to digital


Figure 3 SPS scanning process.

Electronic control

Triggers the switching diodes

Photodiode or charge collector

Converts x-rays to lightor to electric charges

TFT array

Collects charges fromthe upper layer

Switching diodes

Connects each pixel to readout device



Analog-to digital



Readout the electronic signal

Figure 4 Flat-panel structure.

Digital radiography detectors 61

elements are deposited at the top layer of this ‘‘electronicsandwich.’’13

The advantages of this design include compact size andimmediate access to digital images. The performance of DRsystems greatly exceeds the performance of CR systems,which have efficiencies of 20e35%, and of screen-filmsystems for chest radiography, which have nominal effi-ciencies of 25%.13


Out Analog-to digitalconversion

TFT switch+

TFT Array


charge collector

Figure 5 TFT array.

Large area direct conversion systemsLarge area direct conversion systems use amorphous sele-nium (a-Se) as the semiconductor material because of its X-ray absorption properties and extremely high intrinsicspatial resolution.12,13

Before the flat-panel is exposed to X-rays an electricfield is applied across the selenium layer. Then the X-rayexposure generates electrons and holes within the a-Selayer: the absorbed X-ray photons are transformed intoelectric charges and drawn directly to the charge-collectingelectrodes due to the electric field. Those charges eproportional to the incident X-ray beam e are generatedand migrate vertically to the both surfaces of the seleniumlayer, without much lateral diffusion. At the bottom of thea-Se layer, charges are drawn to the TFT charge collector,where they are stored until readout. The charge collectedat each storage capacitor is amplified and quantified toa digital code value for the corresponding pixel. During thereadout, the charge of the capacitors of every row isconducted by the transistors to the amplifiers.

Large area indirect conversion systemsLarge area indirect conversion systems use cesium iodide(CsI) or gadolinium oxisulphide (Gd2O2S) as an X-ray detec-tor. The scintillators and phosphors used in indirect conver-sion detectors can be either structured or unstructured(Fig. 6). Unstructured scintillators scatter a large amountof light and this reduces spatial resolution.7 Structuredscintillators consist of phosphor material in a needlelikestructure (the needles being perpendicular to the screensurface). This increases the number of X-ray photon inter-actions and reduces the lateral scattering of light photons.7

When the scintillator layer is exposed to X-rays the beamis absorbed and converted into fluorescent light. At a secondstage that light is converted into an electric charge bymeans of an a-Si photodiode array.8 Indirect conversion de-tectors are constructed by adding an a-Si photodiode cir-cuitry and a scintillator as the top layers of the TFTsandwich. These layers replace the X-ray semiconductor

unstructured structured

Figure 6 Unstructured or structured cintilator.

62 L. Lanca, A. Silva

layer used in a direct conversion device.13 The active areaof the detector is divided into an integrated array of imageelements e the pixel e and each element contains a photo-diode and a TFT switch available for the readout process.


Different digital technologies are currently available forprojection radiography. DR and CR constitute a remarkableimprovement in detector technology over the last 25 years.Although SF and digital technology coexist at the presenttime the trends in the future seems to point to the digitaltechnology. The new digital and technological solutions atthe radiography field seem to represent the change and thechallenges concerning the radiographer’s work in a digitalenvironment. Further developments in digital detectortechnology are expected in the near future. This is anopportunity for the continuous improvement and optimiza-tion concerning the technical factors of image acquisition,the management of patient dose and the diagnostic imagequality.

Conflict of interest

No conflict of interest is declared.


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