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    By Cherise Roe

2. Essential Questions
How can the use of digital storytelling and dynamic media promote the development of understanding in the classroom?
How can digital storytelling and dynamic media be integrated into the classroom in order to promote understanding?
3. Essential Questions & Standards
These questions helped guide me through the development of this presentation by providing a basis for my role as an educational computer strategist n the creation of our technology curriculum. These questions provided the catalyst to develop understanding of what dynamic media is and how to use this media in helping students to understand the art of storytelling. Our school is comprised of 700+ students and 45+ teachers. Digital storytelling can be incorporated into both the English and Social Studies curricular areas and the computer applications classes. What is dynamic media? It is simply using media that incorporates video, sound, voice, and animation that blend together to create a media presentation. The students on my campus have used dynamic media with Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft MovieMaker. There are many more tools that allow interactivity with dynamic media. The following website goes over 50+ ways of telling the same story using different Web 2.0 tools:
4. Essential Questions & Standards
The development of understanding through digital storytelling happens at the uppermost level of Blooms Taxonomy of higher order thinking skills. Applying: Students will use information to solve problems, identify connections and relationships to the essential question and apply these in telling their stories. Students will combine or synthesize this information to produce their stories.Analyzing: Students need to determine or identify what media best describes their stories. Students need to decide on the arrangement of images, text, music and voice to determine what works best in telling their stories. Synthesizing: Students will combine information to produce unique stories which also requires originality and creativity.Evaluating: Students will make decisions on how to integrate the media in telling of their stories. Creating: Students will create digital stories using dynamic media.
5. Essential Questions & Standards
Nevada State Technology Standards
Adopted 5/14/10
Apply new and existing knowledge to independently, or in collaboration with others, generate new ideas, products, or processes with digital tools.
Create an original work using digital tools, including planning, research, editing, and production.
Develop digital models or simulations to answer questions or to solve problems.
Use technology to research, conduct, and report experimental data, to determine trends and possibilities using evidence to justify their predictions.
Collaborate electronically with peers, experts and others to create and publish digital products for authentic audiences.
Create digital text, images, sound, and video for use in communication.
Critique appropriateness of digital formats for audiences and purposes.
Interact electronically with culturally diverse groups for specific purposes.
Contribute electronically to a group project that identifies a problem, presents solutions, and evaluates the solutions.
Justify method of electronically interacting for a specific goal or purpose.
6. Nevada Standards cont.
Use digital tools to plan, organize, and critique research-based inquiry.
Use digital tools to plan a complex timeline, track progress, cite sources, and organize information for a research project.
Use advanced search techniques to locate, access, synthesize, and evaluate information in multiple sources to create an original product for an authentic audience.
Use digital tools to organize and compare information with main ideas and supporting documentation. Use digital resources to assemble and evaluate facts, opinions, and points of view appropriate to the task.
Evaluate peers use of resources appropriate to a task.
Use multiple digital tools to analyze data and critique theories and hypotheses.
Evaluate and justify the formats for reporting results to a variety of audiences.
Identify a complex issue, develop a systematic plan of investigation, and present innovative solutions. Analyze the capabilities and limitations of several different digital planning tools for developing solutions or for completing a project.
Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize and analyze data to evaluate theories or test hypotheses.
7. Nevada Standards cont.
Use multiple processes and consider diverse perspectives to derive original solutions to authentic problems using digital resources and assess their potential to address social, lifelong learning, and career needs.
Articulate the concepts and issues revolving around intellectual and digital property rights.
Compare the similarities and differences between acceptable use of technology resources in school and work environments.
Extrapolate how technology will impact collaboration, learning, and productivity of post-secondary life and career.
Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technologies and assess their potential to address personal, social, lifelong learning, and career needs.
Model digital citizenship while leading a group of peers through a collaborative project using current and emerging technologies.
Describe the components of technology systems and how they interact.
Critique the selection of digital tools, based on efficiency and effectiveness.
Analyze and troubleshoot common hardware and software issues to optimize learning and productivity Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technologies based on their potential to address personal learning and career needs, as well as societal issues.
8. What is Digital Storytelling?
A digital story is a narrative created by using media that incorporates voice, music, still images, sound or sound effects, animation and/or video. The story may have a specific topic or a particular point of view. It can be a story told "from the heart". Our students created digital stories using Windows MovieMaker and Imovie. There are many more tools offered to educators to manage media and create presentations. Some more tools may be found at the following website:
9. Developing Storytelling in the Classroom
A Digital Story created to answer the essential question How should be technology be used?
10. Developing Storytelling in the Classroom
Writing and producing a digital story in aComputer Applications Classroom (Essential Questions)Think about: How can the use of digital storytelling tell a story that defines who you are? What do you have to say? What is the best way to say it? What sort of reaction do you want to evoke from your audience?
Students: Choose one of the following questions? Begin to tell your story.
Your story should be at least one page double spaced and should include several paragraphs.
1. What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? Can you think of an event or a person in your life who has been affected by cyberbullying or sexting? How has this event/person made a difference in your life? (Justify your response.) Use pictures, voice and music to tell the story about what it means to be a good digital citizen.
2. What differentiates your digital footprint from anothers? Use voice, pictures and music to tell your story. Brainstorm some ideas. Consider the following factors: Think before you post or text, what goes around comes around,nothing is as private as you think, the Internet is not written in pencil- its written in pen.
3. How can the use of computer based tools tell your story? Tell one story about who and/or what has influenced you to define who you are. Consider...
What role has technology played in your lifetime?
What technology will you need for your future?
What technology could you not do without?
11. Digital Storytelling Websites
Center for Digital Storytelling: to Understanding Gallery of Digital Stories: Jakes Jakes Online: The Art of Telling Digital Stories: Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: Circle of Stories (Examples of Lesson Plans): for Change: of Houston The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling:
12. Aligning to 21st Century Skills
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2009) identifies major outcomes that students should master to succeed in work and life for the 21st century. By relating digital storytelling and dynamic media in the classroom, we will help students prepare for life in the 21st century. The following outcomes align with the digital storytelling unit. Students will decide how to tell their story.CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Reason Effectively Use Systems Thinking Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems Students will create their story.COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Communicate Clearly Collaborate with Others Students will decide what information is important in telling their story.INFORMATION LITERACY Access and Evaluate Information Use and Manage Information Students will use dynamic media to tell their story.MEDIA LITERACY Analyze Media Create Media Products
13. NETS*S
The standards, developed by ISTE (The International Society for Technology in Education), identify digital citizenship and higher order thinking skills that are necessary for students to become responsible global learners. Digital storytelling incorporates each of these standards. The essential question, "What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?",incorporates the following NETS-S: 1,2,4,5,and 6 with emphasis on Creativity and Innovation; Communication and Collaboration; and Technology Operations and Concepts.(Permission to reproduce was granted for educational purposes. July, 2011)
14. NETS*S cont.
Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Students: apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes; create original works as a means of personal or group expression; use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues; identify trends and forecast possibilities.
Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media; communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures; contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: plan strategies to guide inquiry; locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media; evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks; process data and report results
15. NET*S cont.
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation; plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project; collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions; use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology;exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity; demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning; exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: understand and use technology systems; select and use applications effectively and productively; troubleshoot systems and applications; transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
16. Citing Resources
Bridges to Understanding. (20072009). Highlighted works. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from , G. and Garofalo, J. (2009, February). Dynamic media. Learning & Leading with Technology.Center for Digital Storytelling. (n.d.). Stories. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from, Mary, Bloom's Taxonomy - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology, Retrieved July 23, 2011, from Society for Technology in Education, Retrieved July 25, 2011, from What is Digital Storytelling, Retrieved July 24, 2011, from, D. (n.d.). Standards Proof Your Digital Storytelling Efforts. Retrieved July 23, 2011, from, D. (n.d.) Digital Storytelling 2.0 What's Next, Retrieved July 23, 2011, from State Technology Standards, Retrieved July 25, 2011, from
McAnear, A. (2008, August). Communication and Collaboration 2.0. Learning & Leading with Technology.Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2009). P21 Framework Definitions Document. Julyy 25, 2011,, R. and Royer, J. (2002). Developing Understanding with Multimedia. Learning & Leading with Technology.Stories for Change. (n.d.). View stories. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from
17. Sample Rubric