did muhammad saw allah on miraj response


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Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed The purpose of this book to clarify misunderstanding about Quranic verses of Surah Najm (The Star) Chapter 53, the information that I have provided about scholars can also be verified from their lectures. I am sure there are many other groups in more countries have same Aqeedah that prophet (pbuh) saw Allah. The danger of having this Aqeedah is that next generation could also come up with another idea that can create another additional group also will contradict basic fundamentals of Islam which could lead to Bidah or Shirk. This booklet has provided authentic clear evidence from directly from Quran and Hadith and can also be verified. IRFNY Islamic Research Foundation New York www.irfny.com


Page 1: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response
Page 2: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response

Did Muhammad (pbuh)

Saw Allah On Miraj


Date: Muharram 10, 1434, November 25, 2012

Edition: 2012

Author: Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Copyright: Free to republish with authorization

Islamic Research Foundation New York


[email protected]

Page 3: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


About Author

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed Founder of IRFNY

Islamic Research Foundation New York

A businessman by profession and student of

international Dawah program and training who

choose to spread the word of Allah, who’s

journey into the world of comparative religion

and Dawah started at the age of 30 started in

2007 as a participant of the Dawah Training

Programme conducted by several international


The desire within him in clarifying

misconceptions about Islam was kindled by

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat & Dr. Zakir Naik and

this exposure to these world renowned scholars

resulted in him choosing Dawah over business.

Being a passionate fulltime Daee since 2007,

specializing in inter-faith dialogues, Saeed has

participated in numerous one-on-one sessions &

group discussions with non-Muslims as well as

Muslims and, has clarified a number of

misconceptions about Islam with non-Muslims

as well as Muslims amongst television viewers

Page 4: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


as well as live audiences in various parts of the


He has been delivering talks on Islam and

Comparative Religion for the last couple of

years and some of his topics which are popular

amongst Muslims are Islamic Theology,

Tawheed, Imaan, Innovation and with non-

Muslims are Is Jesus God, Is the Bible Word of


He is also an accomplished trainer with

experience in imparting Dawah training to

students of comparative religion and is a

founder of IRFNY Dawah training programme.

Over and above the numerous lecture tours,

talks, dialogues and discussions to his credit in

states in USA he has also delivered lectures

across over the internet in several Islamic


Saeed Ahmed became a founder of IRFNY

Islamic Research Foundation New York in

2010, to help other Muslims to join Dawah

training programme and learn doing Dawah

with non-Muslims as well as Muslims to

Page 5: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


remove misconceptions about Islam. Currently

Saeed is attending Islamic education

conferences and discussions from international

orators, to gain more knowledge and heading

towards higher education in Islam and

comparative religions.

Saeed has dedicated himself studying fulltime

completing in every year, Tafsir Ibn Kathir,

Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Tirmidhi,

Sunan Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, fiqh by four

Sunni schools.

Currently Saeed is a student of Christianity on

the topics “Is Jesus God or Son Of God”, “Is

The Bible Word Of God”, “Was Jesus

Crucified”, “Trinity”.

Remember Saeed in your prayers, May Allah

increase our knowledge of Islam. Ameen

Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

Page 6: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


ح حيم بسم ٱهلل ٱىش ه ٱىش ـ م

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the


Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise

Him and seek His Help and forgiveness. We

seek refuge in Allah from our souls' evils and

our wrong doings. He whom Allah guides, no

one can misguide; and he whom He misguides,

no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no

god except Allah and I bear witness that

Muhammad (PBUH) is His Messenger.

Quran 20:25-28

أمش )سب ٱششح ى صذس ) ش ى يس ) )

ٱحيو عقذ ه ىساو ) مى )٢ة (٢( يفقا ق

"O my Lord! Expand me my breast;" (25) "Ease

my task for me; (26) "And remove the

impediment from my speech. (27) "So they may

understand what I say: (28)

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This seems to be simple question if Prophet

(pbuh) saw Allah. The answer effects an

Aqeedah of an individual who doesn’t have

clear understanding of Tawheed and Aqeedah,

misunderstanding or misinterpretation of verse

from Quran is like a making exit from straight

path which could lead to Shirk which is a new

shaitan whisper in heart and that individual

could be a unfortunate person could belong to

groups of 72 as it said in Hadith, 72 groups in

Islam will be entered into hell only one will be

accepted. Allah doesn’t look at an individual’s

good deeds but looks at Tawheed only which is

Quran and Sunnah.

The reason for me to write this booklet is to

clarify misconceptions among Muslims which

had become major issue and had created Fitnah

which has resulted into breaking Ummah and

creating sub-groups in Islam especially in

Pakistan and India.

Based on the lectures I have seen especially

from Pakistan and Indian scholars. They differ

Page 8: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


among themselves in opinions on this particular

issue whether Prophet (pbuh) saw Allah or not.

It’s a new shaitan’s whisper to create Fitnah

among the Ummah. It’s a surprise reaching at

good position by any scholar could still make a

mistake even reaching higher position given by

Allah to guide others. Many reasons that a

scholar could make such statement, it can be

intentionally or unintentionally and it is also

depending on Niyyah or getting special attention

from audience or popularity or getting more

followers. Naturally it’s a fitrah of a human

being to like such a kind of things which attracts

them that’s what shaitan’s weapon to attract

innocent people that pleases them.

According to my Aqeedah Prophet (pbuh) did

not see Allah, the answer is based on my

Aqeedah and from Quran and Sunnah, later in

this booklet I will prove my point and at the end

you can make decision based on evidence I will

provide to the readers.

Page 9: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Based on the lectures of scholars who claimed

that prophet (pbuh) saw Allah it is simply

contradicting Tawheed which can divert from

Quran 1:6

شٳط ... (ٱىمستقيم )ٱىص

…straight path (6)

Straight path is to Jannah holding Quran and

Sunnah which is going to Jannah without

making any exit or making innovation or

coming up with new philosophy in Islam.

Let us first understand the definition of Allah.

Allah is the Creator of the universe who is

unseen by any eye. The prove is given by Allah

Himself in Quran that is our first source, in the

verse Allah has provided us with His Own

definition that no eye can see Him but He can

see all visions. This definition given by Allah

Himself wraps up the complete argument into

Page 10: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


one verse and one straight answer to all those

who claim Prophet (pbuh) saw Allah.

Quran 6:103

ش ـ يذسك ٱلبص ش ـ ي ل تذسڪ ٱلبص ٱىي

(ٱىخبيش )

No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over

all vision: He is above all comprehension yet is

acquainted with all things. (103)

It is His knowledge everywhere and He is aware

of everything.

The particular group leaders come up with new

philosophy based on the opening verses of

Surah Najm (Chapter 53 The Star) picking

specific verses out of context to present to

audience in a manner that attracts the public

getting applauses and praises and have more


The scholars from Pakistan or India are hiding

complete context intentionally to get more

Page 11: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


applauses and getting reputation in particular

community and gain more reputation to other

scholars and trying to prove themselves have

more knowledge than other international orators

to get more popularity. (Allah knows best)

Audience believes whatever the speaker talking

about on stage and the reason behind that

innocent people never reads Quran with proper

understanding of Arabic language which Is

Divine Language. Let us look at the verses from

Surah Najm.

Quran 53:6-18

( ة فٲست ر مش ) ( ( ثم دوا ٢بٲلفق ٱلعي

( )٢فتذى أدو سيه أ ٩( فنان قاب ق إى ح ( فأ

( ح )عبذيۦ ما أ ( ( ما مزب ٱىفؤاد ما سأ

( ما يش شوۥ عي ـ ىقذ سءاأفتم ) ي وضىت أخش

(( ( عىذ سذسة ٱىمىت ( عىذا جىت ٱىمأ

(( ذسة ما يغش ( ما صاغ ٱىبصش ( إر يغش ٱىس

( ما طغ ٢( ٱىنبش ت سب ـ مه ءاي (٢( ىقذ سأ

Page 12: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Endued with Wisdom: For he appeared (in

stately form) (6) While he was in the highest

part of the horizon: (7) Then he approached and

came closer, (8) And was at a distance of but

two bow-lengths or (even) nearer; (9) So did

(Allah) convey the inspiration to His Servant

(conveyed) what He (meant) to convey. (10)

The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way

falsified that which he saw. (11) Will ye then

dispute with him concerning what he saw? (12)

For indeed he saw him at a second descent. (13)

Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may

pass: (14) Near it is the Garden of Abode. (15)

Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery

unspeakable!) (16) (His) sight never swerved

nor did it go wrong! (17) For truly did he see of

the Signs of his Lord the Greatest! (18)

The scholars are simply lying to innocent public

who never read the Tafsir or understand Arabic

language it is easy to fool anyone who doesn’t

have knowledge especially the one who is not

Arabic speaking.

Page 13: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


The clear answers are given in Tafir Ibn Kathir

and Tafsir Tabri. Especially the answer is given

in first source which is Quran.

It is important for the listeners to verify

information when they hear from the scholars

but due to lack of knowledge and not verifying,

the innocent audience believes it. Some scholars

of Pakistan and India misinterpreting the verses

8 and 9

( )٢ثم دوا فتذى أدو سيه أ (٩( فنان قاب ق

Then he approached and came closer, (8) And

was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or

(even) nearer; (9)

The scholars are using these two verses which is

causing a great Fitnah in Pakistan and India

because of these false teaching the Ummah is

breaking into sub-groups.

According to some scholars the verse 8 means

Prophet (pbuh) is getting closer to Allah and in

verse 9 translate it as Prophet (pbuh) and Allah

Page 14: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


got as close as a distance of two bow-lengths or

even closer. But it seems they haven’t read

Tafsir or simply hiding additional information

from Tafsir to public.

But in verse 6 and 7 has clear answer even

without reading the Tafsir properly that it was

indeed Jabril who appeared in stately form and

verse 7 Jibril was on the highest part of horizon.

This is simply misleading people who doesn’t

understand Arabic.

Let us see get some detail about the verses to

understand to get more clarification about two


Verse 8

Then he approached and came closer

Verse 9

And was at a distance of two bows length or less

Page 15: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Means, Jibril came closer to Muhammad when

Jibril was descending to him on earth. At that

time, the distance between them became only

two bow lengths, when the bows are extended to

full length, according to Mujahid and Qatadah.

It was said that the meaning here is the distance

between the bow's string and its wood center.

Therefore, this verifies the facts mentioned,

leaving no doubt or means of refute.

Evidence from Hadith

Ibn Jarir recorded that Abdullah bin Masud said

about this Ayah

And was at a distance of two bow lengths or less


Allah's Messenger said,

I saw Jibril, he had six hundred wings.

Additional verses that some scholars use to

argue their point.

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Verse 11-12

( ما مزب ٱىفؤاد ما سأ ما يش شوۥ عي ـ ( أفتم


The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way

falsified that which he saw. (11) Will ye then

dispute with him concerning what he saw? (12)

Let us look at the evidence from Hadith

Masruq said, I went to A'ishah and asked her,

Did Muhammad see his Lord?

She said, You said something that caused my

hair to rise!

I said, Behold! and recited this Ayah,

Indeed he saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.

She said, Where did your mind wander? It was

Jibril. Whoever says to you that Muhammad

saw his Lord, or hid any part of what he was

commanded, or knew any of the five things

which only Allah knows,

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Verily, Allah, with Him is the knowledge of the

Hour, He sends down the rain... (31:34)

Then he invents a great lie against Allah!

The Prophet only saw Jibril twice, in his

original shape, once near Sidrat Al-Muntaha and

another time in Ajyad (in Makkah) while Jibril

had six hundred wings that covered the horizon.

The scholars are also using another Hadith and

misinterpret to their understanding and proving

their argument where Prophet said,

“I only saw a light.”

This doesn’t mean Prophet saw Allah.

Looking at additional evidence

Abu Dharr said,

I asked the Messenger of Allah, Have you seen

your Lord, He said,

“How can I see Him since there was a light?”

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Allah is The One no eye in this world or in

dream and He will be seen by believers in the


Quran 42:11

ء ٱىبصيش ) ...ىيس ممثيۦ ش مي ٱىس )

…there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and

He is the One that hears and sees (all things).


Tafsir Ibn Kathir

There is nothing like Him, means, there is

nothing like the Creator of these pairs, for He is

the Unique, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who has

no peer or equal.

The word Unique is used to define Allah’s

attribute to be The One who cannot be

compared to anything within universe that

whatever we see.

Another perfect definition is given in

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Quran 112:4

ا أحذ ) ۥ ڪف ىم ينه ى ) And there is none like unto Him. (4)

There is nothing like Him, means, there is

nothing like the Creator of these pairs, for He is

the Unique, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who has

no peer or equal.

If we look at the story of Prophet Moosa (as)

having conversation with Allah has good

evidence also.

Quran 7:143

ميمۥ سبۥ قاه سب أسو تىا ـ ىميق ا جاء مس ىم

ى أوظش إىيل نه ٱوظش إى ٱىجبو فئن قاه ىه تش ـ ى

ى ف تش سبۥ ىيجبو ٱستقش مڪاوۥ فس ا تجي فيم

ا صعق خش مس ا

ىل جعيۥ دڪ ـ قاه سب ا أفا فيم

ه ٱىمؤمىيه أوا أ ()تبت إىيل

Page 20: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


When Moses came to the place appointed by Us

and his Lord addressed him, He said: "O my

Lord! show (Thyself) to me, that I may look

upon Thee." Allah said: "By no means canst

thou see Me (direct); but look upon the mount;

if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me."

When his Lord manifested Himself to the

Mount, He made it as dust, and Moses fell down

in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he

said: "Glory be to Thee! to Thee I turn in

repentance, and I am the first to believe." (143)

In the above verse Allah is giving direct words

to Moosa (as) that you cannot see me.


In his Musnad Imam Ahmad recorded from

Anas bin Malik that the Prophet said about

Allah's saying (And when his Lord appeared to

the mountain),

Like this,

then he held out the tip of his little finger.

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Another Hadith

As-Suddi reported that Ikrimah reported from

Ibn Abbas about Allah's saying, (And when

his Lord appeared to the mountain),

Only the extent of the little finger appeared from

Him, (He made it collapse) as dust (And Musa

fell down unconscious) fainting from it.

Many scholars from Pakistan and India, I didn’t

mean to criticize any greater scholars but I as a

student of Islam heading towards PhD Inshallah,

researched myself on this topic and came to

conclusion that Allah is The One non eye can

see him before Hereafter or even in dream.

Quran 50:16

سيذ ) مه حبو ٱى ه أقشب إىي و ...)

…for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular

vein. (16)

Page 22: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Those who explained `We' in the Ayah to mean

“Our knowledge,” have done so to avoid falling

into the idea of incarnation or indwelling; but

these two creeds are false according to the

consensus of Muslims. Allah is praised and

glorified, He is far hallowed beyond what they

ascribe to Him. The words of this Ayah do not

need this explanation (that `We' refers to Allah's

knowledge), for Allah did not say, “and I am

closer to him than his jugular vein.” Rather, He


“And We are nearer to him than his jugular

vein”. just as He said in the case of dying


Quran 56:85,

نه ل تبصشن ) ـ ى مىنم ه أقشب إىي و ٢)

But We are nearer to him than ye, and yet see

not (85)

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in reference to His angels (who take the souls).

Also it refers to His knowledge is so close and

Allah can see us anywhere no matter wherever

we are but our eyes cannot see Allah.

Another justification answer is Prophet saw

Allah in His (pbuh) heart. Which is still not

satisfying the definition of Allah because

naturally when anyone see Allah that means

giving some kind of image to Allah.

According to them Allah made exception to the

rule because Prophet (pbuh) was the last

Messenger of Allah, still we have enough

evidence to prove No one can see him either in

reality, dream or imagination because Allah is

beyond anything that a person can think it is

limited and finite.

If we look at the story of Moosa (as) Allah

spoke to him not appearing in front but instead

Moosa (as) heard from the tree a voice and

that’s a proof even though Allah will speak to

anyone will be behind the veil.

Page 24: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Quran 42:51

سا مه حي ا أ إل ما مان ىبشش أن ينيم ٱهلل

بئروۦ ما يشاء فيح يشسو سسل ۥ حجاب أ إو عي

(حڪيم )

It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak

to him except by inspiration, or from behind a

veil, or by the sending of a Messenger to reveal,

with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for

He is Most High, Most Wise. (51)

All those who claim about this argument are

misguided by shaitan and also misguiding

audience which surely bring the next generation

to come up with another new idea. It is also

contradicting in Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah.

He is The Creator, One God, The Sustainer of

the worlds is unseen to any eye in reality or

dream. Also many Maulanas, Sufis or elders

make a false claim of seeing Allah in dream and

started Bidah and people believes that and start

following them. It is also a shaitan trick to

Page 25: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


deceive people who believe a very old person

claiming that he saw Allah in dream because he

is a very good worshipper and spends whole

night in praying makes everyone believes

whatever he is saying is true.

It is because no one bothers to understand the

Quran Language and simply blindly following

without realizing or having proper

understanding of Tawheed.

And Allah Knows Best

Page 26: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


May Allah give us understanding of Quran and

increase our knowledge of Allah’s Deen Islam.

May Allah remove our problems and worries

and send His blessings.

May Allah accept my work and increase our

knowledge, Ameen

Quran 2:127

ٱىعييم ) سبىا تقبو مىا مي (٢ إول أوت ٱىس ..…

"Our Lord!accept (this service) from us, for

thou art the All-Hearing the All-Knowing.”


Page 27: Did Muhammad Saw Allah On Miraj Response


Abu Ammaar Saeed Ahmed

The purpose of this book to clarify

misunderstanding about Quranic verses of Surah

Najm (The Star) Chapter 53, the information

that I have provided about scholars can also be

verified from their lectures. I am sure there are

many other groups in more countries have same

Aqeedah that prophet (pbuh) saw Allah. The

danger of having this Aqeedah is that next

generation could also come up with another idea

that can create another additional group also

will contradict basic fundamentals of Islam

which could lead to Bidah or Shirk.

This booklet has provided authentic clear

evidence from directly from Quran and Hadith

and can also be verified.


Islamic Research Foundation New York
