df13 salesforce fundamentals: strategy for campaign and lead management

Salesforce Fundamentals: Strategy for Campaign and Lead Management Deepa Patel, Halak Consulting, LLC, President @halakconsulting Maria Belli, CASE Partners, Inc., Senior Salesforce Consultant @JustAGirlyGeek Shell Black, Shell Black, LLC, President @Shell_Black Bryan Boroughf, MondayCall, Senior Account Manager @BryanBoroughf

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Dreamforce 2013 Salesforce Fundamentals: Strategy for Campaign and Lead Management presentation slide deck Presented by Deepa Patel, Halak Consulting, LLC, Shell Black, Shell Black, LLC, Maria Beli, CASE Partners, Bryan Boroughf, Monday Call


Page 1: DF13 Salesforce Fundamentals: Strategy for Campaign and Lead Management

Salesforce Fundamentals: Strategy for Campaign and Lead Management Deepa Patel, Halak Consulting, LLC, President @halakconsulting Maria Belli, CASE Partners, Inc., Senior Salesforce Consultant @JustAGirlyGeek Shell Black, Shell Black, LLC, President @Shell_Black Bryan Boroughf, MondayCall, Senior Account Manager @BryanBoroughf

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Safe harbor Safe harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions proves incorrect, the results of salesforce.com, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements regarding strategies or plans of management for future operations, statements of belief, any statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and customer contracts or use of our services. The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but are not limited to – risks associated with developing and delivering new functionality for our service, new products and services, our new business model, our past operating losses, possible fluctuations in our operating results and rate of growth, interruptions or delays in our Web hosting, breach of our security measures, the outcome of any litigation, risks associated with completed and any possible mergers and acquisitions, the immature market in which we operate, our relatively limited operating history, our ability to expand, retain, and motivate our employees and manage our growth, new releases of our service and successful customer deployment, our limited history reselling non-salesforce.com products, and utilization and selling to larger enterprise customers. Further information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of salesforce.com, inc. is included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year and in our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter. These documents and others containing important disclosures are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Information section of our Web site. Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all. Customers who purchase our services should make the purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available. Salesforce.com, inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.

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Deepa Patel Halak Consulting, LLC


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All about Halak Consulting, LLC

Halak Consulting LLC a Salesforce partner. We have been helping firms identify problem areas and propose solutions that meet the firm’s requirements for the last 10 years.

We work with clients to define their business goals, analyze current business infrastructure and identify nonexistent business processes.

We focus only on Salesforce.com software services

Silicon Valley User group co-leader, run Process & Strategy and Salesforce Certification Study Groups on Success Community

Visit Us – www.halakconsulting.com


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Target audience for this session: I'm not using this area of Salesforce today and want to learn more

I am using this area of Salesforce today, but want to pick up some tips or confirm "I'm doing it right”

Functional Roles: Marketing, Sales & System Administrators

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Organized Lead and Campaign Management

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Lead Management – What is a Lead?

A Lead is a person with a business card



Email address

Street Address

Presentation Notes
What is a Lead? Lead is an individual with a name and address. We have no idea if they are truly interested in our products or services.
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Lead Management – What is it?

A process that allows us to measure and monitor Lead Conversion

Quality of Leads • % of Leads accepted and working vs. % of Leads rejected

and disqualified

Conversion of Leads • What % of Leads were converted and what was the time


Presentation Notes
What is Lead Management and why do we need to have a Lead Management process for our business? Lead Management is a process that allows us to measure Lead conversion with two different metrics. Quality of Leads – What is it that we want to measure here? We want to measure % of Leads accepted vs. % of Leads reject or disqualified� Conversion of Leads – What is that we want to measure here? We want to measure % of Leads converted to opportunities and over what time frame 1. Quality of Leads - % of Leads accepted vs. % of Leads reject or disqualified Lets say you get a 100 Leads from marketing efforts, and 50 are rejected and another 25 are disqualified, that leaves you with 25 leads to work with. For some companies this is great and for others this might not be good. What this measurement allows you to do is figure out how you can go from 25% to 35%. 2. Conversion of Leads – % of Leads converted to opportunities over accepted time frame Let’s say your accepted time frame to convert a lead is one month and it takes three months to convert a lead or if you only convert 5% of the quality leads that you have received, we have a problem. Once again, depending on the sales process, for some companies the percentage conversion can be a good thing and for others not so much. The point being monitoring conversion rate will give you the insight as to how you can increase your conversion rate and increase the velocity of Lead Conversion
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Lead Management – Life Cycle

How do we do this? Lead Life Cycle

• A process to move a Lead through different check points between receipt and conversion to an Opportunity.

Lead Source (Standard field) • Where did this lead come from?

• Web, Trade Show, Word of Mouth, Advertising, Webinar

Lead Status (Standard field)

• Open, Contacted/Working, Closed/Converted, Nurture, Dead

• Is the Lead being worked on? Has contact been made? Is this Lead Dead?

Presentation Notes
So how do we do this? We manage this process with Lead Life Cycle which includes multiple fields. Lead Status (standard field) defines if the lead is being worked on or not. Examples of status values are: Open Contacted/Working Rejected Dead Nurture Converted Lead Source (standard field) defines where the lead came from. Web Tradeshow Word of Mouth Advertising Social Media
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Lead Management – Life Cycle

Lead Stage – Custom Field • Defines where the Lead is in the Lead Life Cycle

– Marketing Qualified – Did marketing consider this a lead good enough for sales to work on?

– Sales Rejected – Did Sales decide this lead was not a good lead to work on and send it back to Marketing for nurture or consider it dead

– Sales Accepted – Did Sales agree to work on this lead

– Sales Qualified – Sales has worked this lead and considers it qualified enough to develop an opportunity

How do we do this?

Presentation Notes
Lead Stage defines where the lead is in the lead life cycle. Why do we want to use stages and not build this in status? A lead can be in the contacted/working status for either Sales Accepted or Sales Qualified until the lead is converted to an opportunity.
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Lead Management – Life Cycle

Lead Score – Custom Field • Defines the priority a lead should be given

– Quality – How complete is the data in the lead record?

– Aging – Is the Lead more than 30 days?

– BANT – Is there a Budget, Need, Authority and a Time frame to Purchase?

How do we do this?

Presentation Notes
Lead Score defines how much priority this lead should be given based on Lead Quality, Aging and BANT – Budget, Authority, Needs and Time Frame
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Lead Management



Back to Nurturing

Dead Lead

Status = Dead Status = Nurturing

MQL Status = Open Date and time


Marketing Qualified Lead

Reason for Rejection

Status = Rejected Date and time

stamp SRL

Sales Rejected Lead

Presentation Notes
What does the process look like? When a lead is added as a Marketing Qualified Lead, you want to date stamp it with the Lead Status Open. If a lead is rejected, you want to change the stage to Sales Rejected and date and time stamp it with status Dead or Nurturing
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Lead Management Sales - Follow up and track activities

in Salesforce Status = Contacted/Working

SAL Status = Open Date and time stamp


Sales Accepted Lead

Presentation Notes
If the lead is accepted, we want to change the lead stage to SAL, date and time stamp it and at this point the Lead Status is “Open” Next step is to start following up with the lead and record activities in Salesforce using Tasks and Events.
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Lead Management

Reason for Disqualification

Dead Lead

Status = Dead

Back to Nurturing

Status = Nurturing

Quality – Score 5 - 1

BANT Cumulative Score Budget = 5 – 1 Authority = 1 – yes 0 – No Need = 1 – yes 0 – No Time Frame = 4 – Less than 3 months 3 – 3 months – 6 months 2 – 6 months – 1 year 1 – More than 1 year

Lead Score High Medium Low

Aging – Score 5 - 1 SQL Status = Qualified Date and time stamp

Sales Qualified Lead

SDL Status = Disqualified Date and time stamp

Sales Disqualified Lead

Presentation Notes
We talked about Lead Score earlier. Lead Score is a combination of three things: Quality Aging A score based on BANT (Budget, Authority, Need and Time Frame) Based on the individual or combined score, you can decide which leads are rated High, Medium or Low. The High and Medium leads can be Sales Qualified leads and at that point you want to change the stage to SQL and change status to Qualified. You can disqualify the low scoring lead based on the fact that there is no opportunity and the leads is dead changing the Lead Stage to DQL and status = Dead, or decide that there might be an opportunity in the future and send it back to nurturing.
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Lead Management – Full Process


Sales Qualified Lead Status = Qualified

Converted to Opportunity

Status = Converted


Sales Disqualified Lead Status = Dead or Nurture


Marketing Qualified Lead Status = Open


Sales Accepted Lead Status = Open or



Sales Rejected Lead Status = Dead or Nurture

Presentation Notes
So this is what the final process looks like. A lead is added with a Marketing Qualified Status and it is either Rejected due to bad data and is marked Rejected, changing the status to Dead or Nurture, or it is Accepted by Sales and is marked Accepted, changing status to Contacted/Working. During the process Sales determines that there is no possibility for any business from this lead and marks it Disqualified, changing status to Dead or Nurture. Once a Lead is qualified, it is marked as Qualified and works on it further until an Opportunity is identified. At that time the Lead is converted to an Account, Contact and opportunity. This process can differ based on the Sales and Business process of the company. Some companies choose to convert a lead after it is qualified and create an opportunity later while others will convert a lead when they are ready to work on the opportunity.
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Lead Management – Benefits

What are the benefits of designing a process like this? Monitor Quality of Leads

Gauge Velocity of Leads

Identify Bottlenecks in the process

Have an opportunity to make improvements and increase Lead conversion

Presentation Notes
What are the benefits of designing a process like this? It allows you to monitor the qualify of Leads, look at how long it takes to convert a lead from when you got it from marketing and identify any bottlenecks like improved marketing effort of coaching for the reps.
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Maria Belli CASE Partners, Inc. @JustAGirlyGeek

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All about CASE Partners, Inc.

CASE Partners, Inc. is a Salesforce partner celebrating 20 years as an IT consulting firm that specializes in maximizing the capabilities of Salesforce through innovative configuration, workflow, and integration solutions

Highly skilled staff of certified Salesforce administrators and developers

Specializing in advanced web and application integration services

Broad industry experience: Financial Services, Insurance, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Non-Profit, and more

Organizers and leaders of the Connecticut Salesforce Developers’ User Group

Visit us online at www.casepartners.com

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Page Layouts

Presentation Notes
Here you can see Sales Rep, Dan Gonzalez’s view of one of his leads. From this page, Dan can update his lead’s status or stage. He can also convert his lead to an account, contact, or opportunity.
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Page Layouts cont.

Presentation Notes
This next slide show’s Dan’s manager’s view. As you can see highlighted by the red box, Dan’s manager has some additional fields which shows how long, in days, this lead has been in the different stages in the lead life cycle.
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Presentation Notes
Here is a report that shows the leads for a particular rep in the different stages. This gives management an opportunity to evaluate if the rep needs coaching or where the bottlenecks might be. It can also help monitor sales rep performance or what your company can do as a whole to improve its business processes.
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Presentation Notes
Here is a simple dashboard that gives a high level overview of the Leads by Stages and Leads by Reps. As a side note, free sample reports and dashboards by Salesforce Labs can be found on the AppExchange (https://appexchange.salesforce.com/results?keywords=dashboards).
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Shell Black President, ShellBlack.com, LLC @Shell_Black

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All about ShellBlack.com

ShellBlack.com, LLC is a Cloud Alliance Partner in Dallas TX helping companies maximize their CRM investment through elegant solutions leveraging Salesforce.com

Strictly Salesforce – our single focus results in deep domain expertise

Proven Process – fine tuned over a hundreds of projects

Community contribution – two Salesforce User Group leaders and a Salesforce MVP

Visit us online at www.ShellBlack.com

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What is a Campaign? A Campaign is a marketing initiative that you track in Salesforce Email

Outdoor Advertising


Social Media

Direct Mail

Trade Shows


Customer Events

Training (yes, training)

PPC, Organic Web Traffic

Public Relations / Press Releases

Client Entertainment



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Campaigns - It's all about ROI! Campaigns allow you to see which initiatives (marketing spend) have the best return

For example:

Was attending the trade show in Chicago last year worth it, and if so, should we buy a bigger booth next year?

We entertained guests with our stadium box seats, did it close any business?

What advertising components of our product launch produced the best results?

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With Campaigns, you can: Target and market to existing Leads and Contacts

Generate new Leads

Track response rates on a Campaign

Track Lead conversion rates on a Campaign

Attribute Opportunities to a Campaign

Calculate ROI

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Mechanics of launching a Campaign Create the Campaign

Determine your Campaign Member Status

Target Leads and Contacts

Launch! (and communicate internally)


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Create the Campaign – standard fields to know Parent Campaign – allows multiple individual Campaigns to be

associated to a larger initiative

Type – A dropdown (picklist) used to categorize your Campaigns • e.g. Print, Direct Mail, Outdoor, Email, Webinar, Social Media, PR, etc.

Status – A "lifecycle" pick list field • e.g. Idea, Planned, Budgeted, Deployed, In Progress, Complete, Abandoned

Active – This checkbox is what makes a Campaign visible to your users!

Actual Costs – (used in ROI calculation)

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Campaign Member Status A dropdown (picklist) to know if a Lead or Contact has been targeted (sent) or responded to a Campaign Direct Mail Simple Example: “Sent” and “Responded”

Custom Event Complex Example: • Default: Mailed

• Responded: RSVP, Attended, No Show

Sometimes you only know who responded (not sent): • Outdoor advertising, PPC, Press Release, etc.

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Methods to associate a person (Lead or Contact) to a Campaign

Manually – using the “Add to Campaign” button on Leads and Contacts

View – On Leads or Contacts Tab have a “Add to Campaign” Button

Report – Leads or Contact Reports have “Add to Campaign” Button

Manage Members – on the Campaign (add or update status, or use a file)

Data Loader – use when you have more than 50,0000 records

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Launch! (and communicate internally) Check the “Active” checkbox on the Campaign

Educate and communicate to Sales to be sure they are giving credit to Opportunities for your Campaigns

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Measure the Results On the Campaign you can see roll-ups of your Campaign Members, Responses, Lead Conversion and Opportunities

From the Campaign Tab, you can run the ROI report

ROI is expressed as a percentage. Anything over 100% is a “winner” Formula: (Total Value Won Opportunities - Actual Cost) / Actual Cost

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Bryan Boroughf MondayCall @BryanBoroughf

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All about MondayCall Solutions

At MondayCall, we help Salesforce customers, from SMB to mid-market to Fortune 500, make the most value from their investment .

Based in San Francisco and founded in 2009

Over 300 customers in a variety of industries across the country

Full range of services entirely focused on the Salesforce platform

Average: 9.5/10 customer sat rating

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Deepa Patel

President @halakconsulting

Shell Black

President @Shell Black

Maria Belli Bryan Boroughf

Senior Salesforce Consultant, @JustAGirlyGeek

Senior Account Manager, @BryanBoroughf

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Do Not Forget!

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