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Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 PDF copies of articles from Vol 5.3 (June 1999) onwards are available on the DEA website publications archive at: . For hard copies of articles from before this date please contact DEA. Vol 5.3 June 1999: Information and communication technology Guest editorial: Elizabeth Segall, Freelance ICT software Consultant Theme articles: Our common digital future Cees Hamelink, ITGS programme of the International Baccalaureate, University of Amsterdam Information, knowledge and development James Deane, Nigel Cross, and Kunda Dixit, Panos Institute Women on the Net: women crossing boundaries through ICTs Wendy Harcourt, Development Journal Youth work and the challenge of technorealism Peter White, freelance writer and editor A new challenge for using Internet resources (properly) John Castleford, University of Leicester The network society Dr Roddy Flynn, Dublin City University Getting It Right? articles: Getting it right in STEP? Ruth Kennedy Global learning in a global society Dave Spooner OneWorld Online Deborah King ID21 Alastair Scott The Debate Moves On article: Beware systems without dialectics John Huckle Network News article:

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Development Education Journal

List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007

PDF copies of articles from Vol 5.3 (June 1999) onwards are available on the DEA website publications archive at: For hard

copies of articles from before this date please contact DEA.

Vol 5.3 June 1999: Information and communication


Guest editorial: Elizabeth Segall, Freelance ICT software Consultant

Theme articles:

• Our common digital future Cees Hamelink, ITGS programme of the International Baccalaureate,

University of Amsterdam

• Information, knowledge and development

James Deane, Nigel Cross, and Kunda Dixit, Panos Institute

• Women on the Net: women crossing boundaries through ICTs

Wendy Harcourt, Development Journal

• Youth work and the challenge of technorealism

Peter White, freelance writer and editor

• A new challenge for using Internet resources (properly)

John Castleford, University of Leicester

• The network society

Dr Roddy Flynn, Dublin City University

Getting It Right? articles:

• Getting it right in STEP? Ruth Kennedy

• Global learning in a global society Dave Spooner

• OneWorld Online Deborah King

• ID21 Alastair Scott

The Debate Moves On article:

• Beware systems without dialectics

John Huckle

Network News article:

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 2

• The meanings and indicators of internationalism Lynn Davies

Vol 6.1 October 1999: Citizenship education in a global context

Guest editorial: Lynn Davies, University of Birmingham Centre for

International Education and Research

Theme articles:

• Issues in citizenship at local, national and global levels Dr Colin Wringe, Reader in Education, Keele University

• Routes to global citizenship: a curriculum for a sustainable future Louise Douglas and Ros Wade, Oxfam Development Education programme

and MSc in Environmental and Development Education, London South Bank University

• Social exclusion, citizenship and global education Vipin Chauhan, freelance consultant

• Citizenship education in a contested society Michael Arlow, Social, Civic and Political Education Project, University of


• Citizenship and the Commonwealth

Steve Brace, Director of Education, Commonwealth Institute

• Young people and Europe Michelynn Lafleche, Deputy Chief Executive, Research and Policy, Runnymede Trust

• Active citizenship: a European Union focus through lifelong learning and other education projects

Horace Lashley, Community Studies, University of Reading

• Global citizenship education in the primary school: an example from

geography Helen Walkington, Educational Studies, University of Reading

• An intolerable situation? Clare Ramsaran, Education Officer, Charter88

Getting It Right? articles:

• Active citizenship in Colombian schools

Ray Harris

• Human rights education in an inner city primary school

Sean Carolan

• Woven Lives: bridging the gap

Kate Edmonds and Amanda Wilde

The Debate Moves On article:

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 3

• After the Macpherson Inquiry Jagdish Gundara

In My View article:

• The underdevelopment of development education

Colm Regan

Vol 6.2 February 2000: Education for peace and


Guest editorial: Pat Gaffney, Pax Christi

Theme articles:

• Peace education, peer mediation and development education Rob Unwin Development Education Centre South Yorkshire with Isaac Osei, ActionAid Ghana

• Development and peace: the value of a ‘two-islands’ approach

Colm Regan, 80:20 Educating and Acting for Change, Ireland and Scott Sinclair, Development Education Centre Birmingham

• A people’s movement meets development education Phil Glendenning, National Co-ordinator of Australians for Native Title and

Reconciliation and Olga Havnen, Director of Indigenous Programs, Fred Hollows Foundation

• Education for reconciliation in South Africa Brandon Hamber, Coordinator, Transition and Reconciliation Unit, Centre for

the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, South Africa, and Traggy Maepa, Educationalist at CSVR

Getting It Right? articles:

• Leap Confronting Conflict

Jo Broadwood

• Peace studies at Bradford: an inside view

Paul Rogers

The Debate Moves On articles:

• Is global citizenship a realistic proposition? Simon Dradri

• Toleration and citizenship Bernard Crick

• Development education within the context of globalisation and sustainable development

Douglas Bourn

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 4

Vol 6.3 June 2000: Black perspectives on development education

Guest editorial: Horace Lashley, University of Reading Department of Community


Theme articles:

• Why a Black perspective on development education? Joe Joseph, consultant and lecturer, Youth and Community programmes, De

Montfort University, Leicester

• The dynamics of Black and ethnic minority participation in development

education in Scotland Amadu Wurie Khan, freelance consultant and researcher on media and Black

and ethnic minority representation, racism and the South

• Is development education always inclusive?

Phyllis Thompson, DEA

• Education and development: problems, prospects and possibilities

Yusuf Sayed, University of Sussex Centre for International Education

• Reflections on partnerships from the Summer School at Marley le Roi

Jaya Graves, Southern Voices

• The DEA Black Forum

Rosemin Najmudin, consultant to the DEA

Getting It Right? articles:

• ‘Africa is so cool’: soccer as development education Jo Kitterick

• Development awareness and action projects among Asian communities in the UK

Ravi Kumar

• ARIB and its development education in the UK

Dr. Thomas Jaye

The Debate Moves On article:

• Multicultural education and global education: a terrain demarcation Johann le Roux

In My View article:

• Discovering development education

Maria Rodikova

Vol 7.1 October 2000: Development education methodology

Guest editorial: Ange Grunsell, Oxfam Development Education Programme

Theme articles:

• Process and content in development education Michael Storm, educator and writer

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 5

• Making meaning through talk: Socio-cultural theory and collaborative group work

Susan Lyle, Educational Studies Programme, Swansea Institute of Higher Education

• Towards a global learning community Raphael Wilkins, Director of Education, Thurrock Borough Council

• Doing development education in the community: the experience of the Cumbria DEC

Eleanor Knowles, Community Projects Officer, Cumbria Development Education Centre

• The educational methodology of Paulo Freire: to what extent is it reflected in development education in the UK classroom?

Dr Helen Walkington, University of Reading School of Education

• Arts and development education: a roundtable discussion

Steve Brace (Chair), Director of Education at the Commonwealth Institute, Tom Andrews, Music for Change, Helen Griffin, Derby Rainbow Centre Anneli Hansson, Akademi South Asian dance group, Janice McNamara, Artists in School, VSO, Ann Shrosbree, Small World Theatre, Gillian Temple, Commonwealth Institute, Diane Vickers, Drumdance and Nicci Wilson, Derby Rainbow Centre

Getting It Right? article:

• Partnering for global awareness

Anne Whiteford

The Debate Moves On article:

• Joint approaches for community action? Katrin Taylor

Vol 7.2 February 2001: Development education in the political context

Guest editorial: John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich

Theme articles

• A comparative look at European policies on development education

Alessio Surian, education consultant and former co-ordinator of Global Education Programme, North-South Centre

• Building bridges through the web Matt Milliken, Youth Coordinator, Greater East Belfast Strategy Group

• Lost decade or educational awakening? The state of development education in Germany 10 years after reunification

Dr Klaus Seitz, chair of development education working group, Association of German Development NGOs (VENRO)

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 6

• Beyond the horizon: how much do British children know and care about issues concerning developing countries?

David Peaty, Centre for Global Education, York

• Development education and educating for mutual understanding in Northern

Ireland Gerard McCann, One World Centre for Northern Ireland and University of


• Meeting the challenge of creating real understanding

Richard Calvert, Head of Information, Department for International Development

Case studies from Belgium, Finland, Wales, Austria, Nigeria, Scotland, Denmark, USA, Japan and Spain

The Debate Moves On article:

• Aims, outcomes, and global values in higher education: a mix whose time has

come? Nigel Dower

Vol 7.3 June 2001: Measuring effectiveness

Guest editorial: Can development education make a difference? John MacBeath, University of Cambridge

Theme articles:

• Measuring effectiveness in development education: responding to the challenges

Ann McCollum, MEDE project coordinator, consultant to DEA

• Themes and trends in measuring effectiveness: review of current literature

Eve Billingham, DEA

• The effective Development Education Centre

Bob Hirst, freelance consultant

• Measuring effectiveness in higher education

Aileen McKenzie, freelance consultant

• Social anthropology meets development education: reflections on working

with NGOs on the MEDE project Shehnaaz Kanji, researcher and MSc student University of Oxford

• Participatory action research as an approach to assessing the impact of a language development project

Veronica McKay, Institute for Adult Basic Education and Training, University of South Africa

Getting It Right? articles:

• Listening to learners Jane Mace

• Did we make a difference?

Hilary Atchison

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 7

• An evaluation framework for development education from the WEA Global Development Education Programme

Katy Newell Jones, Liz Cumberbatch and Dorothy Calvert

• Evaluating global youth work in 2001

Sarah Hargreaves

• Learning lessons from organisational learning

Ruth Jolly

The Debate Moves On article:

• Towards an ethos of global citizenship education: some problems and possibilities

Graham Pike

Vol 8.1 October 2001: Issues and challenges from civil


Guest editorial: Phil Hope MP

Theme articles:

• The Macpherson Report – implications for civil society organisations William Lume, Director, Centre for Inter-African Relations

• Development awareness matters: the role of business and trade unions in promoting awareness of development issues in the UK

Ros Tennyson, Senior Development Advisor, Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business and Julie Smith, freelance consultant

• Global citizenship and learning in communities John Annette, Assistant Dean, Middlesex University School of Social Science

• Securing commitment to sustainable development: ethical and curriculum paradoxes

William Scott, Director, University of Bath Centre for Research in Education and the Environment

• The impact of philosophical enquiry with children on development education Chris Rowley, St Martin's College and Jane Yates, Cumbria Development

Education Centre

Getting It Right? articles:

• Education for citizenship: the case of Fairtrade and consumer power Ivonne de Moor

• Motivating sixth forms: paving the way for student action Meredith Cochrane

• Peer evaluation in development education Colin Fletcher and Jon Owen

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 8

The Debate Moves On articles:

• ‘It’s labelled in differences’: analysing the communication of the ‘Third World’

in schools Matt Smith

• Using participatory approaches to bring marginal groups into the mainstream Chris Nasah

In My View article:

• Responses to ‘Making Globalisation Work for the World’s Poor’

David Lambert, Isobel Allen and Angela Grunsell

Network News article:

• Making Time & Space Craig Russell

Vol 8.2 February 2002: Issues and challenges from civil society - organisational responses

Guest editorial: Mark Leonard, Director of the Foreign Policy Centre

Theme articles:

• We need something more robust

Ian Barr, consultant and Scott Sinclair, Director of Tide-Development Education Centre

• Achieving race equality in education: legal duties, inspection and institutional responses

Audrey Osler, Dirctor, University of Leicester Centre for Citizenship Studies and Education

• Student teachers and citizenship education Helen Lawson, Open University and University of Nottiingham and Kate Edmonds, MUNDI

• Youth projects for sustainable development

Graham Harper, teacher currently enrolled at London South Bank University Education for Sustainability programme

• Global perspectives in lifelong learning Jane Thompson, National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education

• Identity and contribution to development Ashok Ohri, development education consultant

Getting It Right? articles:

• Citizenship through Service-Learning Partnerships: A view from Alberta,

Canada Lynette Shultz

• Connexions - the best start in life for young people Paul Adams

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 9

• African Women’s Culture, Arts and Development Mama Toro

The Debate Moves On articles:

• Foundation Education and Development: a national forum for development

education in Switzerland Richard Helbling

• Arts and development education Helen Gould

• Sustainable Education: a response to Doug Bourn’s book review Stephen Sterling

In My View article:

• Challenges for global education managers

Henny Helmich

Vol 8.3 June 2002: Issues and challenges from civil society -

development education responses

Guest editorial: Ashok Ohri, Director of OSCD Ltd

Theme articles:

• Civilising global democracy Vipin Chauhan, Principal Partner, Lotus Management Consultancy

• African organisations and African youth Chukwu-Emeka P F Chikezie, Director, African Foundation for Development

• Making a difference; opportunities for the global perspective in Initial Teacher Training (ITT)

Claudette Salmon, Project Co-ordinator, Global Teacher Project

• Development education in Norway

Arnfinn Nygaard, Co-ordinator, RORG

• New learning in the learning age

John Blewitt, University of Bradford School of Lifelong Education and Development

Getting It Right? articles:

• VETAID: linking overseas development experience with awareness-raising in

Scotland Martin Steele

• ‘The Global Workplace’ Rob Cartridge

• The way in the west - making global connections in civil society Cathryn Al Kanaan

• ‘Just Business’: an experiment in development education John Cameron and Stephen Fairbrass

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 10

• Development education and global educations in the Japanese context Haruhiko Tanaka

• The DEA ‘Global Perspectives in Higher Education’ project: progress to date Dr Aileen McKenzie and Chris Shiel

Network News articles:

• UK-Japan relationship: how do we want to develop it?

Hiromi Yamashita

Vol 9.1 October 2002: Changing the world - development

education after September 11

Guest editorial: Jenny Tonge, MP

Theme articles:

• Developing a futures dimension in the school curriculum David Hicks, Bath Spa University College School of Education

• Utilising the experience of refugees in development education Rosemin Najmudin, development education consultant

• Setember 11 and its impact on British Muslims Inayat Buglawala, Muslim Council of Britain

• September 11 - a local event with international importance Jeff Serf

• Is this a teachable moment? Global education in the United States post September 11

Anne Baker, Director of Global Education and Programs, Peace Corps Association, David Devlin-Folz, Global Interdependence Initiative, Aspen

Institute, Angene Wilson, Professor of Education, University of Kentucky and Doug Bourn, Director DEA

• Development education after September 11 - a view from the San Fransico Bay Area

Dalya Massachi, Executive Director, Bay Area International Development Organizations

Getting It Right? articles:

• Connecting Futures: the impact of a new British Council initiative in the UK

and Pakistan Dermot George

• Using a double-layered compass rose to explore September 11 and its aftermath

Rob Unwin

• Making sense of September 11 - what children want

Alun Williams

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 11

In My View articles:

• ‘World Neighbors’ in the 21st Century - partnering for change

Kellye O'Bryan

• The Bride Price culture and human rights

Evelyn Okoth

Current Debates articles:

• On curriculum development in Kosovo Dakmara Georgescu

• Fair Trade campaign in Lower Saxony Ute Heda

• Time to get real John Huckle

Vol 9.2 February 2003: Changing the world - globalisation

Guest editorial: Caroline Spelman, MP

Theme articles:

• Globalisation: what does it mean for Geograpy?

Doreen Massey, Professor of Geography, Open University

• The world in the Pacific and the Pacific in the world: re-examining

development education Unaisi Nabobo-Baba, Lecturer in Education, University of the South Pacific

• Globalisation, intercultural and inclusive education Jagdish Gundara, International Centre for Intercultural Studies and Culture

Communication Studies, University of London Institute of Education

• Globalisation, Kenya and an inigenous NGO's response

Hellen Tombo, Kenya Youth Education and Community Development Programme and Greig Whitehead, Global Dimension Ltd (Cheltenham

Development Education Centre)

• Global education in adult and vocational education

Barbara Toepfer, hotel economist and vocational teacher in Germany

Getting It Right? articles:

• Farmers and globalisation Chris Emerson

• Global Express: teaching global issues in England and Japan Cathy Midwinter

• What’s this community linking all about? Nick Maurice

• School work in Oldham following the disturbances Rosemin Najmudin from an interview with Richard Gore

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 12

• Development Education and the global dimension in the New Zealand Social Studies curriculum

Rowena Taylor

• School exchanges between Norway and the South: evaluating experiences

Bjarne Garden

Current Debates articles:

• Work in progress: education for citizenship in four jurisdictions - interviews with teachers and pupils in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland

Aileen McKenzie

• Assessing the needs for global and development education in South East

London Rosemin Najmudin

• Development education and its relevance to Maori Josie Karanga

• Global education in Australia Arthur Burch

Network News article:

• Youth participation in Global Youth Work

Tom Burke

Vol 9.3 June 2003: Changing the world - learning for

sustainable development

Guest editorial: Sir Geoffrey Holland, formerly Chair of the Sustainable Development Education Panel

Theme articles:

• Towards the UN decade: looking backwards, looking forwards

John Fien, Director, Griffith University EcoCentre, Australia

• Sustainability as a moral precept: the UNESCO approach

John M Francis, formerly with UK UNESCO

• From here to eternity

Peter Martin, Director of Development, WWF-UK

• Implementing the Dutch National Programme on Learning for Sustainable

Development Dr Roel van Raaij, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and


• The importance of being good neighbours: Islamic perspectives on Education

for Sustainability at a time of war and conflict Muhammad Imran, Islamic Relief

• Can education for sustainability transform the world of business? Glen Strachan, independent consultant on education and sustainability

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 13

Getting It Right articles:

• School exchanges between Norway and the South: evaluating experiences

Bjarne Garden

• Initial training of community, play and youth workers and sustainable

development education Sangeeta Soni

• 'Sam gets a letter': forum theatre for climate change awareness and action Gisela Renolds

• 'Just Business' – from the margins to mainstream Stephen Fairbrass

In My View articles:

• Summit of despair or hope? Personal reflections on the World Summit on

Sustainable Development 2002 Catherine Budgett-Meakin

• Sussed or bust? Clive Belgeonne

Current Debates articles:

• Global learning – a pedagogical challenge for Austrian NGOs

Helmuth Hartmeyer

• Education for sustainable development in Germany

Annette Scheunpflug

Vol 10.1 October 2003: Development education: past,

present and future

Guest editorial: Scott Sinclair, Director, Tide~ Centre

Theme articles:

• Towards a theory of development education Douglas Bourn, Director, DEA

• A fifty year perspective on development education Annie Robson, retired teacher, development volunteer and WEA Global


• DFID and development education

Ben Hammond, freelance development educationalist

• DE + EE = ESD?

Clive Belgeonne, Development Education Project, Manchester

• The global dimension in education

Alison Scott-Bauman, University of Gloucestershire School of Education, Cathie Holden, University of Exeter School of Education and Lifelong

Learning, Nick Clough, Universith of the West of England and David Hicks, Bath Spa University College School of Education

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 14

• Deepening public understanding in Ireland of international development issues

Dr Peadar Cremin, Chair of Ireland Aid's Development Education Advisory Committee

Getting It Right? articles:

• ‘Because it’s right I want to be part of it’

Helen Garforth

• Establishing and sustaining a Development Education Centre

Heather Swainston

• Concepts of global learning - the German debate

Gregor Lang-Wojtasik

• Developing a methodology for including the global dimension in the ITE

curriculum Jayashree Inbaraj, Subbalakshmi Kumar and Greig Whitehead

In My View articles:

• Development Education 1973 to 2003: What’s changed?

David R Wright

• Development education – my education development

Pete Coulson

• Transformations in DE from an anthropological perspective

Shehnaaz Kanji

Network News articles:

• Young Muslims as citizens of the world Ali Omar Ermes

• Schools and a sustainable future Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, CBE

Vol 10.2 February 2004: Creative partnerships

Guest editorial: John Davidson, Chair of DEA and of Gloucestershire

Development Education Centre

Theme articles:

• Reorienting education in support of sustainable development through a focus on quality education for all

Mary Joy Pigozzi, Director of the Division for the Promotion of Quality Education, UNESCO

• Enabling effective DECs? Harm-Jan Fricke, freelance consltant

• 'Just Business and Company?' Or 'Just Business and Partners'? Issues in partnership working in development education

Stephen Fairbrass, Course Leader for PGCE in Citizenship Education, Bradford College

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 15

• Oxfam and Education for Global Citizenship: learning for the future Angela Grunsell, Head of Oxfam's Development Education Programme

• Attempts to achieve development in education through partnerships: interrogating notions and methods of building local capacity from the inside

Sulochini Pather, Human Science Research Council, South Africa

Getting It right? articles:

• The RORG-Network’s 2002/2003 South evaluation: Lessons for DE from a Norwegian experiment

Stiaan van der Merwe and Arnfinn Nygaard

• The global dimension in neighbourhood community work in Britain

Rosemin Najmudin

• The world dimension in Greek schools and the role of Gaia Education Centre

Christos Christidis

In My View article:

• Critical, transformative education for economic and social justice Dave Hill

Current Debates article:

• Towards a theory of world-centered citizenship education

Toni Fuss Kirkwood-Tucker

Vol 10.3 June 2004: Rethinking subject knowledge

Guest editorial: Professor Gerald J Pillay, Rector and Chief Executive, Liverpool Hope University College

Theme articles:

• Some critical reflections on the teaching of controversial issues in science

education Justin Dillon, Lecturer in Science Education at King's College London, Marcus Grace, Lecturer in Science Education and Environmental Education at the University of Southampton and Chris Oulton, University of Gloucestershire

School of Education

• The Citizenship curriculum: neighbourhood and global

Sir Bernard Crick, Professor Emeritus of Politics at Birkbeck University and chair of DfEE citizenship advisory group.

• Global perspectives in higher education: taking the agenda forward in a business school

Chris Shiel, Bournemouth University Business School and Professor David Jones, Pro Vice Chancellor, Thames Valley University

• Chinese Studies in UK schools Dr Jenny Clegg, Edge Hill College of Higher Education Centre for Studies in

Social Sciences

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 16

• Consolidating sustainable development into engineering teaching George Howarth, Bournemouth University School of Design, Engineering and


• Global citizenship and the American high school curriculum

David Weatherley, Adviser for Geography, Education for Sustainable Development and the International Dimension, Devon Curriculum Services

• Mobilizing for education and sustainable development Hans van Ginkel, Rector, United Nations University and President of the

International Association of Universities

Getting It Right? articles:

• Making history more than ‘just one damned thing after another’ Lee Jerome

• Are there tribes in Africa? The presentation of a continent in textbooks Anke Poenicke

In My View articles:

• The train to an enlarged European Union

Marcin Wojtalik

• Taking stock on building support for development

Gareth Thomas and Doug Bourn

• A new world map for development education

David R. Wright

Vol 11.1 October 2004: Development education skills and


Guest editorial: Professor Dr Annette Scheunpflug, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Theme articles:

• Hitching our wagon to the wrong star: beyond the 'attitudes, concepts and

skills' trichotomy and towards a more adequate educational foundation for development and global education

Liam Wegimont, Head of Global Education, North-South Centre of the Council of Europe

• Competencies for global learning Dr Jürgen Rost, Leibniz Institute for Pedagogics of Natural Sciences, University

of Kiel

• Incitement to freedom: competencies of political education in a world of

difference Wolfgang Sander, University of Giessen

• The global dimension: contexts within contexts Alun Morgan, University of London Institute of Education

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 17

• Competencies to deal with complexity: Fair Trade as a learning possibility in global education

Barbara Asbrand, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Getting It Right? articles:

• Skills and competencies in global youth work Jackie Balmer

• Understanding skills development in South Africa Moeketsi Letseka

• Development education in practice: the Sarvodaya experience in Sri Lanka Vinya S. Ariyaratne

• Highlights of the evaluation of the French national development education policy in the 90s

Christian Hughes

• Work in progress on development education at Plan

Mark Leighton

Current Debates articles:

• Global education under pressure: Do the Millennium Development Goals set the tone?

Helmuth Hartmeyer

• Further towards a theory of development education

John Huckle

• The global in the local – responses to Bernard Crick

Is Allen and Stephen Fairbrass

In My View article:

• Climate change: development education – choosing a better future? Catherine Budgett-Meakin

Vol 11.2 February 2005: Values in development education

Guest editorial: Dr Mary Stiasny, Director of Education and Training, British


Theme articles:

• What kind of values does development education need? Graham Haydon, Course Leader, MA in Values Education, University of

London Institute of Education

• Thoughts on education for sustainable development: toward a life of value-

creation Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist philosopher and author, president of Soka Gakkai


• The costs of values: questioning the application of the term in development


Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 18

Roland Tormey University of Limerick Department of Education and Professional Studies

• Education for sustainability and development: psycho-emotional blocks and catalysts

Paul Maiteny, London South Bank University and Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute

• Justice and visions of the future: issues within faith perspectives on development education

Miriam McHardy, freelance consultant, Kevin Fray, Methodist Relief and Development Fund, Joe Howson, Volunteer Missionary Movement, Muhammad Imran, Islamic Relief, Ramesh Kallidai, Hindu Aid, Jo Kitterick, CAFOD, Robert Pearce, Christian Aid and Phyllis Thompson, DEA

• The global dimension and History in the primary school Hilary Claire, London Metropolity University Department of Education

• Human rights education: the process towards understanding and action on global and development issues

Colm Ó Cuanacháin, Secretary General, Amnesty International's Irish Section

• Making values central: the 'Partners in Change' project

Sally Inman, Head of Education and Director, London South Bank University Centre for Cross Curricular Initiatives

Getting It Right? articles:

• From celebrating to valuing global citizenship: lessons from a Norwich high

school Michael Watts

• Global value education: the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics Christien van den Anker and Anna Luise Laycock

• International development in workplace representative education Andy Harvey

Current Debates articles:

• Concepts, pathways and agendas of ‘global citizenship’ as interpreted beyond

the academy Hans Schattle

• Lessons from UK secondary schools: school linking and teaching and learning in global citizenship and geography

Alison Leonard

In My View article:

• Perspectives on development education and awareness in the Czech Republic: How does the past influence the present?

Klára v. Kriegsheim Kadlecová

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 19

Vol 11.3 June 2005: ICT in Global Learning

Guest editorial: Diana Laurillard, Head, e-Learning Strategy Unit, Department

for Education and Skills

Theme articles:

• Technology as an enabler Chris Shiel, Head of Learning and Teaching, Insitute of Business and Law,

Bournemouth University; and David Jones, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Professional Studies, Thames Valley University

• Is e-learning ethical? Catherine Atthill, independent learning consultant

• Beyond the digital divide: harnessing the Internet for cross-cultural dialogue Alan Cawson, Ghana Manager for the Fiankoma Teacher Programme and

formerly Professor of Digital Media at the University of Sussex

• Videogames have changed: time to consider 'Serious Games'?

Benjamin G Stokes, manager of NetAid's digital unit on Education for Global Citizenship, part of the Serious Games Initiative

Getting It Right? articles:

• Learning, the web and global citizenship

Titus Alexander

• Open source development education

Paul Caplan

• One world, one society

Amanda Jordan

• Community based ICT solutions to school linking: lessons from the Young

People’s Commission for Africa Trine Petersen

• Internet debates for primary schools John Spooner

• Using ICT to explore science locally and share insights globally Marianne Cutler

• The Global News project Andrew Bell

• Getting ‘stuck-in’ to the right kinds of technology Alastair Clark

• A new course, a new partnership, a new perspective Maggie Rogers and Barbara Lowe

Current Debates article:

• A new world view: preparing American students for the Global Age

Vivien Stewart

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 20

Vol 12.1 October 2005: Engaging Civil Society

Guest editorial: John Annette, Professor of Citizenship and Lifelong Learning,

Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education and Pro Vice Master for Widening Participation and Community Partnerships at Birkbeck, University of London

Theme articles:

• A paving of good intentions: why development education needs to engage

with civil society Garrick Fincham, Project Officer (Regions), NIACE (The National Institute of

Adult Continuing Education)

• Post-its from the past: tracing back some route ways for development

education Don Harrison, Schools Project Manager, Education Unit, Save the Children

• Engaging civil society, civil renewal, and ‘Active Learning for Active Citizenship’

Val Woodward, Community Research Co-ordinator, Social Research and Regeneration Unit, University of Plymouth and secondee to the Civil Renewal

Unit at the Home Office

• War, global citizenship and civil society

Lynn Davies, Professor of International Education and Director, Centre for International Education and Research, University of Birmingham School of

Education; and Hiromi Yamashita, Research Associate, University of Birmingham School of Education

Getting It Right? articles:

• Skills for the global engineer Ian Neal

• Civil society and education in the Arab region: an overview

Yousry Moustafa

• Engaging civil society and the WEA

Ted Hartley

• The Swapping Cultures Initiative: valuing differences - learning to live

together Marcus Lau, Randle Lewis and Rosemin Najmudin

• Empowering university students as ‘global citizens’ Michael Strange

• Global Education with people of the third age Claudia Bergmüller

• Adding a global dimension to co-operative education Linda Shaw

In My View articles:

• Creating the will to change unjust structures: the challenge of Education for

Social Justice Frank Sudlow

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 21

• ‘Keep the change’: the challenge of trade versus charity David Lankshear

Current Debates articles:

• What is internationalism in education?

Mary Stiasny

• Education for Sustainability in New South Wales, Australia

Neil Taylor and Subhashni Nathan

Vol 12.2 February 2006: The Media and Global Perspectives

Guest editorial: Zeinab Badawi, broadcaster and presenter, Chair of Africa Medical Partnership Fund

Theme articles:

• Could UK television provide a better view of the world for its domestic

audiences? Sally-Ann Wilson, Project Manager for the Commonwealth Broadcasting

Association administered DFID Broadcast Media Scheme

• 'But where's the topline and where's the tart?': Development Education and

the BBC local and regional news agenda - an insider's perspective Sarah Lee, BBC Southern Counties Radio and Senior Manager, Fiankoma


• An extension of colonialism? Development education, images and the media

Kate Manzo, Lecturer in International Development, University of Newcastle School of Geography, Politics and Sociology

• Mass action and mass education: Make Poverty History in 2005 Andrew Darnton, independent researcher, research advisor to Comic Relief

• Television and development education: the lobbying agenda Don Redding, Campaign Coordinator for 3WE (Third World and Environment

Broadcasting Project) and Public Voice

Getting it Right? articles:

• Learning from African School Helen Yanacopulos and Giles Mohan

• Radio for Change: a youth and community development education project run by Global Link DEC

Gisela Renolds and Ruth Davies

• Real world television

Joe Smith

• RE-viewing the World

Jenny Zobel and Richard Thurley

• From TV addicts to video activists: the world of participatory video

Rose McCausland

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 22

• Sourcing pictures: development education, images and indigenous photographers

D.J. Clark

In My View article:

• Can multi-media technology and training for journalists change reporting on development?

Stephen Jukes

Current Debates article:

• Transforming (global) youth work: from citizens to labelled containers? Tom Burke

Vol 12.3 June 2006: Black and Southern Perspectives

Guest editorial: Jim Baker, Chief Executive, Connections for Development

Theme articles:

• A single voice from the South in the turbulent waters of the North

Raúl Pardíñaz-Solís, Skillshare International

• ‘Theory without practice is idle, practice without theory is blind’: the potential

contributions of post-colonial theory to development education Vanessa Andreotti, Research Fellow and Education/Outreach Coordinator,

Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (School of Politics and International Relations), University of Nottingham

• A cry for change! Pushing the barriers in development education thinking and doing

Sarbjit Johal, London Development Education Centre

• Exclusive or inclusive? Increasing participation in Education for Sustainability Tanya Blackburn and Rosemin Najmudin, London South Bank University

• National parks, global views

Nigel Rayment, Director, Magnified Learning

Getting It Right? articles:

• From Live Aid to Live 8 – Saving Africa without Africans Christine Tominke Olaniyan

• AFFORD’s experience with the ‘Aiding & Abetting’ project Onyekachi Wambu

• GHARWEG Advice, Training & Careers Centre: its history and impact Yen Nyeya

• Reflections from the Tsunami experience in India Ravi Kumar

• Keep the fire burning Derek Nkata

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 23

• Sharing Communities Louise Middleton, Rubi Begum, Shelina Ali, Hasnara Ahmed, Shajeda Wahed, Daxa Mehta and Mumtaz Razvi

• The development of a bid to the Big Lottery Fund for Young People to support

global youth work Paul Adams and Nigel Rayment

In My View articles:

• Dynamic relations with the Global South

Dier Tong

• How to write about Africa

Binyavanga Wainaina

Ongoing Debates article:

• Casualty goes to Africa: does it have to be a disaster to get development on TV?

Katrina Phillips

Vol. 13.1 October 2006: Peace and Conflict

Guest editorial: Robert Samuels, General Director of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) – UK

Theme articles:

• Peace and development education: common principles

Andrea Mbarushimana, World Wise Project, Coventry Peace House

• Educating for peace: recent initiatives in the UK

Pat Gaffney, General Secretary, Pax Christi

• Mainstreaming conflict: towards crises-preventive education assistance

Klaus Seitz, Editor, eins Entwicklungspolitik and lecturer in International Education Research, University of Hanover

• Keep it together, keep it safe: violence, peace and young people Michael Ogunnusi, Staffordshire Youth Service

• Are tension and conflict in groups essential ingredients for learning? Or is harmony preferable?

Katy Newell-Jones, consultant trainer and facilitator, and David Colbourne, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor

• Educating for peace in Northern Ireland: from EMU to Citizenship Gerard McCann, Senior Lecturer in European Studies, St Mary's University

College, Queens University Belfast and Chairperson of the Centre for Global Education in Northern Ireland

Getting It Right? articles:

• ‘Where is the love?’

Isabel Hallett and Anthony Cartwright

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 24

• The Inshuti Project: dealing with controversial issues Balbir Sohal, Andrea Mbarushimana, Penny Walker and Alan Sprung

• Limiting the impact of conflict and its consequences through education Karen Moore and Deidre Coffey

• Global education in higher education: a report on the Global Teacher Project of the World Studies Trust, 1999-200

Marjorie Drake

In My View article:

• Peace is not a dirty word Jaci Smith

Ongoing Debates articles:

• Public perceptions of ‘Make Poverty History’

Pippa Micklem

• Who buys fairtrade products and why? Characteristics of consumers of

fairtrade in Colchester, UK Siobhan O’Sullivan

Vol 13.2 February 2007: Gender

Guest editorial: Linda Shaw, Head of Projects and Development at the Co-

operative College and Cilla Ross, who works in teaching and learning across the national and international adult learning, co-operative and trade union


• Summary of content discussions for the Development Education Journal on

'Gender' Moira Jenkins and Nadia Mackenzie, Development Education Association

Theme articles:

• Trends in gender and development

Rosie Vaughan, PhD student working on international agendas on female education, at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

• Education for All, gender and global citizenship education: a relationship that reminds us about the social construction of knowledge.

Harriet Marshall, lecturer in the Centre for Education in an International Context, Department of Education, Bath University

• Global citizenship and gender: halfway there? Anna Luise Laycock, Communications Project Manager for Oxfam’s

Development Education and Youth team

• The tangles and traps on our way towards gender equality

Hazel Reeves, manager of BRIDGE, the gender-focused research and communications programme based at the Institute of Development Studies

(IDS), Brighton

• Violence against women in the UK, and development education

Lis Martin, Senior Programme and Policy Manager (UK), WOMANKIND

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 25

• The contribution of development education to challenging gender stereotypes Kadie Armstrong, Global Education Co-ordinator (Formal Sector),

International Development Education Association in Scotland (IDEAS) and Michila Critchley, Membership and Development Manager, Development

Education Association (DEA)

Getting It Right? articles:

• Delivering development education in a ‘girl-only’ space Connie Wessels, Project Coordinator, Programme Development, Girlguiding


• Strengthening women’s rights and empowerment – the centrality of activism

and politics Andy Rutherford, Head of International Programmes and Felicity Manson, Regional Coordinator Central America, at One World Action

In My View article:

• All women, no gender Mary Kanu, Executive Director of Development Support Agency, an advocacy,

welfare and development organisation for African women

Ongoing Debates articles:

• Television for the Environment: communicating for change John Blewitt, co-director of the MSc Sustainable Development at Exeter

University and the author of The Ecology of Learning: sustainability, lifelong learning and everyday life, Earthscan (2006)

• Peace education and development and education: an agenda for joint action Manuela Mesa Peinado

Vol 13.3 June 2007: Responding to Changes in the Global Economy

Guest editorial: Hetan Shah, Director, Development Education Association

Summary of content discussions for the Development Education Journal on ‘Responding to Changes in the Global Economy’

Moira Jenkins and Nadia Mackenzie, Development Education Association

Theme Articles:

• Development education and the trade unions John Stirling, teacher in employment relations in the Division of Sociology

and Criminology at Northumbria University

• Read my lips, it’s not just the economy: reframing education

Moira V Faul, manager of the Oxfam Education England Team

• Connected lives: the importance of geographical perspectives

David Lambert, Chief Executive of the Geographical Association

• Globalisation, economic development and the role of English: can a former

colonial language, now an integral part of contemporary globalisation, boost reform?

Development Education Journal List of Articles June 1999 to June 2007 26

Simon Sweeney, Head of Programme for MA International Studies at York St John University

Getting It Right? articles:

• Fashioning an Ethical Industry Martin Hearson, Campaigns Coordinator, Labour Behind the Label, and Hannah Higginson, joint Project Coordinator, Fashioning an Ethical Industry

• Fairer Enterprise: a development education response to the enterprise agenda

Anne Strachan, Project Manager at the Development Education Project, Manchester and currently heading the Fairer Enterprise Project

• ‘I want my own mountain……………’ Adam Unwin, teacher educator at the Institute of Education, University of

London, where he has developed the integration of a global perpectives theme into the Business and Economics Education PGCE

• Developing understanding and empathy through the arts Tracey Hutchings, director and founder of Justice Arts Education (Jae) Project and Ros Bilbrough who works for Jae.

In My View articles:

• Is it time for DE to engage with business as well as trade unions? Celia Mather, writer and educationalist on workers’ rights in the global


• What if critical reflection doesn’t lead to sustainable development?

Zaria Greenhill, final year student on the MSc. in Education for Sustainability at London South Bank University