developing expert voices v3.2

Darren Kuropatwa TCEA Area 7 Conference White Oak, Texas 8 June 2012

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Breakout session presentation for the TCEA Area 7 Conference. White Oak, Texas. 8 June 2012.A project based learning approach to a major problem with assessment: Does assigning numeric grades to student work accurately measure what they have learned? This workshop showcases a practical and powerful model to address this issue. A concrete step-by-step overview of how teachers can leverage tools like flickr, Google Docs, blogs, and the Internet to develop "expert voices" and foster creativity in their students. The model shown, applied to a math classroom, can be easily transferred across domains and disciplines. We also look at a new spin on assessment and how to involve students deeply in the design of assessment rubrics. The main thrust of this presentation centres around developing an assessment task that genuinely allows students to demonstrate the limits of what they have learned through an extended project integrated throughout the full length of a course of study.


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Darren KuropatwaTCEA Area 7 ConferenceWhite Oak, Texas 8 June 2012

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Practice 7: Allow new evidence of achievement to replace old evidence.

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by r0bm867: Practices for Effective Learning

Jay McTighe and Ken O'Connor

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How will you make the assignment talk back?David Warlick

Girl Talk by flickr user ThisIsIt2

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The problem is ...

what do grades mean?

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It started with a terse comment ...

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It started with a terse comment ...

Professor of Mathematics

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It started with a terse comment ...

Professor of Mathematics

Grade 12 Student

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Student Voices to Expert Voices

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Multifaceted Assessment

written tests

performance task

oral conference

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What I Was Doing ...

written tests

performance task

oral conference

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Students Learned Best ...

written tests

performance task

oral conference

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Dale’s Cone of Experience

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Create Content That Educates

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Students should learn what experts do

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Listen to an Expert Voice ...

The AssignmentThink back on all the things you have learned so far this semester and create (not copy) four problems that are representative of what you have learned. Provide annotated solutions to the problems; they should be annotated well enough for an interested learner to understand and learn from you. Your problems should demonstrate the upper limit of your understanding of the concepts. (I expect more complex problems from a student with a sophisticated understanding than from a student with just a basic grasp of concepts.) You must also include a brief summary reflection (250 words max) on this process and also a comment on what you have learned so far.

who learns in depth ...

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Listen to an Expert Voice ...

and the world replies ...

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Reflections ...

I wanted to make it fun. Calculus is gross, but it doesn't have to be. I wanted to make problems that people will enjoy reading, and interesting. As much as possible, I wanted each problem to have a story. I wanted each problem to be an individual. I also wanted the problems to be simple. I made up problems out of my comfort zone, but problems I know I could grasp and learn about.

Why did you choose the concepts you did to create your problem set?

... to tell stories

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Reflections ...

In the beginning of this project, I did not know what problems I would come up with. I tried to make them as different from each other as possible. I did problems that I was not comfortable in solving during the year so that I could learn to be comfortable with them. I have a much better understanding now, because I pushed myself as hard as I could to achieve this goal. The problems provide an overview of my best mathematical understanding of what I learned, by the variety of concepts I came up with.

How do these problems provide an overview of your best mathematical understanding of what you have learned so far?

... to push myself

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Definitely. Throughout the course I kept telling myself that I've failed after every test, because I never got the mark that I wanted. I always told myself I'd do better next time, and now I can finally say I did. I learned to solve these problems on my own. I learned to work hard for something I wanted and I truly believe that I got there.

Did you learn anything from this assignment?

... Yes I can!

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In the beginning, I totally disagreed with wanting to do this. I thought it was pointless, but maybe it's because I didn't want to commit to it. However, now that I'm done, I can honestly say that I'm thankful I did it. I learned a lot about math, and I learned a lot about myself. Before this project, I looked forward to being the scribe, because I always felt that being scribe forced me to learn better, harder. Now I am twice amazed, because I got to make the problems on my own and I got to understand it in a different point of view. Anyway, I'm really glad I did it. I think with all the things that's going on, this was a real good experience. I spent this weekend focused on this project and I got yelled at by my parents because I slept late. Anyway, I think it was worth it. I'm happy with what I've done, and I hope you all enjoy it too =)

Was it educationally valuable to you? (Be honest with this. If you got nothing out of this assignment then say that, but be specific about what you didn't like and offer a suggestion to improve it in the future)

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The Process v1.0

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The Process v1.1

>>sample problems>>constant reminders

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The Process v1.2

>>sample problems>>constant reminders


(Justice & Lawrence 52 sec)

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The Process v1.3

>>sample problems>>constant reminders

>>timelines>># problems

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Educational Parcours

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Photo Credits



What a Child Sees



Just Do It


Taylor Mali on what teachers make