detailed planning a2

DETAILED PLANNING Reviewing the props, locations used, characters, costume and equipment used and analysing them how they link to the audience, their conative meanings and the representation they all build.

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Page 1: Detailed Planning A2

DETAILED PLANNINGReviewing the props, locations used, characters, costume and equipment used and analysing them how they link to the audience, their conative meanings and the representation they all build.

Page 2: Detailed Planning A2

COSTUMEZip-up Hoodie

The zip-up hoodie is used to hide and cover up some of his facial identity so he cant be seen from the behind. Someone wearing a hoodie with its hood up alone is usually seen as someone who is sketchy and that person doesn’t care about any laws or rules. This links to the character who will be trespassing in multiple areas. It gives us this representation that the character we are watching does not care about any rules set in front of him and he is a ‘rebel’. Does not care about societies rules.

Face MaskThe facial mask will also be used to cover up our characters identity but from the front, so you cant see part of his facial features. People don’t usually wear face masks in public as they tend to make people uncomfortable as face masks are mainly used to cover identity such as robbers etc. It gives us the representation that our character is dangerous and doesn’t want to give away his identity. It links to the genre how our character is a ‘renegade’ as rebels tend to hide their face so they cannot get identified and arrested for their actions.Cap

The cap is suppose to cover up his identity once again but his hair. Many people within the public wear caps for the ability to see without the sun restricting their view but the character will be wearing this near the end of the day. Instead of doing this role, the caps job is to hide his identity more, make him become unidentifiable. In combination with the facemask, the cap and the hoodie, This tells us that our character is a rebel, doesn’t not care about rules and a dangerous person the meddle with. A ‘renegade’.

BagThe bag builds a different representation compared to all the other props. It shows us that our character is adventurous, which links to where he is trespassing which also links to him being a rebel. The bag also tells us that he is prepared as he has equipment within his bag that could help him with any events that occur while exploring/trespassing. These types of bags are used in many films to show these representations of adventurous and prepared such as the movie ‘I Am Legend’ played by Will Smith.

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LOCATIONS USEDAbandoned Train yard

An abandoned train yard links with the bag prop, showing that he is exploring the area, being observant. I feel that a train yard would be a good place to film our scene. The word abandoned connotes that it is a dangerous place hence its abandonment and why it is no longer used. It would show that our character is fearless just like what a ‘renegade’ (rebel) is. This would also be an ideal place to get some very nice shots. Due to its in-activity and abandonment, it would also be quite easy to film in the area as no trains are currently using the tracks. The picture on the right is Station Road Train which was abandoned which was in use years ago. It is part of a steam trains of the Churnet Valley Railway System but is not currently used as renovation would cost too much and trees have taken over the tracks as displayed on the photo This photo was taken almost 7 years ago (2009). It is very easy to travel too as it is a 5 minute walk from my home to this location. I have also walked and explored the area when I was young so I still have an idea of what the area is like and the best places of where we can get the best shots possible. In conclusion, this location tells the audience that it is a dangerous place which fits to our character who shouldn’t be there. It also links to the title of our song ‘Renegades’ which sings about showing no fear (come forth and have no fear).

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LOCATIONS USEDStanley Boating Club (Stanley Pool)

Stanley Boating Club is known for its amazing views throughout Staffordshire. The area is privately owned and is strictly forbidden to have trespassers in the area. We must get permission in order to film in the area. Private connotes that the area is strictly forbidden. Our main character who will trespass on to the lands anyway shows no attention to the signs which warn him of the consequences of trespassing. This comes to show how much of a risk taker he is, and most of all shows how much of a ‘renegade’ he is, not caring about any guidelines or rules set out to the public. Not only were we thinking of filming at the boating club but we also thinking of filming in the premise's of a friends house which should allow us to get some outstanding shots of the pool. My family have known them for a very long time so I feel that getting permission to film at the house shown on the right shall be easy. If we are ever denied access to the boating club (unlikely), we can also ask permission to film at Stanley Head as they are on the opposite side of the pool who are an Outdoor Education Centre. The other filming location that we have in mind would also provide us of some good shots of the pool but not as good as the house next to the dam and the boating club.

Page 5: Detailed Planning A2

LOCATIONS USEDStanley Fields (Public Footpath)

The access to the fields which are allowed to have the public walk throughout them have granted me access to film on the other side of Stanley Pool, giving me a great view of the boat club from afar. In these fields, the character will be seen as adventurous as the viewer will not likely know where the character is. The field doesn’t match to the genre but It will match to the end of the song, as the singer stops singing and the music relaxes, beating away to the end. This is where I could possibly make a peaceful scene of the character ending his escapade of exploring the places around him and deciding to just chill out, taking in all the scenes he has seen throughout his journey perhaps? What is so convenient about this place is it is very close to my house. Not just my house but all these 3 areas are 10-15 minute walks away from each other, making it easy to travel to these areas.

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EQUIPMENTiPhone 6 (8 megapixel camera)

My iPhone 6 is the only thing that I have that can record in high definition. That and its and excellent camera considering it’s a phone, giving you options to do slow-mo and time-lapses. I do not own a tripod however but the college has offered to lend me one with a phone holder that can stabilise my camera. It will be very light and easy to take shots that a professional camera could not such as fitting in tight spaces and holding the camera high, hence my reasoning for using the iPhone 6 as my camera.

Universal Tri-pod AdapterIn order to record without any shaking while filming stationary shots, a tri-pod will come in handy but cant hold my phone. An adapter will fix this by attaching to the top so I can slot my phone in with ease and record without any shaking.

Tri-podThe tri-pod will allow me to stable my shots while recording footage which is stationary so my end product can look professional. This will be much help combined with the adapter for my phone to fit in the tri-pod. The tri-pod can x3 its height, reaching my eye level which will be brilliant!

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PROPSiPhone 5

We will be using the iPhone 5 in one of the shots (Harry’s Phone), showing the character taking a picture/video of the area so he can store these memories. This links to the fact that this character likes exploring different areas he hasn’t discovered, disregarding the circumstances if he is caught, risking it all for just a photo/video. The shot will be taken at the household near the dam which is located at Stanley Pool near the boat club. This is also an example of a prop which is familiar and relatable to the target audience.