designing your power point presentation

Designing your PowerPoint Presentation

Upload: iestynwilliams

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Designing your power point presentation

Designing your PowerPoint Presentation

Page 2: Designing your power point presentation

Keep the pages simple

Use them as prompts for your presentation

Page 3: Designing your power point presentation

Don’t say one thing and write another

Try reading this. If you find yourself reading this and struggling with what I am saying as well it is because the brain is trying to register too much. Have you ever tried reading a book ad having a conversation at the same time- it can’t be done with full comprehension.

Page 4: Designing your power point presentation

Say what you mean

Write clearly and in short sentences

Don’t write long paragraphs to read

Reiterate and expand on your text verbally

Page 5: Designing your power point presentation

Reference all work that is not your own

Use the Harvard referencing system when using work that copied or paraphrased


Page 6: Designing your power point presentation

Use illustrations

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Or any media file

(Herman. 2012)

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You can even add special effects

And a music track

Just don’t make it too long!

Page 9: Designing your power point presentation

Rehearse your presentation with a friend – get it to time.

(Hallmark Cards . 2007)