depolarization canals in milky way radio maps

Polarization 2005, Orsay, 13/09/2005 Depolarization canals in Milky Way radio maps Anvar Shukurov and Andrew Fletcher School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K.

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Depolarization canals in Milky Way radio maps. Anvar Shukurov and Andrew Fletcher School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K. Outline. Observational properties Origin: Differential Faraday rotation Gradients of Faraday rotation across the beam Physics extracted from canals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Depolarization canals in Milky Way radio maps

Polarization 2005, Orsay, 13/09/2005

Depolarization canalsin Milky Way radio maps

Anvar Shukurovand

Andrew Fletcher

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle, U.K.

Page 2: Depolarization canals in Milky Way radio maps


• Observational properties

• Origin:Differential Faraday rotationGradients of Faraday rotation across the


• Physics extracted from canals

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Gaensler et al., ApJ, 549, 959, 2001. ATCA, = 1.38 GHz ( = 21.7 cm), W = 90” 70”.

Narrow, elongated regions of zero polarized intensity

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Abrupt change in by /2 across a canal

Haverkorn et al. 2000


Gaensler et al., ApJ, 549, 959, 2001

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Position and appearance depend on the wavelength

Haverkorn et al., AA, 403, 1031, 2003Westerbork, = 341-375 MHz, W = 5’

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No counterparts in total emission



r et





, 13

8, 3

1, 1







z, W

= 9


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No counterparts in I propagation effects

Sensitivity to Faraday depolarization

Potentially rich source of information on ISM

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Complex polarization ( // l.o.s.)

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Fractional polarization p, polarization angle and Faraday rotation measure RM:

Potential Faraday rotation:

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Magneto-ionic layer +synchrotron emission,uniform along the l.o.s.,varying across the sky, = 0

Differential Faraday rotation produces canals

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Uniform slab, thickness 2h, R = 2KnBzh, F = R2:

There exists a reference frame in the sky plane where Q (or U) changes sign across a canal produced by DFR, whereas U (or Q) does not.

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Faraday screen: magneto-ionic layer in front of emitting layer,

both uniform along the l.o.s., F = R2 varies across the sky

Variation of F across the beam produces canals

• Discontinuity in F(x), F = /2 canals, = /2

• Continuous variation, F=/2 no canals, = /2

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• Canals with a /2 jump in can only be produced by discontinuities in F and RM: x/D < 0.2


D = FWHM of a Gaussian beam

F = 2

x x


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Continuous variation, F = canals, but with =

We predict canals, produced in a Faraday screen, without any variation in across them (i.e., with F = n).

Moreover, canals can occur with any F, if

(1) F = DF = n and (2) F(x) is continuous

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Simple model of a Faraday screen

Both Q and U change sign across a canal produced in a Faraday screen.

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Implications: DFR canals

• Canals: |F| = n |RM| = n/(22)

Canals are contours of RM(x)

• RM(x): Gaussian random function, S/N > 1

• What is the mean separation of contours of a (Gaussian) random function?

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The problem of overshoots

• Consider a random function F(x).

• What is the mean separation of positions xi such that F(xi) = F0 (= const) ?




§9 in A. Sveshnikov, Applied Methods of the Theory of Random Functions, Pergamon, 1966

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f (F) = the probability density of F;f (F, F' ) = the joint probability density of F and

F' = dF/dx;

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Great simplification: Gaussian random functions(and RM a GRF!)

F(x) and F'(x) are independent,

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Mean separation of canals (Shukurov & Berkhuijsen MN 2003)

lT 0.6 pc at L = 1 kpc Re(RM) = (l0/lT)2 104105

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Canals in Faraday screens: tracer of shock fronts

Observations: Haverkorn et al., AA, 403, 1031, 2003

Simulations: Haverkorn & Heitsch, AA, 421, 1011, 2004

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Canals in Faraday screen: F=R2=(n +1/2)Haverkorn et al. (2003):

R = 2.1 rad/m2 (= 85 cm)

Shock front, 1D compression:

n2/n1 = , B2/B1 = , R2/R1 = 2,

R = (2-1)R1 1.3

(M = shock’s Mach number)

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Distribution function of shocks(Bykov & Toptygin, Ap&SS 138, 341, 1987)

PDF of time intervals between passages of M-shocks:

Mean separation of shocks M > M0 in the sky plane:

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Mean separation of shocks,Haverkorn et al. (2003)

M0 = 1.2, Depth = 600 pc,

cs = 10 km/s, fcl = 0.25

L 90' (= 20 pc)

(within a factor of 2 of what’s observed)

Smaller larger M0 larger L

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Conclusions• The nature of depolarization canals seems to be


• They are sensitive to important physical parameters of the ISM (autocorrelation function of RM or Mach number of shocks).

• New tool for the studies of ISM turbulence: contour statistics

(contours of RM, I, PI, ….)

Details in: Fletcher & Shukurov, astro-ph/0510XXXX