december 5, 2021 second sunday of advent

Our Lady of the Woods Parish 10731 West 131st Street Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 361– 4754 Fax (708) 3615965 parishoce@ourladyoŌ web site—www.ourladyoŌ Religious EducaƟon Oce (708) 3619435 religioused@ourladyoŌ December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent

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 Our Lady of the Woods Parish 

 10731 West 131st Street Orland Park, IL 60462

(708) 361– 4754 Fax (708) 361‐5965

parishoffice@ourladyo web site—www.ourladyo

Religious Educa on Office (708) 361‐9435


December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent

Page Two

Dear Parishioners, The Holy season of Advent is well underway. It is my prayer that this will be a time of grace for you amidst the busyness that is a part of this time of the year. And I would like to offer a special invitation. As a priest I am always aware that this time of the year has a particular loneliness for many. This may be caused by separation or death; by the pain of being physically distant from those we love or many other reasons. My guess is all of us have people in our lives that experience this sense of loneliness. Probably this has been more true this past year. Perhaps this year we can make a special effort to reach out. As usual, the people of Our Lady of the Woods have proven very generous in their support of the Christmas Giving Tree. If you have not turned in your presents for those in need, you may do so this week. This makes a big difference in the lives of many. On their behalf, I say Thank you. Next week we will have the annual collection for retired religious. This assists in the support of retired sisters, brothers, and those priests who belong to Religious communities. Diocesan priests such as myself pay into our own pension plan through a 403b (like a 401K) with the Archdiocese of Chicago offering a partial match. This collection is not for our retirement. It is for those religious communities whose members are vowed to poverty. In many cases these good people worked for very minimal pay and as the orders are ageing, it is difficult to meet the needs. This Sunday we are hosting a return to the Pancake Breakfast. We are grateful to the Knights of Columbus and all volunteers. With RENEW MY CHURCH many parishes that are combining are choosing new names. Our sharing parish, Saint John Berchman has now merged with Saint Hedwig and the new name for our sharing parish is Blessed Carlo Acutis. Carlo Acutis was a young Italian teenager who died in 2005 of cancer at the age of 15. He was known for his deep love for the poor and a profound reverence for the Eucharist. He also loved computers and created a website devoted to Eucharistic miracles. Thank you for your support of the new Blessed Carlo Acutis Parish. Next week our 7th graders will be enrolled as candidates for Confirmation. Preparation for Confirmation is now a two-year process beginning in 7th grade. This enrollment will take place at the 6:00 PM Mass. This will be followed by Christmas carols led by the Madrigals of Stagg High School and the lighting of the parish Christmas tree. All are invited. In Christ,

Father Mike




DEACON DOUG AND CAROLYN SZARZYNSKI MIKE CALLAHAN MICHELLE HILLIARD JOHN MAIER Pastoral Minister Pastoral Associate Sacristan SHELLY STANKO KIMBERLY DUDA LAURIE LYONS Business/Office Manager Director of Religious Education R.E.P. Parish Outreach ERIN KUTA ANDY PERZ CHRISTINE COLLINS REP Secretary Director of Music Ministry Youth Minister BRIAN ZIELINSKI Athletic Coordinator DIANE VANDERPOOL Parish Secretary WEEKEND MASSES: BAPTISMS: Sunday at 12:30 PM. Arrangements must Saturday — 8:30 AM, 5:00 PM be made in advance at the Parish Office. Sunday — 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at the WEEKDAY MASSES: 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM Parish Office six months in advance. Pre-Cana required. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 9:00-9:30 AM REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH: Newcomers are and after 5:00 PM Mass welcome to the Parish and are requested to register at the office. PARISH BOUNDARIES: East 80th Ave., (west side), North Rte. 83 (south side), West Bell Rd. (east side) to 123rd Street to Parker Road (east side), South 135th Street (nor th side)

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Weekend of November 28, 2021

God Bless All for your continued generosity to our Parish.

Actual Budget Difference

Week $20,141 $22,000 ($1,859)

Year $463,049 $484,000 ($20,951)

If your family or someone close to you is in need, please contact us at

(708) 606-5360. A representative will

return your call as soon as possible

to arrange a confidential conversation.

Confidentiality and compassion are the cornerstones of our Ministry.

Even though we can have a public gathering of the Mass, we are only at a small percentage of normal Mass attendance. Yet, we still have our normal daily operation costs at the church. Please consider continuing your weekly donations via online giving by visiting: You can easily set up an account to make recurring gifts, or you can make a one-time donation through Give Central. Under payment type, you can choose either a Debit/Credit Card or Bank Account.

Thank you for your prayers and generosity!

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Page Seven

Adult Altar Servers Needed:

Help is needed to help serve at Funerals. If interested, please call the Parish

Office at (708)361-4754. Thank you!

Wedding Couples Needed!

Couples are needed to help with Weddings...Please call the Parish

Office at (708)361-4754 if you are interested!

Thank You!

Page Eight

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Calling all who love to help provide warmth and com-fort to those in need. We are in need of those who love to crochet and/or knit. We are having our next meeting on Friday, December 10th at 10:00 am. Just enter through the main church doors. We make prayer shawls that are blessed and available for anyone ailing or homebound. Also, we are looking for hats, gloves, and scarves that will be given to those in need. We have an abundance of yarn that has been previously donated to us. We also will be sharing patterns and tips. Looking forward to having you join us. Shawls are available to anyone. Contact the parish office if you would like one for yourself or a loved one.

Marilyn 773-507-0856 or Mary 773-213-9301

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-Items for the Dec. 19th. Bulletin are due by end of day on

Monday, Dec. 6th.

-Items for the Dec. 26th. Bulletin are due by end of day on

Monday, Dec. 13th.

-Items for the Jan. 2nd. Bulletin are due by end of day on

Friday, Dec. 17th.

Thank you for your cooperation!!

If you are in need of guidance with the job search process, the HOPE Employment Ministry can assist you with resumes, career and networking advice. Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7 PM. The next HOPE monthly meeting is on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, at 7 PM, on the St. Elizabeth Seton Campus, (Orland Hills, IL) in the McBrady Center. The McBrady Center is located just inside the main entrance of the Cardinal Bernardin School (located by the bell tower), which provides a very comfortable conference setting, with room to social distance. This meeting will focus on the current job search needs of the attendees, as well as review the job opportunities provided by local employers. Masks are mandatory. If you any questions, please contact Arnie Skibinski

at [email protected]

HOPE Employment Ministry

Mission Statement

Under the protection of the Mother of God,

We are a faith community called by the

Father, energized by the Son, and moved by

the Spirit to unite in witnessing and

proclaiming the Good News. We share in friendship, gather in

worship, and do proclaim our desire to

minister, welcome, celebrate and extend

His Kingdom.

Page Eleven

We welcome to the Family of God:

Those needing good health: We wish you comfort and peace

Manuel Alonzo, Joe Bruno, Natalie Costa, Jackie Faber, Kris Kahn, Virginia Kapelonski, Lyndsey Kokoris, Mary Segars-Koscielny, Michael Koscielny, Debbie Krates, Jean-Marc Krikorian, Bronislawa Krzysiak, Katie Lucarelli, Linda Lucas, Richard Macarol, Kevin Maltese, Jose Manglano, Barbara Maniatis, Mary Marsan, Linda McDonald, Brodie McIntosh, Deacon Michael McLynn, Maeve McKeough, Sophia Miller, Robin Moll, Mark Monahan, Logan Muchowski, Rosemarie Noga, Joey Oberholzer, Mary O’Boyle, Mildred O’Connell, Katie Olsen, Cathy Onak, Bill Owens, Lynn Pacetti, Maggie Pack, Pauline Patti, Anna Pavilon, Gerald Pavlovic, Patty Pollard, Florence Rafac, Brian Raimondi, Daniel Ray, Kathy Rowan, Marie Sansone, Anthony Scalise, Bernadette Scalise, Carmelo Schifano, Joseph Schifano, Andrew Schutzius, Ellen Schutzius, Anne Shanahan, Kate Kelly Sladek, Dan Sloan, Barbara Strahl, Robert Strejc, Leianna Tanedo, Julie Tkachuck, Kenneth Vanek, Thomas and Judy Veen, Zenon Wiercimak, Erin Wiley, Vicki Wiley, Mark Wisinski, Jerold Wojcki, John Wozniak, Dayle Yukich, Greg Zander

III. Robert Bryan & Kelly Murphy December 11, 2021


Our Ministry Team is here to help you during this difficult time:

Michelle Hilliard—708-361-4754

“Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4

Our Deceased:

Neil Ward Margie Gallagher

“Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord.”

Let us Pray Please join Our Lady of the Woods Parish as we

continue to pray for those who have or are serving in the military. We pray for those who protect our country,

for their safety, and well-being, especially,

Adam Rodrigues Captain John Brooker CPL John P. Cherry

CPL Brandon D. Gabry

LCPL Steve Olson Lt. John Spannuth

Sgt. David A. Delach Colonel Jim Wall

Brian Allen Bryan Lampinen

Sgt. John P. Micham Sgt. Jesus M. Flores

Cpt. Benjamin Feithen Lt. Dylan Conover

Sean Girouard CPL Rowen N. Barker

1Lt. Jack McGuire 2Lt. Patrich McGuire

Ian Altieri Battalion Chief Douglas


Peter Michael Czerwien, Navy Robert Owens Larry Stolinski

Captain Tom Buller Sgt. Greg Danko

Mario Danko PFC Tim Radcliffe

Sgt. David Darwent Gavril Robert Micham Danielle Batton

CPT Brendan Girouard LT Matthew E. Lodwich

CSM Joseph Cistaro SPC Rebecca Buhs

Major Nicholas Kamon LT Christa Kamon AB Kevin Schwenn AB Sean Schwenn CPT Allen Dagys

Commander Justin T. Halligan Sgt. Gavril AJ Pfeiffer

Lana Elizabeth O’Brien Robert William Sexton Olivia Ocampo

Page Twelve

SATURDAY, December 4 5:00 PM— Maria Chiaro, Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKendry SUNDAY, December 5

8:00 AM—People of Our Lady of the Woods, Cecilia & Joseph Gladowski 9:30 AM—Helen Orlow, Steven O’Flaherty 11:00 AM—Geri Jacoby, Timothy Maher

6:00 PM—Bob Karlo, Alan Pajak & Diane Olson MONDAY, December 6

6:30 AM—Dr. Jose Manglano, Nancy Sanders 8:30 AM—Fabian Koronkowski, David Kelliher TUESDAY, December 7

6:30 AM—Jeffrey Schnierle, Pat Driscoll, Sr. 8:30 AM—Kevin Nocolei, David Kelliher 7:00 PM---Regina Dignan WEDNESDAY, December 8

6:30 AM—Felix Lazaroff 8:30 AM— Daniel Randolph, America Rodriguez 7:00 PM---End of Abortion, Bob Karlo THURSDAY, December 9

6:30 AM—Frank Biamonte 8:30 AM—Virgilio & Connie Carangal, David Kelliher FRIDAY, December 10

6:30 AM—Virginia Wawrzyn 8:30 AM—Sara Arnold, Edith Veguilla SATURDAY, December 11

8:30 AM—Lori Budil, Mike Hall 5:00 PM— Marelyn Gorman, Joseph Bergen, Michael Gorman SUNDAY, December 12

8:00 AM—People of Our Lady of the Woods, Brigitte Perz 9:30 AM—Michael Katsiroubas, JoAnn Ruff 11:00 AM—Felix Jr, Alphonso Sr, and Estela Ramirez, John Boyle

6:00 PM—Joyce Lagone, William Revethis

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Stand on the heights, Jerusalem; see your children rejoicing that they are remembered by God. A merciful and just God leads Israel in joy (Baruch 5:1-9). Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126). Second Reading — May your love increase in knowledge to discern what is valuable that you may be blameless for the day of Christ (Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11). Gospel — John proclaims a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All flesh shall see the salvation of God (Luke 3:1-6). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80: 2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent Monday: St. Nicholas Tuesday: St. Ambrose; Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Wednesday: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday: St. Juan Diego Friday: Our Lady of Loreto Saturday: St. Damasus I

Second Sunday of Advent December 5, 2021

God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low.

— Baruch 5:7

Page Thirteen

512074 Our Lady of the Woods Church 10731 W 131st Street Orland Park, IL 60462-8308 708-361-4754 Contact: Shelly or Laurie [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Software Using: Win 10.0 Publisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat 2017 Transmission Day/Time: Tuesdays, 11 am Bulletin for Sunday, December 5, 2021 Special Instructions: Please print only 500 copies. Thank you!