deaths of older drug users

Deaths of older Deaths of older drug users drug users Dr. Caryl Beynon Reader in Substance Use Epidemiology Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University Email: [email protected] Web:

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Deaths of older drug users. Dr. Caryl Beynon Reader in Substance Use Epidemiology Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University Email: [email protected] Web: Drug Treatment Programmes. Cheshire and Merseyside. Drug Treatment Programmes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Deaths of older drug users

Deaths of older drug usersDeaths of older drug users

Dr. Caryl BeynonReader in Substance Use Epidemiology

Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University

Email: [email protected]


Page 2: Deaths of older drug users

Drug Treatment ProgrammesDrug Treatment ProgrammesCheshire and Merseyside

Page 3: Deaths of older drug users

Drug Treatment ProgrammesDrug Treatment ProgrammesCheshire and Merseyside



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Drug Treatment ProgrammesDrug Treatment ProgrammesCheshire and Merseyside







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Drug Treatment ProgrammesDrug Treatment ProgrammesCheshire and Merseyside

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Needle and Syringe Programmes Needle and Syringe Programmes Merseyside

Page 7: Deaths of older drug users

Needle and Syringe Programmes Needle and Syringe Programmes Merseyside

Source: Inter Agency Drug Misuse Database

Page 8: Deaths of older drug users

Source: Inter Agency Drug Misuse Database

Needle and Syringe Programmes Needle and Syringe Programmes Merseyside

Page 9: Deaths of older drug users

Deaths of Older Drug UsersDeaths of Older Drug Users

Question 1:Has the average age of death of drug treatment clients changed in recent years?

Question 2:Do older drug users and younger drug users die from different causes?

Page 10: Deaths of older drug users

Drug treatment agencies

(tiers 3 and 4)

National Drug Treatment Monitoring

System (NDTMS)North West

Monitoring data

Drug treatment agencies

Anonymous details of people reported as dead

Office of NationalStatistics (ONS)

Names of people reported as dead

Centre for Public Health

Anonymous death details

Deaths in Treatment: MethodologyDeaths in Treatment: Methodology

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Page 12: Deaths of older drug users

Drug related deaths

Page 13: Deaths of older drug users

Spearman’s rank correlation: P<0.01

Age at Death, Drug Treatment ClientsAge at Death, Drug Treatment Clients(North West of England)

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Age: less than 40 Age: 40 and above

Drug related death

Non drug related death

Drug related death

Non drug related death

Page 15: Deaths of older drug users

Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

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Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

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Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

Page 18: Deaths of older drug users

Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

Page 19: Deaths of older drug users

Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

Page 20: Deaths of older drug users

Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

Page 21: Deaths of older drug users

Under 40 40 and over


2003/04 24 (35.8%) 43 (64.2%) 5 (16.7%) 25 (83.3%) 97

2004/05 26 (47.3%) 29 (52.7%) 4 (13.3%) 26 (86.7%) 85

2005/06 28 (50.0%) 28 (50.0%) 3 (6.8%) 41 (93.2%) 100

2006/07 22 (44.0%) 28 (56.0%) 21 (37.5%) 35 (62.5%) 106

2007/08 24 (51.1%) 23 (48.9%) 17 (24.6%) 52 (75.4%) 116

All years 125 (45.5%) 150 (54.5%) 51 (22.3%) 178 (77.7%) 504

Death Categorisation by AgeDeath Categorisation by Age

Page 22: Deaths of older drug users

Older drug users are significantly less Older drug users are significantly less likely to die from a drug related death likely to die from a drug related death

(the acute effects of drug use).(the acute effects of drug use).

Then what are older drug users dying from?Then what are older drug users dying from?

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Diseases of the LiverDiseases of the Liver

• Liver diseases (including alcoholic liver disease).• Hepatitis C.• Neoplasm of the liver (hepatitis as secondary cause).

• Not drug related?

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Diseases of the Cardiovascular SystemDiseases of the Cardiovascular System

• Ischemic heart disease.• Cerebrovascular disease.

• Stimulants are vasoconstrictors = increased blood pressure = damage to arterial walls = reduction in blood supply.

• Nicotine = increased blood pressure….

• Smoking = release of cholesterol into the blood stream = atherosclerosis = increased blood pressure….

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Diseases of the Cardiovascular SystemDiseases of the Cardiovascular System

• Deep vein thrombosis. Ageing is coupled with:

• Blood pressure changes.• Venous value deterioration.• Reduced regenerative processes.• Reduce mobility.

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Respiratory DiseasesRespiratory Diseases

• Acute lower respiratory infections (influenza and pneumonia).• Chronic lower respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

• Pneumonia (common in old and young) • Pathogen is inhaled• Pathogen enters via injection site

• Reduced immunity of older people.

• Chronic lower respiratory diseases (old)• Smoking

• Harm reduction?

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Deaths from StrokeDeaths from Stroke

Source: British Heart Foundation (2009)

(England, 2006)

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Deaths from Myocardial InfarctionDeaths from Myocardial Infarction

Source: SWEPHO(2006)

(England, 1996-2004)

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Interview MethodologyInterview Methodology

• Semi-structured interviews.

• Interview duration: up to one hour.

• Data were collected in January/February 2008.

• Interviews were taped and transcribed and analysed thematically.

• Interviewees were recruited via drug services in Merseyside.

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Participant CharacteristicsParticipant Characteristics

• 9 men and 1 woman.

• Age range: 54 to 61.

• 6 were single, 4 were divorced.

• Accommodation included: hostel, own home (council house, flat or housing association bed sit), care home, caravan.

• All were, or had been, problematic drug users.

Page 31: Deaths of older drug users

• Late onset drug user.

• Adolescence or early adult years.

• Recreational use, experimentation, escape, part of the ‘hippie era’, triggered by childhood abuse or parent dying.

• Drugs first used: alcohol, cannabis, LSD, amphetamine, morphine hydrochloride, heroin, speedballs (heroin and cocaine), psilocybin-containing mushrooms.

• Late onset problematic drug use.

Drug Use InitiationDrug Use Initiation

Page 32: Deaths of older drug users

Current Drug UseCurrent Drug Use

• Trying to use responsibly and to maintain their health and personal safety.

“So I’ve got to be very careful, my body’s not what it was. Occasionally I can get carried away and I’ll be feeling, because I’m feeling young inside, I’ll be feeling young

outside, which is just not so. These days I’ve got a handle on that. If I’ve been drinking a lot I won’t smoke. Even if

I’m not feeling too good, I’ll leave it until the alcohol’s worn off some to make sure that I’m not going to go asleep and

not wake up.” (man aged 61)

Page 33: Deaths of older drug users

• Poor physical health.

• Chronic and life threatening conditions: circulatory problems (deep vein thrombosis, ulcers, stroke), respiratory problems, pneumonia, diabetes, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

• Malnutrition, weight loss, obesity, impaired mobility.

• History of accidental injury (e.g. falls) and overdose.

Physical HealthPhysical Health

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Physical Health: Hepatitis CPhysical Health: Hepatitis C

• Half had hepatitis C.

• Serious infection.

• Long asymptomatic phase.

“I’ve never really had any serious illnesses... I forgot the hep C y’know. I’ve had no symptoms. I haven’t

been sick or anything y’know but I’ve got the virus”.

(man aged 56)

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Physical Health: Vein DamagePhysical Health: Vein Damage

• Switched to riskier practices.

“It’s harder now to inject because your veins. Your veins sort of go y’know... I’ve been injecting in my

foot, which is stupid really, y’know. You can catch an infection and you could end up losing your leg”.

“I can’t get a vein in my arm now”

• Problems with venous access.

(man aged 56)

(man aged 56)

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Physical Health: Respiratory ProblemsPhysical Health: Respiratory Problems

• Crack cocaine smokers.

“I get out of breath easy. I absolutely panic then”.

“It’s tender inside and when I breathe I can’t breathe hard cos it hurts like hell”.

(man aged 52)

(man aged 58)

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Mental HealthMental Health

• Interviewees talked of a life using drugs as being depressing.

“It’s a depressing life y’know. It’s not good”.

• A way to forget problems.

“That’s all we do anyway. Just take it [heroin] and just mong for the day like and forget about your worries

and everything, got problems and you forget all that. Things like that; it’s the reason why people take it


(man aged 56)

(man aged 56)

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Mental HealthMental Health

• Drug use escalated, or recommenced, in times of stress.

“You reach a point in our life, different points in your life where you’ve got a lot of stress and the easiest thing in

the world is to say ‘oh fuck it’. And once you’ve said that, if you’re a drug user, a drug abuser, once you’ve

said that, you’re on the rocky road to destruction again”.

(man aged 61)

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Social RelationshipsSocial Relationships

• All participants were single or divorced.

• Loss of relationships (family members, spouse or partner, children, friends) common theme.

“In fact they’re all dead now, aren’t they, pretty well. I think there’s about two left. And god knows how many all

dead.” (man aged 61)

• Death of drug-using friends was particularly common.

“I’ve just been left to rot on my own”.(man aged 56)

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Mental Health and Social RelationshipsMental Health and Social Relationships

• Strong social networks very important for mental health of older people.

• All older people experience loss of friends and family but intensified in drug users.

“It’s made me extremely depressed in as much as the few that were left are people I could talk to and at least there’s consolation in company if it’s good company... [now] the only company I could find if I wanted to would be people who are younger and on that totally different scene, and

like I say, I have nothing in common with them... Consequently I find myself quite lonely at times”.

(man aged 61)

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Mental Health and Social RelationshipsMental Health and Social Relationships

“You can only enjoy it [drug use] for so long, then paranoia sets in and it does your head in”.

(man aged 61)

“I don’t like going to pubs. I always get paranoid… Everybody’s looking at me…Drugs. Drugs do it to you”.

(man aged 58)

• Exacerbated by paranoia.

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• Data suggest that each year, a growing proportion of drug users are reaching the age of 50. • The average age at which drug users die is increasing. • Older drug users face new health challenges (chronic effects of drug use).• Deaths of older drug users are not reflected in official drug related death figures.• Care of older drug users will need to involve primary, secondary and tertiary care and social services as adjuncts to drug treatment.