dear parents/arers, weekly focus

Respectful Responsible Learners Weekly focus: Rewarding Ourselves IMPORTANT July 5 th Jump Rope for Heart Jump off Day July 5 th Last Day Term 2 July 22 nd Staff Development Day July 23 rd First day Term 3 Students return August 1 st OPS Music Concert Wednesday 26 th June, 2019 Term 2 Week 9 Phone: Primary : 6362 6369 Infants: 6362 1992 Fax: 6361 7923 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Dear Parents/Carers, Again the school has much to celebrate during the past week with a host of acvies in and around the school. Firstly our school had the pleasure of welcoming Oliver Phommavanh and R.A. Spra as part of an author visit yesterday. Both authors entertained the children and gave an insight into what goes into an idea for a novel or short story and the processes that an author may follow when pung a story together. We thank Ms Smith for organising this wonderful opportunity for our students. The school is venturing into some new sporng acvies today with the OPS girls basketball team having their first game. This will be followed tomorrow when the boys play their first game as well. As a new sport we thank Mrs Wakeman and Mr Sille for taking the teams and coaching the children. We wish both groups the best of luck and know both groups have greatly appreciated having our new court surfaces to train on at the school. This week our school is also very excited to have a performing school concert band coming to OPS on Thursday. Kiama High School will be compleng a Western Region tour and will be presenng their performance to both the Primary and Infants departments on the day. This is a great opportunity for our children to see a quality music performance and enable our strong band conngent to be inspired as to where their music can lead them to. Next Wednesday we have a group of Year 3-6 students who will be aending the Orange High School In Concert. This is a wonderful performance that showcases the talents at Orange High School. Unfortunately we only had limited seats and this performance has been sold out. Tomorrow the school will be hosng the next round of the PSSA Netball compeon. The girls will be playing OSSA White and this promises to be a very compeve game and we wish the girls the best of luck. Three of our girls were recently successful in selecon into the Western Region team to play at the State Championships later in the year. Congratulaons Elsie, Amy and Xanthe.

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Page 1: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

Respectful Responsible Learners

Weekly focus:

Rewarding Ourselves


July 5th

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump off Day

July 5th

Last Day Term 2

July 22nd

Staff Development Day

July 23rd

First day Term 3

Students return

August 1st

OPS Music Concert

Wednesday 26th June, 2019 Term 2 Week 9

Phone: Primary : 6362 6369 Infants: 6362 1992 Fax: 6361 7923 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Parents/Carers,

Again the school has much to celebrate during the past week with a host of activities in

and around the school. Firstly our school had the pleasure of welcoming Oliver

Phommavanh and R.A. Spratt as part of an author visit yesterday. Both authors

entertained the children and gave an insight into what goes into an idea for a novel or

short story and the processes that an author may follow when putting a story together.

We thank Ms Smith for organising this wonderful opportunity for our students.

The school is venturing into some new sporting activities today with the OPS girls

basketball team having their first game. This will be followed tomorrow when the boys

play their first game as well. As a new sport we thank Mrs Wakeman and Mr Sillett for

taking the teams and coaching the children. We wish both groups the best of luck and

know both groups have greatly appreciated having our new court surfaces to train on at

the school.

This week our school is also very excited to have a performing school concert band

coming to OPS on Thursday. Kiama High School will be completing a Western Region

tour and will be presenting their performance to both the Primary and Infants

departments on the day. This is a great opportunity for our children to see a quality

music performance and enable our strong band contingent to be inspired as to where

their music can lead them to.

Next Wednesday we have a group of Year 3-6 students who will be attending the

Orange High School In Concert. This is a wonderful performance that showcases the

talents at Orange High School. Unfortunately we only had limited seats and this

performance has been sold out.

Tomorrow the school will be hosting the next round of the PSSA Netball competition.

The girls will be playing OSSA White and this promises to be a very competitive game

and we wish the girls the best of luck. Three of our girls were recently successful in

selection into the Western Region team to play at the State Championships later in the

year. Congratulations Elsie, Amy and Xanthe.

Page 2: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

If you could ever take your life into your own hands you simply need to head into the Infants quad during a break

time at the moment, because to say we have a skipping craze in action is an understatement. We have children

doing crisscross, double jumps, linked arms, turns, push ups and a host of other tricks with a blur of ropes spinning

quicker than the eye can see. The noise of laughter, excitement and pure joy is deafening and contagious and what a

pleasure to see such active, engaged and happy children. This of course is all in readiness for the Jump Rope For

Heart activity day which will be held on Friday 5th July at the Primary site, which should be a great event. Our school

has currently raised approximately $6000 for the Heart Foundation which is absolutely tremendous and we are so

excited to see how much support we can show such a great organisation by the end of next week.

Year 5 have started to get excited with the Year 5 Canberra Excursion note going home. This excursion is a two night,

three day trip to the Nation’s Capital and is always a wonderful experience for the children to see where

government is held and to also visit many significant venues located in Canberra. Parents are to complete and return

the form quickly with payment to ensure the organisation can be completed ASAP.

Another annual period is coming up being the University of NSW academic competitions. The school always provides

students in grades 3-6 with the opportunity to sit up to six exams including, Digital Technologies, Science, Writing,

Spelling, English and Mathematics. Parents are able to enter their children by simply completing the note that went

home in April. If you have not received a note they can be found in the front office of the school. Each test has a cost

of $14.50 with a closing date for entries being Friday 16th August. We encourage all parents to give consideration to

these tests as they are very good practise for any student in relation to testing procedures and also as a review of


At the moment the school is conducting class spelling bees, with each class working exceptionally hard at working

through the Premiers Spelling Bee lists. Both years 3 and 4 will hold the final on Monday next week with years 5 and

6 holding their final on Tuesday. We wish all the finalists the best of luck for their efforts.

Our debating teams will once again be in action next week and we are very proud of all three teams who are flying

the OPS flag this year with each group gaining confidence and increasing their skills during each debate. Thank you

to Mrs Cope for the continued guidance and work with the teams.

Next week the school reports will be provided to parents on Tuesday and we encourage parents to look and review

the reports with their children. Our term 3 Parent / Teacher interviews will be at the start of the term and the report

will be used during the meeting as a focus point.

Enjoy the week

Bradley Tom


Jump Rope for Heart

Want an easy way to increase academic performance? Jump Rope for Heart! Not only is it fun but your kids will build confidence and self-esteem while

learning about charitable giving. What are you waiting for? Register today to support the Orange Public School team.How to register your child:

Page 3: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

PSSA Boys Soccer

On Friday the school team travelled to Cowra for our 5th round match

against Cowra PS. The game was equally balanced at and half time the

score remained 0-0. The second half the boys rallied and put a lot of

pressure on Cowra’s defenders. When a penalty was given just outside

the box Pat S stepped up. It was a fantastic curving ball that surprised

all defenders one of whom gave its final touch into the goal. The

tension continued as the play went from one end of the field to the

other. As always Tom B was strong in goals. Finally through tenacity

Tom H was able to find the back of the net with the final score 2-0.

Man of the match Pat S. We look forward to our next game against a

champion Bathurst side.

Ms Smith


4 From the Librarian

Years 3-6 were visited by two Australian authors Oliver Phommavanh and R.A Spratt. Both authors were

entertaining in their presentation. They spoke about what motivates and inspires their writing. These authors

instigated literary conversations in the classroom after their visit. I know a lot students will be happy to have their

own copy of a book written by them as the Library copies are always borrowed.

Ms Smith

Page 4: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

OPS - 2019 School Year Dates

July 1 Spelling Bee Finals - Stage 2

9.30am - 10.30am

July 2 Spelling Bee Finals - Stage 3

9.30am - 10.30am

July 2 Debating, Communal Hall, 12 midday

July 4 Debating Round 2

July 5 Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off Day

July 5 Last Day Term 2

July 22 Staff Development Day, Term 3

July 23 First Day of Term 3 Students attend

July 24 Parent Teacher Interviews -

details to follow

August 1 OPS Music Concert 6.30 - 7.30pm

August 6 Parent Teacher Interviews -

details to follow

August 7 Stage 2 - The Twits, Orange Civic Theatre

August 14 Kindy 2020 Open Day, 9.30am - 10.30am

August 16 Orange Eisteddfod - Dance

August 26 OPS Netball Presentation & Disco

August 28 Year 6 - Hitler’s Daughter, Orange Civic



29 & 30 Orange Eisteddfod - Choir

August 31 TOM Regional Final

September 3 University of NSW - Digital Tech Test

September 4 Orange Eisteddfod - Band

September 5 Orange Eisteddfod - Strings


5 & 6 Year 6 Choir to Sydney Opera House


9 - 13 Footsteps Dance Company Visit

OPS Assemblies

Kindergarten Tuesday 2nd July


Year 1 Monday 1st July


Year 2 Wednesday 3rd July


Year 3-6

Friday 28th June


Trial time change

OPS Sport

K-2 Every Friday

Year 3-6 Every Friday

Page 5: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

4 P&C News P&C email address: [email protected]

Clothing Pool 2019

Any Donations would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at anytime

at the Primary front office.

The Clothing Pool is located at the Primary Campus— Sale Street building. The Clothing Pool does not have EFTPOS

facilities. Cash Only.

If you are able to volunteer in our

Clothing Pool please call Jane Howell

0414 242 823


Michelle Blowes— 0434 947 836

Page 6: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

4 P&C News P&C email address: [email protected]

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4 P&C News P&C email address: [email protected]

Page 8: Dear Parents/arers, Weekly focus

Community News