de veloping the future together

Vodafone Innovation Park Developing the future together Products and Services for the markets of tomorrow. Vodafone Power to you

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Vodafone Innovation


Developing the future togetherProducts and Services for the markets of tomorrow.

Vodafone Power to you

Vodafone Innovation Park

Innovations are primarily created where different sectors work together. They are created at the interfaces between science and research, between technology and design.

With the Vodafone Innovation Park we have developed a unique concept that combines the potentials at these interfaces, across all possible sectors, and which thus becomes the ideal catalyst for innovations. Together with the Vodafone Innovation Park, companies from a range of different industries are today developing the solutions of the future for their specific applications and business models. And the Vodafone Innovation Park is helping its partners in the development and implementation of new ideas and in making these ideas marketable.

Planning the future together

Whether it be mobility, health or communication, or energy, the environment or security: Together with you we create solutions that will influence the way we will live in the future.

We want to develop new concepts – for example digital business models as well as ideas for use of the Internet, which is currently experiencing its next revolution by also offering broadband for mobile use. Due to the interconnection of everyday items, the internet is becoming the so-called “Internet of Things”.

The Vodafone Innovation Park supports you from the initial idea through to the market launch.

Developing the future of the digital and networked world, together with partners

Developing the future together

Our partners and customers benefit from the unique know-how of one of the world’s most modern and leading innovation facilities. The Vodafone Innovation Park Labs provide a technical development environment in which the future technologies of more than 100 technology partners are already in use today. Extensive experience, ideas and a high level of technical creativity enable our staff to develop innovative solutions that inspire customers.


Our convincing features

Every year, the latest technologies and innovations are tested in the Vodafone Innovation Park Labs in terms of performance, functionality and practicability.

Our experienced team of experts from the widest possible range of different specialist fields forms a unique pool of know-how for all aspects of the digital, mobile and networked world, representing bundled strength for your innovation. And we support you in accelerating your development process – from the idea through to marketability.

The Vodafone Innovation Park makes innovations strong, fast and cost-effective.


• Innovation development for tomorrow

• Prevent undesirable developments

• Expert support

Development and guaranteed future

• Faster to market

• Accelerated innovation cycles

• Innovation cycles effective ideas and problem-solving through open innovation

Accelerated innovation development

• Predictable, flexible service packages

• Performance packages, low investment and start-up costs

• Customized partner model

Cost efficiency

Vodafone Innovation Park


Collectively strong – with partners, customers and in-house projects

At the core of the Vodafone Innovation Park are the Labs – where tomorrow’s telecommunications services are conceived. The labs offer the latest technology and development facilities in a real ICT environment, which among other things includes the complete infrastructure of a mobile and fixed network for testing and developing new products and solutions. Our experts work hand in hand here with our technology partners.

In conjunction with our labs, you benefit from the range of services we offer – the Innovation Services. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to develop digital innovations. We’ll support you.

We have been supporting Vodafone innovations for many years. We develop and implement concepts, and on request also take over the project management for solutions, products and network infrastructure. The extensive know-how gained from these activities subsequently benefits the innovation partnership with other companies. Or we concentrate specifically on customer projects in which we combine our expert know-how together with your expertise to assist in making your idea marketable. Depending on your requirements, we provide this added value either in the form of test and development services or within the scope of a long-term partnership.

The Vodafone Innovation Park is the trailblazer for your ideas.

Vodafone innovations

Vodafone Innovation Park Labs

Innovations with partners

Projects with customers

Innovation Services

The interaction of all three components creates a strong innovation ecosystem consisting of leading technological expertise, innovative services and market-oriented anticipation of developments. In short: We provide the optimal breeding ground for tomorrow’s innovations.



Where innovations take their first steps

Every innovation starts with an idea. The path from the initial idea to a marketable product, however, holds a lot of surprises and challenges. Will customers use the product in the way it is designed to be used? Do the technical components interact properly? Do parts of the solution have to be improved, or are they perhaps unnecessary?

In the Vodafone Innovation Park Labs, together with partners we develop prototypes in a modern development environment which includes the complete infrastructure of a mobile and fixed network. In this environment you can develop and experiment and push your applications to their performance limits. Our staff is there to support you from the initial stages of the development through to the testing of numerous scenarios: Depending on your requirements we can for example simulate a sudden stampede of hundreds of thousands of users, or carry out a comprehensive security analysis.

Early identification of success parameters

We help you in the further development of your innovations. A lot of questions can arise on the path to the ultimate market launch: Is the customer experience right? Does the product operate reliably with the network and other components? Do modules and terminal devices have to be certified? With our experienced experts, the Vodafone Innovation Park Labs support you in answering questions such as these.

The Vodafone Innovation Park Labs support you with a wide range of services.

Fixed, mobile

& internet networks

Vodafone Innovation

Park Labs

Performance & analysis systems

Service platforms

Devices & portals

Vodafone Innovation Park


“In the Vodafone Innovation Park Labs we can integrate and test our latest in-house developments in a real-life environment, which in turn allows us to present them to potential customers at an early stage.”

Dieter Kluger, Cisco Systems, Regional Sales Manager


“As a partner of the Vodafone Innovation Park, we are proud to be paving the way together to widespread use of Digital Identity Services. This innovation partnership is to be a fixed part of our company’s innovation process.”

Eric Dominici, Morpho Cards GmbH, VP Sales EMEA

Vodafone Innovation Park


There are lots of ideas. We implement them together with youHow the Vodafone Innovation Park supports your innovation projects.

• Project development

• ICT know-how

• Innovation management

• Business modelling

• Marketing

• Partnerships

• Technology transfer

• Events

• B2B platform

• Think tanks

• Design

• Development

• Integration

• Validation

• Trials

Many questions arise during the planning of an innovation project: How can the concept be implemented in technical terms? How can the product be made as customer-friendly as possible? How can it be ensured that the service is reliable and has a high level of availability?

These are the sorts of questions we deal with every day. Our services begin with advice and assistance in terms of the concept: We show you how you can structure innovation concepts such that they can subsequently be implemented smoothly. In later phases of your project we support you in the selection of the right technical components, in the testing of their interaction with one another and in running through the widest possible range of different requirement scenarios.





Our services for your development processHow the Innovation Park Services provide optimal support for your projects.

Innovations and new products in the networked communication sector are extremely complex and can thus also cause unexpected problems: Devices don’t communicate automatically with each other, between the time a service is introduced until it is ready for market success there is a lot of development involved. Extensive development to insure the service is customer-friendly, as well as the hundreds of potential problems that arise. With ingenious test methods and years of experience in the development of complex digital innovations, the experts in the Vodafone Innovation Park ensure that your development project is successful.

To achieve this, in the Vodafone Innovation Park Labs new products, applications or services are integrated at an early stage of their development into existing telecommunication networks. Our experts extensively test new terminal devices and network components before they reach the market. The manufacturers of chip sets that form the technological basis of these devices and components are also our customers and use our services.

Our services: Supplementing your know-how

Perhaps only a few parts of the puzzle are missing in your innovation project: Specific know-how in respect of mobile communication standards, a development environment for integration and validation of your solution and products, or a capability of testing your innovation under live conditions. Our services provide you with precisely those parts of the puzzle that you need for success.

• Advice and assistance

• Feasibility studies

• Assessment of your options

• Development support


Test environment

• The only development environment of its kind in Europe

• Server and network components

• Analysis systems

• Remote solutions

• Virtualisation


• End-to-end development capabilities

• Optimisation of new applications

• Certification of solutions

• Trials and prototype installations

Vodafone Innovation Park


“ With the Vodafone Innovation Park as our partner, we achieve quality that our customers trust: The technical capabilities and the advice and assistance fit together perfectly!”

Dietmar Staps, Telit Communications, Technical Sales Manager


“An extremely inspiring cross-sector exchange at the highest level. Participation in the Partner Programme has opened up specific new growth options for us.”

Grit Leithäuser, Radiozentrale GmbH, Head of Marketing/Media Services

Vodafone Innovation Park

Benefit from the network for visionaries of the future

Based on our many years of experience with innovations, we see ourselves as an innovation catalyst for new technologies and services in the telecommunications and IT environment. We offer know-how that supplements your expertise.

Our Innovation Services assist you in the development process for your products and solutions. We support you in respect of issues related to concepts and feasibility analyses, integration into an existing mobile communication network and/or fixed network, implementation of your digital solution on the Internet, or in validating your product from the end customer’s perspective. In this way, together with you we make your solution marketable.

The Partner Programme

As a Partner you benefit from an inspirational network of highly creative visionaries. Together with us you develop specific concepts of future business models for your sector and your company. And in a subsequent development phase, these ideas are developed into prototypes and products.

With these capabilities you reduce investment costs for innovations, speed up your development process, develop business models on the basis of future technologies, and reduce the risk of unsuccessful developments via systematic validation that continually addresses customer benefits and technical feasibility.

In this way, the cooperation between strong partners from different sectors results in a powerful innovation platform. Benefit from this network and discover completely new business segments.

The Vodafone Innovation Park brings together partners and customers across sector boundaries.



Move into the mobile and connected futureThe Vodafone Innovation Park supports you in opening up tomorrow’s growth markets.

Digitalisation and networking of the world we live in will increase drastically during the next few years. Your environment will communicate permanently with your smartphone and thus with you. Your car can be inspected from the workshop via remote diagnosis. The smartphone is all you need to take with you when you leave your home. Apps make your day-to-day life simpler and are often directly involved in the value chain.

Trends such as the mobile Internet and the Internet of Things will radically change processes and business models as we currently know them. Companies who recognise and make use of the opportunities of these developments in good time will open up the multibillion markets of the future. Use our innovation ecosystem and our technical expertise to perfectly position your company for this future.

Vodafone Innovation Park

Move into the mobile and connected future

Vodafone GmbH · Ferdinand-Braun-Platz 1 · 40549 Düsseldorf


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ContactVodafone GmbH

Vodafone Innovation Park Ferdinand-Braun-Platz 1 40549 Düsseldorf / Germany [email protected]

Monday – Friday 08:00 am – 05:00 pm (+49) 0211/533-1100

Let’s meet each other

You’re planning an innovation project for digital services and business models? You manufacture terminal devices, chipsets or modules? You’re a component and system manufacturer or a solution provider for applications? Then please contact us. We can then together discuss which form of cooperation offers the greatest benefits for you and your company.

Contact our experts and learn more about the Vodafone Innovation Park and its services.

How to contact the Vodafone Innovation Park.