dazzle the shadow priest

Strategy Guide for Dazzle the Shadow Priest by Eozm (as of v6.60) Visit http://planetdota.blogspot.com / for your Dota needs! Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Skill Build 3. Item Build 4. Skills Strategy 5. Combat Strategy 6. Laning 7. Farming 8. Ganking 9. Team Battles 10. Replays 11. Conclusion 12. Change Log 13. Credits 1. Introduction I am pretty sure that that there has been previous guides on Dazzle. When you read this, I am assuming that you know at least

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Strategy Guide for Dazzle the Shadow Priestby Eozm (as of v6.60)


Page 1: Dazzle the Shadow Priest

Strategy Guide for Dazzle the Shadow Priestby Eozm (as of v6.60)

Visit http://planetdota.blogspot.com / for your Dota needs!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction2. Skill Build3. Item Build4. Skills Strategy5. Combat Strategy6. Laning7. Farming8. Ganking9. Team Battles10. Replays11. Conclusion12. Change Log13. Credits

1. Introduction

I am pretty sure that that there has been previous guides on Dazzle. When you read this, I am assuming that you know at least the basics on using Dazzle. Dazzle is one of the best supporters in the game. Not only does he support his teammates by healing them and buffing them, but he can also support in ganks with his disable and armor negation skill. He is a general/gank supporter and with skills and experience, Dazzle can be a great hero killer when the enemy decides to pick on you.

I really dislike posting Item Build, but I had no choice for my guide as I did not have any other guides to compare it with. The Item Build suggested is what I typically get, but I'm sure there are better alternatives. Please try not to argue with me about items, as that is what I do not want to do.

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My goal is that this guide will help you in terms of "strategy" when using Dazzle. That means that this guide will be text-heavy, and possibly, completely imageless. I have hard time posting images as I just totally suck using photoshops and stuff.

2. Skill Build

For complete details about Dazzle and his skills, click here.

Level 01 | Shallow GraveLevel 02 | Shadow WaveLevel 03 | Shadow WaveLevel 04 | Poison TouchLevel 05 | Poison TouchLevel 06 | Shado WaveLevel 07 | Poison TouchLevel 08 | Shadow WaveLevel 09 | Poison TouchLevel 10 | WeaveLevel 11 | WeaveLevel 12 | Shallow GraveLevel 13 | Shallow GraveLevel 14 | Shallow GraveLevel 15 | StatsLevel 16 | WeaveLevel 17-25 | Stats

Level 1 of Shallow Grave is taken incase of early game kills. Personally, I believe that Shadow Wave, which can be used to both heal and damage, is more important than the slow and damage over time provided by the Poison Touch. Thus, Shadow Wave is maxed out first along with Poison Touch. Weave is taken from level 10 and whenever possible since from that level, most ganks would start occuring frequently. Shallow Grave is maxed out for the improved casting range and lower cooldown per raise. Weave is obviously maxed out since the huge armour buff/negation is very significant during team battles.

3. Item Build

Dazzle is a general supporter as well as a gank supporter. If your allies need you, you should roam, assisting in ganks with his slow, heal and armor negation. I only added the Item Build because I did not have any other guide to link for the Item Build. I really hate to actually post in item build as there are too many items that Dazzle can get.

[Click on the images to view their description]

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Boots of Speed is a no-brainer. Because Dazzle has a high intelligence gain and needs to spam his skills, an early Void Stone is recommended. Plus, this item can be upgraded to other items such as Eul's Sceptre, Guinsoo, Linken's, etc. Bracers are preferred for the health. Since Dazzle is a general supporter, he is the chicken buyer of the team and also the ward placer.

Alternate/Luxury Item Build

Null Talismans are for the extra intelligence bonus if you don't need much health. I find Mekansm very situational because I believe that there are better Mekansm carriers than Dazzle, such as Lich. Boots of Travel is preferred over Power Treads because Dazzle is a general/gank supporter and doesn't require attack speed that much. Also, the teleportation allows you to defend, push, gank more effectively. Phase Boots is also acceptable. This item will allow you to chase and flee more effectively as the ability will allow you to walk through creeps along with gaining extra movement speed. I still believe that Boots of Travel is more useful though. Necronomicon is a great item on Dazzle. First of all, it creates two units allowing Dazzle's Shadow Wave to dissipate physical damage properly. In addition, the auras and true-sight as well as mana-burn will help your team.

The Void Stone can be upgraded into Eul's Sceptre if farming up for Guinsoo (or other items that require Void Stone) is too difficult. Eul's Sceptre is a nice item as it provides massive intelligence bonus, movement speed and Cyclone, which allows you to have buy some time to escape or gank. Guinsoo is for the extra disable if your team really needs one, plus the stats are nice. Orchid is recommended if your team has enough disables and high damage dealers. Also, the attack speed bonus synergizes with Dazzle's high base damage. Shiva's provides the armor bonus as well as another active skill which can slow your enemies down.

Once again, I will not argue so much for the Item Build. I just added this because this is what I use. I don't really mind what you use. My guide is more geared on Strategy than any other thing. Please help me by not arguing about my item build. That is the last thing I want to do.

4. Skills Strategy

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There are so many ways to use Dazzle's skills to their max potential. Here are some combination of skills that I'd like to point out. These are just basic skill strategies.

Touch and WaveWell this is simple. Just cast Poison Touch on your enemy and while your enemy is slowed, walk up to the enemy hopefully with 5 units including you, then cat Shadow Wave for the damage. This is very useful against melee heroes who pick on you. Just try to let him attack you until your creeps arrive. When they do, make sure you run a bit back so that your creeps are surrounding the hero. Creeps must surround the hero. Then, cast Poison Touch, cast Shadow Wave and keep ganking for the kill.

Here, Snowbane (Dazzle) had around 65% health when Barathrum who almost had full health engaged on Snowbane by using Charge of Darkness. Despite the creeps attacking Barathrum, he kept on attacking Snowbane. Because Barathrum was surrounded by units, Shadow Wave's

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damage was great, and after couple of attacks, Barathrum fell. Now this screen shot was just pure Shadow Wave. Couple it with Poison Touch and Weave, then this tactic is a sure-kill.

Shadow GraveEither Shallow Grave yourself or your ally in order to prevent death and quickly Shadow Wave for the heal and continue running.

Touch ChaseCast Poison Touch for the slow to chase your enemy. Make sure that you are the one blocking the hero. Basically, after you cast Poison Touch, walk in front of the hero and juke him and see your allies pawn him.

Touch StopPoison Touch has mini-stun so it can stop channeling spells, I think. Well in any case cast it on enemy hero to eventually stop his movement, thus saving your allies.

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Snowbane (Dazzle) casted Poison Touch on the enemy Blood Seeker in order to save Axe. With the total of 4 second slow, Axe was able to survive.

Touch StartInitiate with Poison Touch in order to stop the enemy's movement so that your enemies can actually get to your enemy. Then you can weave the enemy and so on, just continue with your ganking.

WeaveYour Ultimate should only be used in at least 2 on 2 situation. There really is no strategy behind this skill. Just make sure that you are in the center of the units as the radius is 650 AoE around Dazzle, I think.

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5. Combat Strategy

A good player needs to know the abilities of every heroes in DotA. Also, a good player has good map awareness and know which allies are near you and which enemy heroes are missing. Most importantly, you must have experience. Here are some other imporatant facts which you must drill into your minds when playing Dazzle.

Mana ManagementAlways. Always manage your mana. It isn't wise to spam your skills early in the game when your lane partner already has a regeneration item. Let him use that up first. You really do want to wait until the critical moment and unleash your skills. Always calculate how much mana you need to use certain skills certain number of times. Don't ever spam your skills!

Heal ProperlyThe heal from Shadow Wave bounces. Make sure that you position yourself properly in order to heal all the units that requires healing. Shadow Wave will bounce to a nearby ally in a 500 AoE around the healed unit. In addition, the enemies in 180 AoE of the healed unit will get damaged. For easiest way to heal, just go into your group of allies and click heal to the hero you really need to heal just incase you miss. I really made noobish mistakes the first time I used Dazzle and missed so many healing opportunity. Don't maket the same mistakes I did.

Studying Your EnenemyKnow your enemy, his skills and his items. Also watch the way your enemy plays. Does your opponent last hit/deny very well? Does he know when to retreat when you go up to him? Does he help his ally? Did he just disappear and reappear in your lane? If he did that, it probably means that he checked for a rune. Determine the level of your opponent's play skill. You need to empathize and predict your opponent's movements. Always, constantly check your opponent's health, mana and items!

Aptitude, Assurance and AggressionThe three mental A's you need to have. Aptitude. Be smart, and play smart. Know wheter you can fight your opponent, when you can bait, or how you should swap. Think like your opponent. Assurance. Be confident. Never be a chicken and back away when you can still turn around and heal your allies and cast other spells for them. Aggression. Be aggressive. Never hesitate to harass when the opportunity arises.

Chasing Your OpponentThis is very easy with Dazzle. Cast Poison Touch, and just juke him. Read the Skill Strategy, Touch Chase part to read more specific details.

Animation CancelingWell the general idea is that when your hero casts a spell, the animation takes place. Once the effect of the spell has occured, there is some delay time from casting, such as backswing. This

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signifcantly wastes time when chasing or running away. In order to cancel the animation, you must issue another command such as moving or attacking. By doing so, the new command will cancel the delay and perform the new issued command.

For Dazzle, he has a delay time after casting his spells. The most important skill to cancel the animation is probably Poison Touch. You need to be able to move next to your enemy as soon as possible to land that Shadow Wave damage near your creeps. Other skills are important as well. When running away, you don't want your delay time to cause your death!

Placing WardsSince you are the general supporter, be the one to place the wards. Your team will need the wards for scouting purposes. Place them during ganks/farming/team battles. Predict where your opponents will be and place them there.

I highly recommend that you read mugen89 and Shorttail's Guide To Warding

Creep AdvantageAs stated in Skill Strategy section, your creeps will help you out when casting Shadow Wave. Usually the case is, if your life is lower than your enemy's, he will get greedy and chase you, regardless of your creeps attacking your enemy. Just try to let him attack you until your creeps arrive. Then, cast Poison Touch, cast Shadow Wave and keep ganking for the kill. Make sure that you have enough life to actually do this. Don't forget to Weave your enemy for the armor negation as Poison Touch and Shadow Wave deals physical damage!

NecronomiconThese little mages are great. They provide mana-burn against your enemies, movement speed aura, true sight when maxed, etc. Also, these are very helpful when chasing because of the movement speed aura, good when you meet a hero in the jungle as with the demon warriors, there are three total units including you for the Shadow Wave damage. Lastly, if your enemy hero misclicks the melee warrior and kills it, the Last Will will aid you in getting your kill. For more detail about this item and abilities, click here.

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This shows how having Necronomicon Mages and ally hero or more can really be great in ganking. Snowbane (Dazzle) summons 2 Necronomicon Mages and Abaddon engages while Snowbane casts Poison Touch (not shown). When the Mages and Abaddon engages Ogre Magi, Snowbane casted Shadow Wave and further damaged Oger Magi. This shows how Dazzle can gank without using the Creep Advantage when Dazzle has Necronomicon.

Read :::Necronomicon by Might and -NFR-:::, a premium guide for more details.

Visit http://planetdota.blogspot.com / for your Dota needs!