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Page 1: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS THE BURNING BUSH (4)s+Churc… · Title: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS_ THE BURNING BUSH (4).pdf Created Date: 2/22/2018 6:43:20 PM
Page 2: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS THE BURNING BUSH (4)s+Churc… · Title: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS_ THE BURNING BUSH (4).pdf Created Date: 2/22/2018 6:43:20 PM


● Countdown Timer

● Announcements 30 minutes ○ Welcome ○ Guidelines: Be Safe, Respectful & Responsible ○ Name Tags ○ Leader Introduction ○ Award Badges ○ The Burning Bush Introduction

● Teaching 1: The Burning Bush 30 minutes

○ Worship ○ Lesson Video ○ Lesson Teaching ○ Big Idea & Memory Verse

● Group Game 1 20 minutes

● Snack/Bible Quiz 15 minutes

● The Burning Bush Small Groups 40 minutes

○ Skit Time ○ Q&A Small-Group Discussions

● Group Game 2 20 minutes

● Snack/Bible Quiz 15 minutes

● Teaching 2: The Burning Bush 20 minutes

○ Lesson Video ○ Take Home Teaching ○ Big Idea, Memory Verse & Closing Prayer

● Printout Activities 10 minutes

● Closing Announcements 30 minutes

○ Award Badge Drawing ○ Tomorrow’s Preview: The Ten Plagues ○ Dismiss Children

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Page 3: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS THE BURNING BUSH (4)s+Churc… · Title: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS_ THE BURNING BUSH (4).pdf Created Date: 2/22/2018 6:43:20 PM


COUNTDOWN TIMER (5 min): Start countdown video five minutes prior to your VBS start time. ANNOUNCEMENTS (30 min) Use this overview along with the lesson slideshow when preparing/presenting your announcements. Welcome: Hello and welcome to the God Of Wonders VBS! Over this week of VBS, we are going on an epic adventure as we learn more about the life of Moses and discover God’s purposes and promises for our lives. Each day as we follow the exciting story of Moses, we will discover that, like Moses, we can experience God’s mighty power in our lives! But first, we have some announcements. VBS Guidelines: To make this VBS the very best it can be, let’s talk about some important guidelines.

● Be Safe: Let’s all read Proverbs 1:33 together.

● Be Respectful: Next, let's read Matthew 7:12.

● Be Responsible: Finally, let’s read Colossians 3:21. Name Tags: Is everyone here wearing a name tag? Good job! We’ve got some new kids and leaders here for our VBS adventure, and our name tags will help us get to know each other. Leader Introduction: Speaking of our leaders, why don’t we have every leader come forward so we can get to know them! As we introduce your leaders, be sure to say, “Hello!” Award Badges: Every leader has been asked to be on the lookout for kids who display excellent character during our VBS week. When they see it, they’ll give you one of these Award Badges. At the end of the day, we’ll enter every badge that’s been awarded into a big prize drawing! The Burning Bush Introduction: We told you earlier about how we’ll be looking at the exciting life of Moses over our VBS week. Today, we are going to look at the third chapter in this story: The Burning Bush. This story follows Moses as he has a life-changing encounter with God who appeared to him in a burning bush. As we explore today’s Bible lesson, we’ll discover that, like Moses, we too can really know the living God.

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Page 4: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS THE BURNING BUSH (4)s+Churc… · Title: DAY 3 - GOD OF WONDERS_ THE BURNING BUSH (4).pdf Created Date: 2/22/2018 6:43:20 PM

TEACHING 1: THE BURNING BUSH (30 min): Worship: Have your worship team lead songs they feel help reinforce the themes of “God Of Wonders” and “The Burning Bush.” Here are some song suggestions.

1. God of Wonders 2. From the Inside Out 3. Holy Is the Lord 4. Some May Trust in Horses

Lesson Video: Have your kids sit in groups. Once everyone is settled, start the video. Lesson Teaching: Use this overview along with the lesson slideshow when preparing/presenting.

● Read: Exodus 3, 4:1-20 and Acts 7:30-34

● Goal: Moses asked God two questions: 1) “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”, and 2) “What should I tell them when they ask for your name?” God’s response to Moses was, “I AM WHO I AM.” In this lesson, God reveals mysteries about Himself to Moses: “I am” the one who hears (Exodus 3:7); “I am” the one who rescues (Exodus 3:8); “I am” the one who reigns over Pharaoh’s heart (Exodus 8:19); “I am” the one who enables a person to carry out my plans (Exodus 4:11-12); “I am” the one who makes the impossible possible; and “I am” the one who is the mastermind behind the great story of deliverance.

● Overview: Staff in hand, Moses set out on a journey to bring his sheep to safe pastures on what

he expected to be another ordinary journey. But when he reached his destination on Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, God called to him from a burning bush. “Moses, Moses,” He said, “I have seen the pain of my people and I have heard their cry. I have come to deliver them!” Moses was completely in awe, but unsure of his calling as he asked, “Who am I that I should lead them?”; and God, who rewards those who diligently seek Him, revealed to Moses His personal name: “I AM WHO I AM,” He said, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

● Teaching Points: Talk about names and their meanings. Google the names of the children in the

group and read their meanings to the class. In Bible times, names meant a lot. Not only did names label and describe people, but many times names were a statement of the faith and hope of the person who named them. When Moses encountered God on Mount Sinai, he wanted to know God’s personal name. God said, “I AM.” The closest Hebrew word for “I AM” is Yahweh. In fact, the word “Hallelujah” means, “Praise to YAH” (Yahweh)! By singing Hallelujah, you are praising God, using His unique and personal name.

Big Idea & Memory Verse: Use both of these slides to bring your teaching to a close. Choose volunteers to come forward and read these slides to the group!

● Big Idea: God prepares and equips us for every part of His plan for our lives.

● Memory Verse: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 (ESV)

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GROUP GAME 1: Shoeless Relay (20 min): This is a fun, high-energy game that is best played in a large area. Supplies: All you need for this game is a large space where children can run. Set Up: Divide the group into teams. Have each team take off their shoes and place them in a pile. Line up each team about 5 feet away from their pile. Mix the shoes together. Rules: On go, have the first child from each team find his or her shoes, put them on, and run back to the end of the line. The second child will do the same, and so on, until every pair of shoes is found and on the proper feet. The first team to return with every team member wearing their shoes, wins.

● Be sure and have volunteers monitor the shoe pile to make sure that in the scramble kids are being safe and respectful towards one another.

Purpose: This game is a great way to get your kids thinking about a key portion of today’s lesson. "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5 SNACK/BIBLE QUIZ (15 min): During snack time, play today’s Bible Quiz video. SKIT & SMALL GROUPS (40 min): Skit Time: Remind kids what they learned earlier in today’s Lesson Video. After, assign each group a portion of today’s video transcript. Give creative suggestions and encourage the groups to build a skit around their section of the transcript. After groups have had time to prepare, have them deliver their skits one group at a time.

Q&A Small Groups: Have groups circle up for a small group discussion time. Each group will discuss a series of questions based on today’s Lesson Video. Use today’s Q&A slideshow and Q&A discussion guide document as tools to get the most out of this time. Each series of questions has two parts: the first question is designed to help kids remember what they have been shown in the video, and the second is designed to help apply what they have learned. It is good to have the Host/MC moderate this time by reading the slideshow and setting time limits for each part of the Q&A discussion.

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GROUP GAME 2: The Shepherd and the Snake (20 min): This is a high energy game that combines the fun of “tag” with the learning of Bible trivia! Supplies: Before the game, prepare a list of true and false questions about this lesson, the life of Moses or other key Biblical topics. Set Up: Divide the group into two teams. Form two lines that face each other. One team will be snakes, the other shepherds. Rules: Ask true and false questions—some that are from today’s lesson, and some that are just fun facts. The teacher will announce the question to the first two in line. If the answer is true, the shepherd chases the snake to the end of the snake line. If the shepherd tags the snake before making it to the end of the line, the snake joins the shepherd line; otherwise the shepherd joins the snake line. If the answer to the question is false, the snake chases the shepherd to the end of the shepherd line. If the snake tags the shepherd before returning to the line, the shepherd joins the snake line. The team with the most members when time is up wins. Purpose: Use this game to discuss with your kids the miraculous encounter Moses had with God in this lesson. What would they expect to happen if they encountered God? SNACK/BIBLE QUIZ (15 min): During snack time, play today’s Bible Quiz Video. TEACHING 2: THE BURNING BUSH TAKE HOME (20 min) Lesson Video: Refresh your kids’ memories with a second viewing of the Lesson Video. Take Home Teaching: This teaching should be approached like a short devotional thought. The goal of this time is to give kids some big thoughts from today’s lesson that they can take home with them.

Take Home Teaching Outline: God wants us to know who He is. Discuss the various ways God has reached down to mankind to reveal Himself:

1. God is revealed in creation. The Bible says “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. (Psalm 19).

2. God is revealed in His word (The Bible). 3. God is revealed in Jesus the Messiah. Jesus is God in flesh. He came down to show us God,

to show us God’s kingdom, and to make a way for us to be sons and daughters of God. 4. God is revealed by His Name. Moses asked God for His name and God revealed it. “I AM

WHO I AM,” He said. “I AM” is His personal name, the one that begins to define who He is.

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Big Idea, Memory Verse & Closing Prayer: Finish your take home teaching by reminding students of the Big Idea and Memory Verse. After, close in prayer.

● Big Idea: God prepares and equips us for every part of His plan for our lives.

● Memory Verse: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 (ESV)

● Closing Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself through Your Son, by Your Word,

through Your creation, and by the very definition of Your name. Thank You that we can have a personal relationship with You. Help us to put our trust in You, the great I AM. We pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

PRINT ACTIVITIES (10 min): Each day of the God of Wonders VBS comes jam-packed with print activities. Give each leader a packet of activity printouts, pencils, pens and crayons. CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENTS (30 min): Wow! What an amazing day of VBS! I loved today’s Big Idea that reminded us that God prepares and equips us for every part of His plan for our lives! And do you know what that means for us? It means that, like Moses, we can have a personal relationship with our creator, we can really know the living God!

● Award Badge Drawing: During this time, honor each child who received an Award Badge by acknowledging them in front of the group. After, place all badges into a large container and draw winning badges. Give each winner a prize pack.

● Tomorrow’s Preview: First off, I want to say how proud I am of you all for earning your Award

Badges. Well done! Tomorrow, you’re going to have another day filled with fun, learning and more awards. And even more exciting, we’ll get to talk about the next chapter in Moses’ story: The Ten Plagues! In this action-packed Bible story, we’ll discover that, like Moses, we can expect God to fight our battles for us.

● Dismiss Children: This is a great time for leaders to introduce themselves to the parents of the

children in their group.

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