date standards everbody has them, why not journalists?

Date Standards Everbody has them, why not journalists?

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Page 1: Date Standards Everbody has them, why not journalists?


StandardsEverbody has them, why not journalists?

Page 2: Date Standards Everbody has them, why not journalists?

Journalism is

✤ reporting

✤ writing

✤ editing

✤ photographing

✤ broadcasting


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✤ conducting any news organization as a business

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Ethics are

✤ rules of conduct

✤ moral principles

✤ values

✤ wrongness

✤ rightness

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Ethics in Journalism are

✤ standards of good practice

✤ widely known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics"

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Not just one

✤ different codes of ethics exist

✤ European

✤ Canadian

✤ American

✤ Etc:

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Helps guide through

✤ difficulties

✤ conflicts of interest

✤ ethical dilemmas

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A framework for

✤ self-monitoring

✤ self-correction

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What most have in common

✤ truthfulness

✤ accuracy

✤ objectivity

✤ impartiality

✤ fairness

✤ public accountability

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The Canadian Association

✤ Ethics Guideline


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✤ verify all facts

✤ seek documentation

✤ journalists are responsible for the accuracy of the information

✤ cannot copy other people’s words

✤ credit a source if necessary

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✤ respect the rights of people in the news

✤ give those that/who are publicly accused the right to respond

✤ do not refer to person’s gender, race or religion unless story calls for it

✤ do not stereotype

✤ do not allow biases

✤ respect the right to a fair trial

✤ do not pay for information

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Right to Privacy

✤ the public has a right to know about its institutions and its elected officials

✤ but, people have a right to privacy and a fair trial

✤ do not manipulate people thrust in the spotlight

✤ be sensitive to people’s situations

✤ though information posted on social media is often public, journalists must not use tricks to gain access to information that is intended to be private

✤ each situation should be judged in light of common sense, humanity and relevance

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✤ serve democracy by reporting the truth no matter what

✤ defend the public’s interest

✤ do not give favored treatment to advertisers

✤ if writer is paid by an organization, state it

✤ do not accept gifts or favours

✤ do not report on subject that has a direct financial impact

✤ columnists and commentators can express their views freely

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Conflict of Interest

✤ cannot report on organizations who journalist is member of

✤ cannot write an opinion piece on a written news report

✤ reporters cannot take sides with politicians or causes

✤ refrain from taking part in demonstrations

✤ online private lives of journalists can be problematic

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✤ do not conceal identity of journalists

✤ goes undercover only when necessary to gather information

✤ identify sources most of the time, unless safety is at risk

✤ admit to errors and mistakes

✤ correct errors and mistakes ASAP

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Promise to Sources

✤ only promise anonimity to sources in special cases

✤ accept the consequence of jail if case goes to court

◦ Not for attribution: We may quote statements directly but the source may not be named, although a general description of his or her position may be given (“a government official,” or “a party insider”). In TV, video or radio, the identity may be shielded by changing the voice or appearance.

◦ On background: We may use the essence of statements and generally describe the source, but we may not use direct quotes.

◦ Off the record: We may not report the information, which can be used solely to help our own understanding or perspective. There is not much point in knowing something if it can’t be reported, so this undertaking should be used sparingly, if at all

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✤ seek to include diverse opinions

✤ encourage organizations to room for interests of all

✤ avoid stereotypes

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✤ accountable to the public for fairness and reliability

✤ serve the public interest

✤ identify news and opinion so that audience knows which is which

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Digital Media

✤ ethics do not change for digital news

✤ the need for speed does not compromise ethics

✤ do not remove published news even with public demands

✤ ask permission to use online content and credit sources

✤ personal online atctivity is considered public