data modelling and visualization in german environmental policies

Data modelling and visualization in German environmental policies Thomas Hüsing Library Science & Informatics Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

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Page 1: Data modelling and visualization in German environmental policies

Data modelling and visualization in German environmental policies

Thomas Hüsing Library Science & Informatics

Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Germanythomas.huesing@fu

Page 2: Data modelling and visualization in German environmental policies


Environmental problems and related policy measures

mutually influence each other.

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Policies solving one problem...

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Side effects

.. may have unwanted side effects in other areas.

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The biofuels example

10% of biofuels in gasoline ordinance..

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The biofuels example

.. resulted in additional land cultivation with heavy environmental impacts.

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The problem

* complex relationships

* need to priorize

* high degree of specialisation

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The result

Unidimensional Policies.

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The project

Method and tool to trace back potential incoherencies.

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Data modeled as Causal chain...

Goal Root cause


Measures Resulting behavior


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Incoherent policies

.. trigger a behaviour which increases the problem pressure for other problems.




Measure Behavior





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Wiki based Data collection

Structured fact sheets by domain experts

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Wiki Data

Thematic fields: Energy, Climate. Natural Resources, Water, Land use, Soil, Air quality, and Health.

About 500 entries with an average of 5 successors

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Data Exploration in the Wiki

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Faceted Drilldown Search Interface



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Single Entry View.Node



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Sectoral Factsheet..

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Profound Data Exploration

1) Macro level - Data probe diagrams.

2) Micro level - Spreadsheet data

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One to many goals

..and Sector related goals.

Beeinträchtigung Wasserkörper

Nachhaltige Wassernutzung


Stabilisierung THG-Konzentration

AllergienSchutz Kinder

Globale Chemikaliensicherheit

Schlechter Zustand wasserabhängiger Biotope

Verringerung negativer Chemikalien-Wirkungen

Belastete Oberflächengewässer




Verkürzte Lebenserwartung


Gesundheitsschutz Trinkwasser


Reduzierung Stoffeinträge Boden

Emissionsreduktion SO2, NOX, NH3, NMVOC


Gute Daten zu Chemikalien

Hohes Schutzniveau vor Chemikalien

Durchführung Altlasten-SanierungUmweltgifte & Schwermetalle

Reduktion Quecksilber-Exposition

Belastetes Grundwasser

Beherrschung des Risikos von Stoffen

Emissionsbegrenzung versauernder/eutrophierender Schadstoffe und Ozonvorläufer


Sichere Verwendung von Stoffen

Minimierung besonders besorgniserregender Stoffe

Asthma/Lungenerkrankungen Kinder

Verringerung Chemikalien-Exposition in Erzeugnissen

Einhaltung Risikoquotient

Verringerte Belastung durch hormonelle Stoffe

Reduktion Primärenergieverbrauch

Reduzierung Pflanzenschutzmittel


Flächeninanspruchnahme / -versiegelung

Minimierung besonders kritischer Stoffe



Altlasten-Sanierung Altlasten-Regelungen

Gesundheitsschutz Trinkwasser-Badewasser

Gesundheitsschutz Biozide

Begrenzung Schadstoffeinleitung in Grundwasser

Reduktion Feinstaub, Ozon

THG aus Flächenkonversion

Klimatische Veränderungen


Beendigung/Einschränkung POPs

Allg. THG-Emissionsreduktion


Gesundheitsschutz Kosmetik

Verlust genetischer Vielfalt

Erhalt Biodiversität

Gesundheitsschutz Pestizide


Goal Measure Behaviour Causes Problems Goals

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Single Goal Feedback Loop

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Goal / Goal matrix

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Goal / Goal matrix

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The goals cloud

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Results so far

Inventory of known causal chains,

Tool support for coherence check.

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Thank You!

thomas.huesing@fu, Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany