dark lord chronicles

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  • 8/7/2019 Dark Lord Chronicles


  • 8/7/2019 Dark Lord Chronicles



    Chapter 1:

    The Beginning

    In the void of the beginning the emptiness gave birth to a son, a being ofpure darkness; his life would be forever changed during his stay in the timeless

    expanse of the void. Then something amazing happened; Light had pierced through

    the darkness of the void. From this light, another son was born, a son as pure and

    noble as the Light itself. After the Light entered the universe, time began to flow

    and space began to form into the universe. The original Light then split into two

    new forms, the first was Divine Light and the other was Fire. As Fire grew more

    powerful it too created a son, one of great knowledge and powerful raw emotions.

    The three beings born of the cosmos became to traverse this new universe to

    find its limits and what dwelled in this place they found themselves in. Soon asthey moved through the heavens they found each other.

    The beings of Light and Darkness were the first meet across the astral plane.

    They were both surprised to find that life other than themselves existed in this

    universe. Using the vast knowledge that they were endowed with they found a way

    to communicate with each other.

    Who are you? What is this place? the Light being asked.

    I am a being created before the flow of time and space ever came into

    existence. This place where we now walk is where we were born, the dark being


    So this is where we were born, then this is our home.

    In a matter of speaking, yes this expanse is our home, but I sense a presence

    other than our own. Will you come with me and find this other presence?

    Very well, I will travel will you and together we might find others like us.the Light being answered.

    So the beings of Light and Darkness became to travel together in search of

    this other presence. As they search the expanse, little did they know the other

    presence they were looking for was the being of Fire and he was wondering who

    these strangers were and what they were looking for.

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    As the being of Fire began to follow these strangers at a closer distance, the

    being of Darkness caught wind of their tag along he devised a way to catch him. As

    they began to rest for the night, the Dark being was able to create the illusion of

    himself next to his new companion. Then as the Fire being snuck into their camp,

    the Dark being appeared behind him and grabbed him. The Fire being began to

    struggle and as he did he began to burn.

    There is no use in struggling. I have the power to smother your flames. But

    if you do, dont hold me responsible for what I might do to you, the Dark being

    said holding the Fire being in a choke hold.

    What do you want? Why were following me? the Fire being asked as he

    tried to break free.

    Then the Light being awoke to find the Dark being was holding another

    being in a choke hold. What are you doing? Dont kill him he might be the only

    other being in our home.

    Fine, I wont kill him as long as he calms down when I release him, the

    Dark being said as he began to loosen his grip.

    Okay, Ill calm down, just let go of me, the Fire being said. Then the Dark

    being let go of the Fire being and they began to chat.

    I apologize for my friends aggressive approach to meeting new people but

    apparently he was born before time and space formed. The Light being said as

    they stood in a circle.

    How can that be? I thought that all life that exists right now was created

    after time and space formed into this universe. The Fire being replied as he looked

    at the Dark being with his jaw slacked.

    Well then I must the exception to the rule. I must be special maybe like asuper being or an older brother, the Dark being added.

    I like the sound of that. Maybe to make things easier on us we could refer

    to each as brothers. Since the Dark being was created before time began he can be

    the eldest brother. I was born when time began and space filled our universe so I

    will be the middle child. What of you, Fire being, when were you born? the Light

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    Yeah, I think we have run out of things to talk about over these many

    weeks. More people will only add opinions and add more interesting

    conversations, the Dark being replied. I only see one problem with this new life.

    I dont think we are nearly as strong as the forces that created us so this life may

    not be as powerful, or smart, or have our everlasting life. According to my

    vocabulary they would only be mortal and have limited intellects and life spans

    compared to us.

    You have a good point. If what you are saying is true, then it will be our

    mission to educate and help to advance these mortals as much as we have, the

    Light being replied.

    Yeah, but I see another problem rising, the Fire being added.

    Whats that, little brother? The Dark Being asked.

    If we try to teach them all at once, they might get confused. I say that we

    divide up the plane and each us will be in charge of a designated domain and the

    people inside that domain. the Fire being explained.

    You make a good point, little brother. We do go at odds on certain topics

    that could send mixed messages and end up confusing them. the light being

    agreed. So I think that this is a good idea. What say you, big brother? he asked.

    I agree, this way each of us can each be satisfied about how these mortal

    are raised, the Dark Being answered.

    The three beings then decided they would create a planet of beings similar

    to themselves and a thousand years after its creation, they would go to this mortal

    plane and rule the planet. The three beings came up with the names that the mortal

    would call them and which part of their world they would each have dominion

    over. Each being would have exactly one third of the planet, which meant that

    during the thousand years of development, each would be in charge of molding

    their territory as they pleased.

    After dividing their planet among themselves, they continued their talks,

    when suddenly the being of Darkness yelled, Wait! There is one thing we are

    overlooking, we as omnipotent beings could not possibly co-exist with the humans

    and animals in this form. We would only be hurting them like this. I say we make

    mortal forms for ourselves to contain our divine powers, so as not to hurt the

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    mortal beings.

    The being of Light then replied, I agree with you to an extent. Mortal forms

    are a fine idea, but I say we allow these mortal forms eternal youth to allow us to

    live with them forever.

    The other beings replied, Agreed.

    Then the being of Fire added, These human shells and eternal youth are

    okay, but I say that we be allowed to enact our divine powers for a short time, say

    twenty minutes, which is about the most a mortal could take before suffering major

    internal injuries from using such powers.

    The others reply, We agree.

    The being of Darkness concluded, We are all agreed, after the thousand

    years of waiting, we will arrive on the planets surface as mortals with eternal

    youth and the ability to enact our divine powers for twenty minutes at a time.

    The three then shook on it: from then on, this would be known as the Pact of

    Mortality. Meanwhile, the three beings began to shape their new world, Evon

    Prime; they made the waters, the land, the mountains, the animals, and the humans.

    Each of the three beings had a different way to lead their people, the Light

    being was a hands-off leader that intervened in the life of his people only in their

    darkest hour when all hope is lost and they were near extinction. The Dark being

    nurtured his people, helping them by providing them with the tools they would

    need to survive and prosper. The Fire being gave his people a nudge in the right

    direction by invoking his knowledge onto his people through dreams and visions.

    We will skip ahead one thousand years and start where the three beings arrived on

    the mortal plane of Evon Prime.

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    Chapter 2:

    The White Kingdom

    The first being we will talk about is the being of Light, the Blade King,

    Dravinos, High Master of the Light. Dravinos draws his power from orbs

    containing different radiant energies of the Light that transform into different

    swords. With every different orb his appearance changes but each form is similar to

    his primary appearance. Dravinos stands at six feet; he is normally decorated in

    crystal white armor and bears a claymore on his back. Dravinos has skin as white

    as clouds; his short blonde hair was like gold, and his eyes were blue like


    Dravinos kingdom spanned the west half of northern hemisphere in its

    entirety, the people and society of the kingdom is reminiscent of a medievalempire. The land was scattered with kings, castles, and knights. The entire

    kingdom and its people were blessed with the light of the Blade King. The only

    problem was the wars started throughout the history of its people. You see the

    being of Darkness used the kings of different provinces to start wars by convincing

    each of them that they wanted the others land. He did this three times, each war

    spanning about fifty years, the third war was started on the very same day that the

    three beings arrived on Evon Prime as humans. The third war ended fifty years

    later when Dravinos appeared to a young knight fighting in the war named Gabriel.

    Gabriel was about six feet tall, had a light blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

    He wore a silver armor, bearing the griffin crest of his king and castle, and owned a

    mystic sword as white as the snow from the frozen Northlands.

    Dravinos spoke, Gabriel, I have been watching you for some time now and

    I wish for you to be the king of your people and become a shield and sword for me.

    Do you accept this new responsibility I am bestowing upon you, young knight?

    Gabriel answered, Yes, but I have one question for you, Blade King. Why

    was I chosen, I am only a knight, would a king not make a much better choice than


    You ask why I chose you for this task, I chose you for all the selfless deeds

    you have done, the many lives you have saved and had protected throughout your

    life even before you became a knight of the realm. The kings of this land are

    blinded by the dark curse of greed and corruption put upon them by my dark

    brother, only a person without sin could resist the dark promises of my elder

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    brothers forked tongue. That is why I have chosen you, Gabriel. From this

    moment on, you shall be known as the Grand King.

    With that, the entire battlefield knelt at Gabriels feet. Dravinos reached for

    his sword, dubbed him the Grand King, and gave him the very same blade as his to

    use. The sword radiated light energy, this energy gave Gabriel the power to fire

    beams of light from his hands, and this was the start of the Grand Kings reign. As

    Gabriel ascended to the power, peace and prosperity flew across the land but this

    peace would not last for long. A great tide of darkness was coming to their shining

    land and Gabriel was unprepared for what was to come.

    The White Kingdoms greatest fears had come to pass, a great horde of

    monstrous soldiers known as the Legion mobilized a grand scale invasion on both

    the White Kingdom and the Metal Lands. After the initial invasion, Gabriel

    decided to find the cause of this new evil and after three months of searching hedid, his spies came to report that a new leader, Shadow, now ruled the Dark Realm.

    Gabriel needed to find a way to stop this Shadow and his dark crusade. His

    final choice, to find champions that would be strong enough and determined

    enough to combat the Darkness; he immediately ordered a tournament, where

    warriors from all over the kingdom would fight to find the strongest among them

    to make them into his champions. Gabriel chose nine champions and they were

    each gifted by the power of the Light.

    Brasic, a mighty barbarian from the Northlands, blessed with a magic sword

    and axe forged by the elders of his tribe was one of the first to be chosen. The

    Northlands are a frozen wasteland cut off from the rest of the White Kingdom by a

    large mountain range that stretches across the entire continent. This part of the

    world is cut off from most of society and many of its inhabitants still follow the

    traditions set upon since the beginning of mankind. One day, a messenger from the

    Grand Castle had made the difficult journey across the mountains to deliver the

    announcement of King Gabriels tournament of champions. The elders of the

    village came together and deliberated who they would send to tournament to

    represent their village. After a long discussion they called for Brasic to enter theirgreat hall.

    You summoned me, noble elders. Brasic said as he entered the elder hall

    and knelt to the council of elders.

    We did noble warrior, the head elder replied. We have decided that you

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    are the best person to represent our people in the Grand Kings tournament.

    I am humbled that you have decided that I can represent our people but I

    must decline.

    Why do you turn down your responsibility to the tribe? another elder


    My heart is torn with the lost of my brother in arms, Grengan. It has been

    several weeks since I last heard word from him and I fear that he has taken by the

    Legion instead of dying honorably on the field of battle.

    I understand your pain young warrior but if you should pass the trials of the

    tournament you might be able to find Grengan while you combat the Darkness,

    the head elder explained.

    You are right as usual, noble elder. I will carry the mantle of our people

    proudly and use the power of the ancestors to rain swift justice upon the fiends that

    serve the Darkness. Brasic said as he picked himself up from his grief.

    Before you go, we wish to bestow upon you the weapons of our ancestors.

    the head elder said as two servants came out from the behind the council each

    carrying a weapon. We bestow onto you the sword of the first chieftain, Thorian

    and the axe of the great shaman, Cairne. The head elder added as servants knelt

    and presented the ancestral weapons.

    Thank you, noble elders. I will use them wisely and smite those that would

    threaten our tribe. Brasic said as he took up the weapons.

    May the ancestors smile upon you and your journey, The head elder said

    as Brasic began to leave the hall.

    May they smile upon you as well, noble elders, Brasic said as he left for

    his journey to become a champion and find out what happened to his friend,Grengan.

    Brasic was saddened when he entered the tournament because his childhood

    friend, Grengan. Although his heart was heavy, he fought valiantly in the

    tournament. He was chosen to become the first of Gabriels champions.

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    with heavy wounds and a message that the forces of the darkness have invaded and

    are attacking the shore. Ganthor gathered a cavalry division and raced to the coast,

    when they arrived the villages were burning, the people were gone, and the sky

    was as dark as night. Ganthor searched the entire coast and it was the same

    everywhere else. Ganthor returned to the castle to find that the king was hosting a

    tournament to find champions to lead his armies in the fight against the darkness.

    To help his king and fellow man, he entered the tournament and became the fourth


    Legori was a swift and clever ranger from a village in the woodlands.

    During Vanhorns rescue, Legori was in a village to the northern part of the

    woodlands. This ranger was a natural born glory seeker. While relaxing in his

    house, a messenger arrived from the Grand Castle and announced that the Grand

    King was hosting a tournament that would give the victors eternal honor and glory

    if they were chosen to bare the mantel of the champions. Legori was intrigued bythe glory part and traveled to the Grand Castle and entered the tournament. He

    easily rose through the ranks of the tournament and became the fifth champion.

    Circel was a priestess in tune with the spirit world and lived by Lake Valron.

    She has spent her entire life training with the mystics of Lake Valron. The lake is

    said to be a portal to the spirit world and many have used the lake to commune

    with the spirits of the departed. Circel was communing with her ancestors when

    she sensed that a great evil was drawing near. When she awoke from her

    meditation, she received the news that a Legion of Darkness had mounted a full-on

    assault against both of its neighbors. As she watched the destruction left in the

    wake of the darkness she decided to do something to help and then entered the

    champions tournament where she was chosen to be the sixth champion.

    Alicia was a young female knight of the realm and a master fencer. When

    she was little her father was a knight who served his kingdom until he was killed

    during the third war. When her time came she was dubbed a knight by Gabriel.

    Alicia had moved into the Grand Castle which was customary for knights of the

    White Kingdom so as to be able to protect their king at a moments notice.

    Before the invasion, Alicia decided to visit her home village to check on her

    mother. As she neared the village, Alicia noticed that the skies were growing dark.

    As she reached the top the hill in front of her she looked on in horror. Her entire

    village was burning and she noticed strange monsters running around killing or

    capturing people. Alicia charged into the village and fought off the beasts. Worried

    about her mother she rushed to her house and found that it was on fire. She kicked

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    in the door and began calling out hoping to hear a response.

    Mother, are you here? Please answer. Where are you? Alicia called out as

    she fought her way through the smoke and flames.

    Then she heard a faint cry. Alicia, I am over here. Alicia followed the

    voice and found that a support had fallen on her mother. Alicia quickly removed

    the support and carried her mother out the building right before it collapsed. Alicia

    laid her mother on the ground, while holding her hand, and asked if she was


    I am fine but I do not think I am going to make it. Alicias mother


    Do not say that, if I can get you to a cleric maybe he can heal you.Everything going to be alright, I will go fetch a cleric. Alicia replied.

    No, we both know that the nearest cleric is a days journey away and I will

    not make it until then.

    I cannot lose you; you are the only family I have left. I will not let you die.

    If only I had come earlier than maybe none of this would have happened.

    There is nothing you could have done. It is the will of the Blade King. Now

    I can be reunited with you father in paradise. He would be proud to see what a

    great and noble knight you have become. Please promise me that you will never

    forget us and live your life like that of a true knight of the realm like your father

    would have wanted. I love you, Alicia. Alicias mother said with her dying breath.

    Then her hand went limp.

    I love you too, mother. Alicia said as she crossed her mothers arms across

    her crest. She took her mothers body and buried it next to her fathers grave. She

    shed her tears and said, I love you both and I promise to live the life you would

    have wanted me to live.

    When Alicia returned to the castle she learned of the kings tournament and

    entered it. After several grueling rounds, she became Gabriels seventh champion.

    Bishop was the next one chosen to become a champion. Bishop was a well-

    known and respected paladin wielding a holy hammer. He was on a pilgrimage to

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    the farthest corners of the kingdom when the Legion attacked. As he traveled down

    a road, he came across a man crawling on the ground. He quickly picked up the

    man and asked what happened and the man only pointed to a village in the

    distance. Bishop went to the village and found it empty and desolate. The only clue

    was the man he found. He quickly returned to the camp where he left the man to

    rest from his ordeal.

    Bishop asked again about the village and he said two words, the

    darkness. The paladin carried the man and returned to the Grand Castle and

    entered the tournament so he could find out what happened to the injured mans

    fellow villagers. Bishop fought bravely and became the eighth champion of the


    The final champion was Vorin; a knight commander and childhood friend of

    Gabriel. Vorin was asked to join the tournament at Gabriels request since he wasreluctant to join at first. Vorin entered and won the tournament, beating all the

    other champions along the way. With Vorin as the victor, Gabriel bestowed a gift

    unto him, his familys sword, the same one he had when Dravinos appeared to him

    during the Third War. The sword is said to be able to pierce through the veil of any


    The Grand King summoned his champions and gave them their mission; kill

    Shadow and save the world from plunging into eternal night.

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    Chapter 3:

    The Dark Realm

    The next being on our tour of Evon Prime is the being of Darkness, the

    Shadow Seer, Nighroth, Dark Lord of the Abyss. Nighroths power comes fromfour unique weapons forged in the very abyss, in which he was spawned. Nighroth

    stands at seven feet and with each weapon he uses, his appearance rarely changes.

    Nighroth had skin as pale as a full moon, long hair and a goatee as black as a

    starless night, and his cornea were black and hollow but his eyes were as red as

    flesh blood. Nighroths standard attire is a white shirt with a black suit jacket and

    slacks. He normally wears his weapons on him at all times. Under his clothes, his

    body is covered in permanent blood-stained tattoos in the shape of ancient glyphs

    and runes.

    Nighroths realm spanned the entire southern hemisphere; this was due to

    Shadow, the Scion of Darkness. When the Shadow Seer first established his realm,

    he blanketed it in darkness, morphing the populace into dark monsters and beasts.

    Slowly, over several centuries they stared to revert to their human forms, but were

    now much more powerful. Eventually, the humans began forming cults around the

    Shadow Seer, as the supreme god of their people. After about two or three more

    centuries the separate cults combined into one major cult, and leader was chosen

    from the most devote of all of the cults followers. For the rest of the time before

    the Nighroths arrival on the mortal plane, the role of cult leader passed over seven

    more times. The eighth leader ruled over the cult until the beginning of the thirdwar in the White Kingdom.

    When the eighth leader, Judarus, was reaching the end of his reign, he

    received a vision from the Shadow Seer. Judarus was meditating to commune with

    the spirits of the ancestors to help decide who would be become the next leader of

    the cult. As he was communing with the previous cult leaders, a silence came over

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    their conversation. The previous cult leaders then turned around and fell to their

    knee in worship.

    What is it wise leaders? What do you see that would force you to your

    knees? Judarus asked as he looked quizzically at the spirits strange behavior.

    Just then, Judarus questions were answered, Nighroth appeared from the fog

    that covers the spirit world. Judarus dropped to his knees.

    Forgive me for my rudeness had I known I would have dropped to my

    knees as the spirits did, mighty Shadow Seer. I will accept any punishment for my

    inexcusable behavior. I am not worthy to even look upon your mighty visage, Dark

    Lord. Judarus begged as he forced his head into the ground trying not to look at


    Please, Judarus rise. You did not offend. I expect nothing from you. To tell

    you the truth I have come here to seek your aid. For I have set into motion an event

    that promises to change the world and I want you and your followers to be there to

    receive my gift. Nighroth said as he motioned Judarus to rise.

    Yes, Almighty one. I would do anything to appease you. What would you

    ask of me?

    Judarus, I want you to lead your followers to the plateau at the southern tip

    of the Dark Realm. It is there, that I will deliver my gift unto my children.

    Yes Shadow Seer I will do this without delay. Judarus said as he began to

    break him meditation.

    Wait, Judarus before you leave. I must tell you that once my gift arrives,

    you will be rewarded for your loyal service to me and your people.

    How will I know what this gift is?

    The gift will descend from the heavens. Nighroth said as Judarus awoke

    from his meditation. Judarus immediately ordered that everyone must follow him

    to the southern plateau.

    As millions of cultists flocked to the plateau, wondering why they were

    there, Judarus began to envision his reward, eternal life, a place by Nighroths side

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    or maybe, the honor of being Nighroths human body. As the last of cult arrived on

    the plateau, Judarus began to preach to his followers, Greetings, my brothers and

    sisters, many of you are probably wondering why we are here. We are here because

    of a vision I received from our god, Nighroth. In my vision he commanded me to

    gather all of us to this plateau and wait for a sign from the Heavens.

    When Judarus was finished they waited for three hours. As they stared up

    into the Heavens, their sign appeared. A pitch-black orb descended from the sky

    and landed right in front of Judarus.

    As they stood in awe of the orb, a calm voice began to fill the air, Hello,

    loyal followers of the Shadow Seer, it is nice to see the amount of you that have

    arrived, thanks to your truly devoted, old man of a leader.

    Everyone begins to wonder where the voice was coming from. Judarus wasthe one to discover that the voice was coming from the heavenly orb. Judarus

    walked over to the orb and reached out to touch the heavenly object.

    Old man, your wisdom truly matches your age. You have followed the will

    of Nighroth, by bringing all these followers to this plateau, for your devotion you

    shall be rewarded. As the voice spoke, a hand reached out from the orb, grabbed

    Judarus by the throat, and lifted him up into the air.

    The blackness of the orb dissipated and a man of great stature was revealed

    to the cult. His skin was pale almost white in color. Unlike his skin his corneas

    were hollow but his eyes were yellow like a wolfs eyes. He also had short light

    gray hair and was dressed in a long black robe that stretched down to his feet.

    Judarus then asked wistfully, Who are you? as he held on to the large

    mans arm trying to pull himself up so he wouldnt suffocate.

    The man replied, I am the first son of the Nighroth. I am Shadow, the Scion

    of Darkness. With that, Shadow engulfed Judarus in a cloud of darkness; all could

    hear his screams. Dont worry, if you accept the will of the Abyss, you will inheritits power, if not, you will rot and die, Shadow exclaimed.

    Judarus screamed, I accept the will of the Abyss!

    Throughout his sentence, the elders voice became deeper and grew stronger.

    Then the cloud dissipated and the elder was gone, replaced by a younger, more

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    been called back from their advance for reasons that risk the lives of our men,

    Thaneus reported as he knelt in front of Shadows throne.

    Shadow then asked Thaneus, in an irritated tone, Thaneus, what possible

    reason did you have to recall our forces from their advance?

    My spies report that Gabriel has done something weird, he, um, has

    mobilized nine champions of great strength that threaten the lives of our troops, oh

    powerful Scion of the Shadow Seer.

    Champions, this is why you recalled our forces? Bring me my test subjects

    and our armies most gifted soldiers. I will show that fool, Gabriel, what true

    champions really are.

    That moment, marked the beginning of an era known as the ChampionsWar. Shadow then started to collect candidates for the task of becoming champions

    of the Abyss. The Legion brought hundreds of villagers back to the Citadel to

    convert them into soldiers and make the stronger ones into champions. The final

    nine chosen were each granted great power by the Scion and the Shadow Seer.

    The first was Chaos, a dark berserker; he was once a barbarian by the name

    of Grengan, captured by the Legion in the initial invasion. When he was brought to

    the Citadel, he was taken to the dungeon to be tortured for killing dozens of the

    Legions soldiers. When Shadow was looking for candidates he remembered the

    barbarian who had slain a platoon of his finest soldiers, the scion walked down to

    the dungeon and found the man he was looking for.

    Hello, barbarian, I want to make you an offer. Shadow said as he looked

    down at Grengan.

    What do you want, demon? Grengan asked.

    How you like to be out of that cell? Shadow asked as he spun the key to

    Grengans cell around his finger

    If I was out of this cell, I would kill you with my bear hands.

    I could let you out, on one condition.

    What is the condition?

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    That when I let you out you will become my devote champion and


    I would rather rot in this dungeon than serve the Darkness. My brothers of

    the Light will save me from your wickedness and end your foolish campaign.

    No one is coming to save you, your only salvation is to join me and cover

    the world in darkness.

    Let me out of this cell and my salvation will come from your death,


    Well, I would like to see you try. Shadow said as he opened the cell.

    Grengan jumped out of the cell and tried to punch the scion. Shadow caught his fistand began to crush it and Grengan fell to his knees. You will serve me whether

    you want to or not. Shadow said as he began to pump darkness into Grengans

    arm and his entire left side started to rot and fester until his muscle tissue became

    visible. Stand my loyal champion, Chaos. Chaos was given a dark and ancient

    magic, the power of the sanguine flame3.

    The second champion chosen was Darjai the Fire Demon, once he was a

    human named Hyruk, who used pyromancy to protect his village in the Metal

    Lands. When the Legion setup their dark pylons, it caused his magic to backlash

    and covered his body in flames, giving him dark mastery over fire. When the

    flames took over his body, he went insane; his mind was broken by the pain of his

    burning flesh. The Legion dragged his burning corpse to the Citadel and Shadow

    was intrigued by the results of what happens when magic is directly exposed to a

    dark pylon. Shadow used his magic to stop Hyruks pain. When Hyruk realized

    that his pain was gone he stopped screaming.

    Thank you, kind sir, Torch! If there is anything that I can do to repay you I

    would gladly do it, Torch, Hyruk thanked Shadow as he got up off the floor.

    Well there is one thing you can do to repay my kindness. Serve me for the

    rest of your live and use your powers to help cover this world in darkness.

    Shadow replied.

    3The ability to ignite ones blood into a flame so intense that it can melt through any barrier or armor

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    Very well, my life is yours to command until you see fit to release me from

    servitude. Hyruk replied. Torch, but I do have one question for you, Torch! What

    is my name, master, torch? Hyruk asked since the pain of his burns blurred his


    Your name is Darjai the Fire Demon and you may call me Lord Shadow.

    Very well Lord Shadow, Torch! Darjai replied as he bowed and left the

    throne room.

    Necrin, a dark mystic, had recently mastered his art and used it in a battle. In

    the battle, he slaughtered dozens of Light and Metal soldiers by himself, skillfully

    hacking his victims to pieces with his shadow magic. Necrin had a problem with

    his magic, the truth was that he had a lust for power and would do anything to gainmore power. After killing the soldiers he learned that if he would slay children that

    are pure he could drink their blood and his magic could greatly increase in power.

    The next village that Necrin went to he followed the soldiers until he came

    upon a group of little children and decided that they would be perfect for him to

    increase his power. Necrin gathered his magics and murdered the children then

    used his magic to gather their blood into a bowl that he drank from. After drinking

    the blood, he could feel their purity fill his veins and his magics began to change.

    Necrin created a little black javelin and hurled it at a shed. When the javelin hit the

    shed exploded in black billowing cloud of smoke.

    Shadow admired this mystic for his bloodlust and his hunger for more power

    and decided that he could use his greed to control and manipulate this mystics

    loyalty with promises of power. Shadow summoned Necrin to his throne room and

    asked if he liked power and Necrin answered with great certainty, yes. Shadow

    proposed that if Necrin would join him and become one of his champions he would

    be granted power that he could never had imagined. Necrin bowed to Shadow and

    agreed to become one of his dark champions.

    Maelfist was a brilliant tactician of the Legion. He was promoted to general

    for his outstanding strategic battle plans for capturing forts, without losing a single

    soldier. Maelfist would do anything to avoid losing a fine soldier since he liked to

    form personal attachments to all of his men under his command. Before Maelfist

    became a member of the Legion he was a lowly cultist with no discerning quality

    of greatest. His only positive traits were his consistent regiment to worshipping

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    Nighroth and his ability to wield a halberd with great skill.

    After Maelfist became a general of the Legion, Shadow summoned Maelfist

    to his throne room. Maelfist entered the throne room and immediately knelt before

    the powerful scion.

    Greetings Maelfist, so good of you to accept my invitation, Shadow said

    as he sat upon his throne.

    Why have you summoned me almighty scion? Maelfist asked knelt before


    You have recently been promoted to a general of the Legion. Is that

    correct? Shadow asked.

    Yes, I have. Maelfist answered.

    Good, Ive been reviewing your records and they are impressive. Top of

    your class when it comes to tactics and combat scenarios, a flawless combat

    record, not a single man as ever died under your command. I have to commend

    you. The reason that I have summoned you is that I wish for you to become one of

    my champions of darkness. Shadow replied.

    It would be an honor to serve so closely to the scion. I must ask what my

    duties are as a champion. Maelfist said as he stood up.

    As one of my champions you will be asked to go on missions that others

    wouldnt be capable of accomplishing. But aside from that you will be in charge of

    the Citadels defenses as your standard duties when youre not on important

    missions for me or my father.

    Very well, I accept your offer. Maelfist agreed.

    Before you become one of my champions, I wish to give you a gift.Shadow said as he summoned two servants to bring forth a suit of armor. This

    armor was forged by my father and it yours and yours alone to wear and to use as

    you see fit. The armor allows you to manipulate the darkness from the surrounding


    I will wear it proudly and I will serve the darkness as best I can. Maelfist

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    said after he put the suit on and then left the room when Shadow motioned him


    Narsoga was one of the most unique of all the champions. For you see he

    was not chosen, he was created by magic. Shadow was working in his study

    reviewing champion candidates when he was noticed a scroll inside one of the

    soldiers family dossiers. He opened the scroll and inside there was a story about

    how this soldiers ancestors fought a horrible ice beast that plagued their tribe for

    generations. The story goes that this ancestor rallied this fellow tribesman and they

    hunted down this beast. After a long battle against his icy winds and large feral

    claws they persevered over the beast. When the battle was won, this ancestor used

    crude and ancient magic to extract the beasts soul from his body and placed inside

    a magically sealed container.

    Shadow was intrigued by the story and decided hunt down this container inthe hopes of releasing this soul and using it to create another champion for his

    legion. After tirelessly searching through the archives he found a lead on where he

    can begin to search for the soul of this ice beast. He found the current generation of

    the tribe that was mentioned in the scroll. Shadow was accompanied by several

    legion soldiers when he entered the village, they looked around and Shadow found

    the elders home. The scion entered the elders home; he was greeted with open

    arms for the tribe was a firm believer of Shadows identity as the spawn of


    Hello, I am Shadow. I have come to speak with you about the beast

    mentioned in your tribes fables. Shadow said as he showed the elder the scroll he


    Ah, so youre curious about the legend of Narsoga the ice lord. But I must

    correct you on one point, the story is not a fable, it actually happened. Centuries

    ago, the ice beast that you read about in the scroll tormented our tribe. We named

    the beast Narsoga or the deadly frost, the beast could summon blizzards with his

    mighty roar, the air chilled at his presence, and he could freeze anything solid by

    merely touching it. The elder replied.

    Wait, if this creature was as powerful as you say it was then how did a

    small group of humans defeat this deadly frost. Shadow interrupted.

    Fortunately, Nighroth saw our plight and decided to aid us. He appeared to

    the tribes chief shaman and gave him the container he needed to seal away the

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    beasts soul so that the beasts icy spirit wouldnt seek vengeance against the

    shaman for killing it. For you see the legends say that those who couldnt grow

    back into man, Nighroth refused them entrance into paradise. For only man would

    be given the gift of paradise. Nighroth felt bad for the forgotten ones, he gave

    them a gift to make up for the paradise that they were denied. He gave the ability

    to interact with the mortal plane after their souls left this world. So if we didnt seal

    Narsogas soul away, his haunting blizzards would have cursed our people maybe

    even to this day.

    Do you have the soul container or know where I can find it? Shadow


    Sadly I do not own the container. The shaman passed down the container to

    next chief shaman and that shaman did as well and so on and so forth. So if you

    wish to find the container youll need to speak with our chief shaman. The elderanswered.

    Thank you for your assistance. I will seek out this shaman. Shadow said as

    he left the elders home.

    Shadow looked around the village and found the chief shamans tent. When

    Shadow entered the tent he was met by a thin man wrapped in a strange white

    animal pelt. The shaman was blind yet he knew that the scion was the one who

    entered his tent.

    Hello, great scion, I believe you have come searching for this. The shaman

    greeted as he pulled out a clear glass box wrapped in magical seals. Inside the box

    was a small round orb of white and blue light.

    Is that Shadow asked before he was interrupted.

    the container for Narsogas soul? Yes it is. I knew that you would come

    for this. For you see I saw this in a vision one day when I was meditating.

    Will you give me the container?

    Yes, but under one condition. You will infuse the soul of Narsoga in me.

    Why should I? I could just kill you and take the box. Shadow said as he

    pulled out his scythe.

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    It was foretold that the shaman without sight would release Narsoga and

    relinquish his soul to protect the tribe from his icy wrath.

    Very well, I accept your deal. Open the box, your soul will be devoured by

    Narsoga and your body will be possessed by the beast.

    The shaman used his ritual staff and broke open the seals of Narsogas

    prison. Orb began to glow violently and from the orb an image of Narsoga

    appeared. The beast turned and looked at the shaman, the beast roared in anger for

    the shaman was wearing Narsogas pelt. Along with the container, the chief

    shamans passed down a pelt made from the hide of Narsoga.

    Shadow stabbed Narsogas soul with his scythe and threw the orb into the

    shamans body. The shaman fell to the ground convulsing in pain as the Narsogassoul began to take over his body and devour his soul. Once Narsoga finished

    devouring the blind shamans soul, the shamans body became to change his skin

    turned snow white and the pelt fused to it, his hair turned white and his eyes were

    healed from his blindness and changed from grey to blue. Shadow greeted

    Narsoga. The beast quickly picked up on human language and bowed to Shadow

    for he could smell Nighroth on the scion clothes. Narsoga was then chosen to

    become a champion and he would be from then on known as Narsoga, winters


    Nightshade, Shadows personal dark priestess, her weapons are a shield and

    sword infused with the powers of the abyss. She was a devote servant of Nighroth

    and the destiny that Evon Prime would be covered in darkness. She was one of the

    original cultists who led congregations of her fellow followers in their religions.

    When Shadow came to her she, like Thaneus, was in her later year but

    Shadow had heard stories that Nightshade made dark deals with the Shadow Seer

    to give her great and terrible powers. Knowing this he wanted that kind of power at

    his command. Shadow found the temple where Nightshade resided and found her

    room. Nightshade was meditating when the scion entered the room.

    The second he entered the room Nightshade said, Hello, scion it is a

    pleasure to finally meet you in person. Nightshade was still in her meditative


    That is impressive that you still have such power even for one as old as

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    you. Surely your powers along with your beauty have faded over the years. I wish

    to make you a very beneficial deal if you accept my offer. Shadow charmed.

    Yes, my powers have faded and when I was younger people said that my

    beauty could have tempted the gods to the mortal plane just to be with me. But as

    you can see, I dont have a lot of time left so be quick and tell me your offer.

    Nightshade replied as she awoke from her meditation.

    Very well, I want you to become one of my champions and in exchange for

    your undying loyalty I will grant you eternal youth and beauty. You will have the

    body of your former self and the mind of current self. Shadow said as he looked at

    the haggard cultist before him.

    I accept your terms. Nightshade accepted.

    Shadow concentrated his powers and blasted Nightshade with a burst of dark

    energy and turned her into a ravishingly tempting beauty. Nightshade didnt lie

    when she described her beauty to Shadow. She was the most sought after woman in

    the Dark Realm when she was younger. After accepting Shadows deal, Nightshade

    thanked him and they left the temple and returned to the Citadel.

    Next was Balnia, a quick and stealthy assassin from an ancient order of

    assassins founded by one of the original cults. Balni was a quiet girl with black

    hair, pale skin, and light green eyes. One day, Balni was hired to assassinate

    Shadow because some thought that he was a pretender and not really the son of

    Nighroth. When Shadow was speaking to his father, Balnia made her move to kill

    the scion. Shadow knew she was there and caught her as she attacked him. Shadow

    asked who hired her. In exchange for the information, he would spare her life and

    make her into one of his champions.

    The next day Shadow made an example out of the man who conspired to kill

    him. Shadow summoned his Legion to the Citadel to deliver a message unto them.

    The Legion arrived and Shadow began his speech. My loyal soldiers of darkness,

    it has been brought to my attention that some of you find my leadershipquestionable and that one of you had hired an assassin to kill me. Luckily, the

    assassin has been captured and has revealed the name of her employer. Guards

    bring Soldier #12419 to me at once.

    The guards captured the soldier and brought him up to the balcony where

    Shadow was and released him to the Scion. The traitor lay at Shadows feet until

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    the scion picked him up and ripped a hole in the fabric of space and time. Shadow

    then held him in the rift for a few seconds and pulled him back out. The soldier

    was barely alive with limbs missing and his torso barely held together.

    Shadow held up the dying soldier and said This is what happens to those

    who betray me or the will of Nighroth. They are thrown into the abyss where they

    are tortured for all eternity by the monsters and demons that dwell there. Shadow

    took the soldier and threw back into the abyss and closed the rift.

    Thaneus, the demon lord in charge of the Legion, was already made into a

    champion because of his position as head general and was given an unholy

    claymore made from Voidonium4, to symbolize his rank as a champion. Shadow

    told Thaneus that his sword would not only signify his rank as a champion but

    would also give him dark and terrible powers. The claymore would give him

    powers that only the gods could comprehend.

    The final champion was special by his own right. His human name was

    William, he and his family lived near the current border between the Dark and

    Light territories, his father was the knight commander, Vorin. William was a ten

    year old but unlike other children he learned to fight like his father at an early age

    since his dream was to become a strong knight like his father. He had brown hair

    and blue eyes like his father. One day as William was taking a stroll along the

    border, he came across an elderly man trying to crawl over to the Light side of the

    border. That is when a patrol of dark soldiers spotted him and commenced to drag

    him back to their side of the border. William, wanting to be a hero like his father

    grabbed the old man and brought him into the White Kingdom. The dark soldiers

    dared not follow them or they would burn in the sun.

    The old man turned to William and said weakly, You are William, son of

    Vorin. I thank you for saving me. I was trying to reach Gabriel to report on the

    condition of the captured lands, the Legion took from us in their invasion.

    William replied, You do not need to thank me, sir, it was my duty as a

    future knight of the realm to help you in your time of need.

    So, young one, you want to be like your father? The old man queried.

    4A rare mystic metal used to make the Shadow Seers weapons

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    Well, it would be an honor to follow in my fathers footsteps when I come

    of age.

    I have something that may interest you then, the man pulled out a

    gleaming silver sword from the pack he was carrying. They say the sword has

    magical qualities that give the wielder immense strength and power.

    Youre saying if the sword chooses me, I will be as strong as my father.

    No, you will become stronger than your father. All you have to do is grip

    the swords edge. If you do not bleed, you are its chosen wielder.

    Lets get started then.

    With those words, William reached out and gripped the edge and to hissurprise, his hand did not bleed. Excited with the fact of being the chosen wielder,

    William shook the hand of the old man. Then in a sudden flash the old man

    revealed himself to be, Nighroth. In a divine tone, the Dark Lord began to speak.

    You have done well, William, you have been chosen; chosen to be my final

    champion of the Abyss.

    As he spoke, the gleaming sword grew black and tainted and then consumed

    William in a red mist. William fell to his knees, at the feet of Nighroth. As the mist

    consumed him he began to age and grew into an adult. Williams skin grew pale,

    his eyes turned red, and his hair turned black. The Seer then spoke again as he

    stood over William. You are no longer William, he is gone forever, from this day

    on you shall rise as Azerius, Knight of the Abyss. Now rise up my knight and join

    my cause to consume Evon Prime in darkness.

    My lord what about the boys parents, wont they notice that their son is

    missing? Azerius asked as he stood next to his new master.

    You are right. Allow me to correct this error. Nighroth answered. Then he

    used his powers to burn Vorins house to the ground. Vorins wife was buyinggoods at a nearby village when it was burned but he made it appear as if Legion

    soldiers did it and William was caught in the blaze.

    Thank you, master. Now they wont know that their son has joined the

    darkness. Azerius thanked.

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    After their encounter, they returned to the Citadel of Shadows, where the

    nine champions of the Abyss gathered in Shadows throne room. The Scion

    appeared instantly on the throne and he gave them their mission. My champions,

    your mission is simple. Slay Gabriel and his so-called champions of the Light, so

    that we can engulf the White Kingdom in eternal night and further the dream to

    turn Evon Prime into the dark paradise that Nighroth had envisioned for our

    people. Now go forth and conquer.

    Later that day, a messenger arrived at the Grand Castle looking for Vorin.

    Vorin was in the throne room paying a visit to his old friend Gabriel when the

    messenger ran into the room.

    What is the meaning of this? Gabriel asked when the messenger burst

    through the door.

    Many apologies, my lord but I bear a message of grave importance for Sir

    Vorin, the messenger replied.

    Well, out with man. What is message? Vorin demanded.

    Your estate was destroyed in a fire that had been caused by dark soldiers.

    What about my family? Where are they? Are they alright? Tell me! Vorin

    said as he grabbed the messenger and shook him.

    Your wife is fine; she was at the village market buying groceries during the


    Oh thank Dravinos for the safety of my beloved. Wait, what about William?

    What about my son?

    Unfortunately, I am afraid to say that your son was in the house during the

    attack and was found dead in the rubble.

    Oh no, William, it cannot be. Gabriel I must be with my wife right now. We

    will continue our discussion later.

    Wait, Vorin allow me to come with you. Gabriel replied.

    No, I could not ask you to leave your throne when you have an entire

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    is why we fight the Dark Realm because of instances like the one that took

    Williams life, but now Gabriel has decided to give the eulogy. Bishop said as he

    stood at the altar.

    I thank you all for coming on behalf of Sir Vorin and his wife Alana. I am

    here to speak about William. He was a son, a friend, and he had a spark of

    adventure. He had a noble dream to become a knight just like his father. He knew

    that kindness, honor, and mercy were the characteristics of a true knight. William

    possessed these qualities and more. Vorin if you would permit me, I would like to

    knight him so we can have a proper knights funeral. Gabriel spoke as he stood at

    the altar. He looked at Vorin, he and Alana nodded with tear soaked eyes.

    Very well, I shall knight William. Gabriel said and he turned to Williams

    coffin. With this sword, I dub thee Sir William, by this sword you have sworn to

    protect this land and its people from any threat, be they mortal men, the angelsabove, or demons of the abyss. You have sworn to protect till the day that the Blade

    King takes you into his divine embrace, into the paradise of the heavens above.

    Now rest, Sir William, Gabriel said as he placed a sword into Williams hands.

    They entire church clapped and cried at the sight of Williams knighting.

    Bishop took his place at the altar and said the last rites and announced the

    pallbearers. The pallbearers are Vorin, Brasic, Ganthor, Gabriel, Vanhorn, and

    Legori, Bishop announced. Please join us as we commit Williams body to the

    earth and reunite his soul with the Blade King. The entire church followed the

    procession into the graveyard for the burying of Sir Williams body.

    The people gathered around Sir Williams grave and Bishop blessed the

    grave to help the little knights body join his soul in heaven. The pallbearers

    lowered the coffin into the grave and Vorin and Alana threw in a hand full of dirt to

    signal the gravediggers to bury their son. Then the gravediggers took their shovels

    and filled Williams grave.

    After everyone left the funeral, the only people that remained were Vorin,

    Gabriel, and Alana. They stood there to say their final goodbyes to William.Thank you again, Gabriel, William would have wanted you to knight him. Alana


    Yes, but it would have meant more to him if he was still alive. I promise

    from this day forward that I will make this Shadow and his Legion pay for what he

    has done to my family. Vorin added.

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    Please calm yourself, dont do anything rash. Your anger will not help you;

    it will only lead you down a path of self destruction. The Shadow Seer could use

    your anger as a way to manipulate you. Gabriel replied.

    You are right, I am just angry because I could not do anything to stop this

    from happening.

    Together we will stop Shadow and make him answer for his crimes against


    Chapter 4:

    The Metal Lands

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    The final being on our tour of Evon Prime is the being of Fire, the Metal

    Master, Ryvok, Guitar Lord of Fire. Ryvoks power was said to come from a

    mystic guitar forged from the Fire and is rumored to have the ability to change its

    shape and powers. It is also said that when Ryvok uses his weapons the only thing

    that changes is the color and writing on his shirt. He normally wears a red tee-shirt

    with the word Fire in white letters, torn denim jeans, and his carries his mystic

    guitar on his back. Ryvok had light tan skin like sand, hair as red as fire, and blue

    eyes that burned like fire.

    Ryvoks land spanned the entire eastern half of the northern hemisphere of

    Evon Prime, opposite of the White Kingdom. The people and society are more of

    an equivalent to a country during the post industrial revolution. This growth in

    technology was caused by the Metal Master using his divine knowledge to spark

    inspiration to his people, which allowed them to build guns, discover electricity,construct factories, and most important of all, the invention of music. In the Metal

    Lands, music is the key to activating magic for guitar warriors; Guitar warriors are

    people that use magic riffs and rhythms to cast spells and deal out damage. Ryvok

    was a Guitar Lord, a master of the art of using a guitar as a weapon.

    On the day of the beings' arrival on Evon Prime, a man was tending to the

    grounds of the Metal Temple, a castle built in honor of the Metal Master. Suddenly,

    in a flash of light, a man appeared sitting on the throne, meant for the Guitar Lord.

    The man was shocked to see someone appear from thin air but mostly he was upset

    at the mysterious stranger.

    Hey man, what do you think you are doing? That throne is meant for the

    Metal Master. The attendant yelled at the man on the throne.

    The mysterious man only seemed to shrug at the attendant as though he did

    not care. Furious, the attendant begins to scream and yell at the stranger to get off

    the throne. Yet, the stranger only seemed to ignore him more, as he yelled. Then,

    the attendant left and came back with guards. Arrest this man, he is sitting on the

    Guitar Lords throne, which is against the law of the land, the attendant ordered ashe pointed at the stranger sitting on the Metal Masters throne.

    As the guards came closer, the man stood up and silently said, I guess it is

    time for my first private concert.

    With that, the man pulled out his guitar and played a chord that froze the

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    guards in their tracks and left the attendant speechless. I see that you are

    impressed. Im flattered and if you wanted to know, the throne belongs to me. As

    he said that his body began to glow and he revealed himself to be, Ryvok. The

    populace began to swarm to the temple as everyone received the news that the

    Ryvok has arrived.

    As millions came upon the temple they gazed up at the balcony, where

    Ryvok could be seen by all, the Guitar Lord then raised his hand as to motion the

    crowd to be silent. When the crowd was quiet, Ryvok began to speak. Hey all of

    my people out there, its me Ryvok the Metal Master. I have come before you to

    tell you about the beginning of time. In the beginning when we, the three beings,

    came together to build Evon Prime, we agreed in a thousand years, we would

    arrive on the mortal plane to rule you all and now that day has come. But I promise

    you as your new ruler we are going to have fun and my first act as your Lord, I am

    hosting a concert for all you music lovers out there.

    Ryvok reached for his guitar and played a concert for his people, which blew

    them away at the sheer awesomeness of his riffs and rhythms. This was the dawn

    of the age of the Metal Master. This new age of free running and peace lasted about

    fifty years until the day the Legion attacked its neighboring territories. When the

    invasions happened, the most unexpected occurred, nine heroes rose up to combat

    the darkness and saved their people from the Legion. Those nine heroes were each

    extraordinary fighters in the arts of their practice.

    Takada is a ninja from the island province off the coast of the mainland to

    the east. The island province was famous for a village that trained its members in

    the ancient art of Ninjutsu. Every member of this mysterious village was equipped

    with several different types of fighting style such as martial arts, ninja specialty

    weapons such as kasari-gama, shurieken, and kunai, and ancient ninja magic called

    jutsus. Takada was one of the villages top shinobi and was a ninja squad

    commander. Then there was Tyruki, a female ninja, who grew up in the same

    village as Takada. Tyruki was a top kunoichi or female ninja, she was in the squad

    under Takadas command, and she was his confidant and childhood friend. They

    spent most of their childhood training side by side; Takada had skill and naturalabilities that allowed him to get ahead in the ranks above Tyruki but not by much.

    The two of them were very competitive growing up but age has not slowed down

    the drive to try to outdo one another.

    One day the two ninjas were training in the woods outside the village when

    Tyruki had an idea. Takada, I have idea. How about we race to the shore and

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    Tyruki and Takada then jumped up into the trees and waited for the ships to

    land on the shore. The ships landed and large planks were thrown forth from the

    ships and the two ninjas looked on in horror as monsters decorated in heavy armor

    began to march off the ships and began to setup battlements and a command post.

    Then several larger monsters were dragged off the ships wrapped in large chains.

    As the beasts were unloaded the one of them went berserk and threw its captors

    around like ragdolls then the mighty beast ran at the tree that Tyruki was hiding in

    and snapped it down with one mighty swing of its arms. Tyruki jumped out the tree

    just in time but the monsters noticed her jump from the tree and began to chase her

    down. Tyruki and Takada grabbed their gear and ran for their hidden village. As the

    monsters pursued them, the ninjas used their smoke bombs to throw them off their

    trail and for the few of them that they couldnt stop with smoke bombs they used

    their shurieken on them.

    When Tyruki and Takada made it through the gates of the hidden village,they signaled the watch towers to raise the alarm and prepare for combat. The

    ninjas of the village scrambled to their battle positions and went out to slay their

    monstrous invaders. The beasts were completely outmatched by the stealth and

    skill of the ninjas hiding in the trees and attacking from all angles. After the beasts

    were slain, Tyruki and Takada were sent by their village leader to Ryvok to ask for

    his counsel on this unprovoked attack. When they arrived at the Metal Temple,

    Ryvok welcomed them with open arms and asked them to stay at the temple and

    learn under him and improve their skills as ninjas. For he had heard great things

    about them and that they had the potential to be the greatest ninja masters of the

    Metal Realm.

    Barren, a bass guitarist whose bass beats bash his enemies to bits. He was

    also a biker who rode with a gang for several years until he decided to settle down

    with a family. When the Legion invaded, he lived on a farm with his wife and two

    children. As the beasts burned a path of destruction through his crops, Barren told

    his family to hide in the barn. He grabbed his bass and his shotgun and ran at the

    Legion to confront them. He put up a great fight until he realized that the beasts

    had got around him and burned his farm to the ground. He fought through them

    until he was able to get to the barn. It was destroyed but there were no bodies in therumble. They had been taken by the Legion. After the battle, Barren became a

    metal hero and asked to live at the temple since his home was destroyed in the

    battle. He swore that he would find his wife and kids no matter the cost.

    The next hero was Brok, a metal biker who uses a ball bat and chain as his

    weapons and an old friend of Barren. Both of them were in the same biker gang

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    until it was disband. When the Legion invaded, all members of the gang were

    drafted into military service to protect the land from darkness. When the invasion

    was halted, Brok was given full honors for his brave service, became metal hero,

    and was offered a home in the Metal Temple.

    Then there was Ozric, a guitar wizard who draws his power from a staff

    guitar, given to him by Ryvok. During the invasion, Ozric used an old guitar that

    held great power. With it, he fended off three battalions of Legion soldiers, until

    the guitar broke under the enormous strain forced on it. After the invasion, Ozric

    was chosen to be one of Ryvoks heroes and was given a staff guitar created by


    Next was Masumoto, a storm samurai and personal bodyguard of the Metal

    Master. Masumoto was a commander of a gunnery squadron that added support to

    any defense that needed it. When the invasion reached its climax, Masumotossquadron forced back the invasion. Because of Masumotos actions, he became a

    loyal samurai to Ryvok and was given a sword that gave him storm powers and

    since he was a defense commander, he became Ryvoks personal bodyguard.

    Shaki, a female samurai and a master of the Ian blade style of fighting, was

    the next heroine chosen by Ryvok. Shaki has always enjoyed fighting ever since

    she was a little girl. It was because her father was a street fighter, and she loved it

    so much that she enlisted in a Light kingdom army and served in the third war.

    When Shaki was older, she studied the ways of a samurai and eventually served in

    the metal army to repel the Legions invasion. For her ferocity in battle, Ryvok

    chose her to become another one of his heroes.

    The last two heroes were special; they were students of the Guitar Lord,

    learning the ancient art of the guitar warriors. The first was Cain, an eighteen-year-

    old boy who lost his village to an early attack by the Legion and taken in by Ryvok

    as a child to care for; he was also a fine swordsman. The second was Eric, a

    prodigy at the art of guitar weapon morphing. The only problem was Cain, he was

    jealous of Erics natural mastery of the guitar, this would lead to dark days ahead,

    but we will get back to that later.

    The heroes alone did not defend the Metal Lands from the Legion. After the

    heroes pushed back the Legions advance, Ryvok created a guardian for the border.

    This guardian was Dramark, the Chromium5

    Dragon; his hide makes him immune

    5In this universe it is a nearly indestructible metal.

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    me that now you will never be rid of that show off, Eric. the Seer said in a

    disappointed tone.

    Did you say I could be rid of Eric?

    Yes. Yes I did.

    Now Im listening. What is your plan?

    In due time my young friend.

    At that moment when Cain began to listen to Nighroth it spelled doom for

    the Metal Lands. The more Nighroth spoke, the more convinced Cain was of the

    idea that he should be the Guitar Lord, instead of Ryvok. When Nighroth finished,

    he concluded with these words, Cain, I bestow unto you two gifts. The first is thisone guitar, the neck conceals a sword and a pistol is stowed in the body. The

    second is a plan where you should take control of Dramark by incapacitating

    Ryvok and using the controlling solo. With these gifts, I leave you to your task.

    Farewell my young friend. When Nighroth finished talking to Cain, he turned

    back into an old man and vanished behind one of the trees.

    Later, back at the temple, Cain begins his plan to take over the Metal Lands.

    What Cain needed was backup there was no way he could pull this off by himself

    and Nighroth could not assist him either. He decided to bring some of the other

    heroes on to his side to aid him in this dire plot to seize control of the throne from

    Ryvok. Cain was able to gain Takada, Brok, and Shaki on his side.

    The plan had two parts. The first part was to incapacitate Ryvok. The second

    bring Cain to Dramarks Cave, and then use the controlling solo on the Dragon to

    bring him unto Cains control. You see only two people have the power to use the

    controlling solo on Dramark, and they are Ryvok and Cain, per the fact that he had

    great mastery over guitar magic. The first part of the plan was the only thing

    Nighroth could aid Cain in and that was pulling off a distraction for Ryvok, so

    Cain could easily put him out of commission. On the day that Nighroth sent hisdistraction, Cain and Ryvok were in the middle of an intense training session. As

    the melodies and chords cried out, Ryvok yelled. Well Cain youre really focused

    today. Why dont we take a break, you seem a little winded to me.

    Okay master. Cain replied in equal volume to Ryvok.

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    While they rested, Nighroths distraction arrived. A massive battalion of dark

    infantry along with a group of shadow-blessed7

    broke through the roof of the

    training hall and the leader said. Secure the Guitar Lord, Shadow wishes for him

    to be captured alive.

    Ryvok turned to Cain and said. Are you ready for this, Cain?

    Cain replied, Yes master, Im ready to go.

    The two guitarists stood back to back, began to play their attack riffs, and

    blew the monsters away. As the battle drew on both of them were growing tired.

    Finally, one of the shadow-blessed was able to land a serious blow on Cain. Then

    Cain turned to look at Ryvok and said, Master! in a faint tone before going

    unconscious on the floor. Ryvok became furious, in a tone equal to an angry god he

    said, That is it. I am going to make you pay for what you did to Cain. Now die!

    Ryvok flipped his guitar and turned it into a Flame Custom Gibson SG. It

    made the battalion shutter in fear, for they knew this was one of the divine guitars;

    which meant Ryvok was going into divine mode. He began to play the opening

    riffs for My Apocalypse, then his guitar morphed into a gauntlet, the Dragon

    Fist, that spewed out flames. Suffer unto my apocalypse, was all Ryvok could

    say to them.

    From there, Ryvok began to melt the battalion. To avenge the fall of his

    student, he took the shadow-blessed that smacked Cain down and any of the

    remaining soldiers and began to play the solo finisher to kill them by summoning

    Dramark to disintegrate them into nothingness by the dragons flame.

    When all the soldiers were dead Ryvok rushed to Cains side and said, Are

    you alright? Please Cain answer me.

    All Cain did was look toward his master and said, Yes but I have failed you

    as an apprentice.

    No, you have not. You are my finest student and show great promise as a

    master guitarist, Ryvok replied.

    7Legion heavy infantry, Shadow-Blessed stand at seven feet and come in several different

    forms. Each of these is deadly against a specific type of enemy.

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    I am not worthy of your praise, I have been corrupted, master.

    What are you talking about Cain? What do you mean you have been


    As the Ryvok stared at his student, he came to see the truth; the power of the

    Abyss was in his eyes. You have been corrupted by my brother, Nighroth.

    Thats right, Ryvok, this foolish apprentice of yours now belongs to me,

    Nighroth said using Cain as a puppet. As he spoke, Cain whipped out his pistol and

    shot Ryvok in the side. As Ryvok fell to the ground, Cain stood up and looked at

    his master, he said two words to Ryvok before he fled the temple with his

    accomplices, Forgive me.

    Ryvoks guards were alerted to what had happened and were able to get him

    to the medical ward to help with his wound. Eric and the remaining heroes loyal to

    Ryvok, rushed to the ward as soon as they could to see how their master was doing.

    All of them worried about his health encircled Ryvok; Eric stood next to his master

    and asked what happened to him.

    Eric, my student, something awful has happened Cain has been possessed

    by Nighroth. I bet he plans to use Cain as a way to gain control over Dramark. You

    and your fellow comrades must stop Cain and his renegades, but please do not

    punish him for what has happened to me. Nighroth was manipulating Cain to pull

    the trigger.

    Then Ryvok lost conscious as he finish talking to Eric. Eric turned to the

    other heroes and said, Okay, my fellow heroes, you heard Ryvok we must stop

    Cain from taking control of Dramark and save him from the Abyss.

    With that, the heroes set out to find and stop the possessed Cain from taking

    control of Dramark.

    Chapter 5:

    Light vs. Darkness

    After Cain left the temple, the Legion was preparing for the next wave of

    their invasion of the White Kingdom. Thaneus was standing on a hill reviewing his

    hordes of dark soldiers and running combat drills for the coming invasion. That is

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    when a lieutenant runs up behind him and says, My Lord, in exhaustion.

    What is it lieutenant? Cant you see Im busy? Thaneus asked.

    I know your lordship, but Maelfist wishes to have an audience with you. He

    says it is important, the lieutenant explained.

    It probably is, Maelfist is the commander of the Citadels guards, it must be

    a message from the scion, Thaneus answered.

    You are correct, Thaneus. I have a message from Lord Shadow. He wishes

    for your tactical input, so he can better determine our next plan of attack. He also

    wants me to inform you that he has found a way to stop the dragon, Maelfist

    declared standing behind the lieutenant.

    What does Lord Shadow wish of me? Thaneus asked.

    Shadow wishes to know how you would divide up the champions for three

    battlefronts which are the Metal Lands, the Light and Dark border, and the Grand

    Castle, Maelfist answered.

    Let me think upon this for a while, Thaneus said.

    Ten minutes later, Thaneus said. Ive got it, in the frontal assault at the

    border send Chaos, Necrin, and myself. Then you, Balnia, Nightshade, and Azerius

    will attack the Grand Castle. Finally, Narsoga and Darjai will then head over to the

    Metal Lands and assist our forces once the dragon is subdued. That is my answer to

    Lord Shadow.

    I will deliver your answer to Lord Shadow immediately, Maelfist replied.

    With that, Maelfist left to deliver the message to the Citadel of Shadows, so that

    Shadow could mobilize the champions for the next wave of their invasion.

    Meanwhile in the White Kingdom, Gabriel sat on his throne trying to discernwhat to do about the lands lost to the Legion and how they can continue to defend

    their remaining lands from the monstrous hordes of the Legion. Then Legori burst

    through the door, ran up to the foot of the throne, and knelt to Gabriel.

    What is it, Legori? Gabriel asked.

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    It is grim news, my liege. Our scouts have returned from their

    reconnaissance mission, they report that the Legion is preparing to mobilize a

    massive attack force on the border, Legori answered.

    This is grim, the king said.

    What are your orders, my king?

    Mobilize all available troops to the border and prepare to intercept the

    Legions advance.

    Right away, Sire.

    Legori left the throne room to inform the troop commanders to mobilize

    their forces and head for the border. As all the troops headed for the border, theShadow Seer could only grin and laugh at how easily the pieces of his plan were

    falling into place. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the White

    Kingdom would be engulfed in darkness.

    Shadow, my son, our plan to cover the world in darkness is starting to

    become a reality. The humans are so predictable, they see our troops mounting up

    for an assault, and they flock toward them like a moth to a flame leaving their

    castle virtually defenseless. Now is the time that our dream comes full circle.

    Nighroth declared lying on his bed resting from his last venture to the outside


    You are right as always father, the humans are all too predictable, it almost

    seems unfair for them to match wits with us; however, it is too much fun to see

    them squirm at our armys presence. Shadow replied standing on the balcony of

    his chambers, overlooking the land his father created a millennia ago.

    On the border, Thaneus gathered his troops and assembled them into

    formation. Chaos and Necrin arrived moments later to attend to their designated

    flanks and prepare them for battle, when Thaneus interrupted. My fellow warriorsof the Abyss, it is time to begin our assault on the White Kingdom. As we speak,

    their armies amass at the border waiting to push back our advance. I say they are

    no match for us. We are the greater beings on Evon Prime, thanks to our god and

    his scion for making us stronger. For them we will put our lives on the line to make

    the dream of Nighroth as the supreme ruler over all life, a reality. We march for the

    glory of our Dark Lord. Thaneus preached.

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    At the end of his sermon, the millions of soldiers sounded out as an overture

    of roars and screams of renewed faith, to go forth and destroy the armies of the

    Light. As the troops fell into formation, the three champions stood in their flanks

    ready to crush their enemy. Then they began their march to the border.

    While they advanced, Maelfist and his company proceeded to sneak around

    the army and cross the border undetected. Azerius then asked, Maelfist, what

    exactly are we doing here? Shouldnt we use this as a way to out flank the enemy

    and crush them in a pincer maneuver?

    No Azerius, the invasion is only a distraction for the real plan. Maelfist


    What do you mean the real plan?

    The invasion isnt real; it is only to weaken the defenses surrounding the

    Grand Castle, so that we can kill the Grand King.

    Okay, now I get it, while the armys away the champions will play.

    Yes Azerius that is a nice why to put it, even though it makes you seem like

    a child.

    With that, the champions made their way to the Grand Castle, to kill Gabriel.

    After traveling for two hours, they reached the castle. Maelfist halted them, as they

    got close. Why are we stopping? The castle is right there. Lets just attack, it will

    be easy. Azerius demanded.

    We cant just assault a castle without determining its strength; only a fool

    would do that. I have to determine the strength and number of the guards watching

    the castle, so I can plan accordingly. Maelfist retorted.

    Okay, do whatever you want as long as I get to have my fun. Azerius said.

    Maelfist then focused his shadow control and used it to see through the dark

    corners of the castle to determine their numbers. The castle has fifty guards; the

    weird part is that their formation is oddly similar to one of my defensive plans.

    Whoever came up with this formation must be a master tactician; this is going to

    be very interesting.

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    Stop admiring the enemy, we have a mission to complete. Is there anything

    else we should be aware of?

    Wait, who is this? Is this one of Gabriels champions? It couldnt be unless.

    Thaneus! Come in, Thaneus. Maelfist added.8

    Yes Maelfist, what is it? This is kind of a bad time for a chat. Thaneus


    How many champions are there on the battlefield?

    Why do you ask?

    Because it seems that there is a champion in the castle and I need toconfirm it to better prepare for our assault.

    Very well, let me see if I can spot them, three are fighting Chaos, one is

    battling Necrin, I am fighting one at this moment, and I see three more battling our


    Thats only eight champions, then one of the champions did stay back to

    protect their king. Thanks, Thaneus.

    Now that you have the necessary Intel to form a plan, Can we kill all of

    them now? Azerius asked.

    Yes, Azerius, youre as impatient as a ten year old. I have a plan and here it

    is. Azerius, you take my right flank. Nightshade, you will take my left flank. Balni,

    you stay hidden and sneak into the throne room when I bust down the door. When

    youre given the signal, use the special black dart that Shadow gave you on the

    Grand King. Now lets go. Maelfist answered.

    Finally we can have some fun.

    The dark champions then set their plan into motion. They ran up to the castle

    gate and stopped. Maelfist asked, Azerius would you kindly open the gate.

    8Maelfist is using his control over Darkness to communicate with Thaneus telepathically.

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    With pleasure, Azerius answered. He busted the main gate into pieces with

    a single stroke of his sword. The champions then began to kill every guard in the

    castle without a second thought. Until Maelfist was in the main corridor, of the

    castle and the door to the throne room was in sight and so was the champion he

    saw earlier.

    Halt, demon! None shall pass, especially your kind. Only those of the Light

    may enter the hallowed grounds of the throne room, the championed bellowed in

    a mighty tone.

    Who are you human? Your defensive stratagems intrigue me. Maelfist


    I am Ganthor, head captain of the Grand Kings royal guard and one of thenine champions of the Light, the champion answered.

    It is a pleasure to meet you, Ganthor. I am Maelfist, general of defense for

    the Citadel of Shadows and one of the nine champions of darkness.

    Well then this should be an interesting battle. Two of the Evon Primes

    greatest tacticians in a one on one battle of body and mind.

    From there the two champions charged at each other repeatedly. They kept it

    up for a long time, each predicting and countering the others moves. That is when

    Maelfist made a mistake, he left himself open during a powerful strike and Ganthor

    used the opening to stab him with his sword. Maelfist fell to the ground, one

    thought ran through Maelfist mind, I must use the shadow orb attack. Ganthor

    was just about to stab Maelfist in the head with his lance when he noticed the

    champions hand was glowing a shade of dark purple. Maelfist then put his hand

    on Ganthors chest and a black orb blasted him into a wall across the corridor.

    Maelfist then stood up and said, Ganthor, my worthy adversary, you made

    one critical mistake. You hesitated when victory was yours, causing your downfall.Plus, a great warrior always has an ace up his sleeve.

    I know what you mean, Ganthor replied weakly as his chest plate began to

    open and the sound of revolving gears began to fill the room. Now die, demon.

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    Ganthor shouted. He revealed the hidden bolter9

    in his armor.

    Maelfist then raised his hands as a volley of shrapnel flew toward him. The

    shadows of the corridor created a shield that stopped the volley in its tracks. As

    Maelfist lowered his hands, so too did the shrapnel. Maelfist proceeded to walk

    over to Ganthor.

    Nice try. You thought you could best me. Ha, weak human, none can best

    the darkness but if only those of the Light can open the door then you are my key

    into the throne room. So I can kill the Grand King in the name of the Dark Lord,

    Nighroth. Maelfist said relishing his moment of triumph. Maelfist then turned and

    said, Azerius, Nightshade, status report.

    This is Azerius. I took out all the guards on my side.

    This is Nightshade. I am done here as well.

    Okay, since you are both done make your way to the throne room. I have a

    key and I may need your assistance fighting the king. We do not know how strong

    he is. Plus he is said to have a sword of the Blade King. Maelfist ordered.

    Yes, Sir. the other replied.

    Maelfist grabbed Ganthor, dragged him to the door of the throne room, and

    said, Okay, human. Open the door.

    Never, as a champion of the Light, would I ever even consider helping the

    forces of darkness to carry out their vile plans. Ganthor said with what little

    strength he had left.

    It doesnt matter if you want to or not, either way you are opening that

    door. Maelfist then took Ganthors head, shoved into the door and said, Knock

    knock, Gabriel, as door fell to the ground with Ganthor on top of it.

    There on his throne, at the top a small set of stairs, sat the Grand King,

    Gabriel. He stood up and gazed at the demon who threw Ganthor on top of the

    9A bolter is a medieval chain gun that fires shrapnel at velocities that can pierce most armor, which was

    developed by the Metal Lands.

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    broken door. Who are you? What have you done to Ganthor? Gabriel demanded.

    I am Maelfist, one of the nine champions of Darkness and your subordinate

    is fine. You, on the other hand, are going to die. For when you are dead, your

    kingdom will die with you. Maelfist answered.

    So demon, you wish to kill me in the name of your dark master. Then you

    shall never succeed, the Light will always prevail over the Darkne