daniel harrington chris fleenor brian bogovich andrew miles

Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

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Page 1: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Daniel Harrington

Chris Fleenor

Brian Bogovich

Andrew Miles

Page 2: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

The System

• Client: Susan Wiediger, SIUE Chemistry Department

• Goal: Create a system to facilitate the creation and use of a pattern language.

Page 3: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

What is a Pattern Language?

• Pattern – A pattern is an empirically tested solution to a recurring problem.

Page 4: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern

Name: Translating Multiple RepresentationsAuthor: SDWDates: Written December 2003; Last revised 1 December

2003Context: Contributes to larger scale patterns “Introducing

New Topic,” “Lecture Design,” “Lab/Lecture Coordination,” and “Language Acquisition”

Headline: Chemists use multiple descriptions of the same process to emphasize particular aspects of the process, to make certain manipulations clearer and easier, and for typographical convenience. Learning to understand all these representations and translate between them is a crucial skill on the road to expertise that is difficult to acquire.

Page 5: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern

Abstract: Chemists use many levels of descriptions, from macroscopic observations to microscopic interpretations and representations of both levels in symbols and words. Different representations reveal different aspects of the process, and so learning to understand all the different representations is critical to the novice’s development in chemistry. To aid in this process, it is important to not only show the connections between the different representations, but to do so explicitly and repeatedly, and then require the student to practice with the representations. This is analogous to other types of language acquisition, with the added level of pictorial representations.

Page 6: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern

Body:This pattern manifests over and over at all levels of chemistry, as in many subjects. Similar to learning the “jargon” or “terms of art” in a particular field, the novice has languages as well as content to learn in any new area. The particular area of language acquisition dealt with in this pattern is more than learning new words in a familiar language, such as what concrete objects are referred to by terms like chlorine, sodium, buret, or even to learning a new meaning for a familiar word, such as balance or reduce. Instead this pattern focuses on the layers of different representations used for the same substance. Often these layers are described by the terms macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic, but even within a particular category (especially symbolic) a given substance or process may have multiple representations…..

Page 7: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern

Solution: Show multiple representations in parallel, explaining why there are different representations and how they are similar and/or different. Use all types of representations to provide cross-references. In a classroom setting, give homework and lab assignments that require students to create, interpret, and translate the different views.

Page 8: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern

• Examples:Currently, this section shows examples of the multiple representations that are appropriate for some different subjects, rather than explicit scripts for how one might use the different views in the course of a lecture or discussion. Pictures are from McMurry and Fay “Chemistry” 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, and are for illustration purposes only

Common name:table salt

Technical name:sodium chloride

Symbolic formula:NaCl

Macroscopic View

Microscopic View

Page 9: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern


Implementation may require “Effective Multimedia,” “Structure, Guide, Fade,” “Homework Sets,” “Effective Demonstrations”

Page 10: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Pattern Language

• Pattern Language - A pattern language is a hierarchical structure of linked patterns that can be navigated to select the subset of patterns appropriate to a particular situation.

Page 11: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Example Pattern Graph

Introducing new topic

Lecture Design





Structure, Guide, Fade

Homework Sets




Page 12: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Functional Requirements


• Create, edit, and remove patterns.

Other Users

• Browse patterns by list, searching, and hierarchy

• Save a subset of the pattern language

• Post feedback about patterns

Page 13: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Other Requirements

• Nonfunctional

Web based interface

User accounts


• Pseudo

Microsoft Access Database

Page 14: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Design Goals

• Security: The administrator’s privileges must not be accessible to other users. Administrators have potentially damaging privileges.

• Availability: The system will be available to anyone with access to the internet.

• Development Cost – The client does not expect to pay any money for the delivery of the system.

• Readability – The code of the system will be a deliverable, and the client to have other people maintain the project. The readability of the code is important.

Page 15: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Organization Plan

Page 16: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Training Plan

• Internal Training– Team members train themselves as necessary

• Languages– ASP .NET– C#

• Operating Systems– IIS component of Windows 2000/XP

• Interfacing with Other Subsystems– Interface between ASP and MS Access

Page 17: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Training Plan

• External Training– Installation

• Initial installation done by team• Instructions for configuring IIS, backups of all web pages,

and instructions for setting up database included in case re-install is needed

– Using the System• User’s Manual provided

– Maintenance• Client intends for Prof. Kalinowski to handle system

maintenance and modification; no training needed

Page 18: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Process Plan

• Lifecycle model– Waterfall with SubProjects

• Why?– Risks and requirements are well defined from

the beginning– Project can easily be broken into subprojects

Page 19: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Process Plan Lifecycle Model

Page 20: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Process Plan

• Development Tools– Microsoft C# (C sharp)– Microsoft Access– ASP.NET

• Divide project into subprojects– Database– User interface– Communication

Page 21: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Data Relationship Diagram

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Page 23: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Testing Plan

• Module Testing

Access Database

Microsoft Access

User Interface



Data Communication

Preliminary Database

Simple UI

Page 24: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Testing Plan

• Integration Testing

Access Database

No stub or driver

User Interface

No stub or driver

Data Communication

User Interface Driver

Page 25: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Testing Plan

• System Testing– Set up servers with our system– Add many patterns to the database

• Acceptance Testing

Page 26: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Installation and Operation

• System Requirements– Server

• Web-accessible server capable of running MS Access Database

– Client• Up-to-date web browser

• Migration– No current system from which to migrate

• Introduction of Data– Initial data will be provided by client– Client and administrators responsible for validation of data

Page 27: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Risk ManagementRisk Description Probability Delay Caused Risk Exposure Probable Solution

Loss of team member 10% 4 weeks 0.4 week Work divided among remaining members

Personnel problems 10% 1 week 0.1 week Conflict resolution within group or with upper management

Training in ASP.net and C# takes too long

10% 1 week 0.5 week Alternate implementation

User formatted input does not work as expected

30% 1 week 0.3 week Team will have to find a new way to do formatted text input

estimated overrun: 1.3 weeks

Page 28: Daniel Harrington Chris Fleenor Brian Bogovich Andrew Miles

Manpower Requirements

• Schedule for Fall 2003

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Manpower Requirements

• Schedule for Spring 2004