dan barbercheck - january 2012

Marketing Martial Art. Communications is a Dan Barbercheck, President / Executive Creative Director, Red7e IABC | International Association of Business Communicators ursday January 12, 2012 –11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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Page 1: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Mar ketingMartial A rt.C o m m u n i c a t i o n s i s a

Dan Barbercheck, President / Executive Creative Director, Red7e

IABC | International Association of Business Communicators Thursday January 12, 2012 –11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Page 2: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

I don’t know

martial arts. J a c k a b o ut

Page 3: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

You areUnte a chab le .

Page 4: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

If you need a “ How to,”

You Can’t.

Page 5: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

If it ’s e a sy, you are doing it w r o n g .

Page 6: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

If you are co m f o r t a b l e , you are doing it wrong.

Page 7: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Go where you’re n ot supposed to go.

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AvoidFormula Fail .

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P e r f e c t i o n is the enemy of the good.

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It is a pro fessi o n a l respo nsi bi lity t o create messages tha t S t and ou t.

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yo u r c o m p e t i t i o n s ’s c o pyw r i t e r s .Ter r or i z e“

Page 12: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

You must have a bigger v o i c e because they

have a bigger b u d g e t.

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90% L ik e 10% of Voice

10% DisL ik e 90% of Voice

Managing the Negative

Page 14: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

50% Real ly L ik e 40% of Voice

50% Real ly Ha t e 60% of Voice

Maximiz ing the Buz z

Page 15: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Shock & Awe in

t r a d i t i o n a l m a s s m e d i a

builds a l arger and more

engaged audience in

n e w m e d i a .

Page 16: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

N o b o d y e v e r b o r e d a n y b o dy i n t o

B u y i n g a n yt h i n g .

Page 17: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

“The nail That s t a n d s u p g ets pounded.”

Page 18: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

I f yo u ca n s e e th e b a n dw a g o n ,

Yo u’v e A lr e a dy m i s s e d i t .

Page 19: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

T h e o p p r e s s i o n o f w e .

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a n dPubl ic rel a t ions is adver t ising

adver t ising is publ ic rel a t ions.

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T h e B i g t h i n g s i n y o u r w a y :• Convention

• Fear

• Bureaucracy

• MiddleManagers

• Inexperience

• Money

• Laziness

• OfficePolitics

• Efficiency

• FactoryMentality

• Regulations

Page 22: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Bank ers

Doc t ors



Accoun t an t s

Risk av erse

Da t a Dri v en

H y per Ra t ional

Sys t ema t ic

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B a n n e d W o r d s : Comfor t Z one

Focus Group

De v il’s Advoca t e

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nt D



L i k eli hood of Fail

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F a cts d o n’t m a tt e r .

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G o o d messages cos t the same as b a d ones.

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The Audacit y of Truth.

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Obfuscation ( old model) v e r s u s

Candor ( new model)

Page 29: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

E xper i e n ce imprisons us.E very a ct is v ir g in.

Page 30: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Imitation iscamouflage.

Page 31: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

R e w a r d p eo ple for spending time with you.

Page 32: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Any good message c o m m a n d s a t t e n t i o n ,

but so does a far t in church.

Page 33: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

“Choose a h a r d pleasure.”

Page 34: Dan Barbercheck - January 2012

Courage . Confidence .

Persevera n ce .