damage brochure mahle original turbochargers

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  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    AFTERMARKETTechnical information


  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Table of contents

    1 Preface

    2 Inadequate lubrication

    3 Contaminated oil

    4 Oil leakage at turbocharger

    5 Foreign object damage

    6 Damage due to excessive exhaust temperatures

    7 Overspeeding








  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers






    1 Preface

    MAHLE s one of the most mpor tant development partners and man-

    ufacturers of engne components and systems as well as filter systems

    n the automotve ndustry. The engneers at MAHLE develop products

    of the hghest qualty throughout the world n conjuncton wth engne

    and vehcle manufacturers. The same hgh qualty gudelnes are also

    appled for the spare parts n the aftermarket.

    Numerous checks durng and after producton ensure the hgh qualty

    level of MAHLE products. If falures occur n practcal operaton, the

    causes are mostly found n the engne envronment.


    Turbochargers are used to enhance the performance and optmse the

    combuston. To acheve good and complete combuston n the engne,

    a mxture rato of 1 kg fuel and approxmately 15 kg ar s necessary

    (stochometrc fuel rato). Ths ar volume corresponds to about 11 m.

    Durng turbochargng, the densty of the ntake ar s elevated and the

    ar volume ncreased.

    The volumetrc eicency and thus the eicency of the combuston

    engne are sgnficantly mproved by means of turbochargng. In add-

    ton, the torque can be ncreased consderably, whch n turn serves

    to enhance the performance. The turbocharged engne wth the same

    power output as a naturally asprated engne can therefore be desgned

    wth a smaller dsplacement and hence lower weght (downszng).

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers






    This brochure summarises typical damage scenarios and sheds light

    on their possible causes. The information is supplemented by tips on

    how to avoid such damage in the future.

    In this way, we aim to make it easier for repair shops and engine

    reconditioners to troubleshoot potential damage causes and ensure

    appropriate engine repair, which in turn is necessary for the long and

    reliable functioning of our products and hence the entire engine.

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Impeller after contact with housing





    2 Inadequate lubrication

    Inadequate lubrcaton s one o the most requent causes or turbo-

    chargers to al. I the turbocharger s not suicently suppled wth ol,

    damage wll occur wthn a very short tme. Ths s due to the very hgh

    speeds o the turbocharger.


    The mpeller and turbne wheel can strke the turbocharger housng

    on account o bearng damage (Fig. 1). Ths can be dscerned rom

    wear marks on the housng (Fig. 2).

    I the turbocharger boost pressure s too low, the engne wll not

    perorm properly: the rotatng assembly no longer reaches themaxmum speed and can no longer buld up the ull boost pressure

    as a result. The reason or ths s the mxed rcton caused by the

    nadequate lubrcaton.

    The exhaust system emts black smoke. These are the efects o the

    engne not beng suppled wth enough ar and a correspondngly

    too rch uel-ar mxture.

    The shat shank exhbts clear dscoloraton (Fig. 3), whch arses

    rom rcton and the resultant hgh temperatures between the shat

    and the bearngs. The cause o ths s nadequate lubrcaton. I

    the temperature exceeds a certan level, the bearng materal wll

    become deposted on the shat (Fig. 4) or the bushng mght even

    become completely used to the shat.

    A broken shat shank (Fig. 5) s the result o operatng the turbo-

    charger or a prolonged tme wthout enough ol. The shat materal

    can th s b rn o t and break

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 5

    Broken shaft shank






    The ol level n the engne s generally too low. As a result, not only

    the engne but also the turbocharger receves an nadequate ol

    lubrcaton and ol coolng.

    The ol used s not suicently temperature-resstant, leadng to

    ncreased carbonsaton. Ths mght cause problems: the ol supply

    lne o the turbocharger and the ol bores n the bearng housng o

    the turbocharger can become carbonsed.

    I the engne was turned of whle hot, the ol supply lne can become

    carbonsed, whch means the turbocharger s no longer suppled

    wth enough ol. I the cold engne was brought to hgh speeds mmedately ater the

    start, there s a rsk that the ol supply n the turbocharger s not yet

    suicent and hence the ol film n the turbocharger tears of.

    I oregn substances make t n the ol crcut, such as drt or sealng

    resdues, the ol supply lne o the turbocharger and/or the bearng

    housng o the turbocharger mght be clogged.

    I the vscosty o the ol s too hgh, the ol transport to the bear-

    ng ponts s delayed, whch means that the tmely ol supply o the

    turbocharger s not ensured. At too low a vscosty, the carryng

    capacty o the ol s too low, whch can lead to mxed rcton.

    I the engne s operated wth bodesel or vegetable ol, there s a

    rsk o the engne ol gellng. Ths ncreases the vscosty o the ol

    and t can no longer be transported through the thn ol bores n the


    Th t th b h l b ht b

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Grooves in the radial bearing





    3 Contaminated oil

    Dirt, soot, uel, water, combustion residues, or metal abrasion can

    contaminate the oil. Even the smallest particles in the oil can cause

    serious damage to the turbocharger due to its extremely high speeds.


    The smallest oreign substances in the oil cause grooves in the

    bushings (Fig. 1). The piston rings in the turbocharger can undergo

    serious wear. As worn piston rings can no longer adequately seal

    the turbocharger, the oil enters the turbine side, which can be dis-

    cerned by increased oil consumption.

    The bearing play o the rotating assembly increases due to the wornbushings. This leads to wobbling movements and causes the tur-

    bine wheel or impeller to come into contact with the housing (Fig. 2).

    The shat might subsequently break of.

    The bearing collar, i.e. the thrust washer o the axial bearing, exhibits


    Grooves or retting marks are discernible in the ax ial bearing.

    Due to a blocked oil return line, the oil in the turbocharger can no

    longer flow of and is instead orced out to the compressor and

    turbine side. On the turbine side, the oil might then burn onto the

    shat and coke (Fig. 3). Owing to the oil carbon layer, the bearing

    housing and the piston rings might be significantly worn of as a


    The shat o the turbocharger shows clear signs o wear at the bear-

    ing points (Fig. 4).

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 4

    Clear signs of wear on the shaft at the bearing point






    The maintenance intervals according to the manufacturer's recom-

    mendations should always be complied with.

    Only high-quality oil filters specified for the respective vehicle should

    be installed.

    Only engine oils specified by the vehicle or engine manufacturer may

    be used.

    A new charge air cooler and air filter should always be installed when

    replacing the turbocharger. In addition, an oil change including oil

    filter replacement must be carried out.

    The air filter housing and charge air line should be cleaned bysuction.

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Carbonised oil return line





    4 Oil leakage at turbocharger

    If the engine shows signs of increased oil consumption and emits blue

    smoke, it is imperative that the turbocharger is included in the cause

    analysis. Important: Oil is forced out of the housing from a turbocharger

    only if divergent operating conditions predominate in its environment.


    Oil is forced out of the turbine or compressor side of the turbocharger.

    Blue smoke is emitted from the exhaust system.

    Engine oil has accumulated in the intake section and charge air


    The engine experiences a power loss. Uncontrolled overspeeds resulting in the engine (so-called rising)

    due to the engine oil accumulating in the charge air cooler, which is

    blown into the intake of the engine and combusted.

    The guide vanes might be coked in a VTG turbocharger.


    If the oil return line of the turbocharger is clogged (Fig. 1) or con-

    stricted by a kink, the oil can no longer flow out of the turbocharger

    (Fig. 2, diagram B). A possible cause for clogged oil return lines is

    the coking of the return line, which might be due to missing heat

    shields, a poorly routed return line, heat soak, inadequate oil quality,

    or the use of liquid sealants. As the turbocharger is still supplied

    with oil from the engine circuit, the oil then escapes to the turbine or

    compressor side.

    If th i i li d ith t h il th il l fl

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers







    The engine must only be filled to the specified maximum oil level.

    Only engine oils specified by the vehicle or engine manufacturer may

    be used.

    The oil return line must be routed exactly as in the original state. In

    addition, it must be ensured that all heat shields are attached.

    The oil return line and the connections to the crankcase must be

    checked for continuity. We generally recommend replacing the line

    and the connecting piece.

    The crankcase ventilation must be checked and replaced, if

    necessary. The piston and piston rings must be checked for wear and replaced,

    if necessary.

    A new charge air cooler and air filter should always be installed when

    replacing the turbocharger. In addition, an oil change including oil

    filter replacement must be carried out.

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Damaged air guide plates of the VTG unit

    Fig. 2

    Impeller damaged by foreign substances






    5 Foreign object damage

    I oreign substances, such as dust, sand, screws, parts o piston

    rings or valves, and sediments, enter on the intake or exhaust side,

    this will usually lead to total ailure o the turbocharger due to the

    very high speeds. Damage to the charge air cooler might also be the



    On account o previous damage, oreign substances rom the

    engine or the exhaust maniold can damage the gas entry edges o

    the turbine wheel.

    The air guide plates o the VTG unit are damaged and bent (Fig. 1),leading to a significant power loss.

    Foreign substances in the intake air result in damage to the impeller

    (Fig. 2). The vanes might become completely worn as a result. In

    addition, the intake passage o the compressor housing might be

    damaged (Fig. 3).

    The impeller might be damaged by condensation rozen in the intake

    section. Damage to just one vane is characteristic o this cause:

    owing to the high speeds, the ice particles burst when encountering

    the first vane, with no other vanes being damaged (Fig. 4).


    I a valve is torn of or the piston rings racture, or example, these

    parts come into contact with the guide vanes o the VTG unit and the

    turbine wheel via the exhaust maniold.

    B th l k i th i t k ti d t i t d d ti

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Crack in the turbine housing






    Each turbocharger s desgned or only a defined temperature range.

    I ths range s exceeded, the turbocharger can al ater just a ew



    Cracks n the housng o the turbocharger (Fig. 1).

    Ol lnes can become coked: I the supply lne s carbonsed, the

    turbocharger wll not be suicently suppled wth ol. I the return lne

    becomes coked, the ol can no longer flow of and ol s orced out

    o the turbocharger (see also secton 4 Ol leakage at turbocharger

    on page 10).


    The temperature level has changed due to tunng.

    Combuston aults have occurred n the engne.

    The engne was turned of whle stll hot.


    The turbocharger may only be nstalled n the specfied vehcles.

    The turbocharger may only be nstalled and operated n the orgnal

    state as suppled. Techncal modficatons are not permtted.

    The engne must always be cooled down at moderate speeds ater

    hgh stress, such as drvng at ull load.

    6 Damage due to excessive

    exhaust temperatures

  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


    Fig. 1

    Dents on the rear of the impeller

    7 Overspeeding

    The parts instal led in the turbocharger are designed for a defined

    speed range. If this range is exceeded, major turbocharger damage

    can occur within seconds.


    Small dents can be seen on the rear of the impeller (Fig. 1). The

    material (mostly aluminium) has deformed plastically due to high

    centrifugal forces at overspeeds. It begins to flow and the outer

    diameter increases.

    If the speeds increase further, the impeller can come into contact

    with the housing and/or break apart (Fig. 2).


    The maximum permissible speed of the turbocharger was exceeded

    due to tuning.

    The VTG air guide plates become blocked in the position for

    low speeds due to carbonisation. If the engine speeds are then

    increased, the turbocharger enters the overspeed range.

    The pneumatic or electric control is defective or leaking.


    The turbocharger must always be left in the original state as supplied.

    The turbocharger may only be installed in the specified vehicles.

    The engine must always be cooled down at moderate speeds after

    high stress, such as driving at full load.

    O l i il ifi d b th hi l i f t






  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers


  • 7/30/2019 Damage Brochure MAHLE Original Turbochargers

