daily los angeles herald (los angeles [calif.]) 1881-03-23 [p ] · los angeles. flstsfr1*!iks...

LOS ANGELES. flstSfr1 *! Iks Golden, Drsgoa-Qatrded Appln i ?Betes sa ths Oltru Fair and its Bright 1 Basalts Tk» Dlspliy of Faud.at, Baa 1 Qtkrt.l, Feaoas, Dilute, Baa Diego, and ' Bute Barbara. fajmlsl r r~~~ otß - *. Bulletin? i concluded from yesterday.] OTHKB DISTRICTS OF LOS ANGELES ' COUNTY. j Tbers Is a pretty section of Los Aagelts county known as Orauge, and the Yale orangery of Albert Clark makes an exhibit whioh { \u25a0Mat rank among the best in point ot neatness and quality. This gen- , Usman prefers tbe Washington Naval and tbe Wilson's Best, with ! which to enlarge his orchard. J. S. Baldwin shows live of tbe largest Navel oranges In the ball. P. Ainsworth has Zaute currants ?f light color, good flavor and pro- per consistency. The Muscatel raisins made here are firm, clear and sweet. F. Stephens exhibits a section of a four-year-old lemon tree (sweet rind variety) which has had no irrigation and yet is four Inches in diameter. W. F. Winu- belm has some eighteen varieties ofroses, and a cluster of Pee u-to or saucer peaches, which are> already aa large aa marbles. In the same vlelnlty are Bouvardias and many other greenhouse plants, which bloom bar* in tbe open air. Tnstln, a pretty town east of Santa Ana, makes a small but in- teresting exhibit, and the Mediter- ranean Sweet oranges are tbe larg- est and finest shown at tbe Fair. Pomona, a settlement east of Bpadra, has a very handsome but ?mall exhibit of citrus fruits. Tbis Is a young town, and will do much - better In the future. Riverside, Ban Bernardino coun- ty, shews a lot of raisins and some selected oranges, but makes no general display. It is a pity tbat the fine exhibit at tbe Riverside lair of last week could not have been moved bodily to tbis Los An- geles pavilion, to vie with those Of Pasadena and San Gabriel, tbe three forming a grand triune of eitriaj} loveliness. Dilute is a pretty and hopeful settlement at the base of the Cuca- monga range, and must bave a fine early climate and rich soil, for Its display attracts muoh attention. Here are large tomatoes, red ami rich, and new potatoes half-grown. L. Barnes exhibits the best and flaest Eureka lemons, on eighteen- aaonths oldtrees, tbat are to be seen In this part of the ball. Some cur- iously ridged oranges, a sport from the true Navel, are shown; also the beautiful and rare San Marino Bleed, an orange from Florida, and very ebolce. LOB ANGELES AND VICINITY. The largest and best exhibit of citrus fruits made by any one near Los Angeles Is tbat of Woodheod A Gay, not, however, all grown by themselves, but collected with patience from all directions. The walla near tbe tables are hung with boughs aud clusters of orauges of enormous size, as If whole orchards bad been ravaged tosupply the ma- terials for the display. A choice and useful exhibit of California- made citron,lemon peel and orange peel, attracts notice, as Messrs. James and Parisher, Ihe makers, wish to contract with tiie farmers for all they oan furnish. Among tbe oranges here are tbe Tulare ( county seedling and Malta Blood, tbe Sweet-rind lemon, on China lemon root, and a huge cluster ol seven shaddock,and several curious sports in tbe citrus line, of odd shape and color, are worth a note. Few of these sports prove perma- nent, yet their peculiar shapes make them objects of curiosity. Tbe largest Pumalo here is niut- teen inches in circumference aud eleven Inohes long. Several red Sonera oranges are conspicuous. J W. Wolfskill, of Los Angeles, has one of tbe largest exhibition of frails grown on bis own farm. The Imported Italian variety of oranges has a charm of its own, and there are-few In the State. Wolfskill's , Best is a notable variety. Wm. Nils* exhibits seedling oranges and walnuts, SANTA BARBARA AND SAN DIEOO. Conspicuous in tbe centre of the hall are two tables, which are kept In charge by two enthusiastic aud j notable horticulturists. Home- \u25a0 thing about both of these ta- | bias renders them so attractive tbat ' a crowd Is always on hand to ob. : serve and make comments. Ou E the right is Santa Barbara's ex- hibitor fruits, preserves and flow I era, presided over by Mrs. N. W. Wlntoo, wbo writes the horticul- tural articles of the-Santa Barbara Prtut. The roses of Santa Barbara seem the dantiest of Southern Cal- ifornia, and tbe ferns are not far behind. Both lemons and oranges appear as healthy as the best of other sections, and the apricots eaonot be too highly praised. This | table is beautifully decorated. -' San Diego is fitly crowned with \u25a0 ?live boughs, and here also the 1 . skill of neat arrangement is mani- j | feet. Wsrren Kimball, the tlrelesH I- toiler for the interests of tho plucky I Otty by the southland borders, is i I here with J. M. Ashcr, a well- -known citrus culturlst, and ttiey p-hava tbe second best exhibit in the i \u25a0Bail, Pasadena ranking lirot. R, mw. Clark abows rich aud sweet rais- \ E, Ins grown without irrigation. 1 I tfosne strswberry guavai, preserved > mlm obarooal, deserve notioe. The \u25a0ftwJt Is small, oval, handsome, sub- i sTjkpM This Is the finest kind for 1 Blabls use and for preserves, though Kjnja* as sbowy as the yellow klud. ? kWhere it succeeds it will prove \u25a0awry profitable. Guava culture Is mestlaed to be a distinctive indua- Ejjr of Southern California. Tbe 3Bavel orange, as grown hy Warren EKimball, Is seedless in many speci- , \u25a0Sea*. J. M. Asber exhibits tbir- \ Keen kinds of oranges, High Broth- I \u25a0kMsight, M. Chase live and E. 11 ? \u25a0Ulleigbt. Frank Kimball shows ' Efts dives and D. M. Higgins his , \u25a0no Bonnie Brae lemon. On tbe : \u25a0ante Barbara table ths Rob Roy Hpten, a new kind, is a uotable i Both San Diego and Santa Bar- t HsMSame here to show their good 1 Ml sad 'desire to help In tbe sue- Kjpet*tbe Citrus Fair. They are fijgresslve communities and de- * E| word of commendation and 1 \u25a0tlftngbadd whenever it is pos- ' ppßtßg- MOTES ABOUT THE FAIR. ° \u25a0jHpate oranges' and ?"jas, be- Kb and"seedling' almeods and grown by A Packard, and in the open air; this Is indeed an aohlve- ment. Data palm flowers decorate tbe ball In places. D. D. Brunk shows rustic baskets and chairs whioh are marvels In their way and made of California growths, snob aa madrona, manzanlta, oak and laurel. R. Rogers ofLos An- geles exhibits brea or asphaltum, in clear and pure masses. Orange- wood canes abound;also collections of grasses. 8. Riobardson of San Gabriel makes a creditable display, marked for its preserved citrous and orauge marmalades, home- made, and for some seedling citrus fruits. A Konah orange on tbe Pasadena table, grown on Chinese lemon stock, without irrigation and on strong argillaceous soil, has a circumference of 16x16 inches and weighs "6 ounces. Santa Clara county exhibits a ehi-ter of good, medium-sized,* hut uot yet ripe oranges. In conclusion, it may be esti- mated that not less than 150,000 oranges, besides hosts of lemons, limes and deciduous fruits, were displayed on this festive ocinsiou. A gentleman from the Verdu- go orcbard [Mr. Crow] showed apples of many kinds in juxta- position to citrus fruiis, and contrasts of this soil were frequent. Orange and lemon flowers lay In ridges, were piled in pyramids, bung in festoons, and tilled up every gnu aud corner,uutil the very air was fragrant us the Spring-time heart of some Sevil- lian grove. §0$ &nptts §mM. LAWYERS. HENRY M. BMITII. T. B. BROWN. A. W. HUXrON. Dlst. Atty. SMITH, BROWN & BUTTON AttorncyM at Law. Office ?ROOMS Not, 91 and X, TEM- PLE BLOCK.' niar U-u J. Brousseau, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOS. K6 AND Br. BAKER BLOCK mhStf H. M. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlne?ROOMS AND 77, TEMPLE BLOCK. "tflf JNO. 8. CHAPMAN. J. A. GRAVES. Graves & Chapman, Attorneys Jfc Oouusel- lors at JL.n>v, Room No. G, Baker Block. felllf ~J. G. EASTMAN, A. J. KINH. S, HALEY, JOHN KOBARTS. Eastman, Haley, King- & ltobarts. Attorneys at LiaVW. OFFICE \u25a0 "Tos..!, 1,8 and a. STRELITJS 81<OCK. Sprint street, Lob Angeles. Will prae'lce iv .the Supreme and all Stato Couru. particular attention paid to land and nilnlugcases. 01-lm %] C. HUBBELL. ATTOIiNEY AT LAW, Rooms aud i Dacommun a Block, corner Ma.v it Commercial atreeta, Los »« otes. may7-tl HOTELB. Tffpico Houfin Tm Now Open Por the reception of guesta. All aro liiviled. PREB CARRIAGES tothe house. N. It. ORIS WOLD, nl-lm Proprietor. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS. THE FINEST HOTEL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. HAMMEL & DEfJKER Prop's. This la the only reliably first class hotel. Is situated in the center of the city of Los Angeles, contains nearly a hundred apaclous and airy rooms, newly furulshed In the most comfortable style, Rooms In suites for families and parties ou every floor, with hot and cold baths, THETABLE will always be famished with the best supplies that can be pro- cured lv the market. A FREE COACH is always on hand to carry guests to tbo houso. No pains spared to make guests com* fortable in every way. A LARGE READING BCOM open night aud day. HENRY HAMMEL, myl7lf A. H. DENKER. MOJAVE HOTEL, Mojare Junction, Col. THIS HOUSE IS NOW PEPARED M to receive ita numerous patrons and the travelfng public In general. Be- ing entirely new and splendldl" fur- nished, It affords superior accommoda- tions. ITB TABLE D' HOTE Is second to none tn Southern California. THE BAR la supplied with the choicest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. An elegant BILLIARD ROOM la aiso attached to the house. All trains stop here for breakfast and supper, it is tne point of departure for thecelebrated*Xnyo county mines, vis.? Darwin, Lone Pine, Cerro Gordo and Pan- axnlnt. The otneeof .the LONE PINE STAGE CO. Is at this hotel. The patronage of the traveling public la respocttully solicited E.H.BOYD. feM-tf Proprietor. A BONANZA. House of seven rooms, closet in every room, woodhcmee and servants' romm, "bath, hot and cold water; 60 bear- ing orange and lemon trees; 2 acres of land, fronting 330 feet on Downey avenne, street alt graded and aidewalked; on line of street cara. Price, $3,5C0. i 15 Acres opposite above lot; i 200 bearing orange, lemon, lime and other tress; large barn, room for ten horses; loft room for 30 tons of hsy, carriage bouse and harnais room; street all graded and curbed; on Downey avenue, East Loa An- gelea. on line ot street cara. Price, all . cash, $4,500. 1.000 Acres of land, all fenced, honses, birnt, orange orchards, etc st end of East Los Angeles street car track: SO tores of it irrigable. Price, $28,000, one-half etab, balance on time. Apply to H. M. JOHNSTON, on the I premises, or to PHILIP <fc BALDWIN, No. 57. Main street. Ja2S lm. #350 CASH ?WILL BOY sV, i n NICK LITTLE (TORE AND STXItmBS. awl, at the mmtM Mt+lm BUSINESS CARDS. JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, Rooms II 411,1 v McDonald Clock, Main 81.. I.OM ANGELES, Cal. eepuitf PHINCAS BANNING, hORWARDING AND COMMISSIO AO-EUT, W'.LMINGTON, Los Angeles county, Cal. Vessels lowed, goods lightered, lumber sold and grain stored, with promptness oc7t( "I*7.'N E WWI ARK~&CO . ,? Wholesale Grocers. Dealer In Wool, Gmtn, Bid**. 11, 13 &IS LOS ANUELBB T. 3**tf C. 15. IJKOVVN. \V. B. MORFORD. MOHFORO & BROWN, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES, OUANiiH QBOVES, VINE- YARDS, FARMS AND RANCHES FOU SALE. ( ALSO, Commissi op Merchants. Dealers In Wool, Grain' and Llvo Stock. Corner Spring aud Temple Streets, au3-3m Los Angeles, Cal. sßs»B»aaaassssssaa>aa^ Evergreen Laundry, WASHING Called for and delivered to an.y part ol tbe city, by J J. Phillips, Adams S . Orders can be left at the book store ol Mr. Sam Hellman. Spring St. olSt MONTANA MEAT MARKET. THE PIONEER MARKET of tblsclly. 114 MAIN ST., NEAR FIRST. Keeps on hand the best Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, salt Meat, and ull kinds of Hnusages. Meats delivered to all parts oftbeclty. A. FRANCK, mrl-sm Proprietor. Farm for Sale. 53 ACBES OiT LAND. Three aud one-half miles above Sepnl- veda Station, ou old San Fernando road. A CiOOD HOUSE, Weil of excellent water, barn and wagon sheds; I' 4 acres fenoed for garden, with 200 apple anu peaoh trees, nearly all bearing, and 110 beariug grape vines; a horse, harness and new spring wagon, plow, harrow and 100 chickens will also be sold; 30 stand bees, honey extractor aud tank complete. Enquire at No. 103 Main street. folalm BEE RANCH FOR SALE, . r-ITUATED EIGHT MILES FROM I.OS ANGELES, With two dwelling houses, barn, chick, en-houses and honey house; plenty ol good mountain water brought to the ouses iv pipes; a large stock of Italian bees, in ihe most improved style ol hive., together with all tho appurte- nances necessary for the use and opera- tion or the bee business. l*or further particulars Inquiie at 28 Main street, or address P.O. box 066. Los Angeles, Cal Jal2tf Kegle House, SECOND KTREET, cor. Orcjjou Avenue, SANTA MONICA, CAL. ?wrOPH.N DAY AND NIUHT.-So. Hall Boom, Bar and Restaurant. fe2stf THE BEBT SUITS MADE TO ORDER IN THE CITY A 1 L.PFEIFFENBERGER'S, Downey'*} Marble Front, opposite Cosmo- politan Hotel, Msim street SUITW ot Kvery l.>e*»criv>tio» from 033 to ifiteS. I have constantly on hand a largo and selected stock of the most elegant cloths, 3f the latest fashions, and am enabled to furnish tho most slyllsh suits at the low- est nrices. A GOOD FIT always guaran- teed. Everybody who wants to have a coat vest or pantaloons made to order, will nnd it to his advantage to call on me. lu3tf LOUIS PKEIFFENBE KG X X MRS.C. O. BROWN, D A VING SECURED TUB SERVICES OF MBS. FANNIE V. DO AN, HAHOPENED A A DRESSMAKING SHOP At Nos, 1 and S, OVER THE CITY OF PARIS. SJVNolhlng hnt FIRST-CLASS WORK done. New York and Han Francisco styles. Solicits a Bhare of the public patronage. iurs-lw CORRUGATED IRON. For rootling and siding ot stores and other buildings where a uiim.miai amount of wood is desirable TO PREVENT LOSS BY FIRE. IRON ROOF BUILDINGS AND FRAMES Designed, manufactured and erected In any part of tho United States. Bond for Circular and Prloe Liar WM. B. BCAIPB * CO. Offloe, No. lit First Avanse, JjEQKL: Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that in pursu- ance ot an order of the Superior Court of Los Angeles county, stateof California, made ou tbe tweirth day of March, 1881, lv tbe matter ot the estates and guardi- anship of Walter M. Patrick, Joseph H. Patrick, Charles E.Patrick and Murcla A. Patrick, minors, the undersigned, Mary A. Patrick, guardian of the persons and estates of sat'i minors, will sell at private sale, on or after FRIDAY, THE 85TH DAY OF MARCH, 1681, At the office of W. P. Gardiner, at room No. 1.7 Baker Block, In the city and coun- ty of Los Augeies, California, the follow- ing described real estate, situate in the county of Loa Angeles, State of Califor- nia, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: All the right, title and interest of Wal- ter M. Patrick, Joseph ii. Patrick, Charles E. Patrick und Marcia A. Patrick, minors aforesaid, iv aud to the following i described and bounded parcels of tbe rancho known as tho Rodeo do las Aquas, situated In said county of Los An- geles, Staie of Culiforuta, commencing at a point in tbe boundary line of said rancho,as officially surveyed, north 80S degrees east 35 50-lOJ chains from station 2aud running along a road one chain vide X TTtf degreesW 70 75-100 chains to the middle of the creek; thence with the mld-chaunc-1 ot said creek N K'Jiuegrees west 8 chains to station one of the mean- ders of Bald creek*, thence north \u25a0reea eastS 80*100chalni to the intersec- tion of the middle lino of said creek with tho south line of Whit Worth 1 thence along (.aid south hue of Whltworth's lauds E7 92-tl'O chainsto the SE corner of Whltworth's land; thence along Whit- worth's entire boundary north 20 chains to a stake in tbe comer or Whttworth's land; thence along suid land west 3 50-iOO chulns to tho creek; thence along the mid-chaunol of said creek N 16 degrees X 4 !15-ICO chains to station tt of meanders of said creek: thence N 42% degrees H one chain to station 7 of meanders of said creek; thence N 45 72-100 degrees W 2 50 100 chains to station 8 of said meandera; thence N 3!4 degrees B 4 50-100 chains to station 9; thence N 87 degrees E 4 chains to st at ion 10; thence N % degree E 3 chains to station 11; thence N lti 1 ,; dn- \u25a0 grees E 7 chains to station 12; thence N 2 degrees W 1 chains to station 13, from where station 4 of boundary line bears N ss' a dogieos E 17 chains; thence N lt>% degrees E 6 SJ-IGO chuius to station 14 of «aiu meanders; thouce X 41 degrees E3;i chains to station 15; thcuco N 20% de- grees E 3chains to # statlou 16; thence N L l , degrees W 5 chains to station 17; thence degrees W 7 50-100 chains to station 18; thence X l'% degroes W C cualns to station 19; thence N 1 degree E 2chains testation 20; thence N de- grees El6O-100chalnstostatlon21; thence 1 N 50kt degrees W 3M chains tostntion 22; thence X 18*4 degrees W b% ohains to station 23; tbence No' 4 degrees W 5 * chains to station 21, tho Intersection of the middle line of the creek aud course , number 4ef said boundary line of said rancho, tbence along said boundary* 27% degrees E 48 90-100 chaius to station 4 . of said boundary line, marked by a large white rock; thenceSB4V6 degrees E 08 75- -100 chains to station 30 of said boundary Hue and also the N W cornor of the Ran- cho Cienega; thence along the west line . of Cienega Ranch B 2o)s degrees W 71 * 48-100 chains to the place ol beginning, 1 containing 528 888-IOGO acres of land, the foregoing description being according to tbe notes und survey mado by L Siebold and being, according to true courses, the variation being 14 degrees 15 minutes E and being the same laud mortgaged by ,1 B Lucas to M S Patrick by mortgage dated May 31,1877, and recorded at page 5f2 of book 25 ofmortgages lv tho office of the County Recorder of Los Augeles county, California, to which mortgage reference Is made for a dascription of said ' lauds. The terms and conditions of said sale shall be cash in lawful money ol" Ihe United Status; ten per cent, thereof to be paid on tbe day of sale aud the balauce ! thereol to be paid od confirmation ol the 1 sale by said Superior Court. ; Bids tor rata real estate will be re- ceived at m->ai No. 37, Baker Block, lv J the city and <? mnty of Los Augeles, . state of Cftlitoiiila, the office ot \V. P. , Gardiner aforosuid. Such bids must bo in writingand may be left at ihe place . above designated therefor, or may be delivered to said guardian personally or may be filed in the office of tho Clerk of said Superior Court, at the Court House, in the city and county of Los Angeles. I California, Dated March 14,1881. MARY A. PATRICK, ! Guardlau of the persons and estates oi ' Waller M.Patrick, Joseph H. Patrick, ' Charles E. Patrick and Marcia A. Pat- ' rick, minors. 1 W. P. GARDINER, Attorney for said Guardian. SN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of California. J. Do Barth Shorb aud Margaret | S. Wilson, Executor and Ex-1 eoutrix of the estate of B. D. | Wilson, deceased. Plaintiffs, 1 vs, j- Prudent Beaudry, Victor Boau* dry, and the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Assecia* Hon, Defendants. J Under ami by virtue of a Judgment of the Superior Court of the county of Los Angeles, State of California, requiring the sale of certain property therein de- scribed, entered In the above entitled ac- tion on tho 21st day of February, 1881, and of a writ for the enforcement of said Judgment issued out of said Court und under the seat thereof, in said action, on the 24th day of February, 1831, in favor of said plaintiffs and against said defend- ants, and to mo delivered on the same day, whereby 1, as Commissioner, ap- pointed by said Court for that purpose, urn directed to sell at public auction, to (he highest bidder for cash in lawful money of tbe United states, in lots of 100 shares each, the followlug described property, to wit: The entire capital stock of tbe defend- ant corporation, the Lake Vineyurd Land aud Water Association; the amount of which said stock Is $60,000.00, divided Into 600 shares of the par value of $100 each, said corpoiatlou having its principal place of business In the city of Los Angeles. Public notice tl hereby given that on SATURDAY, THE 19th DAY OF MARCH, A. D. ISSI, At twelve o'clock M. of that day, Iwill proceed to sell, *at the Sprlug street front of the Court House, in tho City and County of Lob Angeles, State of California, at public auction to tbe high- est and best bidder for cash, in lawful money of the United States, to satisfy said Judgment, all the capital stock aforesaid, in lots of 100 shares each, each share belngof tbe par value of $loj, and representing one nve-hundredth part of the entire capital block of said corpora- tion! Given under my hand at tho city and county of Los Angeles, State of Califor- nia, this 2Uth day of February. 1881. W. J. BRUDRICK, fc26td Commissioner. FOR SALE. FINE TIIOROUaIIBiIED French Merino RAMS. RAISED WITH SPECIAL CARE FKUM TH73 MOST APPROVED STOCK. Applyto CAMILLO GARNIER, F. O. Bat 808, Lo, Angeles,Cal. 8. F. Bulletin and Chronicle copy. County Warrants, etc. I buy Wltneis Feat, Jury Feea, City and couuty W.rrenU, Judgments, and ?11 kind, of claim.. C WHITE, Attorney at Law. ?rHoom m Tempi, moot. njfrly' Ma!* 177. y^fTMff^ja LEGAL. SUMJWONS. ~ Iv tho Superior Court Of the State of California, In a for the County of Los AageUe. Francises Grozlde, pla utifi", TS. Oliver Devlllers, defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for the county of Los Angeles, and tho com- plaint filed iv said eounly of Los Ange- les, In the office of the Clerk of said Su- perior Court. The People of the State of California send greeting to Oliver Devil ten, de- fendant. You arc hereby required to appear in nu action brought against you by the above named plnineiir in tho Superior ' Court of the State or California, in aud ? for the county of Los Angeles, and to an- l swer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after tho service on you of this summons ?if Berved within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days?or Judgment by default will betaken against you Recording to the prayer of aald OOttv pluint. The said action is brought U) obtain a ? decree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage descrlbod in the said complaint, ami executed by the said Q. Devlllers to C. UrazUto, on the 3d day ot October, lK7t>, to secure the payment of a ' certain proruissorv nolo, made on the 3d i day of October, 1876, by O. Devlllers, for 1 the sum ol SoOU gold coin, with lnterost at the rata of Vipar cent per month from date until pnld, and payable to thy said C.Grazlde; that the premises conveyed i by said mortgage may bo sold, and the I proceeds applied to tho payment of 8300 j gold coin, with interest at the rate of \% I percent per month from October 8, 1876, \u25a0 and for 10 per ceut us attorney's fees, as 1 provided for In said mortgage, aud costs * of suit; aud lv case such proceeds are ' not sufficient to pay tho same, then to ob- ' talu un execution against said defendant ; for the balance remaining due; and also that the defendant and all persons claim- lug by, through or under him, may be barred aad foreclosed of ull right, title, olalm, lien, equity of redemption and in- terest in and to said mortgaged premises' and for other and further relief. Relcreuco is had to complaint for par- -1 tlculars. Aud yon are hereby untiflod that If you fail to appear and answer the said com- plaint, as above required, tho said plain- tlfi will apply to the Court for the relief j demanded in the said complaint. < Given under my hand and tbe seal of i the Superior Court of the State of Cali- fornia, in and for the county of Los Ange- les, this Ith day ol March, In the year of our Lord,one thousand eight bun- \u25a0 died aud eighty-one. ISeahl A.W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAU. Deputy. Endorsed: WALTER D. STEPHENSON, mS-2m Attorney for Flaindfi. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE is hereby given that In pursu- ance of the order of the Superior Court of the county of Los Angela, Mate of Cal- ifornia, mado ou the 7th day of March, 1881, in the matter of tho estate of J. v. Micheuer, deceased, tho undersigned, 1 the administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, and subject to confirmation by said su* perlor Court, on or after THURSDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MARCH, 1681! All the right, title, interest and estate of the said J, G. Micbeuor, deceased, c* the time of his death, and all (he right, title and interest t hat the said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the 1 said Intestate at the time of his death, lv and to all those certain lots, pieces, par- -1 eels or tracts of land, situate, lying and ! being in the county of Los Angeles, State or California, and bounded and described ' as follows, to wit: 1- The NWM of Sec 81, T7B, RTW, s 1 B M, containing 160 acres. 2-Lots 1 and 2, Kec 80, T 7S, R 7 V.", S B Micontaining K8 52-luu acres. 3- Tiie E H Of SW % and W % of S X H of ' 8ec20,T7 8, RI W»8 B M, containing 100 . acres. - 4- 18 3U-100 acres In tho W UofSW M of Sec 36,T75, R 8 W, S B M. 5- Lot 4, Hec 25, Tl S, R 8 W, S B M, containing 79 16-100 acres. Terms and Conditions of Sale-Cash, in gold coin of the United mm Deud at ox- pente'of the purchaser. ' Bids or < tl" ?i s nay he mado at tiny tini9 after fho first publication of this notion, and before the making qf the silo. All bids or \u25a011 r.t must in writing, and left at the office of Eastman, Haley, King & Uobartl, No. 3, MolirBlock. Spring street, in tho oltf of Los Angeles, or delivered to the undersigned persoUAfly, or filed In.the office oi the thrkof the Superior Court. DatodMxrchBth, 13"L M. HENDBLSON, Administrator of the estate of J. G. Mlohener, deceased. S. HALEY, mi.) Attorney for Administrator. Delinquent Assessment. SAN FRANCISCO PETROLEUM COM- PANY?Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, California? Location Of works, Loi Angeles county, California. NOTICE ?There are delinquent upon ( tho following described stock, on ac- ' count of assessment (No. 61 levied on the 17th day of January, 1881, the several , amounts set opposite the uames of tiie respective shareholders, as follows: No. No. Na-ne. Cert, Shores. A rat. J a Mauoney 14 800 840 03 R 0 Mcpherson 22 £0 10 (H) W Easton 81 500 Ji:o 0U QW Hopkins 150 100 20 CD ] L Goodman,t rustee.!-! I 5000 l,t> 000 L Goodman 14!) 100 20(0 L Goodman,trustee.l&l 2*oo st;o 00 And In accordance with law and an or- der of the Board of Directors made on , the seventeenth day of January, IHBI, so 1 many shares of each parcel of said s!ock as may be necessary will bo sold at pub- lic auction, at tbe office of the company, No, 402 Montgomery street, Koom 11, 1 San Francisco, California., on Thursday, ; the 17th day of March, 1881. to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together , with costs of advertising aud expenses of ' sale. li. D. FISK, Secretary. Office?Room 11, 402 Montgomery street, San Francisco,Cal. fe26-4w:w Notice to Creditors. Estato of R. Isabella D. Baldwin, de- 1 ceased?Notice Is hereby given by the : undersigned, John M. Baldwin, admin- ' istrator with will annexed of the estuto of K. Isabella D. Baldwin, deceased, to ' the creditors of, and ail persons having claim* against tho said deceased, to ex- > hibitthem. with ihe necessary vouch- J ers, within ien months after the first 1 publication of this notice, to the said > administrator, at his office, No. 51 Main street, Los Angeles clfy, in the said * county of Los Angeics. i JOHN M. BALDWIN, « Administrator of the estate of R. Is a- t holla 1). Baldwin, deceased, with tho will | annexed. i Dated at tho city ol' Los Angeles, Feb- I ruary 21st, 1881. fe22 Notice to Creditors. ! Estate of David Phillips, deceased?No- 1 tlce is hereby given by the undersigned, 1 administrator of the estate of David Phil- ' lips, deceased, to the creditors of, and all 1 persons having claims against the said \u25a0' deceased,toexhlbltthcm.withthe neces- 1 sary vouchers, within four months after 1 the first publication of this notice, to the J said administrator, at the law office of 1 Graves <t Chapman, No. (J, Raker Block, Los Angeles city, In the county of Los 1 Angeles, State of California. 1 Dated at Los Angeles, March 7th, 1881. J. A. GKAVES, 1 Administrator of the estate of David I'o illips, deceased. mrB-5w 1 To THE PUBLIC. j 1 I This is to notify the public ' that I have this day formed a 5 copartnership with my broth- . ers, N. and Charles Jacoby, and the firm -will hereafter be known as Jacoby Brothers. All accounts due the late house of L* JACOBY are payable to Jacoby Brothers and all liabilities will be paid by Jacoby 1 Brothers. < Thanking my friend a and customers j for their liberal patronage, a continu- I ana* to solicited Cor the new aim. 1 a^m^^^^^^j^i^^^BH^Mj LEGAL. Summons. Ivthe Superior Court of the State ol Cal- iforuia, in and for tho county of Los Augeles. The People of the State Of California, plaintiff/, vnA. A. Knwison, defendant. Action brought in the superior Court Ot the State Ol California, in and lor the County of Los Angeles, and tho com- plaint riled in said county of Los Ange- les, in tho oillce of tho Clerk or eald Su- perior Court. The People of the State of California send greeting to A. A. Hawson, trie un- known owner and holder of certificate of purchase No. 7176 of the followingde- scribed State lands: Location No. 1302,s Y_ of NE W Sec 3, T7 S, R8 W, H B M, con- taining 80 acres, situated in Los Angeles county, California, defendant. You are hereby required to appeal an action brought against you by the above namod plaintill in the Superior Court of tho State of California, In and for the county of Los Augeles, and to an- swer the complalut tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of t his Ktiuiiiious ?If served within this county: or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days?or Judgment by default will bo taken against yo#, according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain certificate of purchase No. 7170, described in tho said complaint and exe- cuted by the said plalutm to the said de- fendant on the 21th day of January, A D 1877, foreclosing all ol defendant's inter- est in and to tho following described land, to wit: H U of NE H Sec 3, T7 8, It 8 w, s ii If icontaining 80, acres, situated in Los Angeles county, state of Califor- nia; to cancel and annul the said certifi- cate of purchase; that|plalntifi may have Judgrneut and execution against theaaid defendant for the costs of suit . Includ- ing 810 compensation of the District At- torney and $2 70-100 costs of publication; and for such other and further relief as seems meet and agreeable to equity; and also that the defendant, and all persons claiming by, through or uuderhlm.may be barred and foreclosed Ol all right, ti- tle, claim, lien, equity of redemption and Interest Id ana to said premises and certificate, and fur oilier aud lurther re- lief. Reference Is hud to complaint for par- ticulars. And i-ou are hereby notified tbat ifyou fall to appear and answer the said com* plaint as above required the said plain* till will apyly to the Court lor the relief demanded In the said complalut. Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the state ol Cali- fornia, In and lor the county of Los Au- geles, this 21th day or December, in tho year ofour Lord ouo thousand eight hun- dred aud eighty. [Heal.] . A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAU, Deputy. THUS. B. BROWN, District Attorney. Summons. In the Superior Court of tho State of Cal- ifornia, in and for the county of Los Angeles. ThoPeopleof the State of California, plaintiff, vs T. P. Goodwin, defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for the county of Los Angeles., aud tho com- plalut Hied in laid county of Los Ange- les, in tho oiliooof thu Clerk ol said su- perior Court. The People of the State of California send greeting to T. P. T»oodwln,ihe un- known owner and holder of certificate of purchase No. 7034, of the following de- scribed State lauds: Location No. 1140.N H Sec 36, T8 N, H 9 W, S B M, containing HQ acres, situated in Los Augeles coun- ty, California, defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaint ill in the Superior Court ol the State of California, in and for the county of Los Augeles, and to an- swer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (.exclusive of tho day of service) after tho service on you ol this summons ?il served within this couutv; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days? or judgment by default will bo taken against yon. according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain certificate of purchase No. 7C31, described In the said complalut and exe- cuted by the said plntntiir to tho said de- fendant on the 22aday of July. A D 1876, foreclosing nil of defendant's interest in and to the following described land, to wit: N M Sec 86. T8 N, H9W, S B M, containing 820 acres, situated in Los An- geles county, Stateof California; to can- cel and annul the said certificate of pur- chase; that plaintiff may have judgment and execution against said defendant for tho costs of suit, including $10 compen- sation of the District Attorney, .and 12 70-100 costs ol publication, and for such other and further relief as seems meet and agreeable to equity; and also that the defendant,and all persons claiming by, through or under him, may be barred aud foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption and interest in and to said premises and certificate, and for other and further relief. Reference is had to complaint for par- ticulars. And yon are hereby notified that ifyou fall to appearand answer the said com- plaint as above repaired, the said plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tho said complaint. Given under my hand, and the seal ol tho Superior Court or the State of Call- fornia, lv and for the county of Los An- geles, this 2Hh day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. (Seal.) A. W. POTTS, Clerk. Hy A* Rimtatj, Deputy. TIIOS, B.UKOWN. District Attorney. Summons. In the Superior Court of the Slate of Cal- ifornia, in and for tho county of Los Augeles. ? The People ol the Stale of California, plaintiff, vs. J.H. Atheam, defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the Stateof California, in and for tho county fif Los Angeles, and the com- pluint filed in said county of Los Ange- les, in the office of the Clerk of said Su- perior Court. Toe People of the State of California send greeting to J. H. Athearn, the un- known owner and holder of certificate of purchase No. 6315, of the following de- scribed State lands: Location'No, 901, N Si Sec 36, T7 N, H 14 W, S B M, contain- ing 320 acres, situated In Los Angeles county, California, defendant. You are hereby, required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for tho county of Los Angeles, and to an- swer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive oftheday of service) after the service ou you of this summons ?if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, wlthm thirty days?or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of saidcoraplaint. The said action Is brought to obtain a decree of this Court for tho foreclosure of a certain certificate of purchase No. 6315, described In the said complaint and exe- cuted by the said plaintiffto the said de- fendanton the 18th day of May, A D 1875, foreclosing all of defendant's interest in and to tho following described land, to wit: Nto Sec 38, T7N, X 14 W, Wo M, containing 320 acres, situated in Los An- geles county, State of California; to can- cel and annul the said certificate of pur- chase; that plaintiff may have Judg- ment and execution against said defend- ant for the costs of suit, including $10 compensation of the District AUorney and $2 70-100 costs of publication; and for such other and further relief as seems meet and agreeable to equity; and also that the defendant, and all persons claiming by, through or under him, may bo barred and foreclosed of all right, ti- tle, claim, lien, equity ofredemption and interest la and to said premises and cer- tificate, and for other and further relief. Reference is had to complaint for par- ticulars. And you are hereby notified thattfyon fail to appearand answer the said com- plaint as above required, the said plain- tiffwill apply to the Court, for the relief demanded in the said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of tbe Stateof Cali- fornia, in and for the county of Los An- geles, tbis 28th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud eighty. I Seal.] A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By B. 11. OWEN, Deputy. Tllus, B. BROWN, District Attorney. Summons. In tho Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles. The People of the State of California, plaintiff,vs. Geo. Griggs, defendant. Action brought In the Superior Court of the State of California, io and for tbe conoty or Los Angeles. iod the oom- LEGAL. known owner and holder of certificate of purchase No. 0310, ol the following de- scribed State lands: Location No. 805. S H See 30, T IH, KM W. 8 B M, contaln- iug32t) acres?situated in Los Angeles couuty, California, dolendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against yott by tho above named plaintlil'ln the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles, and loun- awer the complaint filed therein, within i teu daya(exclusi vo of the day of service) ar.er the Bcrvleo on you of tlilssumiuoni- ??ir served within i ii|s county; or, It servod elsewhere, within thtrty days?or lodgment by default will be taken against you, according lo tho prayer of Bald complaint. The said action Is brought lo obtain a decree of this Court for the fore 'insure or a certain certificate of purchase No. (Ma, described in the said complaintaud exe- cuted by the said plain tiff to the said de- fendant on tho 181 a day of May. A1) 1875. foreclosing ull or defendant*! interest In und to tlie following described laud, te Hit: Sid Hec 30. VIN, Ull W,S B Main- taining 320 acres, situated lv Los Augeles couuty, stale of California; to cancel and annul the suld certificate of purchase- that plaintiff may have Judgment ami execution agalnat snid defendant for the costs ol suit, including{lo compensation ol the District Attorney and 82 70-ioo costs of publication ; aud for such other and limber relief as seems met and ngreeable to equity; and also that the de- fendant aud till persons claiming by, through or under him, may bo haired and foreclosed of nil right, title, claim, lieu, equity of redemption and interest in and to sajd premises and certificate, and for ol her and further relier, Reference Is had to complaint for par- tlruluis. And you are hereby notified mat ifyou fall to appear und answer tno suld com- plaint us above required, the saM plalu- tillwillapply to the lourt for the relief demanded In the suld compluiut. Given under my hand aud tho real of the Superior Court of t he State of Califor- nia, in and for fho county of Los Ange- les, this 28th day of December, lv the year 01 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. (Seal.) A. W. POTTS. Clerk. By K. h. owen. Deputy, THOs. B. BROWN, D strict Attorney. dSMw-Fr NEW AUCTION HOUSE), CORNER Main and Arcadia streets, opposite Hiker Block. C. L. NORTHCRAFT T. B. CLARK have divided their immense stock of goods ou Lis Angeles street and will keep a full line of general merchandise iv their new quarters. They are deter- mined lo seil as low as any housu In the city, as they buy lor iash aud sell lor cash. Everything used by Die farmer and housokocper wilt ho louud at this house. Cull and examine their goods, and bo convinced that they uueun what they say. They are now receiving a largo con- signment of furniture. Alargo assortment, of new und second- hand cooking and heating stoves and lurnlturetm hand, vs.! ~! mmi ture, merchandize, horses, wagons.,etc., bought and sold. Will sell all goods con- signed to them aud uiuke prompt re- turns. Auction every Saturday at v v. m., at which w. 11. MOBTHCHAFX will wield the hammer. N. B?Tho houso will open Monday, February 11,1881. felo-lm in the Superior Court Oi Loa Angeles County, State of California. In re tho estate of Henry Cutlery, deed. I: appearing to tho Court by the veri- fied petition presented and tiled by J. M. Mi.lie and Kdw,ard Naud, executors or the last will und testament of Henry Cartery,deceased, proving tor-an order to sell real estate, and that it Is necessa- ry to soil v portion of Ihe real estate to paydebts, expenses' and charges of ad- ministration, and that ft sale ot said por- tion of real eslalo will bo lor the bealln- terests of said estate: It is therefore ordered by the Court that all poisons interested in the said estate bound appear before lllis Court on Monday, the lllh day of April, A. D. , 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tho \u25a0 court-room of tho Superior Court, ?in tho Court House, in the . city of Los Angeles, county ol Los Ange- les, State of California, to show cause i wliyan order should not bo granted to , the said executors to sell so much of the 1 \u25a0 real estate of the deceased as ahull be ? necessary. And that a copy of this order be pub- , tlahed at least for four successive weeks ' in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, a news. ? paper printed and published in the city ! aud county of Los Augeles. And, further, that the Clerk of tills Court mail a copy of this order to Loon , Cartery, directed to Bantu Ynes, Los Al- : amos Poitoffloe, Santa Barbara county, . Cala. Los Angeles, March 11, 1881, SUPULVEDA, Judge of the Superior Court. 1 hereby certify Hie foregoing to bo a full, true and correct copy of theorlgina] order to show cause why petition to sell real estate should not I.- vranted, In re Henry Carterv, deceased, on file lv my office, and that I have careluljy compai- ' ed the same with tho original. In witness whereof I have hereunto feet my hand and affixed tho seal of the Superior Court, this lllh day of March, 1881. LSeal. 1 A. W. POTTS, County Clerk. ByE. 11. OWEN, Deputy. rnl2td Certificate of Co-Partnership. The undersigned hereby certify that they aro partners doing business under the name and style of "Yreku Bakery and Lunch Hootn,"la Los Augeles city aud county, State ot California, lor the purpose ofcarryiog ou tho business of v lunch room aud bakery. That tho names in lull and residences of such co-partners hip are as follows: Rudolf wherer.residing In theclty and county of Los Angeles, and Clark Lee Lamnreaux, residing in tao cliy and couuty of Los Angeles. CLARK LEW LAMOREAUX, KUUOLPH SHKItKR. In presence of A.Norton, Deputy County Clerk, STATE OF CALII'OUNIA, 1 .County of lios Anoeles. j B3 On fbls second d.ay of March, in the year of our Lord one thouaaud eight hundred and eighty-one, before me, A. W. Potts, County Clerk and ex-oltlclo Clerk of the superior Court In and" lor said couuty, personally appeared Ru- dolph Shorer and Clark Loo Lumoreaux, known to me to be the persous whose names aro subscribed to tho within in- strument, and acknowledged to me that they executed t he same. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and afflxed tho soal of said Court, t he day aud year fn this certificate first above written. ISenl.l A. W. POTTS, County Clerk and ex-officio Ciork of said Superior Court. By A. NORTON, Deputy. mr2-iw Dissolution of Co-Partnership Notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore Gristing between W. J. A. Smith and F. R. Moore, under the firm name of SMITH A MOoßli, la this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due tbo firm will be paid to W.J. A. Smith and ull debts due Irom tho firm to other parties willbo paid by aufd W. J. A. Smith. W. J. A. SMITH. F, B. MOOItK. Los Angelea, Dec. 0, 1830. m9-lw HOTIOE FOB PUBLICATION OF TIME foe proving, will, Bro. STATE OF f ALIFOP.NIA, \ . County of Lu.s Angeles. J s3 ' . ' IXTUB -SUl'EniOR BOOST, In the matterofthe estate ofCiiarlos Ed- ward Eccarlus, deceusod. Pursuant to an order of this Court, made this day. notice la hereby given that Friday, tile elghthteeuth day of Mai cli, 1881, at 10o'clock a.m. or said day, ' at the oourt room of this Court, lv the cityand county or Los Angeles, has been appointed for hearing the application of . Jacob t fallllppl praying that a dooument ' now on file In this Oourt, purporting to be tbe las' will and testament oi Cha les Edward Eccarlus, deceased, be admitted to probate, and tbat letters testamentary ? be Issued theieon to said Jacob Phlllippl, at whioh time and place all persona Igtareated therein may appear and contest 1 -LEGAL. mortgage sale. Execution No. 217. In Hie .Superior Court, Loe Angelea County, California. Osbsfoe Barnard, Plaintiff, > Sarah 11. Barnardiital, Defendants.) UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OK A decree of loroolosure aud ordor ol sal.' culered in the Superior Court or Loa Angelea county, state of Cal- ifornia, on tbe nth day ot March. A. D. 1881, and a writ ol execution for the enforcement of Judg- ment, requiring sale ol property under forecfoaure of mortgage, issued out of the Bald Court, ou the 2ut day ol March, A. D. 1831, In tho nbovo entitled action, and in lavorof Osborne Barnard, plaintiff, and against Sarah H. Barnard, Frank H. Buruard. Grace Bar- nurd and (J, N. Wilson, de- leudnnls, a certified copy ol which said decree ol foreclosure, duly attested under the seal of said fupcrior Court on the 2l»l day of March, I A. D. isfjl, aud delivered to me, together with the writ annexed thereto,on tbe said last mentioned clay, whereby 1 am commanded to soil at public auotlon, ] to ihe highest and best bidder, lor cash In * United slates gold coin, the followlujjh. . oudfu said decree described real cstafW-S' to-wll: % Tuose certain pieces or parcels of ]u_ situated intbe city of Loa Angeles, coda \u25a0 ty ol' Los Angeles, state of California-; MM bounded and described as follows, to Lot one (1), containing a tront ot 65 10 101 feet on the vest aula ot Flower street, as shown on tbe map of lho Moil tract, us mado by 11. Picket. C. 8., iv 1808 and 1889,' also, lots 11 aud 12, (routing 80 leet each on Grasshopper street wllh a depth of 105 feet; ail tho above lota lv blooK Z, as shown on tho aforesaid map; also, lot No. 10, with a front ot 80 feet on said Grasshopper street, lv olook Z, ot the aforesaid Mott tract, with a depth of IQo feet. Public nolico is hereby given that on TUESDAY, THE 12th DAY OK APRIL, A. D. 1881, At 12 o'clock M. of said day, I will pro- ceed to sell at the Court House door in tho oity and county ol Loa Angeles, Statu of California, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash iv U. S gold coin, to satisfy said decree for princi \u25a0 pal and interest, costs and all accruiu ; coats, all the above described real estate, or bo much thereof as may bo necessary to satirfy aald sutna, Uiveu uuder my band at my oilier, in the cityand county uforesald, this .Mat day of March, A. D. 1381. WM. It. ROWLAND, Sherifl. By JAS. C. KAYS, Under ShoritT. a Summons. la too Superior Court or tbo State of Cal- llorula, in and for tho county of Los Augeles. The People or the state of California planum, vs A. A. Hawson, defendant. Action brought In the Superior Court of ihe State of California, in ana fertile county ol Los Angeles, and tho com- plaint Qled In said county of Los Ange- les, lv tho olbce ot the Olork of said Su- perior Court The People of tho Statoof Calllornlit send greeting to A. A. liul'ton, the un- known owner und holder oi certificate «i purchase No. 7177, of tho following de- scribed State lands: Location No. ISOJ Lots 2 and 3 aud SK %of HIS % Sec 84, T 0 S, X8 W. S B H, containing 78.12 acres, situated in Los Angeles couuty, Califor- nia, defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by tho above named plaintiff in tho Superior Courtol the State of California, lv and for the county of Los Angeles, and to an- swer the complaint tiled therein, within teu days (exclusive of the day ol service) after the Bervico on youof tills summons ?if servod within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirtydays?or ludcmcnt by default will bo taken ngaluht you, uccordlng to the prayer ot said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decree of tbis Court for tho foreclosure or a certalu certificate of purchase No. 7i77, described in the said com plaint and exe- cuted by tho said plalutlff to tne said de- fendant ou tho 21th day of January, A D . 1877, foreclosing all of'defendant's inter- est in and to the following described lend, towlt: Lots 2 and 8 und SE "% ofSK - !i Sec 31, T 0 8, X 8 W, S B M, containing 78.12 acres, situated iv Los Angeles coun- ty, Stateof California; to caucel and an- nul tbe satd certificate of purchase; that plaintlffinayhave Judgment and execu- tion against said defondant lor the costs of suit, Including $10 compensation of the District Attorney, and 92 70-100 costß of publication, and for such other and further rellel as seems meet and agreea- ble to equity; and also that the aald de- fendant, and all persona claiming by, through or under him. may be barred and lorecloscd ot all right, title, claim, Hen, equity of redemption and interest in and to said promises and certificate, and for other and further relief. Reference is had to complaint for par- ticulars. And you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear und answer the aald com- plaint as above required, tbe aald plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded iv the suld complaint. Given uuder my hand and the Real of the Superior Court ol tbe Slate of Califor- nia. In and for tbo county of Los Ange les, this 2lih day of December, In tne year ofour Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty, LSeal.J A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAtJ, Deputy. THOS. B. BROWN, District Attorney. In the Superior Court Of thecounfy of Los Angelea, State of California, In tho matter of the estate of Charles Edward fCccarlus, deceased.?Notice la hereby given by the uuderalgned, execu- tor of the last will of tbe above-named deceased, to the creditors of and all per- i-ona havlug claims against said deceased, to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, wlthtn four months from the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned, at his place of business, In Temple Block, Market street, in tbe city of Los Angeles. Dated March 22,1881. nir2Mw J. PHILIPPI, Executor. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of f,. LBWINA'.'O. has this day been dis- solved by mutual consent, the under- signed, L, Lewin, retiring. The undersignod, P. Lazarus, will con- tinue the bualuess at theold stand. All debts of the firm of L. Lewln A Co. will be paid by hlin at maturity. All the as- sets, including outstanding notes and accounts due or to become due to the firm, urc lobe paid to the said Lazarus. LOUIB LKWIN. P. LAZARUS Los Angolcs, Cal., March 4,1881. rural f THE HERALD PRINTING HOUSE Has facilities for doing JOB WORKnotequaledin South- ern California. Power and Job Presses run by steam se- cure promptness and moder- i ... ate prices. Give this office a call and secure work at San

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flstSfr1*!Iks Golden, Drsgoa-Qatrded Appln i?Betes sa ths Oltru Fair and its Bright 1Basalts Tk» Dlspliy of Faud.at, Baa 1Qtkrt.l, Feaoas, Dilute, Baa Diego, and 'Bute Barbara.

fajmlsl r r~~~ otß- *. Bulletin? iconcluded from yesterday.]

OTHKB DISTRICTS OF LOS ANGELES 'COUNTY. jTbers Is a pretty section of Los

Aagelts county known as Orauge,and the Yale orangery of AlbertClark makes an exhibit whioh {\u25a0Mat rank among the best in pointot neatness and quality. This gen- ,Usman prefers tbe WashingtonNaval and tbe Wilson's Best, with !which to enlarge his orchard. J.S. Baldwin shows live of tbelargest Navel oranges In the ball.P. Ainsworth has Zaute currants?f light color, good flavor and pro-per consistency. The Muscatelraisins made here are firm, clearand sweet. F. Stephens exhibitsa section of a four-year-old lemontree (sweet rind variety) whichhas had no irrigation and yet is fourInches in diameter. W. F. Winu-belm has some eighteen varietiesofroses, and a cluster of Pee u-to orsaucer peaches, which are> alreadyaa large aa marbles. In the samevlelnltyare Bouvardias and manyother greenhouse plants, whichbloom bar* in tbe open air.

Tnstln, a pretty town east ofSanta Ana, makes a small but in-teresting exhibit, and the Mediter-ranean Sweet oranges are tbe larg-est and finest shown at tbe Fair.

Pomona, a settlement east ofBpadra, has a very handsome but?mall exhibit of citrus fruits. TbisIs a young town, and will do much- better In the future.

Riverside, Ban Bernardino coun-ty, shews a lot ofraisins and someselected oranges, but makes nogeneral display. It is a pity tbatthe fine exhibit at tbe Riversidelair of last week could not havebeen moved bodily to tbis Los An-geles pavilion, to vie with those OfPasadena and San Gabriel, tbethree forming a grand triune ofeitriaj} loveliness.

Dilute is a pretty and hopefulsettlement at the base of the Cuca-monga range, and must bave a fineearly climate and rich soil, for Itsdisplay attracts muoh attention.Here are large tomatoes, red amirich, and new potatoes half-grown.L. Barnes exhibits the best andflaest Eureka lemons, on eighteen-

aaonths oldtrees, tbat are to be seenIn this part of the ball. Some cur-iously ridged oranges, a sport fromthe true Navel, are shown; alsothe beautiful and rare San MarinoBleed, an orange from Florida, andvery ebolce.

LOB ANGELES AND VICINITY.The largest and best exhibit of

citrus fruits made by any one nearLos Angeles Is tbat of WoodheodA Gay, not, however, all grown bythemselves, but collected withpatience from all directions. Thewalla near tbe tables are hung withboughs aud clusters of orauges ofenormous size, as Ifwhole orchardsbad been ravaged tosupply the ma-terials for the display. A choiceand useful exhibit of California-made citron,lemon peel and orangepeel, attracts notice, as Messrs.James and Parisher, Ihe makers,wish to contract with tiie farmersfor all they oan furnish. Amongtbe oranges here are tbe Tulare

( county seedling and Malta Blood,tbe Sweet-rind lemon, on Chinalemon root, and a huge cluster olseven shaddock,and several curioussports in tbe citrus line, of oddshape and color, are worth a note.Few of these sports prove perma-nent, yet their peculiar shapesmake them objects of curiosity.Tbe largest Pumalo here is niut-teen inches in circumference audeleven Inohes long. Several redSonera oranges are conspicuous. JW. Wolfskill, of Los Angeles, hasone of tbe largest exhibition offrails grown on bis own farm. TheImported Italian variety of orangeshas a charm of its own, and thereare-few In the State. Wolfskill's, Best is a notable variety. Wm.Nils*exhibits seedling oranges andwalnuts,SANTA BARBARA AND SAN DIEOO.

Conspicuous in tbe centre of thehall are two tables, which are keptIn charge by two enthusiastic aud

j notable horticulturists. Home-\u25a0 thing about both of these ta-| bias renders them so attractive tbat

' a crowd Is always on hand to ob.: serve and make comments. OuE the right is Santa Barbara's ex-hibitor fruits, preserves and flow

I era, presided over by Mrs. N. W.Wlntoo, wbo writes the horticul-tural articles of the-Santa BarbaraPrtut. The roses ofSanta Barbaraseem the dantiest of Southern Cal-ifornia, and tbe ferns are not farbehind. Both lemons and orangesappear as healthy as the best ofother sections, and the apricotseaonot be too highly praised. This

| table is beautifully decorated.-' San Diego is fitly crowned with \u25a0

?live boughs, and here also the 1. skill of neat arrangement is mani- j| feet. Wsrren Kimball, the tlrelesHI- toilerfor the interests of tho pluckyI Otty by the southland borders, is iI here with J. M. Ashcr, a well--known citrus culturlst, and ttieyp-hava tbe second best exhibit in the i\u25a0Bail, Pasadena ranking lirot. R,mw. Clark abows rich aud sweet rais- \E, Ins grown without irrigation. 1I tfosne strswberry guavai, preserved >mlm obarooal, deserve notioe. The\u25a0ftwJt Is small, oval, handsome, sub- isTjkpM This Is the finest kind for 1Blabls use and for preserves, thoughKjnja*as sbowy as the yellow klud. ?kWhere it succeeds it will prove

\u25a0awry profitable. Guava culture Ismestlaed to be a distinctive indua-Ejjr of Southern California. Tbe

3Bavel orange, as grown hy WarrenEKimball, Is seedless in many speci- ,

\u25a0Sea*. J. M. Asber exhibits tbir- \Keen kinds oforanges, High Broth- I\u25a0kMsight, M. Chase live and E. 11 ?

\u25a0Ulleigbt. Frank Kimball shows 'Efts dives and D. M. Higgins his ,\u25a0no Bonnie Brae lemon. On tbe :\u25a0ante Barbara table ths Rob RoyHpten, a new kind, is a uotable i

Both San Diego and Santa Bar- tHsMSame here to show their good 1

Mlsad 'desire to help In tbe sue-Kjpet*tbe Citrus Fair. They are

fijgresslve communities and de- *E| wordof commendation and 1\u25a0tlftngbadd whenever it is pos- 'ppßtßg- MOTES ABOUT THEFAIR. °\u25a0jHpate oranges' and ?"jas, be-

Kb and"seedling' almeods and

grown by APackard, and in theopen air; this Is indeed an aohlve-ment. Data palm flowers decoratetbe ball In places. D. D. Brunkshows rustic baskets and chairswhioh are marvels In their wayand made of California growths,snob aa madrona, manzanlta, oakand laurel. R. Rogers ofLos An-geles exhibits brea or asphaltum,in clear and pure masses. Orange-wood canes abound;also collectionsof grasses. 8. Riobardson ofSanGabriel makes a creditable display,marked for its preserved citrousand orauge marmalades, home-made, and for some seedling citrusfruits. A Konah orange on tbePasadena table, grown on Chineselemon stock, without irrigationand on strong argillaceous soil, hasa circumference of 16x16 inchesand weighs "6 ounces. SantaClara county exhibits a ehi-ter ofgood, medium-sized,* hut uot yetripe oranges.

In conclusion, it may be esti-mated that not less than 150,000oranges, besides hosts of lemons,limes and deciduous fruits, weredisplayed on this festive ocinsiou.A gentleman from the Verdu-go orcbard [Mr. Crow] showedapples of many kinds in juxta-position to citrus fruiis, andcontrasts of this soil werefrequent. Orange and lemonflowers lay In ridges, were piled inpyramids, bung in festoons, andtilled up every gnu aud corner,uutilthe very air was fragrant us theSpring-time heart of some Sevil-lian grove.

§0$ &nptts §mM.



SMITH, BROWN & BUTTONAttorncyM at Law.

Office ?ROOMS Not, 91 and X, TEM-PLE BLOCK.' niar U-u

J. Brousseau,





Offlne?ROOMS 7« AND 77, TEMPLEBLOCK. "tflf


Graves & Chapman,Attorneys Jfc Oouusel-

lors at JL.n>v,Room No. G, Baker Block. felllf


Eastman, Haley, King- &ltobarts.

Attorneys at LiaVW.

OFFICE \u25a0 "Tos..!, 1,8and a. STRELITJS81<OCK. Sprint street, Lob Angeles.

Will prae'lce iv .the Supreme and allStato Couru. particular attention paidto land and nilnlugcases. 01-lm


Dacommun a Block, corner Ma.v itCommercial atreeta, Los »« otes. may7-tl


Tffpico HoufinTm Now Open

Por the reception of guesta.

All aro liiviled. PREB CARRIAGEStothe house.


nl-lm Proprietor.




This la the only reliably first classhotel. Is situated in the center of thecity of Los Angeles, containsnearly a hundred apaclous andairy rooms, newly furulshed In the mostcomfortable style, Rooms In suites forfamilies and parties ou every floor, withhot and cold baths,

THETABLE will always be famishedwith the best supplies that can be pro-cured lv the market.

A FREE COACH is always on hand tocarry guests to tbo houso.

No pains spared to make guests com*fortable in every way.

A LARGE READING BCOM opennight aud day.


MOJAVE HOTEL,Mojare Junction, Col.

THIS HOUSE IS NOW PEPARED Mtoreceive ita numerous patrons

and the travelfng public In general. Be-ing entirely new and splendldl" fur-nished, It affords superior accommoda-tions.

ITB TABLE D' HOTEIs second to none tn Southern California.

THEBAR la supplied with the choicestbrands of wines, liquors and cigars.

An elegant BILLIARDROOM la aisoattached to the house.

All trains stop here for breakfast andsupper, it is tne point of departure forthecelebrated*Xnyo county mines, vis.?Darwin, Lone Pine, Cerro Gordo and Pan-axnlnt. The otneeof .the

LONE PINE STAGE CO.Is at this hotel. The patronage of thetraveling public la respocttully solicited

E.H.BOYD.feM-tf Proprietor.

A BONANZA.House of seven rooms, closet

in every room, woodhcmee and servants'romm, "bath, hot and cold water; 60 bear-ing orange and lemon trees; 2 acres ofland, fronting 330 feet on Downey avenne,street alt graded and aidewalked; on lineof street cara. Price, $3,5C0. i

15 Acres opposite above lot; i200 bearing orange, lemon, lime and othertress; large barn, room for ten horses; loftroom for 30 tons of hsy, carriage bouseand harnais room; street all graded andcurbed; on Downey avenue, East Loa An-gelea. on line ot street cara. Price, all .cash, $4,500.

1.000 Acres of land, allfenced, honses, birnt, orange orchards,etc st end of East Los Angeles street cartrack: SO tores of it irrigable. Price,$28,000, one-half etab, balance on time.Apply to H. M. JOHNSTON, on the Ipremises, or to PHILIP <fc BALDWIN,No.57. Main street. Ja2S lm.

#350 CASH?WILL BOY sV, i n


awl, at the mmtM Mt+lm




Rooms II 411,1 v McDonald Clock,Main 81.. I.OM ANGELES, Cal.



AO-EUT,W'.LMINGTON,Los Angeles county, Cal.

Vessels lowed, goods lightered, lumbersold and grain stored, with


"I*7.'NE WWIARK~&CO . ,?

Wholesale Grocers.Dealer In Wool, Gmtn, Bid**.

11, 13 &IS LOS ANUELBB T.3**tf







Commissi op Merchants.Dealers In Wool, Grain' and Llvo Stock.

Corner Spring aud Temple Streets,au3-3m Los Angeles, Cal.


Evergreen Laundry,

WASHINGCalled for and delivered to an.y part

ol tbe city, by

J J. Phillips, Adams S .Orders can be left at the book store ol

Mr.Sam Hellman. Spring St. olSt



Keeps on hand the best Beef, Veal,Pork, Mutton, salt Meat, and ull kindsof Hnusages. Meats delivered to all partsoftbeclty. A. FRANCK,

mrl-sm Proprietor.

Farm for Sale.


Three aud one-half miles above Sepnl-veda Station, ou old San Fernando road.


Weil of excellent water, barn and wagonsheds; I'4acres fenoed for garden, with200 apple anu peaoh trees, nearly allbearing, and 110 beariug grape vines; ahorse, harness and new spring wagon,plow,harrow and 100 chickens will alsobe sold; 30 stand bees, honey extractoraud tank complete. Enquire at No. 103Main street. folalm


With two dwelling houses, barn, chick,en-houses and honey house; plenty ol

good mountain water brought to theouses ivpipes; a large stock of Italian

bees, in ihe most improved style olhive., together with all tho appurte-nances necessary for the use and opera-tion or the bee business. l*or furtherparticulars Inquiie at 28 Main street, oraddress P.O. box 066. Los Angeles, Cal


Kegle House,SECOND KTREET, cor. Orcjjou Avenue,



Hall Boom, Bar and Restaurant. fe2stf


L.PFEIFFENBERGER'S,Downey'*} Marble Front, opposite Cosmo-

politan Hotel, Msim street

SUITW ot Kvery l.>e*»criv>tio»from 033 to ifiteS.

I have constantly on hand a largo andselected stock of the most elegant cloths,3f the latest fashions, and am enabled tofurnish tho most slyllsh suits at the low-est nrices. A GOOD FIT always guaran-teed.

Everybody who wants to have a coatvest or pantaloons made to order, willnnd it to his advantage to call on me.







SJVNolhlng hnt FIRST-CLASS WORKdone. New York and Han Franciscostyles. Solicits a Bhare of the publicpatronage. iurs-lw


For rootling and siding ot stores andother buildings where a uiim.miai amountof wood is desirable




Designed, manufactured and erected In anypart of tho United States.

Bond for Circular and Prloe Liar


Offloe, No. lit First Avanse,


Guardian's Sale of RealEstate.

Notice Is hereby given that in pursu-ance ot an order of the Superior Court ofLos Angeles county, stateof California,made ou tbe tweirth day of March, 1881,lv tbe matter ot the estates and guardi-anship of Walter M. Patrick, Joseph H.Patrick, Charles E.Patrick and MurclaA. Patrick, minors, the undersigned,Mary A. Patrick, guardian of the personsand estates of sat'i minors, will sell atprivate sale, on or after


At the office of W. P. Gardiner, at roomNo. 1.7 Baker Block, In the cityand coun-ty of Los Augeies, California, the follow-ing described real estate, situate in thecounty of Loa Angeles, State of Califor-nia, and more particularly described asfollows, to wit:

All the right, title and interest of Wal-ter M. Patrick, Joseph ii. Patrick,Charles E. Patrick und Marcia A.Patrick,minors aforesaid, ivaud to the following

i described and bounded parcels of tberancho known as tho Rodeo do lasAquas, situated In said county ofLos An-geles, Staie of Culiforuta, commencing ata point in tbe boundary line of saidrancho,as officially surveyed, north 80Sdegrees east 35 50-lOJ chains from station2aud running along a road one chainvide X TTtfdegreesW 70 75-100 chains tothe middle of the creek; thence with themld-chaunc-1 ot said creek N K'Jiuegreeswest 8 chains to station one of the mean-ders ofBald creek*, thence north\u25a0reea eastS 80*100chalni to the intersec-tion of the middle lino ofsaid creek withtho south line of WhitWorth 1 thencealong (.aid south hue of Whltworth'slauds E7 92-tl'O chainsto the SE corner ofWhltworth's land; thence along Whit-worth's entire boundary north 20 chainsto a stake in tbe comer or Whttworth'sland; thence along suid land west 3 50-iOOchulns to tho creek; thence along themid-chaunol of said creek N 16degrees X4 !15-ICO chains to station tt of meanders ofsaid creek: thence N 42% degrees H onechain to station 7 of meanders of saidcreek; thence N 45 72-100 degrees W 2 50100 chains to station 8 of said meandera;

thence N 3!4 degrees B 4 50-100 chains tostation 9; thence N 87 degrees E 4 chainsto st at ion 10; thence N % degree E 3chains to station 11; thence N lti1,; dn-

\u25a0 grees E 7 chains to station 12; thence N2 degrees W 1chains to station 13, fromwhere station 4 of boundary line bears Nss' a dogieos E 17 chains; thence N lt>%degrees E 6 SJ-IGO chuius to station 14 of«aiu meanders; thouce X 41 degrees E3;ichains to station 15; thcuco N 20% de-grees E 3chains to# statlou 16; thence NLl, degrees W 5 chains to station 17;thence degrees W 7 50-100 chains tostation 18; thence X l'% degroes W Ccualns to station 19; thence N 1degree E2chains testation 20; thence N de-grees El6O-100chalnstostatlon21; thence

1 N 50kt degrees W 3M chains tostntion22; thence X 18*4 degrees W b% ohains tostation 23; tbence No' 4 degrees W 5

* chains to station 21, tho Intersection ofthe middle line of the creek aud course, number 4ef said boundary line of saidrancho, tbence along said boundary*27% degrees E 48 90-100 chaius to station 4. of said boundary line, marked by a largewhite rock; thenceSB4V6 degrees E 08 75--100 chains to station 30 of said boundaryHue and also the N W cornor of the Ran-cho Cienega; thence along the west line. of Cienega Ranch B 2o)s degrees W 71

*48-100 chains to the place ol beginning,1 containing 528 888-IOGO acres of land, the

foregoing description being according totbe notes und survey mado by L Sieboldand being, according to true courses, thevariation being 14 degrees 15 minutes Eand being the same laud mortgaged by ,1B Lucas to M S Patrick by mortgagedated May 31,1877, and recorded at page5f2 of book 25 ofmortgages lvtho office ofthe County Recorder of Los Augelescounty, California, to which mortgagereference Is made fora dascription of said

' lauds.The terms and conditions of said sale

shall be cash in lawful money ol" IheUnited Status; ten per cent, thereof to bepaid on tbe day of sale aud the balauce

! thereol to be paid od confirmation ol the1 sale by said Superior Court.; Bids tor rata real estate will be re-

ceived at m->ai No. 37, Baker Block, lv

J the city and <? mnty of Los Augeles,. state of Cftlitoiiila, the office ot \V. P.,Gardiner aforosuid. Such bids must boin writingand may be left at ihe place. above designated therefor, or may bedelivered to said guardian personally ormay be filed inthe office of tho Clerk ofsaid Superior Court, at the Court House,in the cityand county of Los Angeles.

I California,Dated March 14,1881.

MARYA. PATRICK,! Guardlau of the persons and estates oi

' Waller M.Patrick, Joseph H. Patrick,

' Charles E. Patrick and Marcia A. Pat-

' rick, minors.1 W. P. GARDINER,

Attorney for said Guardian.


County of Los Angeles, State ofCalifornia.

J. Do Barth Shorb aud Margaret |S. Wilson, Executor and Ex-1eoutrix of the estate of B. D. |Wilson, deceased.

Plaintiffs, 1vs, j-

Prudent Beaudry, Victor Boau*dry, and the Lake VineyardLand and Water Assecia*Hon, Defendants. J

Under ami by virtue of a Judgment ofthe Superior Court of the county of LosAngeles, State of California, requiringthe sale of certain property therein de-scribed, entered In the above entitled ac-tion on tho 21st day of February, 1881,and of a writ for the enforcement of saidJudgment issued out of said Court undunder the seat thereof, in said action, onthe 24th day of February, 1831, in favor ofsaid plaintiffs and against said defend-ants, and to mo delivered on the sameday, whereby 1, as Commissioner, ap-pointed by said Court for that purpose,urn directed to sell at public auction, to(he highest bidder for cash in lawfulmoney of tbe United states, in lots of100 shares each, the followlug describedproperty, to wit:

The entire capital stock of tbe defend-ant corporation, the Lake VineyurdLand aud Water Association; theamount of which said stock Is $60,000.00,divided Into 600 shares of the par value of$100 each, said corpoiatlou having itsprincipal place of business In the city ofLos Angeles.

Public notice tl hereby given that on


At twelve o'clock M. of thatday, Iwill proceed to sell, *at the Sprlugstreet front of the Court House, in thoCity and County ofLob Angeles, State ofCalifornia, at public auction to tbe high-est and best bidder for cash, in lawfulmoney of the United States, to satisfysaid Judgment, all the capital stockaforesaid, in lots of 100 shares each, eachshare belngof tbe par value of $loj, andrepresenting one nve-hundredth part ofthe entire capital block of said corpora-tion!

Given under my hand at tho city andcounty of Los Angeles, State of Califor-nia, this 2Uth day of February. 1881.

W. J. BRUDRICK,fc26td Commissioner.



French Merino




F. O. Bat 808, Lo,Angeles,Cal.8. F. Bulletin and Chronicle copy.

County Warrants, etc.I buy Wltneis Feat, Jury Feea, City

and couuty W.rrenU, Judgments, and?11 kind, of claim..

C WHITE,Attorney at Law.

?rHoom m Tempi, moot. njfrly'

Ma!* 177.y^fTMff^ja



Iv tho Superior CourtOf the State of California, In a

for the County of Los AageUe.

Francises Grozlde, pla utifi", TS. OliverDevlllers, defendant.

Action brought in the Superior Courtof the State of California, In and for thecounty of Los Angeles, and tho com-plaint filed ivsaid eounly of Los Ange-les, In the office of the Clerk of said Su-perior Court.

The People of the State of Californiasend greeting to Oliver Devil ten, de-fendant.

You arc hereby required to appear innu action brought against you by theabove named plnineiir in tho Superior

' Court of the State or California, in aud? for the county of Los Angeles, and to an-l swer the complaint filed therein, within

ten days (exclusive of the day of service)after tho service on you of this summons?if Berved within this county; or, ifserved elsewhere, withinthirty days?orJudgment by default will betaken againstyou Recording to the prayer of aald OOttvpluint.

The said action is brought U) obtain a ?decree of this Court for the foreclosure ofa certain mortgage descrlbod in the saidcomplaint, ami executed by the said Q.Devlllers to C. UrazUto, on the 3d day otOctober, lK7t>, to secure the payment of a

' certain proruissorv nolo, made on the 3diday of October, 1876, by O. Devlllers, for 1

the sum ol SoOU gold coin, with lnterostat the rata of Vipar cent per month fromdate until pnld, and payable to thy saidC.Grazlde; that the premises conveyed

i by said mortgage may bo sold, and theI proceeds applied to tho payment of 8300j gold coin, with interest at the rate of \%I percent per month from October 8, 1876,

\u25a0 and for 10 per ceut us attorney's fees, as1 provided for In said mortgage, aud costs

* of suit; aud lv case such proceeds are

' not sufficient to pay tho same, then to ob-

' talu un execution against said defendant; for the balance remaining due; and alsothat the defendant and all persons claim-lug by, through or under him, may bebarred aad foreclosed of ull right, title,olalm, lien, equity of redemption and in-terest in and to said mortgaged premises'and for other and further relief.

Relcreuco is had to complaint for par--1 tlculars.

Aud yon are hereby untiflod that Ifyoufail to appear and answer the said com-plaint, as above required, tho said plain-tlfiwillapply to the Court for the relief

jdemanded in the said complaint.< Given under my hand and tbe seal ofi the Superior Court of the State of Cali-

fornia, in and for the county ofLos Ange-les, this Ith day ol March, In theyear of our Lord,one thousand eight bun-

\u25a0 died aud eighty-one.ISeahl A.W. POTTS, Clerk.

By A. RIMPAU. Deputy.


mS-2m Attorney for Flaindfi.

Notice of Administrator'sSale of Real Estate.

NOTICE is hereby given that In pursu-ance of the order of the Superior Court

of the county of Los Angela, Mate of Cal-ifornia, mado ou the 7th day of March,1881, in the matter of tho estate of J. v.Micheuer, deceased, tho undersigned, 1the administrator ofsaid estate, will sellat private sale, to the highest bidder, forcash in gold coin of the United States,and subject to confirmation by said su*perlor Court, on or after


All the right, title, interest and estate ofthe said J, G. Micbeuor, deceased, c*thetime of his death, and all (he right, titleand interest that the said estate has, byoperation of law or otherwise, acquiredother than or in addition to that of the

1 said Intestate at the time of his death, lvand to all those certain lots, pieces, par-

-1 eels or tracts of land, situate, lying and! being in the county ofLos Angeles, Stateor California, and bounded and described

' as follows, to wit:1-The NWMof Sec 81, T7B, RTW, s

1 B M,containing 160 acres.2-Lots 1 and 2, Kec 80, T 7S, R 7 V.", S B

Micontaining K8 52-luu acres.3-Tiie E H Of SW % and W % of S X H of

' 8ec20,T7 8, RI W»8 B M, containing 100. acres. -4- 18 3U-100 acres In tho W UofSW M ofSec 36,T75, R 8 W, S B M.

5- Lot 4, Hec 25, Tl S, R 8 W, S B M,containing 79 16-100 acres.

Terms and Conditions of Sale-Cash, ingold coin of the United mm Deud at ox-pente'of the purchaser. 'Bids or < tl" ?i s nay he mado at tiny tini9after fho first publication of this notion,and before the making qf the silo.

All bids or \u25a011 r.t must b« in writing,andleft at the office of Eastman, Haley, King &Uobartl, No. 3, MolirBlock. Spring street, intho oltf of Los Angeles, ordelivered totheundersigned persoUAfly, or filed In.the officeoi the thrkof the Superior Court.

DatodMxrchBth, 13"LM. HENDBLSON,

Administrator of the estate of J. G.Mlohener, deceased.

S. HALEY,mi.) Attorney for Administrator.


PANY?Location of principal place ofbusiness, San Francisco, California?Location Of works, LoiAngeles county,California.

NOTICE ?There are delinquent upon (tho following described stock, on ac- 'count of assessment (No. 61 levied on the17th day of January, 1881, the several ,amounts set opposite the uames of tiierespective shareholders, as follows:

No. No.Na-ne. Cert, Shores. A rat.

J a Mauoney 14 800 840 03R 0 Mcpherson 22 £0 10 (H)

W Easton 81 500 Ji:o 0UQW Hopkins 150 100 20 CD ]L Goodman,t rustee.!-! I 5000 l,t> 000L Goodman 14!) 100 20(0L Goodman,trustee.l&l 2*oo st;o 00

And In accordance with law and an or-der of the Board of Directors made on ,the seventeenth day of January, IHBI, so 1many shares of each parcel of said s!ockas may be necessary will bo sold at pub-lic auction, at tbe office of the company,No, 402 Montgomery street, Koom 11, 1San Francisco, California., on Thursday, ;the 17th day ofMarch, 1881. to pay saiddelinquent assessment thereon, together ,with costs of advertising aud expenses of 'sale.

li. D. FISK, Secretary.Office?Room 11, 402 Montgomery street,

San Francisco,Cal. fe26-4w:w

Notice to Creditors.Estato of R. Isabella D. Baldwin, de- 1

ceased?Notice Is hereby given by the :undersigned, John M. Baldwin, admin- 'istrator with will annexed of the estutoof K. Isabella D. Baldwin, deceased, to 'the creditors of, and ail persons havingclaim* against tho said deceased, to ex- >hibitthem. with ihe necessary vouch- Jers, within ien months after the first 1publication of this notice, to the said >administrator, at his office, No. 51 Mainstreet, Los Angeles clfy, in the said *county of Los Angeics. i

JOHN M. BALDWIN, «Administrator of the estate of R. Is a- tholla 1). Baldwin, deceased, with tho will|annexed. i

Dated at tho city ol' Los Angeles, Feb- Iruary 21st, 1881. fe22

Notice to Creditors. !Estate ofDavid Phillips, deceased?No- 1tlce is hereby given by the undersigned, 1

administrator of the estate of David Phil- 'lips, deceased, to the creditors of, and all 1persons having claims against the said \u25a0'deceased,toexhlbltthcm.withthe neces- 1sary vouchers, within four months after 1the first publication of this notice, to the Jsaid administrator, at the law office of 1Graves <t Chapman, No. (J, Raker Block,Los Angeles city, In the county of Los 1Angeles, State of California. 1

Dated at Los Angeles, March 7th, 1881.J. A. GKAVES, 1

Administrator of the estate of DavidI'o illips,deceased. mrB-5w 1


This is to notify the public 'that I have this day formed a 5copartnership with my broth- .ers, N. and Charles Jacoby,and the firm -will hereafter beknown as Jacoby Brothers.

All accounts due the late house of L*JACOBY are payable to Jacoby Brothersand all liabilities will be paid by Jacoby 1Brothers. <

Thanking my friend a and customers jfor their liberal patronage, a continu- Iana* to solicited Cor the new aim. 1a^m^^^^^^j^i^^^BH^Mj


Summons.Ivthe Superior Court of the State ol Cal-

iforuia, in and for tho county of LosAugeles.

The People of the State Of California,plaintiff/, vnA. A. Knwison, defendant.

Action brought in the superior CourtOt the State Ol California, in and lor theCounty of Los Angeles, and tho com-plaint riled in said county of Los Ange-les, in tho oillce of tho Clerk or eald Su-perior Court.

The People of the State of Californiasend greeting to A. A. Hawson, trie un-known owner and holder of certificateof purchase No. 7176 of the followingde-scribed State lands: Location No. 1302,sY_ of NE W Sec 3, T7 S, R8 W, H B M,con-taining 80 acres, situated in Los Angelescounty, California, defendant.

You are hereby required to appeal l»an action brought against you by theabove namod plaintill in the SuperiorCourt of tho State of California, In andfor the county of Los Augeles, and to an-swer the complalut tiled therein, withinten days (exclusive ofthe day ofservice)after the service on you of t his Ktiuiiiious?If served within this county: or, Ifserved elsewhere, within thirty days?orJudgment by default will bo takenagainst yo#, according to the prayer ofsaid complaint.

The said action is brought to obtain adecree of this Court for the foreclosure ofa certain certificate of purchase No. 7170,described in tho said complaint and exe-cuted by the said plalutm to the said de-fendant on the 21th day of January, A D1877, foreclosing all ol defendant's inter-est in and to tho following describedland, to wit: H U ofNE H Sec 3, T7 8, It8 w, s ii Ificontaining 80, acres, situatedin Los Angeles county, state of Califor-nia; to cancel and annul the said certifi-cate of purchase; that|plalntifi may haveJudgrneut and execution against theaaiddefendant for the costs of suit . Includ-ing 810 compensation of the District At-torney and $2 70-100 costs of publication;and for such other and further relief asseems meet and agreeable to equity; andalso that the defendant, and all personsclaiming by, through or uuderhlm.maybe barred and foreclosed Ol all right, ti-tle, claim, lien, equity of redemptionand Interest Id ana to said premises andcertificate, and fur oilier aud lurther re-lief.

Reference Is hud to complaint for par-ticulars.

And i-ou are hereby notified tbat ifyoufall to appear and answer the said com*plaint as above required the said plain*tillwill apyly to the Court lor the reliefdemanded In the said complalut.

Given under my hand and the seal ofthe Superior Court of the state ol Cali-fornia, In and lorthe county of Los Au-geles, this 21th day or December, in thoyear ofour Lord ouo thousand eight hun-dred aud eighty. [Heal.]. A. W. POTTS, Clerk.ByA.RIMPAU, Deputy.THUS. B. BROWN, District Attorney.

Summons.In the Superior Court of tho State of Cal-ifornia, in and for the county of Los


ThoPeopleof the State of California,plaintiff, vs T. P. Goodwin, defendant.

Action brought in the Superior Courtof the State of California, In and for thecounty of Los Angeles., aud tho com-plalutHied in laid county of Los Ange-les, in tho oiliooof thu Clerk ol said su-perior Court.

The People of the State of Californiasend greeting to T. P. T»oodwln,ihe un-known owner and holder of certificate ofpurchase No. 7034, of the following de-scribed State lauds: Location No. 1140.NH Sec 36, T8 N, H 9 W, S B M, containingHQ acres, situated in Los Augeles coun-ty, California, defendant.

You are hereby required to appear inan action brought against you by theabove named plaint ill in the SuperiorCourt ol the State of California, in andfor the county of Los Augeles, and to an-swer the complaint filed therein, withinten days (.exclusive of tho day of service)after tho service on you ol thissummons?il served within this couutv; or, ifserved elsewhere, within thirty days?or judgment by default will bo takenagainst yon. according to the prayer ofsaid complaint.

The said action is brought to obtain adecree of this Court for the foreclosure ofa certain certificate of purchase No. 7C31,described In the said complalut and exe-cuted by the said plntntiir to tho said de-fendant on the 22aday of July. A D 1876,foreclosing nil of defendant's interest inand to the following described land, towit: N M Sec 86. T8 N, H9W, S B M,containing 820 acres, situated in Los An-geles county, Stateof California; to can-cel and annul the said certificate of pur-chase; that plaintiffmay have judgmentand execution against said defendant fortho costs of suit, including $10 compen-sation of the District Attorney, .and 1270-100 costs ol publication, and for suchother and further relief as seems meetand agreeable to equity; and also thatthe defendant,and all persons claimingby, through or under him, may be barredaud foreclosed of all right, title, claim,lien, equity of redemption and interestin and to said premises and certificate,and forother and further relief.

Reference is had to complaint for par-ticulars.

And yon are hereby notified that ifyoufall to appearand answer the said com-plaintas above repaired, the said plain-tiffwill apply to the Court for the reliefdemanded in tho said complaint.

Given under my hand, and the seal oltho Superior Court or the State of Call-fornia, lv and for the county of Los An-geles, this 2Hh day of December, in theyear of our Lord one thousand eighthundred and eighty. (Seal.)

A. W. POTTS, Clerk.Hy A*Rimtatj, Deputy.

TIIOS, B.UKOWN. District Attorney.

Summons.In the Superior Court of the Slate of Cal-

ifornia, in and for tho county of LosAugeles. ?The People ol the Stale of California,

plaintiff, vs. J.H. Atheam, defendant.Action brought in the Superior Court

of the Stateof California, in and for thocounty fif Los Angeles, and the com-pluintfiled in said county of Los Ange-les, in the office of the Clerk of said Su-perior Court.

Toe People of the State of Californiasend greeting to J. H. Athearn, the un-known owner and holder ofcertificate ofpurchase No. 6315, of the following de-scribed State lands: Location'No, 901, NSi Sec 36, T7 N, H 14 W, S B M, contain-ing 320 acres, situated In Los Angelescounty, California, defendant.

Youare hereby, required to appear inan action brought against you by theabove named plaintiff In the SuperiorCourt of the State of California, in andfor tho county of Los Angeles, and to an-swer the complaint filed therein, withinten days (exclusive oftheday ofservice)after the service ou you of this summons?if served within this county; or, ifserved elsewhere, wlthm thirty days?orjudgment by default will be takenagainst you, according to the prayer ofsaidcoraplaint.

The said action Is brought to obtain adecree of this Court for tho foreclosure ofa certain certificate of purchase No. 6315,described Inthe said complaint and exe-cuted by the said plaintiffto the said de-fendanton the 18th day ofMay, A D 1875,foreclosing all of defendant's interest inand to tho following described land, towit: Nto Sec 38, T7N, X 14 W, Wo M,containing 320 acres, situated in Los An-geles county, State ofCalifornia; to can-cel and annul the said certificate of pur-chase; that plaintiff may have Judg-ment and execution against said defend-ant for the costs of suit, including $10compensation of the District AUorneyand $2 70-100 costs ofpublication; and forsuch other and further relief as seemsmeet and agreeable to equity; and alsothat the defendant, and all personsclaiming by, through or under him, maybo barred and foreclosed of all right, ti-tle, claim, lien, equity ofredemption andinterest la and to said premises and cer-tificate, and for other and further relief.

Reference is had to complaint for par-ticulars.

And you are hereby notified thattfyonfail to appearand answer the said com-plaint as above required, the said plain-tiffwill apply to the Court, for the reliefdemanded in the said complaint.

Given under my hand and the seal ofthe Superior Court of tbe Stateof Cali-fornia, in and for the county of Los An-geles, tbis 28th day of December, in theyear of our Lord one thousand eighthundred aud eighty.I Seal.] A. W. POTTS, Clerk.

By B. 11. OWEN, Deputy.Tllus, B. BROWN, District Attorney.

Summons.In tho Superior Court of the State of

California, in and for the county of LosAngeles.

The People of the State of California,plaintiff,vs. Geo. Griggs, defendant.

Action brought In the Superior Courtof the State ofCalifornia, io and for tbeconoty or Los Angeles. iod the oom-


known owner and holder of certificate ofpurchase No. 0310, ol the following de-scribed State lands: Location No. 805. SHSee 30, T IH,KM W. 8 B M, contaln-iug32t) acres?situated in Los Angelescouuty, California, dolendant.

You are hereby required to appear inan action brought against yott by thoabove named plaintlil'lnthe SuperiorCourt of the State of California, in andfor the county of Los Angeles, and loun-awer the complaint filed therein, within iteu daya(exclusi vo of the day of service)ar.er the Bcrvleo on you of tlilssumiuoni-??ir served within i ii|s county; or, Itservod elsewhere, within thtrty days?orlodgment by default will be takenagainst you, according lo tho prayer ofBald complaint.

The said action Is brought lo obtain adecree of this Court for the fore 'insure ora certain certificate of purchase No. (Ma,described in the said complaintaud exe-cuted by the said plaintiffto the said de-fendant on tho 181 a day ofMay. A1) 1875.foreclosing ull or defendant*! interest Inund to tlie following described laud, teHit:Sid Hec 30. VIN, Ull W,S B Main-taining 320 acres, situated lvLos Augelescouuty, stale ofCalifornia; to cancel andannul the suld certificate of purchase-that plaintiffmay have Judgment amiexecution agalnat snid defendant for thecosts ol suit, including{locompensationol the District Attorney and 82 70-ioocosts ofpublication ; aud for such otherand limber relief as seems met andngreeable to equity; and also that the de-fendant aud till persons claiming by,through or under him, may bo hairedand foreclosed of nil right, title, claim,lieu, equity of redemption and interestin and to sajd premises and certificate,and forol her and further relier,

Reference Is had to complaint for par-tlruluis.

And you are hereby notified mat ifyoufall to appear und answer tno suld com-plaint us above required, the saM plalu-tillwillapply to the lourt for the reliefdemanded In the suld compluiut.

Given under my hand aud tho real ofthe Superior Court of t he State of Califor-nia, in and for fho county of Los Ange-les, this 28th day of December, lv the year01 our Lord one thousand eight hundredand eighty.

(Seal.) A. W. POTTS. Clerk.By K. h. owen. Deputy,THOs. B. BROWN, D strict Attorney.


NEW AUCTION HOUSE), CORNERMain and Arcadia streets, oppositeHiker Block.

C. L. NORTHCRAFT T. B. CLARKhave divided their immense stock ofgoods ou Lis Angeles street and willkeep a full line of general merchandiseiv their new quarters. They are deter-mined lo seil as low as any housu In thecity, as they buy lor iash aud sell lorcash. Everything used by Die farmerand housokocper wilt ho louud at thishouse. Cull and examine their goods,and bo convinced that they uueun whatthey say.

They are now receiving a largo con-signment of furniture.Alargo assortment, ofnew und second-

hand cooking and heating stoves andlurnlturetm hand, vs.! ~! mmiture, merchandize, horses, wagons.,etc.,bought and sold. Will sell all goods con-signed to them aud uiuke prompt re-turns.

Auction every Saturday at v v. m., atwhich w. 11. MOBTHCHAFX will wieldthe hammer.

N. B?Tho houso will open Monday,February 11,1881. felo-lm

in the Superior CourtOi Loa Angeles County, State of


In re tho estate of Henry Cutlery, deed.

I: appearing to tho Court by the veri-fied petition presented and tiled by J. M.Mi.lieand Kdw,ard Naud, executors orthe last will und testament of HenryCartery,deceased, proving tor-an orderto sell real estate, and that it Is necessa-ry to soil v portion of Ihe real estate topaydebts, expenses' and charges of ad-ministration, and that ft sale ot said por-tion ofreal eslalo will bo lor the bealln-terests of said estate:It is therefore ordered by the Court

that all poisons interested in the saidestate bound appear before lllis Courton Monday, the lllh day of April,A. D., 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tho

\u25a0 court-room of tho Superior Court,?in tho Court House, in the. city of Los Angeles, county ol Los Ange-

les, State of California, to show causeiwliyan order should not bo granted to, the said executors to sell so much of the 1\u25a0 real estate of the deceased as ahull be? necessary.

And that a copyofthis order be pub-, tlahed at least forfour successive weeks

' in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, a news.? paper printed and published in the city! aud county of Los Augeles.

And, further, that the Clerk of tillsCourt mail a copy of this order to Loon, Cartery, directed to Bantu Ynes, Los Al-: amos Poitoffloe, Santa Barbara county,. Cala.

Los Angeles, March 11, 1881,SUPULVEDA,

Judge of the Superior Court.

1 hereby certify Hie foregoing to bo afull, true and correct copy oftheorlgina]order to show cause why petition to sellreal estate should not I.- vranted, In reHenry Carterv, deceased, on file lv myoffice, and that I have careluljy compai-

' ed the same with tho original.In witness whereof Ihave hereunto feet

my hand and affixed tho seal ofthe Superior Court, this lllh day ofMarch, 1881.

LSeal. 1 A. W. POTTS,County Clerk.ByE. 11. OWEN, Deputy. rnl2td

Certificate of Co-Partnership.The undersigned hereby certify thatthey aro partners doing business under

the name and style of "Yreku Bakeryand Lunch Hootn,"la Los Augeles cityaud county, State ot California, lor thepurpose ofcarryiog ou tho business of vlunch room aud bakery.

That tho names in lull and residencesof such co-partners hip are as follows:

Rudolf wherer.residing In theclty andcounty of Los Angeles, and Clark LeeLamnreaux, residing in tao cliy andcouuty of Los Angeles.


In presence ofA.Norton, Deputy CountyClerk,

STATE OF CALII'OUNIA, 1.County of lios Anoeles. j B3

On fbls second d.ay of March, in theyear of our Lord one thouaaud eighthundred and eighty-one, before me, A.W. Potts, County Clerk and ex-oltlcloClerk of the superior Court In and" lorsaid couuty, personally appeared Ru-dolph Shorer and Clark Loo Lumoreaux,known to me to be the persous whosenames aro subscribed to tho within in-strument, and acknowledged to me thatthey executed t he same.

In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto setmy hand and afflxed tho soal of saidCourt, t he day aud year fn this certificatefirst above written.

ISenl.l A. W. POTTS,County Clerk and ex-officio Ciork of

said Superior Court.By A.NORTON, Deputy. mr2-iw

Dissolution of Co-Partnership

Notice is hereby given that the part-nership heretofore Gristing between W.J. A. Smith and F. R. Moore, under thefirm name of SMITH A MOoßli, la thisday dissolved by mutual consent.

All debts due tbo firm will be paid toW.J. A. Smith and ull debts due Irom

tho firm to other parties willbo paid byaufd W. J. A. Smith.


Los Angelea, Dec. 0, 1830. m9-lw


STATE OF f ALIFOP.NIA, \ .County ofLu.s Angeles. J s3


Inthe matterofthe estate ofCiiarlos Ed-ward Eccarlus, deceusod.

Pursuant to an order of this Court,made this day. notice la hereby giventhat Friday, tile elghthteeuth day ofMaicli, 1881, at 10o'clock a.m. or said day, 'at the oourt room of this Court, lv thecityand county or Los Angeles, has beenappointed for hearing the application of .Jacob tfallllpplpraying that a dooument 'now on fileIn this Oourt, purporting tobe tbe las' will and testament oi Cha lesEdward Eccarlus, deceased, be admittedto probate, and tbat letters testamentary ?be Issued theieon to said Jacob Phlllippl,at whioh time and place all personaIgtareated therein may appear and contest 1


mortgage sale.Execution No. 217.

In Hie .Superior Court, Loe AngeleaCounty, California.

Osbsfoe Barnard, Plaintiff, >Sarah 11. Barnardiital, Defendants.)

UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OK Adecree of loroolosure aud ordor olsal.' culered in the Superior Courtor Loa Angelea county, state of Cal-ifornia, on tbe nth day ot

March. A. D. 1881, and a writ olexecution for the enforcement of Judg-ment, requiring sale ol property underforecfoaure of mortgage, issued out of theBald Court, ou the 2ut day olMarch, A. D. 1831, In tho nbovo entitledaction, and in lavorof Osborne Barnard,plaintiff, and against Sarah H. Barnard,Frank H. Buruard. Grace Bar-nurd and (J, N. Wilson, de-leudnnls, a certified copy olwhich said decree ol foreclosure,duly attested under the seal of saidfupcrior Court on the 2l»l day ofMarch, IA. D. isfjl,aud delivered to me, togetherwith the writ annexed thereto,on tbesaid last mentioned clay, whereby 1am commanded to soil at public auotlon, ]to ihe highest and best bidder, lorcash In *United slates gold coin, the followlujjh. .oudfu said decree described real cstafW-S'to-wll: %Tuose certain pieces or parcels of ]u_situated intbe cityof Loa Angeles, coda \u25a0ty ol' Los Angeles, state of California-; MMbounded and described as follows, toLot one (1), containing a tront ot 6510 101 feet on the vest aula ot Flowerstreet, as shown on tbe map of lho Moiltract, us mado by 11. Picket. C. 8., iv 1808and 1889,' also, lots 11 aud 12, (routing 80leet each on Grasshopper street wllh adepth of 105 feet; ail tho above lota lvblooK Z, as shown on tho aforesaid map;also, lot No. 10, with a front ot 80 feet onsaid Grasshopper street, lv olook Z, otthe aforesaid Mott tract, with a depth ofIQo feet.

Public nolico is hereby given that on


At 12 o'clock M. of said day, I will pro-ceed to sell at the Court House door intho oity and county ol Loa Angeles, Statuof California, at public auction, to thehighest and best bidder for cash iv U. Sgold coin, to satisfy said decree forprinci \u25a0pal and interest, costs and all accruiu ;coats, all the above described real estate, orbo much thereof as may bo necessary tosatirfy aald sutna,

Uiveu uuder my band at my oilier, in thecityand county uforesald, this .Mat day ofMarch, A. D. 1381.

WM. It. ROWLAND,Sherifl.

By JAS. C. KAYS, Under ShoritT.a

Summons.la too Superior Court or tbo State of Cal-

llorula, in and for tho county of LosAugeles.The People or the state of Californiaplanum, vs A. A. Hawson, defendant.Action brought In the Superior Court

of ihe State of California, in ana fertilecounty ol Los Angeles, and tho com-plaint Qled In said county of Los Ange-les, lv tho olbce ot the Olork of said Su-perior Court

The People of tho Statoof Calllornlitsend greeting to A. A. liul'ton, the un-known owner und holder oi certificate «ipurchase No. 7177, of tho following de-scribed State lands: Location No. ISOJLots 2 and 3 aud SK %of HIS % Sec 84, T0S, X8 W. S B H, containing 78.12 acres,situated in Los Angeles couuty, Califor-nia, defendant.

You are hereby required to appear inan action brought against you by thoabove named plaintiff in tho SuperiorCourtol the State of California, lv andfor the county of Los Angeles, and to an-swer the complaint tiled therein, withinteu days (exclusive of the day ol service)after the Bervico on youof tills summons?if servod within this county; or, ifserved elsewhere, within thirtydays?orludcmcnt by default will bo takenngaluht you, uccordlng to the prayer otsaid complaint.

The said action is brought to obtain adecree of tbis Court for tho foreclosure ora certalu certificate of purchase No. 7i77,described in the said com plaint and exe-cuted by tho said plalutlffto tne said de-fendant ou tho 21th day of January, A D. 1877, foreclosing all of'defendant's inter-est in and to the following describedlend, towlt: Lots 2 and 8 und SE "% ofSK -!i Sec 31, T 0 8, X 8 W, S B M, containing78.12 acres, situated ivLos Angeles coun-ty, Stateof California; to caucel and an-nul tbe satd certificate ofpurchase; thatplaintlffinayhave Judgment and execu-tion against said defondant lor the costsof suit, Including $10 compensation ofthe District Attorney, and 92 70-100 costßof publication, and for such other andfurther rellel as seems meet and agreea-ble to equity; and also that the aald de-fendant, and all persona claiming by,through or under him. may be barredand lorecloscd ot all right, title, claim,Hen, equity of redemption and interestin and to said promises and certificate,and for other and further relief.

Reference is had to complaint forpar-ticulars.

And you are hereby notified that Ifyoufail to appear und answer the aald com-plaint as above required, tbe aald plain-tiffwill apply to the Court for the reliefdemanded ivthe suld complaint.

Given uuder my hand and the Real ofthe Superior Court ol tbe Slate of Califor-nia. In and for tbo county of Los Angeles, this 2lih day of December, In tneyear ofour Lord one thousand eighthun-dred and eighty,

LSeal.J A. W. POTTS, Clerk.By A. RIMPAtJ, Deputy.

THOS. B. BROWN, District Attorney.

In the Superior CourtOf thecounfy of Los Angelea, State

of California,

In tho matter of the estate of CharlesEdward fCccarlus, deceased.?Notice lahereby given by the uuderalgned, execu-tor of the last will of tbe above-nameddeceased, to the creditors of and all per-i-ona havlug claims against said deceased,to exhibit the same, with the necessaryvouchers, wlthtn four months from thefirst publication of this notice, to theundersigned, at his place of business, InTemple Block, Market street, in tbe cityof Los Angeles.

Dated March 22,1881.nir2Mw J. PHILIPPI, Executor.

Notice of Dissolution.Notice is hereby given that the firm of

f,. LBWINA'.'O. has this day been dis-solved by mutual consent, the under-signed, L, Lewin, retiring.

The undersignod, P. Lazarus, will con-tinue the bualuess at theold stand. Alldebts of the firm of L. Lewln A Co. willbe paid by hlinat maturity. All the as-sets, including outstanding notes andaccounts due or to become due to thefirm, urc lobe paid to the said Lazarus.


Los Angolcs, Cal., March 4,1881. rural f



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cure promptness and moder-i ...ate prices. Give this office

a call and secure work at San