d. fujimura and s. tsuneta- properties of magneto- hydrodynamic waves in the solar photosphere with...

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  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Properties of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar

    Photosphere with Hinode

    D. Fujimura (NAOJ, Tokyo University)

    S. Tsuneta (NAOJ)

    Hinode Team

    2009/10/06 US - Japan reconnection workshop

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Unresolved issues in solar physics

    -Solar wind acceleration-Coronal heatingThe energy source of these twophenomena has not been identified yet.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Alfvn waves as candidate of the energy source(Suzuki and Inutsuka, 2005)

    -Solar wind is accelerated to 800 km/s and the corona isheated to 106 K caused by the footpoint fluctuation ofmagnetic field at the photosphere.

    - The outgoing Alfvn waves may generate slow shock and

    dissipate, but no observational evidence has been reported.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Transverse waves detected with Hinode

    Transverse oscillations are detected in prominences(Okamoto et al., 2007) and in spicules (De Pontieu et al.,2007) but these studies could not rule out the possibility

    that the observed fluctuations are standing waves.

    Ca II movie, Okamoto et al. (2007)



  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode



    Fine magnetic structures observed withSolar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode


    (2) Inter-Granular

    Magnetic Structure (IMS)


    (1) Pores around sunspot

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Detection of MHD waves in the photosphere

    - High spatial resolution of SOT/SP (~0.32) allows usto detect the fluctuations in small-scale flux tubessuch as pores and inter-granular magnetic structures.

    - Stable observations from space allow us to detect clearfluctuations in the intensity , as well as in themagnetic field and in the velocity.

    We obtained the phase relations between thefluctuations in the magnetic field, in the velocity, andin the intensity, and determined the mode of the MHDwaves in the flux tubes.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Detection of transverse MHD

    waves at the limb Rough estimation (substituting the observed values)B0=2 KG, VA=20 km/s, v=0.1 km/sB=10 G

    Detection limit of Hinode/SOTLine-of-sight (LOS) :1-5 GPerpendicular to LOS:30 - 50 G

    We intentionally choose target

    region far away from disk center,to detect transverse fluctuations inthe LOS magnetic field, in the LOSvelocity, and in the intensity.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Stokes Profiles and Dataset

    Our target: (1) pore(2) Inter-granular Magnetic Structure (IMS)

    Region:25 - 49 west away from disk center Time resolution: 67 s

    we can detect waves with period of 134 s (Nyquist criticia)

    Duration: 1 hour or 3 hours

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Time profiles

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Power spectrum

    -We detect 20 clear strong peaks in the magnetic flux, inthe velocity, and in the intensity with common periods.

    -There are 8 cases for pores and 12 cases for IMSs. Wefound common strong peaks in 14 flux tubes out of 29(48%).

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Phase relation and period

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    mode of MHD waves and intensity fluctuation

    kink modeis dominant

    sausage modeis dominant

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Phase relation of propagating

    kink waves-Phase difference between thefluctuations in the magnetic

    field and the velocity -vshould have been 0 or 180,

    depending on the direction ofwave propagation.

    -The propagating kink wavescould not explain the observedphase difference B v ~ -90.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Phase relation of standing kink wave

    -When ascending anddescending kink wave reflectedat a boundary coexist in theline formation layer, Thesuperposed wave has aproperty of a standing wave.

    -phase difference B v is90

    or -90

    , which is consistentwith our observation.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Standing kink wave

    Phase difference between the fluctuations in the magneticfield and the velocity B v is 90 (a,c) or -90 (b,d).

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Residual upward Poyning flux of kink wave - We can estimate the residual (upward downward) Poyningflux with observables. The residual Poynting flux is

    proportional to cos(B v),

    - In one case with low intensity fluctuation (dI/I=0.3%), wesubstitute the observables (f=0.73, B0=1.7x10

    3 (G), Bs,rms21(G), vs,rms=0.059(km/s), Bv=96) into the equation,and obtain F=2.7x106 (erg/s/cm2) for the residual upward

    Poynting Flux.

    - The coronal energy losses required in the active region is about106-107 erg cm-2 s-1 (Withbroe and Noyes, 1977)

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Phase relation for the sausage modePhase difference between the magnetic field anddensity (in-phase with intensity) is 0 for fast sausagemode and 180 for slow sausage mode, which isconsistent with our observation IB~180.

    Phase difference B v:180 (left), 0(right)

    Phase difference B v:90 or 90

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Slow sausage standing wave

    Phase difference between the fluctuations in the magneticfield and the velocity B v is 90 (a,c) or -90 (b,d),

    which is consistent with our observation.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Phase relation and type of MHD wavesB v

    Observation -90 propagating kink wave 0 or 180 Not consistent

    standing kink wave 90 or -90 Consistentpropagating slow sausage wave 0 or 180 Not consistentstanding slow sausage wave 90 or -90 Consistent

    Although the two types of waves may coexist in a fluxtube, we separate these two for the following discussion.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Seismology of photospheric flux tubesObservables- magnetic field amplitude (B)- velocity amplitude (v)- vertical magnetic field (Bi)- fluctuation period (P)

    Calculated physical parameters- mass density inside (i) and

    outside (e) a flux tube- plasma beta ()- Alfvn velocity (VA)- wavelength (L)- distance between a boundaryand a line formation height (d)

    Phase difference B v:90 (a) 90 (b)

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Plasma density of flux tubes withkink waves

    The dispersion relation for kink mode is

    (e.g. Edwin & Roberts, 1983)

    Giving transverse component for the magnetic field and assuming

    Be=0, we obtain the relation between the amplitude in themagnetic field and the velocity.

    Since flux tubes with kink waves are in pressure equilibrium, wehave

    Thus we can estimate internal and external plasma densities (iand e) substituting the observables (B, v, Bi).

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    We consider only the components longitudinal to the magneticfield. The equation of energy conservation is,

    Taking the derivative of the equation, we obtain the relationbetween the amplitude between the magnetic field and thevelocity.

    The phase speed for the sausage mode is (e.g. Edwin & Roberts,1983)

    We can estimate the mass density inside the flux tube (i)substituting the observables (B, v, Bi)

    Plasma density of flux tubes with slowsausage waves

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Other physical parametersThe plasma beta and the Alfvn velocity are derived

    substituting i,

    Substituting the Alfvn velocity, we can estimate thephase speed for both the kink wave and the sausagewave,

    We can also obtain the wavelength (L) and the distance

    between the boundary and the line formation layer (d).

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Result of the photospheric seismology

    i 6.3x10-8 g cm-3e 2.4x10-7 g cm-3 0.22vA 21 km s-1d 4.9x103 km

    -The detection of clear strongfluctuations allows us to estimatethe physical parameters

    (especially i, , VA) from theobservables (v, B, B0).-Magnetic field can be measuredby inversion of the Stokesprofiles, but the plasma densityhas not been measured yet.-This estimation can be the gateto photospheric seismology.

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Conclusion (1)- Performing spectro-polarimetric observation of the flux

    tubes in the photosphere, we detect clear strongfluctuations in the magnetic flux, in the velocity, and inthe intensity with common periods in both pores and

    the IMSs.

    Peaks Pore8(all flux tubes) IMS12 (1/3 of flux tubes)Amplitude 4-17 G (0.3-1.2%) 0.03-0.12 km/s

    Fluctuation Period Pore36 min IMS49 minPhase difference -90 (Bv) -90 (v- I)

    180 (I - B) 10 (I(core) -I(cont))Intensity Fluctuation 0.11.0%

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Conclusion (2)

    - The residual upward Poyning flux is estimated to be2.7x106 (erg/s/cm2) for a case of kink mode, enough toheat the corona and accelerate the solar wind.

    - Seismology of the magnetic flux tubes in the photosphereis possible to obtain various physical parameters fromthe amplitudes in the magnetic field and the velocity, andthe vertical magnetic field strength, and so on.

    B vObservation -90

    propagating kink wave 0 or 180 Not consistentstanding kink wave 90 or -90 Consistent

    propagating slow sausage wave 0 or 180 Not consistentstanding slow sausage wave 90 or -90 Consistent

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Thank you!

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Backup slides

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Opacity effect- Opacity effect is caused by the opacity

    fluctuation due to the temperatureand/or density perturbation.

    - Magnetic field fluctuation withoutMHD waves take place because of themagnetic field gradient.

    - The phase difference between themagnetic field and the intensitywould not be consistent with thatfrom our observation (IB~180),if we assume

    (1)dB/dz is negative towards theobserver.

    (2)The magnetic field is fixed. (i.e. itdoes not move upward nor downward)


  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Location of SP field-of-view

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    Method to select region for analysis

  • 8/3/2019 D. Fujimura and S. Tsuneta- Properties of Magneto- Hydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Photosphere with Hinode


    d- Diagram

    We found a solution with d=4.9x103 km, which is consistentwith the separation between the chromospheric/coronal

    boundary and the line formation layer.