cyber security market 2015-2025


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Page 1: Cyber Security Market 2015-2025
Page 2: Cyber Security Market 2015-2025

Contents 1. Report Overview

1.1 Cyber Security Market Overview

1.2 Global Cyber Security Market Segmentation

1.3 Why You Should Read This Report

1.4 How This Report Delivers

1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include:

1.6 Who is This Report For?

1.7 Methodology

1.7.1 Primary Research

1.7.2 Secondary Research

1.7.3 Market Evaluation & Forecasting Methodology

1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports

1.10 About Visiongain

2. Introduction to the Global Cyber Security Market

2.1 Cyber Security Market Structure Overview

2.1.1 Network Security (NetSec) Submarket Definition

2.1.2 Data Security (DataSec) Submarket Definition

2.1.3 Security Operations Management (SecOps) Submarket Definition

2.1.4 Identification Management (IdM) Submarket Definition

2.1.5 Endpoint Security (EndSec) Submarket Definition

2.1.6 Application Security (AppSec) Submarket Definition

2.1.7 Cloud Security (CloudSec) Submarket Definition

2.2 Why is Cybersecurity So Important to Homeland Security?

2.3 What Does the Cyber Threat to Critical Infrastructure Encompass?

2.4 Mechanisms of Cyber Attack

2.5 Types of Cyber Attack

2.6 Methods of Cyber Defence

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Contents 2.5 Recent Notable Cyber Attacks & Incidents

2.5.1 Conficker

2.5.2 Operation Buckshot Yankee

2.5.3 Aurora

2.5.4 Chinese Diversion of Internet Traffic

2.5.5 Stuxnet

2.5.6 Duqu

2.5.7 RSA

2.5.8 Sony Corporation

2.5.9 Operation Shady RAT

2.5.10 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

2.5.11 Flame / Operation: Olympic Games

2.5.12 Aramco

2.5.13 The Navy and Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI)

2.5.14 Operation Saffron Rose

2.5.15 Operation Dragonfly

2.5.16 Norwegian Oil and Gas

2.5.17 Sony Pictures Entertainment

2.5.18 Operation Cleaver

3. Global Cyber Security Market 2015-2025

3.1 Global Cyber Security Market 2015-2025

3.2 Regional Cyber Security Market Forecast 2015-2025

3.3 Regional Cyber Security AGR’s% 2015-2025

3.4 Regional Cyber Security Market Share Breakdowns 2015-2025

3.5 Leading 21 National Cyber Security Market Forecast Annual Growth Rates and CAGR’s 2015-


3.6 Cumulative Leading 21 National Cyber Security Market Expenditure & Market Share 2015-


3.7 Global Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

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Contents 4. Cyber Security Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

4.1 Cyber Security Submarket Forecasts & Annual Growth Rates 2015-2025

4.2 Cyber Security Submarket Shares 2015, 2020, 2025

4.3 Cyber Security Network Security (NetSec) Submarket Forecast by Regional Market 2015-2025

4.3.1 Cyber Security Network Security (NetSec) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.3.2 Cyber Security Network Security (NetSec) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020, 2025%

4.4 Cyber Security Security Operations (SecOps) Submarket Forecast by Regional Market 2015-


4.4.1 Cyber Security Security Operations (SecOps) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.4.2 Cyber Security Security Operations (SecOps) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020,


4.5 Cyber Security Data Security (DataSec) Submarket Forecast By Regional Market 2015-2025

4.5.1 Cyber Security Data Security (DataSec) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-2025

4.5.2 Cyber Security Data Security (DataSec) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020, 2025%

4.6 Cyber Security Identity Management (IdM) Submarket Forecast By Regional Market 2015-2025

4.6.1 Cyber Security Identity Management (IdM) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.6.2 Cyber Security Identity Management (IdM) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020, 2025%

4.7 Cyber Security Endpoint Security (EndSec) Submarket Forecast By Regional Market 2015-


4.7.1 Cyber Security Endpoint Security (EndSec) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.7.2 Cyber Security Endpoint Security (EndSec) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020, 2025%

4.8 Cyber Security Application Security (AppSec) Submarket Forecast By Regional Market 2015-


4.8.1 Cyber Security Application Security (AppSec) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.8.2 Cyber Security Application Security (AppSec) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020,


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Contents 4.9 Cyber Security Cloud Security (CloudSec) Submarket Forecast By Regional Market 2015-2025

4.9.1 Cyber Security Cloud Security (CloudSec) Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-


4.9.2 Cyber Security Cloud Security (CloudSec) Submarket National Shares 2015, 2020, 2025%

5. Leading 21 National Cyber Security Market Forecasts 2015-2025

5.1 Leading 21 National Cyber Security Markets Share Forecast 2015-2025

5.2 Barriers to Entry Analysis of the Leading 21 National Cyber Security Markets

5.3 U.S. Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.3.1 U.S. Cyber Security Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.3.2 U.S. Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.3.3 Changing Concerns: Why the focus on Cybersecurity will Continue to Drive U.S. Homeland

Security Expenditure Upwards

5.3.4 What are the Different Components of the U.S. Federal Government Spending on


5.3.5 What are the Individual U.S. State Authorities Spending on Cyber Security?

5.3.6 A Breakdown of the U.S. National Intelligence Program (NIP) 2011-2013

5.3.7 How is the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Responding to Increased Cyber Security Threats?

5.3.8 What are Domestic Airlines and the U.S. Federal Aviation Authority Doing to Guard Against a

Major Cyber Attack?

5.3.9 What are the Essential Components of the U.S. Cybersecurity Establishment? CNCI US CYBERCOM ARCYBER AFCYBER (24th Air Force) FLTCYBERCOM MARFORCYBER NSA Perfect Citizen DISA

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Contents DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate Office of Cyber Security and Communications Einstein II DARPA 780th Military Intelligence Brigade

5.3.10 Recent U.S. Cyber Security Events

5.3.11 U.S. Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.4 Chinese Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.4.1 Chinese Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.4.2 Chinese Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.4.3 A Breakdown of China’s Domestic Security Budgets From 2008-2014: Transport, Agriculture,

Aviation, Maritime, Justice, Customs, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

5.4.4 Another Brick in the Great Firewall: How Has China’s Concern for the Control of Information

Helped Shape its Defensive Cyber Posture?

5.4.5 A Digital Arms Race: How Strategic Competition with the United States Is Spurring on

Chinese Ambitions to Become a Cyber Power

5.4.6 Recent Chinese Cyber Security Events

5.5 Japanese Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.5.1 Japanese Cyber Security Market Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.5.2 Japanese Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.5.3 What Measures Has Japan Taken To Boost It’s Cyber Security Capabilities And What

Challenges Remain?

5.5.4 How Much Has the Japanese Military Allocated to Cyber Security In the Past Three Years?

5.5.5 What is the Organisational Structure of Japan’s New Military Cyber Command?

5.5.6 Recent Japanese Cyber Security Events

5.5.7 Japanese Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.6 Russian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.6.1 Russian Cyber Security Market Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.6.2 Russian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.6.3 Russian Cybersecurity Policy: How Stage Two Has Built Upon Previous Developments

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Contents 5.6.4 Recent Russian Cyber Security Events

5.6.5 Russian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.7 Republic of Korea Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.7.1 Republic of Korea Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.7.2 Republic of Korea Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.7.3 Forward Together: To What Extent Are South Korea’s PPPs Effective?

5.8 Saudi Arabian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.8.1 Saudi Arabian Cyber Security Market Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.8.2 Saudi Arabian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.8.3 Why Does Saudi Arabia Still Invest More in Physical Security Than Cybersecurity?

5.9 Indian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.9.1 Indian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.9.2 Indian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.9.3 How Have Repeated Blackouts Placed a Renewed Emphasis on Indian Critical Infrastructure


5.9.4 How Will the Recommendations of the JWG Affect Indian Cyber Security?

5.9.5 Recent Indian Cyber Security Events

5.9.6 Indian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.10 French Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.10.1 French Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.10.2 French Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.10.3 What is the Current State of French Cybersecurity?

5.10.4 Recent French Cyber Security Events

5.10.5 French Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.11 U.K. Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.11.1 U.K. Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.11.2 U.K. Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.11.3 Recent U.K. Cyber Security Events

5.11.4 U.K. Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.12 German Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.12.1 German Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

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Contents 5.12.2 German Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.12.3 Have German Cybersecurity Efforts Acquired New Emphasis?

5.12.4 Recent German Cyber Security Events

5.12.5 German Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.13 Israeli Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.13.1 Israeli Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.13.2 Israeli Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.13.3 Recent Israeli Cyber Security Events

5.13.4 Israeli Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.14 Canadian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.14.1 Canadian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.14.2 Canadian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.14.3 How Does Canada’s Current Cyber Security Strategy Cover Critical Infrastructure?

5.14.4 Access Denied: Why Canada Also Continues to Block the Entry Of Huawei Into Its Markets

5.14.5 How is the Growing Threat of Eco-Terrorism Likely to Influence Canadian Infrastructure


5.14.6 Recent Canadian Cyber Security Events

5.14.7 Canadian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.15 Australian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.15.1 Australian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.15.2 Australian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.15.3 Why Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Is Unlikely To Have Access To The Australian

Telecommunications Market In The Near Future

5.15.4 Australian Cyber Security: Stronger Than Acknowledged?

5.15.5 Recent Australian Cyber Security Events

5.15.6 Australian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.16 Italian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.16.1 Italian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.16.2 Italian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.16.3 Recent Italian Cyber Security Events

5.16.4 Italian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

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Contents 5.17 Spanish Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.17.1 Spanish Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.17.2 Spanish Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.17.3 Recent Spanish Cyber Security Events

5.17.4 Spanish Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.18 Brazilian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.18.1 Brazilian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.18.2 Brazilian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.18.3 Recent Brazilian Cyber Security Events

5.18.4 Brazilian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.19 Turkish Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.19.1 Turkish Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.19.2 Turkish Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.19.3 Fighting the Three-Headed Monster: ISIS, Assad, and the PKK

5.19.4 Recent Turkish Cyber Security Events

5.19.5 Turkish Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.20 UAE Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.20.1 UAE Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.20.2 UAE Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.20.3 Guarding the Golden Goose: Infrastructure Protection in the United Arab Emirates

5.20.4 Recent UAE Cyber Security Events

5.20.5 UAE Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.21 Taiwanese Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.21.1 Taiwanese Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.21.2 Taiwanese Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.21.3 Recent Taiwanese Cyber Security Events

5.22 Iranian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.22.1 Iranian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.22.2 Iranian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.23 Nigerian Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

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Contents 5.23.1 Nigerian Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.23.2 Nigerian Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.23.3 What Security Challenges Does Nigeria Currently Face, What Has the Country Done to


5.23.4 Recent Nigerian Cyber Security Events

5.23.5 Nigerian Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

5.24 Rest of the World Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025

5.24.1 Rest of the World Cyber Security Submarket Forecast 2015-2025

5.24.2 Rest of the World Cyber Security Market Drivers & Restraints

5.24.3 Recent Rest of the World Cyber Security Events

5.24.4 Rest of the World Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

6. STEP Analysis of the Cyber Security Market 2015-2025

7. Expert Opinion

7.1 John Bohlke, Product Manager, DataSoft Corporation

7.1.1 Company Background and History

7.1.2 DataSoft’s Presence in the Market and It’s ‘Nova Network Security System’

7.1.3 The Effects of Increased Cyber Attacks Upon Product Development

7.1.4 Product Features and Advantages

7.1.5 DataSoft’s Future Outlook and Market Plans

7.2 Francis Cianfrocca, CEO & Founder, Evan Birkhead, VP of Marketing, Bayshore Networks, Inc.

7.2.1 Company Background and Trends in Development

7.2.2 Bayshore’s Contribution to the Cyber Security Market

7.2.3 Client Relationships and the Provision of Solutions

7.2.4 The Advantages of Bayshore’s Services & Solutions

7.2.5 Bayshore’s Strong Partnerships with Cisco & BAE Systems

7.2.6 Bayshore’s Plans for Market Expansion & Future Development

7.2.7 Anticipation of Technological Change and Future Challenges

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Contents 7.2.8 On the Matter of Systems Integration

7.2.9 The Nature of the Current Cyber Threat & It’s Outlook for the Future

7.3 Paul Breo, U.K. Director of Security, CA Technologies, Inc.

7.3.1 Company Background and Trends in Development

7.3.2 CA Technologies’ Market Products and Their Benefits

7.3.3 The Challenges of Systems Integration

7.3.4 The All-Inclusive Nature of CA Technologies’ Solution and It’s Appeal to Multiple Market


7.3.5 CA Technologies’ Future Outlook and Plans for Development

7.4 Chandler Hall, Product & Program Manager – Commercial Security Products & Technology,

Sentar, Inc.

7.4.1 Company Background and Trends in Development

7.4.2 Company Products & Solutions

7.4.3 The Advantages of Sentar’s Solutions

7.4.4 Sentar’s Business Strategy and Thinking on the Future of the Cyber Security Market

7.5 Tom Ayers, President & CEO, N-Dimension Solutions, Inc.

7.5.1 Company Background and Trends in Development

7.5.2 N-Dimension Solutions Contribution to the Cyber Security Market

7.5.3 N-Dimension Solutions’ Development of Products and Solutions

7.5.4 The Advantages of N-Dimension’s Product Range

7.5.5 N-Dimension’s Business Strategy for the Cyber Security Market

7.5.6 N-Dimension’s Views on the Future

7.6 Stephen Gates, Chief Security Evangelist, Corero Network Security, Inc.

7.6.1 Company Background and Commercial History

7.6.2 Corero’s Contribution to the Cyber Security Market

7.6.3 Product Development and Implementation

7.6.4 The Benefit of Using Corero’s Products & Services

7.6.5 Corero’s Business Strategy and Thoughts on the Role of DDoS

7.6.6 Corero’s Plans for the Future

7.6.7 How the Future Cyber Security Environment Will Likely Look

7.7 Jeff Erwin, CEO, Intego, Inc.

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Contents 7.7.1 Company Background and Commercial History

7.7.2 Intego’s Contribution to the Cyber Security Market

7.7.3 Factors Affecting Product Development

7.7.4 Why Intego’s Products are Superior

7.7.5 Intego’s Business Strategy And Future Plans

8. 20 Notable Companies in the Global Cyber Security Market

8.1 Airbus Group Overview

8.1.1 Airbus Group Organisational Structure

8.1.2 Airbus Group Cyber Security Products

8.1.3 Airbus Group’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.1.4 Airbus Group Revenue 2009-2013

8.1.5 Airbus Group’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.1.6 Airbus Group Primary Market Competitors

8.1.7 Airbus Group Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.1.8 Airbus Group Recent M&A Activity

8.2 BAE Systems plc Overview

8.2.1 BAE Systems plc’s Organisational Structure

8.2.2 BAE Systems plc Cyber Security Products

8.2.3 BAE Systems plc Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.2.4 BAE Systems plc’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.2.5 BAE Systems plc’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.2.6 BAE Systems plc’s Primary Market Competitors

8.2.7 BAE Systems plc’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.2.8 BAE Systems plc’s M&A Activity

8.3 Boeing Company Overview

8.3.1 Boeing Company Organisational Structure

8.3.2 Boeing Company Cyber Security Products

8.3.3 Boeing Company’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.3.4 Boeing Company Revenue 2009-2013

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Contents 8.3.5 Boeing Company’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.3.6 Boeing Company’s Primary Market Competitors

8.3.7 Boeing Company’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.3.8 Boeing Company’s M&A Activity

8.4 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Overview

8.4.1 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Organisational Structure

8.4.2 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Cyber Security Market Products

8.4.3 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.4.4 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.4.5 Booz Allen Hamilton’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.4.6 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.’s Primary Market Competitors

8.4.7 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.4.8 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.’s M&A Activity

8.5 Cisco Systems, Inc. Overview

8.5.1 Cisco Systems, Inc. Organisational Structure

8.5.2 Cisco Systems, Inc. Market Products

8.5.3 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.5.4 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.5.5 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.5.6 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Primary Market Competitors

8.5.7 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.5.8 Cisco Systems, Inc.’s M&A Activity

8.6 Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Overview

8.6.1 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Organisational Structure

8.6.2 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.6.3 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.6.4 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.6.5 Computer Science Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.6.6 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Primary Market Competitors

8.6.7 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

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Contents 8.6.8 Computer Sciences Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity

8.7 Finmeccanica S.p.A. Overview

8.7.1 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Organisational Structure

8.7.2 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Cyber Security Products

8.7.3 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.7.4 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.7.5 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.7.6 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Primary Market Competitors

8.7.7 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.7.8 Finmeccanica S.p.A.’s Recent M&A Activity

8.8 General Dynamics Corporation Overview

8.8.1 General Dynamics Corporation’s Organisational Structure

8.8.2 General Dynamics Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.8.3 General Dynamics Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.8.4 General Dynamics Corporation Revenue 2009-2013

8.8.5 General Dynamics Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.8.6 General Dynamics Corporation’s Primary Market Competitors

8.8.7 General Dynamics Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.8.8 General Dynamics Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity

8.9 Hewlett Packard Company Overview

8.9.1 Hewlett Packard Company’s Organisational Structure

8.9.2 Hewlett Packard Company’s Cyber Security Products

8.9.3 Hewlett Packard Company’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.9.4 Hewlett Packard Company’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.9.5 Hewlett Packard Company’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.9.6 Hewlett Packard Company’s Primary Market Competitors

8.9.7 Hewlett Packard Company’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.9.8 Hewlett Packard Company’s Recent M&A Activity

8.10 Intel Corporation Overview

8.10.1 Intel Corporation’s Organisational Structure

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Contents 8.10.2 Intel Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.10.3 Intel Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.10.4 Intel Corporation’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.10.5 Intel Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.10.6 Intel Corporation’s Primary Competitors

8.10.7 Intel Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.10.8 Intel Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity

8.11 Kaspersky Lab Overview

8.11.1 Kaspersky Lab’s Organisational Structure

8.11.2 Kaspersky Lab’s Cyber Security Products

8.11.3 Kaspersky Lab’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.11.5 Kaspersky Lab’s Primary Market Competitors

8.11.6 Kaspersky Lab’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.11.7 Kaspersky Lab’s Recent M&A Activity

8.12 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. Overview

8.12.1 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Organisational Structure

8.12.2 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Cyber Security Products

8.12.3 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.12.4 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.12.5 L-3 Communications’ Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.12.6 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Primary Competitors

8.12.7 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.12.8 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.’s Recent M&A Activity

8.13 Leidos, Inc. Overview

8.13.1 Leidos, Inc.’s Organisational Structure

8.13.2 Leidos, Inc.’s Cyber Security Products

8.13.3 Leidos, Inc.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.13.4 Leidos, Inc.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.13.5 Leidos, Inc.’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.13.6 Leidos, Inc.’s Primary Market Competitors

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Contents 8.13.7 Leidos, Inc.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.13.8 Leidos, Inc.’s Recent M&A Activity

8.14 Lockheed Martin Corporation Overview

8.14.1 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Organisational Structure

8.14.2 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.14.3 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.14.4 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.14.5 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.14.6 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Primary Market Competitors

8.14.7 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.14.8 Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity

8.15 Northrop Grumman Corporation Overview

8.15.1 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Organisational Structure

8.15.2 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.15.3 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.15.4 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.15.5 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.15.6 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Primary Market Competitors

8.15.7 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.15.8 Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity .

8.16 Raytheon Company Overview

8.16.1 Raytheon Company’s Organisational Structure

8.16.2 Raytheon Company’s Cyber Security Products

8.16.3 Raytheon Company’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.16.4 Raytheon Company’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.18.5 Raytheon Company’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.16.6 Raytheon Company’s Primary Market Competitors

8.16.7 Raytheon Company’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.16.8 Raytheon Company’s M&A Activity

8.17 Symantec Corporation Overview

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Contents 8.17.1 Symantec Corporation’s Organisational Structure

8.17.2 Symantec Corporation’s Cyber Security Products

8.17.3 Symantec Corporation’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.17.4 Symantec Corporation’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.17.5 Symantec Corporation’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.17.6 Symantec Corporation’s Primary Market Competitors

8.17.7 Symantec Corporation’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.17.8 Symantec Corporation’s Recent M&A Activity

8.18 Thales Group Overview

8.18.1 Thales Group’s Organisational Structure

8.18.2 Thales Group’s Cyber Security Products

8.18.3 Thales Group’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.18.4 Thales Group’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.18.5 Thales Group’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.18.6 Thales Group’s Primary Market Competitors

8.18.7 Thales Group’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.18.8 Thales Group’s M&A Activity

8.19 Trend Micro, Inc. Overview

8.19.1 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Organisational Structure

8.19.2 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Cyber Security Products

8.19.3 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

8.19.4 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Revenue 2009-2013

8.18.5 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.19.6 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Primary Market Competitors

8.19.7 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.19.8 Trend Micro, Inc.’s Recent M&A Activity

8.20 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc Overview

8.20.1 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s Organisational Structure

8.20.2 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s Cyber Security Products

8.20.3 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s Role in the Cyber Security Market

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Contents 8.20.4 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc Revenue 2009-2013

8.20.5 Ultra Electronics’ Regional Revenue 2009-2013

8.20.6 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s Primary Market Competitors

8.20.7 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s Regional Emphasis / Focus

8.20.8 Ultra Electronics Holdings plc’s M&A Activity

8.21 Other Notable Companies in the Global Cyber Security Market

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Cyber Security Market 2015-2025: Leading Companies in Network, Data, Endpoint, Application & Cloud Security, Identity Management & Security Operations

4.6.1 Cyber Security Identity Management (IdM) Submarket Forecast by

National Market 2015-2025

Table 4.9 Cyber Security IdM Submarket Forecast by National Market 2015-25 ($m, AGR%) Sales ($m) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 U.S. 2708.0 2748.6 2795.3 2848.5 2914.0 2986.8 3064.5 3153.3 3229.0 3309.8 3399.1 3470.5 AGR (%) 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.9 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.1 China 1161.0 1194.7 1225.7 1267.4 1301.6 1334.2 1372.9 1415.4 1463.5 1516.2 1573.8 1627.4 AGR (%) 2.9 2.6 3.4 2.7 2.5 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.8 3.4 Japan 559.0 574.1 590.2 607.3 627.9 647.4 670.7 695.5 713.6 730.7 750.5 767.0 Japan 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.4 3.1 3.6 3.7 2.6 2.4 2.7 2.2 Russia 394.5 411.1 423.8 450.1 477.5 516.2 538.4 588.0 617.9 645.8 682.6 710.5 AGR (%) 4.2 3.1 6.2 6.1 8.1 4.3 9.2 5.1 4.5 5.7 4.1 ROK 329.6 342.8 364.4 385.5 395.2 416.9 454.8 479.4 507.7 545.7 578.5 624.2 AGR (%) 4.0 6.3 5.8 2.5 5.5 9.1 5.4 5.9 7.5 6.0 7.9 Saudi Arabia 163.4 169.0 176.1 185.2 195.0 202.8 214.4 223.8 231.2 249.9 257.4 265.4 AGR (%) 3.4 4.2 5.2 5.3 4.0 5.7 4.4 3.3 8.1 3.0 3.1 India 209.3 212.2 215.5 219.2 223.0 227.2 229.5 230.8 232.7 235.6 237.3 240.4 AGR (%) 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.0 0.6 0.8 1.3 0.7 1.3 France 216.1 218.8 222.6 226.1 229.0 233.1 237.1 239.8 243.8 248.0 251.0 253.6 AGR (%) 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.8 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.1 U.K. 205.7 219.7 225.2 238.1 258.8 264.7 271.9 284.6 297.5 309.4 318.3 326.9 AGR (%) 6.8 2.5 5.7 8.7 2.3 2.7 4.7 4.5 4.0 2.9 2.7 Germany 217.3 219.3 221.7 224.3 228.1 231.3 234.8 238.6 241.1 243.8 246.0 249.1 AGR (%) 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.3 Israel 194.4 197.9 201.7 205.7 210.0 215.1 219.1 223.1 226.7 230.5 236.0 242.4 AGR (%) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.4 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.7 2.4 2.7 Canada 188.9 191.7 195.0 197.5 200.3 203.9 208.2 213.2 218.9 225.3 232.7 241.1 AGR (%) 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 2.9 3.3 3.6 Australia 168.7 171.8 174.4 176.3 177.9 179.5 181.6 184.1 186.1 188.2 190.4 193.2 AGR (%) 1.9 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.5 Italy 145.6 147.6 149.6 152.0 154.2 157.0 159.4 160.8 162.7 165.8 167.8 171.2 AGR (%) 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.5 0.9 1.2 1.9 1.2 2.0 Spain 141.2 143.2 145.8 148.3 150.5 152.4 154.0 155.5 156.8 159.4 162.3 165.7 AGR (%) 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.7 1.8 2.1 Brazil 144.2 146.3 148.7 151.2 154.1 156.7 159.2 162.2 164.5 166.6 169.2 171.6 AGR (%) 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.4 Turkey 105.1 106.4 107.5 108.5 109.3 110.6 112.2 113.9 115.9 117.2 118.9 120.2 AGR (%) 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.4 1.1 UAE 94.1 97.6 101.0 104.7 107.3 109.5 111.9 114.7 117.9 121.5 124.9 128.1 AGR (%) 3.7 3.5 3.6 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.6 Taiwan 95.7 96.8 98.2 99.7 101.3 103.0 104.3 105.6 106.5 107.7 109.0 110.5 AGR (%) 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 Iran 38.8 39.0 39.1 39.3 39.4 39.6 39.9 40.1 40.5 41.0 41.6 42.4 AGR (%) 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.9 Nigeria 30.3 30.9 31.7 32.4 33.1 33.9 34.9 35.8 36.7 37.6 38.6 39.6 AGR (%) 2.1 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.4 2.5 2.6 ROW 1532 1569 1606 1652 1698 1744 1790 1841 1886 1938 1985 2036 AGR (%)

2.5 2.3 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.5

Global 9043 9249 9459 9719 9986 10265 10564 10900 11198 11533 11871 12197 AGR (%)

2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.2 2.7 3.0 2.9 2.7

Source: Visiongain 2015

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5.3.11 U.S. Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes

Table 5.12 Major U.S. Cyber Security Market Contracts & Programmes (Contractor/Programme, Submarket, Value $m, Date, Details)

Contractor/ Programme Submarket

Value $m

Date Details

Salient Federal Solutions

N/A January 2015

Salient Federal Solutions, Inc. (announced it had received awards for three task orders, from the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) Training Development Support Center (TDSC). These task orders were awarded under the SPAWAR C4ISR Training Support Contract. This contract supports the U.S. Navy Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR)’s networks and systems.

Veris Group Data Security

$44.0m January 2015

Veris Group won a $44 million contract with Washington Headquarters Services to perform commercial information assurance services. All work will benefit WHS’s Enterprise Information Technology Services Directorate, which provides the full range of IT equipment, services, solutions and customer support to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the Director of Administration and Management and to WHS itself.

CenturyLink Network Security

N/A December 2014

CenturyLink won a task order from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Office of Cybersecurity and Communications to provide Intrusion Prevention Security Services, known as EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated (E³A) protections, to U.S. federal civilian agencies.

Applied Communication


Security Operations $48.5m

November 2014

Applied Communication Sciences (ACS) was awarded a five-year, $48.5m single-award IDIQ contract as part of the Cyber Security Applied Research and Experimentation Partner (AR&EP) Program, under the direction of the Army Research Lab (ARL). This extensive program focuses on developing innovative cyber experimentation approaches in order to validate and transition basic research being performed in parallel on the ARL Cyber Security CRA (Collaborative Research Alliance) by a consortium of universities.

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5.21 Taiwanese Cyber Security Market & Submarket Forecasts 2015-


Table 5.69 Taiwanese Cyber Market & Submarket Forecast 2015-2025 ($m, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2015-25

Sales $m 935 966 995 1029 1064 1106 1157 1214 1279 1347 1414 1487 13059

AGR (%) 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.4 4.0 4.6 4.9 5.3 5.3 5.0 5.2 4.4

CAGR 2015-20 (%) 3.7 2020-25 5.1 CAGR 2015-25 (%) 4.4 NetSec 339.9 349.8 357.1 370.3 382.2 399.4 420.5 446.6 476.5 508.0 534.9 563.8 4809.0

AGR% 2.9 2.1 3.7 3.2 4.5 5.3 6.2 6.7 6.6 5.3 5.4 4.9 SecOps 260.3 269.4 279.1 287.2 296.4 306.2 320.9 336.6 355.8 375.7 397.9 422.1 3647.3

AGR% 3.5 3.6 2.9 3.2 3.3 4.8 4.9 5.7 5.6 5.9 6.1 4.6

DataSec 127.8 132.8 138.1 142.4 146.9 151.8 156.0 159.9 163.3 166.9 170.7 174.8 1703.6

AGR% 3.9 4.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.8 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.8

IdM 95.7 96.8 98.2 99.7 101.3 103.0 104.3 105.6 106.5 107.7 109.0 110.5 1142.7

AGR% 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3

EndSec 59.9 62.4 65.1 68.1 71.4 75.4 79.6 83.9 88.7 93.6 98.7 104.7 891.5

AGR% 4.1 4.3 4.7 4.9 5.5 5.6 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.4 6.0 5.3

AppSec 28.8 30.1 31.5 32.9 34.4 36.1 37.7 39.4 41.2 43.1 45.3 47.6 419.2

AGR% 4.4 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.0 4.7

CloudSec 22.6 24.4 26.4 28.7 31.4 34.7 38.4 42.3 46.9 51.8 57.2 63.8 445.8

AGR% 0.0 7.8 8.2 8.9 9.3 10.5 10.6 10.2 10.9 10.6 10.3 11.5 10.1

Figure 5.122 Taiwanese Cyber Security Market Global Market Share Forecast 2015, 2020, 2025 (% Share)

2015 2020 2025

Source: Visiongain 2015

Source: Visiongain 2015

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7. Expert Opinion

7.1 John Bohlke, Product Manager, DataSoft Corporation DataSoft Corporation is an American company based in Scottsdale Arizona, which specialises in

providing embedded communications solutions and engineering services to the telecoms, industrial

automation, aerospace & defence markets. In addition to providing technologies and services

directly to the U.S. Department of Defense, DataSoft also works alongside other major defence

contractors such as General Dynamics, Thales Group, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. In

February 2015 Visiongain was fortunate to speak to John Bohlke, Product Manager of Nova,

DataSoft’s cyber security appliance, and thanks him for his contribution.

7.1.1 Company Background and History Visiongain: Could you please describe your background and role with DataSoft? John Bohlke: I am the director of business development, responsible for finding the right markets

and converting the company’s technology into successful products within those markets. The Nova

Network Security system is the first and best market-ready product we are promoting.

Visiongain: What is DataSoft’s background and commercial history?

John Bohlke: DataSoft has been in business for 20 years and focused mostly on engineering

design and development services most of which have been funded by government programs. We

specialize in wireless technology including Software Defined Radio, IP networking and network

security. We have developed several products from our technology and sell them directly to

government and commercial organizations.

7.1.2 DataSoft’s Presence in the Market and It’s ‘Nova Network Security

System’ Visiongain: What does DataSoft’s involvement in the cybersecurity market consist of in terms of

products, services, or technologies?

John Bohlke: DataSoft involvement in the cybersecurity market consists of our Nova Network

Security system. It was originally developed as an open source software solution but has evolved

into a commercial product with enhanced software features. The software is pre-loaded and

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configured on a plug-in appliance. Nova is based on honeypot technology that hides the real

network assets, alerts to hostile behaviour and slows down a network attack. The system creates

any number of honeypots (decoys) that appear to be real systems operating on the network. When

a breach occurs and the attacker begins reconnaissance, Nova will detect, classify the behaviour

and alert the administrator.

Visiongain: Are there typically any particular solutions or products that your clients are seeking?

John Bohlke: We’ve had clients express interest in running Nova technology on host machines,

functions that capture and contain the cyber threat, and capabilities to alter the network

dynamically so as to further ‘hide’ the valuable data.

7.1.3 The Effects of Increased Cyber Attacks Upon Product Development Visiongain: Are there any specific trends or factors that are having an effect upon the

development of your products or their implementation?

John Bohlke: The increasing occurrence and newsworthy cyber attacks have increased the

interest and immediacy of finding and implementing security solutions. All businesses are realizing

that they are vulnerable so they have to put something more in place than just a firewall and anti-

virus. The news that many hackers are in networks for over 200 days before being detected is a

factor that is driving additional threat detection business.

7.1.4 Product Features and Advantages Visiongain: What kind of advantages does Nova security offer that users can’t get elsewhere?

John Bohlke: Nova Network Security hides the real network assets, alerts the user to hostile

attacks and slows down the attack without adding network traffic or slowing the normal network

operation. It comes on a plug-in appliance that uses a simple web-based interface – it’s a very

easy and affordable cyber attack prevention and detection system that can be implemented by a

business with little expertise and resources.

7.1.5 DataSoft’s Future Outlook and Market Plans Visiongain: Would you say that you have plans to expand beyond your current cybersecurity

presence, perhaps into new markets?