current affairs questions 20th december 2019 · the united nations declared to observe 18th...

Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019

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Page 1: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Current Affairs Questions

20th December 2019

Page 2: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we
Page 3: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

International Migrants Day is

observed every year on _______.

A. 15 December

B. 16 December

C. 17 December

D. 18 December

अतंर्राष्ट्रीय प्रवरसी दिवस _______ को हर्सरल मनरयर जरतर है।A. 15 दिसबंर्B. 16 दिसबंर्C. 17 दिसबंर्D. 18 दिसबंर

Question of the day

Page 4: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International

Migrants Day every year.

● On International Migrants Day, we celebrate the many contributions that migrants

make to communities across the globe.● संयुक्त र्रष्ट्र हर् सरल 18 दिसंबर् को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रवरसी दिवस के रूप में मनरतर है ।● अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रवरसी दिवस पर्, हम उन योगिरनों को यरि कर्ते है जो प्रवरसी िनुनयर भर् के

समुिरयों को प्रिरन कर्ते हैं।

Page 5: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Recently, ID Swami passed away.

He was a famous _______.

A. Writer

B. Journalist

C. Politician

D. Sitar Player

हरल ही में, आईडी स्वरमी कर ननधन होगयर। वह एक प्रससद्ध _______ थे।A. लेखकB. पत्रकरर्C. राजनीतिज्ञD. ससतरर् वरिक

Page 6: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● Former Union Minister ID Swami passed away. He served as the Union Minister

of State for Home Affairs in 1999 in former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s

government.● पूवा कें द्रीय मंत्री आईडी स्वरमी कर ननधन हो गयर।● उन्होंने पूवा प्रधरन मंत्री अटल बबहरर्ी वरजपेयी की सर्करर् में 1999 में कें द्रीय गहृ र्रज्य मंत्री के

रूप में करया ककयर थर।

Page 7: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Who among the following has won

the 'India Cyber Cop of the Year'


A. Kamal Kath

B. B P Raju

C. Aman Sharma

D. Umesh Pandey

ननम्नसलखखत में से ककसने 'इंडडयर सरइबर्कॉप ऑफ ि ईयर्' पुर्स्करर् जीतर है?

A. कमल करंतB. बी पी राजूC. अमन शमराD. उमेश परंडे

Page 8: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● CBI officer B P Raju has won the 'India Cyber Cop of the Year 2019' award by

NASSCOM-DSCI for cracking a fraud case in an online entrance exam conducted

by an engineering college in Rajasthan.● सीबीआई अधधकरर्ी बी पी र्रजू ने र्रजस्थरन के एक इंजीननयरर्गं कॉलेज द्वरर्र आयोजजत एक

ऑनलरइन प्रवेश पर्ीक्षर में धोखरधडी के मरमले में सेंध लगरने के सलए NASSCOM-DSCI द्वरर्र'इंडडयर सरइबर् कॉप ऑफ ि ईयर् 2019' कर पुर्स्करर् जीतर।

Page 9: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Recently, Nitin Gadkari has launched

'Khadi Rumal' stitched by militancy

affected women from _______.

A. Jammu and Kashmir

B. Nagaland

C. Arunachal Pradesh

D. Mizoram

हरल ही में, नननतन गडकर्ी ने _______ मेंर्हने वरली उग्रवरि प्रभरववत मदहलरओं द्वरर्रसे ससले गए 'खरिी रुमरल' को लॉन्च ककयरहै।A. जम्मू और कश्मीरB. नगरलैंडC. अरुणरचल प्रिेशD. समजोर्म

Page 10: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● In a bid to create employment opportunities for the women of militancy affected

families of Jammu and Kashmir, the Minister for Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (MSME) Nitin Gadkari launched sale of 'Khadi Rumal' stitched by the

women of Nagrota town in J&K.

● जम्मू और् कश्मीर् के उग्रवरि प्रभरववत परर्वरर्ों की मदहलरओं के सलए र्ोजगरर् के अवसर् पैिर कर्नेके सलए, सूक्ष्म, लघु और् मध्यम उद्यम (MSME) मंत्री नननतन गडकर्ी ने जम्मू-कश्मीर् में नगर्ोटरशहर् की मदहलरओं द्वरर्र ससले गए खरिी रुमरल की बबक्री शुरू की।

Page 11: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Recently in news, ‘StrandHogg’ is

a/an _______.

A. Meteoroid

B. Android Bug

C. Glacier

D. Fish Species

हरल ही में समरचरर् में र्हने वरलर, 'स्रैंडहॉग'

एक _______ है।A. उल्करवपडंB. एंड्राइड बगC. ग्लेसशयर्D. मछली की प्रजरनत

Page 12: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has sent an alert to all States warning

them about the vulnerability of Android operating system to a bug called


● This bug allows real-time malware applications to pose as genuine applications and

are able to access user data of all kind.● कें द्रीय गहृ मंत्ररलय (MHA) ने सभी र्रज्यों को ‘स्रैंडहॉग’ नरमक बग के सलए एंड्रॉइड ऑपरे्दटगं

ससस्टम की भेद्यतर के बररे् में चेतरवनी िेते हुए एक अलटा भेजर है।● यह बग वरस्तववक समय के मैलवेयर् एजललकेशन को वरस्तववक एजललकेशन के रूप में पोज़ कर्ने

की अनुमनत िेतर है और् सभी प्रकरर् के उपयोगकतरा डटेर तक पहंुचने में सक्षम है।

Page 13: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Which of the following city hosted the

first Global Refugee Forum?

A. Moscow

B. Ankara

C. Geneva

D. Paris

ननम्नसलखखत में से ककस शहर् ने पहलेग्लोबल रर्फ्यूजी फोर्म की मेजबरनी की?A. मरस्कोB. अकंरर्रC. जजनेवाD. पेरर्स

Page 14: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we


● The first ever Global Refugee Forum was held in Geneva, Switzerland. ● It was jointly hosted by United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) along with Government

of Switzerland. ● पहली बरर् ग्लोबल रर्फ्यूजी फोर्म जजनेवर, जस्वट्जर्लैंड में आयोजजत ककयर गयर थर।● यह सयंुक्त र्रष्ट्र शर्णरथी एजेंसी (UNHCR) द्वरर्र जस्वट्जर्लैंड सर्करर् के सरथ सयंुक्त रूप से

आयोजजत ककयर गयर थर।

Page 15: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Government has launched National

Broadband Mission with an

investment of________.

A. Rs 3 lakh crore

B. Rs 5 lakh crore

C. Rs 7 lakh crore

D. Rs 9 lakh crore

सर्करर् ने ________ के ननवेश के सरथर्रष्ट्रीय ब्रॉडबैंड समशन शुरू ककयर है।A. 3 लरख कर्ोड रुB. 5 लरख कर्ोड रुC. 7 लाख करोड़ रुD. 9 लरख कर्ोड रु

Page 16: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The government launched a national broadband mission that aims to connect 600,000 villages

across India at an estimated outlay of Rs 7 lakh crore including a 10% contribution from the

state reserve over a period of next 3-4 years.

● सर्करर् ने एक र्रष्ट्रीय ब्रॉडबैंड समशन शुरू ककयर, जजसकर लक्ष्य अगले 3-4 वर्षों की अवधध में पूरे् भरर्त में600,000 गराँवों को जोडनर है जजसकर ववत्तपोर्षण र्रज्य रर्ज़वा के 10% अंशिरन सदहत 7,000 कर्ोड रुपये केअनुमरननत परर्व्यय से होगर ।

Page 17: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

In December 2019, Which of the

following state police has became 7th

state police to get ‘President’s


A. Madhya Pradesh

B. Jharkhand

C. Gujarat

D. Telangana

दिसबंर् 2019 में, ननम्न में से कौन सी र्रज्यपुसलस ‘र्रष्ट्रपनत के रं्ग’ (‘President’s

Colours) परने वरली 7 वें र्रज्य की पुसलसबन गई है?

A. मध्य प्रिेशB. झरर्खंडC. गजुरािD. तेलगंरनर

Page 18: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The state police of Gujarat were honoured with ‘President’s colours’.

● The previously awarded states were Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Jammu and

Kashmir, Tripura and Assam.

● गुजर्रत की र्रज्य पुसलस को 'र्रष्ट्रपनत के रं्गों' (‘President’s Colours) से सम्मरननत ककयर गयर है।● पहले से सम्मरननत र्रज्य मध्य प्रिेश, उत्तर् प्रिेश, दिल्ली, जम्मू और् कश्मीर्, बत्रपुर्र और् असम थे।

Page 19: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Recently, the Allahabad High

Court annulled the election of

Mohammad Abdullah Azam Khan,

as a Member of Legislative

Assembly (MLA) on the grounds

of being underage. What is the

minimum age required to for the

election of Member of Legislative

Assembly (MLA)

A. 21 Years

B. 23 Years

C. 25 Years

D. 27 Years

हरल ही में, इलरहरबरि उच्चन्यरयरलय ने मोहम्मि अब्िलु्लरआज़म खरन को, ववधरन सभर(एमएलए) की सिस्यतर को कम उम्रके करर्ण र्द्ि कर्ने की घोर्षणर की।ववधरन सभर के सिस्य (ववधरयक) केचुनरव के सलए न्यूनतम आयु ककतनीहोनी चरदहएA. 21 सरलB. 23 सरलC. 25 सालD. 27 सरल

Page 20: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● Recently, the Allahabad High Court annulled the election of Mohammad Abdullah Azam

Khan, as a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) on the grounds of being underage.

● Age must be not less than 25 years for the legislative assembly and not less than 30

years for the legislative council.

● हरल ही में, इलरहरबरि उच्च न्यरयरलय ने मोहम्मि अब्िलु्लर आज़म खरन को, ववधरन सभर (एमएलए) कीसिस्यतर को कम उम्र के करर्ण र्द्ि कर्ने की घोर्षणर की

● ववधरन सभर के सलए आयु 25 वर्षा से कम नहीं होनी चरदहए और् ववधरन परर्र्षि के सलए 30 वर्षा से कम नहींहोनी चरदहए।

Page 21: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

The International Astronomical

Union (IAU) named a star in

Sextans Constellation as ______ on

the name of an Indian Woman


A. Lakshita

B. Bhibha

C. Ananya

D. Teji

इंटर्नेशनल एस्रोनॉसमकल यूननयन (IAU)

ने एक भरर्तीय मदहलर वैज्ञरननक के नरम पर्सेक्स्टन्स नक्षत्र में एक स्टरर् कर नरम______ र्खर?A. Lakshita

B. Bhibha

C. Ananya

D. Teji

Page 22: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The International Astronomical Union (IAU) named a white yellow star in Sextans Constellation

as “Bhibha”.

● The star has been named Bhibha honoring Indian Woman Scientist Bhibha Choudhury who

discovered subatomic particle pi-meson.

● इंटर्नेशनल एस्रोनॉसमकल यूननयन (IAU) ने Sextans नक्षत्र में एक सफेि पीले तररे् कर नरम "भीभर" र्खर।● भरर्तीय मदहलर वैज्ञरननक भीभर चौधर्ी को सम्मरननत कर्ने वरले स्टरर् कर नरम भीभर र्खर गयर है, जजन्होंने उप-

पर्मरणु कण परई-मेसन की खोज की थी।

Page 23: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we
Page 24: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we
Page 25: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Step 1

Page 26: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Step 2

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Step 3

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Page 29: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Step 5

Page 30: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

Goa's Liberation Day is observed every

year on _______.

A. 17 December

B. 18 December

C. 19 December

D. 20 December

गोवर कर मजुक्त दिवस हर् सरल _______

को मनरयर जरतर है।A. 17 दिसबंर्B. 18 दिसबंर्C. 19 दिसबंरD. 20 दिसबंर्

Question of the day

Page 31: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we

● The Liberation Day of Goa is celebrated on 19 December annually.

● On this date in 1961, Goa was released from the Portuguese dominion after army

operation and extended freedom movement.

● गोवर कर मुजक्त दिवस प्रनतवर्षा 19 दिसंबर् को मनरयर जरतर है।● 1961 में इस तरर्ीख को, गोवर को सेनर के ऑपरे्शन और् ववस्तररर्त स्वतंत्रतर आंिोलन के बरि पुतागरली

प्रभुत्व से मुक्त कर् दियर गयर थर।

Page 32: Current Affairs Questions 20th December 2019 · The United Nations declared to observe 18th December as the International Migrants Day every year. On International Migrants Day, we