csae august 2013 board packet

Anti-Trust Statement: It is the policy of the Colorado Society of Association Executives to comply fully with antitrust laws, both federal and state, and to avoid all conduct which is unlawful, or which may give the appearance of being in conflict with such laws Board of Directors Meeting August 23. 2013 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 3773 E. Cherry Creek North Drive, Suite 280, Denver, CO 80209 (West Tower) The Mission CSAE is the community that fosters personal excellence for all within the association management profession. A G E N D A 10:00 AM Call to Order, Welcome/Introductions Greg Williams, MBA, MA, President -Roadmap for the day 10:15 AM Orientation Session Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President 10:45 AM Strategic Planning Session Bob Golden, CAE, Facilitator 12:00 NOON Lunch 12:30 PM Approval of Agenda for Business Meeting Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Consent Agenda Minutes Financial Report Dashboard 12:35 PM Secretary/Treasurer’s Report Laurie Traetow, CAE, CPA, Secretary/Treasurer 12:45 PM President’s Report Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Sept 6: Larry Seibert, Association Metrics -Sept 9: Reception with Greg Melia, ASAE -Meetings Industry Council Orientation Meeting -Committee Assignments -State of Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools policy 1:15 PM Executive Director’s Report Joan Tezak, CAE 1:35 PM New Business Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Scholarship Program -Summer Activities -990 and Financial Review 1:45 PM Rusty Nail Items Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President 1:50 PM Next Meeting 2:00 PM Adjournment

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Page 1: CSAE August 2013 Board Packet

Anti-Trust Statement: It is the policy of the Colorado Society of Association Executives to comply fully with antitrust laws, both federal and state, and to avoid all conduct which is unlawful, or which may give the appearance of being in conflict with such laws

Board of Directors Meeting August 23. 2013 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

3773 E. Cherry Creek North Drive, Suite 280, Denver, CO 80209 (West Tower)

The Mission CSAE is the community that fosters personal excellence for all within the association management profession.


10:00 AM Call to Order, Welcome/Introductions

Greg Williams, MBA, MA, President -Roadmap for the day

10:15 AM Orientation Session Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President 10:45 AM Strategic Planning Session Bob Golden, CAE, Facilitator 12:00 NOON Lunch 12:30 PM Approval of Agenda for Business Meeting Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Consent Agenda Minutes Financial Report Dashboard 12:35 PM Secretary/Treasurer’s Report Laurie Traetow, CAE, CPA, Secretary/Treasurer 12:45 PM President’s Report Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Sept 6: Larry Seibert, Association Metrics -Sept 9: Reception with Greg Melia, ASAE -Meetings Industry Council Orientation Meeting -Committee Assignments -State of Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools policy 1:15 PM Executive Director’s Report Joan Tezak, CAE 1:35 PM New Business Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President -Scholarship Program -Summer Activities -990 and Financial Review

1:45 PM Rusty Nail Items Greg Williams, MA, MBA, President 1:50 PM Next Meeting 2:00 PM Adjournment

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CSAE Dashboard updated 8/20/2013

Professional 57%

Associates 38%

Honorary & Retired


August 2012 Membership by Type

Professional 62%

Associates 35%

Honorary & Retired


August 2013 Membership by Type










Total Members Professional Associates Honorary &Retired

CSAE Membership

August 2012 August 2013










June (annual meeting) July (LWL Breakfast) August (LWL Lunch)

Continuing Education Attendance

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� +� Strategic Plans

71% Have strategic plans16% Developing strategic plans

In March of 2000, CSAE conducted a survey of association professionals, with a detailed analysis and report including association size – both in members and dollars. Also included were questions on communications, operations, outsourcing and many other basic aspects of the membership. In January of 2012, CSAE contracted to repeat this survey, both to see what the new baseline of metrics might be for Colorado associations, but also to see what changes have occurred over time. Where possible, the new survey asks very similar questions to the 2000 survey. 66 respondents provided information in our 2012 survey. All numbers are rounded off to the nearest percent.

Planning and Reporting

� +� Dashboard Reporting

31% Using a dashboard

21% Process of developing a dashboard

Dashboards, a quick and visual way or reporting key association metrics

� =� =

Benchmark Reporting18% Using benchmarks 6% Process of

developing benchmarks

Benchmarking is the comparison of your association’s data to another or a group of associations, data.


About our Associations

� =� =� =� =

Average age 59Median age 60

Average age 45Median age 32



The oldest started in 1871(141 years old) and the youngest started in 2011.


� +� 42% Trade

58% Professional

� +� 2012


67% Trade

33% Professional

Number of Members

3,291average number of members in 2000

5,331 average number of members in 2012

The size of the associations has risen since 2000.


� +� +� +� +8A2012

23% international associations

40% state associations

8% regional associations

14% national


14% local


How associations classifi ed themselves changed from 2000 to 2012

� +� +� A40% state associations

31% nationalassociations

45% regional



Classifi cation

Also, there is one association reporting as a 501(c)4 and one as a 501(c)5. There was not much change from 2000, just a slight increase in the percent-age of 501(c)3’s (37%).

� +� 29% are 501(c)3

68% are 501(c)6

Primary PurposeWhile we know that associations serve many different purposes, we asked a question about primary purpose. We did allow selection of more than one primary purpose.

� =� =� =� =9

Education/Information 93% Legislation/Public Policy54%

Research 22%

Marketing 13%

Charitable Foundation 5%

The big change from 2000 is in the percentage reporting Education/Information (74%) – although in 2000, there was not the option to select multiple purposes.

Primary Industry

1.6% Agriculture

20.6% Healthcare/


Below is a breakout of primary industry surveyed. This question had the largest number of responses that did not easily fi t the categories offered.

1.6% Government

9.5% Real Estate

3.2% Construction

1.6% Manufacturing

1.6% Telecommuni-

cations and Digital Media

4.8% Physical


11.1% Energy, Mining

and Natural Resources

4.8% Education

3.2% Tourism

3.2% Retail

15.9% Other

12.7% Financial Services


Headquarters Location and Multiple Offi ces +� +6+2

24% Downtown Denver

68% metro Denver

2% Colorado Springs

6% Boulder

Multiple offi ces were reported by 17 associations, with Washington DC being the most often cited location.


92% reported that there was a charitable foundation closely related to the association

19% reported a for-profi t subsidiary.

Staff Size & OutsourcingWe asked about how many full time staff and, if any, seasonal staff is employed by our members. The average staff size is a little over 11 FTE (as compared to 12 in 2000) and the median staff size is 4.65 FTE (as compared to 4 in 2000). 16 as-sociations reported hiring seasonal help – with a low of 0.25 FTE up to 6 FTE. The average was 2 FTE and the median was 1 FTE. 90% of associations outsource their Legal Services. 53% outsource Payroll and 54% outsource Government Relations. Most other services are performed by staff.

Primary Sources of IncomeAs could be expected, the primary source of income is Membership Dues. Conferences/Conventions, Other Education, and Publications round out the top 4 sources of income.

Membership DuesConferences/Conventions

Other Education(seminars, webinars, etc)


Product SalesGrants

DonationFoundation Support

Certifi cationA For-Profi t Subsidiary











Annual Budget Range

� =� =� =� =�

$500,000 – $1,000,000 29% < $2,000,000 25%

$1,000,000 – $2,000,000 19% $250,000 – $500,000 14%

> $250,000 11% This ties closely with 2000, as 80% of the revenue was Dues, 10% Grants, 10% Product sales.


� +� +�

20% print only

60% print and online

18% online only

Boards of DirectorsBoard Meetings – With a range from 1 to 20, the average number

of Board meetings was 6.Executive Committee – With a range from 1 to 52, the average number

of Executive Committee meetings throughout the year was 7.8.Size of the Board and Executive Committee – With a range from

9 to 50, the average was 17.5 Board members with the average Executive Committee of 6.

63% reported teleconferences with the Board, which is up slightly from 2000 when 60% reported teleconferencing with the Board.

Insurance98% reported carrying Directors and Offi cers liability insurance

63% reported carrying Errors and Omissions coverage

Annual MeetingsTime of Meeting

� +� +� +� 16% September

18% October

14% June

2-10% rest of monthsNo one reported meeting in July.

Location of Meeting� +� +� +� +626% Denver 31%

out of state

12% Front Range16%

rotating around state

6% Colorado mountains

Number of AttendeesFor the 61 responses, there were 65,000 attendees. The average was 1,343 and the median was 300. These are up from 2000 where the average was 787 and the median was 200.

Spouses/Guests63% reported that their annual event supported the attendance of spouses and guests. On average 25% of members brought a spouse/guest with them.

About OurselvesJob Title

� +� +  +919% CEO

60% Executive Director

11% Executive Vice President

9% President

Are you the Executive Director, the Chief Staff Executive, CEO, or do you have some other title. The 2000 survey reported that most respondents reported that they were Executive Directors or Execu-tive Offi cers, while a few reported themselves as CEO. In 2012 the results were:

Benefi ts81% of associations offer

health insurance

68% offer life insurance

74% offer a retirement program

These numbers do not signifi cantly vary from 2000.

Association Executive as a ProfessionThe average time as an association executive is 16 years. The median time is 14 years. This is up slightly from 2000. 38% reported being a Certifi ed Association Executive (CAE), whereas in 2000 the number was 13%.

About CSAE

=� =� =7=7=

20% Chamber of Commerce

87% American Society of Association Executives

13% Colorado Nonprofi t Association


Professional Associations

7% MPI

These are all up from the 2000 numbers.

Age44% reported their age as between 50 and 59 years. � +�

23% was the next highest percentage with for the category between 40 and 49 years.

� +� +� 13% Some College

36% College Graduate

51% Post Graduate degrees


Ethnic Background� +298% White

2% Asian


+� +368% Female

28% Male

3% chose not to answer

CSAE Membership

37% Networking

58% Professional Development

5% Service

Primary reason to be a member of CSAE� +� +5

CSAE Communication

3% Social Media

94% Email

3% Mail

Preferred method of communication from CSAE

� +3+3

The Ultimate Question - How likely are you to recommend CSAE to a friend or colleague?Some of you may have read the book The Ultimate Question, and some of you have probably answered a similar question in a survey. The research in the book states that people are more objective, and give the question more thought, when giving a recommendation of a service or product to a friend or colleague. When tracked over time, the question provides great trend data on brand value. For our survey, we’ve established a pretty good baseline. Only 6% chose the 1 to 5 rating and 95% chose a rating between 6 and 10. 60% chose a rating of 9 or 10.

Prepared for CSAE by Albrecht Consulting. To contact Sam Albrecht, email: [email protected]

CSAE2170 S. Parker RoadDenver, Colorado 80231US

phone: 303.368.9090 fax: 303.368.4222

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