crm managment

2010Customer Relationship Management CHAPTER – I Vision International Institute of Management

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2010 Customer Relationship Management



Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is to create a competitive advantage by being the best at understanding, communicating, delivering, and developing existing customer relationships, in addition to creating and keeping new customers. It has emerged as one of the largest management buzzword. Popularized by the business press and marketed by the aggressive CRM vendors as a panacea for all the ills facing the firms and managers, it means different things to different people. CRM, for some, means one to one marketing while for others a call centre. Some call database marketing as CRM. There are many others who refer to technology solutions as CRM. If so, what is CRM?

Merchants and traders have been practicing customer relationship for centuries. Their business was built on trust. They could customize the products and all aspects of delivery and payment to suit the requirements of their customers. They paid personal attention to their customers, knew details regarding their customers’ tastes and preferences, and had a personal rapport with most of them. In many cases, the interaction transcended the commercial transaction and involved social interactions. Even today, this kind of a relationship exists between customers and retailers, craftsmen, artisans – essentially in markets that are traditional, small and classified as pre-industries markets.

These relationship oriented practices have changed due to industrial revolution.. Businesses adopted mass production, mass communication and mass distribution to achieve economies of scale. Manufactures started focusing on manufacturing and efficient operations to cut costs. Intermediaries like distributors, wholesalers and retailers took on the responsibilities of warehousing, transportation, distribution and sale to final customers.

This resulted in greater efficiencies and lower costs to manufacturers but brought in many layers between them and the customers. The resulting gap reduced direct contacts and had a negative impact on their relati But how do you not lag when customers are moving lightning fast to demand constant changes in the speed to complete their transactions? How do you keep your customers when the move to another company is nothing more than a mouse click and a minute away? CRM is the answer. Customer Relationship Management, a strategy that leverages very advanced technologies is the way to cut to the 21st Century business chase.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of those magnificent concepts that swept the business world in the 1990’s with the promise of forever changing the way businesses small and large interacted with their customer bases. In the short term, however, it proved to be an unwieldy process that was better in theory than in practice for a variety of reasons. First among these was that it was simply so difficult and expensive to track and keep the high volume of records needed accurately and constantly update them. In the last several years, however, newer software systems and advanced tracking features have vastly improved CRM capabilities and the real promise of CRM is becoming a reality. As the price of newer, more customizable Internet solutions have hit the marketplace; competition has driven the prices down so that even relatively small businesses are reaping the benefits of some custom CRM programs.

In the beginning… The 1980’s saw the emergence of database marketing, whichwas simply a catch phrase to define the practice of setting up customer service groups to speak individually to all of a company’s customers. In the case of larger, key clients it was a valuable tool for keeping the lines of communication open and tailoring service to the client’s needs. In the case of smaller clients, however, it tended to provide repetitive, survey-like information that cluttered databases and didn’t provide much insight.

Rapid development and evolution of CRM. These include: -

1. The growing de-intermediation process in many industries due to the advent of sophisticated computer and telecommunication technologies that allow producers to directly interact with end- customers. For example, in many industries such as airlines, banks insurance, software or household appliances and even consumables, the de-intermediation process is fast changing the nature of marketing and consequently making relationship marketing more popular. Databases and direct marketing tools give them the means to individualize their marketing efforts.

2. Advances in information technology, networking and manufacturing technology have helped companies to quickly match competition. As a result product quality and cost are no longer significant competitive advantages.

3. The growth in service economy. Since services are typically produced and delivered at the same institution, it minimizes the role of the middlemen.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

4. Another force driving the adoption of CRM has been the total quality movement. When companies embraced TQM it became necessary to involve customers and suppliers in implementing the program at all levels of the value chain. This needed close working relationships with the customers. Thus several companies such as Motorola, IBM, General Motors, Xerox, Ford, Toyota, etc formed partnering relations with suppliers and customers to practice TQM. Other programs such as JIT and MRP also made use of interdependent relationships between suppliers and customers.

5. Customer expectations are changing almost on a daily basis. Newly empowered customers, who choose, how to communicate with the companies’ various available channels? Also nowadays consumers expect a high degree of personalization.

6. Emerging real time, interactive channels including e-mail, ATMs and call centre that must be synchronized with customer’s no electronic activities. The speed of business change, requiring flexibility and rapid adoption to technologies.

7. In the current era of hyper competition, marketers are forced to be more concerned with customer retention and customer loyalty.

8. As several researchers have found out retaining customers is less expensive and more sustainable competitive advantage than acquiring new ones.

9. On the supply side it pays more to develop closer relationships with a few suppliers than to develop more vendors.

10. The globalization of world marketplace makes it necessary to have global account management for the customers.

Definition: -

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

“CRM is concerned with creating improved shareholder value through the use of customer centric business processes and the development of appropriate relationships with consumers.”

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized and efficient manner. In many cases, an enterprise builds a database about its customers. This database describes relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, and customer service reps can access information; match customer needs with product plans and offerings; remind customers of service requirements; know what other products a customer had purchased; etc.

“The long-term success of the organization and improved value for its shareholders lies to a very great extent in the company’s ability to develop and sustain genuine relationships with its customer.

” -James G. Barnes

Benefits of CRM

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

The benefits of customer relationship management are abounding. It allows organizations not only to retain customers, but enables more effective marketing, creates intelligent opportunities for cross selling and opens up the possibility of rapid introduction of new brands and products. To be able to deliver these benefits, organizations must be able to customize their product offering, optimize price, integrate products and services and deliver the service as promised and demanded by the customer base. Keeping the customer happy is obviously one way of ensuring that they stay with organization. However, by maintaining an overall relationship with customer, companies are able to unlock potential of their customer base and maximize contribution to their business. Based on successful CRM implementations, the following benefits seem reasonable:

These tools have been shown to help companies attain these objectives

Streamlined sales and marketing processes Higher sales productivity Added cross-selling and up-selling Improved service, loyalty, and retention Increased call center efficiency Higher close rates Better profiling and targeting Reduced expenses Increased market share Higher overall profitability Marginal costing

Objective of CRM

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

CRM, in its broadest sense, means managing all interactions and business with customers. This includes, but is not limited to, improving customer service. A good CRM program will allow a business to acquire customers, service the customer, increase the value of the customer to the company, retain good customers, and determine which customers can be retained or given a higher level of service. A good CRM program can improve customer service by facilitating communication in several ways:

Identify how each individual customer defines quality, and then design a service strategy for each customer based on these individual requirements and expectations.

Provide a fast mechanism for managing and scheduling follow up sales calls to assess post-purchase cognitive dissonance, repurchase probabilities, repurchase times, and repurchase frequencies.

Provide a mechanism to track all points of contact between a customer and the company, and do it in an integrated way so that all sources and types of contact are included, and all users of the system see the same view of the customer (reduces confusion).

Help to identify potential problems quickly, before customer occur

Understand customer beater need

Maintain long term customer relationships long

Be able to pursue a strategy of relationship marketing

Service customization

Improved response to client requests

Improving field service Event identification

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

CRM of Types/variations

(a) Sales force automation

The sales force automation (SFA) system provides an array of capabilities to streamline all phases of the sales process, minimizing the time that sales representatives need to spend on manual data entry and administration. This allows them to successfully pursue more clients in a shorter amount of time than would otherwise be possible. At the heart of SFA is a Content management system for tracking and recording every stage in the sales process for each prospective client, from initial contact to final disposition. Many SFA applications also include insights into opportunities, territories, sales forecasts and workflow automation, quote generation, and product knowledge. Newly-emerged priorities are modules for Web 2.0 ecommerce and pricing.

(b) Marketing

Systems for marketing (also known as marketing automation) help the enterprise identify and target its best clients and generate qualified leads for the sales team. A key marketing capability is tracking and measuring multichannel campaigns, including email, search, social media, and direct mail. Metrics monitored include clicks, responses, leads, deals, and revenue.

(c) Customer Service and Support

Recognizing that service is an important differentiator, organizations are increasingly turning to technology platforms to help them improve their clients’ experience while aiming to increase efficiency and minimize costs.Even so, a 2009 study revealed that only 39% of corporate executives believe their employees have the right tools and authority to solve client problems.“ The core for these applications has been and still is comprehensive call center solutions, including such features as intelligent call routing, computer telephone integration (CTI), and escalation capabilities.

(d) Analytics

Relevant analytics capabilities are often interwoven into applications for sales, marketing, and service. These features can be complemented and augmented with links to separate, purpose-built applications for analytics and business intelligence. Sales analytics let companies monitor and understand client actions and preferences, through sales forecasting, data quality, and dashboards that graphically display

Marketing applications generally come with predictive analytics to improve segmentation and targeting, and features for measuring the effectiveness of online, offline, and search

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

marketing campaign. Web analytics have evolved significantly from their starting point of merely tracking mouse clicks on Web sites. By evaluating “buy signals,” marketers can see which prospects are most likely to transact and also identify those who are bogged down in a sales process and need assistance. Marketing and finance personnel also use analytics to assess the value of multi-faceted programs as a whole.

These types of analytics are increasing in popularity as companies demand greater visibility into the performance of call centers and other support channels,[4] in order to correct problems before they affect satisfaction levels. Support-focused applications typically include dashboards similar to those for sales, plus capabilities to measure and analyze response times, service quality, agent performance, and the frequency of various issues.

(e) Integrated/Collaborative

Departments within enterprises—especially large enterprises—tend to function in their own little worlds.[6] Traditionally, inter-departmental interaction and collaboration have been infrequent and rivalries not uncommon. More recently, the development and adoption of the tools and services has fostered greater fluidity and cooperation among sales, service, and marketing. This finds expression in the concept of collaborative systems which uses technology to build bridges between departments.

For example, feedback from a technical support center can enlighten marketers about specific services and product features clients are asking for. Reps, in their turn, want to be able to pursue these opportunities without the time-wasting burden of re-entering records and contact data into a separate SFA system. Conversely, lack of integration can have negative consequences: system isn’t adopted and integrated among all departments, several sources might contact the same clients for an identical purpose. Owing to these factors, many of the top-rated and most popular products come as integrated suites.

(f) Small Business

Basic client service can be accomplished by a contact manager system, an integrated solution that lets organizations and individuals efficiently track and record interactions, including emails, documents, jobs, faxes, scheduling, and more. This kind of solution is gaining traction with even very small businesses, thanks to the ease and time savings of handling client contact through a centralized application rather than several different pieces of software, each with its own data collection system. In contrast these tools usually focus on accounts rather than individual contacts. They also generally include opportunity insight for tracking sales pipelines plus added functionality for marketing and service. As with larger enterprises, small businesses are finding value in online solutions, especially for mobile and telecommuting workers.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

(g) Social Media

This is because people are using these social media sites to share opinions and experiences on companies, products, and services. As social media isn’t moderated or censored, individuals can say anything they want about a company or brand, whether pro or con.Increasingly, companies are looking to gain access to these conversations and take part in the dialogue. More than a few systems are now integrating to social networking sites. Social media promoters cite a number of business advantages, such as using online communities as a source of high-quality leads and a vehicle for crowd sourcing solutions to client-support problems. Companies can also leverage client stated habits and preferences to personalize and even “hyper-target” their sales and marketing communications

Some analysts take the view that business-to-business marketers should proceed cautiously when weaving social media into their business processes. These observers recommend careful market research to determine if and where the phenomenon can provide measurable benefits for client interactions, sales, and support.

[h] Non-profit and Membership-based

Systems for non-profit and membership-based organizations help track constituents and their involvement in the organization. Capabilities typically include tracking the following: fund-raising, demographics, membership levels, membership directories, volunteering and communications with individuals.

Many include tools for identifying potential donors based on previous donations and participation. In light of the growth of social networking tools, there may be some overlap between social/community driven tools and non-profit/membership tools.

Implementing CRM :

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

CRM requires an integration of a firm's resources; people, operations and marketing capabilities to deliver added value to the customers. CRM should provide businesses and organizations with a ‘single view’ of their customers and across irrespective of the interactive channel or medium through which the customer accesses the service or product. For example, a business (e.g. hotel) customer’s profile and personal references should be accessible to the business (or hotel) irrespective of channel i.e. whether the customer books online, calls in or walks into any location should not make a difference to the service provided based on the personal profile of the business client.

It is enabled through:

Information Processes Technology Applications

A firm that wants to implement CRM must align it's business processes cross-functionally in the best possible way to allow increased customer focus with an aim to deliver added value to the customer. To implement CRM, the following steps must be followed:

Develop a CRM framework Align current business processes Design new cross-functional business processes (where required) Develop Functional Specifications (client-side services) Develop Technical Specifications Match Technical Specifications to available technology (Systems, ) Product Configuration Data Migration and Integration Staff Training

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

The basic customer relationship management model for a small business or any business for that matter contains a set of seven basic components. The following discusses each component:

1. A database for customer activity - Ideally the database should contain information about the following:

Transactions - including a complete purchasing history with accompanying details

Customer contacts from multiple channels and contexts Descriptive information for segmentation and other data analysis purposes Response to marketing stimuli - whether or not the customer responded to a

direct marketing initiative, a sales contact, or any other direct contact This data should also be collected over time.

2. Analyses of the database - For many years customer databases have been analyzed with the intent to define customer segments. However, taking a larger number of customers and forming groups or segments presumes a marketing effort towards an 'average' customer in the group. With the range of marketing tools available that can reach customers one at a time through personalized messages, there is less need to consider the usual market segmentation schemes. Instead there is an increase in attention being paid to understanding each "row", or customer, of the database, and what he or she can deliver to the company in terms of profit. The idea is that each row/customer of the database should be analyzed in terms if current and future profitability to the firm.

3. Given the analyses, decisions about which customers to target - Looking at past and current purchases a model of the profitability of a customer can be used by the marketing manager to target specific customers. The profit that a customer has produced for the firm is the sum of the margins of all products purchased over time less the cost of reaching that customer. These costs include any that can be broken down at the individual customer level such as direct mail, sales calls etc. Cross-selling is also becoming of interest to marketers, with complementary products being displayed on the same physical page in a hard-copy catalogue or virtual page on a Web site.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

4. Tools for targeting the customers - Once the construction and analysis of the customer information contained in the database has been completed, the next step is to consider which customers to target depending on the firms marketing programs. This could be through segmentation, with the customers in the most desired segments targeted first. Individual customers could be targeted that are projected to be profitable for the company. The goal is to use the customer profitability analysis to separate customers that will provide the most long-term profits from those that are currently hurting profits.

Mass marketing is useful for generating awareness, but is poorly-suited for CRM due to its impersonal nature. Rather than talking "at" customers companies are urged to talk "to" their customers. In particular, "1-to-1" marketing has come to mean using the Internet to facilitate individual relationship building with customers.

5. How to build relationships with the targeted customers - The overall goal of relationship programs is to deliver a higher level of customer satisfaction than competing firms deliver. Research has shown that there is a strong, positive relationship between customer satisfaction and profits. Relationship programs include:

Customer service: With more choices available for customers today, customer service must receive a high priority within the company. Any contact or "touch point" that a customer has with a firm is a customer service encounter and has the potential to gain repeat business and help CRM or have the opposite effect.

Loyalty/Frequency Programs: Loyalty programs provide rewards to customers for repeat purchasing. However, a recent McKisey study identified the three leading problems with these programs: they are expensive, mistakes can be difficult to correct as customers see the company as taking away benefits, and also there are large questions about whether they work to increase loyalty or average spending behavior. A further problem is that due to the ubiquity of these programs, it is increasingly difficult to gain competitive advantage.

Customization: This notion implies the creation of products and services for individual customers, and not simply

Community: The Internet is allowing both online and offline businesses to build a network for exchanging product-related information and to create relationships between the customers and company or brand. The goal is to take a prospective relationship with a product and turn it into something more personal. This allows the manager to build an environment which makes it more difficult for the customer to leave the "family" of other people who also purchased this product.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

6. Privacy issues - A CRM strategy as described in this paper depends upon a database containing customer information and the analysis of this data to achieve more effective targeting of marketing communications and relationship-building activities. With the increase in the popularity of the Internet, many consumers and advocacy groups are concerned about the amount of personal information necessary to enable this delivery.

The current debate about privacy centers around how much control Web surfers should have over their own information.

7. Metrics for measuring the success of the CRM process - As more attention is paid to CRM, the traditional metrics used by managers to measure the success of their products and services in the marketplace have to be updated. Some of the CRM-based measure in both Web and non-Web based businesses are as follows:

Customer acquisition costs Conversion rates (from lookers to buyers) Retention /churn rates Same customer sales rates Loyalty measures Customer share or share of requirements (the share of a customer's purchases in a

category devoted to a brand).

All of these measures imply doing a better job through acquiring and processing internal data and focusing on how the company is performing at the customer level

CRM strategy

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Use these resources to build a strong CRM strategy. Learn how to start a CRM strategy with the latest news, expert advice and learning tools. Learn how to build and implement a customer-focused strategy for CRM. Get expert advice on developing a customer equity management strategy and learn how to create customer satisfaction survey. Get in-depth information on customer experience management (CEM) and how it differs from CRM. Find out how to conduct a CRM system and process audit. Learn how to measure ROI following a CRM implementation. Get pointers for evaluating your CRM strategy and customer service strategy with the CRM strategy checklist. Listen to podcasts on developing customer strategies, CRM strategies and customer equity strategies. Get tips for optimizing your CRM strategy, shopping for CRM systems and avoiding failure. Get best practices for building a call center strategy.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy that focuses on building strong relationships with customers and potential customers for creating and maintaining a loyal customer base. CRM works across all departments to harmonize customer-centric thinking. It reduces costs, increases efficiency and improves customer satisfaction.

Impel CRM is designed and built for Indian business processes and sales culture. Providing access across the country, Impel CRM can include dealers and channels. With Web leads and service integration and SMS and Mobile access to CRM data, Impel CRM is perfectly suited for Indian businesses.

CRM Strategic Model

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

The CRM strategic framework is based on the view that effective and successful CRM is the result of coordinated cross-functional processes and activities within organizations. The five business processes (strategy development, value creation, information management, multi-channel integration and assessment of performance) work together in harmony to provide the greatest value to shareholders and customers. Figure illustrates the relationship between the various business process, emphasizing the iterative and interactive nature of CRM,

CRM strategic framework model

Current CRM Use

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Today CRM is used primarily by sales, sales support and customer service staff (including call centres and telemarketers) to portray a unified and coordinated point or points of contact to customers. It is also used as a marketing tool to segment and target customers, help develop marketing/sales programmes for targeted customers, and aid in keeping track of customer activities. CRM requires the IT, and sales and marketing departments to work closely together if the benefits of CRM are to be properly realised. Yet this has not always been the case. In addition CRM, by definition, and consistent with an underlying MO philosophy, collects, stores and utilises detailed customer information and hence is potentially a major potential contributor to organizational knowledge and knowledge management

From the practitioner perspective, CRM technology adds value to the business by: (a) making it easy for customers to do business, (b) focusing on the end-customer for products and services, (c) redesigning customer-facing business processes from the end customer’s point of view, (d), fostering customer loyalty. CRM systems also have the potential to become an integral component of “business fulfillment,” adding customer value by integrating all the business components – from sales through distribution (fulfillment) to invoicing and even receivables., hence CRM is seen as inadequately meeting today’s business needs let alone meeting their potential for strategic business value.

The CRM Vision

The CRM vision is the starting point in the achievement of performance driven CRM. It directs us to the desired end state and sets the course to start us on our journey. Without this

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

vision, the road to successful CRM will be difficult, and without tailoring it to your current needs—your strengths and competencies, the speed to market required, and business benefits needed to substantiate the investment in the CRM initiative— only limited, and possibly only short-term success will be achieved.

Provides you with the tools to revisit your vision to ensure that it will meet your future needs.

Those organizations with successful CRM initiatives have been effective in:• keeping their CRM vision relevant and alive• excelling in using performance information to cycle back to the vision each year for validation or change that reflects new customer needs• maintaining a focus on key areas required to achieve the overall CRM vision• analyzing the performance information to demonstrate that they are getting closer to the vision• creating the information required to align the organization against its CRM


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Company Profile:


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

MANUFACTURING :- Machine tools

ADDRESS :- Metoda G.I.D.C[Lodhika] Plot no-103, Opp.

Makarana Marble, Kalawad road, Metoda, Rajkot - 360 021

BUSINESS TYPE :- Exporter/ Manufacturer/ Supplier




TELEHONE :- (02827) 287607, 92276 02034

E-MAIL ADDRESS :- [email protected]



Board of Directors :- Atul Patel


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Vision International Institute of Management

Precision Machine Tool Manufacturers

Lathe Machine Tools Manufacturers

Forging Machine Tool Manufacturers

Control Panel Machine Tool Manufacturers

Associations Of Machine Tool Manufacturers

Weighing Machine Manufacturers

Currency Counting Machine Manufacturers

Machine Tool Dealers

Printing Machine Manufacturers

Shrink Packaging Machine Manufacturers

Electronic Weighing Machine Manufacturers

Machine Manufacturers

Blow Moulding Machine Manufacturers

Shoe Polishing Machine Manufacturers

Thermoforming Machine Manufacturers

Spot Welding Machine Manufacturers

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Products and Services of Atul Machine Tools

We have been trained and introduced to Atul Machine Tool’s various product and services, which are as follows:

SURFACE GRINDING MACHINE MANUAL : Surface Grinding Machine Manual The Atul Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision hydraulic and manual surface & cylindrical grinding machines, lathe machine. Design Make Easy Movement of table Slide. Reciprocation table provideV & Flat (guide) ways lining with TURCITE – B for easy movement.

Hand Scraped to fine Tolerance. The manual surface grinding machine (working surface with manual oil dip of 225 x 450 mm / 300 x 6oo mm) and also hydraulic. The wheel head spindle hardened & ground, runs with precision angular contact bearings with imported Greece to have long trouble free service and driven by flange mounted motor through flexible couplings. Wheel head micro feed 0.002mm. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture cylindrical grinders and lathe machine.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management


The Atul Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision hydraulic and manual surface & cylindrical grinding machines, lathe machine. Design Make Easy Movement of table Slide. Reciprocation table provide

THE HYDRAULIC POWER PACK: Separate hydraulic power pack is duty fitted with 230w. DC pie lot operated solenoid valve.

Hand Scraped to fine Tolerance. The Hydraulic surface grinding machine (225 x 450 mm / 300 x 6oo mm) The wheel head spindle hardened & ground, runs with precision angular contact bearings with imported Greece to have long trouble free service and driven by flange mounted motor through flexible couplings. Wheel head micro feed 0.002mm. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture cylindrical grinders and lathe machine.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management


The Atul Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision hydraulic and mechanical cylindrical grinding machine. Design Make Easy Movement of table Slide. Reciprocation table & Wheel head slide lining with anti-friction material “TURCITE - B”, Wheel head ensure max. Rigidly smooth operation. The wheel head spindle is fitted with white metal taper bush & work head spindle is fitted with teper bush. Size: 450mm To 1250mm. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture surface grinding manual & hydraulic, lathe machine.

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management


The A.K. Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision lathe machines. The mother machine in AK machine tools is of very high quality and is most dependable machine. The light duty lathe machine is suitable for mass production. The factory is a fully equipped standard tool room VASU lathe is probably is the only machine kind in India, whose spare are easily available. The component manufacture is within a close tolerance limits and are fully inter changeable and therefore maintenance purpose never complain about interchangeability of spares.

Light Duty Lathe machine Standard Accessories: HardenBed, Dead Centre, Centre Adaptor, Chuck Plate, Tool Post Key, Change gear set, Motor Pulley, V-belt. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture surface & cylindrical grinding machine.


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

The A.K. Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision lathe machines. The mother machine in AK machine tools is of very high quality and is most dependable machine. The medium duty lathe machine is suitable for mass production size:4’- 6”, 5’-3”, 6’. With two models helical gear & spur gear. The factory is a fully equipped standard tool room “VASU” lathe is probably is the only machine kind in India, whose spare are easily available. The component manufacture is within a close tolerance limits and are fully inter changeable and therefore maintenance purpose never complain about interchangeability of spares.

Standard Accessories: Harden Bed, Dead Centre, Centre Adaptor, Chuck Plate, Tool Post Key, Change gear set, Motor Pulley, V-belt. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture surface & cylindrical grinding machine.


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

The A.K. Machine Tools offer a wide range of precision lathe machines. The mother machine in AK machine tools is of very high quality and is most dependable machine. size: 5’-6”to14’& as per your requirement. The factory is a fully equipped standard tool room. “AMAR” lathe is probably is the only machine kind in India, whose spare are easily available. The component manufacture is within a close tolerance limits and are fully inter changeable and therefore maintenance purpose never complain about interchangeability of spares.

Standard Accessories: Harden Bed, Dead Centre, Centre Adaptor, Chuck Plate, Tool Post Key, Change gear set, Motor Pulley, V-belt. We are manufacturing as per IS STANDARD. We also manufacture surface & cylindrical grinding machine.

Quality Assurance by Atul Machine Tools

ABOUT ISO 9001: 2000

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

This International Standard specifies requirements for a Quality Management System

that can be used by an Organization to address CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, by

meeting Customer and Applicable Regulatory requirements. It can also be used by

Internal and External Parties, including Certification Bodies, to assess the

Organization’s ability to meet Customer and Regulatory Requirements.

The adoption of a Quality Management System needs to be a Strategic Decision of

the Organization. It is emphasized that the Quality Management System requirements

specified in this International Standard are complementary to Technical requirements

for Products.


This International Standard encourages the adoption of a process approach of Quality


Any Activity that receives inputs and converts them into outputs can be considered as

a Process. For Organizations to function effectively, they have to identify and manage

numerous linked processes. Often the Output from one process will directly form the

Input to the next process.

The Systematic Identification and Management of the processes employed within an

Organization and the interactions between such processes may be referred to as the



This edition of ISO 9001 has been developed as one part of a consistent pair of

Quality Management System Standards, the other being ISO 9004 : 2000. The

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

two International Standards are designed to be used together, but can also be used

independently. Although the two International Standards have different scopes, they

have similar structure for ease of use.

This edition of ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a Quality Management System

that may be used for internal application by Organizations, Certification or Contractual


ISO 9004 : 2000 gives guidance on a wider range of objectives of a Quality

Management System to improve an Organization’s overall performance. ISO 9004 :

2000 is not a guideline for implementing ISO 9001 : 2000 and is not intended for

Certification or Contractual use.


Design is about understanding the needs of end customers & solving their problems. “The business of design or the design of business”

Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Planning and development of any new product requires invasive & strategic thinking. Sustainable design will power the next wave of the growth in manufacturing. Successful designs’ attract, engage & connect in meaningful ways.

“Design is a creative means to achieve a realistic and powerful result”

Purpose - Process - People

Powerful Tools design = Developing - Design - Sensibilities

Assembly Delivery Test Procurement DESIGN Fabrication Service Repair

Intelligence :

Design Intelligence

Financial Assistance

Design Sensitisation Seminar

Design Awareness Programme

Need Assessment Surway

Design Clinic Workshop

Design Project


Vision International Institute of Management

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Plant layout means arrangement of material, machine & equipment, so that it provides the best kind of cooperation for path of production. In result the production process will provide maximum of best quality at minimum possible cost. This reduces transport handling, clerical and other costs down per unit, space requirements are minimized and it reduces idle machine and idle man time.

The ideal plant layout is one in which there is no un wanted movement is seen, neither from the employee side nor from the machine side. Also, the work in progress flows smoothly from point to point and the bottle-necks are eliminated. An ideal plant layout will minimize the processing cycle by removing the bottle-necks and material holding time. Also, an ideal plant layout will minimize the energy wastage both from employee side and the machine side, due to the pre organized routing, scheduling and dispatching.

Importance of Plant Layout

Economies in handling Effective use of available area Minimization of production delays Improved quality control Minimum equipment investment Avoidance of bottlenecks Better supervision Improved utilization of labour Improved employee morale Avoidance of unnecessary and costly changes

1) Process layout:

It is characterized by keeping similar machines or similar operations at one place. The sequential arrangement of the machine group is generally, but not necessarily made on the basis of labour operations. In this type of layout, the process rather than the product has a dominating role. The product is given secondary consideration and is moved for the purpose of operations to the process section with type of production. It is desirable to arrange on the basis of process rather than on the products.

2) Product layout:

In this layout machines are arranged in the sequence in which the raw material will be operated upon. In All machines as required to balance the particular product lines are arranged in a sequential line but not necessarily in the straight line. It is also known as “the

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product-line layout.” In this layout, one product goes through all the machines lined up, in the order required by its manufacturer.

3) Fixed layout:

In this type of layout men and equipment are moved to the material , which remains at one place and the product is completed at that place.

SWOT Analysis


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SWOT Analysis, is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objectiveIf SWOT analysis does not start with defining a desired end state or objective, it runs the risk of being useless. A SWOT analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. An example of a strategic planning technique that incorporates an objective-driven SWOT analysis is SCAN analysis. Strategic Planning, including SWOT and SCAN analysis, has been the subject of much research.

Strengths: attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective.

Weaknesses: attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving the objective.

Opportunities: external conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective. Threats: external conditions that are harmful to achieving the objective.

Identification of SWOTs is essential because subsequent steps in the process of planning for achievement of the selected objective are to be derived from the SWOTs

First, the decision makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the SWOTs. If the objective is NOT attainable a different objective must be selected and the process is repeated.

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Creative Use of SWOTs: Generating Strategies

If, on the other hand, the objective seems attainable, the SWOTs are used as inputs to the creative generation of possible strategies, by asking and answering each of the following four questions, many times:

1. How can we Use each Strength? 2. How can we Stop each Weakness? 3. How can we Exploit each Opportunity? 4. How can we Defend against each Threat?

Strength :

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A ATUL MACHINE TOOLS is equipped with world’s most modern machineries and state of the art technology supported by qualified technocrats. It has it’s own research and development and quality test, and analysis system

Qualitative productLatest machineriesLoyal customer & employeeContinuous changes in the product Good Industrial Location

-Good infrastructure.

State of Art instruments of Quality Controls

Quality commitment :

For making quality products there must be quality inputs i.e. crop. Before buying any product they make sure that its is as per their quality standards. The quality of the products always comes first and is never compromised. Their offered quality products not only satisfy the quality minima meet their buyers stated specifications.

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Competitive price

They sources products from every part of India. They have a wide network of regular suppliers {traders, NGO’s and co-operative societies, }. This enables us to procure the best available products at very competitive prices.

State-of-art manufacturing/packing facility

We are equipped with latest technology and keep ourselves updated from technical advancement and new innovations in the world food industry to match with the future requirement. In fact this gives us extra edge on others.

Quality &hygiene conscious employees

Hygiene is something that has to be practiced in the personal life of everybody. They motivate their employees to follow sanitization rules in their personal as well as professional life. They trained and support them to do their job as per their stated quality standards and how to keep probable hazards under control.

Consistent supply.

Their expertise in machine industry, strong network of suppliers and highly educated crop forecast team unable them to supply the products throughout the year with the consistent supply.

Fair business & social ethics

They do maintain international standards for fair business and social ethics. In fact, maintaining balance between these 2 standards is challenge in itself. They do not promote child labor, chewing tobacco, pan masala, and smoking at their premises.

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They not only sell the products but also provide value added service to keep their customers satisfied and remain competitive.


Not established much in local market. Low capital Low pay scale Lack of Labor / Workers

Opportunities An opportunity is a major favourable situation in the firm’s environment. Key trends

represent one source of opportunity. Identification of a previously overlooked market segment, changes in competitive or regulatory circumstances, technological changes, and improved buyer or supplier relationships could represent opportunities for the firm.

Different product line with different market Good product compare to other


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A threat is a major unfavorable situation in the firm’s environment. It is a key impediment to the firm’s current and\or desired future position. The entrance of a new competitor, slow market growth, increased bargaining power of key buyers or suppliers, major technological change, and changing regulations could represent major threats to a firm’s future success.

Competitors Losses

Nowadays competitive era there is always risk. Many companies are diverted towards this coz there is no need of government license and aspects are wide as concepts of globalization is widen.

Use of SWOT Analysis-:The usefulness of SWOT analysis is not limited to profit seeking organizations. SWOT analysis may be used in any decision-making situation when a desired end-state (objective) has been defined. Examples include: non-profit organizations, governmental units, and individuals. SWOT analysis may also be used in pre-crisis planning and preventive crisis management. SWOT analysis may also be used in creating a recommendation during a viability study.


PROFIT & LOSS A/C01/04/2009 to 31/03/2010, Financial Year : 2009-2010


Credit Particulars Debit Particulars

1396919.79 Gross Profit B/F (16.10%) Expenses (Indirect) (Admin. Expenses)206762.76 Advertizment Exp.

Income (Revene) 5000.00 Audit Fee Exp.

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67660.00 JOB WORK INCOME 2238.08 Bank Commision Exp.(Sub Total:- 67660.00) 46845.00 Canting Exp.

21450.00 Commission Exp.Expenses (Indirect) (Admin. Expnses) 5412.00 Computer Repairing Exp.

10175.00 Water (GIDC) Exp. 134983.00 Depriciation Account(Sub Total:- 10175.00) 30251.00 Donation Exp.

23374.00 Exhibition Exp.11218.00 Insurance Exp.9927.00 ISO Fee Exp.799.75 Kasar Exp.

55944.51 Loan Intrest19147.75 Member Fee Exp.17550.00 Office Bonus Salary Exp.15928.00 Office Exp.7355.00 Office Leave Salary Exp

175500.00 Office Salary Exp.77160.00 Petrol Exp.12150.00 Patton Repairing Exp.8172.00 Postage Exp.4750.00 Professional Exp.

64000.00 Staff Welfare Exp.19912.00 Stationery & Printing Exp.29715.00 Telephone Exp.13000.00 Trade Mark Registration Exp.32452.00 Traveling Exp.28960.00 Vehicle Expenses7034.00 Vehicle Insurance

(Sub Total: 10,86,990.85)

387763.94 Net Profit (4.47%)

       1474754.79 Total 1474754.79 Total

BALANCE SHEET01/04/2009 to 31/03/2010, Financial Year : 2009-2010

1325985.60 B/F 1972732.55 B/F

3750.00 Rupkala Enginers Pvt. Ltd. 3345.00 Gujarat Electro Bord1024.00 Sandip Sales Corporation 2000.00 Machine Tools Manu. Association1800.00 Sarap Machine Tools 5000.00 Octroi Diposit

70000.00 Sarvotech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. 3000.00 Telephone Deposite3575.00 Shreeji Colours

12096.00 Shreenath Enterprise Loans & Advances

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BALANCE SHEET01/04/2009 to 31/03/2010, Financial Year : 2009-2010


Credit Particulars Debit ParticularsCapital Account Fixed Assets

423638.6 Atulkumar K. Patel 10289 Air-condition3328 Computer

Fixed Assets 773.00 Bicycles30029 Vehicals 14800.00 EPABX Systems

10957.67 FanUnsecured Loans 5034.00 Fax

125000.00 Kantilal R. Patel 4337.55 Furniture15000 Kishor G. Galoriya 1789.90 Generator15000 Mukesh G. Galoriya 391812.55 Machinery91379 Parulben A. Patel 11175.00 Mobile Phone15000 Pragnesh J. Dudhaya 19653.00 Vehicle - Scooty Pep

230000 Savitaben L. Patel 33416.00 Vehicle - Suzuki Aceess15000 Shyam K. Aadedra 246261.00 Vehicle - Tata Spacio

11216.00 Vehicle - Eterno HondaAccounts Payables

35175 Active Engineers Account Payables20921 Alpesh Colour & Chemical 50000.00 A.K. Machine Tools43395 Amber Engineering Enterprises 916.00 Krishna Hardware & Tools27491 Amul Motors 6125.00 R.K. Machine Tools5000 Anjli Industries4030 Ashok Spring Works Duties & Taxes

31732 Esvee Enterprise 16332.66 Vat Additional Tax 2.5%7000 Gopal Machine Tools 75656.56 Vat Input Tax 12.5%3456 Gujarat Gears 7224.29 Vat Input Tax 15%

21820 Leave Salary Payable A/c. 219391.52 Vat Input Tax 4%7611 Harshad Electric Co.

26775 Heena International Account Receivables30630 Holly Wood Techno Cast 5859.00 Applied Auto Parts Pvt. Ltd.11750 Infomedia 18 Limited 882.00 Arms Art9451 Ishwar Krupa Ind. 3119.00 Estim Auto Pvt. Ltd.995 Jay Khodiyar Metal Lable Mfg. 210550.00 Nova Engineers

3622 K.P. Engineering Co. 116944.00 Prime Cage Pvt. Ltd.307 Krishna Fastners 10820.00 Ujala Pumps Pvt. Ltd.

35654 Mahek Sales Corporation10000 Navinchandra & Co. Bank Accounts2696 Patel Foundry 18790.00 Bank of India


Power Tech


HDFC Bank4200 Pratik Machine Tools 222186.20 Shree Dharti Co. Op. Bank Ltd.1572 Pradeep Agencies6125 R.K. Tools9975 R.M. Enterprises1715 Ramkrishna Engineering Co.

2010 Customer Relationship Management

3711.00 Supreme Metatech Pvt. Ltd. 10000.00 Advance Income Tax A/c.450.00 Vidyavan Machine Tools

15243.00 Virap Engineering Corpotatoin Stock - in – Hand13055.00 Viswas Machine Tools 802102.55 Clossing Stock1730.00 Yogi Industrial Agencies

Cash - in – HandDuties & Taxes 4500.00 Cash Account

62792.90 CST - 2%733.60 CST - 4% 14625.00 Suspense Accounts

4474.00 T.D.S. A/c42490.52 Vat Additional Tax - 1%

218274.48 Vat Output Tax - 4%

Provisions45882.00 Bonus Payable A/c.21500.00 Office Salary Payable A/c.28620.00 Salary Payable A/c.6000.00 Staff Walfer Exp.

Account Receivables97800.00 Aarti Machine Tools1313.00 Amit Enterprises

25000.00 Ankit Machine Tools15000.00 Drem Angel Grinding 50000.00 Elcon CNC Technology

245000.00 Fiends Enterprise

141474.00 G.K. Enterprise112875.00 Geeta Auto Industries50100.00 Gokul Refoils & Solvent Ltd.14976.00 Guruprasad Industries4641.00 J.K. mechnical

16373.00 Jaggi & Jaggi Machine Tools81585.00 Shree Mahavir Industries4307.00 Siddharth Enterprises

50000.00 Smita Precision3674.00 Top Gears Transmission

Deposits20000.00 Parulben A. Patel

       2817305.10   2817305.10  

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Research Methodology for CRM-:


Following the development of the research model and hypotheses in this Chapter , the purpose of this chapter is to discuss the methods used for refining, validating and testing the model. The chapter begins with an overview of the general research paradigms and approaches utilized in the research, followed by a description of the exploratory and explanatory research phases of the study. The procedures adopted for sample selection, data collection and data analysis are also discussed.

Meeting and satisfying each customer’s need uniquely and individually. In the mass markets individualized information on customers is now possible at low costs due to the rapid development in the information technology and due to availability of scalable data warehouses and data mining products. By using online information and databases on

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individual customer interactions, marketers aim to fulfill the unique needs of each mass-market customer needs.

There are three parts of application architecture of CRM:

Operational - automation to the basic business processes (marketing, sales, service)

Analytical - support to analyze customer behavior, implements business intelligence alike technology

Collaborative - ensures the contact with customers (phone, email, fax, web, SMS, post, in person)


Exploratory research studies are also term as formulating research studies. The main purpose of such studies is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view the major emphasis in such studies is on the discovery of idea and insights. As such there research design appropriates for such studies must be flexible enough to provide opportunity for considering different as pect of a problem under study. Present research is exploratory in nature it is aim together relevant information customer satisfaction towards atul machin tools in Rajkot.for this research project two types of data has been use.

1 . Primary Data

2 . Secondary Data


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Primary data are those, which are collected for the first time and are those original in character. Primary data are in the shape of raw material to which statistical method are applied For the purpose of analysis and interpretation primary are been collected in market by three basic methods: -

Survey of person Observation Experiments’

I have been collecting primary data by the method of survey of persons, because of systematic gathering of data from respondent through questionnaire. Which is objective oriented, unambiguous interesting simple, accurate and systematic motivating to respondent and complete in information concern?


To know the awareness regarding sagar foods to find out how many consumer are aware of different brands of dehydrated onion and garlic.To find out how many consumer are ware of different brands of dehydrated onion.

To know the effective media for getting awareness. To know the factors people consider when they purchase of agar foods. To know the effect of advertisement of Sagar Foods. To know the consumer attitude to wards the other brands performance available in

the market.


Sample size is 20 and the method used in stratified sampling, sample distribution is scattered type .


This type of secondary data can be obtained from the outside sources. E.g. Magazine, Journal, News paper, article and the worldwide web .


Usually, the information to solve the problem cannot be found in internal of publish external records. There search must be depending on primary data. Which are collected scientifically?for the study ?Data are of mainly these types –

PRIMARY DATAPrimary sources refer to data collection directly from the Market place like customer , trade sand suppliers . They are often reliable data source and help in overcoming limitations of secondary data.

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Primary data is again of two types -

1 . Census2 . Sample


To know the response the questionnaire method is used in sample survey. If one wishes to find what people think or know, the logical procedure is to ask them. This reason forces me to use the questionnaire method for collecting data than any other method. In this method questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and they were asked to answer questions in the questionnaire. The questionnaires were structured, non-disguised questionnaire because the questions, which the questionnaire contained, were arranged in a specific order besides every question asked was logical for. The study, no question can be termed as irrelevant. The questionnaire, were non-disguised because the questionnaire were constructed so that objective is clear to the respondent. The respondents were aware of the objective. They knew why they were asked to fill the questionnaire.


1. The respondents were limited and cannot be treated as the whole population.2. The respondents may be biased.3. Time was the major constraint.4. The accuracy of Indications given by the respondents may not be considered ad equated.

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Research problem

Not easy to find the customers. Not easy to convince the customers.

Questionnaire -:

Used for survey method . This is the simplest method of collecting data. This is to be found that questionnaires must be interesting , objective , unambiguous , ease to complete and generally not burdensome to motivate respondents to answer truthfully and completely because consumers are often reluctant to take the time for responding the surveys . The format and wording of questionnaires is very simple and each question is arranged in a proper sequence so that consumers can understand it in a better way. The interview was conducted by filling up the questionnaire by different categories of people and they are given full liberty to fill up these questionnaire.Therefore our questionnaire is prepared on the basis of:-1. Open ended questions.2. Multiple-choice questions.3. Dichotomous questions.

Interview Schedule -: Used for exploratory research.

Questionnaire -:This is most important tool for data collection. A Questionnaire contains questions that researcher ask his Respondents to customer.

Questionnaire tape -:

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The Likert Scale is a popular format of questionnaire that is used in educational research, especially in the field of special education.

Sample -:A sample is selection of unit from entire group called Population on universe interest. In marketing a sample is a particular segment or part of market and it is focus of marketing decision, which may be applied to entire market.


Subjective and judgment non -random sampling was adopted for our research work due to large sampling area. Any type of sampling on which the sample selected depends on personal discretion of the Investigator is subjective or judgment sampling. This technique is used here because of the definite purpose in view and as such is not used for general purposes. This sampling method has been used the choice of sample depend exclusively on the judgment of the investigator. This methodology has been used because of the following reasons:

to know the most typical of the population with respect to the Characteristic under study. Populations are selected on the subjective basis and no probability law is Applied. Biasness can be avoided as the investigator can make out who answering Directly or not.

As ample plan is vital element of research design. It must indicates –

a) The sampling unit i.e. who is to be our respondent or

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b) Who is to be surveyed?c) Sampling size – how many respondents are to be contactedd) Under the survey.e) Sampling procedure - how they are to be selected.


To know the consumer perception about Atul machine tools product s and to determine the demand o f Atul machine tools products in Rajkot. A sample size of 20 consumers has been taken.

Survey Areas-:

I have meet with around 20 customer of ATUL Machine Tools at allover Rajkot District and found the following information from the customer answer of the relevant questionnaire. Here I have taken sample size of customer is 20 to underst and the total market customer sertifection of ATUL MACHINE TOOLS.

I found that availability of Atul Machine Tools is in sufficient


STATISTICAL ANALYSIS-: Name of the customerCustomer satisfaction

(%)1 Kalapi Auto industries 1002 Pagvin Auto industries 1003 Infotech engineering 92.54 K.S.Engineering 1005 Share chamunda enterprise 97.56 Shree Krishna Grinding 97.57 Ami Varsha Grinding 97.58 Ami Drashti Grinding 97.59 Minal industries 9510 Amba Engineering industries 10011 Tulsi Industries 87.512 Applied Auto PVT Ltd 9713 Esteem Auto PVT Ltd 9014 Biloree Cost (I)PVT.Ltd 97.515 G.M.Engineering 92.5

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16 Uma Grinding Pvt.Ltd 10017 Sidharth Industries Corpo Retion 10018 Supea Volga 9019 Ami Dhara Grinding 97.520 Kishan Auto parts Ltd- 100


Total costomer Satisfaction 96 %

Customer Satisfaction = Observed value × 100

Total value

= 40 × 100


(1) Are you satisfied with product Quality?

Frequency Percentage

5 Excellence 14 70%4 Very good 5 25%3 Good 1 5%2 Averge 0 0%1 Poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0








Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 70% of the customer is satisfied with the product quality and 25% of the customer is average condition.

(2) Life of the product?:-

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 17 85%4 Very good 3 15%3 Good 0 0%2 Averge 0 0%1 Poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0










Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 85% of the customer is satisfied with the life style product and 15% of the customer is average condition.

(3) Packing of the materials?

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 17 85%4 Very good 3 15%3 Good 0 0%2 Averge 0 0%1 Poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good Good Averge0










Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 85% of the customer is satisfied with material of the packaging quality and 15% of the customer is average condition.

(4) Time lines in delivery?

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 17 85%4 Very good 2 10%3 Good 1 5%2 Averge 0 0%1 Poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0










Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 85% of the customer is satisfied with time line delivery and 10% of the customer is average condition.

(5) Our response to your complaints if any?

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 90%4 Very good 2 10%3 Good 0 0%2 Averge 0 0%1 Poor 0 0%

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Total 20 100%

Excellence Very good good averge poor0










Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 90% of the customer is satisfied with the product quality and 10% of the customer is complain only.

(6) Are you satisfied with the performance of the products?

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 16 80%4 Very good 4 20%3 good 0 0%2 averge 0 0%1 poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0









Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 80% of the customer is fully satisfied with the product quality and 20% of the customer is average condition.

(7) Are you satisfied with accuracy work of product?

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 16 80%4 Very good 4 20%3 good 0 0%2 averge 0 0%1 poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0









Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 80% of the customer is satisfied with the product quality and 20% of the customer is average condition.

(8) Follow up service of our reprehensive.

Frequency Percentage5 Excellence 18 90%4 Very good 2 10%3 good 0 0%2 averge 0 0%1 poor 0 0%

Total 20 100%

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Excellence Very good good averge poor0










Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study 90% of the customer is satisfied with the product quality and 20% of the customer is average condition.

All over Data Analysis of the Company

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No. of Sample Satisfaction (%)

No. of Sample Satisfaction (%)

1 100 11 87.52 100 12 973 92.5 13 904 100 14 97.55 97.5 15 92.56 97.5 16 1007 97.5 17 1008 97.5 18 909 95 19 97.510 100 20 100

2010 Customer Relationship Management

Kalapi A

uto industr



Auto industr


Infotech en








unda enter



Krishna G


Ami Vars

ha Grin


Ami Dras

hti Grinding

Minal industr


Amba Engin


g industr




Applied Auto PVT L



m Auto PVT Ltd


Cost (I)P





Uma Grin

ding Pvt.



h Industr

ies Corp

o Retion



Ami Dhara



Auto parts L

td- 80






100 100










100 100



Above table indicate that in Customer Relationship Management study it’s the allover study of the feedback 96% of the customer is satisfied with the product quality.

All sample Satisfaction of the customers (in percentage) :

1) Not satisfied customer -2) Satisfied customer -

Total 4% 96%

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Conclusions of the research:

The primary objectives of the study were to determine the effect of CRM technology adoption on business-to-business relationships, and the impact of market orientation and technology orientation on that adoption. To this end the research drew upon the management, IT and marketing literatures from which a preliminary research model was conceptualized. The model was then refined and tested through a two-stage, cross-sectional research design, involving an exploratory, qualitative phase to inform the explanatory, quantitative approach. across a number and variety of industry sectors. The results of the nationwide survey were analysed using Partial Least Squares.

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The purpose of this chapter is to discuss and draw conclusions from the results of the research. The central objective of this research was to develop and test an integrated conceptual model in order to understand the effect of CRM technology adoption on customer relationships

Overview of Research Design:

Given the potential difficulty in identifying and gaining access to businesses contemplating CRM technology adoption, a cross-sectional study was determined more appropriate than a longitudinal study. Longitudinal studies provide the ability to observe and test parameters over time with the same individuals or organization. The advantage of longitudinal study is that complex variables and interactions that evolve over time

Sampling representativeness, and low response rate, due to user variability in e-mail use, Internet availability and familiarity,

Lack of professional image and design, Perceived lack of anonymity, and confidentiality


The company has to increase employee participation in company decisions.

Maximize the use of e-mails and instant messaging to be technological advancements.

Work hours must be such that efficiency of employees remains stable during their work tenure.

Market he customer aware about the ATUL MACHINE TOOLS products through

Different mode of advertising.

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On line information about the ATUL MACHINE TOOLS products and trading

Should be facilitated by the company.

There should be regular is it for getting the customer

Feedback about the MACHINE products. This helps to know the

Changing demand of the customer.

Company should try to increase the production.

Company should try to provide is count on bulk

Purchasing. And also provide some attractive offer and Scheme for sales promotion.


Our overall experience above this company is in expressible in this report. After analyzing we can conclude that “ATUL MACHINE TOOLS” is progressive unit. We can really a nice experience to visit “ATUL MACHINE TOOLS PVT. LTD”. The officers and employees are very co-operative in nature.

Our field experience was also a remarkable survey is the medium to know the views about the CUSTEMER of the ATUL MACHINE TOOLS Pvt. Ltd. It was a difficult but nice experience to take personal interviews of retailers. It was great deal of knowledge. By this survey we can know the actual position of ATUL MACHINE TOOLS Pvt. Ltd. in the market. But at present the number of competitors’ progress in a quite good.

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The domain of customer relationship management extends into many areas of marketing and strategic decisions. Its recent prominence is facilitated by the convergence of several other paradigms of marketing and by corporate initiatives that have developed around the theme of cooperation and the collaboration of organizational units and their stakeholders, including customers. CRM refers to a conceptually broad phenomenon of business activity, and if the phenomenon of cooperation and collaboration with customers becomes the dominant paradigm of marketing practice and research, CRM has the potential to emerge as the predominant perspective of marketing.

The issues of CRM and customer service are vital in the developing environment as customer expectations increase. This is especially the case in developing countries where changes in customer expectations are linked to increasing educational standards and literacy. This study has indicated that the implementation of a one-to-one marketing of financial services in emerging markets do not differ from the way in Winch it would be implemented among customers in other economies. This requires organization in developing environments to pay attention to the issues of customer needs and differentiation in order to building long term customer relationships.


During our survey we have used following books and site:-


Company Booklet

C.R.Kothari,2nd edition


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Question no:- Satisfaction Parameters:- Rating:-5,/4,/3,/2,/1

Specific remark spin case of poor rating :-

Rating criteria = 05 Excellent / 04 Very good / 03 good / 02 Average / 01 Poor

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01 Are you satisfied with product Quality? :- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

02 Life of the product?:-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

03 Packing of the materials?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

04 Time lines in delivery?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

05 Our response to your complaints if any?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 106 Are you satisfied with the performance of the products?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

07 Are you satisfied with accuracy work of product?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 4 3 2 1

08 Follow up service of our reprehensive.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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5 4 3 2 1

Other suggestion/improvements/expectations:-……………………..………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….

Other information Name:-………………………………………………………………….

Company Name:-……………………………………………………….



Phone Number:-…………………. Email Add:-……………………..

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