credible credentials: coming of age

Key Credible Credentials Coming of Age Jane Weissman January 29, 2014 AACC WDI Conference SEED Workshop

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At the 2014 American Association of Community Colleges' Workforce Development Institute Conference, IREC President/CEO Jane Weissman talks about how IREC has, and is, playing a pivotal role in developing national clean energy credentialing and standards that is building the infrastructure for a well-trained, highly qualified clean energy workforce in the U.S.


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Credible CredentialsComing of Age

Jane WeissmanJanuary 29, 2014

AACC WDI ConferenceSEED Workshop

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Self declaration

Second-Party Endorsements

Credentialing Programs

Adherence to Best Practices

Third-Party Conformity Assessment

Degrees of Assessment

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Certification CertificateResults from an assessment process

Results from an educational process

Typically requires some amount of professional experience

For both newcomers and experienced professionals

Awarded by a third-party, standard-setting organization

Awarded by training and educational programs or institutions

Indicates mastery/competency Indicates completion of a course (s)

Standards set through a defensible, formal process

Course content set a variety of ways

Has on-going requirements to maintain

Is the end result

Source: U.S. Office of Personnel ManagementAugust 13, 2008 Memo

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• Balanced stakeholders that provide on-going systematic input• Job task analysis or other content standard • Certificate and training is industry recognized• Certificate holds market value• Program prerequisites• Alignment of learning objectives with assessments• Criterion-referenced assessments of the learner• Qualified faculty• Available resources to support learning• Program evaluation• Policies that guide program decisions, including due process


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Market Value

Linkage with Industry Current &

Relevant Job Task Analysis

Curriculum Supports

Occupational Competencies

Teaches skills that are in demand by employersFrom advisors to partners

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National Trends

Airtime for credentialing Competency-based credentials Proof of quality Industry linked Relevant & Current Alternative & Informal Learning

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Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Making a Market forCompetency-Based Credentials

ANSI & GW Institute of Public Policy

Credentialing Standards

ANSI EESCC Road Map Chapter on

Workforce Credentials

ACT FoundationHiring for Competency/Quality of Credentials

U.S. DOE Better BuildingsWorkforce Guidelines

Job Task AnalysesSingle Family Multi Family

Commercial Buildings

IREC’s Certificate Standard&

ANSI IREC Accreditation

National Activities

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Training Accreditation

Trainer Certification

Company Accreditation

Work Specs

Practitioner Certification

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Market value Linkage with industry Systematic program plan Management system Student attainment of learning

objectives Technology specific content


Standard covers clean energy technologies and practices including renewable energy, energy efficiency, distributed renewable

energy generation, and other sustainability practices.

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IREC 14732 Quality Framework

Program Management

Technical Content

Educational Processes

Providing safeguards for consumers, industry and government

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IREC Accreditation• Demonstrates third-party validation of clean technology

training• Confirms training is matched to industry-defined

competencies• Valued by employers and government agencies• Showcases training program with national recognition• Provides an edge for enrollment, marketing and

educational strategies• Signals high level of technical training expertise• Displays a hard-earned seal of approval

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The Big “WHY”

Clean EnergyPromotes stronger

and lasting markets

Good training teaches

the right skill sets

that leads to

Better and

safer workmanship which boosts

Consumer Acceptance

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