creating open data

CHIS: Open Data e Linked Open Data 7: Creating Open Data Vittorio Scarano [email protected] Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Salerno (Italy) 1 CHIS: Open Data and Linked Open Data

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CHIS: Open Data e Linked Open Data

7: Creating Open Data

Vittorio Scarano

[email protected]

Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Salerno (Italy)


• Acquisition of data •  by using data provided by others (and collecting them) •  by generating new data (survey, observations)

• Extraction of data •  conversion from original format into something usable

for further analysis and processing

• Cleaning and transforming •  sanitizing data, but also improving it (disaggregation

and enrichment) CHIS:OpenDataandLinkedOpenData 2

Data Pipeline - 1

• Analysis of data •  to answer particular questions that are not easily

recognizable in data

• Presentation and visualization of data •  to make more clear and effective arguments •  dependent on the audience

Some of these topics will be treated with more details

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Data Pipeline - 2

• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

• Qualitative data •  description of a quality •  can be experienced and observed but not measured

• Quantitative data •  expressed by numbers and can be measured •  discrete data (integer) •  continuous data (floating point)

• Categorical data •  describe a category which the item belongs to

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Acquisition of data: which kind?

• Data for humans •  able to understand natural language J •  unstructured data •  often found in documents (PDFs): not machine-readable

• Data for computers •  structured and in a machine-readable format •  CSV: comma separated value as an example •  spreadsheets for simple use

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Acquisition of data: for whom?

• Data provenance • Good documentation is needed •  to preserve the “chain of custody” to identify the owner and

the processing that took place • Some automatic tools •  Open Refine (formerly known as Google Refine)

•  If some custom procedures (programs) are used, they should be available open source on repositories •  GitHub, Sourceforge etc.

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Acquisition of data: where from?

•  Finding data that was already been released •  care in ensuring that the Open license is followed

• Getting hold of more data •  new data from official sources, via Freedom of

Information Act (FOIA) requests •  data that comes from scraping websites

• Collecting data •  gathering data and entering it into a spreadsheet

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Acquisition of Data: the sources

• Government •  some open data sections on their website •  often more at central government than local •  national institute of statistics, etc

• Organizations •  often offers interesting data (World Bank, World Health

Organisation) • Science •  projects and institutions (NASA, etc.)

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The kind of sources

• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

• Often unstructured data is released with PDF •  If the PDF is the scanned version of documents,

there is not much to do L • Else… there are many converters, that sometimes

are messy with tables • Tabula software (MIT open license) is very useful •  versions for Windows, Mac, Linux available

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Extracting data from PDF



• Sometimes tables are in HTML pages • Of course, you could

•  copy and paste the data into a spreadsheet •  messy, requires a lot of cleaning

•  learn HTML and see the data from the table and rewrite it

• Or.. you can use Google Sheets that has a very simple method to import a table into a spreadsheet •  and then you can esport it as you wish! J

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Scraping the web

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• The first cell where the IMPORTHTML function was used remains with that value, which means that.. • … the whole dataset is read EVERY TIME •  you cannot modify it, filter or analyze it!

• Easy way to get rid of it: •  export it in a CSV •  then re-import it into a new sheet in Google Docs

• J

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A warning

• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

• Easy and familiar tool •  extremely more powerful and useful than average

users think • Originated since the very beginning of computing •  Visicalc, LotusNotes, ..

• Many opportunities available: •  Google Spreadsheets •  Open/Libre Office •  Microsoft Excel

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“The” tool: spreadsheet!

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A quick comparison

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• Sorting and filtering allow you to “know” your dataset •  .. to understand what kind of information it

contains •  .. and understand how it can contribute to

knowledge • But before that, we must “clean up the data”

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How to “know” your dataset


Cleaning up data

•  Formatting does not come along with data • Whitespace and new lines • Blank cells • Numbers that are NOT numbers • Data in inconvenient places •  .. and many others!

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Some common mistakes

• All the formatting is not useful • Select all the cells

(CTRL+A) • Use Format and

then “Clear formatting”

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Eliminate Formatting

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•  Important to make the data readable for processing • Additional blanks, or newlines create problems •  For example: the first item has a newline

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Whitespace and linebreaks

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• TRIM(): Clears trailing and leading blanks • CLEAN(): Clears non printable characters •  From a column B, it is possible to create a new

column C with “cleaned data” •  and copy and pasted “only values” into a third column

D to get the cleaned data •  .. and only then, you can get rid of the first two

columns B and C and only deal with the “cleaned” D column

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Some useful functions

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• Often empty cells are present and creates a lot of problems • Useful functions are COUNTBLANK, ISBLANK • Useful also is the filter mechanism •  can check the number of empty cells

• Careful when replacing empty cell •  the message should be clear that there are no data, not

that the value is 0

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Empty cells

• National formatting: •  in italian, the floating point is a the comma

•  so 3,14 is NOT a Pi in a non-italian spreadsheet: it is a string! •  while 3,141 is three thousand, one hundred forty one!

•  the virgola separates the thousands

• Wrong blanks in between digits •  it is not a number: is a string

• Wrong numbers means that we cannot compute •  sum, average, min, max, etc.

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Numbers that are not numbers


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• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

• Useful for summarizing tables •  without creating new tables •  without creating new columns •  without writing formla

• Of course, pivot table is only a tool •  data analysis is a very complex topic •  and we are just “scratching the

surface” of it!

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Pivot table

Let’s start from a simple table

Create a pivot table (with the data)

Empty pivot table (new sheet)

Select “Group”, “Col”, “Values”

You can choose different summaries

How to structure data

A pivot table with two rows

• The columns are ordered in alphabetical order •  “April” before “February” L

• Solutions 1.  use the number to indicate the month: 1, 2, .. , 12

•  but the name is not very communicative on the table 2.  use a string that retain the alphabetical order such as

•  “01- January”, “02-February”, etc.

•  In this way we have both order and information on the column headers

A visualization problem

Change the values (Find&Replace)



The meeting table, now…

• Acquisition of Data • Extraction of Data • Cleaning and transforming Data • Analysis of Data • Presentation and visualization of Data

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Data Pipeline

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Difficult… always difficult!

• Communicating visually information that can be complex, in the right way • Often, spreadsheets offer many “exotic” ways of

defining charts •  often, not useful to convey information

• A running example on how to improve a chart

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Building graphs and charts


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CHIS:OpenDataandLinkedOpenData 77Largertext

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CHIS:OpenDataandLinkedOpenData 79$intheaxis!

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CHIS:OpenDataandLinkedOpenData 85Nolegend

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Different relationships to be explained with charts 1.  Time-series 2.  Ranking 3.  Part-to-whole 4.  Deviation 5.  Distribution 6.  Correlation 7.  Geospatial

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Relationships with charts

1. Timeseries


2. Ranking - 1

2. Ranking - 2

3. Part-to-whole

Pie-chart! (highly debated..!)

Problem: pick the largest (?)

And now???

And now? J

The only acceptable pie-chart?

4. Deviation

5. Distribution

Beware the average… this..

… this..

.. and this, have the same avg=55k!

6. Correlation


•  “Post hoc ergo propter hoc” •  A correlation between two variables does not imply

that one causes the other •  Known logical fallacy

•  epidemiological studies showed that women taking combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT) had a lower-than-average incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD): HRT was protective against CHD

•  women undertaking HRT were more likely to be from higher socio-economic groups (ABC1), with better-than-average diet and exercise regimens: fewer CHR

“Correlation does not mean causation”

Some hilarious examples - 1

Some hilarious examples - 2

Some hilarious examples - 3


6. Correlation - 2

7. Geospatial



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•  Part of the material comes with license CC •  picture “Bath time” by archer10 (CC-A-SA 2.0)

•  Bibliography: •  "Data wrangling handbook", OKF

pdf/datapatterns/latest/datapatterns.pdf •  School of Data, OKF, •  “Telling compelling stories with Numbers”, Stephen Few,

Perceptual Edge.

•  “Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten”, Second Edition, Stephen Few, Analytics Press,2012

•  Choosing a good chart, Andrew Abela:

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Reading list and credits

•  Part of the work was funded by the ROUTE-TO-PA H2020 project • for more info

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TheprojecthasreceivedfundingfromtheEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innova<on programme under grantagreementNo645860.

•  Author: Vittorio Scarano, ROUTE-TO-PA project •  [email protected]

•  License: This Work is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) •

licenses/by-sa/4.0/ • Available onSlideShare

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