creating a template in wordperfect - the geeky family...

Creating a Template in WordPerfect 1. File a. New From Project b. Go to Options 2. Create A Category 1

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Creating a Template in WordPerfect

1. Filea. New From Project

b. Go to Options

2. Create A Category


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3. Name it Family History (or a title of your choice)

4. Find Family History in the Drop down list and Select it

5. Go to Options6. Create New WP Template


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7. A new page comes up with a new menu bar across the top with the following:a. Build Promptsb. Copy/Remove Objectc. Associated. Description

8. Click on Descriptiona. Type in your description b. “This is a template for typing family histories”c. Click OK

9. Go to File, Save


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10. Template Box Pops up11. Click in Family History12. Give your Template a Name

a. “Family History Publishing”b. Click OK

13. Look in the Title Bar and you will see that it is a Template with a .wpt extension

14. Now that you are in your template, you need to format it

15. Page Margins and Layouta. Format (on the tool bar), Page, Page Setup


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16. Dialog Box pops upa. Set the “printer page types” to Letterb. Orientation - Portraitc. Current and Following Pagesd. Set the top margin to 1", the Bottom .75" and the sides both to .5"e. Click on the Layout Tab at the top


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17. Click on Book (side to side) for two sided printing18. Two sided binding

a. Increase Margin for Inside .5"i. This will keep the inside binding from being bound.

19. Click on Save every once in a while to make sure you don’t lose your work.



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20. Spacing - Set the spacing for the document by going to Format, Line, Spacing

21. When the dialog box comes up set it to 1.2", click ok

22. Paragraph Formatting - Format, Paragraph, Format


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23. In the dialog box:a. First line indent .3b. Spacing between paragraphs 8ptsc. Click ok

24. Now it is time to start on the first pagea. We want the title on the first page to be centered Vertically

i. Format, Page, Center

25. Click Current Page, ok


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26. The cursor goes to the middle of the pagea. Center this page horizontally Click the Format, Justification, Center or click the

justify button


27. Build Some Promptsa. Click on Build Prompts

28. In the Box click Add

29. Another box appears - Type in “Add the Title” – Click ok


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30. The Prompt Builder comes back – Click on Add

31. “Add the Author” Click OK - the Prompt Builder reappears.

32. Place you’re your cursor is on the page and location where you want your title to be33. Select “Add the Title” and click on paste34. Title appears on the page where you cursor is


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35. Now we need to style the titlea. Select “add the title” on the page,

b. click in the styles box and select “Heading 1"

36. Now hit the enter key about 13 to 17 times (whatever you think looks good)37. Make sure you are still centered and type Written by on the page and then hit enter


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38. Click enter 2 times and then and select “Add the Author” in the prompt box and clickpaste

39. After your title page is done, close the prompt builder by clicking the red x in the topright corner.

40. Adding the Page Numbers

a. The title page usually has no page number and the second page will be a table ofcontents that has the Roman Numeral ii for the page number. The first page is theRoman Numeral I but remember we do not want any page numbering to show onthe title page.

b. The first written page of the document will have th numerical number 1.


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41. Adding the Roman Numeral to the Title Page

a. Hit Ctrl + Home, Home i. This command will put you at the very top of the document. Make sure

you click on the Home key twice while holding down the ctr key on thekeyboard.

b. Click on Format, Page, Numbering


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c. A popup box will come up with the defaults - you will change those defaults

d. Keep Bottom Center selected and scroll through the options until you get to thesmall case Roman Number I and then select it.

e. The bottom of your page should have the Roman Numeral I


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f. We don’t really want this number on our page so we need to suppress it for thispage so that it won’t show but the numbering will be right on the next page so goto Format, Page, Suppress

42. Check Page numbering on current page. Now the numbering is in place but not showingon page 1


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43. Now we need to set the Widow/Orphan option on our document. This keeps two lines ofa paragraph together either at the bottom or top of a page so you don’t have any singlelines of paragraph sitting alone either at the bottom or top of a page.

a. Format, Keep Text Together, Check Widow and Orphan, Say ok

44. Page Border – If you would like a page border around your title page:i. Format, Page, Border Fill


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b. You can choose from line or fancyc. Click on the border and color you want and make sure “Apply border to current

page only”d. Click ok

45. Click behind “add the Author” at the bottom of the page or hit the “Pg dn” key on yourkeyboard (so your cursor is below all text) and then hit Ctr+Enter on your keyboard tostart a new page.

46. If you want a table of contents follow the steps below. If you want to just start yourhistory skip this section.

47. Table of Contentsa. On the new page - Click on the top of the page to make sure you are at the top of

the new pageb. Type “Table of Contents” and select it by dragging your mouse over it with the

left key pressed down.


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c. style it with Heading 2

d. This should style your heading with larger text and bolde. Hit the Enter key twicef. Your justification is still on “center” so go to the justification icon and click Full

Justification or go to Format, Justification, Full


g. The Table of Contents can be set to generate automatically so that your headingsand page numbers are automatically placed. This way if you add or delete contentthe table of contents can be regenerated to reflect the new page numbers and/orheadings.


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h. Go to Tools, Reference, Table of Contents

i. Click on Define


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j. Set the numbers and dot leaders the way you want to appear and then click on ok.The Reference Tools box will come back up and now click on close.

k. << Table of Contents will generate here >> appears on your pagel. Throughout your document if you will use the style headings, the Table of

Contents will automatically generate you table of contents down to the level youspecified (in the illustration it is 3 levels). Make sure you use Styles for yourheadings. Using Styles will automatically puts in the Table of Content tags.

m. Hit Pg dn on the keyboard and then hit Ctr+Enter for a new page

48. The 3rd Page - This is where you will start typing your actual history. The template wewill setup will look something like the following illustration:


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Text Box Created

49.a. Textbox - First we will create a text box for the title of the history or article.b. Click on Insert, Textbox

50. Now that the Textbox is created, it needs to be formatted. Formatting a text box is doneby selecting the text box with the mouse and then pressing the right mouse key to bringup a menu. (The right mouse key is a menu key in most cases.) Left Mouse Click onSelect Box so your text box is selected.


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51. Sizea. Right click on the Textbox for an image menub. Left Click on Size

i. Set the width to full (it will go across from margin to margin)ii. Set the Height to whatever you would like, I am going to set this one to 1

inch. Click OK.

52. Border/Filla. Select your box (You can tell your box is selected by the black squares.)b. Right Click on the Text boxc. Left Click on Border/Fill


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d. Choose your line style and colore. Click on the Fill Tab and click on the 4th grey box - this will give you about 20%

fillf. Click OKg. Your text box should be created

53. Center Text Vertically in the Text Boxa. Select the Box (click on it with the mouse - left key) if it is not selected (if the

black squares are not showing)b. Right Click and select (with the left mouse button) Content


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c. Select Vertical position of Centeredd. Click ok

54. Center and style the texta. Click your left mouse button inside the text box

55. Center the Text Horizontally

a. Format - Justification - center or go to the property bar and select center



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56. Add the titlea. Go to your “build prompts” againb. Paste “Add the Title” inside the text box,

c. select the text and style it with Heading 1d. Hit Enter twice

57. Add the Authora. Type “Written by” space (space bar) and then Paste “Add the Author” then click



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58. Style the author texta. Select “Written by [Add the Author] and click on bold and italic or any other

styling you would like. Click out of the box and the title styling is done.

59. Creating the Header/Footer - We want to create the header on this page, but we don’twant it to show on the first page, just subsequent pages, so we will create it and thensuppress it on this page much like we did the page number on the title page.

a. Go to Insert, Header/Footer b. Select Header A – make sure you check “Align with document margins” and click


c. Click on Right Justified or Format, Justification, Right


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d. Click on Build Prompts Againe. Paste the “Add the Title” select [Add the Title] and Bold itf. Hit enter and type Written by and the Paste “Add the Author” g. Select “written by [Add the Author] and Italicize it

60. Add a Dividing Linea. Go to Insert - Line - Horizontal Line and add a line to go across the page


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b. To Edit and Design it go to Edit, Edit Graphic Line and choose your options, clickok

c. Select the line by clicking on it and pull the line down under the writing

d. Close the header by clicking down beneath the title box

e. Suppress the Headeri. Go to Format, Page and Check Suppress Header A on Current Pageii. The Header disappears but will appear on the pages after this one.


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61. Page Numbera. The Roman Numerals need to be turned off and numerical numbers turned on.

The page number needs to be 1 and not 3b. Go to Format, Page, Numbering

c. Change the formatting to numerical numbers d. Click on Set Value and Set Page Number to 1instead of 3e. Click OK and then Click OK

62. Adding Columnsa. With your cursor under the text box go to the column icon and click on Format,




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c. Change the space in between the columns to .325 or .4 and click ok

63. Congratulations your template is done!

a. Save and Closeb. File - Savec. File - Close