country and community history booklet


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Country and Community History Booklet


Page 1: Country and Community History Booklet



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Page 2: Country and Community History Booklet

България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / Bulgaria

/ Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

9 септември 1944 година

След тази дата настъпва мащабна политическа,

икономическа и социална промяна в българското


На 8 ноември 1948 г. начално училище „Яне Сандански“

отваря врати за учениците от Разлог. Училището има

само четири класни стаи. Изградено е с активното участие

на жителите на квартала. През 1975 г. е разширена

сградата на училището, а през 1983 г. започва

изграждането на столова и физкултурен салон. Днес

училището разполага с всички необходими условия за

съвременно обучение на подрастващите.

Георги Иванов е първият българин, излетял в

космическото пространство. Това се случва на 10

април 1979 г., а полетът трае два дни – до 12 април.

Чрез неговия полет България се превръща в шестата

нация на планетата, изпратила свой представител

в Космоса.

През 1981 година България отбелязва 1300 години от

създаването на българската държава . България е

създадена през 681 година от хан Аспарух. В 13-веков-

ната история на нашата родина има много събития и

личности, които са дали своя принос за развитието на

Европа. Векове наред държавата ни е била под робство –

Page 3: Country and Community History Booklet

България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / Bulgaria

/ Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

византийско и турско. На 3 март 1879 година в резултат на освободителната

Руско-турска война България е освободена от продължилото пет века

робство. Затова 3 март е национален празник на родината ни.

На 10 ноември 1989 година започва преходът на България

към демокрация и пазарна икономика. Тодор Живков е

освободен от поста генерален секретар на партията,

след еднолично управление в продължение на 33 години.

Със свалянето от власт на българския диктатор започват

политическите промени в страната. Ден преди сваляне-

то на Живков, в Германия бе съборена Берлинската стена.

НУ „Яне Сандански“ започва първия проект по програма

„Сократ - Коменски“ през учебната 1999/2000 година.

Училищата партньори са от Франция, Румъния, Ирландия,

Германия и Испания.

На 1 януари 2007 година България става член на Европей-

ския съюз. България и Румъния завършват петото, най-

голямо разширяване на ЕС. От българска страна

Договорът за присъединяване е подписан от президента

Георги Първанов, министър-председателя Симеон Сакс-

кобурготски, министърът на външните работи Соломон

Паси и министърът по европейските въпроси Меглена


Page 4: Country and Community History Booklet

България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / Bulgaria

/ Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

Since September 9, 1944 comes a major political, economic

and social change in the Bulgarian society. Bulgaria fell

within the Soviet sphere of influence.

On 8 November 1948 was built a primary school „Jane

Sandanski" in Razlog. Then the school opened its doors

to students. The school has only four classrooms. Built

with the active participation of neighbourhood residents'

„Varosha“. In 1975 has expanded the school building.

In 1983 began building dining room and a gymnasium.

Today the school has all the prerequisites for modern

training of adolescents.

The first Bulgarian who took off into space is Georgi

Ivanov. Bulgaria is the sixth nations that send out

representative in the Space. On 10 April, 1979, 20 min

and 34 h were launched into orbit around Earth, the

spacecraft "Soyuz-33" with an international crew:

commander and cosmonaut Nikolai Rukavishnikov and

astronaut - researcher Georgi Ivanov.

In 1981 Bulgaria notes 1300 years of the establishment

of the Bulgarian state. Bulgaria was founded in 681 by

Asparukh. In the 13th century history of our country there

are many events and personalities that have contributed to

the development of Europe. For centuries, our country was

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България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgária / Bulgaria

/ Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária / Bulgarien

under the yoke – Byzantine and Ottoman. On March 3, 1879 as a result of the

Russo-Turkish War of Bulgaria's liberation from slavery lasted five centuries. So

March 3rd is a national holiday of our country.

On November 10, 1989 began the transition of Bulgaria

towards democracy and market economy. Plenum of the

Central Committee of the Communist Party Todor Zhivkov

was dismissed from his post as party secretary general.

With the overthrow of the dictator began Bulgarian political

changes in the country. Changes in the former communist

bloc started with the coming to power the Soviet Union

Mikhail Gorbachev, who started process. A day before the

overthrow of Zhivkov in Germany was broken Berlin Wall.

Primary school "Yane Sandanski” begins the first project

under the "Socrates-Comenius" in 1999/2000 academic

year. Partner countries were France, Romania, Ireland,

Germany and Spain.

On 1 January, 2007 Bulgaria joined the European Union.

The accession process go in 1998 was completed in

September 2006. Then European Commission recommends

joining to the organization. From the Bulgarian side

Accession Treaty was signed by President Georgi Parvanov,

Prime Minister - Simeon Sakskoburggotski, Foreign

Minister Solomon Passy, Minister of European Affairs,

Meglena Kuneva.

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Deutschland/ Германия/ Γερμανία/ Germania/

Almanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

1945 + 1949 Kriegsende und Teilung in zwei deutsche Staaten

Das Deutsche Reich war nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in vier Zonen

aufgeteilt, die von den Siegermächten USA, Frankreich, England und

der Sowjetunion regiert wurden. Die Hauptstadt Berlin war ebenfalls

in vier Sektoren geteilt. Da die Sieger unterschiedliche Vorstellungen

über die Zukunft Deutschlands hatten, kam es 1949 zur Teilung des

Landes. In dem von den westlichen Mächten kontrollierten Gebiet

entstand am 23. Mai 1949 die BRD mit der vorübergehenden

Hauptstadt Bonn. In dem von der Sowjetunion kontrollierten Teil

wurde am 7. Oktober 1949 die DDR mit der Hauptstadt Ost-Berlin

gegründet. Diesen Teil Deutschlands durfte man nur mit Erlaubnis


1953 Gründung der Brüder-Grimm-Schule

In den ersten Nachkriegsjahren nahm die Bevölkerung in Göttingen –

nicht zuletzt durch die Zuwanderung von Flüchtlingen aus dem Osten –

so stark zu, das seine neue Schule gebaut werden musste. Im Jahr

1952 wurde sie unter dem jetzigen Namen eingeweiht.

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Deutschland/ Германия/ Γερμανία/ Germania/

Almanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

1961 Bau der Berliner Mauer

Seit Entstehung der DDR flohen tausende Bürger aus dem Land. Um

weitere Fluchten zu verhindern, wurde 1961 mit dem Bau der Berliner

Mauer begonnen.

1989 + 1990 Fall der Berliner Mauer und Wiedervereinigung

Die Wiedervereinigung beider deutscher Staaten wurde durch die

friedlichen Massenproteste der DDR-Bürger eingeleitet. Am 9.

November 1989 wurde die Öffnung der Berliner Mauer

bekanntgegeben, was schließlich zum Zusammenbruch der DDR führte.

Da es seit Ende des 2. Weltkrieges noch keinen Friedensvertrag gab,

mussten die Siegermächte von damals der Wiedervereinigung

Deutschlands zustimmen. Diese wurde am 03.10.1990 besiegelt.

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Deutschland/ Германия/ Γερμανία/ Germania/

Almanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

1945 + 1949 End of WWII and Separation into 2 German states

After WWII, the German Empire had been separated into four zones

controlled by the victorious powers USA, France, Great Britain and

the Soviet Union. The capital Berlin, too, had been split into four

sectors. The victorious powers had different concepts concerning the

future of Germany, that’s why they agreed upon the foundation of two

German states in 1949.

On 23 May, 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) was installed

with the preliminary capital Bonn in the area controlled by the

western powers.

On 7 October 1949 the German Democratic Republic (GDR) with the

capital East Berlin was founded in the area controlled by the Soviet

Union. This part of Germany could be left only by permission.

1953 Foundation of the Brüder-Grimm-Schule

In the first years after WWII the population of Göttingen was

increasing at a big rate – also due to immigrating refugees from the

East – which made it necessary to build a new school.

In 1952, the school was inaugurated.

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Deutschland/ Германия/ Γερμανία/ Germania/

Almanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

1961 Construction of the Berlin Wall

Since the foundation of the GDR thousands of citizens fled the

country. In 1961, the regime started to build the Berlin Wall to

prevent further escapes.

1989 + 1990 Fall of the Berlin Wall and Reunification

The reunification of the two German states was initiated by peaceful

mass protests of the GDR citizens. On 9 November, 1989, the opening

of the Berlin Wall was declared. This lead to the collapse of the East

German system. Eventually, the victorious powers had to consent to

the reunification of Germany because of the lacking peace treaty,

which they hadn’t come to since the end of WWII. On 3 October,

1990, the seal was set on the reunification of Germany.

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Ελλάδα / Greece / Grecia / Yunanistan

Görögország / Griechenland / Grécia / Гърция

1946-1949: Ο Ελληνικός Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος που θεωρείται

διεθνώς ως η πρώτη πράξη του ψυχρού πόλεμου στη

μεταπολεμική ιστορία ήταν η πολεμική σύγκρουση με τις

μεγαλύτερες απώλειες που γνώρισε η χώρα από το 1830 έως


1950: Αστυφιλία. Οι κάτοικοι των χωριών εγκαταλείπουν την

ύπαιθρο και εγκαθίστανται μόνιμα στα μεγάλα αστικά κέντρα. Ο

μισός περίπου πληθυσμός της χώρας ζει στα τρία μεγάλα αστικά

κέντρα, την Αθήνα, τη Θεσσαλονίκη και την Πάτρα.

1952: Θεμελιώνεται η πρώτη κατοικία στον οικισμό Παπάγου. Ο οικισμός

Παπάγου συνεστήθη στις 29 Αυγούστου 1950 από την τότε κυβέρνηση του

Σοφοκλή Βενιζέλου.

1952: Απονέμεται το "Μετάλλιο Τιμής της Αμερικανικής

Εταιρίας Καρκινολογίας" στον έλληνα γιατρό Γεώργιο

Παπανικολάου για το "Τεστ Παπανικολάου". Ο Παπανικολάου

με τις εργασίες του έγινε ο θεμελιωτής νέου επιστημονικού

κλάδου. Η μέθοδος του που έλαβε προς τιμή του την ονομασία

«Μέθοδος Παπανικολάου» ή «Τεστ Παπανικολάου» και κατά

συγκοπή «Τεστ Παπ» άνοιξε ευρείς νέους ορίζοντες στην

ιατρική έρευνα στη γενετήσια φυσιολογία και ενδοκρινολογία

και ειδικότερα για τον καρκίνο.

1963: Βραβείο Νομπέλ Λογοτεχνίας στον έλληνα ποιητή Γιώργο

Σεφέρη. Ο λόγος του είναι συμβολικός και υπαινικτικός. Βασικά

θέματα του η αρχαία και νεότερη ελληνική παράδοση και η

συνάντησή της με τον σύγχρονο ευρωπαϊκό πολιτισμό, η

μελαγχολία για τη μοίρα του ελληνισμού, η νοσταλγία του

απόδημου και οι «χαμένες πατρίδες» (Μικρά Ασία).

1965: Ο Οικισμός Παπάγου γίνεται Κοινότητα.

1967: Πραξικόπημα και επταετής στρατιωτική χούντα.

1973-1974: Εξέγερση του Πολυτεχνείου και η Τουρκική εισβολή

στην Κύπρο(στις 20 Ιουλίου 1974). Κατάρρευση της Χούντας

στις 24 Ιουλίου 1974 (4 ημέρες μετά την τουρκική εισβολή). Η

χούντα ακολούθησε επιθετική εσωτερική καταστολή και κακή

εξωτερική πολιτική που οδήγησε στην διχοτόμηση και τραγωδία

της Κύπρου. Αποκατάσταση της δημοκρατίας το 1974.

Page 11: Country and Community History Booklet

Ελλάδα / Greece / Grecia / Yunanistan

Görögország / Griechenland / Grécia / Гърция

1977: Πεθαίνει η σπουδαία ελληνίδα σοπράνο Μαρία

Κάλλας(Καλογεροπούλου)(2/12/1923-16/9/1977). Υπήρξε

κορυφαία υψίφωνος και η πλέον γνωστή παγκοσμίως ντίβα της

όπερας. Η Σκάλα του Μιλάνου ήταν η σκηνή των μέγιστων

θριάμβων της σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα ρόλων. Το 1955 ανεβάζει την

ιστορική παράσταση της "Τραβιάτα" του Βέρντι σε σκηνοθεσία

Λουκίνο Βισκόντι.

1979: Βραβείο Νομπέλ Λογοτεχνίας στον έλληνα ποιητή

Οδυσσέα Ελύτη. Ο Οδυσσέας Ελύτης ήταν ένας από τους

σημαντικότερους Έλληνες ποιητές. Διακρίθηκε το 1960 με το

κρατικό βραβείο ποίησης και το 1979 με το βραβείο

λογοτεχνίας. Θεωρείται ένας από τους ανανεωτές της ελληνικής


1981: Η Ελλάδα γίνεται μέλος της ΕΟΚ.

1982: Η Κοινότητα Παπάγου γίνεται Δήμος. Πρόσφατα, με το

Πρόγραμμα Καλλικράτης, ο Δήμος Παπάγου ενώθηκε με τον

Δήμο Χολαργού και αποτελούν πλέον τον ενιαίο Δήμο

Παπάγου – Χολαργού.

2001: Η Ελλάδα γίνεται μέλος της Οικονομικής και

Νομισματικής Ένωσης. Η Ελλάδα εντάχθηκε στη ζώνη του ευρώ

την 1 Ιανουαρίου 2001.

2002: Η Ελλάδα υιοθετεί ως νόμισμα το ευρώ. Την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2002 το ευρώ

αντικατέστησε την δραχμή (1 ευρώ=340,750 δραχμές).

2004: Οι 28οι

Θερινοί Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες 2004 διοργανώθηκαν

στην Αθήνα (Ελλάδα)(13-29 Αυγούστου 2004). Συμμετείχαν

περίπου 10.500 αθλητές, 5.500 προπονητές και συνοδοί από 202

χώρες. Έγιναν 301 τελετές απονομής μεταλλίων από 28

διαφορετικά αθλήματα. Για πρώτη φορά από το 1996, όλα τα

μέλη της Διεθνούς Ολυμπιακής Επιτροπής πήραν μέρος στους

Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες.

2010: Η Ελλάδα αντιμετωπίζει κρίση χρέους και αναγκάζεται να ζητήσει

οικονομική βοήθεια από το Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο και την Ευρωπαϊκή

Ένωση. Η ελληνική κρίση που ξεκίνησε στο τέλος του 2009, αφύπνισε τις αγορές

που πάνω από μια δεκαετία παρέμεναν αδιάφορες στις διαφοροποιήσεις ανάμεσα

στις χώρες της Ευρωζώνης και στα προβλήματα ανταγωνιστικότητας και

δημοσιονομικής εκτροπής πολλών χωρών.

Page 12: Country and Community History Booklet

Ελλάδα / Greece / Grecia / Yunanistan

Görögország / Griechenland / Grécia / Гърция

1946-1949: Civil war. The Greek Civil War which is considered

internationally as the first act of the cold war and post-war

history was warfare with the biggest losses experienced by the

country since 1830 to today.

1950: Rural Exodus: Mass moving of people from villages to

cities. The villagers left the countryside and settled permanently

in the major urban centers. About half the country's population is

living in the three major urban centers: Athens, Thessaloniki and


1952: The first house is founded at the Settlement of Papagos. The Settlement of

Papagos was constituted on 29th August 1950 by the then government of

Sophocles Venizelos.

1952: "Medal of honour of the American Karkinology Company"

to the greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou for the "Pap-test":

method of diagnosis of cancer of the uterus that is used

worldwide. By his work Papanikolaou became the founder of a

new discipline. In honour, the method adopted his name:

"Method Papanikolaou" or "Test-Papanikolaou" and syncope

"Pap-test". It opened broad new horizons in medical research in

reproductive physiology and endocrinology, cancer in particular.

1963: Nobel Prize for Literature to the Greek poet Georgios

Seferis. His poetry is symbolic and allusive. His key themes are

the ancient and modern Greek tradition and its meeting with

contemporary European culture, brooding over the fate of

Hellenism, the emigrant nostalgia and the “lost homelands” (Asia


1965: The Settlement of Papagos becomes a Community.

1967: Military Coup and seven years of military junta by colonel

G. Papadopoulos.

1973-1974: Revolt of the Polytechnic School and Turkish

invasion in Cyprus on 20th July 1974. Collapse of the junta on

24th July 1974 - 4 days after the invasion. The junta had

followed an aggressive internal repression and bad foreign policy

which led to the partition and tragedy of Cyprus. Restoration of

democracy in 1974.

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Ελλάδα / Greece / Grecia / Yunanistan

Görögország / Griechenland / Grécia / Гърция

1977: Death of the great, worldwide known, Greek soprano

Maria Callas (Calogeropoulou) (2/12/1923-16/9/1977). She was

a leading soprano and the most universally known opera diva.

The Scala (in Milano) was the scene of her greatest triumphs in a

wide range of roles. In 1955 raised the historical performance of

"La Traviata" by Verdi, directed by Luchino Visconti.

1979: Nobel Prize for Literature to the Greek poet Odysseas

Elytis. He is one of the most important Greek poets. In 1960 he

was honoured with the State Poetry Prize and in 1979 the prize

for literature. He is considered as one of the innovators of Greek


1981: Greece (Hellas) becomes a member of EEC.

1982: Community of Papagos becomes a Municipality. Recently,

by “the Program Kallikrates”, the Municipality of Papagos was

joined by municipality Cholargos and became the single

municipality Papagou - Holargos.

2001: Greece(Hellas) becomes a member of the Economic and

Monetary Union. Hellas joined the euro area on 1st January


2002: Greece(Hellas) adopts euro as currency. On 1st January 2002 the euro

replaced the drachma (1 euro = 340.750 drachmas).

2004: The 28th summer Olympics in Athens, Greece(Hellas).

(13th -29th August 2004). Nearly 10,500 athletes, 5,500 coaches

and team officials from 202 countries were involved. There were

301 medal ceremonies from 28 different sports. For the first time

since 1996, all members of the International Olympic Committee

took part in the Olympic Games.

2010: Greece faces debt crisis and is forced to seek financial help from the

International Monetary Fund and the European Union. The Greek crisis which

began in late 2009 awakened the markets that for more than a decade remained

indifferent to the differences between the euro zone countries and the problems of

competitiveness and fiscal diversion of many countries.

Page 14: Country and Community History Booklet

Magyarország / Hungria / Ungarn / Ungheria

Ungaria / Унгария / Ουγγαρία / Macaristan

1945 – A II. Világháború vége. Az ország romokban hever.

1948-1953 – Rákosi-korszak, személyi kultusz.

"A legrosszabb év talán 1949 vagy 1950 volt.

Családunk ekkor a kitelepítettek listájára került, s

hogy a költöztető teherautót elkerüljük, budatétényi

családi házunkat elhagyva bujkáltunk ...

rokonainknál maradtunk kb. 3 hónapon át, a

bizonytalanság tudatában, hogy lesz-e fedél

egyáltalán a fejünk felett." (Illusztráció: az Államvédelmi Hatóság megalakulása)

"Mindenből be kellett szolgáltatnunk bizonyos mennyiséget. Alig maradt valami az

embereknél, nehéz idők voltak. Behajtók jöttek mindenért, bár mindenki próbált

elrejteni valamit abból, amit megtermelt, de még így is éhesek voltunk mindig. A

beszolgáltatott terményért, állatokért nem kaptunk semmit."

"Például az apukámat börtönbe zárták pár napra, mert disznót vágott és nem

jelentette be. Sajnos voltak besúgók mindenhol és feljelentették."

"Munkahelye javasolta továbbtanulásra a Közgazdasági Egyetemre, de be sem

hívták, mert pártonkívüli, fejlődőképes „klerikális” volt, nem volt munkás


1956 – Forradalom és szabadságharc.

"Egyáltalán nem féltem, mert nem az én

biztonságom volt az érdekes, hanem hogy

felszabaduljon a haza és kiűzzük az oroszokat az

országból." (Illusztráció: forradalmi barrikád)

"A tüntetéseken minden ember megbarátkozott

mindenkivel, mert a céljaik közösek voltak."

"Nagymamám a Magyar Rádióval szemben lakott. Látta, amikor a szovjet katonák

lőni kezdték az embereket. A felkelők a muníciót és a halottakat a házukba vitték

be. A harc közben az emberek fedezéket kerestek. A végén a nagymamám látta,

hogy a Rádió épületének a fala ledőlt."

"A Múzeum körúton egy villamos le volt döntve barikádnak. Aznap éjjel a kevés

közlekedő villamoson csüngtek az emberek, neki gyalog kellett Lőrincre

hazamenni. Lelkes volt a hangulat, eggyé forrt a nemzet. Budapesten forradalom

van! - Olga néni ezzel ment haza az édesanyjához. A betört kirakatokhoz nem

nyúltak, becsületesek voltak az emberek."

"Később szájról-szájra mentek a hírek, biztosat senki sem tudott, csak annyit, hogy

kitört a forradalom. Lehet, hogy furcsán hangzik, de fogalmunk sem volt, mégis

Page 15: Country and Community History Booklet

Magyarország / Hungria / Ungarn / Ungheria

Ungaria / Унгария / Ουγγαρία / Macaristan

milyen forradalom tört ki. A szüleink csak suttogtak, hogy mi ne halljunk meg

lehetőleg semmit, nehogy féljünk, de a saját aggódásukat nem tudták eltitkolni


"Az általam legpozitívabbnak tartott személy

Mindszenty József hercegprímás volt. Magatartása,

felfogása végig egyértelmű, határozott, nem

megalkuvó volt. Igazáért vállalta a börtönt. Minden

rendszer (nyilas és kommunista) bebörtönözte.

Élete példázza a magas erkölcsi értékeként történő kiállás fontosságát."

(Illusztráció: Mindszenty bíboros beszédet mond a forradalom idején)

"A gyermek – különösen, ha olyan szerető otthonban nőtt fel, mint én – nem érezte

e történések igazi súlyát, mert a szüleink nagyon igyekeztek, hogy megkíméljenek

minket gyerekeket a nagy megrázkódtatásoktól. Ebben az évben hasított a magyar

nemzet egy nagy lyukat a kommunizmus hálóján, az már soha többé nem lett

olyan, mint azelőtt volt."

"A szabadság rövid ideig tartott és aztán következett a megtorlás. Gyerekként nem

mehettünk el otthonról, a tanítás szünetelt. A rádióból tájékozódtunk az

eseményekről. Hallottam Nagy Imre beszédét. A szoba ablakából láttam, ahogy a

Várban lévő levéltár égett. A harcok távoli zaját hallottuk, talán a Széna tér felöl.

Közlekedés nem volt, az ellátás akadozott, de az emberek segítették, szerették

egymást. A forradalom vége felé a barátok és a rokonok közül sokan külföldre

menekültek, akikkel csak hosszú évek után találkozhattunk."

1957-1989 – Kádár-korszak. Megtorlás, majd később gazdasági változások, a

'legvidámabb barakk' képe.

"Majd 1957-ben kezdődött a megtorlás, és ami ezzel járt, a rettegés. Sok száz

embert kivégeztek, több ezer embert börtönbe zártak. Miért? Mert más volt a

véleményük, mint amit a hivatalos propaganda diktált. A legszebb év 1956 volt.

Tele voltunk reményekkel, vigasszal, hogy egy tiszta, demokratikus

Magyarországot fogunk felépíteni."

"A bűnözőktől nem kellett félni, mert sok volt a rendőr, de az államtól mindenki

félt, aki nem szerette a kommunistákat."

1989-1990 – Rendszerváltás. Demokratikus

választások. (Illusztráció: az 1990-es parlamenti

választási eredmények)

1999 – Magyarország belép a NATO-ba.

2004 – Magyarország belép az Európai Unióba.

(idézetek a diákok projektjeiből)

Page 16: Country and Community History Booklet

Magyarország / Hungria / Ungarn / Ungheria

Ungaria / Унгария / Ουγγαρία / Macaristan

1945 – The end of World War II. The country is in ruins.

1948-1953 – Rákosi-era, personal cult of the

communist leader.

"The worst year was probably 1949 or 1950. Our

family was listed for re-settlement, and to avoid the

moving van we left our house and hid at our

relatives' place for 3 months, not knowing if we

were to have a safe roof above us or not."

(Illustration: the establishment of the State Protection Authority)

"We had to surrender a certain amount of all our produce. State employees came to

collect. We didn't get anything for our goods. Hardly anything remained for the

family, so these were hard times. Everybody tried to hide some of the crops and

the animals, but we were still hungry most of the time."

"My father was imprisoned for a few days because he butchered a pig in secret,

without handing over most of the meat and the fat. Unfortunately, there were

informers who reported him to the police."

"His firm suggested him for further education at the University of Economics, but

they didn't even interview him because he didn't come from a worker family,

wasn't a party member and had church affiliations."

1956 – Revolution and freedom fight.

"I wasn't afraid at all, it wasn't my safety that was

important but the independence of our homeland

and driving out the Russians from the country."

(Illustration: revolutionary barricade)

"At the demonstrations everybody made friends

easily, because we had common goals."

"My grandma lived opposite the building of the Hungarian Radio. She saw when

the Soviet soldiers started to shoot the people. The freedom fighters brought their

munitions and the corpses into their house, where they tried to take cover during

the fight. Then my grandma saw how the wall of the Radio building was


"On Museum Boulevard a tram was turned over for a barricade. That night the few

running trams were overloaded with people hanging from the doors, and Great-

aunt Olga had to walk home, which was a long way away. The atmosphere was

animated, the nation came together as one. 'There is a revolution downtown,' she

told her mother. A lot of shopwindows were broken, but nobody took the goods,

the people were honest."

Page 17: Country and Community History Booklet

Magyarország / Hungria / Ungarn / Ungheria

Ungaria / Унгария / Ουγγαρία / Macaristan

"Later word of mouth came about the breaking out of the revolution, but nobody

knew for sure. It might sound strange, but we had no idea about what kind of

revolution it was. Our parents were whispering so that we couldn't understand

anything, so that we weren't frightened, but their worries were clearly seen."

"I consider Primate József Mindszenty to be the

most positive personality. His views, his behaviour

was clear-cut, determined and unwavering at all

times. He went to prison for the Truth. Both

regimes (Nazi and Communist) imprisoned him.

His life sets an example for standing up for one's high moral values." (Illustration:

Cardinal Mindszenty gives a speech during the revolution)

"Kids – especially if they grew up in a loving home like ours – didn't quite feel the

real burden of the events, because our parents did their best to spare us of the

bigger shocks. In this year the Hungarian nation tore a great hole on the net of

Communism, which never again became the same as it was."

"Freedom lasted for a short time and was followed by retribution. As children, we

couldn't leave home, there was no school. We listened to the radio. I heard Prime

Minister Imre Nagy's speech. I saw the burning of the Archives from our window.

We heard the sounds of firefight from the distance. There was no public transport,

provisions were scarce, but the people helped one another lovingly. When the

revolution ended, a lot of our friends and relatives fled the country and we didn't

see them again for years."

1957-1989 – Kádár-era. Retribution, then economic changes, the image of the

'merriest hut'.

"Then in 1957 retribution started, and with it, terror. Hundreds of people were

executed, thousands imprisoned. Why? Because they had different opinion from

the official propaganda. The best year was 1956. We were full of hope and

consolation for building a pure, democratic Hungary."

"We didn't need to be afraid of criminals, because there were a lot of policemen,

but everybody was afraid of the state, especially those who didn't like


1989-1990 – Change of regime. Democratic elections.

(Illustration: seats in the Parliament in 1990 -

the results of the free parliamentary elections)

1999 – Hungary joins the NATO.

2004 – Hungary joins the European Union.

(quotations from the pupils' projects)

Page 18: Country and Community History Booklet

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Fabrica-se o primeiro carro UMM. Chegou a constar na

linha de partida do famoso Rali Paris-Dakar, nos anos 80. É,

por isso, um motivo de orgulho português e um exemplo da

capacidade da engenharia nacional.

Adesão à Comunidade Económica Europeia (C.E.E.), da

qual faziam parte os seguintes países: Espanha, Itália,

França, Áustria, Luxemburgo, Irlanda, Bélgica, Finlândia,

Holanda, Alemanha e a Grécia. Hoje, é a União Europeia


Portugal viveu em ditadura (regime político totalitarista em

que os cidadãos não tinham liberdade de expressão), de 28 de

maio de 1926 a 25 de abril de 1974.

Durante quase 40 anos, o primeiro-ministro de Portugal foi

António de Oliveira Salazar.

Em 25 de Abril de 1974, um grupo de militares levou a

cabo a “Revolução dos Cravos” (assim chamada porque

foi feita sem derramamento de sangue e porque o povo

apoiou os militares, com cravos vermelhos nas mãos), que

instaurou a democracia em Portugal.

Em 4 de setembro de 1956, foi para o ar a 1ª emissão

experimental de televisão (RTP), no recinto da Feira

Popular de Lisboa. Em 1957, iniciaram-se as emissões

regulares de televisão. Em 1961, começaram a surgir movimentos armados de

libertação, nas províncias de Angola, Guiné e


Salazar mandou as nossas tropas para África, iniciando a

Guerra do Ultramar, que se prolongou até 1974 e que

vitimou muitos soldados portugueses.

1926-1974 -

1956 -

1961-1974 -

25 de abril

de 1974 -

Na sequência desta revolução, Portugal concedeu a

independência às colónias africanas (Guiné - Bissau,

Angola, Cabo Verde, S. Tomé e Príncipe e Moçambique),

cumprindo a recomendação das Nações Unidas. Macau só se

tornou independente em 1999 e Timor em 2002.

1975 -

1977 - 1975 -


1986 -

Page 19: Country and Community History Booklet

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Festas do Mar - A procissão de Nossa Senhora dos

Navegantes integra as Festas do Mar, anteriormente,

conhecida como a Festa dos Pescadores. Após uma

interrupção de duas décadas, as Festas do Mar regressaram

em 1992.

Criação da CPLP (Comunidade dos Países de Língua

Portuguesa), da qual fazem parte Angola, Brasil, Cabo

Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, S. Tomé e

Príncipe e Timor-Leste.

Exposição mundial, em Lisboa, sob o tema “Os Oceanos”.

A zona do Parque das Nações sofreu uma profunda

intervenção de regeneração, em particular do ponto de vista

ambiental, permitindo valorizar todas as singularidades da

zona e maximizar as potencialidades de usufruto futuro.

José Saramago é galardoado com o prémio Nobel da


Portugal adotou a moeda única europeia, o Euro.

Realizou-se o Campeonato Europeu de Futebol 2004 (UEFA

Euro 2004). Para organizar o terceiro maior evento desportivo

do mundo, Portugal construiu ou renovou 10 estádios. A seleção

portuguesa sagrou-se vice-campeã.

Criação do Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvide, com sede

na Escola Secundária com 2.º e 3.º Ciclos de Alvide. É

constituído pela Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo/Jardim de

Infância de Alvide, Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo com JI Prof.

Manuel Gaião e Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo Nº 4 de Cascais.

A Casa das Histórias Paula Rego foi inaugurada em setembro, sendo o

mais internacional espaço museológico do concelho de Cascais.

Integração do Museu-Biblioteca Condes de Castro Guimarães, do

Museu do Mar - Rei D. Carlos e do Museu da Música Portuguesa – Casa

Verdades de Faria na Rede Portuguesa de Museus.

Portugal encontra-se sob um programa de Resgate Financeiro

Internacional, devido à crise económica.

1996 -

1998 -

2002 -

2007 -

2004 -

1992 -

2009 -

2011 -

2011 – 2012 -

Page 20: Country and Community History Booklet

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz



Portugal lived in dictatorship (political totalitarian regime in

which citizens had no freedom of expression) from 28 May

1926 to 25 April 1974.

For nearly 40 years, the prime minister of Portugal was

António de Oliveira Salazar.

On September 4, 1956, was broadcasted the 1st

experimental television emission (RTP1), from the

fairgrounds in Lisbon. In 1957, began the regular television

broadcasts. (2nd

channel, RTP2, in 1968).


25th April,


In 1961, began to emerge armed liberation movements in the

provinces of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea.

Salazar sent our troops to Africa, beginning the War of

“Ultramar”, which lasted until 1974 and killed many

Portuguese soldiers.

On April 25, 1974, a group of military carried out the

"Carnation Revolution" (so called because it was made

without bloodshed, and because the people supported the

military, with red carnations in their hands), which

introduced democracy in Portugal.



Following the revolution, Portugal granted independence to

its African colonies (Guinea - Bissau, Angola, Cape Verde,

São Tomé and Príncipe and Mozambique), complying with

the recommendation of the United Nations. Macau only

became independent in 1999 and East Timor in 2002.

Is manufactured the first UMM car. It was on the starting

line of the famous Paris-Dakar Rally in the '80s. It is

therefore a source of pride and an example of the Portuguese

national engineering capacity.


Become a member of the European Economic Community

(EEC), today known as the European Union (EU), joining

Spain, Italy, France, Austria, Luxembourg, Ireland, Belgium,

Finland, Netherlands, Germany and Greece.


Page 21: Country and Community History Booklet

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία

/ Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Cascais - The procession of Our Lady of Navigators

integrates the Sea Festival, formerly known as the

Fisherman's Festival. After a break of two decades, the Sea

Festival returned in 1992.


Creation of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Language

Countries), with Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-

Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, S. Tome and Principe and

East Timor as founding members.


World Exhibition fair in Lisbon, under the theme "The

Oceans". The area of the “Park of Nations” suffered a deep

intervention and regeneration, in particular from the

environmental point of view, allowing appreciate all the

uniqueness of the area and maximize the potential for future

enjoyment. José Saramago is awarded the Nobel Prize for



Portugal adopted the European currency, the Euro (€). 2002

Organization of the 2004 European Football Championship

(UEFA Euro 2004). To organize the third largest sporting

event in the world, Portugal has built or renovated 10

stadiums. The Portuguese national team won the runner-up.


Creation of the Alvide Group of Schools, headquartered in

Alvide High School provides schooling from kindergarten to

secondary level and is composed by three primary schools

and two pre-primary schools.


Paula Rego’s House of Stories was inaugurated in

September, the most international space museum in Cascais.


Library-Museum Condes de Castro Guimarães, the Sea Museum - King

Carlos and Portuguese Music Museum - Home Verdades de Faria

integrated in the Portuguese Museum Network.



Portugal is under an International Financial Rescue program due to the

economic crisis.

Page 22: Country and Community History Booklet

Türkiye / Turkey / Турция / Türkei / Τουρκία /

Törökország / Turchia / Turquia /

1948: OEEC ( Avrupa Ekonomik İşbirliği Örgütü) kuruldu.

Türkiye bu örgüte üye oldu.

1949: Türkiye, Avrupa Konseyi’ne kabul edildi. Avrupa

Konseyi 1949 yılında Avrupa çapında insan hakları,

demokrasi ve hukukun üstünlüğünü savunmak amacıyla

Avrupa çapında kurulmuş hükümetler arası bir kuruluştur.

1952: Türkiye, NATO üyesi oldu.

1953: Atatürk’ün naşı görkemli bir törenle Anıtkabir’e nakledildi. Türkiye

Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu ve ilk cumhurbaşkanı Atatürk, 10 Kasım 1938

Perşembe sabahı saat 09:05'te İstanbul Dolmabahçe Sarayı'nda hayatını

kaybetti. Cenazesi büyük bir törenle Ankara'ya uğurlandı ve Atatürk 21

Kasım 1938 günü Ankara'da yapılan büyük bir

törenle Ankara Etnografya Müzesi'ndeki geçici kabrine

konuldu. Bundan 15 yıl sonra da 10 Kasım 1953'te kendisi

için yaptırılan Anıtkabir'deki ebedi istirahatgahında toprağa


1961 : İlk Türk otomobili yapıldı. Anadol, Türkiye’nin ilk

yurt içi seri üretim aracıdır. Anadol arabaları ve

kamyonetleri Otosan Otomobil Sanayii tarafından 1966-1991 yılları arasında

İstanbul’da üretildi. 7 adet Anadol modeli üretilmiştir.

1968: Ankara’da ilk televizyon yayınları başladı. TRT 1, 31

Ocak 1968'de TRT Ankara Televizyonun ilk deneme yayınına

başlamasından, 6 Ekim 1986'da TRT 2'nin yayına başlamasına

kadar tek Türkçe kanal olan TRT'nin adıdır. 1982'den itibaren

kısmen, 1984'te ise tamamen renkli yayına geçmiştir. Türkiye'deki en eski

televizyon kanalıdır.

Page 23: Country and Community History Booklet

Türkiye / Turkey / Турция / Türkei / Τουρκία /

Törökország / Turchia / Turquia /

1973: İstanbul Boğaz Köprüsü açıldı. Boğaziçi

Köprüsü, Karadeniz ile Marmara Denizi'ni birbirine

bağlayan İstanbul Boğazı üzerinde yer alan iki asma köprüden biridir.

Yapımı tamamlandığında dünyanın en uzun dördüncü asma köprüsüyken,

2010 yılı itibarıyla on sekizinci sırada bulunmaktadır.

1993:Ülkemizde ilk internet kullanılmaya başlandı.

İnternet Türkiye'ye 1993 yılında gelmiştir ve geldikten sonra

Türkiye'de kullanımı yaygınlaşmıştır.

1999: Gölcük Depremi oldu. Gölcük Depremi, İzmit

Depremi, Marmara Depremi ya da 17 Ağustos 1999

depremi, 17 Ağustos 1999 sabahı, yerel saatle 03:02'de

gerçekleşen, Kocaeli/Gölcük merkezli deprem. Richter ölçeğine göre

7,5 Mw büyüklüğünde gerçekleşen deprem, 37 saniye sürdü ve büyük çapta

can ve mal kaybına neden olmuştur.

2002 :Türkiye, Eurovision şarkı yarışmasında birinci oldu.

"Everyway That I Can" şarkısı ile Sertab Erener, ilk kez

Türkiye’ye birinciliği getirmiştir.

2009: Türkiye’nin ilk yüksek hızlı treni seferi Ankara ile Eskişehir hattında


2010: Gazzelilere insani yardım götüren Mavi Marmara gemisine İsrail

askerleri saldırıda bulundu. Mavi Marmara, İnsani Yardım Vakfı'nın

organizasyonu ile İsrail ablukasındaki Gazze'ye yardım malzemeleri

götürmek üzere bir grup gemi ile birlikte yola çıktı. 31 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde

Gazze'ye yakın uluslararası sularda İsrail Ordusunun gemiye asker

çıkarması üzerine organizasyon amacına ulaşamadı. Gazze insani yardım

filosu saldırısı sonucunda gemi yolcularının bir kısmı öldü ya da yaralandı.

Page 24: Country and Community History Booklet

Türkiye / Turkey / Турция / Türkei / Τουρκία /

Törökország / Turchia / Turquia /

1948: OEEC (The Organisation for European Economic Co-

operation) came into being. Turkey was a participant.

1949: Turkey was accepted into Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is

an international organization promoting co-operation between all countries

of Europe in the areas of legal standards, human rights

democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-


1952: Turkey became a member of NATO.

1953: Atatürk’s body transferred to Anıtkabir. The Founder of Turkish

Republic and the first president Atatürk passed away in

Dolmabahçe Palace on the 10th

November, in 1938 on

Thursday at 09:05. Mustafa Kemal's remains were originally

laid to rest in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara, and

transferred on 10 November 1953, 15 years after his death into a mausoleum

that overlooks Ankara, Anıtkabir.

1961: The first Turkish car was manufactured.

Anadol was Turkey's first domestic mass-

production passenger vehicle. Anadol cars and pick-ups

were manufactured by Otosan Otomobil

Sanayii in Istanbul between 1966 and 1991.Seven Anadol models were


1968: TRT 1, the first television channel in Turkey, started their test

transmissions on January 31, 1968, and commenced full

national broadcasts in December 1971. It was the only and

the oldest channel in Turkey until September 15, 1986, when

TRT started test transmissions for (TRT 2). After 1984, TRT

started totally in colour transmission.

1973: İstanbul Bosphorus Bridge was opened. The Bosphorus Bridge is one

of the two bridges in Istanbul, Turkey, spanning the Bosphorus strait and

Page 25: Country and Community History Booklet

Türkiye / Turkey / Турция / Türkei / Τουρκία /

Törökország / Turchia / Turquia /

thus connecting Europe and Asia. The Bosphorus Bridge had

the 4th longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was

completed in 1973, and the longest outside the United States. At

2010, it is the 18th longest suspension bridge span in the world.

1993: Turkey has had public Internet access. The internet

came Turkey in 1993 and after that it has been become


1999: Gölcük earthquake occured. İzmit earthquake (also known as

the Kocaeli or Gölcük earthquake) was a

7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Turkey on

August 17, 1999. The event lasted for 37 seconds, and many

many people died and too much loss of life and property.

2002: Turkey came first in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Turkey won for the first time with the song "Everyway That I

Can" by Sertab Erener.

2009:The Turkish State Railways high-speed rail service currently operating

on two routes:Ankara to Eskişehir.

2010: Israeli attacked the Mavi Marmara Ship that was carrying

humanitarian aid and construction materials to Gaza. Some of the

passengers died or injured from the attack.

Page 26: Country and Community History Booklet

Prima seduta dell'Assemblea Costituente

Quando nel 1945 finì la seconda guerra mondiale, la gente

del nostro paese nel 1946 scelse, attraverso il voto, la forma

Repubblicana e non la monarchia e con il voto elesse

un’Assemblea Costituente. Questa si diede il compito di

scrivere una Legge, un Patto, capace di rispecchiare i principi

sui quali tutti si potessero trovare d’accordo.

La Carta Costituzionale, con lungimiranza, ci parla oggi come allora di diritti sociali,

di di solidarietà, di garanzie democratiche, di libertà individuali e comuni in cui tutti

ancora ci riconosciamo e che tutti quotidianamente siamo chiamati a mettere in

pratica e a difendere lealmente. L’articolo 1 della nostra Costituzione così recita:

Tuttavia, oggi si sente molto il dramma della mancanza di lavoro, che in Italia

coinvolge quasi una famiglia su due. Il lavoro incerto, precario o perduto, alimenta

l'insicurezza economica e le paure di un popolo minacciato

dalla disoccupazione. Questa è indubbiamente la

crisi più dura che il nostro paese abbia attraversato

dal dopoguerra ad oggi. Ciò che rende unica la

nostra Costituzione, è che si presenta ancora oggi in

maniera chiara e moderna, nonostante siano trascorsi sessanta

anni dalla sua promulgazione.

È stata definita “la più bella del mondo”.

Il 27 dicembre 1947 viene promulgata la


protesta contro il grosso

problema del lavoro in


Il Presidente della Repubblica Enrico De Nicola

mentre firma la nuova Costituzione. Attorno a

lui De Gasperi, Saragat e Togliatti

Art. 1

L’Italia è una Repubblica

democratica, fondata sul lavoro

Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία /

Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

Page 27: Country and Community History Booklet

2012: 20 anni dalle stragi dei giudici Falcone e Borsellino

“Mafia è un termine diffuso che si riferisce ad una particolare tipologia di

organizzazione criminale che ha le sue origini in Sicilia con ramificazioni anche

negli Stati Uniti, ed è nota come Cosa Nostra.

A partire dagli anni ‘60 / ‘70 cominciò la controffensiva dello Stato verso la mafia, e

si iniziò ad indagare. Molti magistrati, prefetti, carabinieri, e perfino giornalisti, che

cercarono di combattere la mafia, ma quando provarono ad ostacolare i suoi loschi

affari toccando il suo punto debole, il capitale economico, vennero uno dopo l’altro

uccisi. Il potere di Cosa Nostra è dovuto a diversi fattori:

l’OMERTÀ, l’incapacità delle persone a dire ciò che hanno

visto o sentito per paura e mancanza di fiducia nello Stato, la

corruzione, la disponibilità di grandi capitali ottenuti grazie

ad attività illecite (traffico di sostanze stupefacenti, racket,

prostituzione e oggi anche il settore dei rifiuti, una delle

attività più floride).

Un ruolo fondamentale nella lotta alla mafia è da attribuire anche ai mafiosi PENTITI

che hanno deciso di collaborare con la giustizia e che hanno permesso di individuare

la struttura interna dell’organizzazione.

Ma perché il muro sia definitivamente abbattuto è necessaria una maggiore fiducia

nelle istituzioni, una più efficace educazione alla legalità e un’opera più incisiva per

il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita, di lavoro, di istruzione soprattutto nelle

regioni dove il fenomeno mafioso è più radicato. In sostanza, una maggior presenza

dello Stato.



mafiosa nelle



nell'anno 2008,

secondo un

sondaggio di



Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία /

Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

Page 28: Country and Community History Booklet

When the Second World War ended in 1945, the

Italians, through a vote, chose the Republican form

instead of the monarchy in 1946 and a Constituent

Assembly was elected. This one gave itself the task of

writing a law, a Treaty,

reflecting the principles on

which all could agree.

The Constitution, with a certain foresight, deals with matters such as solidarity,

social rights, democratic guarantees, individual and communal liberties in which

people still recognize themselves, and that everyday everybody should put into

practice and defend loyally. According to the 1st article of our Constitution:

In spite of this, nowadays the Italians live the drama of a lack of job which involves

almost a family of two in Italy. The widespread of precarious work increases the

economic insecurity and the fears of a population threatened

by the unemployment. This is undoubtedly the hardest crisis

that our country has gone through since the end of

the second world war. The feature that makes our

Constitution unique is that it is still clear and

modern, although sixty years have passed since its


It has also been defined "the most beautiful Constitution in

the world.

On 27th December, in 1947


was promulgated

Italy is a Democratic Republic founded on work

The President of the Republic,

Enrico De Nicola while signing the

new Constitution. Around him, De

Gasperi, Togliatti and Saragat

Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία /

Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

A protest against the

serious problem of work

in Italy

First sitting of the

Constituent Assembly

gura 1

Page 29: Country and Community History Booklet

-spread of

mafia extortion

in the Italian

provinces in


according to a



2012: 20 years from the attempts on the Sicilian judges’ lives

Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino

"Mafia is a common term referring to a particular type of criminal organization that

has its origin in Sicily with branches in the United States, and Known as “Cosa


From the '60s / '70s the State began a counteroffensive towards the Mafia, through an

investigative work. Many magistrates, prefects, policemen, and even journalists, tried

to fight it, but when they impeded it from its dirty business by touching its weak

point, that is to say the economic capital, they were killed one after the other.

the power of Cosa Nostra comes from different factors: the

OMERTÀ, that is people’s inability to tell what they have

seen or heard because of their fears and lack of trust in the

State; the corruption and the availability of obtaining large

funds through illegal activities (drug trafficking, racketeering,

prostitution and the waste sector which is today one of the most flourishing business).

A key role in the fight against the mafia is also due to repentant mobsters who have

decided to cooperate with the justice allowing it to identify the internal structure of

the organization. Anyway, to demolish the wall completely there should be a greater

trust in the institutions, an effective legal education and a more effective work in

order to improve the living conditions, the employment, the education, especially in

those regions where the mafia is deeply rooted. Briefly, there should be a greater

presence of the State.


Italia/ Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία /

Italia / Italien / Olaszország/ İtalya

Page 30: Country and Community History Booklet

La doi ani de la sfla 30 decembrieRomână, dupsovietică, în Elveția


României.statului, purtând în mare parte rcomunismului (intelectuali, lideri ai partidelor politice, oameni simpli, preo

La trei zile de la moartea lui Gheorghiu

Ceaușescu preia funcRomân. funcția de preCeaușescupreședinte al României.

Nadia Elena ComBacău) este o primit nota câștigătoare a cinci medalii una dintre cele mai bune sportive ale mai bune gimnaste ale lumii, din toaMontreal” , prima gimnastEste primul sportiv român inclus în memorialul Gymnastics Hall of Fame

Cutremurul din

prabusinducare a condus la politica pe scarmonumente cu mare important

România / Roménia / РумънияRumänien / Romania

La doi ani de la sfârşitul Celui De-al Doilea Razboi Mondial30 decembrie 1947 a fost proclamată Republica Popular

, după ce, în contextul ocupării României de că, Regele Mihai I a fost forțat să abdice, stabilinduția.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej a fost primul preşRomâniei. Din anul 1961 pînă la moarte(1965statului, purtând în mare parte răspunderea pentru victimele comunismului (intelectuali, lideri ai partidelor politice, oameni

preoţi, etc.)

La trei zile de la moartea lui Gheorghiu-Dej, în martieșescu preia funcția de secretar general al

. La 28 martie 1974, Marea Adunare Nația de președinte al Republicii Socialiste România, iar șescu este ales în unanimitate și devine astfel primul

edinte al României.

Nadia Elena Comăneci (n. 12 noiembrie 1961) este o gimnastă română, prima gimnast

primit nota zece într-un concurs olimpic de gimnasticătoare a cinci medalii olimpice de aur. Este considerat

una dintre cele mai bune sportive ale secolului XXmai bune gimnaste ale lumii, din toate timpurile, „ZeiMontreal” , prima gimnastă a epocii moderne care a luat 10 absolut. Este primul sportiv român inclus în memorialul Gymnastics Hall of Fame.

Cutremurul din 1977 a socat Bucurestiul, multe clprabusindu-se, iar o altă parte fiind slăbite. Acesta a fost motivul care a condus la politica pe scară largă de demolmonumente cu mare importantă istorică si arhitectural

Румъния / Ρουµανία / / Romanya

al Doilea Razboi Mondial, Republica Populară

României de către armata ă abdice, stabilindu-se

a fost primul preşedinte comunist al 1965), Dej devine şeful

spunderea pentru victimele comunismului (intelectuali, lideri ai partidelor politice, oameni

Dej, în martie 1965, Partidului Comunist

Marea Adunare Națională instituie edinte al Republicii Socialiste România, iar Nicolae

i devine astfel primul

1961, Onești, județul , prima gimnastă din lume care a

un concurs olimpic de gimnastică. Este de aur. Este considerată a fi

secolului XX și una dintre cele te timpurile, „Zeița de la

a epocii moderne care a luat 10 absolut. Este primul sportiv român inclus în memorialul International

a socat Bucurestiul, multe clădiri bite. Acesta a fost motivul de demolări, fiind afectate

si arhitecturală.

Page 31: Country and Community History Booklet

În perioada carne și produse din carne, ouimport, cafea, ciocolatobișnuit cu legume, fructe întreruperea curentului electric, a apei calde produselor aliment1981.


practicilevariante ale


lupte de stradau dus la sfârlui Nicolae Ceauculminat cu procesul controversat soției saletrecut printrau fost executaoameni, in special tineri.

RomâniaOmului laindividuale în faromâne.

RomâniaLa Summit

invitată săla NATO

Aderarea României la

ianuarie 2007

România / Roménia / РумънияRumänien / Romania

În perioada 1981-1989 în magazine nu se găși produse din carne, ouă, lapte și produse lactate, fructe de

import, cafea, ciocolată, orez, făină. Oamenii se hrnuit cu legume, fructe și pește, toate autohtone.

întreruperea curentului electric, a apei calde şproduselor alimentare au devenit acute și cronice din toamna lui

Cultul personalităţii lui Nicolae Ceauşpracticile maoiste şi staliniste, este una dintre

ale ideologiei comuniste naţionaliste.

Revoluția Română din 1989 a constat întrlupte de stradă și demonstrații în luna decembrie a anuluiau dus la sfârșitul regimului comunist din România

Nicolae Ceaușescu. Demonstrațiile din ce în ce mai ample aculminat cu procesul controversat și execuția lui Ceau

iei sale Elena. România a fost singura țară dintrecut printr-o revoluție violentă și în care conducau fost executați. In Revolutia din 1989 au murit peste o moameni, in special tineri.

România a ratificat Convenția EuropeanOmului la data de 20 iunie 1994. Aceasta a deschis calea petiindividuale în fața CEDO din partea persoanelor fizice

România a solicitat formal aderarea la NATO înSummit-ul de la Praga, in noiembrie 2002ă adere la NATO. La 29 martie 2004,

la NATO.

Aderarea României la Uniunea European2007.

Румъния / Ρουµανία / / Romanya

în magazine nu se găseau în mod curent i produse lactate, fructe de

. Oamenii se hrăneau în mod te, toate autohtone. „Lipsa căldurii,

întreruperea curentului electric, a apei calde şi mai ales lipsa i cronice din toamna lui

Ceauşescu, inspirat din cele mai cunoscute

a constat într-o serie de proteste, ii în luna decembrie a anului1989, care

din România și la căderea iile din ce în ce mai ample au

ția lui Ceaușescu și a ă din blocul estic care a

i în care conducătorii comuniști 89 au murit peste o mie de

ia Europeană a Dreptur ilor . Aceasta a deschis calea petițiilor

din partea persoanelor fizice și juridice

a solicitat formal aderarea la NATO în 1993. 2002, România este , România a aderat

Uniunea Europeană a avut loc la 1

Page 32: Country and Community History Booklet

Two years after the World War II ended, the Popular Republic

of Romania was proclaimed on December 30 place after down in Switzerland against the background of Romania occupied by the Soviet Army.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej

of Romania.the state leader, carrying the most responsibility for the victims of the communism (ordinary people, priests, etc.)

Three days after Gheorghiu

Ceaușescu took over the position of general secretary of the Romanian Communist PartyNational Meeting eSocialist Republic of Romania Ceaușescucountry.

Nadia Elena ComRomanian1976 Summer Olympicsto be awarded a She is also the winner ofOlympicsworld. In 2000 Comcentury by the

The earthquake of collapsed, and many others were weakened. This was the backdrop that led to a policy of largemonuments of historical significance or architectural masterpieces

România / Roménia / РумънияRumänien / Romania

Two years after the World War II ended, the Popular Republic of Romania was proclaimed on December 30 1947place after King Mihai I had been constrained todown in Switzerland against the background of Romania occupied by the Soviet Army.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was the first communist president of Romania. Beginning with 1961 until his death the state leader, carrying the most responsibility for the victims of the communism (intellectual, leaders of the political parties, ordinary people, priests, etc.)

Three days after Gheorghiu-Dej’ death, in March șescu took over the position of general secretary of the

Romanian Communist Party. On March 24 National Meeting established the position of president of the Socialist Republic of Romania and consequently

șescu was elected unanimously the first president of the

Nadia Elena Comăneci (born November 12, 1961) is a Romanian gymnast, winner of three Olympic 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the first female gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event. She is also the winner of two gold medals at the Olympics in Moscow. She is one of the best-known gymnasts in the

ld. In 2000 Comăneci was named as one of the athletes of the century by the Laureus World Sports Academy.

The earthquake of 1977 shocked Bucharest; many buildings collapsed, and many others were weakened. This was the backdrop that led to a policy of large-scale demolition which affected monuments of historical significance or architectural masterpieces

Румъния / Ρουµανία / / Romanya

Two years after the World War II ended, the Popular Republic 1947. The event took

had been constrained to abdicate settling down in Switzerland against the background of Romania occupied

was the first communist president until his death 1965. Dej became

the state leader, carrying the most responsibility for the victims of , leaders of the political parties,

Dej’ death, in March 1965, escu took over the position of general secretary of the

On March 24 1974, the Great stablished the position of president of the

and consequently Nicolae was elected unanimously the first president of the

(born November 12, 1961) is a gold medals at the

and the first female gymnast in an Olympic gymnastic event.

two gold medals at the 1980 Summer known gymnasts in the

neci was named as one of the athletes of the .

shocked Bucharest; many buildings collapsed, and many others were weakened. This was the backdrop

scale demolition which affected monuments of historical significance or architectural masterpieces

Page 33: Country and Community History Booklet

During products, eggs, milk or dairy products, imported fruit, coffee, chocolatevegetables, fruit and fish, all of heating and warm waterespecially the lack of food became keen and chronic issues in the autumn of 1981.


maoist ornationalist


protests, street fights and demonstrations in brought the communist party and Ceausescu’s regime to an end. The ampler and with Ceausescu and his wife’s controversial to the Romanian Revolution registering more than 1000 dead people, most of them young, all the other Eastern European countries had been going through a peaceful process to democracy.


20 June 1994ECHR in


2004. The invitation had been launched in November 2002 within the NATO Summit in Prague.

The Adher ing of Romania to the European Unionon January 1

România / Roménia / РумънияRumänien / Romania

During 1981-1989 there currently were no meat or meat products, eggs, milk or dairy products, imported fruit, coffee, chocolate, rice, flour in shops. The people would regularly consume vegetables, fruit and fish, all of them autochthonousheating and warm water, the switch off of electrical supplies, and especially the lack of food became keen and chronic issues in the autumn of 1981.

Nicolae Ceauşescu’s cult of personality, or stalinist practices, is one of the best

nationalist and communist ideology.

Romanian Revolution in 1989 consistedprotests, street fights and demonstrations in December 1989brought the communist party and Ceausescu’s regime to an end. The ampler and ampler demonstrations reached the highest point with Ceausescu and his wife’s controversial trial andto the Romanian Revolution – which was extremely violent registering more than 1000 dead people, most of them young, all the other Eastern European countries had been going through a peaceful process to democracy.

Romania ratified the European Convention onJune 1994. This paved the way individual

the Romanian companies and persons.

Romania has been a member state of NATOThe invitation had been launched in November 2002 within

the NATO Summit in Prague.

The Adher ing of Romania to the European UnionJanuary 1st 2007.

Румъния / Ρουµανία / / Romanya

were no meat or meat products, eggs, milk or dairy products, imported fruit, coffee,

, flour in shops. The people would regularly consume them autochthonous. The lack of

switch off of electrical supplies, and especially the lack of food became keen and chronic issues in the

inspired from the best known variety of

consisted of series of December 1989 that

brought the communist party and Ceausescu’s regime to an end. reached the highest point

trial and execution. Up which was extremely violent

registering more than 1000 dead people, most of them young, all the other Eastern European countries had been going through a

European Convention on Human Rights on individual complaints to the


NATO since March 29, The invitation had been launched in November 2002 within

The Adher ing of Romania to the European Union took place