correct-and-memorize: learning to translate from

Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from Interactive Revisions Rongxiang Weng 1,2 , Hao Zhou 3 , Shujian Huang 1,2* , Lei Li 3 , Yifan Xia 1,2 , Jiajun Chen 1,2 1 National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing, China 2 Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 3 ByteDance AI Lab, Beijing, China {wengrx, huangsj, xiayf, chenjj} {haozhou.nlp, lileilab} Abstract State-of-the-art machine translation models are still not on a par with human translators. Previous work takes human interactions into the neural machine translation process to obtain improved results in tar- get languages. However, not all model-translation errors are equal – some are critical while others are minor. In the meanwhile, same translation mistakes occur repeatedly in similar context. To solve both issues, we propose CAMIT, a novel method for translating in an interactive environment. Our pro- posed method works with critical revision instruc- tions, therefore allows human to correct arbitrary words in model-translated sentences. In addition, CAMIT learns from and softly memorizes revision actions based on the context, alleviating the issue of repeating mistakes. Experiments in both ideal and real interactive translation settings demonstrate that our proposed CAMIT enhances machine trans- lation results significantly while requires fewer re- vision instructions from human compared to previ- ous methods. 1 Introduction Recently, sequence-to-sequence models [Sutskever et al., 2014; Cho et al., 2014] have gain superior performance in machine translation [Bahdanau et al., 2014; Vaswani et al., 2017]. Yet these state-of-the-art neural machine transla- tion (NMT) models still fail to generation target sentences with comparable quality as human translators. To obtain high-quality translation, there are a few re- cent works attempt to incorporate human revision instruc- tions into the algorithmic translation process. For exam- ple, previous interactive NMT [Sanchis-Trilles et al., 2014; ´ Alvaro Peris et al., 2016; Knowles and Koehn, 2016] pro- poses to ask human to revise the translation output from the beginning of a sentence to the end (i.e. from the left to right), and regenerates the partial translation on the right side of the revised token. We refer to these models as uni-directional interactive models. The interactive steps can repeat multi- ple times until a satisfactory sentence is obtained. In this * Corresponding author. they discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and free trade area they discuss the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area (they) (discuss) (prevent) (nuclear) (proliferate) (and) (free) (trade zone) (issue) they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade zone issues Source: Target: Human Step 1 Human Step 2 Translate: they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area (a) The previous uni-directional interactive NMT method could fix the mistake of “trade” “free trade” automatically after re- vising “to discuss” “ discuss”. they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area issues they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area Human Step 1 (b) Our proposed CAMIT takes the most critical revision UNK“non-proliferation” and automatically fixes the rest mistakes across the whole sentence. Figure 1: Illustration of the previous and our proposed interactive NMT methods. Words with bold and orange fonts are revised by hu- man. Those with underlines and blue fonts are automatically fixed by models. Note our proposed CAMIT only needs one revision while the previous method requires two. case, given human revisions for model-translation mistakes, the process could potentially fix some minor mistakes auto- matically, exploiting the base translation models’ ability to save human efforts (See Figure 1a). In this paper, we make a few observations about neural ma- chine translation and note two issues in previous interactive NMT approaches. First, the previous uni-directional interac- tive NMT method could only possibly fix those errors to the right of human-revised words. Cheng et al. [2016] show that revising critical mistakes first could significantly reduces the number of revisions. However, their intuition could not be directly applied to current uni-directional NMT models, because after revising critical mistakes, uni-directional inter- active model cannot correct minor mistakes to the left of the

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Page 1: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from Interactive Revisions

Rongxiang Weng1,2, Hao Zhou3, Shujian Huang1,2∗, Lei Li3, Yifan Xia1,2 , Jiajun Chen1,2

1National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing, China2Nanjing University, Nanjing, China3ByteDance AI Lab, Beijing, China

{wengrx, huangsj, xiayf, chenjj}{haozhou.nlp, lileilab}

AbstractState-of-the-art machine translation models are stillnot on a par with human translators. Previous worktakes human interactions into the neural machinetranslation process to obtain improved results in tar-get languages. However, not all model-translationerrors are equal – some are critical while others areminor. In the meanwhile, same translation mistakesoccur repeatedly in similar context. To solve bothissues, we propose CAMIT, a novel method fortranslating in an interactive environment. Our pro-posed method works with critical revision instruc-tions, therefore allows human to correct arbitrarywords in model-translated sentences. In addition,CAMIT learns from and softly memorizes revisionactions based on the context, alleviating the issueof repeating mistakes. Experiments in both idealand real interactive translation settings demonstratethat our proposed CAMIT enhances machine trans-lation results significantly while requires fewer re-vision instructions from human compared to previ-ous methods.

1 IntroductionRecently, sequence-to-sequence models [Sutskever et al.,2014; Cho et al., 2014] have gain superior performance inmachine translation [Bahdanau et al., 2014; Vaswani et al.,2017]. Yet these state-of-the-art neural machine transla-tion (NMT) models still fail to generation target sentenceswith comparable quality as human translators.

To obtain high-quality translation, there are a few re-cent works attempt to incorporate human revision instruc-tions into the algorithmic translation process. For exam-ple, previous interactive NMT [Sanchis-Trilles et al., 2014;Alvaro Peris et al., 2016; Knowles and Koehn, 2016] pro-poses to ask human to revise the translation output from thebeginning of a sentence to the end (i.e. from the left to right),and regenerates the partial translation on the right side of therevised token. We refer to these models as uni-directionalinteractive models. The interactive steps can repeat multi-ple times until a satisfactory sentence is obtained. In this

∗Corresponding author.

they discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and free trade area

they discuss the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area

they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area issues

they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

(they) (discuss) (prevent) (nuclear) (proliferate) (and) (free) (trade zone) (issue)

they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade zone issues



Human Step 1

Human Step 2

Human Step 1

Translate: they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

(a) The previous uni-directional interactive NMT method couldfix the mistake of “trade”→ “free trade” automatically after re-vising “to discuss”→ “ discuss”.

they discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and free trade area

they discuss the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area

they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade area issues

they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

(they) (discuss) (prevent) (nuclear) (proliferate) (and) (free) (trade zone) (issue)

they discuss nuclear non-proliferation and free trade zone issues



Human Step 1

Human Step 2

Human Step 1

Translate: they to discuss the issue of nuclear UNK and trade area

(b) Our proposed CAMIT takes the most critical revision“UNK” → “non-proliferation” and automatically fixes the restmistakes across the whole sentence.

Figure 1: Illustration of the previous and our proposed interactiveNMT methods. Words with bold and orange fonts are revised by hu-man. Those with underlines and blue fonts are automatically fixedby models. Note our proposed CAMIT only needs one revisionwhile the previous method requires two.

case, given human revisions for model-translation mistakes,the process could potentially fix some minor mistakes auto-matically, exploiting the base translation models’ ability tosave human efforts (See Figure 1a).

In this paper, we make a few observations about neural ma-chine translation and note two issues in previous interactiveNMT approaches. First, the previous uni-directional interac-tive NMT method could only possibly fix those errors to theright of human-revised words. Cheng et al. [2016] showthat revising critical mistakes first could significantly reducesthe number of revisions. However, their intuition could notbe directly applied to current uni-directional NMT models,because after revising critical mistakes, uni-directional inter-active model cannot correct minor mistakes to the left of the

Page 2: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

revision, even with advanced decoding algorithm [Hokampand Liu, 2017; Post and Vilar, 2018; Hasler et al., 2018].Since the uni-directional interactive model only regeneratesthe partial sentence to the right of revisions, instead of up-dating the whole sentence. This leads to the constraint thateach human revision should be proposed at the left most er-rors. Thus, human annotators have to revise these remainingmistakes manually, which is not efficient enough.

Second, neural machine translation models often keepmaking same mistakes with similar discourse and domaincontext. Previous interactive NMT models rarely exploit therevision history to avoid similar mistakes. Our basic intu-ition is that previous sentences which have been corrected byhuman may be of greatly help to the translation of follow-ing sentences. Learning from past revisions could preventingNMT models from making similar mistakes.

To address the above issues, we propose a correct-and-memorize framework for interactive machine transla-tion (CAMIT), a novel framework to perform efficient cor-rections and then softly memorize those corrections for en-hancing translation results 1.

First of all, CAMIT contains a improved decoder givena sentence and one revised word. CAMIT performs the in-teractive NMT from both ends of the sentence, updating thewhole sentence after getting a revision. Different from pre-vious work about bi-directional decoder [Liu et al., 2016;Mou et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2018], our method is designedto take human revisions for interactive NMT. In such case,human can revise the most critical mistake first in arbitraryposition of the sentence; and after that the model will up-date the whole sentence, fixing minor mistakes automatically.Thus the efficiency of interaction could be significantly im-proved (Figure 1b).

Secondly, we propose to learn from and memorize inter-active revisions to enhance the translation results. The revi-sion history could be learned in the word level and the sen-tence level, respectively. At the word level, we propose akey-value memory mechanism [Weston et al., 2014] calledrevision memory, to remember prior revisions in the interac-tive process. At the sentence level, we use the online learn-ing approach to fine-tune our base translation model on priorrevised sentences, adapting our model parameters to the spe-cific discourse or domain. When translating a new sentence,our model avoids generating similar mistakes in the past bylooking up the revision memory, which is especially helpfulto the translation of rare words.

Experiments show that our proposed CAMIT outperformsthe previous interactive methods in both ideal and real ma-chine translation settings. Our method’s decoder obtains theimprovement of 17 BLEU points with merely two revisionsin the ideal and 8 BLEU points with 1.81 revisions in the realenvironments, respectively. Using interaction history furtherhelps improve the interactive efficiency and translation qual-ity.

1The code is at

Base Seq2Seq












Figure 2: The procedure of our proposed interactive model.

2 BackgroundNeural machine translation (NMT) is based on a standardSeq2Seq model, which adopts an encoder-decoder architec-ture for sentence modeling and generation [Sutskever et al.,2014; Cho et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014; Vaswani etal., 2017]. The encoder summarizes the source sentence intoan intermediate representation, and the decoder generates thetarget sentence from left to right.

Formally, let x = {x1, · · · , xi, · · · } be a given input sen-tence and y = {y1, · · · , yj , · · · } be the output sentence. Theencoder transforms the sentence to a sequence of annotationsH, with each hi being the annotation of input word xi.

Based on the source annotations, the decoder generates thetranslation by predicting a target word yj at each time step j:

P (yj |y<j ,x) = softmax(g(sj)), (1)where g is a non-linear activation function, and sj is the de-coding state for time step j, computed by

sj =−→f (y<j , cj). (2)

Here−→f is a recurrent unit [Cho et al., 2014] or self-attention

network [Vaswani et al., 2017]. cj is a vector summarizingrelevant source information. It is computed by the attentionmechanism [Luong et al., 2015b; Vaswani et al., 2017].

cj = ATT(r,H), (3)

where the r is a state from last time step or previous layerwhen the

−→f is a recurrent unit or a self-attention network,

respectively.In the training stage, y is the gold sentence provided by

training set. NMT models optimize the networks by maxi-mizing the likelihood denoted by LL.

LL =1



logP (yj |y<j , x). (4)

where |y| is the length of y and P (yj |y<j , x) is defined inEquation 1.

3 The Proposed CAMITPractically, there may be multiple mistakes in the transla-tion output. Prior work propose to incorporate human ef-forts to boost the translation performance from left to right,

Page 3: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

both in the statistical machine translation (SMT) [Barrachinaet al., 2009; Gonzalez-Rubio et al., 2013] and the neu-ral machine translation (NMT) [Knowles and Koehn, 2016;Alvaro Peris et al., 2016; Wuebker et al., 2016]. However,current interactive model is not efficient enough in both de-coding and learning, as previously discussed.

In this section, we propose CAMIT, to improve the inter-active efficiency in these two aspects. As shown in Figure2, after each interaction from human, we propose a sequen-tial bi-directional decoder for updating the whole sentence.All revisions are written into a revision memory, and the baseSeq2Seq model will read from it latter for avoiding makingsame mistakes. Additionally, previously revised sentence willbe learned by an online learning approach.

3.1 PreliminaryThe interactive process always contains many sentences; andeach sentence may need to be revised for many times. One re-vision is the process that human translator manually correctsone mistake in a sentence.

Commonly, the revision can include several operations:replacement, insertion and deletion. Following previouswork [Alvaro Peris et al., 2016; Knowles and Koehn, 2016;Cheng et al., 2016], we focus on the replacement and oth-ers can be implemented with several replacement operation.For example, deletion could be converted to replace incorrectwords with spacing, and the insertion could be converted toreplace spacing with inserted words. Furthermore, we onlyapply the word level revision in this paper, other types of re-vision, such as phrase, subword, etc., can also be used in ourinteractive model.

Because human may need to give multiple revisions to onesentence, we refer to the multiple revisions for one sentenceas one round of interaction. Commonly, adjacent sentencesin the interactive process are related, and are usually in thesame discourse or domain. We model the interactive processof many related sentences as one session. One session maycontain many rounds, which could be accomplished by oneor more human translators.

3.2 Sequential Bi-Directional DecodingIn the interactive process, let y = {y1, · · · , yj , · · · } be theinitial sequence of words, output by the base Seq2Seq model.If human translator revises the word yj , the output is dividedinto 2 parts:

{· · · , yj−2, yj−1︸ ︷︷ ︸left

, yj , yj , yj+1, · · ·︸ ︷︷ ︸right


Uni-directional interactive model only updates the right part[Alvaro Peris et al., 2016; Knowles and Koehn, 2016], ig-noring potential mistakes in the left part, which means therevised word should always be the left most error, otherwisethe errors in the left part will never be corrected.

We purpose a sequential bi-directional decoder for interac-tive NMT, which can update both parts of the sentence. Theproposed model includes two decoders: a forward decoder−→f and a backward decoder

←−f .−→f and

←−f share the same

encoder, but working sequentially.

Formally, in the interactive process, the forward decoder−→f

first acts as the basic model to generate the basic translation:y = {y1, · · · , yj , · · · }. Given a revision {yj → yrj}, i.e.

revising yj to yrj ,−→f then generates the new right part for the

translation, the same as in the uni-directional model. The newdecoding state s′j+1 for

−→f at the position j + 1 is computed

as: −→s ′j+1 =−→f (yrj , c

′j+1), (5)

and the new sentence is

{· · · , yj−2, yj−1, yrj , y′j+1, y′j+2, · · ·︸ ︷︷ ︸

new right


Here words before yrj are kept the same, the probabilities ofwords in the new right part is computed the same as in Equa-tion 1.

Different from previous approaches, we then feed the in-verted new right part {· · · , y′j+2, y

′j+1, y

rj} into

←−f , obtaining

a new decoding state at the current revising position:

←−s ′j−1 =←−f (yrj , c

′j−1). (6)

Then starting from s′j−1,←−f generates the new left part

{y′j−1, y′j−2, · · · } according to a reversed decoding probabil-ity:

P (y′j−1|y′>j , yrj , x) = softmax(g(s′j−1). (7)

Finally, the output is

{· · · , y′j−2, y′j−1︸ ︷︷ ︸new left

, yrj , y′j+1, y

′j+2, · · ·︸ ︷︷ ︸

new right


Note that, the length of the new left part may be not equal tothe original left part.

In this way, the whole sentence is updated jointly by thetwo decoders. With the human revision, the new right part isexpected to be better than the right part. Based on this betterright part, the new left part is expected to become better aswell.

The training stage is similar with multi-task models [Donget al., 2015; Luong et al., 2015a], both decoders could betrained using cross-entropy as the objective:

L = LL + LR, (8)

where LR is computed by:

LR =1



logP (yj |y>j , x). (9)

The P (yj |y>j , x) andLL are defined in Equation 1 and Equa-tion 4, respectively. |y| is the length of y.

We have shown how to update the sentence after a singlerevision. However, another challenge for interactive NMThappens when human translator performs several revisions inone round, because the interactive process should regeneratethe translation with all the revisions considered.

To solve the problem, we propose to combine the gridbeam search [Hokamp and Liu, 2017] with our bi-directionaldecoder. Intuitively, the grid beam search adopts a grid to

Page 4: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

store the partial translations that containing the previous re-visions. After the gird search, all previous revisions will beincluded in the final translation output. We propose to per-form the grid beam search twice in our bi-directional decod-ing framework.








Current Revision







y j-1

y j-1

y j-2y j-2y j-3

yr4 yr4

y j+1


y j+2

y j+3

yr3 y j+4yr1



r Rev



Time Steps of The Sentence






Figure 3: The restricted bi-directional grid beam search.

Specifically, given a current revision yrk+1 and several pre-vious revisions {yr1, yr2, yr3, yr4}, in which {yr1, yr3} are in theright part of the current revision and {yr2, yr4} are in the leftpart of the current revision, respectively. We will first per-form the gird beam search starting from yrk+1 with the for-

ward decoder−→f , obtaining the new right part containing

previous revisions ({yr1, yr3}) right to yrk+1. Then given thenew right part, we will perform the grid beam search thesecond time from right to left using the backward decoder←−f , obtaining the new right part containing previous revi-sions ({yr2, yr4}) left to yrk+1. In such case, all previous revi-sions ({yr2, yr4, yr1, yr3}) are included in the final output, keep-ing their sequential order. Figure 3 gives an illustration of thebi-directional grid search process.

3.3 Learning from Interaction HistoryThe interaction history is very helpful to improve the effi-ciency of interactive models. In this section, we proposemethods to learn from the interactive history by online learn-ing and adopting revision memory.Revision Memory. We first propose to exploit the interac-tion history in the word level, using a key-value memory [We-ston et al., 2014], referred to as the revision memory, to mem-orize previously performed revisions of the session. Thismakes sense because some specific rare words, e.g. mostlyout-of-vocabulary words (OOV), occur multiple times in adiscourse. The proposed mechanism can help avoid makingthe same mistakes by memorizing and copying past revisionsof the current session.

Specifically, as shown in Figure 4, the revision memoryM = {(< s′1, c

′1 >, y

r1), · · · , (< s′T , c

′T >, yrT )}

consists of many items, each of which has a key (revision con-text) and a value (revised word). The revised word is used todenote the revision itself. The revision context is used to de-termine whether the memorized revision should be performedagain at the current decoding step. We define the revisioncontext to include two parts: the decoding state s′ (Equation2) and the context vector c′ (Equation 3) of the past revi-sion, which represent the revision context in aspects of thelanguage model and the translation model, respectively.

Every revision of the current session will be written intothe memory. When generating a word in decoding, the model

yr (solvent)··· ··· ···

yrt-1(downer)yrt ( redford)

··· ··· ···

robert UNK

sj ……

Key Value





s1 ′�

c1 ′�





Figure 4: Using revision memory in the decoding stage.

will read the revision memory, trying to automatically fixmistakes with a copy mechanism [Gu et al., 2016]. The finaloutput distribution of word w is computed by distributionsfrom the decoder and from the revision memory:

Pj(w) = (1− θj) ∗ Pj(w) + θj ∗ rj(w), (10)

rj,t = softmax(W1|sj · s′t|+W2|cj · c′t|), (11)

where rj,t is the probability of copying word yrt in currentposition j. It is calculated by the revision context < sj , cj >of current decoding state and revision contexts of items in thememory. θj is a weight computed at each decoding step:

θj = sigmoid(Wssj +Wccj), (12)

If the output word w is an unknown word (UNK), but hasbeen corrected by human, our method could successfully gen-erate w in future translation by copying it from the revisionmemory, which partially alleviate the problem of UNK. Tokeep the translation process going, the embedding of UNK isfed into the decoder, as the input for the next time step.Online Learning. Adjacent sentences processed in one ses-sion are highly related, because they are always in the samediscourse or domain. In this sense, former revised sentencesmay greatly help the translation for the following sentences.We use an online learning approach [Peris et al., 2017;Peris and Casacuberta, 2018] to learn from previously cor-rected sentences in the same session.

The process starts with the basic model trained on the par-allel training data. At the beginning of each session, the basicmodel is used for translation. The parameters of the basicmodel is fine-tuned after each round to maximize the genera-tion probability of the revised sentence at current round. For-mally, every time we obtain a correct translation pair {x,y′}after interaction, we update the whole translation model forone step, according to Equation 4. By learning from the sen-tence level interaction history, our Seq2Seq model better fitssentences of current session. Especially for sessions contain-ing large amounts of sentences, this continuous learning ap-proach may significantly improve the interactive efficiency.

4 Experiment4.1 SetupData-Set. We conduct experiments on standard Chinese-English (ZH-EN) and English-Chinese (EN-ZH) translationtasks. For both ZH-EN and EN-ZH, the training data con-sists of about 1.6 million sentence pairs.2 We use NIST03

2includes LDC2002E18, LDC2003E14, LDC2004T08,LDC2005T06

Page 5: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

Model RN 03 04 05 Ave. ∆RNNSearch − 37.27 37.25 33.64 35.45 −

UniDiR 1 39.35 39.01 37.22 38.12 +2.672 42.09 42.46 40.64 41.55 +6.10

UniDiRG1 48.88 47.36 44.25 45.81 +10.362 52.58 51.95 47.47 49.71 +14.26

BiDiR 1 49.05 49.22 45.32 47.27 +11.822 53.19 53.70 49.71 51.71 +16.26

Table 1: The comparison of translation qualities between uni-directional and CAMIT’s BiDiR decoder. Here RN is the revisionnumber.

RN 1 2 3 4RNNSearch 35.45BiDiR 47.27 51.71 55.84 59.91Transformer 43.65BiDiR 50.58 53.66 55.73 57.21

Table 2: Average BLEU score of our CAMIT’s bi-directional de-coder after multiple interactions. RN: revision number.

as our validation set, and NIST04 and NIST05 as our testsets. These sets have 919, 1597 and 1082 source sentences,respectively, with 4 references for each sentence. In EN-ZH,we use ref0 of each data set as source sentences. We extractabout 0.2 million sentence pairs3 in our training set, which re-tains the discourse information for training parameters of therevision memory. We also sample 100 sentences randomlyfrom test sets for the human evaluation.

Implementation Details. We test our proposed approachon both of the RNNSearch [Bahdanau et al., 2014] and Trans-former [Vaswani et al., 2017] baselines. We train the bi-directional NMT model with the sentences of length up to50 words. For the RNNSearch, vocabularies of both Chineseand English includes the most frequent 30K words for bothChinese and English. We map all out-of-vocabulary words tothe special token UNK. The dimension of word embedding is512, and the size of hidden layers is 1024. We use the gradientdescent approach to update the parameters, with a batch sizeof 80. The learning rate is controlled by Adam [Kingma andBa, 2014]. For the Transformer, we apply byte pair encoding(BPE) [Sennrich et al., 2016] to all languages and limit thevocabulary size to 32K. We set the dimension of input andoutput of all layers as 512, and that of feed-forward layer to2048. We employ 8 parallel attention heads. The numberof layers for the encoder and decoder are 6. Other settingsis same as Vaswani et al. [2017] . We use beam search forheuristic decoding, and the beam size is set as 4.

We measure the translation quality with the IBM-BLEUscore [Papineni et al., 2002]. We implement our interactiveNMT model upon our in-house NMT system. The forwardand backward decoders of the bi-directional model are trainedtogether with a shared encoder. The learning rate of onlinelearning is 10−5. Following previous work [Tu et al., 2017],we train the revision memory by randomly sampling wordsand contexts in the same discourse. The size of revision mem-


Model NIST04 NIST05 AVE. ∆RNNSearch 37.25 33.64 35.45 −+OL 40.62 37.38 39.00 +3.56+RM 37.66 34.42 36.04 +0.59CAMIT 41.13 37.95 39.54 +4.10BiDiR 53.70 49.71 51.71 −+OL 54.75 49.50 52.13 +0.42+RM 53.96 49.97 51.97 +0.26CAMIT 54.86 50.46 52.66 +0.95

Table 3: The performance gain from online learning (OL) and revi-sion memory (RM). BiDiR is CAMIT without OL and RM.

Model BLEU #Revisions Costs


RNNSeach 38.23 − −UniDiRG 43.68 2.76 62.92CAMIT-OL-RM 45.82 2.19 62.34CAMIT 46.26 1.81 51.48


RNNSearch 24.52 − −UniDiRG 29.55 2.82 36.60CAMIT-OL-RM 30.36 2.06 30.90CAMIT 30.01 1.92 26.88

Table 4: Results on the real environment. #Revisions: the averagerevision number. Costs: revising times, seconds per sentence. Noteour proposed CAMIT achieves the best results.

ory is 100 and it will be used when revision number is morethan 20. When the revision number is more than 100, the firstpart will be discarded until revision number is less than 100.Ideal and Real Interactive Environments. Following pre-vious work [Cheng et al., 2016; Alvaro Peris et al., 2016;Hokamp and Liu, 2017], we experiment on both the ideal andreal environments. Because real-world human interactionsare expensive and time-consuming to obtain, we first reportresults on the ideal environment, which generates simulatedhuman interactions by identifying critical mistakes. The sim-ulated critical mistake is those lead to the most significantBLEU score improvement after being corrected.

We also validate the interactive efficiency on the real envi-ronment, in which three human annotators are asked to revisethe translation, until obtaining correct translations. The threehuman annotators are asked to work with all different interac-tive systems with no idea of which system they are workingwith.

4.2 Results on the Ideal EnvironmentWe first evaluate CAMIT for ZH-EN on the ideal interactiveenvironment. Tan et al. [2017] demonstrate that two revi-sions already can lead to very good translation outputs, whichis also verified in our experiments on the real interactive en-vironment. We also report the results of our model after mul-tiple interactions as a complement.Sequential Bi-directional Decoding. First, we valid ourproposed bi-directional interactive model (BiDiR) in CAMITon the RNN based NMT model (RNNSearch). Asshown in Table 1, BiDiR significantly outperforms the uni-directional (UniDiR) counterpart, obtaining more than 10 ab-solute BLEU score improvements.

Page 6: Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from

Model Number ∆RNNSearch 2052 −+RM 1723 -16.1 %

Table 5: UNK number after using the revision memory.

For fair comparison, we also report results of Hokampand Liu [2017] (UniDiRG), which works in a uni-directionalfashion, but using a grid beam search. This enables the uni-directional decoder to revise the critical mistake first as in ourbi-directional decoder, but the generation process is also uni-direction. The results for their model still fall behind ours inperformance, and the gap may increase on the real environ-ment. Because mistakes left to the revision still exist, andcould not be fixed automatically. This harms their interactiveefficiency.

We also apply BiDiR decoder on Transformer with thesame setting of RNNSearch. By revision once, BiDiRachieves an absolute BLEU improvement of 6.93, upon astrong Transformer baseline (43.65 to 50.58), significantlyoutperforming UniDiR (+2.04) and UniDiRG (+4.57). Wealso compare RNNSearch and Transformer with our pro-posed bidirectional decoder in Table 2. Results show thatalthough the baseline of Transformer is significantly bet-ter than RNNSearch, both of them give pretty high BLEUscores (around 60) after 4 revisions. RNNSearch even ob-tains higher BLEU scores. For convenience, we will onlyreport results based on RNNSearch in followed experiments.

Learning from Interaction History. Table 3 shows thatour baseline RNNSearch model obtains a significant BLEUscore improvement of 4.1 on the ideal environment by learn-ing from interaction history with both online learning (+OL)and revision memory (+RM). Additionally, we find that incor-porating history learning into BiDiR can still give about 1 ab-solute BLEU score improvement (+0.95), which is achievedon a very strong baseline with over 50 BLEU score points.This experiment shows that learning from the interaction his-tory is helpful to boost the translation performance. In suchcase, human will take less revision number for obtaining sat-isfactory translations.

4.3 Results on the Real EnvironmentWe conduct experiments on the real environment for bothEN-ZH and ZH-EN on the RNNSearch based system. Wereport the average results of 3 volunteers, who could revisearbitrary times until they feel satisfied for the translation. Forbetter comparison, we include the results of Hokamp andLiu [2017] in Table 4. Our proposed model CAMIT gives8.03 and 5.49 BLEU score improvements on ZH-EN and EN-ZH, respectively, with significantly4 lower revision numbersthan the uni-directional one, and taking less times.

We also compare the number of UNK in final translationoutputs, between adopting revision memory or not. Table5 shows that, the revision memory helps relatively decreasethe UNK rates by 16.1%, reducing the number of UNK from2052 to 1723. This indicates that the revision memory en-

4P-values are below 0.01 using pairwise t-test.

ables our model to remember the past revisions, which helpsavoid making same mistakes, e.g., UNK.

4.4 Case studyWe list two real cases of the interactive translation fromUniDiRG [Hokamp and Liu, 2017] and our propsed modelin Table 6. The two cases are related, and the second case isthe next sentence of the first one in a discourse. For the firstone, the baseline NMT system makes several mistakes. Ourproposed bi-directional interactive model corrects these er-rors by two revisions, while the uni-directional method takesthree revisions. After correcting the word “filmmakers”, ourbi-directional model automatically fixes the mistake of “inde-pendent” left to the revision position while the uni-directionalmodel cannot do this.

The second case shows the translation output after usingonline learning and revision memory, which could reduce therevision number in practice. After using the first revised sen-tence to tune the model by online training, and remember-ing past revisions by the revision memory, our model havemore prior knowledge that the session is related to the topicof movie. So the revised word “redford” and “filmmakers”can be fixed automatically.

5 ConclusionIn this paper, we propose CAMIT, to improve the interactiveefficiency of NMT models in both decoding and learning as-pects. For decoding, we propose an sequential bi-directionaldecoder, updating the whole sentence after each revision. Forlearning, we exploit the interaction history for the sentencelevel and word level. Experiments show that our model sig-nificantly improve the efficiency of interactive NMT.

AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for theirinsightful comments. Shujian Huang is the correspond-ing author. This work is supported by the National Sci-ence Foundation of China (No. U1836221, 61672277), theJiangsu Provincial Research Foundation for Basic Research(No. BK20170074).

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Src. 独立制片人应当协助维护言论自由,雷福说Ref. independent filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, redford saidRNNSearch independence and should to uphold freedom of speech, UNK


1 independence filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, UNK2 independence filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, redford said3 independent filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, redford said

CAMIT 1 independent filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, UNK2 independent filmmakers should help to protect freedom of speech, redford said


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