copyright © - 2004-2014 – curt hill cryptography number theory’s practical application

Copyright © - 2004-2014 – Curt Hill Cryptography Number Theory’s Practical Application

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Copyright © - 2004-2014 – Curt Hill


Number Theory’s Practical Application

Page 2: Copyright © - 2004-2014 – Curt Hill Cryptography Number Theory’s Practical Application

Introduction• Encryption is mechanism for obscuring a

message from someone else in a reversible way – Decryption is reversing it

• Cryptography is the study• Historically used to send messages

during wars– Non-standard hieroglyphics date back to at

least 1900 BC

• Most of the historic ciphers are relatively easy to break

Copyright © - 2004-2014 – Curt Hill

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Terminology• Plain text

– A message that is readable– AKA Clear text

• Cipher text– A message that has been disguised

• Key – A string that allows the encryption and


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What we want• Encryption technique E(M,K) which

takes a message M and a key K• Decryption technique D(M,K) which

also takes message M and key K• Both E and D return a string• M = D(E(M,K),K)• Neither E nor D needs to be concealed• Only secret thing is K the key• E and D are efficiently computable

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Historical Ciphers• Any technique that gives one side of

a war an advantage over the other is of interest

• However most of these are not of interest to us in discrete math:

• Transposition and Substitution Cipher• Enigma and Colosus • One time pad• Stream Cipher• Block Cipher• Feistel Cipher• DES, AES

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Enigma• Code machine used by Germans in

World War II• Several rotors• A letter is typed in the rotors provide a

single substitution cipher for that letter• The rotors are now advanced• The next letter gets a different

transposition• The key becomes the rotor settings• The Colossus was used to break

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Enigma Again• Would have been secure if used

properly• Instead they often used same key for

too long• Predictable openings were often used:

– Common greetings: Mein Fueherer!– This gives away the key to analysis

• Users thought it was magic so did not worry enough

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One time pad• The one time pad is a string of

offsets to add to each letter of message

• Two copies of the pad: the sender and receiver

• Pad is never reused • Algorithmically unbreakable if there

is no pattern in the pad• Transfer of the pad may be a problem

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OTP ExamplePlain ASCII B A T

ASCII Numeric

66 65 84

One time pad

12 9 23

Cipher numeric

78 74 107

Cipher as ASCII

N J k

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Distribution• The problem with most ciphers is

called the key distribution problem• How is the key given to the receiver

by the sender?• Since everything else is known this

becomes a weak link• Public Key Encryption does not suffer

from this problem

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Public key encryption• AKA Trapdoor algorithms• Each user has a public and private key• These are usually very large numbers,

based on primes• The key is that multiplying/dividing

very large numbers is easy• Factoring a very large number into its

primes is very difficult– Conceivably taking years

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Authors• This algorithm was devised by Ron

Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman

• RSA became the name of the algorithm

• MIT patented• Published in 1977• Proofs of its effectiveness abound• They received Turing award

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Key Generation•Find two large primes, P and Q

–Approximately equal in size

•Compute the product N = PQ–N should be 1024 bits or larger–Known as the modulus

•Compute = (P-1)(Q-1) is spelled phi and pronounced fee

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Two more• Choose E such that 1 < E <

– E and must be relatively prime– Neither needs to be prime but

relatively prime to each other– This is the public exponent or

encryption exponent

• Find D– 1 < D < – ED mod = 1– This is the secret exponent or decryption


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How it works• The public key is a pair (E,N) and the

private key is also a pair (D,N)• Everyone participating in concealed

messages publishes their public key where anyone can access

• The private key as well as P, Q and N are also kept secret

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Sending a message• Albert wants to send Bob a secret

message• Obtains Bobs public key (E,N)• Convert the clear text into numeric

chunks of the suitable length, call one of these M

• Compute cipher text: C = ME mod N• Repeat for subsequent chunks and


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Reading sent message• Bob now wants to read Albert’s

message• Use his own private key to restore

the plain text– M = CD mod N

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Another Thought• Anyone may send a message to

anyone else• How do we determine if someone has

falsified a message? • The digital signing process is not that

much different than the encryption and decryption

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Digital Signing• Albert extracts pieces of the message

to make a digest• Albert uses his private key to compute

S = MD mod N• Bob uses Albert’s public key to compute

V = SE mod N• Bob uses the same extraction method

and compares this with the sent signature

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Some practicalities• Common choices for E are 3, 17 and

65537 which are Fermat primes– This makes the modular exponentiation


• Computing D often uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm

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Is it breakable?• The usual thought is that factoring

very large numbers is extremely difficult

• The current unclassified belief is that factoring these size numbers would take centuries or longer– Of course, rumors abound

• The open question is if there is a technique that can crack this that does not require factorization

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Summary• Encryption maintains the data but

make it unusable to those without the key

• Use decryption to return to plain text• Used for transmitting sensitive data

and for stored data on disk• With this background we may now

consider database security

Copyright © - 2004-2014 – Curt Hill