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  • 7/28/2019 Copy of Training and Development



    Management Training and Development

    Paper: HRM403

    Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

    Note:- Attempt Five questions in all. Question No.1 is compulsory.

    All questions carry equal marks.

    1. Write short notes on the following-(a) Induction Training(b) Off the Job Training(c) Understudy

    (d) Reinforcement(e) Training for Blue Collar Workers(f) Training Pedagogy(g) Lesson Planning

    2. Clearly bring out the meaning of Training, distinguish it from Education andbriefly outline the role and significance of training in the present daycorporates.

    3. Highlight the major challenges that the Training Manager faces in a hightechnology organization.

    4. Explain the meaning of Action Research and highlight the proceduresinvolved therein.

    5. What do you understand by learning? Highlight the essential principles of


  • 7/28/2019 Copy of Training and Development



    Management Training and Development

    Paper: HRM-403

    [Time: Three hours] [Maximum

    Marks: 70]

    Note: - Attempt any five questions. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All

    questions carry equal marks.

    1. Write short answers on the following:

    (a) Challenges to a training manager it the globalized scenario

    (b) Objectives of training

    (c) Task analysis

    (d) On the job training

    (e) Essentials of a conducive climate for training and development

    (f) Preconditions for learning

    (g) Vestibule training

    2. Distinguish between training and development. How should an HRD

    department work for realizing the business goals?

    3. Describe the process of identifying training needs. Explain the various

    sources of data that can be used for training needs analysis.

    4. What are the modern important training aids? Describe the advantages and

    disadvantages of computer based presentation.

    5. What is training evaluation? Explain the four level model of training


    6. What are the major activities involved in training and development program

    is to be implemented through outsourcing?

    7. Training communication plays a very significant role in the implementation

    of the training program; explain this statement giving examples of Indian


  • 7/28/2019 Copy of Training and Development


    8. Write a detailed note on training and development in India.


    Management Training and Development

    Paper: HRM-403

    [Time: Three hours] [Maximum

    Marks: 70]

    Note: - Attempt any five questions. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All

    questions carry equal marks.

    1. Write short notes on the following:-

    (a) Role of a Training Manager

    (b) Action Research

    (c) Features of Conducive climate for training

    (d) Training aids

    (e) Challenges before a training manager in 21st century

    (f) Vestibule schools

    (g) Types of On-the-job training methods.

    2. A training manager has enormous responsibilities to discharge. In the light

    of the above statement, identify and explain the main responsibilities of

    Training manager in a large scale manufacturing organization.

    3. Suppose that you have recently joined an auto-parts manufacturing

    organization, employing 1000 employees but not doing well, as a Training

  • 7/28/2019 Copy of Training and Development


    manager. How would you re-organize and manage the training function in

    your organization so as to bring it on rails?

    4. One of the Vital exercises of a training program is to access training needs

    appropriately. Justify the statement mentioning the methods of assessing

    training needs.

    5. Identify the various stages involved in the learning process and explain the

    stages in detail.

    6. There is no single method of training universally accepted to impact training

    effectively. Discuss the statement, identify the main methods of training and

    examine critically any three of the Off-the-Job training methods.

    7. Majority of the Indian organizations has yet to go miles so far as training and

    development of their employees is concerned. Justify the statement quoting

    suitable examples.

    8. Write an exhaustive note on training communication.