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  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit




  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    sor as splak eritem, batas tegas, bentuk

    berariasi, multipel, !engan skuama

    puti" lebar#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Psoriasissiku$ plak eritem batas tegas !g skuama puti" tebal#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    A%ne In t"is %ase o& papulopustular a%ne t"e eruption 'as more a%ute an! t"ere&ore t"elesions are more monomorp"ous#

    Almost all lesions are pustular an! on t"e le&t %"eek are trans&orming into %(sti% lesions#)a*a" $ kome!o, papul eritem, pustul, multipel, !iskret#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    ACNE Papulopustular a%ne in a teenager t"at is trans&orming into%(sti% a%ne# Note t"at lesions are larger, t"e( %oales%e an! as

    pustules rupture t"e( be%ome %ruste!#)a*a" $ kome!o, papul eritem, pustul, no!ul eritem, multipel#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Irritant contact dermatitis of hand, acute: kerosene This airportworker had repeatedly spilled kerosene over his

    "an!s an! !eelope! a%ute bullous an! e+tremel( pain&ul ICD - " later#Telapak tangan kanan$ esikel !an bula !engan !asar eritem, multipel#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Atopic dermatitis: infantile-type Papular lesions on the lowerextremity with oozing erosions in the popliteal fossa

    Paha ! fossa poplitea: patch eritem, "atas tidak tegas dgmaserasi#oozing

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    C"il!"oo! atopi% !ermatitis# A t(pi%al lo%ali.ation o& atopi% !ermatitis in %"il!ren is t"eregion aroun! t"e mout"# In

    t"is %"il! t"ere is li%"eni/%ation an! /ssuring#

    Perioral $ 0pat%"1 eritem, batas ti!ak tegas !g /ssura !an likeni/kasi, tampak beberapaerosi#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    $e"orrheic dermatitis of scalp: infantile-type %rythema and yellow-orangescales and crust on the scalp of an

    in&ant 02%ra!le %ap21# E%.ematous lesions are also present on t"e arms an! trunk#Kepala $ 0pat%"1 eritem !engan krusta tebal kekuningan#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Tinea cruris &on'uent, erythematous, scaling pla(ues on the medial thighs,inguinal folds, and pu"ic area The

    margins are slig"tl( raise! an! s"arpl( marginate!# Er(t"rasma s"oul! be rule! out b(

    )oo!3s lamp e+amination#Inguinal 4 perineum $ pat%" eritem batas tegas, sebagian !g skuama puti" ke%il#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Tinea corporis In'ammatory annular pla(ues, "ecoming con'uent on the medialthigh This type of in'ammatory

    lesion is seen 'it" .oop"ili% !ermatop"(ti% in&e%tion an! 'it" topi%al glu%o%orti%oi! use#

    Pa"a bagian me!ial $ pat%" eritem batas tegas, multipel sebagian kon5uen membentukpolisiklik, bagian tepi lb" eritem#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Tinea corporis: chronic $harply marginated, hyperpigmented pla(ues of many months)duration on the "ack,

    butto%ks, an! t"ig"s# T"e lesions "ae a psoriasi&orm appearan%e# Asso%iate! tinea %ruris an! tineape!is are usuall( present#

    Pantat 4 pinggang ba'a" $ pat%" "iperpigmnetasi, batas tegas polisiklik, !engan skuama pui" tipis#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    &utaneous candidiasis: interdigital intertrigo %rythematous eroded we"spaceof the hand* several other

    'ebspa%es 'ere also inole! in t"is el!erl(, obese, !iabeti% &emale#6ela *ari $ erosi !g peusomembran#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Pityriasis versicolor +ultiple, small-to-medium-sized, well-demarcatedhypopigmented macules on the "ack of a

    tanne! in!ii!ual 'it" '"ite skin#Punggung $ makua 4 pat%" "ipopigmentasi, !engan skuama "alus, multipel, !iskret #

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    Impetigo: S. aureus Crusted erythematous erosions becoming confuent on thenose, cheek, lips, and chin in a child with nasal carriage o S. aureus and mild


    Perioral 4 nasal $ erosi !g krusta kekuningan, mutiple#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    7ullous impetigo$ S. aureus Scattered, discrete, intact thin-walled blisters on the thigh of

    a child; lesions in the groin have ruptured, resulting in vesikel dan bula dengan dasareritem, sebgain tampak erosi, multipel, diskret.

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    E%t"(ma$ S. aureus A large, circumscribed chronic ulcer with surrounding erythema in

    the pretibial region.Tibia naterior: ulkus dengan kulit sekitar eritem, tepi ireguler, dg pustulasi dan krusta


  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    %rysipelas of leg: S. aureus The lower leg is red, hot, tender, and edematous.Erythematous plaque is well dened. The inection is recurrent with interdigital

    tinea pedisas t"e portal o& entr(#

    Tungkai kiri$ 0pat%"1 eritem batas tegas, n(eri tekan, perabaan "angat#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    eprosy: "orderline-type Annular tan-pink pla(ue on the neck with similar lesionon the adacent cheek Peripheral sensory nerves were palpa"le on the neck

    .&ourtesy of

    Atul Tane*a, 8D#1plak eritem bentuk anular,

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    /erruca vulgaris: periungual 0yperkeratotic papules located periungually on the dorsum of a1nger $imilar lesions

    'ere present on all /ngers o& bot" "an!s# All mo!alities o& t"erap( "a! &aile!# T"e 'arts resole! 'it"

    mi%roin*e%tionso& bleom(%in# Note, bla%k an! bro'n !ots#

    Jari I$ papul se'arna kulit, erukous, multipel berkelompok#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    0erpes simplex virus infection: recurrent herpes la"ialis 2rouped andcon'uent vesicles with an erythematousrim on t"e lips, - " a&ter onset o& s(mptoms#

    Perioral $ esikel !an sebagian erosi, multipel, berkelompok#

  • 7/25/2019 Contoh Ujud Kelainan Kulit


    /aricella-zoster virus infection: herpes zoster with cluster of grouped vesicles2rouped and con'uent

    esi%les surroun!ing er(t"ema on t"e %"est 'all#Da!a$ esikel !engan !asar eritem, berkelompok#