contents page production phases


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contents page production phases


Page 1: Contents Page Production Phases

Contents Page Production Phases

, For the first part of my production into my Contents Page I added an orange border . -to the actual page This is so that there is continuation within my magazine

, connotations that can be applied by the audience such as the orange border and . colour scheme This makes the magazine recognisable and therefore can attract the

. - audience I also used the same black stars as on the front cover I simply copied . them from my front cover and pasted them onto my contents This saved time in the

. production process The green box will include text and by colouring it green I . again stuck to the conventions for my magazine so far

Page 2: Contents Page Production Phases

, Next I added text to the text box using Da Font and carried on the way style as - / - located in the title again so the whole page relates joins together as one so that it

. flows as a magazine I also added scribbles to the underneath of the title so that it ; has an edge to it the scribbles relate to the younger audience and have an

, . “Alternative” vibe to them this again appeals to a wide range of students The dots at the bottom of the text box allow the reader to know that the contents of this page

. have ended This means that they know everything included in the magazine at this . point

Page 3: Contents Page Production Phases

, , Moving on I added another text box to the page again in green to keep with the . conventions of my magazine style and layout I used the exact same colour green as

, ’ before as not to cause too much distraction to the reader s eyes from the actual . information available The text within the box is advertising a music festival that is

. , coming next year As seen by the stickers I placed within the text box the audience . ’can automatically decide what the festival is advertising By doing this is doesn t

. cause confusion and allows the reader to connect to the advertisement

Page 4: Contents Page Production Phases

, , - Lastly to finish the page off I added an image that I took myself showing - originality and also so that it links to the theme of the magazine students and their

. , lifestyle By adding scribbles to the edge of the image it takes off the harshness of . the corners and also continues the theme of the scribbles used in the title My

. contents page is now finished