
Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a finite plante is either mad or an economist by David Attenborough - Scientist. Have you ever felt like we’re living through a nightmare of consumption? That you wish you could un-hook yourself and reconnect with a life that is somehow more real and vivid?. Today we live in a time when there is little to no understanding of how the goods we consume and take for granted came into being. Without this we lack the knowledge to understand the true costs of our consumption, and the power take our action. As a result we have become disconnected from Earth- the origin of our health, wealth and all of the things we depend on. We may see the true costs behind some of our most prized possessions- our electronic gadgets. Joining the dots between the stages of extraction, production, consumption and disposal, it reveals that, although our gadgets appear sleek and shiny, their appearance is misleading. From the mining that causes huge ecological and social destruction, to the mountains of e-waste shipped around the planet and dumped, the lifecycles of our technology are strewn with unacceptable devastation and toxicity. It is important to think about this nightmarish destruction, broadly driven by our obsessive pursuit of economic growth at all costs. Things do not have to be this way, we may everybody can forge new paths into the future. We must reconnect with Earth, reduce our consumption, revalue what really makes us happy and become part of the movement for an ecologically sane, and socially just economy that delivers fair tecnologies.

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Post on 05-Nov-2015




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Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a finite plante is either mad or an economist by David Attenborough - Scientist.

Have you ever felt like were living through a nightmare of consumption? That you wish you could un-hook yourself and reconnect with a life that is somehow more real and vivid?.

Today we live in a time when there is little to no understanding of how the goods we consume and take for granted came into being. Without this we lack the knowledge to understand the true costs of our consumption, and the power take our action. As a result we have become disconnected from Earth- the origin of our health, wealth and all of the things we depend on.

We may see the true costs behind some of our most prized possessions- our electronic gadgets. Joining the dots between the stages of extraction, production, consumption and disposal, it reveals that, although our gadgets appear sleek and shiny, their appearance is misleading.

From the mining that causes huge ecological and social destruction, to the mountains of e-waste shipped around the planet and dumped, the lifecycles of our technology are strewn with unacceptable devastation and toxicity.

It is important to think about this nightmarish destruction, broadly driven by our obsessive pursuit of economic growth at all costs. Things do not have to be this way, we may everybody can forge new paths into the future. We must reconnect with Earth, reduce our consumption, revalue what really makes us happy and become part of the movement for an ecologically sane, and socially just economy that delivers fair tecnologies.

La tecnologa es maravillosa, pero no es un secreto el costo que tienen los aparatos en materia de produccin. El ambiente es el mayor perjudicado y nosomos capaces de dimensionar las repercusiones de aquello en el mediano y largo plazo.Lo ms jodido es que los dispositivos, en vez de estar en funcin del ser humano, est en funcin del consumo y los adelantos llegan a nuestras manos, cuando ya estn obsoletos y est listo el nuevo modelo (de televisores, celulares, computadores, etc.) para salir al mercado, lo que nos lleva a ms y ms consumo, en una cruzada que no se detiene ya que tener el ltimo modelo de lo que sea, no slo significa que estamos a la vanguardia, sino que adems, otorga un estatus que parece importarle a alguien (todava no descubro a quin).El valor de las cosas, parece no importarle a nadie y aparece como un discurso de mam que est obsoleto. Yo recuerdo el exprimidor, que estuvo en casa de mis viejos por casi 20 aos y no se cambiaba porque todava funcionaba. Quizs no era una mala prctica despus de todo. Finalmente, si sacas jugo de limn con un exprimidor viejo, con un exprimidor elctrico o con el tenedor, no tiene mayor relevancia a la hora de comer ensaladas y eso se puede desplazar a cualquier cosa. Lo cierto es que estamos hechos mierda en deudas y cosas que, cuando volvemos de la pega, estamos demasiado cansados para usar.Es bueno tomar caldito de cabeza de vez en cuando y este video est perfecto para un domingo por la tarde. A ver si le encontramos tanto sentido a partirnos el lomo por las lukas que vamos a dejar ntegramente a las casas comerciales, como si fueran fichas de pulpera.