connections april-may 2012 teaser

SPECIALISED TEXTILES ASSOCIATION INC. Vol 12 No 3 April • May •June 2012 TEXTILES/FABRICS COMPONENTS EQUIPMENT MELBOURNE CONFERENCE & TRADE EXHIBITION Specialised Textiles Association 26-28 May 2012 The premier event for the specialised textiles industry showcasing the latest trends and developments from around the world MELBOURNE EXHIBITION CENTRE, SOUTH WHARF EXPO2012 A new name, wall-to-wall exhibitors, young leaders’ structures ... plenty to see, plenty to celebrate NEW ASSOCIATION NAME The moniker’s metamorphosis LIFE UNDER A CARBON TAX From business groups to politicians – who is saying what Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Gold Sponsors

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The Official Magazine of the Specialised Textiles Association


Page 1: Connections April-May 2012 teaser


textiles/fabrics components equipment

melbourne conference

& traDe exhibition

Specialised Textiles Association

26-28 may 2012The premier event for the

specialised textiles industry showcasing the latest trends and

developments from around the world

melbourne exhibition centre, south wharf


A new name, wall-to-wall

exhibitors, young leaders’

structures ... plenty to see,

plenty to celebrate

NEw associatioN

NamEThe moniker’s metamorphosis

LifE uNdEr a

carboN tax

From business groups to

politicians – who is saying what

Silver Sponsors Bronze SponsorsGold Sponsors

Expo2012 Connections Cover.indd 1 13/04/12 2:46 PM

Page 2: Connections April-May 2012 teaser

MARCH 2012 · 1


CONNECTIONS magazine is published on behalf of the Specialised Textiles Association Inc. by CommStrat Limited.

Publisher CommStrat

editor Nicola [email protected]

Art director Annette [email protected]

GrAPhic desiGnersAnnette Epifanidis, Odette Boulton

contributors Chris Nolan, Simon Sharwood

nAtionAl sAles MAnAGer Yuri MamistvalovPhone: 03 8534 [email protected]

coMMstrAtABN 31 008 434 802Level 8, 574 St Kilda RdMelbourne Vic

specialised textiles AssociationSuite 201, 22 St Kilda Road,St Kilda 3182 VICPhone: 03 9521 2114Local call: 1300 555 787Fax: 03 9521

Disclaimer: Except where specifically stated, the opinions and material published in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or the STA Council.


AssociAtion MAtters2 reports from the stA President and

Manager4 stA office update8 new association name54 state reports 56 Accreditation68 stA welcomes new members

eXPo sPeciAl15 roll up for stA expo 2012 16 the program All the speakers, all the events

18 stA expo 2012 registration form

20 expo layout: exhibitors’ stands21 exhibitors 2012 at-a-glance22 exhibitors’ details in full42 Young leaders judged by

the red cross70 expo speakers Heads-up on the four specialist presenters

neWs corner6 A stA Achiever The Association gets a new name

36 smart couplings Triax appoints US agent

44 the business landscape 50 business by numbers68 Welcome new stA member Basford Brands joins the fold

sPeciAl FeAtures10 Are you ready for the

carbon tax? Taxing times for business

38 stamp of Approval Advanced Shade Systems gains


52 lies damn lies: a tale of textiles Chris Nolan reviews the length and

breadth of industry matters

Glorious GAdGets46 Gadget guide A look at the latest geek toys

sPotliGht on MeMbers62 dasec, Miami stainless, Polyfab,

ricky richards, sewing Perfection and techspan

Who and what is new

trAininG And eVents72 industry events and rtos



subscriPtions to subscribe to Connections for just $75.00 inc Gst annually contact ruth spiegel [email protected]


Page 3: Connections April-May 2012 teaser


From the stA office

Association Manager Ana Drougas

Fewer topics polarise the community more than politics –

but when the electorate turns with such force against the

power that has governed for 20 of the past 22 years, as

recently occurred in Queensland, and reported by Lance St

Hill on page 55, popular sentiment cannot go without some

comment. The magnitude of the swing is foreboding for

the Labor Party and its Carbon Tax, which will be dumped

by the Coalition if returned to power later next year as is

widely anticipated. On page 10 we take a closer look at the

ramifications to business of the tax that kicks in on July 1.

Still on matters of review, I strongly encourage everyone

to read Chris Nolan’s highly informative article about the

state of play in the textile industry: the opportunities for

growth and export potential, tempered somewhat by our

all-too-dominant dollar.

Turning to more domestic matters, I’d like to thank

everyone who participated in the Connections Reader

Survey. We received many terrific suggestions, and I

will tell you more about this - and how we expect this

feedback to shape the future direction of the magazine -

once we’ve finished analysing all responses.

Reading member profiles in Connections, members’

deep pride in their business, their integrity and

commitment when dealing with clients and customers,

stands out loud and clear.

Happily this seems to be a recipe for business longevity,

as many of you will attest. And these fine qualities will

stand members in good stead for our Accreditation

Program (read more on page 56).

Continuing on matters of pride, I am not sure who will be

beaming the widest smiles at the Expo2012 Young Leader

Challenge for emergency relief shelters. With ingenuity on

show, the masters who devised and guided the challenge,

as well as the young guns themselves, their colleagues

and all onlookers will be justifiably pleased; particularly

given a Red Cross Official will be assessing the two


On behalf of the Council of Management and Expo

organising committee, we look forward to warmly

welcoming you to our Expo in late May. Interstate visitors

– please do remember to pack for the four seasons that

Melbourne so engagingly (or maddeningly!) delivers

each day!

President Glenn Barlow

I’m pleased to tell you that the Australian Canvas &

Synthetic Products Association (ACASPA) is now officially

known as the Specialised Textiles Association. The

new name was confirmed following a long period of

consultation with members, culminating in late February

with a special resolution of voting members.

In Specialised Textiles Association, we have chosen a

contemporary new name that embraces all segments of

our industry - including those involved in advanced

and specialised textile products and processes that

underpin some of the truly remarkable end products

and structures being manufactured and constructed in

this country.

The decision to change the name was influenced by an

increasing number of members who told us that ACASPA

was no longer relevant; they didn’t relate to either of the

words “canvas” or “synthetic”. We’d been receiving such

feedback for many years through informal channels, so

it came as no great surprise when research conducted

for us by Ballarat University in 2010 - as part of a broader

member research - confirmed this sentiment.

Our association has a long history of responding

flexibly to change and the time was right to change

our name. Indeed, ‘ACASPA’ was introduced to reflect

the domination of canvas and synthetics in end product

manufacturing in earlier decades.

However, while canvas and synthetics will undoubtedly

continue to play an important role, the new name better

reflects both the diversity and increasing complexity of

materials, products and processes in today’s industry.

We’ve introduced association members to the new

name and the focus is now on increasing awareness

among the wider industry; we are staging an official

launch at the Specialised Textiles Association’s Expo2012

at the Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre in late

May. I welcome you to come along to what is shaping

up to be our best ever conference and exhibition for

manufacturers, installers and suppliers in the specialised

textiles industry.

We will also be launching an industry accreditation

program later this year. Read more about this on page

56, and I look forward to telling you more about this in the

next issue.


Reading member

profiles in Connections,

members’ deep pride

in their business, their integrity and commitment when dealing with clients

and customers, stands out loud

and clear.

Our association has a long history of responding

flexibly to change and the time was right to change

our name.

Page 4: Connections April-May 2012 teaser


An industrious industry It’s just nine months since the last Expo; and in that

time the association has buzzed along: undergone a

name change, staged the Young Leaders Conference,

punched out an extra issue of Connections, and

revamped the website. Industrious we have been!

rising stAImportantly, April 1, 2012 marked day one of the

STA financial year and heralded the full force of our

new identity.

Welcome to the first issue of Connections in which

we proudly trumpet the association’s new name.

Specialised Textiles Association (STA) was chosen

by members and for members, which epitomises our

common purpose and united approach.

As many people have remarked, our fresh new

association logo and the complementary specialist

logos certainly present a vibrant new look and feel.

I am pleased to report that the wider industry has

greeted the new name with enthusiasm, so much so

that we have attracted back several members while

gaining a few new members.

But the name change is not all about image; part

of the rationale was to progress new projects such

as accreditation. And still on practical matters, all

association artwork is being redesigned: business

cards, letterhead, member stickers and certificates,

the new membership application form and more!

Please take the time to read the special report on

STA’s development on the following pages. And keep

a look out for our smart new logo!

expo special – and onlineThis feature of Connections takes readers on an

armchair tour of all the activity surrounding the

upcoming Expo. There’s a map of the mighty

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, a

list detailing the position of each exhibitor, all the

specialised textiles Association insights by Ana drougas, Association Manager

contact details of individual exhibitors, and the

registration form.

Also featured is the all-important Expo program

itself, which lists the many highlights: social events,

guest speakers, and Awards for Excellence gala

dinner. Not forgetting an industry first: the material

outcome of the Young Leaders Challenge. I am very

pleased to say that the International Emergency

officer of the Red Cross will he judging the two

entries. We have also invited AusAid and SES to assess

the merits of these innovative emergency structures.

A major task occupying STA office attention

has been establishing all STA Expo details and

forms online, including the Award for Excellence

entry form and the registration page … all up

lots of information for visitors, delegates,

sponsors, members to navigate on the

website We will also

be adding an image gallery for a splash of colour!

our thanks to stA expo sponsorsNo Expo would be complete without the valuable

participation of sponsors. Here we pay special tribute

to each and all:

Gold sponsors: Bradmill, HVG, Ricky Richards and

Wax Converters Textiles.

Silver sponsors: Uniline, Dickson & Sunbrella

Bronze: Hiraoka and WeatherMax

And while we are on credits, I would again like

to acknowledge the achievements of the Expo

Committee: Brendan Hall, Ali Ozen, Gary Smith, Zoe

Smith, Danny Ashby and Kent Williamson.

Funding for national Workplace developmentFunded by government and with the assistance of

NSW TAFE/Sydney Institute, this major initiative takes

the form of a nationwide program for additional


Targeted at existing blind and shade sail installers,

the curriculum encompasses recognition of prior

learning, and courses will be held around the country.

Early signs of interest are very strong, many have

already signed up.

STA COuNCIL OF MANAgEMENTSPECIALISED TEXTILES ASSoCIATIon InC.Suite 201, 22 St Kilda RdSt Kilda, Vic 3182 Telephone: (03) 9521 2114Local Call: 1300 555 787Facsimile: (03) 9521 2116Email: [email protected]:

ASSoCIATIon MAnAGERAna drougas Email: [email protected]

PRESIDEnTGlenn barlow Nan’s Tarps 25 Vaughan Street Lidcombe NSW 2141 Mobile: 0409 273 284 Tel: (02) 9649 2334 Fax: (02) 9646 1361 Email: [email protected]

VICE PRESIDEnT lance st hill Fabric Solutions Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 6283 Yatala DC Qld 4207 Mobile: 0400 103 534 Tel: (07) 3807 0200 Fax: (07) 3807 8217 Email: [email protected]

CoUnCILLoRSbrendan hall Bradmill Outdoor Fabrics Unit 3, 100 Fulton Dve, Derrimut Vic 3030 Mobile: 0416 280 757 Tel: (03) 9368 2222 Fax: (03) 9368 2211 Email: [email protected]

Kent WilliamsonRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)25 Dawson Street Brunswick, Vic 3056Ph (03) 9925 9182 Fax: (03) 9925 9129Email: [email protected]

Gary smithCampbell & Heeps5/125 Highbury Rd, Burwood, Vic 3125 Mobile: 0419 311 899Telephone: (03) 98086911Fax: (03) 9808 3148 Email: [email protected]

tom Gastin Pattons—Textile Fabrication80 McDougall St, Kirribilli, NSW, 2061 Mobile: 0414 952 007 Telephone: (02) 9955 2563 or 1300 799 980 Fax: (02) 9959 3158 Email: [email protected]

ConneCtions MAGAzInEAdvertising submissions: [email protected]

Editorial: Nicola [email protected]



Page 5: Connections April-May 2012 teaser

Australian Canvas & Synthetic Products Association is now the Specialised Textiles Association

Specialised Textiles AssociationSuite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182

Phone 03 9521 2114 n Fax 03 9521 2116

Welcome to our new name and visual identity


Manufacturers, installers and suppliers. Together we cover the world.

STA Name Change Advert.indd 1 1/04/12 9:58 AM

Page 6: Connections April-May 2012 teaser


A vibrant new name


The Australian Canvas & Synthetic Products Association

(ACASPA) has changed its name to the Specialised

Textiles Association to ensure it continues to be current

and relevant to all members of the association.

“A survey of members conducted in 2010 confirmed

that a significant number of members, particularly young

members, no longer related to the terms ‘canvas’ and

‘synthetics’,” said association president, Glenn Barlow.

“The name ACASPA was chosen at a time when canvas

and synthetics dominated end product manufacturing,

but the industry has moved on. While canvas and

synthetic materials will continue to be important,

members wanted a name that would more accurately

reflect the amazing products and structures currently

being manufactured and constructed in this country

using advanced and specialised textile products and


With the new name taking effect on 28 February

following a special resolution of the association’s voting

members, the name change is also underpinned by new


“We wanted a visual identity that would simply and

effectively communicate what our industry and members

do,” said association manager Ana Drougas.

“The icon at the centre of the logo, symbolising a

cover, is designed to express what we do in the simplest

of terms,” she said. “Although the industry boasts an

extremely diverse product range, we are all involved in

manufacturing a protective cover of some type, be it an

awning or blind for a window, a shade sail or structure for

a patio, courtyard or stadium, or a liner for a pool, tank or

dam, to name just a few.”

The association’s new visual identity also features new

colours. “We wanted a modern, fresh and vibrant colour

palette, so we chose graduated lime green and bright blue,”

Ana said.

Already successfully introduced to members of the

association, as well as key partners and stakeholders, the

new identity will be officially launched to the industry at

Expo2012, the Specialised Textiles Association’s annual

trade exhibition and conference, being held at the

Melbourne Convention Centre from 26 to 28 May.

Maintaining currency and relevancy is at the heart of an association’s name change. Here we take a look at the evolution of the name change which at its core reflects the dynamic enterprise of members.

We wanted a visual identity

that would simply and effectively

communicate what our

industry and members do.”