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Annual Report 2016/17 CONNECT AND ENGAGE Building a Digital Economy

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Annual Report 2016/17

ConneCt And engAgeBuilding a digital economy

missionsitF shall provide platforms to promote and advance the exploitation of technology for both consumers and enterprises.

Visionto be the voice of the information, Communication and media (iCm) industry and catalyst of iCm adoption and innovation.

4Chairman’s message

5 sitF Councillors

7 Highlights of the year

9 executive director’s message

10 sitF secretariat


12 123 Jumpstart• SiTEXInnovationAlley• TransportationTalkwithGRAB• StartupLegalTalk• CommunicAsiaStartupAlley• Executivecommittee

14 meet-the-members • November2016• April2017

16 talent & Capabilities Committee• TalentGuru• StucturedInternship

Programme• SiTFinCommunity• ExecutiveCommittee

18 trade Platforms• SingaporePavilion

20 BusinessOutlookSurvey


23 CXOBreakfastTalk• MsJacquelinePoh• MrTanKiatHow

25 SiTFAwards2016&APICTAAwards2016

27 tech4Community 2016

29 SITEX2016

31 InfocommLeadersGolf

33 government Procurement Briefing

34 SiTFBookLaunch


36 Cloud & Big data• Sharingsession“Buildinga

data driven organization”• CloudAdoption• ExecutiveCommittee

38 Cybersecurity• Cybersecuritybill&strategy

industry dialogue• CybersecurityBillclosed

door roundtable discussion & survey

• Cyberthreats&impactonbusinesstalk

• Chapterlohei• CybersecurityandData

Protection ecosystem• ExecutiveCommittee

40 digital transformation• Chapterrebranding• IoTSeminar• DemystifyingBlockchainevent• ExecutiveCommittee

42 singapore enterprise• “Transformingtourismthrough

technology event.• SmartNationbriefingon

logistics & supply chain sector• SmartNationindustrybriefing(IB)collaborationwithGovtech

• OverseasCollaborationandPartnerships

• Executivecommittee

This has been an interesting year for the industry. Amidtheuncertaintiesworldwide,techcontinuestotransformandchangethewayweworkandplay.TechisnowvogueandweseeincreasedinterestamongstudentschoosingacareerinICT.Thisbodeswellforthe industry as it is important that the best talents join us.ThisisalsoayearweseetheGovernmentdoubledownonitsfocusonICT.TheestablishmentoftheSmartNationandDigitalGovernmentOfficewillacceleratetheimplementationofkeyinitiatives,criticaltoSingapore’sfuture. Therearethreeareaswherewehavechosentofocusonfor the year:– 1. Government engagementWe have made a conscious effort to be more vocal and give our members more access to senior government officials.OurCXOBreakfastTalkserieshasbeenagoodplatformformemberstogettoknowseniorgovernmentofficialsbetterandtounderstandthethoughtprocessesbehindthepolicies.WehadafruitfulyearwithMs.JacquelinePoh,CEofGovTechandMr.TanKiatHow,CEof imdA supporting our events. WeareworkingcloselywiththeGovernmentagenciessuch as imdA, govtech, and sPRing singapore by co-organisingeventssuchastheNationalInfocommAwards,gCio focus group discussions, smes go digital and structured internship Programme (siP).

Representing the interests of the industry, the sitF GovernmentProcurementCommitteefacilitatedwithGovTechtomaketheprocurementsystemmoreequitable.WehadalsoprovidedfeedbackonthenewCyberSecuritybillandraisedawarenessontheimpactofthepotentialchange in property tax for data Centres. 2. Membership growthsitF is moving in the direction to refresh our drive in membershipandreviewitscharter.Lastyear,werecruitedover200newmembers,bringingourmembershipnumbers up to 650, a huge milestone for the Federation. Abiggerrepresentationwillgiveusabiggervoice.Movingforward,wewillembracecompanieswithtechnologyasthe core of their business. 3. Community EngagementSiTFembarkedonanewinitiative,Tech4Communitytogalvanize the industry to contribute to the community. Whilewehavehelda‘volunteers’day’inpast,weraisedtheantelastyearandworkedtohaveanationwideevent.Asaresult,webroughttogetherabout450volunteersand1200 participants. our 6 member companies: Accenture, DellEMC,HewlettPackardEnterprise,HPInc,IBM,andoracle anchored the tech4Community events in 5 CdCs acrossSingapore.Webenefittedfromtechanditisuptoustomakesurethat‘nooneisleftbehind’. Lastly,weareproudtobeablecommemorateamilestonewiththelaunchofthebook,“Intelligent Island: The Untold Story of Singapore’s Tech Journey”,whichcelebratesourunsung heroes and captures the minds of the founders andarchitectswhoplayedakeypartinthesuccessofour iCt industry. We hope this narrative can serve as an inspiration for the next generation of tech leaders. WiththesupportofmyCouncil,IamconfidentthatSiTFwillcontinuetoplayanimportantroleinthenextstageofour iCt development.

Saw Ken WyeChairman, sitF

SiTF CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 4


Chairman SAWKENWyEChiefExecutiveOfficerCrimsonLogicPteLtd

executive Committee member MICHAELyAPmanaging Partner TNBVenturesPteLtd

First Vice Chairman ng tiAn Bengsenior Vice President & general manager, Channels,AsiaPacificJapandell emC

executive Committee member(22 september 2016 – 31 march 2017)KEVINLIMChiefCommercialOfficerStarhubLtd

second Vice Chairman Wong WAi mengChiefExecutiveOfficerKeppelDataCentresPteLtd

executive Committee(since 22 June 2017)CRAIGGLEDHILLRegional executive director ACAPacificTechnology(S)PteLtd

Honorary secretary & Chairman, singapore enterprise Chapter JEREMyTAN Chairman,KorvacHoldingsPteLtd

Honorary treasurer ANDySIM Vice PresidentHeadofNewBusinessDevelopment(till 18th June 2017)SamsungAsiaPteLtd

SeniorDirectorandHeadofNetworkingBusiness,AsiaPacific&Japan(since 19th June 2017)dell emC



HOSEONGKIM Lead,AccentureASEANCommunications, media and High tech (Cmt) practice AccenturePteLtd

BenJAmin mAH ChiefExecutiveOfficerV-KeyPteLtd


(22 september 2016 – 9 may 2017)JOANNAFLINT managing director, GoogleAsiaPacificPteLtd

AndReW CHoW President, st electronics (Info-CommSystems)PteLtd

LAuSHIHHOR ChiefExecutiveOfficerElixirTechnologyPteLtd

ANNIECHOy managing director IBMSingaporePteLtd

(since 22 June 2017)KEVINWOmanaging director,MicrosoftOperationsPteLtd

LIMKANGSONG managing director oracle Corporation (Singapore)PteLtd

Chairman, digital transformation ChapterANOLBHATTACHARyA ChiefExecutiveOfficerGetITPteLtd

MARKSHMuLEVICH Chief strategy and OperationsOfficer,AcronisAsiaPteLtd

LOHKHAIPENG managing director Hewlett-PackardSingapore(Sales)PteLtd(Hewlett-PackardEnterprise)

(since 23 June 2017)CHONGyOKESIN Chief, enterprise Business groupStarHubLimited

ROGERyuENFounder and Chief ExecutiveOfficerClozettePteLtd

Chairman, Cloud &Big data Chapter (22 september 2016 – 25 may 2017)FRed sim Regional director, AseAn MarkLogicSingaporePteLtd

P.BALACHANDRAN senior Consultant RHTLawTaylorWessingLLP

Chairman, Cybersecurity ChaptertAmmie tHAm ChiefExecutiveOfficerand FounderAccel systems & TechnologiesPteLtd

(since 22 June 2017)GILBERTOGAETA Country Head, singapore, malaysia, Philippines, south Asia Frontiers, GoogleAsiaPacificPteLtd

SHIRLEyWONGimmediate Past Chairman managing Partner TNFVenturesPteLtd

CRAIGGLEDHILL Regional executive director ACAPacificTechnology(S)PteLtd AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 6

the tech4Community initiative wasintroducedtogalvanizethe iCm industry and reach out tothecommunity,showcasingtechnology being used to help stay connected in this digital age. this community outreach programme tookplaceover5locationsandsawasuccessfulturnoutofover 1200 participants and 450 volunteers. 19 November 2016 AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 7


sitF held a government iCt procurementprocessbriefingwhereMrKohChinyong,DeputyDirectorof the Procurement division of the government technology Agency (GovTech),spokeaboutthekeyspecificsforbiddingGovernmentcontracts and highlighted the change to outcome-based procurement in the contract process.25 October 2016

MsJacquelinePoh,CEOofGovernmentTechnologyAgency(GovTech)andMrTanKiatHow,CEOofIMDAbothspokeatSiTF’sCXOBreakfastTalks.MsPohsharedhowGovTechwillpartnerpublicagencies,industryandcitizenstotransformpublicservicesusingtechnology,whileMrTanoutlinedIMDA’smulti-pronged approach to spearhead the development of the digital economy. 24 November 2016 & 5 April 2017

CxO Breakfast TalksTech4Community

Government Procurement Briefing

the talent & Capabilities committee launched talentguru, askills-basedcareerdevelopmentplatformthataimsto strengthen and energise the iCm sector by attracting newtalentanddeepeninglocalskills.talentguruwillenhance the talent pipeline for the sector through a structured internship programme, digital career guidance, jobsmatching,skillscertificationaswellascommunitybuilding programmes and activities.

Talent & Capabilities CommitteeInJune2017,SiTF’sGuest-of-HonourDryaacobIbrahim,minister for Communications & information launched the book,IntelligentIsland:TheuntoldStoryofSingapore’sTechJourney.ThebookpayshomagetoSingapore’sprogressintheICMindustryaswellascelebratesmanyofthe unsung heroes. 13 June 2017

Book launch

the bi-annual Meet-the-Memberssessionswereheldinnovember 2016 and April 2017. members and guests wereintroducedtotheITStandardsCommittee(ITSC)and updated on developments and opportunities in the industry.30 November 2016 & 6 April 2017

Meet-The-Members AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 8


In the past year,changehasbeenquitethethemefor us. We re-organised the team to support the directives of Chairman and Council to drive membership, support our contribution to the community and be an active conduit and voice for the members. WerecruitedanewSeniorManager,Wilson,toleadthe industry Alliance team to engage members, build Chapters’workandactivelyreachouttocouncilmembers for referrals to recruit members. this had yieldedpositiveresultsasmembershipforthefirsttimehadcrossedthe600marktoendtheyearat650. We also managed to attract experienced professionals likeSaroandCarolyntoworkwithus.Thiswaspossibleasweprovideflexiworkplanscheduleswhichenablesthemtocomebacktoworkwithouthavingtogiveuptheirtimewiththeirfamilies.TheyheadupbothMarketingandStrategicPlanning,respectively.Theseroles are exceptionally important for us in our journey to build a better and stronger sitF. As a result, you may notice that sitF had stepped up in our digital outreach and notably our presence in the media. sitF is featured almost monthly in different media; councillors, members, and secretariat of sitF hadbeensoughttoprovideviewsandperspectivesona variety of topics ranging from digital economy, iCt talentsbuildingtothenewcybersecuritybill.


Ho Se Munexecutive director

Thisyear,weclosedthefinancialyearwithadeficitofS$179k.ThisisaresultofSiTEXperformingbelowplan due to price pressure from competition and the delayinsecuringatenantintheNeilRoadoffice.ForSiTEX,wearecontinuouslyinvigoratingtheeventbyenhancingtheshowwithmoreexperientialzones.the changes did not go unnoticed, as the 2016 edition had received extensive media coverage. As for the NeilRoadoffice,wefinallymanagedtorentoutthepremise.Regardless,wecameinbetterthanourplanneddeficitof$343k. i am also pleased to announce that Cloud Asia, a leading Cloud conference and exhibition in Asia previouslyorganisedbyIMDA,washandedovertositF to further drive Cloud adoption and that sitF isarecipientofSPRINGLEAD/LEAD+.Thesewillprovide support in areas such as talent development andSMEsGoDigital.Inthenewyear,memberscan expect more exciting initiatives and programmes in these areas. our mantra to members is to stay engagedasthisistheonlywaytheycanextractthemost value from their membership. Finally,Iwouldliketothankallthemembersforalltheirsupport in the past one year. AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 9




















1. ALICIABOK – senior executive, industry Alliance

2. ALLENWONG–MarketingExecutive

3. ANGELyNABROGAR – Assistant manager, industry Alliance

4. BRyANyEO – Head, Capability and Capacity development

5. CAROLyNPOON – Head, strategic Planning

6. CHARissA ong – senior management executive

7. JACquELINEKHOO – Assistant director, industry outreach Programmes

8. JEzERIELAN – Assistant manger, operations

9. SEMuNHO – executive director

10.SHARILyNANG – senior executive, Finance

11. SHIHuITAN – startup & innovation evangelist

12. sHee min Wong – senior executive, Capability development

13.SOONKIMLEE– director, Finance & Business operations


15.SuJuANLIM – digitalization enabler

16. WAnni toH – management executive

17.WILSONTAN – Head, industry Alliance

18.zHIHANyEO– manager, Capability and Capacity development AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 10


SiTEx Innovation Alley 2016 AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17

key initiatives


123 JumpstartSITEXInnovationAlley2016,ashowcasepresentedbySiTFinnovember, featured 16 start ups under the entrepreneurial umbrella.

Visitorswereabletocheckoutthe latest technology innovation ranging from a proprietary platform tocreatemarketplacesinminutesto interactive 3d models using an augmented reality application.

Health-consciousvisitorswereabletolookatGlycoLeap,asmartcoach for type 2 diabetes that users canaccessanytime,anywhereand neeuro, a social enterprise that develops solutions to improve mental wellness,usingneurotechnologyandgamification.

Fordeal-grabbers,ShopBackenablesusers to earn rebates as they shop whileLiquidPayallowsthemtodiscover discounts and go cashless withsecuremobilepayments.Visitorswerealsotreatedtoadiscoveryride of innovative solutions/products offered by startups in various industry verticalssuchasFintech,Artificialintelligence, edutech, HR tech, iot, Healthtech, e-commerce and many more!

Transportation Talk With GRABSiTF123JumpStarthelditsfirstlunchtalkoftheyearbythe

regionalmanagerofGrabforWork,mr ng Chee soon in march at JtC meeting Point. mr ng started by givingtheaudienceanoverviewof the singapore transportation landscapeandkeytrendsinbusiness transportation.

He also said the availability of taxis andconvenienceofhailingarewhycommuters use a 3rd party app. For business transportation, he shared that global travel, on-demand travel and end-to-end experience are the 3keytrendsidentified.

Inthesecondhalfofthetalk,MrNgintroducedGrabforWorkwhichaimstoboostbusinesses’productivity,increaseflexibilityandoffer better cost management.

Start up legal TalkSiTF123JumpStartheldatalkon‘understandingtheSiliconValley

startup ecosystem & Corporate andIntellectualPropertyViews”inFebruary.Twolegalpractitioners,MrMikuH.MehtaandMrRogerC.Rappoport, partners at Procopio, sharedanoverviewonthelegalenvironment in silicon Valley and proposed some ideas about the planning steps that local companies cankeepinmind.

on intellectual Property (iP), mr mehta presented a table of various types of patents (eg. Patent, trade Secret,TrademarkandCopyright)and their respective subject matter. CitinganexamplefromtheunitedStatesPatentandTrademarkOffice,he said an application to obtain a patent is often a lengthy and expensive examination process, usuallylastingtwotothreeyears.

mr mehta also addressed a much-askedquestiononwhatwerethe

Mr Ng Chee Soon, Regional General Manager of GrabforWork giving an introduction of GRAB

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 13

Attendees at the transport talk with Grab comprised of startups, SMEs and MNCs

Mr Miku H. Mehta, partner at Procopio (left) sharing about the IP lawMr Roger C. Rappoport, partner at Procopio sharing about startup funding issues

SiTF start-up members engaging with fellow attendees at CommunicAsia Startup Alley

necessarypre-requisitestopatentingan invention. He shared that an invention is only patentable if it is new,useful,pertainstoapatentablesubject matter and that grant of patentwasnotpreviouslybarred.

MrRappoport,whosepracticefocuses on venture capital and angelinvestorfinancing,providedvaluableinsightstothefivestrategies to success. He also shared his personal observations onthecommonmistakesstartupsmakeandoutlinedsomeofthekeystrategiesforsuccess,fromfunding, partnerships to negotiation techniques.

CommunicAsia Startup AlleyCommunicAsia 2017 introduced anewfeature,theStartupAlley,intotheirshowanditwasakeyspotlight of the event this year.

Therewasoverwhelmingdemandfor spots at the startup Alley and altogether close to 30 exhibitors werepresent.SiTF123JumpStartworkedcloselywithCommunicAsiaandwassuccessfulinsecuringspots for seven of its start-up members.Startupmemberswhowereexhibitingthereare:

1. Cloudable solutions2. Pear Comms 3. Aichat 4. glee trees 5. Kooki6. eber7. KabobCreativeSingapore

EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEChairman Michaelyap TNBVenturesPteLtdCo-Chairman Rogeryuen ClozettePteLtdHonoraryTreasurer RoderickChia rodVentureExcomembers BillLiu SteamGlobalPteLtd DavidResnick GoogleAsiaPacificPteLtd Jeffrey seah starcom mediaVest group JoshuaSoh OhanaePteLtd nanda ivens mirum Agency SimonStockburger IBM–Softlayer

Meet-The-MembersNew Connections @ SiTF Meet-The-Members Sessionthe bi-annual meet-the-members sessionheldinNovember2016wasattended by close to 100 industry associates.ThesessionwasusefulfornewSiTFmembersandinvitedguestswerekeptupdatedon developments in the industry as wellasinternshipprogrammesthatwereavailableforthemtojoin.,aone-stopmarketplaceandlearninghubwherememberscanenjoydiscountedrateswasalsointroduced,togetherwithnewbroadcast courses and products.

2nd Vice Chairman, mr Wong Wai Menguponwelcomingmembersand guests, advised that in the midst of a challenging economy, the industrywouldbestrongonlywhen

it comes together. He encouraged members to collaborate more closely andtochanneltheirfeedbackthrough sitF to ensure that the industry has a voice. mr Wong also invited members to recommend their peers to join the federation, so they can learn about and share insights on tech trends that can help transform their business.

At the industry update segment, the Chairmen from four sitF Chapters presented their plans for 2017.

emphasizing the importance of standards, executive secretary MryipMannFaiintroducedtheITstandards Committee (itsC) – a neutral and open platform for industry and government parties to agree on technical iCt standards.

MryipsaidtheITSCplaysakeyrole in promoting and facilitating singapore’s participation in iCt standardisation activities worldwide.2nd Vice Chairman Mr Wong Wai Meng welcoming guests at the Meet-the-Members


Mr Fred Sim, Chairman of Cloud and Big data Chapter

Mr Goh Eng Choon, first Vice Chairman for Cyber Security Chapter

Mr Anol Bhattacharya, Chairman of digital Chapter shared the Chapter’s plans via video

Mr Jeremy Tan, Chairman of Singapore Enterprise Chapter (SEC) AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17

key initiatives


Inhissessionon“BuildingCapabilities through standards Adoption”, mr Javier su, manager, sPRing singapore outlined the benefits of adopting standards inSMEs,andhowtheCapabilitydevelopment grant can support enterprises to build business capabilities, from raising service standards, adopting technology to staff training to overseas expansion.

to prep companies on vigilance and stayalertintheworkplace,MsGohSokHoon,SnrAssistantDirector,MinistryofManpowerpresentedonsecure sg.

mr Andy sim, Honorary treasurer of sitF reiterated that members can makeadifferenceingovernmentpolicies and encouraged them to takealeadbydevelopingtheirowninitiatives.

Mr Andy Sim, SiTF Honorary Treasurer giving the closing speech

Presentation on SMEs Go digital presented by Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive of IMdA

Benjamin Mah, SiTF Councillor and Co-Chair of the Talents and Capabilities Committee, unveiled SiTF’s latest initiative, talentguru, designed to alleviate the industry’s talent shortage

Meet-The-Members Networking Eveningthe second meet-the-members networkingsessionoftheyearwasheldinApril2017atGooglesingapore, sitF’s member premise. the meeting featured three topics faced by the iCt industry–manpower,SMEGodigital and it standards.

Benjamin mah, sitF Councillor and Co-Chair of the talents and Capabilities Committee, unveiled sitF’s latest initiative, talentguru, designed to alleviate the industry’s talent shortage.

KhoongHockyun,AssistantChiefexecutive of imdA discussed the smes go digital programme and the digital economy.

Concludingthesession,yipMannFai from the it standards Committee (itsC) presented on it standards, “ConnectingoursensesviaIoT”.Followingthemainevent,attendeesnetworkedwith10SiTFexhibitorswhodisplayedtheirproductsandsolutions at the event.

Followingthemainevent,attendeesnetworkedwith10SiTFexhibitorswhodisplayedtheirproductsandsolutions at the event.

Rounding up the session, Yip Mann Fai from the IT Standards Committee (ITSC) presented on IT standards, “Connecting our senses via IoT”

Networking session with sumptuous food to end off meet-the-members networking evening

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 15

Talent & Capabilities Committeesince its inauguration in november 2015, sitF’s talent & Capabilities Committee has launched a number of initiatives to address the manpowerandskillsshortagesinthe iCm sector. As the nation faces thegrowingchallengeofsecuringthe right talent, sitF has made increasingtheinflowofnewICMtalentanddeepeningtheskillsofourcurrentworkforceamajorpriorityin2016. talentgurutalentguruisaskills-basedcareerdevelopment platform developed by SiTFinpartnershipwithlocalstart-up,JobKredtohelpaddresstheskillsandmanpowershortageintheICMsector.PoweredbyproprietarydataanalyticsandbackedbySiTF’snetworkofpartners, talentguruseeksto enhance the talent pipeline for the sector through: A structured internship programme, digital career guidance;Skills-basedjobsmatching;Skillsassessmentandcertification; Community-building programmes. talentguruintendstogrowthelocalpoolofICMskillsandtalentbyhelping four groups of people: students – Prepares them to

SME participants in the mentoring workshop

launchtheircareerswithconfidenceby using insights from data to understandskillsrequirementsfor jobs and their desired careers pathways;


iCm professionals – enables them to stay competitive and relevant byacquiringnewskills,wideningprofessionalnetworksandkeepinguptodatewithindustrytrends;

employers – Facilitates more effectivehiringprocesseswithafocus on objective assessments basedprimarilyonskills.

talentguru has garnered strong supportfromtheindustryaswellasSiTF’snetworkofpartnersincludinggovernment agencies, institutes

ofHigherLearning(IHLs),tradeassociations and training providers.

“talentguru invites and catalyses global cooperation by bridging technologists, entrepreneurs, multinationals, small medium enterprises, start-ups and individuals withinstitutesofhigherlearning(IHLs)and government agencies to jointly accelerate the co-operation and opportunitiestouncovernewscience,business and technology talents,” said Benjamin mah, Co-Chairman, talent & Capabilities Committee and Councilor.

Structured Internship Programme (SIP)TheSIPwasdevelopedtohelpenhance the talent pipeline for iCm companies, especially local smes, by improving the internship experiences of students to encourage them to pursue a career in the iCm sector after they graduate.TheSIPfocusesontwokeyareas:(1) training sme internship mentors, and(2)curatingqualityprojects. (1) Mentoring Millennials WorkshopWithmillennialsmakingup22percentofthelocalworkforcetoday, AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17

key initiatives


EXECuTIVECOMMITTEECo-Chairman BenjaminMah V-KeyPteLtd LimKangSong OracleCorporation(Singapore)PteLtdExcomembers JenNieKwok XcellinkPteLtd MarkSchmulevich AcronisAsiaPteLtd SharonTeo Inspire-TechPteLtd

employers must learn to adapt their supervisory practices to bring out the best in their employees and interns. sitF has developed a training workshoptohelpinternshipmentorsbetter understand and manage their interns in order to create more positiveexperiences,allowingthemto spot, engage and attract young talent more effectively. (2) Curating Quality ProjectsSiTFalsoseekstoensurethatinternshipprojectsarewell-scopedsothat students have stronger learning outcomes. in recognition of sitF’s efforts, sPRing appointed sitF as a partner in its sme talent Programme (stP). Quality internship projects approvedbySiTFwouldbeeligiblefor funding support for an intern’s stipend.

SiTF in CommunityAs part of enhancing the talent pipeline, talent & Capabilities has also organized a series of activities to engage the community and

ITE College East Students and Staff after the industry Sharing Session

Career and internship fair held at SIM university

encourage students and career switcherstojointheICMsector. SIM Career & Internship Fairin January 2017, sitF and several sme members participated in the sim Career & internship Fair to reach out to potential candidates for internship and full-time positions. over 2,000 students visited the fair

and many participating organisations wereabletomeetrelevant,skilledcandidateswhoaspiretostayintheirchosenfieldofstudyforthelong-haul.

Industry Sharing Sessionmore than 100 ite College east students and staff from various courses spent a fruitful afternoon learningfromindustryspeakersaboutentrepreneurship, Robotics, internet ofThingsandskillsdevelopment.Thesharingsessionwasjointlyorganizedby sitF and ite College east.

JTC launchpad TourStudentsfromTemasekPolytechnicschool of informatics and information technology visited sitF, BAsH, Shopback,InvestingnoteandNuSEnterprise.TheLaunchpadtourgaveanoverviewaboutthestart-upecosystem.

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 17

sitF led a number of singapore registered companies to exhibit in fourshowsundertheInfocomm

singapore brand in the singapore Pavilion. exhibiting companies benefitedfromtheregional

Trade Platforms

dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications & Information toured the Singapore infocomm Pavilion at EnterpriseIT 2017

exposure gained from the various BusinessMatchingactivitieswiththeforeigndelegations.Bytakingpart in the singapore Pavilion, they werealsoabletoreceiveagrantfor their booth space under the InternationalMarketingActivitiesProgramme (imAP), supported by ie singapore.

Manycompanieswereabletoconvert successful business deals from the leads generated from the fourtradeshowsandbenefitedfromnewpartnershipsthroughthebusiness matching activities.

Cloud expo Asia & data Centre World2016sawarecordbreakingattendancewith13,000delegates coming from Fortune 500 companies, leading regional enterprise organisations and local SMBswhoallcametogethertonetwork,educateanddobusiness.

during enterpriseit 2017, sitF organised several business matching sessionswithforeigndelegationsuchastheEudelegationsfromtheEuBusiness Avenues, spain, Victoria and Philippines. AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17

key initiatives


Cloud Expo Asia & data Centre World 2016


nAme dAte

governmentWare 2016 october 2016

Cloud expo Asia & data Centre World 2016 october 2016

EdTechXAsia2016 november 2016

enterpriseit 2017 may 2017

The Spanish delegation visited SiTF House on 22 May to share about their ICM businesses in Spain and the business opportunities available with Singapore companies

SiTF’s member company, Inspire-Tech Pte ltd in a business discussion with Italian company, Emaze from the Eu Business Avenues delegation on 23 May 2017

Business matching session on 24 May with the Australian delegation

Mr Roger Yuen, CEO of Clozette Pte ltd sharing his business ideas with Mr Monchito B. Ibrahim, undersecretary for the department of Information and Communications Technology, Republic of the Philippines

Almost 30 Singapore companies were present to explore partnership and business opportunities with their Philippine counterparts at the Philippine delegation Business Matching session on 25 May

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 19

Industry OutlookBusinessoutlooksurvey

Performance in 2016

In 2017

GrowthinProfit& Revenue


Big data and data Analytics

Cybersecurity Artificialintelligence

nano sensors & internet of things

Cloud/Client Computing

Reasons for decline:■ softening of economy■ increased in Competition■Lackofsuitablequalified


>50% AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17

key initiatives


industry continues to be hampered by difficultiesinhiringtalentwiththerightITandbusinessTechnicalskills





Programmersand developers

engage contractors, part-timers or free lancers

upgradeexistingworkforce deploy technology





difficulties such as:

High Cost of hire Retaining talents


52% 50% 40% 38% 36%

56% 49%

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 21


For singapore to be a truly smart nation, a vibrant community that is ready to embrace the possibilities of the 4th industrial Revolution is essential.ThiswasthevisionthatCeo of government technology Agency(GovTech),JacquelinePoh,shared during the 5thCXOBreakfastTalkthatwasattendedby130C-level business leaders and senior executives from the industry.

govtech is the government’s innovation arm that spearheads the government’s digital strategy and

Ms.Pohsharedhowherofficewillpartner public agencies, industry and citizens to transform public service delivery through the use of technologies such as data science andanalytics,artificialintelligenceand machine learning.

the need to engage individuals and organisationswhoarereadytobepart of the transformative movement inSingaporewillincreasinglybecome vital in building a digital economy. to build collaborative opportunities,GovTechwillworkwith

industry partners to meet demand fornewproductsandservices,co-source and build.

Attendees also gained a better understanding on the government’s procurement principle and processes.Greateragilitywillbeintroduced in iCt procurement processes such as Public sector iCt supplier Panel and outcome-based Procurement. this is to ensure agenciescanworkwithindustrytoutilizenewtechnologicalsolutionsmore easily.

CxO Breakfast TalkMsJacquelinePoh,CE,GovTechonCreatingDigitalExperiences–TheNewImpetusforBusinessGrowth

Ms Jacqueline Poh, Chief Executive of Government Technology Agency shared on her vision

Photo taking session at the end of the successful event with SiTF Councillors, Ms Jacqueline Poh and attendees AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 23


In conversation with Mr Tan Kiat How, CEO, IMdA

Industry and business leaders attentively listened to Mr Tan Kiat How’s sharing session, including Chairman of SiTF, Mr Saw Ken Wye (left) and Honorary Secretary of SiTF, Mr Jeremy Tan (Right)

Mr Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive of IMdA engaging with the attendees

InconversationwithMrTanKiatHow,Ceo, imdA

Addressing an audience of over 120 iCm industry and business leadersatSiTF’s6thCXOBreakfastTalk,MrTanKiatHow,newlyappointed Ceo of imdA, mapped outhowIMDAisspearheadingandpushing the boundaries on the next phase of development. enthusing thatweareinthecuspofanothertransformation, mr tan elaborated onhowIMDAwilltaketheleadindriving the digital economy agenda under the smart nation initiative withitstwoprongedeffort.

“Weareinexcitingtimes,reallyaninflectionofchangewherewewere20 over years ago” said mr tan in sharinghisthoughtsonhowIMDAwillleadtheindustryinanation-widedigitaltransformationdrive.

OneofthetwoprongsMrTanhighlightedwastolookhorizontalbyworkingwithindustrypartners,research institutes and institutes ofHigherLearningtothinkaboutapplications of infocomm and

digital technologies across the different sectors. Research and Developmentwasthesecondprong and mr tan elaborated on the Rie2020 (Research innovation enterprise) masterplan – the $250 million fund set aside for investments to support development in the technology space.

in his briefing on the smes go digital programme, an important thrust for imdA, he also recognised the need to help companies build their capabilities, products and serviceswithdigitaltechnologiestohelpthemgrow. AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 24


SiTF Awards 2016

TwentyFivestart-uporganisations,schoolsandindividualswhohavecontributedtothegrowthoftheinnovation and technology industry celebrated their achievementsattheSiTFAwardsinOctober2016.TheawardswereheldattheMediacorpTheatrewheretheSiTFAwardwinnerswereannouncedduringtheiCm industry Reception night attended by more than 450guestscomprisingofawardparticipants,industryleaders, educators and members.

Inastrategicmove,thisyear’sawardsfeaturedtwokeycategories – start-ups and schools – giving them the platform and opportunity to claim the recognition they deserve for the contributions to the industry.

MsShirleyWong,ChairmanoftheSiTFAwards2016organisingcommitteesaid,“Startupsintheindustryhave the potential to change singapore’s iCm landscape andcreatenewindustries.Ourstudentsarebudding

SiTF Awards 2016 Winners with SiTF Councillors

Gold, Silver, Bronze Winners for the Best Innovative Start-up – Early Stage with Mr Vincent Tan (right), Vice President, Credit Cards of OCBC Bank ltd

innovators and future drivers of change. together they both represent the lifeblood and next generation of entrepreneurswhichiscriticalforgrowth.”





To view the full list of 2016 winners, please visit

AwardCategory NameofOrganisation NameofProduct/Application

Best innovative startup(EarlyStage) AlyPteLtd Spiking(GrowthStage) DynaOpticsLtd WALACam

Best innovative iCm student Project nanyang Polytechnic; emotional Analysis Buddy; (Tertiary) SingaporePolytechnic NyXArtificialIntelligenceService (secondary) RafflesInstitution Lexi;Ri-Hand(Primary) FuhuaPrimarySchool; LearningMusicThroughPlay!; Rosyth school Coding A CyberWellness Project

government andPublicSector LandTransportAuthority AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 25


TheAsiaPacificICTAlliance(APICTA)awards,anannualICTcompetitionnowinits16thyear,seekstorecogniseinnovative iCt products, solutions, services and applications developed from each participating economy. this year’s ceremony,heldinDecember2016,wasopenedbyPresidentTsaiIng-wenofTaiwanmuchtothedelightofthe1,000guestswhowerepresentattheTaiwanConventionCentre.

team singapore comprised of 11 organisations and schools, led by sitF, competed against 236 submissions and16economiesinAsiaPacific.TheLandTransportAuthority(LTA)wontheGoldAwardintheGovernmentandPublicSectorcategoryforProjectLandTransportReal-timeInfo@SG(POLARis)while7otherteamsreceivedMeritAwards.


Team Singapore: Exco members of APICTA

representing SITF together with the Singapore

participants at the 2016 APICTA awards. A total of 11 organisations and

schools represented Singapore this year

lTA receives the Gold Award for Government and Private Sector: (from left to right) Mr Jong-Chin Shen, deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C; Mr Huang Shao Fei, Director, Innovation & Smart Mobility Office, Land Transport Authority; Mr Jang-Hwa leu, deputy director General of Industrial development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C; Mr Robert Wang, Chief Consultant / General Manager, Taipei Computer Association; and Mr Niran Noor, APICTA Vice Chairperson

Gold, Silver, Bronze Winners for the Best Innovative Start-up – Growth Stage with Mr Kevin lim (right), Chief Commercial Officer of StarHub Ltd

Gold, Silver, Bronze Winners for the Best Innovative ICM Student Project (Tertiary) with Mr Michael Yap (left) and Ms Peggy lim (right), Assistant Chief Executive of SIM Global Education

Gold, Silver, Bronze Winners for the Best Innovative ICM Student Project (Secondary) with Mr Michael Yap (left) and Ms Peggy lim (right), Assistant Chief Executive of SIM Global Education

Gold, Silver, Bronze Winners for the Best Innovative ICM Student Project (Primary) with Mr Michael Yap (left) and Ms Peggy lim (right), Assistant Chief Executive of SIM Global Education AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 26

TheTech4Communityinitiativewasmootedwiththeideatogalvanizethe iCm industry to reach out to the community in a concerted manner. Thiswasalsothefirsttimeinhistorythat an iCm community outreach programme of such magnitude tookplaceconcurrentlyacrossfivelocations.

more than 1200 participants and beneficiariesfromgrassrootsorganisations, interest groups and voluntarywelfareorganisationsparticipated at tech4Community. About 450 volunteers spent their saturday doing their bit to bridge

Tech4Community 2016

thedigitaldivide.Thiseventwasanopportunitytoshowcasehowtechnology can help the community at large stay connected in this digital age.

Whileyoungoneswereenthralledby demonstrations featuring drones, 3d printing and virtual reality, seniors participated in various workshopsthathelpedthemgainusefulITskillsandlearnedhowto seamlessly use government e-serviceslikeOneServiceandmytransport.Mr Baey Yam Keng with SiTF 1st Vice Chairman Mr Ng Tian Beng and the

coordinators for North East CdC

South East Residence and Volunteers

Ms denise Phua, Mayor of Central Singapore district with SiTF Immediate Past Chairman Ms Shirley Wong and SiTF Councillor & Chairman of

event, Mr Ho Seong Kim at Central CdC

dr Teo Ho Pin(Centre) with Chairman of SiTF Mr Saw Ken Wye (left) and Councillor Mr lim Kang Song (right) at North West CdC AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 27


CdC Guest of Honour Anchor Companies SiTF Councillor Volunteers

Central singapore ms denise Phua mayor, Central singapore district

AccenturePteLtd MrHoSeongKim–EventChairmanfor tech4Communityms shirley Wong

north east MrBaeyyamKengParliamentarysecretary, ministry of Culture, Communityandyouth

DELLEMC mr ng tian Beng mr Jeremy tan

north West dr teo Ho Pin, mayor, north West district

oracle Corporation SingaporePteLtd


south east MrChanyengKit,Permanentsecretary (defence), ministry of defence & Chairman, imdA

IBMSingaporePteLtd ms Annie Choy

south West MsLowyenLingmayor, south West district

HewlettPackardEnterpriseHP inc.

MrLohKhaiPeng–EventChairman for tech4Community mr Andy sim

Volunteers in the North West CdC

Ms low Yen ling, Mayor, South West district and Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Permanent Secretary(defence), Ministry of defence & Chairman, IMdA delivered their welcome remarks at South West & South East CdC

Ms low Yen ling, Mayor, South West district, Ms Jacqueline Poh, CEO, GovTech and SiTF Councillor & Event Chairman Mr loh Khai Peng understanding more on the technology AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 28


SITEx 2016

the 2016 annual consumer tech fair organised by sitF and managed by singex Exhibitions,SITEX,sawarefreshingchangewiththeadditionofanew‘Techzone’.this brings the number of thematiczoneatSITEXtofour. more than 300,000 visitors attended the event held from november 24 to 27.

Within the tech Zone, 16 startupsweregiventheopportunitytoshowcasetheirlatest technology innovation under the entrepreneurial umbrellaattheSITEXinnovation Alley 2016, presented by sitF. the eventshowcasedadiverseselection of products, services and solutions from different verticalssuchasArtificialintelligence, e-Commerce, edutech, Fintech, iot, Healthtech and HR tech.

Event Chairman, Mr Ng Tian Beng together, SiTF Councillors, Ed and Singex Colleagues were present at the SiTEx 2016 opening

Gaming Zone: Showcasing Gaming activities such as Virtual Reality (VR)

danceTex: Showcasing wearable Technology

Smart Home & Appliances Zone: Guided experience on latest household technology

key initiatives AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 29

start-up exhibitors include:

Tech Zone: SITEx Innovation Alley 2016 – SiTF Member Neeuro Pte ltd and liquid Group Pte ltd showcasing their product solution

Gaming Zone: VR experience and gaming competitions were well attended by the public

AdventureIT Zone: Participants immersed themselves with intriguing adventures such as Trampoline Slam dunk and dodgeball competitions AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 30


l to R: Saw Ken Wye, Chairman, Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF), CEO, Crimsonlogic Pte ltd, dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications & Information, Mr Wong Wai Meng, 2nd Vice Chairman, SiTF, CEO, Keppel data Centres Pte ltd, Stephen Zhang, EVP, Huawei International Pte ltd

SiTF guest and SiTF Councillors along with dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications & Information, striking a pose for the camera and marking another successful SiTF event

All ready for the game

Camaraderie, cheerful banter and sumptuous food made the sitF InfocommLeadersGolf2017heldinmay the yearly highlight of the iCm calendar.

TheeventwasgracedbyAssociateProfessorDryaacobIbrahim,minister for Communications and Information(MCI)andwasalsojoinedbyMrGabrielLim,PermanentSecretaryforMCIandMrzaqymohammad member of Parliament ofChuaChuKangGRC.

Altogether, around 150 avid golfers


endofthegolfmatch,adinnerwasheld for invited guests to relax and socialize.

distinguished guests together with Mr Zaqy Mohammad, Member of Parliament and the Chua Chu Kang GRC and Mr Khoong Hock Yun, ACE, Infrastructure & Services development of IMdA enjoying a sumptuous dinner after a full day of excitement

Infocomm leadersGolf 2017 AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 31


Event Chairman mr Andy sim dell emC

Champion: MrChuaAhLengsenior Vice PresidentCrimsonLogicPteLtd

1st Runner-up: MrAnthonyKudirectorPittiCaffeAsiaPteLtd

2nd Runner-up: MrKennChensales directorDabtonTechnologiesPteLtd

longest drive: MrPeterLimChiefTradingOfficerPLMPP2000

Nearest to line: MrAlexyitVice Presidentstet division, st electronics (training & simulation systems) PteLtd

Nearest to Pin: MrAnthonyKudirectorPittiCaffeAsiaPteLtd

Cheerfully celebrating after a good game

like a pro!

Wong Wai Meng, 2nd Vice Chairman, SiTF, CEO, Keppel data Centres Holding Pte ltd giving his opening speech AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 32


Ms Mah Yu ling, director of Procurement, GovTech, addressing attendees AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 33


Government Procurement Briefing80 industry executives gathered at the sitF office on october 2016 for a briefing on the government ICTprocurementprocess.MrKohChinyong,DeputyDirectoroftheProcurementDivisionofthenewlyformed government technology Agency (govtech), informed attendeesofthekeyspecificsforfindingandbiddingforGovernmentcontracts, emphasizing the need for vendorstoattendtenderbriefingsandclarifycontractrequirementsearly.

MrKohalsohighlightedthechangeto outcome-based procurement in the contract process. outcome-based procurement,similartoAgile,wouldhavecheckpointsalongthecontractprocessthatwouldprovideroomforvendors to propose more solutions.

during the Q&A, vendors raised issuesonthedifficultyinmeeting

Mr Koh Chin Yong, Deputy Director of Procurement, GovTech briefing attendees on changes in the procurement process

newcontractrequirementsandfears of non-compliance. one of the topicsofdebatewasthequotationrequirementbasedonMan-dayratesthatwasmorechallengingto

EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEChairman ShirleyWong TNFVenturesPteLtdCommitteeMembers Andrewyeo STElectronics(Info-CommSystems)PteLtd AnuraxLian SimpleSolutionSystemPteLtd BoyanVelev Hewlett-PackardSingapore(Sales)PteLtd (HewlettPackardEnterprise) ChuaAhLeng CrimsonLogicPteLtd ElsieTan IBMSingaporePteLtd GordonHeap DxCTechnologySingaporePteLtd RachelChen DellComputerSystems(SouthAsia)PteLtd WellyTantono Hewlett-PackardSingapore(Sales)PteLtd (HewlettPackardEnterprise)


the Chairman of the government Procurement Committee, ms ShirleyWong,wasthefacilitatorofa lively and passionate discussion wherememberssharedtheirdifficulties in the bidding process and implementation of projects. overall, members suggested that areviewofexistingcontractsbedone to streamline the process for both the government and vendors.

SiTF Immediate Past Chairman, Ms Shirley Wong and Mr Alex lin, CEO and Head of SGInnovate together with many other contributors to the book, were present at the launch

in June 2017, sitF launched Intelligent Island: The Untold Story of Singapore’s Tech Journey,abookthat pays homage to singapore’s progress in the infocomm and communication technology industry aswellascelebratestheunsungheroes.

ThebooklaunchtookplaceatThePODattheNationalLibraryBoardandwasofficiatedbyguest-of-honourDryaacobIbrahim,Ministerfor Communications & information.

invited guests from the industry and mediawhoweretheretowitnessthebook’sunveilingwerealsotreated to a rare opportunity to hear fromnotableindividualsBillLiu,Chairman and managing Partner of StreamGlobalPteLtdandAlexLin,HeadofSGInnovatewhosharedwiththeaudiencetheirtechjourney

SiTF Book launch

experience.GuestswhoattendedincludedPhilipyeo,chairmanofsPRing singapore and the first founding chairman of the national Computer Board (nCB).

the event brought together many otherfamiliarnameswhohavecontributedtothenation’sgrowth


more than 120 guests attended the launch and they each received a copy of Intelligent Island: The Untold Story of Singapore’s Tech Journey.

Together with 120 guests, dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications & Information, Mr Phillip Yeo, Chairman of SPRING Singapore and Mr Saw Ken Wye, Chairman of SiTF were present to grace the launch

(left to Right) SiTF Chairman, Mr Saw Ken Wye presented dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications & Information his personalized copy of the book

EDITORIALCOMMITTEEEditorialCommittee Michaelyap TNBVenturesPteLtd SawKenWye CrimsonLogicPteLtd ShirleyWong TNFVenturesPteLtd AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 34


Cloud and Big data

the Cloud & Big data Chapter’s (CBdC) charter is to help raise awareness,drivecloudadoptionanddevelop a competitive advantage by harnessingthepowerofdata.CBdC organised a sharing sessionon“BuildingADataDrivenorganisation” to help companies leverage their existing data assets, whichisanoften-overlookedinvaluable data mine already in their possession,andtolearnhowtoextractitsbenefits.

on driving cloud adoption, the Honorary secretary of CBdC, mr RajuChellam,wasappointedastheHonorary Chairman for the Cloud OutageIncidenceResponseWorkinggroup (CoiR Wg), formed under the then idA in september 2013. the Wg members also included CBdC Vice-Chairman,MrLimSoonTeinand Honorary treasurer, mr suresh Agarwal,amongstothermembers.

the Wg effort has since precipitated intotheCOIRGuidelines,wherethedraftwasfirstreleasedinApril2017forpubliccomments.Togetherwithotherinitiatives,“COIRembodiessingapore’s commitment to business continuity management (BCm) and disaster recovery (dR) in responding

The panelists enjoying their moment on stage

Overwhelming participation in “Building A data driven Organisation” sharing session

SiTF Councillor, Mr Craig Gledhill, Chairing a dialogue session with IRAS, MOF & data Centre representative AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 36


EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEDeputyChairman LimSoonTein SingaporeTechnologiesElectronicsLimitedHonorarySecretary RajuChellam FusionexPteLtdHonoraryTreasurer SureshAgarwal AgarwalPteLtdExcoMembers AlexNg ClearmanagePteLtd LaurentDedenis AcronisAsiaPteLtd RichardKoh MicrosoftOperationsPteLtdImmediatePastChairman KPunnikrishnan PaloAltoNetworks(Singapore)PtdLtdCo-optedExcoMembers AnishMalhotra GoogleAsiaPacificPteLtd JoeyTan Alibaba.comSingaporeE-CommercePteLtd LimSiowFah StarHubLtd ManeeshTripathi CavuCorpPteLtd ThomasPramotedham EsriSingaporePtdLtd

to outages in the cloud”, said mr KhoongHockyun,AssistantChiefexecutive, imdA.

SiTFaimstomakeadifferenceatthenational level and is currently sitting on the national Cloud Computing Advisory Council (nCCAC), also represented by mr Chellam, Honorary secretary of CBdC. the nCCAC playsakeyroleinrecommendingplans and strategies to enhance singapore’s competitiveness through the adoption of cloud computing.

As a result of the proposed amendment of the Property tax Act section 2(2), data centre operators willfacehighertaxes.Toadvocatefora tax policy that promotes continuing investments in data centres, sitF organised a dialogue session on 30 June 2017. this platform enabled the income Revenue Authority of singapore (iRAs) and the industry to engage, understand business challenges operators faced, and promote the betterment of the data centre sector.

Earnest engagement by participants

Many movers and shakers of data centres at the dialog with IRAS & MOF AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 37

CHAPTER REPORTS AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 38


Cyber Security

Cyber Security Bill & Strategy Industry dialoguein August 2016, the Chapter invited 120 C-level attendees from the cybersecurity sector to share their thoughts andfeedback,followingtheannouncementoftheCyberSecuritybill,inadialoguewithspeakersfromtheCybersecurity Agency of singapore (CsA) and Personal data Protection Commission (PdPC).

Cyber Security Bill Closed-door Roundtable discussion and Surveyin november 2016, the Chapter further organised a members only closed-door consultation session to discuss the Cyber security strategy released by CsA in october 2016. moderated by Chapter Chairman, ms tammie Tham,thesessionwasattendedbymorethan40CTOsand technical experts.

Chapter members listening to a panel that includes Mr Yeong Zee Kin, deputy Commissioner of Personal data Protection and Mr Selwyn Sean Scharnhorst, director of Ecosystem development, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

Chapter Chairman, Ms Tammie Tham, moderating the closed-door roundtable session on Cybersecurity Bill

Feedbackandopinionsgatheredfromthesessionwerecuratedandcompiled,andCSCfollowedupwithasurveyonthebillthatwasdisseminatedtoSiTF’sdatabaseindecember 2016. the responses from more than 180 companieswerecompiledintoareportandsubmittedtoCsA for their consideration.

CSC members expressing their opinions through votes

Cyber Threats & Impact on Businesses Talkmore than 80 members from sitF and singapore ManufacturingFederation(SMF)gatheredforatalkon“CyberThreatsandTheImpactonBusinesses.”Thesession,heldinNovember2016wasco-organisedbybothtradeassociationswiththepurposeofsharingtechnologyinsights, trends and best practices.

MrLamJoonKhoi,Secretary-GeneralofSMFaddressedthe pervasiveness of cyber threats and the need for awarenessinensuringhealthycyberpracticestominimizetherisk.

Mr lam Joon Khoi, Secretary General, Singapore Manufacturing Federation, giving his opening address at a joint event with SiTF

Apaneloftechnologyexpertssharedwithmembersoncybersecurity threats in singapore. issues discussed includehowSingaporeisfacingagreaterriskofcyber-attacksandwhycompaniesmustbeproactiveinprotectingtheirsystems.Companieswereadvisedtobeawareofexistingdataprotectionlegislationand

EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEChairman TammieTham AccelSystems&TechnologiesPteLtdViceChairman GohEngChoon STElectronics(Info-Security)PteLtdHonorarySecretary DonaldWee DataTerminatorPteLtdHonoraryTreasurer DavidSiah TrendMicro(Singapore)PteLtdExcoMembers AlvinTan PaloAltoNetworks(Singapore)PteLtd DutchNg i-SprintInnovationsPteLtd FooJongAi NetrustPteLtd TonyKam FireEyeSingaporePteLtdCo-optedExcoMembers AndyChoy SplunkServicesPteLtd BrendanLaws DellGlobalB.V.(SingaporeBranch) HendraWiratno SamsungAsiaPteLtd LeeShihyen StarhubLtd RichardKoh MicrosoftOperationsPteLtd tin Aung Win nanyang PolytechnicImmediatePastChairman FreddyTan NCSPteLtd AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 39


CSC members toasting to the year of rooster

cybersecurity incidents as it had direct impact on their businesses.

Twocasestudies,onransomwareand the use of the internet of Things(IOT),werealsoshared.

Chapter loheiover 60 members ushered in the yearoftheRoostertogetherinJanuary2017overdrinksandyusheng. the festivities provided a good platform for members to growtheirnetwork.Beforetoastingtoanewyear,PDPC’sDeputyCommissioner,MryeongzeeKin,outlined the importance of securing the personal data of clients to businesses.

Cyber Security and data Protection Ecosystemthe Chapter is publishing the inaugural edition of Cyber security and data Protection ecosystem, a publication to be made available in both print and online format. it is supported by both CsA and PDPCandwilllistcybersecurityand data protection companies in Singapore.ItwillbemadeavailableinFy17/18.

Mr Ryan Flores, Forward-Threat Research Senior Manager, Trend Micro Singapore sharing on latest cybersecurity trends

digital Transformation

sitF’s digital Chapter (dxC), formerlyknownasthedigitalmediawirelesschapter,wasrebrandedthisyear.Thenamechangekeepsthechapteralignedwithongoingindustry trends and focuses on an areawherethechapterwillhavethe greatest influence – digital transformation (dx). this re-branding alsopavesthewayforthechaptertoengagewithorganisationsinvarioussectors and to provide a platform for

businessesundertakingdxtoexchange ideas and information.

TheDxCkickedofftheyearwithaseminarinJuly,Internetof things (iot) – the next Frontier,inpartnershipwithstarHub, to explore the realm of iot and its impact to businesses. Participants came from not only from the it sector but the retail and furnitureindustriesaswell.SpeakersgaveinsightsastohowtechnologiessuchasArtificialIntelligence(Ai) and Virtual Reality

(VR) could address some of the issues they face in their

everyday business. AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 40


Mr Paul Bradley, Chairman and CEO of CAPRICA speaking on the technological disruption in businesses

The panel members sharing their viewpoints on what IoT meant to businesses

(From left to right) Panel members composed REIdA CEO, darvin Kurniawan, Attores CEO, david Moskowitz and KYC-Chain Operations director, William Claxton

EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEChairman AnolBhattacharya GetITPteLtdViceChairman ChaiChungPhua M1LimitedHonorarySecretary ClaireLim SingaporeTelecommunicationsLtd(Singtel) (Jul 2016 - mar 2017) HonoraryTreasurer MichaelSim StarHubLtdExcoMembers ChuaHorngShya MicrosoftOperationsPteLtd (Jul 2016 - Jan 2017) DiegoMora AccenturePteLtdImmediatePastChairman AwPengSoon AdvancedNetworkTechnologyLaboratoriesPteLtd

demystifying Blockchainin the later part of the year, the chapter ran a successful event on DemystifyingBlockchain.HeldinMay,theevent’skeynotespeakertouchedonthebasicsofblockchaintechnology and highlighted some case studies to help the guests, especially those from the manufacturing sector, appreciate the innovation’s potential to revolutionize business processes.

the panel members also shared examples from other sectors (blockchaininmanufacturing,realestate, smart contracts, identity management)whereblockchainand other forms of digital currency are currently being deployed profitably. AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 41


Victor lysenko, Acronis VP of Blockchain Solutions, giving the keynote presentation

Mr Harikrishnan, director, Integratech participates in the Q&A session

Singapore Tourism Board CTO Mr Quek Choon Yang presenting the issues faced by Travel Agencies

Visit by BP Batam, Mr Hatanto Reksodipoetro, Chairman, BP Batam

SiTF Councillor Mr lau Shih Hor giving an introduction in the Smart Nation Briefing on logistics and Supply Chain Sector AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 42


Singapore Enterprisethe events organised by the singapore enterprise Chapter (seC) this year focused on promoting the holistic development of local enterprises and supporting their regionalisation efforts.


Transforming Tourism through Technology Bridgingthegapbetweentheissues that the tourism industry faced,SEChosted“Transformingtourism through technology” in August, inviting travel agencies, technology companies and sitF members. the event featured singapore tourism Board Cto mr quekChoonyangpresentingtheissues faced by travel Agencies, giving the audience opportunities to contribute solutions. Participants alsohadthechancetonetworkwiththe travel Agencies, discussing howtoovercomethegapsandpiloting ideas for the adoption of technology.

Smart Nation Briefing on logistics and Supply Chain SectorCollaboratingwithAccentureontheSmartNationprojectfortheLogisticsand Chain supply sector on the national trade Platform (ntP), problems faced by the sector weresharedwithSECmembersin october. the briefing featured the opportunities for developers to support the trade and logistics community through the creation of commercially viable trade solutions.

Smart Nation Industry Briefing (IB) Collaboration with GovtechInastrategictwistofSEC’sannualgovernment Chief infocomm Officer(GCIO)Luncheon,SiTFsupported govtech in bringing theindustryforwardtocontributeideas and expertise in one of thetracksessionsinMay.Thesession focused on the areas of the national trade Platform, the national digital identity and the

sensor data exchange Platform. the discussion sought ideas andfeedbackfromtheindustryinmovingforwardonthedigitaleconomy,howtoimprovethelivesofcitizensaswellaswaystoease the process of the trade and LogisticsCommunity.Theselectedparticipantswereabletodiscovermeaningful insights to the session in their related focus groups.

Overseas Collaboration & Partnerships:SEChostedthefollowingoverseasdelegations, in forming strategic partnershipsandalliances,aswellasprospective investments for members: Visit by BP Batam (the

investment promotion agency in Batam) Chairman, mr Hatanto ReksodipoetrotoSiTFon6october

Visit to Batam, nongsa on 19 Jan 2017 for tech companies to setupofficesandfindtalentedtechprogrammersandsoftwaredevelopers. the visit included a

Participants in the BYOC Coding

Competition in Batam Polytechnic

EXECuTIVECOMMITTEEChairman JeremyTan KorvacHoldingsPteLtdViceChairman SharonTeo Inspire-TechPteLtdHonorarySecretary AdrianLong V3TeletechPteLtdExcoMembers AlexLin SGInnovate PeterTay ExploitTechnologiesPteLtdImmediatePastChairman ShihHorLau ElixirTechnologyPteLtd & Honorary treasurerCo-optedExcoMember AlexNg SpazeInvestmentPteLtd AnuraxLian SimpleSolutionSystemsPteLtd AnnuAl RepoRt 2016/17 43



HostedadelegationfromKorea,daegu City on investment opportunities

HostedahackathonwithEDB,SGinnovate and indonesia authorities to attract talents from indonesia to Batam, from 5 – 7 may 2017.

Hosted a visit by Bhutan delegates on 17 may 2017, for investment

opportunities in Bhutan Hosted a delegation from the

Republic of moldova on 2 June 2017

Toassistlocaltechfirmswiththeirneeds to hire talented programmers, coders and developers, sitF led a group of tech companies and mentors to Batam Polytechnic in supportof“BringyourOwnComputer(ByOC)CodingCompetition”.

Attracting more than 800 registrants, consistingofworkingadultsaswellas students specialising in computing and technology from indonesia, close to 600 participated to form over 50 teamstotakepartinthecompetition.

TheByOCCodingCompetitiontheme consisted of problem statements from the Fintech, digital HealthandTradeLogisticssector.

SiTF members and Secretariat visit to Batam, Nongsa

Visit from Korean delegation, daegu City Visit by Bhutan delegates

sitF House 79 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02–03/04/05, singapore 139955